xt7zw37krk6w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zw37krk6w/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1921 journals kaes_circulars_001_1_090 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 090 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 090 1921 1921 2014 true xt7zw37krk6w section xt7zw37krk6w I*'··· ii · COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE
]I‘ 1·\_'i ~‘
'·‘=¤~ Y~ Extension Division
I|i11i· V
M `l_ THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director g
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Renewing Old Orchards in Kentucky
First Year Results in a Five Year Program
H. R. NlS\\'ONG}·ZR
Lexington, Ky.
February, 1921
}’l1blishe·¤i in i—·»im»·i·(ii»n win; {hp ;i;i·i`·u1mi·;il ··xien:11 of (hi- 1_‘nl1`·;(· of _-\gri4~11iii1rv, i`lli\'•Jl`Sii)' Of K¤·Hlll¢‘k)'.
with the I`. S. I>c1¤:irtiiwi1i of .\;riuultur··. zinil ilistrihuteil in iiiriiior-
unce of the work pi·ox·i¤l4·d for in the- Act of <‘uii;i·i·ss of May S. 1014.

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Renewing Old Orchards in Kentucky .
First Year Results in a Five Year Program
'l`he (i(l\'t‘l`lIlllt‘lll ('rop and (`eusus Report for ]ll?lIl}' years
has shown that the State of l{t‘lIl\ll'l{_\' ]tl`t1Llll<‘(‘S 111illi<111s of
l»ush1·ls ot` apples; in lS|lT it raiiked St‘\'('llll1 i11 ]ll‘t)tlll<'llf)ll. The
tuiestiou naturally arises wliere these apples are ]>I‘tNlllf‘•"(l. and
\\'ll•‘tllt‘l' they t'¤»llll‘ i'l'tllll ('f>llllllf‘l`t'l&ll tl]`l'll2lI'tlS or l‘l`0]l1 smaller
plautiugs tlistrihutetl tltrttnut the State. (`2ll`•‘i`lll Ul)$(‘l`\'21llttllS
tliselose the t`a¤·t that llll* ('Ul]llllt‘l`('l2ll 0l't‘llH}`ll of apples have
limited the supply of 1101110 {I1‘(l\\`Il i`l‘lllf i11 our 111a1·kets. The
apples ])l‘tltlllL't‘tl i11 this State under good orchard practises
are uf excellent quality. and there is IIU good reason why we
sliould not supply our 0\\'ll ]llZlI‘l(ClS.
Tl1e farm o1·el1a1·ds, ll(t\\`l‘\'(‘l'. are rapidly disappearing,
tho some are eapahle of ])l`(l(llll'lll{I ll(>I'll12ll crops. They were
plantetl, for the most part. hy ]l.Ell`Ill(‘l`S who k11ew little of
0l'Cll{1l‘tl I1l{lIlillQ`l‘lllClll illltl who hardly expected tl1e trees to
bee<>111e a source of farm lllt‘()lllC like other crops, but hoped
they would at least produce some fruit. for 1101110 usc. As a

' 4 ('1`r¤·11/¢11· No, .‘/U
result, thv oruliurll wus ollvh pluutwl in u purl ol` thw l`ui·m ‘E,· ill
wus voiisillvrml llll|>l'l>(llll‘ll\'<‘. uml tho li·¢·<·s w<·1·<· |¤·l`1 zi. ..,» in
for lll<‘lllSt‘l\'l‘N. u·
lt is mit lllll‘(lllllIll>lI for l`urim·rs to n·xpr<·ss lh•· oy»iiii·.;i   lll
upplus vuimot ho grown us l`orim·rl_\‘. uml thu! lh·· oi·<·h;ii·i{ l_ ~·¤l
4l¤·tci·iorutv¤l lo thv point wli<·i·•· it (lows not puy In y»im»},,,., _
spruy outfit uml spruy mut¤·riul. ;\;:ui11. thc humlliiig ..;` ~ l
trcvs will 1·<·¤;iii1·<· too 1um·h thm-. uml tho olhwr l`ui·ni ··;·.;\ i
woulil Sllllil’l'. lu muny <·us¤·s tho orvliuril is lo¢·ul···l on u i'.~·_  
rl (lI)(`l'2lll`|l   il lollillll “'llU \\-lll lllll \\`(lI'l(   (‘X<‘t‘Ill lll ll*·‘ ` l
‘ g’l'¢>\1l1zlNIllI'¢’_ (nl' lim' gI'¤»\\'lII;;‘ {‘(lI'll or l¤>l¤u¤·¤·i»_  
Tho qiicstiniiis us to whut it will vos!. how mm·h mw, ·  
will tulw. uml whut I`t‘llll'llS muy liv <·xp¢·¤·t¤·i···li;;:·»E~  
cmituiiiiiigg vvry olil trvos thut huml lwvii iiiiitilutvll hy luuvzus Z
ull tho lowor limhs (ll‘Sll`i)_\<‘(l lay tho ux or othvr imuiiis wl·i···    
~ COIlSl(ll’I`£‘(l. It l' qiiulity whioh in mosl ·‘¤l**" im,
fell from thc trcvs lwforc muturity. The hodios uml llmhs of

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11f s1-1-1-1-:11 f1-1-t 111 111-1-1-1-111 1l1,11ll`_\' 1.l'1llll 111-111 11111-1-.
.1:’01Z1'j1frZ $11-1111- JI11/1-/1 I1'11111111111111/11/. A 1-:11-1:1111111 11-»~1.1
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A [E0 1110 11111-:110 11f s1111:1 :11111 $11-:111- :1s il1111\'1‘. 111|1\\'  
lL"l‘01l1l(1 11111 (ff)\'("l`(‘11 11-1111 1111- 1111111-11 :11111111 1`11111- 1111'11(`S 111---11:1:11
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01-1111, $11011 :1s 01111-111-:1s 111- $111-111-:111s. 11-1111-11 111:1_1- 111- 1111-111-11 111111·-t-
111 1110 f:111 2`111(1 1`11111111-011 111 1-_1-0 111- 1-_1-0 :11111 1-011-11. 11lC 1:1111-1- :11
1 1-0111:1111 1111 1110 g1-11111111 :1s :1 11-111101- 1-111-1-1- 1-1-1111. '111l1‘ 111111111-111!
Spl‘11lg' 1111-11 llll(1C1‘ this CO\’L‘1' 01-1111. :11111 1-11:11111111- 1·111111-11:i1»t1
as 111 1110 111-01-1011s 3-0:11-.

1f¢·neu·ring Old Orchards in Kentucky 7
nd had l ,.y. The nitrate of soda provides innnediate plant food in early
there hai spring, which is essential for early development of fruit buds.
The straw and cultivation hold the moisture, a limiting factor
sm-j.,m M iu {mir produ¤·tion, and 1uruin;: under cover crops provides
. perl1;ip for future plant food.
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mrnth. 01* zipplo wnriii. The svmiitl vcniiiliiiml si»i·:1_v l··ll<·\i‘···l
two wccks ltitcr zuid coiisistuil of 21l`N<‘ll2iT(‘ <»l' ltwitl t'¢·i· thv ¤··»·llZi:£
111r»tl1 ziiul liiiiwloziiix llllXllll't’lE; l'<»1· tht- appli} hliiivli tlisozisw.
'lhnrilrztux llixtiirw Ji·—l-50. `
l, Iii>:<<¤l\e· Zi y·<1uiiil:< of l»lii··st<»ni~ iii gi xwiiiilwii Ur ":;I‘;\illl~· \‘»‘.i!”
but-l;r»t of lint water by :<11s|v•·iiiliii;; th4· l·li1i·>t·»11t; iii ;t t·l·»ih >:i¤’l< >i* li
will hun: il <:·mpls· of inches iiitu thi~ \\:lt¤·I`. _
2. Fluke; 4 ]munrl:< i»t` geiml siwiw Iim··_ ¤liliit·· ;tii·l stiwiiii it ll1l"i?"
Sl>1·:1)' [sink ur lnzirrvl {tml ziilil zilmut 1`0 unilnns oi` w;ii··i‘, _`
LZ. liiiiit-· Lhe· l»itit·st<¤iit· suliitiiiii with N nr 1** :;iIl<·ii> ·»t" u;¤r··r ;ii1~i_;ii:;
to th<· tsiiik <»t` Iim<· w;it¢·r‘, stirriiizs w··ll its this is ¤I·»i1··, ’ii1.il!i`11·!*?·Y··
_ \\'2l[i*l` eiinuuh tn make- Sit usilluiis in nil. l\{»y»ly ui niitw. __
Il` mi1i·l1 sprziyiiiz is tn liv ilniiu, it is ¤»t`t··ii mi»i·¤· i·¤m\*·iii·-lit 1** YW}§"
up in nrlvstrice s+·p:ir:ite· stuck snlutimis nt l»i.th i»Itit·s1i»m· :m·i limp -¤l ~·vf
FZIIQ Oil fvIl•· ynnulirl tn <·:i<‘li gnllnii ni` \\‘:itv~i·_ I1` thpsp :~iimt·l; e$tN wltielt oeeurred when the trees were blooming redueed
  tilt? Set oli fruit eonsiderably. (`ool, eloud_v weather ]t1`t‘\'2llllllfI
thruout the blooming season. largely prevented tlte bees from

I2 ('IiI`('l([(lI' N0. .*10
visitiitgg tht- tlowt-rs l`o1· vross pollittutioti. uml hml mm·h lo ·l·t
i witl1 the- fuiltm- of muny blossoms to st-t fruit.
'l`h<- totul yit-hl wus ($48.2 httsltt-ls, whit-h alot-s not. im·ltttl·-
uhout 125 httsht-ls thut. wort- tmttla- into 2l()() gullons ol" \'lllt'}IiiI'
in tht- Bla-(`oy ort-hurtl. 'l`ht- gross rt-tttrtt wus $l,()r%ti.()T. All
ux·oi·ugt- prim- pt-t· husltt-l ol` $1.56 wus t‘<-vt-i\‘<-tl l`ot· tht- umllu,
ot·t·l1u1·tl rtm. uml 25 ct-nts pot- gullou wus ullowt-tl l`ot· tlt»~
vim-gut'. Y
( 'l`ht· totul vost ol` [>l`t1—pt·otlm·tin-;
'l`ht- vost pt-1· t1·¢-t- wus >lt‘l‘ tt·t-t- wu¤ . . ljfi
'l`ht· tlttutttity ol` t‘lt*2lll l·l'llll ]>1·otlm·¤-tl this li1·>t _v··ut· wu~
l2ll'gl‘l` lllilll l‘Xl>(‘l'll‘(l, ('(|llNl(l(`l`lll¥ lll(` llllllll)(`l' (Il. l`2llll> llllli
<¤<·<·ttl‘l'0tl tlttrittgx the- st-usott of S]>l'2l_\'l|l;I uml tht- vomlitiott of
mutty of tho tix-cs. Most ol` tht- t>l`<‘llill'4lS wotttuim-tl \'2ll`l<‘llt‘~ »tt··l
u> Ya-llow Tl'illlS]>2ll't*lll. lit-tt l)ux‘is. uml Xluitlt-tt l’illl>l1 wh§··t
un- vt-ry sttswptiltlt- to tht- upplt- l>lot¤·h tlist-ust-. 'l`hi» tlis··;t~~
>pi·t·utls vt-ry rupitlly tlttt-ing tlump \\`l‘Ellll\*l' l`1·om tht- l»lot~·l.
l'2llll{t‘l'S on thc limhs to thc l.l`llll. A\lElll_\' ol` tht- trt-tw w··t··- ~·~
hunlly ittft-stt-tl with those 4‘2llll(<‘l'N thut it wus i1upt·u¤·tit·ul»l·- t-·
t'llT out ull tlist-use-tl l\l'il.ll<‘ll(‘S uml thost- thut wt-rv l··l't wm- z;
xottt‘t·t· of ittlt-vtlott. Notttt- utltlltlttttul ill>]>ll(‘illltlllS ttl. li¤t1‘]tl`il_\'lll§l`. thut
>ut·h <-xtrat upplivutiotts we-ru impot-tuttt.
'l`l1<.- ])(’l'('t‘Ilt2l{Il‘ of itttpt-t·ft-t·t frttit. lll}\\'t‘\'t‘l`. on tht- Yt~ll»·w
'l`t·ut1spu1·<-tit in two of tht- ot·t·ltut‘tls. tlitl not t-xm-t-tl om- pt-1‘
ot-ut. uml the- upplt-s sohl on tht- lovul lll2ll'l{t‘l l`o1· uu uvt-t·;tg··
` of $3.Ul) pt-1* httsltcl. Tho upplt-S from two \\`im-l··<. ° {lb ‘ 4
»¤- hh 'why ‘ ¥
V), V Q ‘ ` >
)·¢ V yr x 1 iw ~—
A ' ' ’ >
Y · . , `. .. }‘ “  
` , } ( .‘ ,
1 ‘   ¤· " ~·
5* _ r, l 1. *' .
an 11··7 l ·' ' x I   ' X,
Mi`?   {   ~.—
  ` ______ _é__ ___;__ _ ___; _
j‘,*.\ll \.i.!w~»¤ ·~ l¤.~x\‘—··~   *11. -1 · =Ti—V
. hlvlv 1‘l’l|l1 &|ll<1 :11 |¤··|lll¤l~ Ml. <‘\|l1~1 lll~‘ l1llIl‘~·1il¤‘\\`1llQ l\\‘¤·1ll_\‘—li\‘•· 1`<·•·I illlill`1. l11l¢1v‘l‘
in W 1110* <*¤.l1¤1lll<¤ll~. \\'l11l 1111* •‘Xr·~‘]¤ll¤»I1 nl. ¤{ll1·¤·!‘¤·]11·¤·~ lll ¢»]‘4·1g;3y‘.1
YUM ][]Ql[l§|!l']]I•`ll1_ 'I'1ll‘ ¢·<»lrlI‘<»l wl; llw wnlllllg lillvill, ;1l¤[»l•· ~<·;1l>;;l1·l
`hlll 1;|I•· ]‘»lI~ \\;n~ v·\w·¤*•‘¤; 4-:1K]>, Ill ll >.
'1l¥•' 'l`h·- axplnlvs nu tlw 1111i1·¤·;1I¤·11 {rows \\’<·1‘<· ln;1liz1g·0 on th.-
{01- 11`(‘2l1<'l1 11`(WS WHS 01. 21 (1Z1l`1{ {Il`l‘l‘l1 (‘\\`T1l was ;;<>ml. (111 thv otlwr lmml. the trees that

= 14 (i'1'r1·ul11»· No. N0
did not r000iv0 th0 soil t1·0at111011t, })l'\llllllg and spraying: imple
a poor twig growth and thc loavvs turiivd y0llow and 1li·opp1»(]
Tho or0hards IIOXY ycar, with l`z1voral>l0 roiitlitioiis, hai-.
ring accidents. should do at loast. as wvll and prol>al>l_v l»·~tt·’·i·,
Tho owuors and tunants haiidliiig thvso or1·har1ls all (‘X[>I't\1·1·l1ar1l in thvir mt
eral farm work. and {:111*0 tho ll01`ll('l1ll\ll'2ll ])t‘j)2ll‘lll1l*Ill as-
$111711100 that th0 good work will h0 0o11ti111101l.
l F
’ Z

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