xt7zw37kt115 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zw37kt115/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1960 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1960 Vol.26 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, August 1960 Vol.26 No.11 1960 1960 2019 true xt7zw37kt115 section xt7zw37kt115 *2"- _ - . 1 . 1 . 1 -- 2 2,31. "“‘ -H*"“-'-':"':"'=*“‘-"-' 3- -‘ '- ‘ ' "Mm -- n-a- -
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' l l W AUGUST,”

4‘ l: , l “/th is the connection between than
l lll l‘VV l l l‘ W S It + )l'itforms and the role of newspapers ml
1 ‘ . | I A 1 . - ll
Wl lll| ltllllltll 11' P SS + S e ee vertismg? Well, bOth plathrms Dionne n el
Vl ‘lVl’l V The Kenn" y re H t Industry Spendingi‘nd momspendmg' Theonl-V‘l' e
l3 ll ill! ; lg: Newspapers "I | R tes forcncc is that one would spend more h
‘l ll lli 3 l 3 Volume 26, Number 1] By Cul't‘lng Nationa (I the other. SO, whichever party wingspenl A more colorfu
l'lll lllV V: -1 ' P blication Again we are forced to mention the harm ing of money Wlll .reach new highs. Th in any one City 112

l V: lV lglV l l Effigfgss issociation, Inc. which comes to our entire industry through means more taxes either by increase mer that of HenderSO

. l; lll lll ll t l' KCEZ‘fthky Press Service, Inc. price cutting- A newspaper should estabhlsh ing rates or opelllllg new fields for tail“; newspaper folk. ht

3 ll". ‘1 a. - . . . 4 . 4' v '

l lVllll ll” V 1- ' R Portmann, Editor q fixed SCale of rates and stick by them.- T .1c or both. By far the 1111(1)0r source 0f men commlllllt)’ activi
‘ lV‘l llll l ‘V; Vlcwr hl . Associate Editor ‘ . tian'll 'ltlvertising rate which is carried In in newspaper publishing, whatever thesii Journalism actl

Vllllll hi l l l‘ Perry J. As 67: b lilac 1111mm] K P A—KPS directory should be of the paper, is from advertismg. Hist “1132; with thet

"33!3 1) l. er 1"“ ‘ - . ' ' . "

1 gllll 4‘: J,‘ l l hMeIECr of Commerce 13de of all advertiSCIS not llflVlllgIStorcsdn one field which so far has GSCElpCClIdlIftll bizm under the1

l ll fill ,d l i: gingugyeffiglagers Association your City of publication (pOSSIl)ly inclutlllflg taxation. There we have thelconnectionh‘ Abbott as p11b1rl§lll

3 .l - l w . - . - . ' r t ' J t ' '

l lll .llll ‘ 3 I sistaining Member your immediate Circulation tCl’l‘ltOI}, suC1 "15 tween platform pr01111S(.S "111C IICWSpapeiiil the printCI- 1 1-1
l l 4 National Editorial Associatlon you r countYl . 't volycment. . . tuallY 111€rgC(kI’:Vn
lll V l‘ l. l Associate Member , . ' .. ent incident brought this to oura - It is not idle thinking to assume than Soutll Kentuc 1:

l 3 ‘ 1 . ' Assoqation A “C 1-. t n . - - ‘ . rs we

- l ll » l3 National NCWSPaPer Promotlon tcntion very forcefullY~ The “For 151 g tax on advertismg W111 be COHSIdCTCClW several pal)C 1h

ll ll ll' l , Printed by The Kernel Press manager of a weekly wrote a malor Tell- means to meet the increased spending 11ml sonlet0135t“1.\l

l. V“ ll l . m “CSSCC advertiser offering a 50 cents 136““C1 posed by the platforms. The fact will licallyimnotlcef-
:‘E _ l’l 1 . l 41 The Kentliclty {2:31:66 of the implied trust rate “since your ads would not come this is already" in the cards as promotedlngl were the Courlcn
‘1'3 .lz‘v t 1111' _ . . c I n . 1- ... “ .‘ u . ’ .‘

lll‘fi l l {undigynoi newspapers “"d d'ssemma“?n of through an agency. Thier national late 15' booklet titled: The Blg DLlelonylmtl, Weekly 5311’ tLl'C
lll“l l ll ll lelfilcin/‘ornmtian. It stands for ""lh’ {ll-”nest; listed 'is 63 cents and TPA was aeraCl.‘ Indulgence or National Power? \Vflltenlll and the l'ree All
V ll 5 uV' l ‘ ' I )resentfl £071 7 “ . ’ . . . i 0 - i . v t r C Is “left
‘VV'Vll lVll l , ammwy’ “ml (infancy; mCritnltfnsi of Journalism. working With that 'chlVCl‘tlSCI‘ attcniPtmfg.t Arthur SclllCSllngCrv In, H‘mard professtl man) pape f all

‘ ll‘lll 3 3 l news, as set forth ‘11] .t‘: standards in its adver- sell him on enlarging his area of advertlsmg and personal advisor to one of the pn succeSSfI—ll 1 0 I .

l'r'l3. 2‘: [-‘tgucai . , » ‘ . .. 7‘ ‘ . . \ /, ' l; econ]

l lll t 3 .jl l l l” advoccgltsfnsnmlt opposes the Publ'm‘w" of to include this particular weclxl.‘ and $113“ dential candidates. \VC qUOte lUSt t“Oil-l Gleauelhtlled tod

. 1‘. 1 1 ' . V t A . l ’ . ~ I
ill! ‘a l , 4 415:);irarida under the guise 01‘ "ews' It affirm: in that area. The cut—rate offer made .l W sages from the booklet. ing pu 181 f t
l‘llll 3. : l l PT I s , . a newspaper to frank, hones , ill - raised a question in the , ‘ 7‘ 1.. of the fifties Amen The older 0
. llill l 3 lw 3 l the obligation of _ . It respects newspaper Datum § c . _ “During thc (locate v i , - l‘
I‘ll l5 ll: V 3 l d fearless editorial express'om- , ' ’ ‘ I about the T‘cltCS he 13 P3? . ‘ .v .13 leCll monevor’ IIICOI‘POl'EltCd 11'1
llh; ll‘ ll l bl a" . ' ion and the right of every m— advertisers mint ‘ b" med cans spcnt three times t _ '. l b1145th on DE
ll: ll will matrix”! (2f (Ellicipation in the Constitutional log for the 16 bapCrs already emfig t1 ‘ ,Klvcrtisi11g as they did 011 1“th educamll p“. of the i
4Iltl .‘5 it: " 0 - y. ‘. ‘ » ius ‘ ' ~ ~ ~. t , r
llll lt' ll ‘11VS1 (1:11:14 gift“ of Freedom of the Press. It believes This one newspapers price—cutting 0 cf ll As a conSCqUCHCC of this IIIVCStDlCIltt game; Lyne w
l lll lV VV Vl: lg]: the newspaper as a vital ’"Edmm for; mg:- jeopardized a good advertismg 1)rograni,]a ()UR W 011th every American todal’lflml loll? l\ll #1 Y‘
Li? 1“ ’ . - um ' ‘. .. . ‘. ( 16V ‘ ’ ' 11 a, “a 5 1 and ' . ems C1 11 1 1
11 11 1 1 1 ; chester, on Novemb 7 3 ISOIiVille. Win. 0 1 01% number, The LOUISVille 116 1mm er was t1“
1 {1‘ ». 1 city to get the d‘ of ~11 19>8, was the first fi 211] a1] .DDD calls, when th 0f Better Business B mCmber ASSOCiafiUH1Tlmes‘lour'nal. H:
E 111 1 1 1 cities added on {Feet distance dialing New 1115165 dialing the last digit ‘2 Customer “Declaration of R urea“ has adopted; pagctabloid, He
1 :1 i ‘ 2 ' c i ‘ I - c ‘ ' C . ' ' ’ n .

111 1‘11 1 Owensboro B1 ugust 7111Clude Frankfort p lone number wanted an O the tele- IOint action i111 SPODSlblhhes callingfo man and A fluen
11 , ardstowu C ’ mCrCly ask f ‘ 0136mm: W'11 1' ‘1 new 1110Ve t ' I noted b\1 t] 1 ‘
: 11;; 1 : 1 Grange West P - ’ 3U0hton, La 1 . , or the number fr . 1 1‘3 COIIfidcnce 1 , . 0 1mPr0ve 1311]} q 1 m Cdlt‘
1 111 1 11 11 1 1 and $111,111“ (21110111111 Anchorage, LOUisville $1111 13 being placed The Cher Otm Which the Clhhinatioh of dn advertiSing through 1111 The second vcn
1 11:1 1 1 1 ‘ 168 iii lefierso 1 115 numbr - ' ’ a of Wil "ke ” ‘ CCCPUVC or ' - the 'll'C'l . ,
1 1111 1 1 Y n County_ Cf Into the e 1 Y ticeS. Th _ . misleadm 1 n Was tah
1 111 1 . 11 ears of Icsearcl onds ht . (IumCnt. On], e deClaiation 7 k “’31- 1111, .
11 1111 1 111 1 been Clemt ‘ 1 and development 1 u ‘ er thC distant tel 1 . ,3 560‘ COOPCrafiOI .306 3 t0 Expandth 13 “5 who sta
1 11 z ’ ed to the , - ”VG Swit 11 11 . 61’ 10116 Will rm - 1 0f advcrtise e S t‘ 1
11 3111 ‘ 1 1 System t PCrfection Of this n- - Cnng cclulpment g. medla (news rs and fldvertisin mme' Mathew
11 1, 1 1 .1 f , 0 meet the ever in”) . cw iiiatieally haiidl' Capable of auto. ct _ papers, magazine9 . 3 excellent “1111611
1. 111, 1,1 1 1; aster SCYV‘C “15mg H€€d for '- . 111g 3 large vol C‘) “11th Bette ' " Iad101'1'v1 - ‘m
11 1111 1; " 11 151 KerituckV htcthissotL-lthem Bell is investing in (11:15:31Ce calls under the nevt 11:: of long reduce abuses r Business Bureau eflortsm hc 9111103‘Cd excelle
' 11 111‘1 1 11 1 1 111101 7 , ’c ier ne . ., ’ '8 em 1 1 mercnnts,
1 1.: 1 11;- :1 to heh) Speed th h n0f10than $5,000,000 meiit f C€1SSflly development. Thi “.35 The document qsh , . 1896
1 1 1 1 Ion —d' 6 andling of in Llllctions with , 3 equp- rcspom'h'1- ‘ S ‘ldl’ertlsers to saw the t]
11 1 1 1‘ on]g Stance telePhOne quUirement Greased Curacy and dependab‘l' amazing speed, 30 claim ‘1 llty to PrCSCnt Competent map! ““164 in thc Cour
1 I 111» 11Y_1eleven spins of the dial to C s. Usmg The equipment: ”tY: 11161115 when these are questioned proofol Taylor County 1.1
‘V 113: icia' 1313000 miles away Seems like???“ a dialed stores it in ureCClVCS the number COnCildttO fiCccpt rcSponsibilitv for’ It “13 hshedbv R Chm:
‘ 1 ‘1: 1111 Clgl or ac la in - ’ mentor ’1 PC ent . 1’ requirin ' ‘ ‘
, 11 11 111 1 111 l'OSS the 511— g 3 11111103 11 , Y relax/5 d - proof Of 011 - g Buchrnr
111; 1 T1 . est . 1‘0 Imper routin f 1 ’ “61" t10n when . . “ms PUOI to publici ‘ ‘m‘ The 1
1:51 ‘ 1‘ 11 1 16 United States '11 1 1151165 COImeetio g or the C311, CStab— - advertislng C01) 1 ' - ' SC‘UtCOhunii )- ~
11111 1 1111 1 Vided into mol- ‘ 1‘ Canada are d'_ 1 , “7 and miles th d' questionable o - - 3 13 C0nsrdeied . 1 1141—
.1 111 1 i C than 100 . 1 1) lone—3]] 111 th '3 C Istant te]e_ 1 ’ r If It subse - 16315 of pubhc. '
1111131 1 - ,1111 1 .1 areas In mo Dumbenn 1 6 flash of 31 honed bv r11 4 (1116ch IS ques at“
11 1111 :11 ;: 1 1 st cases thes g p an SPCCiflll I 1 1 eye. 1 ‘ C 1y reSPOIISible sou 101d the Phillt to
‘ 1 1 .11 1 or territory bound 1 e ConfOrm to state 7 .‘ 3 cevClOped aCCO - t aSkS £111 BBB’ Ice \‘11 1
1:1 1 11 fines but ' ment is us1d untmg equi . t‘ 5 t0 acce t “ ”1 “’110 innned:

111 1: 1 1 1, 15 Dec ’ 1n 30me C ' C to reco d . p 1C5 33 the a .‘ P ICSPOHSIbih - ‘
11 _ 1 1 essary to have t ases 1t paper t 1 I automatlcgh agcnues of 111 Z) local mCICl1
11 "1‘ 1" 1" one State “’0 Or more areas in 4 am thC Identif 1 Y1 011 11058 to achi , ‘ segments of but. i . Nuts
1 1.: 1 1 - cg] . Ylhg iiu , 1 . CV0 vol ( , . bellsvll -

111 11 1Z1 111 Each . . 1 111111113 find Called telephone inbcr of the serVing as the in .unhrl SClf-regulation13111 11 l C.Pr1}1tlng

11' 35 3.1 111 ,-j code (“1:3 IS asSigiied a three dig1t Cihgth of the 0311 This h S. as well 35 the initiate invest' 11mmal SOuree to “3961"” 1111C1pubhcatlo“ 0‘

1 1’ 111‘ 1 Hum er, Ke t , ‘ 1 area p ete gut . ' c13613 used to ’ lga e or CV'I] . 151mg this fi
1:1 1 1‘ 13 two CO “ “CLY’ for 6Y3 1 - . omahcfllly the 00m to the vali 111 ‘ uate questionsis ““1
1 11 11 11 1 1 de numbers—the 1: ‘ mp c has printing the PTOcess of accurate] r (1 Y of advertisin C1 - M021 what \qu
1 i 1 1 1 . - 'l , . _ , . c 11 c , c prol
1 1 - 1;: Ignated as 606 33mm area ls de _ CI‘StOWCrs bin. 3 C"‘Olllmcnd modifi 1 g ““15 ““111 sin); 1 ,

1 . 1 1 I 1 1: w! and the \VC t) S NC“; tC]€ h . to .11 « Cations, when 11 . 11mg 1t floln 1
1 1: 1 1 11 11 The d' . . 1 S cm area as 502 , . P CDC directmu . ‘(Vertisers 21 en 17 , 606553111 Adm“

1 : .1 111 IVIdIng hne be“ - btrucnong f - “5 Contalu full ‘ inte 1 - ’ g “CS