xt7zw37ksz72 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zw37ksz72/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2007-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 2007 text GLSO News, July 2007 2007 2007-07 2019 true xt7zw37ksz72 section xt7zw37ksz72 \ ? Gaga“ The GLSO NEWS
Q Les tan
1111111 Jul 2007
Organization y
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization
Volume 22 Number 7
‘ 1 Pride Idol
' bi .x-rrl‘. ,' . I I
1 .1? l lexmqlon lvons leather/[em Club
‘1 ' M 2007 Th L ' t L l b t
‘1'; f" . . e exmg on yons cee rae
121: Kalthn strength, unity, and diversity for those
, ~’ ‘ who enjoythe Leather/Levi Lifestyle. Our
4’“??? Massey annual yard sale, the organization's
Kaitlin sung herselfinto our hearts at largest fundraiser, Will be held Sat, JUIY
the picnic this year_ The crowd was 28,83m,at3473CaStlet0n HiHDr.jUStOff
particulariy excited by the yodeling skins TateS Creek Rd. BenefiCiarieS range from
she demonstrated on her rendition of the New Orleans AIDS TaSk Force to our
Leann Rimes' "I want to be a Cowboy's 0W“ GLSQ- Th? Lyons are sponsors 0f
Sweetheart". We hope to hear more from AVOL 393'“ ”“8 year and contribute to
this young woman. Congratulations other local QFOUPS through member
Kaitlin! contributions.
This year's yard sale will offer
Bluegrass Fairness clothing, home improvement goods,
electronics, PC components and
4th0flu1y Parade peripherals, books, music, videos, and
Join Bluegrass Fairness for another more including the-obligatory yard sale
4th ofJuly Parade in downtown Lexington. crock pot. An 'nV'tat'Ona' adults only
We will be creating a float and would love section will feature novelties and media
to have you join us as we walk through as well as phenomenal leather clothing
downtown Lexington. . Come to the line items and toys, bedroom accessories,
Midland Ave, next to the Herald Leader, consensual explorations. Sales W'”
around 1:30. The parade begins at2pm.. support the-upcoming 2008 Heart and
You should not have any trouble finding us Sp'nt education weekend
-wewill be the mostfabulous peopleinthe Jom the Lyons for the most
parade. anticipated yard sale in the Kentucky
If you missed it in last month's community. moreinfo onpage 5-
newsletter, Bluegrass Fairness has
become independent from the KY ,
Fairness Alliance and plans to work on The LQXIngton
LOCAL gay, lesbian, bisexual, and I ”(ms
transgenderissues. lfyouwouldliketo be 1 .‘Li Lyons
on our new mailing list, please e-mail us at f l,
bgfairness@insightbb.com. There is an 1: it July 28
article about Fairness on page13. rut yard Sale

 Imperial Court ony
GAY AND The new monarchs for Reign 260hoosen
" fix L E S B | A N at our June Coronation are Emperor 26 Brad
(““9 SERVICES Shepherd and Empress 26 Lawren LaMoore
‘x'fi (Chip Adams). See a wrap up of Coronation
ORGANIZATION 260” page14_
Lexington, Kentucky The first event for Reign 26 will be the
annual Investiture Ceremony, where the new
Publishes the GLSO News Monthly monarchs announce titles for the year and
Val. 22 No.7 their respective lines of descent. Please look
for flyers and posters announcing the date of
RO. Box 1172 Lex_, KY 40588 this event, which will be held in July. You can
www.lexingtonglso@yahoo.com keep up to date with the court by visiting
PrIde Center Office Manager Inside This Issue
Bill Chandler . . .
Pride Center Actuaties a e 6
859 253-3233 _ P g
Retirement Strategles page 8
News Editors Discovering Our History pg 13
Mary Crone - Jackie Cobern F . 688 I 'cle e 13
Sarah Phillips Pag
Court News page 14
Attorney- At- Law
Telephone: 859.281.5619
Email: mtlaan gl1@whgt.net
‘_ ,_ j; » Estate and life planning for
J: f .. ».. . individuals, couples and families
* "‘“ Hi it '* Creating domestic partnership
7 ' I '7' agreements
EL‘V—“Q: I. .
" Organizing and advising small business
% Advisin and 1' ram ' those urchasin
e ,L l g ep ting P g
1%“ or selling residential or commercial
V“ real estate
main Tight Hugh, me
'11-'- i ll. abusing:
Page 2


 U C
°k i ”w“ E SATURDAY
0f )f‘ 1‘1: .7 : H
1% R J U LY H
3473 Cosile’ron HIII
Jusi outside New Circle Road off Toies Creek
ii C; “x/ E L'i‘lE 3;
L 13 x42. '1’ H E i l "i E m .3
5: ii ’3 2.1; l i “3/ E F U ii H i T3 H l N '3 .3
Liifiiix—‘xii if A; JD MEDIA MATEHL—LJ
New Orleans AIDS Task Force: Moveable Feast; Lexington Kentucky GLSO; Pride Center of the
Bluegrass: The Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League of Washington, D.C.; Leather Archives and
Museum: Cleveland Leather Awareness Weekend; International Deaf Leather; International Mister
Leather; The Great Lakes Leather Alliance: Kentucky Fairness Alliance: AIDS Volunteers of Lexington.
Member, Mid America Conference of Clubs Experience Kentucky’s Energy! CLICK us: VVWW.LEXLYONS.ORG
Page 5

GISO Pnde Center
389 Waiieir Ave. 859 253=3233 Wm M) to 3 M0 “ Fr W = 2 Satin
Regular Activities Low Cost Printing at the Pride Center
E WWW N It a o
“my .7 m 9, 3" ”9E“ Color Printing $.50
AMAmWeflmme call 253-3233
Remington Insight
New Coordinator — Please attend 3 89 wallet Ave.
and help set new direction
Lexington Insight is in the process of NEED YARD ”EAR
reorganization. Dana has volunteered to . A
be the coordinator and would love people ISED BEDS
to attend and discuss how the group can REISILé§711L
be responsive to your needs. Join us on
July 6, at 7 pm for pot luck and a movie. MOWING
Dana will host the group on the first
Friday of every month, at 7 pm. I f you TRIMMING LIGHT
could like to volunteerto host an additional H AULING
meeting, or have suggestions for other
activities, call Dana at 859-230-2428." WEED EATING
On the fourth Saturday of each month
Dana is planning "lnsightOut" activities.
These activities may include hiking, call Jane
bowling, or attending a reading group at _
Joseph-Beth. Have some ideas? Call 494 542 7
Dana atthe numberabove.l 1 ‘9. t 1.}
,“Keep the love you find. i ‘ V I
Ge! thelove you want!” Ke f Ck Rain
.- n a y
Jessica Bollinger LCSW gfgzzglfiggfgl’aglyagg
Imago :31)???“th Trreraplst H 859 278-7203
Couples, Farriililltyfindiilidual C 8.59 5,7631%;
imagoconnection.com 552-6533 Essentlal 0115 Avallable
Page 6

 m ,.
Flnanc‘é‘a/l Plannlng for a: l. ,

' 3. J
Dome stlc Partners 4‘ L;
Similar Goals. Dryuult Challenges. % ,

, ‘ I Vv» ' "<_ V ”‘

I " I“ W." ‘W‘ *
Domestic partners may share similar goals with married individuals, yet they
face unique challenges when it comes to financial planning. We will help you
develop a plan that’s appropriate to your needs—one that takes into account
not only where you want to go, but also how you want to get there.
For information, call
Mohua “Mou” Das
Financial Advisor
859-335-8118 888-390-6900
307 South Ashland Avenue, Lexington, KY 40502

You & Us 431% UBS
©2007 UBS Financial Services Inc, All Rights Reserved, Member SIPC. Page 7

 Developing 3 Retirement Strategy entire amount can be reinvested in the
by Mohua 088 plan. to compound your return.
FinancialAdvisor 'Contrlbuting- to the plan can also give you

. . . Immediate income tax savmgs. Thats

UBS FInanCIa/ Serwces InC. because 401(k) plans are pre—tax salary
Planning for retirement means far deferral plans, which means you do not

more than simply accumulating a nest egg have to pay income taxes on your

for the years when you're no longer contributions to the plan until you make a
working. It involves developing a long-term withdrawal.
investment strategy that helps you address If you are eligible to participate, you
this critical goal without losing sight of your may generally contribute up to $15,500
more immediate financial concerns, such each year, and $20,500 if you are age 50
as paying your mortgage or sending a child or above depending upon the provisions of
to college. the plan and other limitations imposed by

Where Will Your Retirement law. For example, 401 (k) plans must meet

Nest Egg Come From? non-discrimination tests, which can limit

You will potentially need at least 75% the amount that highly compensated

of your pre-retirement income to maintain employees may elect to defer from salary
your standard of living in your retirement and receive as matching contributions
years. Therefore, before you can formulate based on the amounts that non-highly

a cohesive retirement plan, you need to compensated employees can defer and
determine what your sources of income will receive.
be in retirement. Individual Retirement Accounts

Social Security Benefits. “IRAs”

These days, Social Security represents If you don't have an IRA, you could be
only a small portion of the income most passing up avaluable opportunity to save
retirees will need. According to a study foryour retirement. Whetheryou choosea
done by the Employee Benefit Research traditional IRA or a Roth IRA, the same
Institute, individuals 65-years-old or older basic tax-favored principle applies: every
whose post-retirement annual income was dollar of earnings can be reinvested to
at least $50,000 would generally derive earn more without having to make current
only 13.1% of their retirement income from tax payments.

Social Security. As a result, an investment in an IRA is
Your Company Retirement Plan progressively worth more than the same
Past generations relied on company amount invested in a taxable account.
pension plans to take care of their This powerful feature allows you to
retirement needs. While many companies potentially accumulate more assets than if
- still maintain defined benefit plans, many you had invested the same dollars in a
have switched to or added defined taxable account.
contribution plans, such as 401(k) plans. The Responsibility to Plan Is Yours
With a 401(k) plan, the responsibility is on The majority ofthe income you'll need
you to contribute to the plan and determine in retirement will most likely come from
how your savings will be invested. you. That's why it's vital that you take the
If your employer offers a401(k) plan, time now to develop an intelligent,
you generally have the ability to invest in a practical retirement plan that can help you
variety of professionally managed pursue yourretirementincome needs.
investment options. The earnings on the Agood way to start is to participate to the
money you invest are tax deferred, so the fullest extent possible in a 401(k) plan (if
continued on page 12
Page 8

g; 6580 MINBW 5m
:3 The Imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252-3914
our A Charity Organization
e a
rou 2007 PRIDE MON 17% SPONSOR:
23 Scott Ackerman....................................................(mobile) 338-8483
50f For all your real estate needs
if: SisterSound 8060243
my Diverse music for all women
n Richardson Vision Center
1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside..............................................278-4201
be Ernesto Scorsone
V: Attorney At Law 2545766
"5 Unitarian Universalist Church
'to Seeking a Diverse Congregation................................................223-1448
e t '
n Kentucky Fairness Alliance
lis Bluegrass Chapter8064114
ne .
nt. Windy Knoll Farm
It: Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding.....................................299-7410
8 Debra Hensley lnsurance.............................................................276-3244
, 1513 Nicholasville Rd.
3,: Lexington Lyons 6193650
1e Levi and Leather Club
)u Ky. Department for Public Health1 800 420-7431
18 HlVlAlDS Branch

. Page 9

 GLSO Newslefler Calendar To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 ~-
J u LY 2 no 7 Visit us on the web at: www.webspawner.com/users/glsoqxnet \ .
' ' ° “ ' . ' 'l - - - A ‘ - . - - - Thursday Friday Saturday
More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call or ‘
email the group to confirm the date and time, see the directory on back page.
. Weekly Activities:
Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC Call for Place may be abbreviated- Call
8pm - Gay/ Lesbian AA
W Discussion/Speaker(Ca/l for
“A. __ _ . - 1t . .. .._» ~ I- _~ --3-.v,“9~ _ w ,u .4- ,.-.4,«v _ ,. J Her.» ye, -., 4» ,- ,.-.-,:.u-..-(,.-_-, .W 1 w. .37..th Man-I gm mes.» mfgewflm,..75.,....._-,,m\ I ._, w ~'..-".~;-"cs- I.-_,_J,I._:, _ I, ,5 “I,” ,_I,. , J” 2... , J_.«,v«>7':'-M."' mam? ,. , v . JV 2, WWW-J, w, .m. o .,J_. ,J..._,. J,._ a,- ,,.- e- 15;; v,...t,-I,,,I_-J.,.J,-I,I,./VIJI ,3. .; '3‘. .71; ”wt '»~JJ..-:&r»v-, » Location] 278_7/,03
122388 (SDtIngIchais 230%)“ (call mph“ 266' 7P GLSO DiSCUSSiOH Center Open 1MP 7p Lexington Insight Center Open 10a-2p
oulForce ( Jamie 230-5625 Group-PC _ Potluck & Movre @ the LexDGA Call for Place Tuesdays:
r Inte n'ty @ St Mi h l' 9p Karaoke Tunesday 8P Gay/LesbianAA Prlde Center _
p S. tg S d R. h C ael S @ The Bar Complex C3" for place 943-3434 7pm ' GSA (GOV STI'OlghT
p IS er oun e earsa AWeekly Benefit for INDEPENDENCE DAY Alliance)
The Pride Center 1 oin fairness in the Parade 9pm - Karaoke Tunesday @
I1:30-|Ine up @ Main & The Bar Complex
. . l . . I . _ e nes ays:
$1388 a MYIfhals 7p GSA (call for place 1 7p GLSO Discussion Center Open 10"3P ' " 0P9“ 10' 2P 7pm _ GLSO Discussion Group
a “‘0 266-5904) . Group-PC P Games NIIIII PC .
SouIForce ( Jamie 230-5625 8p Gay/Lesbian AA 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA [Call for
4p Integrity @ St. Michael's 9p Kamcke Tunesday Call for place 948-3434 Location] 278-71 03
6p SisterSound Rehearsal gvmgbggrfi'g
6:00 I ' l . ° .
p mperra Court Mtg The Pride Center Frldays.
‘ 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA
W m “managesizwgmtnamumrramafimmx...” WWWWMMW“".&.; (00” for LOCOT’OF’1278‘7703
- ting: I 7p Lexmgto" Ly°"s'PC 7p GSA (call for place 79 GLSO Discussion W OW“ ”"39 ml. Open 10"” ' Saturdays:
, - 266-5904) Group-PC
9 Ja . ma. . 5 .
4p ity( @ I . . . . 9p Karaoke Tunesday 8p Gay/Lesbian AA
, Call for place 948-3434
6p Sounugfi - , @ The Bar Complex Sundays
AWeekly Benefit for ‘ 90m & i lam - UU Church
Newsletter . i"lne The Pride Center Worship Services.
”WWWWWM’aZQeMxmggw““2...”wamemawmmwmawwwwwzaum 10:30 ' M053 St MVChG' The
_ 10:30 a StrMychal's 7p GSA (Call for place l7p GLso Discussion Center Open 10a-3p 7p Lexington lnsight- . ,. Open 101-23) Mom/l- _
11a UU Church . :30p GLSO Board “9- 266-5901 Group-PC Out (new monthly 6pm - SisterSound Rehearsal @
oulForce ( Jamie 230-5625 9p Karao e Tunesday 8p Gay/Lesbian AA - Loxlnaton Lyons Yard Sale Landsdowne Presby. Church.
p lnte - St M' h . outing) the group
Jgnty @ . IC ael s @ The Bar Complex Call for place 948-3434 - d t k
p SisterSound Rehearsal Inten SI 0 see .
.:00p Imperial Court Mtg. ' Weekly Benefit f" enterta'ment ““5"“? m""’"."‘
. he Pride Center The Center. Call Dana 6pm - The Imperial CCU”
' for details 230-2428 SoulForce -Call Jamie 230-5625
t 8; 4th Fr'da s:
Monthly Activities: '5 ' y
Mondays: Saturday: Sundays:
7:30pm - GLSO Board Mtg. (4th Mon.) 7pm -LexDGA lst Sat. 4pm- Integri1y{2nd Sun)
7pm - Lexington Lyons (2nd Mon.) 7pm- Singles Support 2nd Sat. 4pm- Gen Y/ntegrity (3rd Sun}
Page 10

 Developing a Retirement Strategy situation.
by Mohua Das, Financial Advisor Depending on your needs, we can help
continued from page 3 you implement your retirement
_ strategies through both our advisory
your company prowdes one) and make and brokerage capabilities. 1
annual contributions to an IRA. Both give '
your money the potential to grow on a tax- 1. Employee Benefit Research Institute 1
deferred basis. tabulations of data from the March 2006 |
Professional Advice Current Population Survey I
There are many tools available to help 2, YOU must meet certain adjusted gross i
you quantify your goals and implement income (“AG/’9 limits in order to
your plans. By working with a professional contribute to a Roth lRA. i
financial advisor, he or she can help you 3. All ora portion of the amount \
develop a retirement plan that suits your withdrawn from an iRA may be subject l
particular goals and circumstances. to ordinary income taxes. In addition. |
Through education, patience and a withdrawals taken prior to age 591/2may i
disciplined approach to saving, you can be subject to an additional 10% tax E
pursue your long-term financial goals. penalty for an early distribution. \l
Neither UBS Financial Sen/ices Inc. norits UBS'FinanCIal Serwceslnc. does not . E
Financial Advisors provide tax or legal pr ovrde tax or legal advice. Consult W’th
advice. You should consult an attomey or your tax add [9.98, advrsors r agar ding r
tax professional regarding your specific your Specific Situation. a
T ' mm . - . ' ' .. 1"? fire. “I
Get the News at your doorstep and support the GLSO “v
’ “i
-"..1-‘__‘ :'~-:.i.v,~;.~._1\.~g. {2' ~.