xt7zw37kt82m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zw37kt82m/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (U.S.) Works Progress Administration Administrative Publications Historical Records Survey (U.S.) 1938 134 l. 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number: Y 3.W 89/2:43 M 319 books  English Columbus, Ohio: The Historical Records Survey  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Works Progress Administration Administrative Publications Manuscripts -- United States Archives -- United States United States -- History -- Sources Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in the United States, 1938 text Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in the United States, 1938 1938 1938 2021 true xt7zw37kt82m section xt7zw37kt82m HE LIEEB‘];EB


' Gmde Tc Depositories
' . 9] ,
. ‘Manuscript Coilections
4 in the §
' United States

100 Sample Entries

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7 Prepared by I


x _**? 1938 ‘15




Prepared by
The Historical Records Survey

Division of Women's and Professional Projects
Works Progress Administration

One Hundred Sample Entries

Columbus, Ohio
The Historical Records Survey



In December 1936 the Committee on Historical Source Materials
of the American Historical Association discussed the question of
bringing the manuscript resources of this country under control.
On the basis of this discussion. it was suggested to me that The
Historical Records Survey include in its program a preliminary
survey with a two-fold purpose: "first, to assemble a body of data
to be used in formulating a program of relief work in accumulating
information on manuscript collections, and second, to assemble a
body of data to be used by scholars in determining whether manu-
script materials are available for research purpose."

The Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in the
United States, of which this publication is a sample, is actively
progressing toward completion. It has depended greatly upon the
cooperation of custodians. Each description was made from a
questionnaire either filled in or approved by the custodian. After
the descriptions had been written from the questionnaires we again
approached custodians for corrections, suggestions for improvement,
or approval._ The Guide does not attempt to describe holdings in
full. We hope to include such full descriptions in the Guide to
Manuscript Collections to be published in the various states.



The "See" references do not pretend to cover all sources for
information on particular depositories or their holdings. They
have been supplied in some cases by custodians, in others by the
editor, when the information was readily available, as an added
aid to the user. "Holdings" refers to manuscripts only. Abbrevia-
tions have been used only in the first paragraph of the entry and
the first paragraph under "Holdings". Order of holdings is alpha-
betical except in a few instances where the custodian's order
appeared to be more logical.

This sample of the Depository Guide is submitted with the hope
that suggestions may be forthcoming for its improvement. Such sugges-
tions will be cordially welcomed. A questionnaire (Form.21HR) has
been attached to each copy in order that further entries may be ob-
tained from persons or institutions with whom contact has not already
been made.

We have had gratifying response from nearly 650 depositories
and individuals. Many have shown only a few pieces of manuscript
material; such depositories will be included in the Guides to
Manuscript Collections, referred to above.


 The depositories selected fOr this sample edition have been
chosen to show the scope of our work and to represent every state.
Many well—known institutions are excluded from the pages that
follow in order that we may indicate our interest in all types
of depositories holding manuscript material.

The editor's debt to Franklin F. Holbrook's Survey of
Activities of American Agencies in Relation to Materials for
Research in the Social Sciences and the_§§manities, Christopher
B. Coleman's, Historical Societies in the United States and
Canada, Leo F. Stock's, A List of Amerigan Periodicals and
Serial Publications in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and
David Spence Hill’s, Libraries of Washington will be apparent.
These and reports of historical societies and libraries have been
of great assistance.


Grateful acknowledgment is due to: Robert C. Binklcy, Solon J.
Buck, Herbert A. Kellar, Waldo F. Leland, Thomas P. Martin, A. R.
Newsome, Grace Lee Nuts, and others who have shown interest in our
work and have given valuable advice and criticism.

The burden of initially gathering this information for this
publication has been shouldered by the state directors and their
staffs, and the work of supplementing such information and editing
it has been done by Mrs. Margaret S. Eliot. In her exacting tasks
Mrs. Eliot has had the faithful and capable assistance of Mrs. Lucy
Randolph and Mrs. marguerite B. Spencer.

Luther H. Evans
National Director
The HistOrical Records Survey

Washington, D. C.
June 50, 1938



Director, Mrs. Marie Bankhead Owen. Hours: 8:30 a.m. to l p.m.,
2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.

History and purpose.— The department was established by legis—
lative act in 1901 and is charged with the care and custody of the
official archives of the State and the collection of material bear—
ing upon the history of the State and of the territory included
therein from the earliest times. The collection of materials was
started by Thomas N. Owen. The department has been housed in the
State Capitol, south wing, but a new archives building is under
construction; it is to be known as the Alabama Memorial Building.

Holdinzs.~ Are comprised of material relating to Territorial
matters, secession, Civil war, etc. Among its collections are the
papers of: John COFFEE, diaries and correspondence, l79€~1887, 1547
pieces; Bolling HALL, correspondence, etc., 1788~1905, 1178 pieces;
Gen. Joseph HARDER correspondence, 1315~73, 39 pieces; William Rufus
KING, 1786—1855, 41 items; Charles TAIT correspondence, memorandum
books, slave transactions, business papers, diaries, 1768—1885,
1000 pieces; Maj. Gen. Earl VAN DORN, C. S. A., Mexican War,
Comanche Indians, capture of Star of‘the Host, etC., 1842(1861~63)—
1904, 806 pieces. Other notable holdings include papers of: Gov.
William Hyatt BIBB, Matthew P. BLUE, F. L. CHERRY. Ka e CUMKINGS,
Dr. J. L. M. CURRY, Gen, E. G, FAIR, Dr. J. H. FOSTER, George S.
GAINES, Mary Duffee GORDON, James R. CRAFT, GUILD Papers on yellOw
fever, P. J. HAMILTON, Benjemin H, P KITS, Gov. Charles HENLERSON,
Mrs. A. F. HOPKINS, Thomas G, JONES. William P. Lid 8, Robert ‘
MCKEE, C. J. McPAE, Dr. D. F. MERE, Gov, B. F. PEERL} 001. A. J.
SANFORD Collection, S. S. SCOTT, Adm. Raphael SEMMES, Maj. A. C.
SEMPLE, John D. TERRILL, John W. WALKER, Gov. Thomas H. WATTS, Gen.
S. A. M. WOOD, Michael WOODS.


There are 128 boxes and 32 linear feet of holdings, 75% of
which are arranged in file boxes in wooden cabinets. There is no
catalogue for manuscript collections.

All material is available to users. The custodian will furnish
photostaticcopies, for which arrangement should be made with the
State Highway Department.

See.— Library of Congress, Manuscripts in Public and.Private
Collections (1924),



Secretary, Mrs. George F. Kitt. Hours: 9 a.m. to 12 mi, 1:30 p.m.
to 4:50 p.m4 weekdays, except Mon. a.m.

History and purpose.— The society was founded in 1884 "To
cultivate social intercourse, form a more perfect union among
its members, and create a fund for charitable purposes in their
behalf, and in all appropriate matters to advance the interests
and perpetuate the memory of those whose sagacity, energy and
enterprise induced them to settle in the wilderness and become
founders of the new State." The chief activity of the society is
the collection of printed and manuscript material, photographs,
and relics of state—wide interest. Manuscripts are acquired by
donation and purchase: duplicate items such as maps and photo-
graphs may be sold or exchanged. Phe society quarters are in a
large, fireproof room (66‘ X 63') of the University of Arizona
Stadium: space for holdings is adequate.

Holdin§§.— Relate chiefly to arizona and the Southwest from
l849 and contain the Will C. BARNES Collection, 1901—36, comprised
of diaries (56 pocket—size vols.) with notes on cattle business in
the open range, New Mexico, 1901—6; notes while in the Forestry
Service of the United States, chiefly Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado,
1907-28; travel notes, and personal items, 1929—55; correspondence,
845 letters; photographs of scenes in the Western states, 9 vols.;
several hundred unmounted kodak pictures taken during official and
personal travels.

All of the letters in the Barnes Collection have been arranged
by The Historical Records Survey in 4 folders; 5 chronologically, l
by place names. The holdings of the society are completely arranged
by author or donor. There is a card index of all material from the
Tombstone District, arranged by subject.

Material is accessible to researchers; the custodian will permit
photostatic copies to be made but does not make them.

See.- Barnes, Arizona Place Names (Univ. of ariz., 1935).



Woodlane. xecutive secretary, Dallas T. Herndon. Hours: 8 a.m.
to 5 p.mJ weekdays, except Sat. p.m.

History and purpose.- The commission was founded in 1911 to
preserve State and local history. Most acquisitions are gifts and
loans; few purchases are made, and exchanges are permissible. Quar-
ters are in the State Capitol, a four-story, fireproof building con-
structed of stone and concrete in 1901. Space for holdings is adequate.

Holdings.- Relate to Arkansas, 1819-1900, and industrial and
political subjects are emphasized. Some of the collections in cus—
tody of the depository are the papers of Chester ASHLEY, 1820-48;

E. H. ENGLISH, 1850—60; L. C. GULLEY Collection, State papers pre—
served by L. C. GULLEY, 1819-82; Gov. George IZARD, 1824-28; John E.
KNIGHT, 1815e57; Kie OLDHAM, 1861-65, military and organization
papers; William RUSSELL, 1816-56; Col. Sam W. Williams, 1814—90.

The custodian writes: "There are thousands of manuscripts,
including letters and diaries, to make an approximately accurate
count of which would require long and tedious labor; the indivi-
dual collections have been catalogued and arranged and filed in
envelopes or other containers so labeled as to indicate the nature
of contents." There are 28 linear feet plus 2 cubic feet. All
accessions and about 40% of the pieces are catalogued on about
20,000 cards (3 X 5) which show name, addressee.

Permission for access to manuscripts is left entirely to the
discretion of the executive secretary or the director who consider
the qualifications of applicants. There is no COpy Service.

See.- Arkansas History Cormission, Bulletin of Information
(1911—): Library of Congress, Manuscripts in Public and Private
Collections (1924).





ian, Harold L. Leupp. Hours: 8 a.m. to lO p.m. Mon.-Eri.; Sat.,
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sun., 1 p.m. to 10 p.m.

History and purpose.— The general library of the university
does not specialize in manuscripts, but accepts as gifts any mater-
ials which may be offered which will add to the usefulness of the
library to students. It is housed in the four-story, concrete and
granite building which was completed in 1917.

Holdings.- Contain M88. in English, Latin, Italian, Spanish,
German, French, Greek, and Hebrew. There are musical compositions
by Ernest BLOCH: John FRYER'S Vocabularies (botanical terms, chemical
substances, geological terms, etc.): illuminated MS. on parchment;
Siamese poem: specimens of Oriental calligraphy, 20 M58. in portfolio;
Tibetan MS.’ Palm—leaf book in Laos language, 594 leaves; MSS. of
California authors, etc.; archives of the University of California,
1855-, all pertaining to the university itself or to its predecessor,
the College of California.

There are, exclusive of the archives material, approximately
250 items, which are completely classified and catalogued with the
Library of Congress classification. All of the accessions have been
catalogued on cards (5 x 5), which show call numbers, author, type,
subject, physical description, and content.

Material is available to qualified scholars upon application
to the librarian. Photostat service is available and information
concerning this will be found in a library publication, Handbook
for New Students (Berkeley, 1957).

See.- Library of Congress, Manuscripts in Public and Private
Collections (1924).


TEE BANCROFT LIBRARY, University of California.
Director, Herbert Eugene Bolton; librarian, Herbert Ingram.Priest1ey.
Hours: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Mon.-Fri.; Sat., 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sun.,
1 P.m. to 5 p.m. Schedule varies during intersession and vacation

HiStOTY and Purpose.- The original collection was founded by
Pubert Howe Bancroft in 1860. This body of materials was purchased
by the University of California in 1907 and has since been expanded
by purchase, sift, and exchange: conditional deposits are accepted.



It is housed in the University Library building. The library is a
laboratory for historical research in materials pertaining to the
Pacific slope from Alaska to Panama and areas within the United States
which formerly belonged to Spain.

The director writes: "Many thousands of pages of transcripts
from the archives of Spain and Mexico have been acquired by the
Bancroft Library through the instrumentality of the Native Sons
Fellows in the Pacific Coast History, who have been maintained for
twenty years or more by the Order of the Native Sons of the Golden
West. This is a fine example of what a patriotic society can do,
and has done in this instance."

Heldings.- Contain California public archives, mission archives,
family archives, dictations of pioneers, Mexican MSS., Central Amer—
ican MSS., aboriginal linguistic MSS., Louisiana MSS., transcripts
from the Archivo general de Mexico and Archivo general de Indies at
Seville, photostats from the Matamoras and Saltillo archives. MS.
maps are filed with the printed map collection.

There are 1500 bound volumes and many thousands of unbound
pieces in filing cases, all of which are arranged by author, chrono—
logically, or by subject.

Material is exclusively for purposes of reference and research
under rules and regulations outlined in a leaflet issued by the library.

No separate printed guide to the manuscript materials has been
issued. The list of authorities and bibliographical footnotes appear—
ing in the Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft serve as a general guide to
these materials. An author index of 8500 cards is maintained in the
Bancroft Library.

SAN DIEGO.— PUBLIC LIBRARY, 830 E. St. Librarian, Cornelia D.
Plaister. Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays, except holidays.

History and urpose.— The library was organized in 1882. Collec—
tion of manuscripts started in 1915 and was organized by the librarian,
Miss Althea Warren; the reference librarian, Miss Lena B. thzicker:
and Mrs. Hannah P. Davison, the first librarian. The present build—
ing was erected in 1900 and was a Carnegie gift. It is fireproof,
two—stories and basement, constructed of reinforced concrete, hollow
tile, and stone. The library relies chiefly on gifts for its acces-
sions in manuscript holdings though some purchases may be made.
coPies are exchanged, principally with the State Library at Sacri—
mento and the Serra Museum of San Diego. Conditional deposits are

accepted but not encouraged since there are inadequate quarters for



Holdings.- Include the following subjects: San Diego, city and
county, Southwestern California, Baja California, Western Arizona.
There are personal histories, memoirs, and accounts of explorations
covering the period from_1849 to 1890. Several MSS. are diaries
which were kept by persons who crossed the plains in covered wagons:
"Reminiscence of Charles KELLY“, 1900, 1 vol., 42 pp., which tells
of personal experiences of early days in San Diego; description,

”A Trip to St. Nicholas Island" by John L. KELLY, 1897, 25 pp.;
"Across the Plains in 1859" by J. A. WILKINSON, 28 pp., a diary
written on a trip starting at Dowagaic, Michigan, and concluded in
California; "Diary of Mrs. Algeline ASELE ", 1852—53, written while

crossing the plains: “Early American Days in California“; "Daily
Journal of Nahum Trash WOOD for the year 1871"; "Diary of N. T.

WCCD", 1896-1903 (the library has 18 typewritten copies of this
diary, the original of which was sold to the Huntington Library of
San Marino, California, in August 1925); "Recollections of a
California Pioneer" by W. T. WOOD, 18 pp.

These and many others make up the collection of approximately
85 manuscripts which occupy about 7 cubic feet. They are completely
catalogued and arranged in cases and metal files under the Dewey
classification. Cards (3 x 5) show name of author, subject, place,
and persons, extracts of subjects covered by the manuscripts grouped
with a master card on the author.

Material is available upon request to the librarian.

Corresponding secretary, Dorothy Huggins. Hours: 9:50 a.m. to 12 m.,
l p.m. to 5 p.mJ weekdays, except Sat. p.m. and holidays.

History and purpose.- The society was incorporated in 1886,
reorganized in l922. Its purpose: "To collect, preserve and diffuse
information relating to the history of California." Limited funds
prohibit purchases, but at times a special fund is raised for the
acquisition of important material. Gifts are accepted, either con—
ditionally or otherwise; manuscripts are neither for sale nor exchange.
At the time of writing the society is preparing to move from its former
address at 609 Sutter Street. '

Holdings.- Include journals, diaries, personal_correspondence,
relating to Gold Rush days and pioneer life, 1849-65; ships' loge
0f voyages to California and diaries of overland travels to Calif—
?Tnla, 1827—79; deeds, leases, mortgages, informal agreements relat—
1n8 to the LEIDESDORFF-FOLSOM estate, 1824—40; letters and other docu—
ments relating to mining, real estate, and financial affairs, 1849—65-
letters of Republican State Central Committee, 1861—62: SLOAT corres—


 pondence and FREMONT material relating to American conquest of Calif—
ornia; correSpondence of Capt. Jacob A. SNYDER, quartermaster of the
California Battalion at Monterey.

There are more than 900 pieces and 50 volumes of material.
Volumes are shelved with printed books which are grouped by subject
and alphabetically arranged by author within each group. Separate
pieces are kept in boxes, folders, and file boxes. Arrangement of
these varies; some are grouped by owner, others by subject or author.
A card catalogue of 108 cards (5 x 8) describes accessions, shows
case and shelf number, author, place of writing, title or type of
item, dates, physical description, nature of container, information
on laid-in or extra material. The catalogue for accessions is 90%
complete; for pieces, about 5% complete.

The custodian writes: "The Board of Directors has recently
adopted a recommendation of our library committee 'that the use of
the Society's 1ibrary.be restricted to members of the Society and
members of other historical or learned societies, and to persons
who are adequately recommended by members, by librarians, or by
university professors.'" There is no photostat service.

Edgar Bliss: curator of manuscripts, R. B. Baselden. Heurs: 8:45 a.m.
to 4:15 p.m. weekdays, except holidays.

History and purpose.e The manuscript department was formed in
1924 although Mr. Huntington had been making his collections of manu—
scripts for about twenty years. His field of interest was very broad
and may be said to have included English and American history and
literature. Since the founder's death, in 1927, the library's chief
field of activity in acquiring new manuscripts has been Californiana.
No sale or exchange of manuscripts is permitted by the conditions of
the trust; gifts are encouraged. The present quarters of the depart—
ment of manuscripts were constructed in 1951. There are three floors,
approximately 90' x 25'; the lower floors serve as a manuscript stack,
the uPper for reading room and offices. The building is fireproof.

. Holdings.— Consist of: Maps, 31 portolanos; over 150 American
Historical Maps. Liturgical Works, Books of Hours, Bibles, 130 vols.
hnscellaneous Mediaeval MSS., 100 vols. Classical MSS., l6 vols.
Oriental MSS., 20 vols. Music, 40 MES. Californiana and Spanish—
Americana, 20,000 M88. and approximately 1000 maps. English and
American Literary MSS., about 60,000. English History, about 900,000
M88. and about 8000 seals. American History, about 120,000 MSS.

A large portion of the manuscripts has already been arranged,




and, as the work is actively in progress, it should be completed in
another eight or ten years. The manner of arrangement depends upon
the subject matter. Thus, deeds and court rolls are arranged topo—
graphically, literary manuscripts by author, historical collections
chronologically, and the entire collection by subject according to
the above-mentioned divisions. Summary reports are intended as thc
first step in making the contents of the library known. Tress re-
ports are the outgrowth of the systematic arrangement of the various
colltctions. Cataloguing will follow at a later date. Calendaring
will be confined to those classes of material which lend themselves
to this particular form. There are approximately 60,000 main cata—
logue cards (3 x 5) which show author, title or addressee, date,
place, short bibliographical description, identification number,
provenance note, and, in the case of volumes, the binding. In addi—
tion, there are numerous subject and analytical entries. The main
cards in the alphabetical files are duplicated in a chronological
file, thus making the total number over 100,000 cards.

The manuscripts are accessible to quilified research workers.
Restrictions are placed upon the use of material: (1) for manuscripts
in such state of preservation that their use might cause loss or dam-
age; (2) for manuscripts being published by certain scholars in the
library; (3) for manuscripts which have been specifically withheld
from use at the request of former owners. The library distributes
a leaflet which sets forth rules for readers. Photostats are fur-
nished under conditions specified upon the "photostct request", a
form which must be submitted to the librarian by the researcher.

§§g.- The Huntington Library Bulletin, no. 1 (May 1931), No. 5
(April 1954); Library Quarterly, 5:1 (Jan. 1935): De Ricci and Wilson,
Census of Mediaeval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States
and Canada (1935); Library of Congress, Manuscripts in Public and
Private Collections (1924); Bulletins and gnarterlies published by
the library generally contain articles relating to manuscripts.


Nathan van Patten. Hours: 8 a.m. to 10 p-m- weekdays, except Sat.
p.m.; Sun., 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.

HiStOry and purpose.— The University Library was established in
1892. It is active in all fields; acquires by purchases, gifts, and
accepts conditional deposits. The library building is fireproof and
was built in 1919.

Holdin,s.- Include: Lane Medical Library; Hoover War Library;
Felton Library: University Library; Shafter Collection, correspon—
dence and official papers relating to Spanish—American War in Cuba;


 a few SUN YAT SEN letters to DEIPRICK, engineer; journal of KANE,
Arctic explorer, 1854~552 correspondence of STANFORD family (found—
ers of the university): papers of JORDAN and BRANNER, first two
presidents of the university: correspondence of Mark HOPKINS and of
Collis P. HUNTINGTON, prominent California citizens of the sixties
and seventies; and the Wheeler Explorations and Surveys west of the
100th meridian (chiefly Nevada and Arizona), 1872-73.

See.- Annual Report of the Director (1927-28-); Library of
Congress, Manuscripts in Public and Private Collections (1924).

HOOVER WAR LIBRARY.~ Librarian, Nina Almond.

The formation of original collections in this library were made
possible by the generosity of Herbert Hoover; additions have con-
stantly been made since its establishment in l9l9 both by gifts and
purchases. It contains material on the causes, conduct, and results
of the World War, particularly with regard to Russia and Central
Europe, 1870(1914~19)1925.

There are in this library 972 file-drawers; 512 linear feet:
72 manuscript boxes; 54 bound volumes; 155 wooden boxes, (5' x 4' x
2'); and much unorganized material, which is not yet available for
research. Fifty percent of the manuscripts have been arranged in
filing cases, organized by subject. Less than one percent of the
holdings has been catalogued by pieces on catalogue cards. There are
two copies of each card, one filed in the author list and the other in
the shelf-list.

The unrestricted material is open to the use of qualified re-
search workers. Application should be made to the chairman of the
library. '

See.— Annual Reports; Hoover War Library Publications (1926—).
1? vols. to date, other volumes in preparation; Hoover War Library
Bibliographical Series, 2 vols. to date, others in preparation.

Shue. Hours: 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

. This library was founded in June 1929 by Mrs. Kate Felton Elkins
in memOTY'Of her mother, Charlotte Ashley Felton.

f The library has about 40 MSS., principally autograph letters
firom literary celebrities and authors' MSS. Among the authors repre-
canted are Bliss CARMAN, Bret HARTE, Oliver Wendell HOLMES,


 Lil—lwnw y .


John Greenleaf WHITTIER, and others.

Letters are catalogued under the names of the writers; authors'
manuscripts under author and title.

Material is accessible to interested persons; inquire director's
office or the reference librarian when the Felton library is closed.

LANE MEDICAL LIBRARY, Sacramento and Webster Sts., San
Francisco. Librarian, Louis Ophfils. Open only to members of the
medical profession and to students.

The library is named after Dr. Levi Cooper Lane and was en-
dowed by Mrs. Lane. The fireproof building was erected in 1912.

The nucleus of the library was the library of Cooper Medical
College. All the items deal with medical and scientific subjects.
There are 75 bound vols. of MSS., 55 Arabic; 2 Cinghalese; l Batuk;
1 Mexican, 1596; 4 in Spanish and Latin, and 10 in other languages.
The Oriental MSS. Were the gift of the late Dr. A. Barkan who pur-
chases them from Dr. Ernst Seidel of Leipzig soon after the War.

The collection is completely catalogued by author.

Manuscripts are accessible only upon application to the librar-
ian and under supervision.




Sherman St. Librarian, Mildred Rex. Hours: 9 a.m. to 4:50 p.m. week-

days, except Sat. p.m.

History and purpose.— The society was organized by the Colorado
Legislature July 11, 1879, as the State Historical and Natural History
Society, for the purpose of "collecting specimens of all that pertains
to the State's natural history and to its material and intellectual
progress." An act of the Legislature, February 28, 1927, changed the
name to Colorado State Historical Society. By the conditions and re—
quirements of this act the specimens of natural history gathered and
exhibited up to that time were disposed of to historical institutions
throughout the State, and the society confined its subsequent labors
to gathering manuscripts, old books, and documents relating to pre-
historic and historic Colorado. It will conSider for purchase any
offerings of value within the above field, and its usual policy is un—
conditional acceptance of gifts; however, some exceptions are made where
the extraordinary historic value would warrant a temporary display of
items. Relics of every description pertaining to the history of 0010—
rado are also collected. The society is housed in a three-story, marble
and steel, fireproof building which was constructed in 1916.

Holdings.- Include material on: Colorado under the jurisdiction
of Kansas Territory, 1856—59; Jefferson Territory, 1859-60; Colorado
Territory, 1861—76; early explorations; Indian troubles; gold rushes;
diaries of trips from all sections of the country to Colorado: im—
pressions of early immigrants; Territorial Legislature: early rail—
roads, etc.; correspondence on the Julesburg Raid, an eyewitness account
of the ruthlessness of Indian raiders; several miscellaneous items:
portrait of William BENT.

There are approximately 3000 manuscripts none of which have been
arranged since they are in a general and mixed collection. They have
been catalogued on 21,000 cards (5 x 5) filed alphabetically under "M"
(manuscript) by author and by title. Cards show manuscript number,
author, subject, corss-reference information.

Material is available to responsible persons under supervision of
its librarian. The library will furnish photostatic copies, $.50 to
a2.00 per page: other copy service is available.

See.— Library of Congress, ManusCripts in Public and Private
Cgllections (1924).





Registrar, Rev. William.A. Beardsley. Not open to the public.

History and purpose.— The archives was organized in 1866 to
collect and preserve historical material relating to the diocese of
Connecticut. Only outright gifts are acceptable. The manuscripts
are kept in a room in the parish house, Christ Church Cathedral, on
the third f100r. The parish house is a three—story, brownstone, par-
tially fireproof building, constructed in 1917. Space is adequate.
Some of the valuable papers are kept in the basement vault.

Holdings.- Consist of sets of journals of various dioceses of
the United States, arranged and, for the most part, bound; material
relating to Connecticut includes: copy of the concordat made between
Bishop Samuel SEABURY, first bishop of Connecticut, and three Scottish
bishops who consecrated him in 1784: early records of Connecticut Con-
vocation, 1790—1848: journals of BishOp BROWNELL'S missionary tours,
1829—34: sermons by Connecticut Episcopal clergy; correspondence; old

parish registers.

There are four large metal boxes of manuscripts which are un-
arranged and uncatalogued. List of holdings at home of Dr. William A.
Beardsley, 70 Elm St., New Haven; Trinity College, Hartford, Connecti-
cut; Diocesan House, 27 Garden St., Hartford, Connecticut.

Nmterial may be used only under supervision and by special per-
Hussion. Photostatic copies may be obtained at current rates.

See.- Descriptions of holdings by Dr. Samuel Hart, custodian, in
Tournal of the Annual Conventions of the Diocese of Connecticut (1874—191?

Bates. Hours: 9:50 a.m. to 5:30 n.mJ weekdays.

History and purpose.— The society was founded in 1825 and has
been collecting manuscripts since that time. It specializes in items
of Connecticut interest, though some are of national interest. Gifts
and deposits are accepted: very few purchases are made, and none are
sold or exchanged. The society is housed in a two-story, non—fireproof
stone building, constructed in 1842. Space is inadequate for holdings-’
the building has general library and museum use. .’

w' Y.Holdings.f Consist of correspondence of persons noted and other-
136, genealogical material for Connecticut and New England families;




diaries: copies of vital records. Among the important collections

of M88. are the following: