xt7zw37kt46r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zw37kt46r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-10-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1991 1991 1991-10-15 2020 true xt7zw37kt46r section xt7zw37kt46r = 1


ntucky Kernel

OCT 15 i99f

World awaiting decision on Thomas

‘Perplexed’ senators
decide how to vote

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Supporters
of Clarence Thomas worked yester-
day to preserve Senate support for
his Supreme Court nomination as
senators “pained and perplexed" by
sexual harassment allegations de-
cided how to vote.

A key Southern Democrat, Sen.
J. Bennett Johnston of Louisiana,
reaffirmed his support for Thomas,
saying the allegations by University
of Oklahoma law professor Anita
Hill had not changed his mind
about the nomination.

“I believe Judge Thomas is quali-
fied. 1 said so two weeks ago. 1
know nothing that has transpired in
the meantime to take away from
that.” said Johnston, who led a
group of Southern Democrats to op-
pose Robert Bork’s failed Supreme
Court nomination in 1987.

But others were wrestling with
the issue as another former aide to
Thomas, Sukari Hardnett, told The
Associated Press that black women
in his office at the Equal Employ-
ment Opponunity Commission felt
they were objects of his sexual in-
terest and physical inspection.

“I am generally undecided," said
Sen. J. James Exon (D-Neb.), who
had been 3 Thomas supporters be-
fore Hill‘s allegations surfaced.

Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.)

said in a news conference yesterday
that the three days of testimony left
him undecided going into today’s

“I was so disturbed over the
events this weekend that I’m literal—
ly, entirely in the undecided catego-
ry," said Dodd, who had previously
been leaning toward Thomas.

Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-
Conn.) who had originally been a
Thomas supporter, said the hearings
left him undecided.

“I’m as pained and perplexed as
the rest of America," Lieberman
said on NBC. “It's quite possible
that we’re not able to decide that
anybody is lying,” he said.

Sen. Dennis DeConcini (D-Ariz.)
another Thomas supporter, predict-
ed the Senate would approve the
nomination in a vote that both sides
expected to be close.

The vote was scheduled for 6
pm. today after eight hours of time
for debate.

“This is a cliffhanger if there ever
was one," said Nan Aron, executive
director of the anti-Thomas Alli—
ance For Justice.

“I believe Clarence Thomas. The
American people believe Clarence
Thomas. I have no idea where the
votes are,” said Sen. John Danfonh
(R-Mo.), the nominee’s mentor and
champion on Capitol Hill.

Pre3ident Bush, who returned ear-
ly from a three-day weekend at


. s






“K F KUNEIKornaI Staff

Former UK basketball player and Seattle Supersonic Sean
Kemp (far right) practiced yesterday at Rupp. Story, Page 3.

Road to Indiana pays off for the UK Rugby
Club. The ruggers, although short on skill,
size and numbers, won this weekend’s
game 8-4 against Wabash. Story, Page 3.




The Senate Judiciary Committee votes today on the possible confir-
mation of Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas

Camp David to direct the lobbying
effort, said support for Thomas was
still “holding strong" despite the ex-
plosive allegations of Hill.

“I am very pleased with the way
support all across the country is

UK kicks

Alcohol ads
are deceptive,

Contributing Writer

Alcohol advertisers deliberately
aim their ads at underage drinkers,
Jennifer Weill said yesterday at the
Sigma Pi social fratemity house.

Weill, a junior, and Richard Can
lin, a sophomore, gave a slide pres‘
entation titled “Alcohol Advertising
and its lmpact“ to about 30 mem~
bers of the Sigma Pi frateniity.

Advertisers are well aware of
their profit potential. and they use
sexy, youthful and deceptive ads to
entice young people into buying
their products, Weill said.

“It’s just a matter of a select few
people who have a vested interest in
the money they‘re making,“ she
said. “It‘s very deliberate."

Weill said alcohol advertisers
“prey" on young men, who are
more likely to be affected by racy

Carlin, who also spoke at the
presentation, said athletics organiza-
tions and television networks that
air sporting events should be more
concerned about their sponsors” ad-
vertising strategies because some
ads send misleading messages about
alcohol consumption.

“It would be a great thing to see
sports get involved," Carlin said. “If
they could just (advertise) honestly.

holding strong for Judge Thomas,"
Bush said, referring to a flurry of
last-minute public opinion polls
showing Americans believed
Thomas’ firm, flat denial by rough-

See THOMAS, Back page


Hearings are flawed,
UK community says

Staff Writer

Despite constant network atten-
tion this weekend, UK professor
Lorraine Garkovich believes the
Supreme Court’s decision today
concerning Clarence Thomas will
have little effect on the American

The vote by the U.S. Senate.
scheduled for last Tuesday, was
postponed until today after Univer-
sity of Oklahoma law professor
Anita Hill alleged that Thomas sex-
ually harassed her.

Since then hearings by the Senate
Judiciary Committee have brought
the issue of sexual harassment to
the forefront of the American con-

However, Garkovich, a sociology
professor, thinks the hearings ulti«
mately will produce a negative im-
pact on women in the United States.

“I think women are gomg to be
more reluctant to make any com-
plaints about sexual harassment."
she said.

Garkovich said the media and
congressional circuses surrounding
the charges have trivialized them.

The process “hasn’t been a search
for truth." Garkovich said.

“The surface atmosphere hasn't
contributed to that (awareness) at

all and the way the hearings have
been conducted.“ she said.

Those circuscs changtd the qucs
tion that needed an answer. she
said. “The real question isn‘t about
the alleged incident » what it has
been about the last few days is poli-
tics and each side of the aisle came
With their our. conclusion prior to
hearing any testimony,” (iarkoyich

As she watched the hearings she
said senators were having difficulty
understanding Hill‘s situation. (iarr
kovich cited exaitipies such as their
inability to understand why ilill
continued .i professional l'c‘ltfiltill'
ship with 'lhonias and why she
failed to liidxe a formal ctilllpiilllli
against him lft years ago. when the
harassment allegedly occurred.

“i think these are explanations
many women would understand and
Ellen Wells twho went before the
committee on Hill's behalfi Llfllc'lir
lated some of thcse very well in her
testimony." she said

Other sociology professors disa-
grced. saying the hearings ml? at-
fect society.

“I think the hearings will have an
overall positive effect ~ soctety is
going to be more aware of lhl\
problem, for sure." said sociology
professor Gerald Slatin. “And by
becoming more aware this enipow

See REACTION. Back page

off Alcohol Awareness Week


MIKE KUNE “(8'19 513“

Students gathered at Sigma Pi social fraternity last night for a slide presentation and discuSSion about
the use of deception and sexual undertones in alcohol ads as part of Alcohol Awareness Week

it would be all right.

Two Sigma Pi members in atteni
dance were not convinced that alco-
hol advertising is to blame for un-
derage drinking.

Brandon Volker, a freshman, said
he rarely notices anything mislead~
ing iii alcohol ads.

He said the ads have very little
influence on teen~agers' drinking

“If they‘re going to drink. they're
going to drink." he said. "I don't

think advertising makes that much
of a difference."

Teeii-agers‘ resentment over the
legal drinking age is tnore of a fac-
tor, Volker said.

Scott Adkins. a senior. said focus-
ing ads away from underage drink-
ers is difficult for companies that
sell liquor.

“I don't know that they can do
anything." he said. “It comes down
to this' If an ad‘s really neat. it's go
ing to stick in your head."

Advertisers can be more specific
about the dangers of excessive al-
cohol use and discourage underage
drinking, Weill said

She stud the slide presentation
helps make students aware of the
tactics alcohol advertisers use e\en
though it may not stop them from

“.»\t least it makes them thihk.‘
she said “For tust ;l iitititite. thc\
itl‘t‘ll thcir L‘_\C\,N

Hopkins admits to writing bad House checks

Assomated Press

Republican gubernatorial nomi-
nee Larry Hopkins said yesterday
he was among U.S. House members
who wrote bad checks from his con-
gressional bank account.

Hopkins said the checks were al-

ways covered and no L’HleyCr
money was itiyolved. Hopkins also
said he was not aware he had w rit-
lcn the cold checks until the Housc
bank provided a list late List week
Dunng ii news conference at his
campaign headquarters. Hopkins
said he could have inst truthfully
said that no checks were ever te

‘Stepping Up to the Challenge,‘ a presenta-
tion at 6 pm. at the Pi Kappa Alpha house.
The presentation is part of Alcohol Aware-
ness Week and is free.

tumed for insuffiCient funds and no
checks ever bounced.

Instead. Hopkins said he came
clean with the admission and now
wants Democratic nominee Brere-
ton Jones to quit hiding information
about his personal finances.

“By God, we‘re going to find out
whether full disclosure pays off or it

KSU student pro-

testers are being in-

Story, Back page.


doesn't." Hopkins \tlii

Hopkins said Jones~ [illilnt i.il \li
nation is “a scandal waiting to hip

“I‘m conyinced thiit Bren-ion
Jones has enormous debts." Hop
kins \‘Jld. “I think the piiblii has .i

See HOPKINS Back page

Diversions ................. 2
.Sports. .. . . . . 3
Viewpomt ............... .4

Classifieds ., .. SJ


 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, October 15, 1991



Stall Critic

The Surgeon (ieneral Warns: A
RING it!“ It) lht‘ Cht‘Sl can be hit/-
ardous to your health. It can really
hurt, too.

A table saw, atnong other house-
hold applitmces, was one of the sm-
eral [KilllellltiuClng agents used by
Blake, the psychotic prison-escapee
played by John Lithgow in the ac-
tion-igorei packed thriller. “Rico-

Den/cl Washington gives an im-
pressive performance as Nicholas
Styles. police officer turned detec-
tixe turned assistant district attor-
ney. \\ ho was responsible for cap-
turing Blake and putting him in the

We first see Styles in his boxer
shorts p\_\L‘hlll}I out Blake during
the arrest. The loving father. the
l.lllilitli “PK" son. Styles is forced

to appear as a homosexual child
molester with a child pornography
ring on the side.

Before it is all over, Styles has
become a junkie and has gotten the
clap frotn a woman named Rhonda.
And we had such high hopes for
him. Blake is good at his work. Af-
ter a few bottles of Jack Daniel‘s
that night. Styles comes running out
of the house with his wife’s pink
bathrobe on. in yet another pair of
boxers, off to save his children
frotn who he thinks is Blake but ac-
tually is Bo/o the Clown.

The than is losing it and he
knows it. Alter a few more rounds
of this, Styles is completely hysteri-
cal, with traces of foam around the
mouth. Blake is good, but Styles is

This is not just another slice and
dice action feature. Au contraire! It
has the makings of a thinking—
man‘s psychological thriller. Blake.

Scrawl to perform at Lynagh’s

Stall reports

Scrtlwl. an all-female hand frotn
Columbus, Ohio. will perform to-
night .it Lynagh's Music Emporium
as a part of WRFL—FM‘s Altema~
live Music Month.

Ranging from folk-based rock to
loud rock ‘n‘ roll, Scrawl combines
intelligent lyrics with a guitar-based
sound that moves from slow and
melodic to frantic and crunchy.

Two local bands, Lilypons and
Paul K. and the Weathermen. will

open the show.

Lilypons is a combo that mixes
jazz. and funk influence with a
third-world rhythm.

Upcoming concens in the Alter-
native Music Month include Kronos
Quartet. Friday Oct, 25 at UK's
Memorial Hall. This acclaimed
group combines classical music
with contemporary jazz.

Scraicl will perform tonight at 9
a: Lynagh’s Music Emporium. Ad-
mission is 55 with a valid ID (must
be 2] ).





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being a psycho, will not be satisfied
with just the ritual beatings of his
fellow inmates.

He vows to ruin Styles‘ life just
as Styles ruined his. After proving
his wonhiness by stealing his cell
mate‘s family jewels, he gets the
help of the other prisoners to break
him out and hunt Styles.

Of course every good psycho has
to be intelligent or it just wouldn’t
work. Lithgow, looking creepy as
ever, gives Blake that little some-


Stall reports

The Pittsburgh Symphony Or—
chestra is inaugurating the 1991-92
University Artist Series tonight at
the Otis A. Singletary Center for the

One of the world’s most respect-
ed orchestras, the Pittsburgh Sym-
phony, will perform Finland native
Jean Sibelius’ Finiandia, Opus. 26;
Symphony No. 7 in C major; and
Symphony No. 2 in D major.

Maestro Lorin Maazel will con-
duct the orchestra. now in its 95th

Maazel has a distinguished 35-
year career as a musician, composer
and television director as well as a
respected conductor. He has worked
with the Cleveland Orchestra, the
Philharmonic Orchestra of London
and the West Berlin Opera Compa-


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thing special. He is every mothers’
worst nightmare —- a psychotic
mind with a filthy mouth to boot.
Along with his sidekick, Blake
does everything but kill Styles. He
kidnaps him, drugs him and steals
his life by making everyone think
he’s crazy. Everyone except Odes-
Ice-T. The name rings coolness
and the film plays on this by giving
him the role of Odessa, the present
drug king who grew up with Styles
in the slums. After his role in “New
Jack City," Ice-T proves he can act.
Or maybe it just comes naturally
for him to be smooth. "

It's those subtle images in this
movie that really make it. Picture
it: Across a crowded, smoke-filled
room, you see her. The woman of
your dreams, uh, nightmares.

A 4()()-pound Amazonian woman
who has been without any muscle
tone since the late ’705. And on top
of that, she’s completely naked.
Gross to imagine but even worse to
actually see. Let’s change the sub-


After a while. the plot gets so
frustrating that the theater becomes
filled with tight-faced, stomach-
clenched patrons who are prepared
to shout vulgarities. You know
Styles is innocent. you saw that but
how do you convince everyone else
of the same.

There's so much proof against
him. There’s a suicide note, a video-
tape, a smoking gun and on and on.
After a few minutes of hair pulling,
you come back to the oh so subtle
fact that this is a movie and the
good guy always wins. Not always
but this time he does and with style.

Did the MPAA fall asleep during
this one or what? Flesh as far as the
eye can see in this movie and none
of it appealing. Excuse me for being
prudish, if you want to call it that,
but I don‘t get off on discussing
dental hygiene through the use of
pubic hair. That‘s what I said.

Let‘s not forget blood galore.
This was one of the few movies that
didn’t include Freddy (of ‘Night.

mare' fame) that made me queasy.
Within the first few minutes of the
movie, we got a glimpse of Blake‘s
punctured knee — dried. cakcd
blood protruding from the open
wound — this was a subtle clue that

what was to come would be several
times as vivid.

The man has no morals. Blake
kills the parole officer, his attorney,
even the Book Mobile man who
gave him a Bible to read. That im-
age needs no explanation.

With his handy, out-of-the-sleeve
gun, he pegs the officer in the head.
Fatality No. 1. Next comes the table
saw incident. Mutilation No. 2. He
even kills the pal who helped break
him out. You get the feeling you
just can't trust this guy.

“Ricochet” ends on a typically
positive note. I won't give it away.
but guess who dies.

“Ricochet" is rated "R" and is
showing at North Park, South Park
and Man 0' War Movies 8.

Symphony opens 1991-92 series

ny and Symphony Orchestra among

The Pittsburgh Symphony Or-
chestra is the first American or—
chestra to be granted residency at
Scotland's Edinburgh Festival. It
also has performed throughout Eu-
rope, as well as performing in the
Soviet Union, Taiwan and other 10-
cations throughout the globe.

The orchestra developed its repu-
tation not only on the finest concert
stages across the world, but also on
American radio, beginning in 1936.
The performances were broadcast
across the United States. Now, in
addition to these broadcasts. the
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
has made numerous recordings and
appeared on televised performanc-

The concert will be proceeded by
an informal lecture by UK musicol-
ogy professor Ron Pen about the
orchestra. the music it will perform
and Maazel. The lecture will begin
at 7:15 in the Singletary Center Re-
cital Hall.

Each performance of the season
will proceed a pro-concert lecture,
as part of a new value package for
subscribers to the series. The other
lecturers will be Joseph Baber, Pa»
tricia Montgomery, Daniel Mason
and Phyllis lenness.

The other five performances of
the 1991-92 University Artist Se-
ries season are the Moscow Virtu-
osi, Nov. 10; pianist Horacio Gu-
tierrez, Jan. 18; the Beau Arts Trio,
Feb. II; and soprano Arleen Auger,
March 3.

the Arts. Tickets are $23 and $13.

\\ II/



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Sean Kemp runs
from Rupp floor

Senior Staff Writer

Now this was a story: Sean Kemp
climbing, with a jaunt, up and down
the concrete bleacher steps at Rupp
Arena yesterday. Climbing the steps
that he never conquered after UK
recruited and got him in 1988.

Climbing like he climbed out ofa
torn UK basketball program and
into the NBA. Climbing the steps
like he's been climbing the rungs of
the NBA ranks.

But when Sean Kemp. Seattle Su-
personics' star power forward,
reached the top, he did not stop,
turn around and complete lap.

He was running out of the build-
ing up to his Hyatt Regency hotel
room. Running up and away from
hungry reporters who remembered.

The reporters remembered the se—
rious allegations surrounding the
departure of Sean Kemp from UK
before he stepped out on to the
Rupp Arena floor yesterday to prac-
tice for tonights NBA exhibition
game with Chicago Bulls. Kemp's
UK roots go back to the Dark Ages,
to the days of Eddie Sutton and be-
fore. The days when gold-ringed
back—door deals and insidious,
knowin'—way-too»much booster
grins were as common as UK victo-
ries on the Rupp Arena floor.

Kemp, just out of high school in
1988, instigated one of the more
brutal scandals during those sick
days. He was reported to have as-
saulted Sean Sutton, the coach’s
son, stolen his gold chains and,
without missing a beat, pawning off

Pirates beat Braves

Assomated press

ATLANTA ~77 The Pittsburgh Pi~
rates gave Atlanta every chance to
Will. They really did.

The Braves wouldn't bite. They
blew a bases—loaded threat early on
a blown squeeze, missed another
opportunity when David Justice
missed third base and then stranded
Terry Pendleton at third in the
eighth inning.

Then in the ninth, they stranded a
runner on third for the third time,
with reliever Roger Mason retiring
Mark Lenike and Jeff Blauser to
end it.

So even with Pittsburgh’s big
three hitters stuck on empty. it
didn‘t matter. Zane Smith out-
pitched Tom (ilavine and this time
it was the Pirates” tum to hang on as
they beat the Braves 1-() yesterday
for a 3-2 lead in the N1- playoffs.

The Pirates, a day earlier in dan-
ger of going back to Pittsburgh out
of the playoffs, instead will return
to Three Rivers Stadium for Game
6 on Wednesday night. What's
tnore. they‘ll have Game 1 winner
Doug Diabek, recovered from his
hamstring injury, ready to pitch
against Steve Avery, a 1-0 winner
in Game 2.

For the first time in awhile, and
perhaps for the last time this year,
neither the. Braves nor their fans
could get anything going. Sure, the
crowd of 51,109 did its best to
chant and chop. but there wasn‘t
much to cheer for.

Jose l.ind, the No. 8 hitter in the
Pirates‘ lineup. singled home the
only run in the fifth inning. It's
good he got the job done. Barry
Bonds, Bobby Bonilla and Andy
Van Slyke again slumped, making
them hitless in 37 at-bats with run-
ners on base.

Bonds has managed only three
singles in 20 at—bats, with zero
RBIs. and is 0—for-1} with runners
on. Last year. he got just three puny
singles in l8 at-bats in the six-game
loss to Cincinnati.

No matter. because the Pirates,
baseball‘s best road team. won for
the second straight day in Atlanta


“He’s a future
prototype of a power

Michael Cage,
Seattle Supersonics’

the gold at a local trading shop.

Not long after pawning off the
gold from Sutton’s neck, Kemp’s
pawning days were over. He was
soon playing forward for the Seattle
Supersonics and had enough cash in
hand to buy hundreds — thousands
— of the best gold chains money
could buy.

The boy-man was talented. In his
three years as a professional, he has
averaged 6.3 rebounds and 10.7
points a game. He has started the
last two years and is one of the
most talked-about young players in
the game.

“He's a future prototype of a
power forward,” Supersonics for-
ward Miehael Cage said. “He‘s
young now, rough around the edg-
es, but he’s 6-9, he can jump, he
uses his body well.

“He's going to be a great one.“

His coach, K.C. Jones. though
saying Kemp “is already" a star, be-
lieves Kemp needs a little more
time to develop before he owns a
complete game.

“He is developing very well,"
said Jones, formerly of the Boston
Celtics. “This is his third year, and

following a string of seven consecu-
tive losses down south.

Smith and Mason combined to
scatter eight hits and Atlanta's
scoreless streak to 18 innings. Ma-
son took over after Pendleton's two-
out triple in the eighth, got Ron
Gant on a popup and finished for a

1n the ninth, pinch hitter Tommy
Gregg and Greg Olson singled With
one out. Lcmke's grounder moved
Gregg to third, and Blauser flied to
right for the final out.

Justice, whose wild throw Sunday
night led to the tying run in Pitts-
burgh's 3-2, l()-inning win, again
was in the middle of the Braves’

Justice was on second base with
two outs in the fourth inning when
Lemke singled to left field. Justice
was running all the way. but he
tripped as he neared third base and
stepped over the bag.

Justice kept going and tip-toed
home ahead of catcher Don
Slaught's tag, but it didn‘t matter.
Nearly all of the Pirates had seen
Justice miss the base, and third
baseman Steve Buechele wasjump-
ing up and down to call attention to
the mistake.

HKE KLINE Kernel Sta“

Supersonics‘ forward Sean Kemp ran threw drills yesterday at Rupp
Arena. Kemp has averaged 10.7 points a game in the NBA.

he came in with all this great talent.
He knows how to block shots and
how to rebound. He’s a great pas-
ser, he can get up and down the

But without the college expe-
rience, that set him back a little bit.
He lacked the maturity and the
knowledge of high-tech basketball."

Kemp‘s weaknesses, if you can
call them that, are his outside shot
and his inside moves. But he
worked all summer on those facets
of the game, and yesterday, during
practice at Rupp Arena, he looked
strong and at case under and around
the basket.

And off the court, Kemp has a
solid reputation as not only a bas-
ketball player but also a respected

man of the community. His sharp-
cut face and deep eyes and his artic-
ulate voice convey an intelligence
that many people in the Bluegrass
suspected the youth to lack.

Perhaps Kemp was more a victim
of the sell-and-barter system of
young, physically-gifted basketball
players than a perpetrator within it.
Maybe a little distance from the UK
boosters and the pimps of high
school basketball players have givs
en Kemp the time he needed to
grow up and re-evaluate. And cer-
tainly the millions of dollars didn't

And, judging by Kemp’s actions
yesterday. he doesn‘t want to look
back on those dark days of 1988.



Senior Staff Writer

Once again the rugby road
warriors fell short on skill, we
and numbers; but, this time, fi-
nally, the road to Indiana led to

With only seven starting
players, a few novice players
and three borrowed Wabash
players “from the bottom of the
(Wabash) heap," the Cats ruin-
bled and stole their way to an s
4 victory against the (‘rawiords
ville, 1nd., club Saturday.

The good news for the 1K
club, however, is softened by the
fact that the Wabash team is
very soft —— and inexperienced.

“They were pitiful.“ 1K to-
coach Taylor Marret said. “They
are not a good club at all."

Marret himself play ed an inte-
gral role in the UK win. .‘ylarret.
a pack player, is not expected to
score. Pack players score about
as much as offensive linemen
score in the NFL.

But Marrct, possessing an
alert, rugby-trained mind.
thieved a score under the baffled
Wabash players‘ noses.

After a penalty was called on
Wabash on their own l-yard
line, the Wabash players. rather
than setting up immediately to
guard their goal. began arguing
the call.

Marret, never one to not take
what is given him on the rugby
field. picked up the ball and


UK ruggers win first;
Wabash falls 8-4

charged into the try zone for
four points.

“1 Just grabbed the ball and
started charging," Marret said.
"By the time they quit arguing
and realized what was happen-
ing, they had no chance to stop

Frank Mulder, a rising player
on the club. scored the other try
and UK, after five straight losses
to open the season, finally got to
drive home Winners.

The game‘s real importance,
however, was dial it gave some
young, inexperienced ruggers
some very key experience. The
green ruggers will be grass-
stained during games in the near
future as the Cats continue on
the road.

“We got a lot of younger guys
to get a game under their belt,"
sccond~year starting prop (‘hris
Blakely said.

Because of part-tune Jobs and
nagging lIlJllTlc‘s, many of the
best LK players have been una-
ble to travel with the team. And
during the next two weeks, the
Indiana Rugby L'niori will set/.e
the best seven L'K players for its
select-side team. The select-side
games happen to coincide with
two of LK's most important fall
matches against the tough
Middle 'I‘ennes‘sec State team
and the rival Indiana team.

‘It’s tough to hate .1 dillcrent
player beside you cxcry game,"
lilakcly said, "but I'm starting to
g‘t'l Ust‘tI If) it ..



1-0; Pittsburg now leads NL series 3-2

While Justice stood halfway to

the dugout, Smith calmly took the
ball from Slaught and threw to third.
where umpire Frank Pulli was wait-

ing to make the call. There was no

argument from Justice, who saw the
“out" sign as he stotxi near owner
Ted Turner, who was in a box near
first base.

It already had been a rough in-












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ning for the Braves before Justice‘s
gaffe. Justice reached on a two-base
throwing error by first baseman
Gary Redus, then stayed put when
Brian Hunter was called otit for in-

terference when he failed to run on
a chopper and got in Slaught‘s way.
Even with no score. the odd end-

ing to the fourth inning gave the Pi‘
rates rnornentutn 111 the fifth




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 4 — Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday. October 15. 1991







Kentucky Kernel
l'\l.|l‘vll~llt‘tl lll INN

littletx'ntlctit suite 1‘37!




Editorial Board
Victoria .\lJlUl’l_ laditor tn ('hicf
V Alan Conic-tr. l-‘ttitonal Editor
Jerry \otgt. l-tlitorial Cartoonist

Dale titccr, \lanaging Editor
Gregory \ Hill. Assoc'iate lidilor
'\llgL'lJ Jones, \eyvs liditor

Brian lent. Design ltdlltfl




uestions linger,
but Hill’s story
as yet improved



Not since the begin-
ning of the Persian
Gulf War ll‘. January
has broadcast joumal‘
ism kept everyone
glued to their 'I‘.\". sets
and radios as intently
as during the past

But this "war" is be-
ing played out in the
Caucus Room of the
Capitol Building; and
the weapons are not
bombs — but rather.
words. accusations and
innuendo Of course
we are talking about



The ”Thomas






the charges former

Clarence Thomas employee Anita Hill has made alleging that the
Supreme Court nominee sexually harassed her while she worked for
him at the Education Department and later at the Equal Employment

Opportunity Commission

It is a sad day in American history when our process for confirm-
ing justices to the Supreme Court involves discussing sexual organ
sire and the “actor“ Long Dong Silver. When President Kennedy
nominated Byron White to sit on the Supreme Court. the Senate
questioned him for all of 30 minutes. Thomas has testified for a to-

tal of six days.

The allegations Hill has made are indeed serious. if true. Even
Thomas agreed that anyone who said the things that Hill accuses
him of saying would b