xt7zw37kt19v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zw37kt19v/data/mets.xml California Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) Historical Records Survey (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. National Archives (U.S.) 1941 2 v.; 27 cm.. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.8/no.5 books  English San Francisco, Calif.: Survey of Federal Archives This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. California Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of the Interior -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- California -- Catalogs California -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series VIII, Department of the Interior, no. 5, v.2 California, 1941 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series VIII, Department of the Interior, no. 5, v.2 California, 1941 1941 1941 2019 true xt7zw37kt19v section xt7zw37kt19v {2‘4 UHIVERSW’Y OF KENTUCKY ' ‘ i _>
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9 I: ""99
1‘ " Philip M. Ramer, National Director ’
Cyril E. Paquin, State Supervisor
9 ; . . 9
t Howard 0. Hunter, Acting Commissioner
E R. L. Nicholson, Assistant Commissioner
E WilliamR. Lawson, State Administrator
F ;
[ DiViSion of Community Serv1ce Programs
4‘ .
9 Florence Kerr, A581stant Commissioner j
E Mary H. Isham, Chief Regional Supervisor
§ Hope L. Cahill, State Director .

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E Research and Records Projects 1
9 Harvey E. Becknell, National Director
g Robert Slover, Regional Supervisor R

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r . . PART II I
‘fl rage ,
j Sacramento, Sacramento Indian Agency, Office of the i
. '9 Superintendent................................. 206 i
Records in Storage............................... 209 E
_ Fort Bidwell Reservation Records.............. 209
’ Greenville Indian Agency Records.............. 217 1
. Hoopa Valley Reservation Records.............. 229
Roseburg Indian Agency Records................ 229 1
Round Valley Indian Agency Records............ 231 J
" Sacramento Indian Agency Records.............. 254 I
Sherman Institute Records..................... 261
. Tule River Indian Agency Records.............. 262 I
" Upper Lake Indian Agency Records.............. 270
San Francisco, Health Division, Office of the
Kedical Director............................... 275 i
_ San Francisco, Inrchasing Agent, U. 3. Indian
" Warehouse, Office of the Superintendent........ 276 5
H San Francisco, Districts 5, 6, and 7, Office of the 1
Land Fieldgent 277 ‘
San Francisco, Indian Irrigation Service, District 4 3
. Office of the Supervising Engineer............. ‘ 279
> San Francisco, Office of the Road Supervisor (not 1
* surveyed)...................................... 311 i
, " San Jacinto, Fission Indian Agency, Cahuilla !
. Subagency, Office of the District Fedical 4
. g Director.........................,............. 311 '
,3 Stewart's Point, Sacramento Indian Agency, Stewart's f
f Point Subagency, Kashia Indian 3chool.......... 318 f
I ” Thermal, Mission Indian.Agency, Torres Martinez }
. 5 Subagency...................................... 320 ‘ i
:. Tule River, Sacramento Indian Agency, Tule River
A' ~: Indian Subagency............................... 322 ,
' . Ukiah, Sacramento Indian Agency, Suhagency Field ‘
 - Ofilce 322 ,
,,s IDS AT136168, Field Investigator..................... 327 1 ;F
"4 San Francisco, Office of the Special Agent in Charge 327 j 1 ‘
yifl Field Agent Records.............................. 330 I 3
g@ Second Field Division Records.................... 331 ‘
fifififii f '
,llw ,
r '

;Ԥ% 1
":1; MINES, BUREAU or 3
gXI, Page |
‘ ,f Berkeley, Mining Experiment Station.................. 333
_ 5 Los Angeles, Petroleum Economics Division, Office of
I the Assistant Economic Analyst (not surveyed)... 334
. ,3 San Francisco, Economics and Statistics Branch, ‘
,} Mineral Production and Economics Division Field .
: Office, Office of the Supervising Engineer...... 334 j
» ' San Francisco, Petroleum and Natural Gas Division.... 341 i
‘ Petroleum Field Records........................... 341 %
_ Petroleum Economics Records....................... 342
San Francisco, Safety Division, Office of the 3
’ District Engineer............................... 342 1
-' Ash Mountain, Sequoia National Park and Cabrillo
, National Monument, Office of the Superintendent 354
’ Berkeley, Branch of Forestry, Western Division .
f Office 363 1
Berkeley, Branch of Research and Information, Museum j
, Division, western Iuseum Laboratories, Office
of the Assistant Chief.......................... 365 ;
. Death Valley Junction, Death Valley National Konument, 3
Office of the Superintendent.................... 369 .
Kings Canyon, General Grant National Park, Office of
- . the Superintendent (not surveyed)............... 372 1
Kings Canyon, Kings Canyon National Lark, Office of
the Superintendent (not surveyod)............... 372 s
. ' Nill Valley, Muir Woods National Monument, Office of E
the Custodian................................... 373 g
. .. Mineral, Lassen Volcanic National Park, Office of the
f“ Superintendent.................................. 377 §
_ ;, Pinnacles, Pinnacles National Ionument, Office of the
»,“ Acting Custodian (not surveyed)................. 385 ‘
f San Diego, Cabrillo National Monument, Office of the ‘
I; Custodian....................................... 386
'.' San Francisco, Sanitary Engineering, Festern Tarks ,
_ and Monuments................................... 386 ‘ ‘
' Regional orrio 387 i
- Purchasing Office................................. 389 :
‘ ‘1 San Francisco, Regional Office, Region IV, Office of '
_ the Regional Director........................... 399
, Regional Director's Office........................ 390 1 ‘f
, Administrative Division........................... 390 ' ‘
- Forestry niViSion 391 i f
.' Plans and Design Division......................... 391 , ~
.9 Project Control Division.......................... 392 .
"3% f
11qu _I

i z ‘
‘ 1 V
txfi Page !
’ji San Francisco, Regional Office, Region IV, Office of
i the Regional Director (cont'd) g
= Information....................................... 392 *
, ‘j Wildlife DiVlSlon 393 i
‘ Recreation and Planning Division.................. 594
L San Francisco, U. 5. Travel Bureau, Office of the
;; Acting Supervisor (not surveyed)................ 395 i
_; Tule Lake, Lava Beds National Nonument, Office of the \
‘ Acting Custodian (not surVeyed)................. 395
’ Yosemite, Devil Postpile National Monument, Office of
the Superintendent (not surveyed)............... 396 ;
Yosemite, Joshua Tree National Konument, Office of
' the Superintendent (not surveyed)............... 397 l
, Yosemite, Yosemite National Park, Devil Fostpile
'1 National Ionument, and the Joshua Tree Tational
Monument, Office of the Superintendent.......... 397
General Records................................... 398 5
Rangers‘ Records.................................. 400
' Files 402 I
.' Finance Records................................... 411
_ Purchase and Supply Records....................... 413
’ HistOrical Records................................ 414 §
‘ Naturalist's Records.............................. 415
Engineering Records............................... 417 l
' Central Valley Troject, Introduction................. 420
Antioch, Central Valley Project, Office of the
Division Engineer (not surveyed)................ 423
Calexico, Office of the Construction Eneineer........ 423
Friant, Central Valley Project, Office of the Acting ,
Division Engineer............................... 424 ‘
_» Los Angeles, Office of the District Counsel.......... 426
-‘I Orland, Office of the Superintendent................. 430 1
Parker Dam, Office of the Construction Engineer...... 433 . ,
Bedding, Central Valley Erojcct, Kennett Dam.Uuit, '
, . Office of the Construction Engineer............. 435 ‘
Sacramento, Central Valley Project, Office of the ‘
_ Supervising Engineer............................ 435
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; 5.11011:an E
(A) Federal B1dg., 8th and I Sts. !
(B) Old Post Office Bldg., 7th and K Sts.
This office was established on June 1, 1923, when the Tule ‘
and Greenville Reservations were combined to form this agency.
, Prior to the date of establishment, reservations were adminis—
' tered by resident agents. The Round Valley Reservation was added i
.' in March 15, 1924, and the Fort Bidwall Reservation, on March 1931. 1
_ In addition to the above—mentioned reservations, this agency ad— E
', ministers seventy—one rancherias, varying in size from one—half E
acre to 1242 acres. The total area under its jurisdiction is ap-
proximately 79,397 acres. From June 15, 1923 to October 15, 1933, i
‘ this office was located in the California Fruit Building, 4th and ,
J Streets. So-called useless papers are destroyed as authorized. 3
~ _ Reports are sent to Washington. Records are filed according to
the Indian Field Service Filing System. 1
1118. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL, Jan. 1990 to date. Policy, !
rules, and regulations: copies of correspondence and instructions 1
- issued by Office of Indian Affairs relative to procedure in fiscal i
- ; operations, office administration, and all other activities of the .
-t agency; records of officers and employees, showing original appli- j
“E cation, history, record of leaves of absences, signatures, copies
'1 of bonds, details of travel and visits, copies of itineraries, j .
changes in ratings, reports of compensation, and record of member— §
»9 ship in associations and organization; records of establishment or : '
abolishment of schools or agencies, and relative correspondence;
-, copies of telegrams, record of telephone service and rates, corre- (
' . spondence relating to mail matters, routes and roster information;
Vreports of inspections and investigations; copies of reports from
boards of survey; record of inspections of supplies and equipment;
f charges against employees and results of findings; complaints, ‘
t i"?! . I
xiv;w’;.V-.:., . Z

 r A. .l,, .w,., ,,,, .,u. ,-
Office of Indian Affairs, Sacramento 207
reports of Senate investigating committees, reports on peace offi— 1
cars, reports and record on liquor enforcement, judgments, and de-
cisions, record of arrests, suits, fines, and penalties, and pardons 1
for offenses; requests for transportation, copies of requests for
transportation of employees, transportation of employees, transpor— ;
tation of children to Indian schools, and records of automobile
mileage. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 108 ft., in 60 draw— ,
ers of steel filing cases. R. 330 (Bldg. A). (886) 3
1119. BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, Jan. 1890 to date. Records of }
buildings and equipment, showing bids and awards for acquisition of 3
sites, repairs and improvements, farm dwellings, hospitals, heating, ‘
lighting, water supplies, insurance covering schools, agency build— ,
ings, farm dwellings, hospitals, and other structures, copies of 1
construction reports and annual reports on extension work. (Daily, ‘
. official.) 9 x 12 folders, 3 ft. 6 in., in 2 drawers of steel fil— -
ing case. R. 330 (Bldg. A). (878) :
1120. EDUCATION, Jan. 1890 to date. Reports on teaching and 3
training, copies of contracts with public schools and boarding 1
homes, lists of courses, and copies of educational surveys, monthly 1
and quarterly attendance reports, record of per capita costs, 3
school calendars and quotes, students' personal records, reports on ;
incorrigibles, reports of day school inspector, miscellaneous edu— ’
cational activities, reports and correspondence on 4—H Club and NYA ,,
activities. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 8 ft., in 8 draw— 1
ers of wooden filing cases. R. 330 (Bldg. A). (883) ,
1121. FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS, Jan. 1890 to date. Record of funds 3
and appropriations, copies of yearly cost estimates, record of tri— 1
bal trust and treaty funds, correspondence, reports, and vouchers ,
from State Department of Education, concerning cost of schooling 1
Indian children in state schools, reports on general and improve— ,
ment funds, cash accounts, trial balances, requests for funds from
allotments, and related correspondence; copies of disbursing office ,
vouchers and copies of pay rolls, general accounts, property accounts, ‘1
annuity rolls, requisition register, inventories of stoves and fixed 1
property, journal vouchers, reimbursable accounts, and copies of
sales and reimbursement agreements, annuities, record of payments
to Indians, copies of claims and commutation of annuities, bills :
and vouchers for supplies or stocks, personal services, freight and
passenger transportation, confiscation or destruction of property,
and tax exemption certificates, record of land, farm produce, and
stock sales, copies of contracts for personal services, supplies,
construction, heat, light, power, and transportation, copies of :‘
leases, records of sales of stock. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 fold— ,
age, 26 ft., in 24 drawors of steel filing cases. R. 330 (Bldg. A)- 1
< 76) 1

Office of Indian Affairs, Sacramento 208
1122. CENTRAL ETD RWATIPTICAL, Jan. 1790 to octc. Form 5—129, =
tribal roll, showing flatc, nanasof reservation chi superintcnoent, 1
. name, age, cnfl census number of individuals, sex, marital status, 3
place of legal rccificncc, name of tribe, "mother mayo of this agen— ‘
cv, and ollotxcnt can annuity nunbcts; copies of Indian cutlica— j
tions: ”Infiians ct WOrk", ”Indian Truth”, Etc "California Indian ,
News"; copies of lc:islativc bills, corresponflcnce 9nd newspaper ,
clicpings relating to theler—?Ownrd Bill Eco Johnson—O'anlcy ,
Act; dopartwcntal relations and correspondence, lGlutlflg to prccod— :
ure cud interdepartmental policies; newspaper cliupinqs 226 corrc— ;
spondcncc rclating to Infiian activities attracting public attention; i
copies of tribal cnfl school census ini other statistical reports .
and corrcsoonicncc SCit to Washington; newspaper clippings and
pamphlets, conccvninfi customs and habits of Califotnic Infiians;
uctcnts and trad: harks, corrcsuouficncc anC lCSHl papers covering 1
patents, trndcmirks, inc cogyvights pending or issucé to Indians
who crc warns of this igcncy; lists of organizations intorcstcd in
Inflianc and corrcctondcncc with Ancrican Legion, Daufhtcrs of the ?
Amctican Rovolution, cni Oakl;nd (Cilifornia) Forum. (Daily, offi—
cial.) 9 x l? folflcrs, l0 ft., in 5 drawers of steel filing cases
and in l} iramors of wood n filing cases. 2. 330 (Bldg. A). 1
$95) i
llEB. HEALTH AND SOCIAL RSLATICEE, Jan. 1390 to flats. Reports
of rolicf work, grocory finfi nodiccl orders, contracts with physicians I
not on staff of Umdicnl Division for xcfiic l caro of Inoians; di-
scascs and injuries among Iniions, trachonn can SOCiEl disccscs, ‘
cohorts on tospital ifiaicsions and chirgcs, rocorfis of health cxcn— 5
inations, clinics, and institute rclicf work. (D;ily, official.)
9 x ER folitrs, 6 ft., in 3 drencrs of voocen iilinfi cues and in 3
steel filing coca. R. 330 (Elflg. A). (7°?) ,
ll24. IVDY¥TRIT2 £7? TKTLOT”7“E, Ion. lQQO to dgtf. Roperts E
inc covrrsponfi“ncc 3? school in? agency farms cni uctivitics of Q
4—? Clucg. (Occaciotnl7r, cf‘ici l.) 9 x l? Polflcrs, 2 ft., in
Nooflwn Tilinc coco. R. ??3 ("l5 . fi‘. (034) E
1125. L VT}, J31. 1790 to TLtL. Payers, covr coon? nco, copies
’0? floods o? transttr of l uffl, ,fi'zinf l ”cos, rccord of 2PTTQVS
and attrais mcnt , stttvc if grslic gfii trio l lanai; popcrs “no 1
corrusoonicfico couc coir. titl‘s, V’tzfltc, govt 9875, l :siofi of ,
lfinfls for tgrmini, grizfiug, oil, 'T, uni ”in r 18; r.ficrtc on and 1
TWGlVSCG O” icri”.tion projucti; Toy:ctvv tegorts; comics 3? wills ‘
£10 35$"rfl an” c73r2370no;ncc, T-171€flf to iy*oifitm3nt 03 gu_rdi5ns, j
EJHiHiztvutors, sfid czocutorg; Fata yvlatiif to inn ritafi lunfls and ,
thi V“fifllinr of cit tcs of ROH*P?ijt,Wt Tiiignfl; c0271 to r corfls 11
of ourcnro; cn‘ l.tfi3 for Jilit;t”’;jfiutfl and Ctxoci s; tutccbisc or
rant 1 o? lffi”f Nor rc1o0l1 ST nQLDQirv ox” “i“WtE—of~wrv inc cuter '
Tifihts. (D ilf, official.) 7 K 12 Volr. i7 toll rm, 103 Tt., in ‘,
55 lthurs o? ots.l Cilinq CRflCS. A. 570 (Clix. L}. (Q77) “

Office of Indian Affairs, Sacramento 209
1126., MAPS, Tan. 1990 to date. Construction plans, drawings
and blueprints, township plats, and towedraghical and miscellan— ‘
eous maps. Indexed. (Occasionally, official.) Vsriously sized
maps and blueprints, 1 ft. 6 in., in steel map case. R. 330 L
(Bldg. A). (979) 3
l127. MILITARY flCTTVITIEB, Jen. lR9O to date. T“er records end 3
reports of other military activities of Indians who are wards of
this agency. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 folders, l in., in fil—
ing case. B. 330 (Eli . 4). (Q91) i
1128. SCEEllTL i"? F91? STOCK, Tan. 1790 to date. Coiies of l
bids and awards for material for repairs and improvements, price ‘
lists, 1nd specifications, lists of cattle associations at Eid— :
well and Tule Ri or ?sservations, copies of specifications, pur~ l
chase reiuisitions, price lists of office supplies, equipment and
Jrintina, copies of snnnal estimates and records of open market '
purchases of medical suppliea, groceries, dry goods, school supplies f
and hooks, fuel, niricvltural implements and household sufiolies.
(Daily, official.) 9 T 1? vols., 6 ft., in 3 drawers of steel fil- l
1?le cm‘ a. 33::- (Fldgy ,1). (‘13.3)
l129. UFALLOTTVD FILT, Jen. 1°90 to date. Cornlete record of :
every Indifin under jrrisdiotien of this agency, iiving birth and 3
death dates, tribal name, fingerprints, record of all land matters, ,1
firm and grazing lenses with descriptions if acreaie, record of )
sales, copies of deeds, trust and probate ffi‘LTS, record of patents 1
with dates and Witnesses, Verification of Jurities, copies of )
correspondence to and from individuals, intormition concerning :
allotments, descriotion, date of approval, class of land, and raps {
and ELDGTS relating to inhoritpncas, trusts, and probatas. Iffiled ‘
alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 9 t I? Told rs, 130 ft., in E
SO drawers of wooden filing CUSJS. R. 330 (315 . A). (:74) i
1130. OO?RWUTOVOWdCT, l$2d to dfits. Carbon copies of fill out—
qoing correspondonc . Til d chrinologicilly eel alphab,ticelly, i
by name. (Occasionally, official.) S x l? foliers, 17 ft., in
9 drawers of wooden filini cases. R. 530 (Ride. L). (”Tfié) '
Records in Stozaio 1
Fort *idw ll E:CJ:VKMion Record; {
llBl. FORT FIB Ell HFEERVAWIO?IE Go 75, 179? — lSEl. Tisccll-
encous records con intinf of star diatrEVULirt' fil“7TlVTS, h ilth .)
circulars, Public Veélth Jervic; he“:, Of”icn of India; Affairs :1
circulars, rul a for Indian sohsul Twill? , study J? stud:fit3, l
draft matters, :cntrsl war mitt rs, Utata council 3? lrfunso, food 7
administration, thrift Jamaai n, vonftionil elucation, war savinjs ~
stamps, lizuor TTCUlgtiODS, bullzcins 9 cariin: one: s, valuation
of furnishings, :rcrfiguisitos xii ant istfuoo of 3‘710fiflfl and '

:tr. .3
i” |
, , so; \
[QEE Office of Indian Affairs, Sacramento 210 '
5' :
ltd? children, reports on supervisory visits, fish end game laws, spec— ‘
{cl} ifications of equipment, lend withdrawn From entry, living ellottees ‘
I. f regulations concerning Indian lands, livestock withdrawals, Chicago
'>*fi and St. Louis warehouse lists or surplus cropcrty, school house ,
y ,i construction and couipmcnt, deposit slips, regulations for indivi— ‘
7: duel Indian money, athletic badge tests for boys and girls, plans 1
I;g and material list for schools, medical circulars, general account— 1
EV in; regulations of United states Indian Service, law and order,
}‘ V officers U.8. Indian Service roster, telegraoh rate schedule, re— 1
‘ 1 frigcretion, building operations, heatino, Tire equipment, laundry E
; ' equipment and laundry e uipment circulars, examinations, prospec» g
~ f tive students, orders, animal industry, forest service, plant in— F
b dustry, contract physician, trespass, and damage record and indus— ;
‘1 trial survey, 1999 1 1931; Form.5—128, Indian census roll, showing 3
“ dste, reservation, jurisdiction, ellotnont annuity, identification ,
-0 numbers, Indisn's name and address, Sex, :33 at 12st birthday, de— l
, :' gree of Indian blood, marital status, relationship to road of for— 1
'- ily, whether a ward of United States, end census taker's signature,
'7 11 1912; Form AmOIQ, soplicatiou for allotment of outlic lends, show— 3
_]3, ing place, date, Indian applicant's name and address, sex, minor i
. child's name, descriotion and ecrosfie of lend :oolied for, charac— g
, ‘ tor of land, tribe, applicant‘s relationship to child, child's age, 3
'a statements as to settlement, improvement, and use of land, sppli— l
_ ‘f ccnt's and witnesses’ signatures and acknowledgment before officer 1
, authorized to take acknowledgments, corroborative affidavit, and ‘
,-Q, certificate of register of General Land Office that tbcre is no I
> '5 prior valid adverse right to the land, 1912 — 1921, 1930; Form 2
‘ .'fv 5—255, school census of Indian children, shoving reservation, date, l
. jlfi jurisdiction, tribe, nunbcr of enrollments an? non~cnrollmrnts, E
*,.nfl reason for non—enrollment, total school oonulction, and census of I
, , children under 6 end over 13 years, 1913 w 1929; Fern F—Ofiéc, sb— i
- {33 street of articles expended (Abstract F to cropcrty return), show— ;
“ :3 ins name cud location of sucncy, zucrt r, deto, voucher numb r, 1
,-:;fi manner of expenditure, articlz, iucntity, and Inniwo agent's :
i"f; sifinuture to certificate of correctness, lfilé — 1931; Forms 5—001 j
‘ gfi; and 5—007, extra shoot, obstruct of nrticl»: surchzscd in open ,
' fif market by agent (Abstract A to fivoouriv rcturn), showinj cgcncy, i
1 _;”- Quarter, names of Indian scent and v ndor, voucher numbrr, amount 5 ,
3 g'9? of certified vouchers, arose wciiht, erticl s, junntity, and total ;
- iJ‘ Purchases for the quarter, 1913 — 1931: Form 5—129, abstract of ;
.i“ individuol Indian bank accounts, showing not: and location of F
. ,9?' School, Quarter, cans of bunk, balance first 0? ~utrter, deposits, 1
,ji, total credits, total checks drawn culinfi _u:rtor, belcncc at end ‘
“5 9f luartor, and total outstnnlin, choc :, an 1v is, rec into, 1
_ 1],: amounts of land and timbsr solos, looses, misc llnnxous Indien g
- 1%; money rolls, interest on bank accounts, Conctll d cbgcbs, tr os—
VQS firs at schools, annuity roll, other sourclc, and total and rrc— '
‘3,_ ord of exp ndituros, 1916 w 1931; Form S-fllQ, obstrfict of cash
-,§fifi ljsbursomcnts, showing disburnin; officer's nits, titl , rnd
ififiiii aqflffiss, agency or school, gucrtcr, TiYfl‘flt dates, TOHChzT number, ;
tffififi‘ DfiYCG, DUTDOSC of psymcnt, d sign tionn of :“proprigiions and

 1 i
r , . ,, , .-. ,s .. ., ,., T.
1. j‘
1 96;: 1
fig: Office of Indian Affairs, Sacramento 211 5
‘ "-via
._ 1
‘ ?‘ amounts paid under each, total disbursed during cuartor, deposited g
’,. to credit of United States, total disbursed and dodositcd to credit 1
' ’7 of United States, on hand last iuerter, received during quarter, 5
'fl; total on hand in this guarter, and balance stylicable to next quar— j
';; tor, 1916 — 1951; Form 5—239a, abstract of miscellzneous receiots, ,
YE showing name and address of reporting officer, juerter, date, payer, f
-_:2 payer's certificate, classification number, a firoprietion or fund, 1
f, name of vendor, date, class, special deposit amount, individual In“ E
‘ dian money amount and total, with certificate of correctness; Form }
1 5—115, cash account current, showing quarter, agency, agent's name E
’ and address, debit amounts disbursed per abctract of disbursements, (
other amounts disbursed, credits, amounts by balance from previous (
" quarter, by amount from United States Treasury draft, amounts from ;
other sources, total and balance due United Vistas, and Indian (
' agent's signature to crrtificate of amount of miecellanoous funds ‘
_ on hand, 1916 ~ 1951; Form S—llSa, account current for disbursing (
;" officers in the Unit;d States Indian Service, showing officer's (
name and title, agency or school, quarter, debits to disbursemant, »
‘ purpose and amounts, deposit, certificate number, date and amount, 1
. exceptions to account for QUETDSF, balanc: now dtc United States, ,
_ , and total and credits, showing balanCe duo United States from last 1
account, advance warrant, warrant number and data, sale of crop rty 1
. (Abstract E), voucher to Abstract F, other receipts, disallowancos (
_ conceded in account, and total, with notary public's acknowledgment
of superintendent's certificate of amount of miscellaneous funds I
_ ,_ riceived by him, of balance due Unitsd Stat s, and net balance with
'. United States, 1916 — 1931; Form 5—515, cccnurt of salrs of public 3
'; property (Abstract F to wroporty return), showin: date, agency or (
'_.i school where auction was bold, nan: and titl- of officer in charts ‘
I of sale, purchaser, Quantity and descriotion of articles, encunt of g
;; sale, total, and sisnaturcs of auctioneer 9rd responsible officer
- '§ to certification of accuracy of account, 1916 — 1931; Form 5*251,
_" authority to settle indebtedness, showina amount of indebtedness g
u, authorized to b: settled, inertsr, vouchcr an? ordar numbers,
-}, claimant's name, ~insnditurc nurtosc, fund uizd in making payment, :
,i. amount, tOtrl, nao;, title, school, and post office address of pcr— '
' , son to whom authority is insu d, 1916 ~ 1931; Form 5w239h, c rtifiw (
catc of payer covering miscellaneous receipts from sales and scr— ;
3 vice, showing office to which report is n dt, data, nun: o” igcncy
‘ or school, disbursing officer's hams, authority numb r, urticl: or ,
i SCTViCc, quantity, unit, price, amount paid, remarks, urn; and .
' account number of Indian ontitl d to Crocegdr, and payer's signa— ;
': turn to certificate to having vrid :mount stat d, 1916 m 1931; E
- correspondence with the Office of Indian Affairs 3t Washington,
g. OthCT agencies, school clarks, contractorc, and merchants, concern— :
' in: the administration of the agency, cducation of Indian tupils, }
g“ ESTES? Supplies, buildings, financial matters, law :nd ordcr, etc., i
" 1916 - 1931; Form 5—554, pay roll of Indian frcichtors, showing
_' acknowledgment by freighttrs cc to paymcnt ran iv d, paying offi— :
* ff CCT'S name and titlc, fraigbtcrs' names, subvouchor numbers, ‘
_-r1, pounds carried, starting point and destination, rat; nor 100 lbs.,
f I

 J J . ., . i i
r g ., ,m _ .. .... 1
1, 3
fly}? 5
,V&% 6
,‘f Office of Indian Affairs, Sacramento 212
" amount paid, payment date, check number, Indian's signature or 1
mark, signature of Witness to mark, total maid, and paying offi— ,
» * cer's sienature and title to certificate of correctness of account ,
'"1 and of payment, 1916 — 1931; Form 5~086, proposals, showing name
of agency or school, location, date, time and date for closing re- l
I ceipt of proposals, item number, article or service required, price
per unit, total amount, and signature an'1 address of bidder; ab» é
, stract of proposals, showing bidders' names and amounts of bids; '
Form 5—2613, requests for authority to settle indebtedness, showing I
’ place, date, amount of authority reguest, quarter period, voucher {
and order numbers, claimant's name, expenditure purpose, fund to
_ be used in making payment, and amount, with siznature and title
' of officer making reguest, 1916 — 1931; Form 5—262a, request to
expend, showing fiscal year, fund from Which payment is to be made, i
object, unit price, and total amount, with signature and official
, designation of requesting officer, 1916 — 1931; Form 5~330a, re—
" ceipt roll of employees (voucher to abstract of disbursements), 9
showing agent's name, Indian agency, acknowledgment of receipt of
1 payment by payee, payment date, payee‘s name and occupation, period
- of service, rate of pay, amount received, oavee's signature, wit— ‘
nesses, number and date of chock, bank or institution on which
‘ check is drawn, and paying officer's signature and title to ccrti— ,
- ficate of correctness of roll, 1916 — 1931; Form 5—140a, schedule
, and voucher for miscellaneous individual Indian money and special 9
deposit, showing agency or school, superintendent's and special
, 1 disbursing officer's names, quarter, Indians’ names, present and i
.} previous numbers, source or purpose for which norm nt was made, on
hand at beginning of quarter, total on hand and received, amounts 4
I d posited to credit of Indians, paid direct to Indians, deductions ‘
for expenses, chock number, signatures for cash payments, person 1
to whose order check is drawn or bank deposit number if deposited, i
f_ remarks, authorities, nitncsses' signatures, addresses and occupa—
‘ tion, and Indian's sihnaturo by thumb marks; recrpitulation state—
' ‘ went for individual Indian money and for special deposit, showing §
. balance on hand at beginning of quarter, receipts, transfers from i
.3 other schools, proceeds from trust fund warrants, auditor's settle-
. mcnt number, date, proceeds from sale of cattle and othcr stock, 5
. trespass collections, right—of—way damages, proceeds from sale of
. , farm Uroducts when not covered with a form 1 least, trsnsfcrrcd
*, from bank accounts, transferred from annuity roll, total, and dis—
. Dosition, with certificate of correctness, 1916 — 1931; Form 5-235, E
‘ travel order, showing file number, nan; of njgncv, data, employee's 5
name, hondiuarters, position, travel desi nation, purpose, per diom '
‘ allowance, exponst limitation, transportation request number, and .
' a signatures of superintendent and :pccial disbursing agznt, 1916 — i
V 1931; Form 5‘335, VDUCbmr or claim, shoving vouchor number, place, ;
A date, claimant's nnm‘ and address, items, ,nounts, and total, 1916 ~
I, 1931; Form S-BESa, voucher for miscellaneous axp uses, showing ,
._” place, dati, creditor's name an“ address, dat , subject of claim, 1
- ,' amount total, date of authority, voucher numb r, fluarttr, and meth— ;
_'} 06 Of CQYmont, 1916 — 1931; Form 5‘526a, wouah r for purchases, a
_. i
; 39‘?" £1-

 3 i
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529'; la
‘. i
- _ .3 e
-j, Office of Indian Affairs, Sacramento 213
V 4
i x
_ Showing date, uporopriation symbol, order or lino arc voucher num— 1
.\ tors, flute of orfler or requisition, date of invoice or vouchor, 1
claimant's name and address, name and location of school or agency,
‘“: numbers on packages, kind and contents of packeccs, Frogs Weight, 1
_ quantity, unit, unit price, amount, notation of fiiffcrcnces, total 1
, weight, total amount, contract number, place and Gate of delivery,
. amount approved, date inspected, inspector‘s signature, and United :
“ States Treasury chocl number and amount, 1916 — 1951; Form SuidO, E
. voucher for purchase (cash), shoving place, date, creditor's name é »
anfi address, performance date, item, amount and total, officer's i
signature to Quality and quantity, and chuck number, date, and
, amount, 1916 — 1931; Form S—Bfifid, voucher for trovelinr expenses 1
' of flisbursing officor (cash), showino orcfiitor's name cod aidroos, :
period, purposo, and amount, 1916 — 1931; FOTKS 5—190 anfl E—lQOa,
farming and grazing looses, showing fiato, lofiso, ollotncnt and
_ allottcc numbers, tribe, lossor's and lcsscc'u utmos 2nd signatures, i
" terms of lctso, location and ocscription of property, amount of
bond, certificate of notary oublic vurification of security, and
, lessoc’s otfiflavit, 1917 u l9?8; Form.5—320, indiviflual Indian
. money control, showing date, vouchcr nuubcr, oorioc, agency, debits
, and crcfiits for oocuritios, outgtcndin: liabilitiis, interest, Spoc—
ial doposito, infliviuual moncyo, Indian accounts, and particulars,
1917 — 1931; Form 125 and Subtrcosury Scrvico Form 1746:, disburs—
_ ing account stutcmcnt, showing placc, fiatc, EARLS of officers fur— {
nishinfi and r