xt7zw37kt455 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zw37kt455/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-07-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 26, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 26, 1990 1990 1990-07-26 2020 true xt7zw37kt455 section xt7zw37kt455 g

Vol. XCll. No.9 - Established 1894 - Unlversny of Kentucky, Lexmgton, Kentucky - Independent since 1971 . July 26, 1990


Major gift from IBM
donated to UK...


Learning how to play
basketball Pitlno

style, ..


Clubs trying to put

life into Lexington...

omen have come a long
way in athletics at UK...



 2 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 26, 1990

IBM gives $4.9 million computer to UK

Contributing Writer





Editor in Chief
Tonia Wilt

Executive Editor
Kentucky. _
The IBM 3090-600J/6VF su- GregmyA ”a"
percomputer is the most powerful
system available nationwide, ac-
cording to UK Vice President for
Information Systems Gene Wil—

“It’s a winning combination.

UK wins by attracting top-quality
computer faculty. IBM wins by
UK support of numerically inten-
sive computing. And Kentucky
wins by the academic leaders
(the technology provides,)” Wil-
liams said.

UK interim President Charles

Wethington noted the improve-
ments of the IBM 600] from
UK’s first supercomputer, the
IBM 3090-300E, which was in—
stalled in 1987.

“Three years ago (we were) on
line with our first supercomputer.
The IBM 6001 is necessary to
complete graduate studies. We
are pleased to enter into that re-
search partnership (with IBM),”
Wethington said.

Associate Editor

A $4.9 million supercomputer
Brian Jent

was given to UK by IBM Monday
that will serve as a statewide re-
source in the medical, business

. . . Arts Editor
and educational communities of

Rhona Bowles


Editorial Cartoonist
Jerry Voigt




See Com uter, a e3
p p g Design Editor

Elizabeth C. Moore


Photography Editor
Andy Collignon


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By 23,000 new customers that is, if you target the UK
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The Kentucky Kernel is published
on class days during the academic
year and weekly during the
summer scssron.


Third-class postage paid at
Lexington. Kentucky 40511.
Mailed subscription rates
are $30 per year.

Readers are encouraged to submit
letters and guest opinions to
the K enlucky Kernel
in person or by mail.

Writers should address
their comments to:
Editorial Editor,
Kentucky Kernel,

035 Journalism Building.
University of Kentucky.
Lexington. KY 40506-0042.

Letters should be 350 words or
less. while guest opinions should
be 850 words or less.


NAME: Kyle E. Newman
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Dr. Karl A. Dawson

DATE: July 25 ,1990

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TIME: 1011) A. M.

Welcome Back
Published Wednesday, August 22
Deadline Friday, August 17

Football Preview
Published Friday, August 31

We prefer all material

to be type written and
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welcome if they are legible.



NAME: Susan C. Perry



Friday, August 24



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Writers must include their name,
address, telephone number and
major classification or connection
with UK on all submitted material.

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I'lu u’u [trim Ir) Strtr Samlrrt




 Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 26, 1990 - 3







Search committee meets

The Presidential Search Committee will meet this morning at
9:30 to review candidate applications. The committee will at-
tempt to further narrow the number of applications from the cur-
rent l4. The 10-member search committee was established last
January to find a replacement for the vacancy created by the res-
ignation of UK’s ninth president David Roselle.

University halts Robinson Forest negotiations

UK has stopped negotiations with Arch Mineral Co. of St.
Louis concerning Arch‘s intent to mine land near UK's Robinson
Forest, which is in Breathitt. Knox and Perry counties.

A letter from UK attorney John Darsie dated July 20 said that
“there is no point in exploring for coal in the Lewis Fork."

The University also offered areas in the Laurel Fork and Bear
Branch tracts outside the forest to any company for mining.

A final decision is expected within a week when UK receives a
report from its consulting firm, Gaddy Engineering Co.

Arch is considering legal action against the University for min-
ing rights.

UK and Arch have been negotiating mining in the forest's
Clemons Fork watershed. The two were considering a land swap
to avoid a legal fight over Arch‘s proposal to mine. The Universi-
ty’s letter effectively stops negotiations until UK receives the fi-
nal report.

If Arch does not want to make the trade, UK Will open up min-
ing the land to anyone, according to UK spokesman Bernie

Arch leases land surrounding the forest that is part of the wa-
tershed that feeds Robinson Forest.

The letter stated that there are 10 million tons of recoverable
coal in the Laurel Fork and Bear Branch. which would be worth
about $200 million on the market.

Minority status study completed

Hiring more minority administrators, recruiting more minorin
graduate students, and creating a University-supported magnet
school to help recruit minorities to UK are among l7 recommen-
dations offered after a year and a half study on the status of mi-
nority employees at UK.

The recommendations were released yesterday in an 82-pagc
report entitled “Initiatives in Minority Affairs at the University of

The purpose of the study was to identify what blocks “the full
and equal participation of Blacks and other minorities in the Uni-
versity community.“ according to the report.

The report “shows, among other things ihatll) new black facul-
ty have been hired for the coming school year —— compared to
only two this time last year." said UK interim President Charles

The magnet school would be an example of new programs that
should be developed to reach out into communities and schools to
bring more minorities in touch with the UK and the educational
opportunities offered, the report stated.

SGA budget to be considered at meeting

Student Govemmcnt Association President Sean Lohman said
that he will send a smaller budget to the SGA Interim Senate on

In presidential priviledge, Lehman said that the budget is
“quite a bit smaller" than his first administration’s.

Lehman‘s first administration benefitted from a carryover that
included the $26,000 that President James Rose was unaware that
SGA had.

Lohman said that there is only “a very small carryover“ in this
year's budget.

and Associated Press Reports.

Compiled by staff


l; i




Cave offers UK research possibilities

Contributing Writer

The discovery of a cave in Lex-
ington may halt development
plans because of the research pos-
sibilities for UK.

The property — the Beaumont
development, which stretches
from Harrodsburg Road to Cave
Hill — is the site of Fayette
County’s second largest cave,
Mark Turner, a spelunker, told the
Lexington-Fayette Urban County
Council July l2.

The cave doesn’t have the po-
tential to become a commercial
cave, Turner said, but UK re-
searchers have a lot to learn from

“It would make a great natural
laboratory,“ said Turner, who has
been researching caves for 10
years. “Scientifically, it’s fasci-

A 50-foot buffer zone was re-
quested around the cave site to
prevent development. The coun-
cil will decide on the measure lat-
er this year.

Tim Haymaker, project manag-
er of the Beaumont development.
is involved with mapping the
cave. He said that he is con-
cerned about preserving the cave
mainly for safety reasons.

“We’ll do nothing that will
damage people‘s future homes.
You can hang your hat on that,"
he said.

Turner, 21 member of the Mia-
mi Vallcy Grotto of the National
Speleological Society, learned
about the cave at a rnceung of the
Bluegrass Grotto.

Before being bulldozed shut in
1970 by the landowner, the
3,500-foot cave supported all
kinds of life, including a bat col-
ony. Bats are quite useful to a

community, Turner said.

“They eat twice their own body
weight (in insects)." he said. “I
think it’s important that their hab-
itats be preserved."

The cave also was a home to
other forms of life, including vari-
ous insects and plant life. Some
may still exist, Turner said.

Mineral deposits, including
gypsum, a rare mineral in the In-
ner Bluegrass, also have been in
the cave. he added.

A Kentucky statute outlaws bar.
ring any entrance or exit to a cave
that may threaten cave life.

People interested in rut-mu
should alti'rttf ii meeting Hf the
Bluegrass (from). .Vt'clqu are
held the sun/id linen/ii) of i'i‘i'rt’
month at 730 pm. in the ('K
Mining and .‘IIlncrals li’t'ii'tirsh



Continued from page 2

Wethington said that the IBM
600} is “a signal to allow the
community to grow and prosper,"
considering that UK‘s research
grants were $6! million in I989.

Acting Vice President Leonard
Peters discussed the uses of the
IBM 600J. Instruction in structu-
ral engineering research, building
bridges and pollution control as
well as helping gco-pliysicists
collect seismic data are all within
the OOOJ 's capabilities.

Graduate and undergraduate
students will work with the super-
computer. Faculty and staff also
will be able to access the super
computer at the McVey Hall com-
puting lab.

“IBM is helping undergraduate
and graduate students in the new
computer's lab, and (with com—
puter instruction materials) at the
UK Medical Center, M]. King Li-
brary and the Business & Eco-
nomics Building," Peters said.

A tour of the 600J computing
lab at McVey Hall offered Visual
images of several of the comput-
cr’s programming screens of the
IBM fiOIU's programming capa-


Robert A. Loddcr of the UK
Medical Center explained how
false-color images produced by
the supercomputer help to locate
partially denuded menu and
LDL (low-density lipoproicim ac—
cumulation in arteries, a main
source of heart disease,

“(The images) help locate
plaque in the brains of pilicnts
(with Al/hcuticr s disease). 1 od—
dtr said.

(‘ollcgc of Engineering laciilty
and students will be able to use
the (MU to predict physical occur
rcnccs, such as the motion of
fluids around oblct'ts.



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 4 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 26, 1990


Plans for new centralized library being considered

Editor in Chief

A solution could now be in
sight after almost a decade of
crowding at the Margaret 1. King

Plans for a 250,000-300,000
square foot centralized library is
being considered by a University

“We felt the need for a large
consolidated library,” said Gene
Williams, VICC president for in-
formation systems.

The site for the building has


Good-bye for the summer
until August.
This is the Last
Summer Kernel!



not be determined, but proposed
sites include Washington Ave-
nue, behind the Thomas Hunt
Morgan Biological Sciences
building, Clifton Avenue and in
the area behind Haggin Hall.

The building will supply elec-
tronic support to classrooms, of-
fices. labs, homes and residence

The proposed library will re-
place the current main buildings.
centralize collections from most
branch libraries and reflect the
latest in library and information
technology. The building will
house collections from MI. King,
agriculture, Albert B. Chandler
Medical Center, biological sci-
ences, chemistry-physics, engi-
neering, geological sciences and
mathematics libraries.

The plan includes renovations
of M]. King South to include
Special Collections and Universi-


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ty Archives. The north portion of
the building will feature collec-
tions from the fine arts, architec-
ture and music libraries.

Colleges with branch collec-
tions in the new building will be
furnished with smaller, special-
ized information centers.

Many of the problems students
face at M]. King, including
crowding and finding books, will
be solved, according to Faith
Harders, who heads the project on
a full-time basis.

“It should be easier to find
things,” Harders said. “I think a
research library is always going to
be hard to use. You can’t have 7
million volumes and have them
all at the front door."

However, none of the plans will
become a reality unless funding is
provide by the 1992 General As-

“It’s going to be right, I hope.

at the top of the institution’s high-
est priorities,” Williams said. “I
think we have an institutional
commitment behind it.”

The cost of the building has not
been determined, but to encourage
funding, UK will hold a campaign
to raise one-fourth of the money.

If the state appropriates the
money, the building could be
completed in 1995. Otherwise, the
plan will be postponed, like past
plans for the library.

“For awhile there was a plan to
add on to the back of (the King)
library,” Harders said. “The build-
ing is very inadequate for all of
the technology coming in. The
wiring of a 1939 is not built for
the technology of 1990.”

Until the centralized library
comes into being, steps are being
taken at M.I. King to decrease

“Four years is a long time.

We’ve got to do something to
serve library students now," Wil-
liams said.

Isles of books are being shifted
to make room for more student
seating and compact shelving is
being installed. When retrieving a
book from one of the compact
isles. a patron must turn a hand
crank or press a button to open
the appropriate isle.

Also, more volumes are being
placed in underground storage in
Highbridge, Ky. Underground,
there is a constant temperature
and humidity level that is better in
preserving materials, Harder said.

“..ots of libraries have off-site
storage,” she said. “lt’s kind of
unique to have it in a cave.”

A personal computing lab will
be built this fall and completed by
January. The 100 station PC area
will be on the second floor of M].
King South.

CHE student representative named

Executive Editor

As the new student member on
the state Council on Higher Edu-
cation, Sheridan Martin says his
first priority is to recover the rela-
tionship to student body presi-
dents that his predecessor nearly

Martin was named the student
representative to the CHE Mon-
day by Gov. Wallace Wilkinson.
He replaces Jim Hill of Louis-
ville, who scrved two terms on
the Council.

UK Student Government Asso-
ciation President Sean Lohman
and others complained that Hill
was not attentive to the eight stu-


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dent body presidents, and served
on the council not as the student
representative, but as a student,
independent of the presidents.

The way to overcome the ten-
sion Hill created is to gain the re-
spect of the Board of Student
Body Presidents, Martin said.

In order to gain respect, the
CHE representative says he will
pay more attention to the student
body presidents.

“My job is to relate student
sentiment to the council and vice-
versa," Martin said.

Lohman and the board officials
forsee a better relationship with

“He knows what it’s like to
work with a very difficult student
representative," said Lohman,
who is chairman of the presidents

John Elder, the governmental
affairs coordinator for the board
called the appointment “the be-
ginning of a new chapter" and
predicted that relations with Mar—
tin would be less strenuous.

When Hill took office. he said
that rallies at the state capitol
were not his style and that he pre-
ferred power lunches with legis-







$260. - 276-1024

Martin subscribes to the theory
that “you have to start small and
work your way up," beginning
with the behind the scenes efforts
before trying to get attention.

With the recent educational re-
forms passed by the General As-
sembly, rallies “shouldn‘t be
needed," said Martin, a a native
of Drift, an Eastern Kentucky
town. However, unlike Hill he
said they will be conducted when

“Sometimes you have to do
things to stir the public interest
and catch the politicians' eyes,"
Martin said.

Creating more of a “stability"
in deciding tuition rates and lob-
bying for reduced cuts in Con-
gress‘ rc-authorization of the
Higher Education Act of I965 are
a few of Martin’s other goals.

Former SGA President James
Roes and Board of Student Body
President coordinator Jeff Speaks
gave Martin experience in this
area with the “original lobby ef-
fort." The cffon helped author
and pass house bill 60, which re-
formed the selection process for
the student member.

Martin was one of three names
submitted to Gov. Wallace Wil-
kinson from the Board of Student
Body Presidents. The others in-
clude Christy Bradford from UK
and Hunt Boyd who attended
Murray State University.







 Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 26, 1990 - 5


Pitino offers

I would like to address Mr.
Gregory Hall concerning an inter-
esting piece which was placed on
the Kernel Editorial Page, July
12. It claimed UK Coach Rick
Pitino was a “snoot” who “seems
to be a bit condescending ...”

It was amazing to read Mr.
Hall’s interpretation of Coach
Pitino’s impending decision to

open an Italian restaurant in Lex-
ington. I’m sure Mr. Hall consid-
ered the fact that Lexington has
very few Italian restaurants and
that opening one might be an ex-
cellent investment. However. Mr.
Hall accused Coach Pitino of at-
tempting to turn Lexington into
his own little version of New
York. Can one man be so power-

Mr. Hall says “Who wants
Kentucky to be New York?
There's no need to make Lexing-
ton close to a taste of the Big Ap-
ple.” Exactly what are you trying

to say Mr. Hall? Lexington has no
room for diversity? That Kentuck-
ians are actually living in some
type of Utopia? Are you saying
Rick Pitino should stick to what
he was brought here to do ——
coach — and not try to contribute
anything else to the community?
That his “Italian tastes” are nei-
ther wanted nor needed?

You claim it took a Lexington
newspaper to “force” Coach Piti-
no into trying Brookings chili.
Why is it no one thought that per-
haps Coach Pitino doesn’t like
chili? Is that a requirement for liv-

ing in Lexington? If so, I could be
in for trouble as I also have no
taste for chili. I don't care for Tol-
ly-Ho either. Mr. Hall, I have to
ask you, am I a snob who looks
down on the “bumkin’ lifestyle"
of Kentuckians also? If so, I can
only hope to keep this terrible
truth from my parents. They were
born and reared in Kentucky, as I
was. and they would be so disap-

I think. Mr. Hall, you should
consider your own ethnocentn'sm
before commenting on someone
else‘s. I happen to believe the the-

ory of the “melting pot" was the
ideal on which America was
founded. Rick Pitino is a good
coach who I believe has the capa-
bilities to put the UK Wildcats
back on track. If he feels he has
other things to offer the Lexing-
ton community, I for one wish
him luck and hope he is as suc-
cessful at his other endeavors as
he was his first year coaching the

L. Suzanne Ruark is a history


Rose should be
inducted in Hall

There is more than a muted ar-
gument about the propriety of
asking athletes to be role models
for the youth of this country. I
think it is almost unconscionable
to enshrine athletes as role mod-
els beyond their professional
achievements, especially when
such a crown is not solicited. You
cannot but notice the opportunity
available to make a dent in the
perception of athletes as all en-
compassing role models.

I think Pete Rose should be in-
ducted into the baseball Hall of
Fame for his accomplishments on
the baseball field.

The corollary message, espe-
cially to youngsters, is that these
athletes can be taken as role mod-
els only as far as their on field ac-
complishments are concerned and
no further.

By this ingenious stroke, the
personal and the professional
lives of ball players are separat-
ed, the undue burden of being a
role model off the field would be
taken off the shoulders‘ of reluc-
tant athletes, and most important-
ly, the business of seeking role
models would be brought into
line with reasonable expectations
with well defined, narrow scope.
What else can you ask for?

Raghuram Ekambaram is a
civil engineering graduate stu-

needed in letter

In the July 12 issue of the Ken-
tucky Kernel, a response to my
letter appeared. entitled “Editor’s
column a waste of space.” At the
bottom was written “John
Thompson is an education ma-
jor.” I am not now, nor have I
ever been an education major. My
major in college was physics. 1
am a computer operator, em-
ployed and working in the build-
ing right next to yours.

Apparently, not only is it a
complex chore for you to write a
meaningful column, but it is also
too difficult for your staff to veri-
fy their sources before they print


Writer relates
to Berry’s Book

It was a great pleasure for me
to go through your column “Di-
versions” July 5. It is amazing
how Dr. Berry’s thoughts closely
resemble many naturalists from
my country — India. Although
the two countries represent the
two parts of the world —- econo-
my, culture, customs, and the
technology. a new generation is
reverting back to the rural areas
from cities.

I have friends that are doctors,
teachers, socio-scientists living in
mud built or leaf built houses,
getting power from bio-gas for
cooking, lighting, food, etc. And
food, clothing from the farm.

The communication media is
either radioset, a telephone, TV
and a vehicle, like a scooter or a
jeep. They profess that communi-
ty living not only imparts the so-
cial feeling but allows thinking
for what we are for. They are at
real peace. away from the world
of competition and consequent
race for life, selfishness. greedy
motives, dntgs and crimes. They
have wonderful experiments on
the neat combination of nature
and the conventional fanning

which make them self-reliant al-
most in every respect. However,
what they lack is the real estates,
investments or the huge bank bal-
ances. Their wealth is peace and
a constructive, creative brain.
“Being less inward looking and
more community looking]
directed" is to me, the key solu-
tion for many of the social evils.

Here are addresses for those in
terested to have overseas friends
in such activities: Dr. Ravi Kol—
he, Bairagarh, Tq.-Dhami, Distr.
Amar avti, Maharastra, India Mr.
Vasant Phutane. P.O.-Ravala,
Tq.-Warud, Dist. Amaravti, Ma-
harastra, India 444907.

01.. Samudralwar is a chemis-
try research assistant.


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anything. We have a great tool in
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ing such tasks. It's called a tele-

What’s even more remarkable
is that my mailing address does
appear on my letter. and a simple

check of the campus directory
would have tipped them off as to
who I am.

John Thompson is a UK com—
puter operator.


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 6 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 26, 1990

UK women’s sports have taken giant

Letter key to getting the ball rolling

Associate Editor

A letter that skipped the chain of command to then-
UK president Otis A. Singletary asking for scholar-
ships was the beginning of modern women’s athletics
at UK.

The letter written by Sue Feamster pr0ved to be a
major step in reinstating a women’s intercollegiate
athletics program that was discontinued at UK in

“I was young at the time and didn’t know about the
chain of command,” said Feamster, who was the as-
sistant director of recreation. “I should have taken it
to my boss, and it would have went up from there."

Feamster wrote the letter after returning from the
I972 National Association o." Physical Education
Conference in Minneapolis where she heard about Ti-
tle IX, a section of the Educational Amendments Act
of I972. The act does not allow discrimination on the
basis of race, sex or gender when providing facilities,
playing time, equipment. coaches and travel for ath-

That prompted her to write the letter asking for 50
sports scholarships for women.

“At that time, the University had 100 free-tuition
scholarships to the Athletic Association,” Feamster
said. “I asked not to decrease that amount but asked
(Singletary) to allocate more scholarships (in the let-

As a result of that letter, Singletary organized a
women’s athletics committee in 1972 to study the fea-
sibility of creating an intercollegiate program for

In spring 1974, the completed report was sent to

From the report, Singletary approved more than
$100,000 budget for six women’s sports (basketball,
gymnastics, tennis, golf, field hockey and track)
which were elevated to a varsity-level status on July
I, 1974.

This was significant in that women had not partici'
path in varsity athletics since they were abolished in

In an interview with the Kentucky Kernel in I924,
then-UK President Frank L. McVey said women's
basketball was too strenuous for females. He also said
that it was undesirable for females to travel through»
out the South to take part in intercollegiate athletics.

“The trips are very expensive because of the neces-
sity of chaperonage and provision.” McVey said.
“Some very irritating consequences have developed in
the past as a result of intercollegiate games.“

With the announcement of women‘s varsity sports
in I974, it looked as if those comments were long for-

However, problems still remained.

Although UK's new varsity program had the third
largest budget in the country. the women were forced
to conserve money.

“When we started, we virtually had nothing," said
Feamster, who was appointed the first director of
women's athletics in 1974 and also coached the Lady
Kat basketball team. “The first couple of years, I
bought a couple of hundred warm-ups and rotated
them between the two teams just to conserve money."

The women’s varsity program joined the Associa-
tion of Intercollegiate Athletes for Women in 1974.

Despite being varsity, women‘s athletics were
placed under the direction of the Dean of Students’
Office. not the UK Athletics Association as the men

That changed in 1978, however, as the UK wom-
en’s athletics program merged with the men’s pro—
gram under Athletics Director Cliff Hagan’s adminis-

Feamster said by joining the Athletics Association,
the quality of women’s sports suffered and a philoso-
phy of “winning championships” that was held before
the merger changed to just being “competitive.”

“I believe that women’s athletics have benefitted a
great deal financime from being merged with men’s
athletics,” Feamster said. “However. I thought that
we were never serious enough in the Athletics De-
partment about winning championships as we should
have been. And we were before we merged."

Feamster left the Athletics Association in 1986
four years after the Southeastern Conference and
NCAA Division I sanctioned women’s athletics.

Women's athletics at UK today are continuing un-
der the direction of Assistant Athletics Director/Non-
Revenue Sports Kathy DeBoer.

DeBoer was fortunate to see the ending of Hagan’s
administration and the beginning of current Athletics
Director C.M. Newton’s administration.

“I don’t know if there is a major difference between
the two philosophies,” said DeBoer, who also coaches
volleyball. “By the time Cliff resigned, he was very
much supportive of our women‘s program and looked
at our women‘s program as part of our broad base of-

“The change that (Newton) made in terms of my
administrative responsibilities indicates how he feels
about our department. We have our non-revenue pro-
ducing or you can call them Olympic sports that are
both men and women's sports together."

UK women’s athletics are found within the top 10
percent of Division I schools in the country.

Some recent successes include the women's cross
country team capturing a National Championship in