xt7zw37krc50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zw37krc50/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-10-16 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 16, 1987, no. 513 text The Green Bean, October 16, 1987, no. 513 1987 1987-10-16 2014 true xt7zw37krc50 section xt7zw37krc50 » u
Number S13 October 16, 1987
October 16 Gallery Serles : Patricia Montgomery,
Sc oo 0 Mus c.
Noah Webster, 1758 — 1843, émerican
teacher and journalist, compiler of the
I earliest Amerlcan dictionaries of the
American language. A
October 19 Sir Thomas Browne, 1605 —- 1682,
English physician, scholar and author
of Religio Medici.
October 21 Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1772 —— 1834,
English poet and essayist.
October 23 Gallery Series : "'If Wlshes were
Horses': The Horse in Children's
Literature" : Lecture and slide
presentation : Anne McConnell, College
of Library and Information Science.
October 25 Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1800 ~—
1859, English essayist and historian.
. _ Pablo Picasso, 1881 —- 1973, Spanlsh
" °`‘` painter, sculptor and engraver.
October 27 Dylan Thomas, 1914 —— 1953, welsh poet
‘ 1 and playwright.  
October 28 - Anna Elizabeth Dickinson, 1842 ~— 1932,
American orator, author, abolltionist
and feminist. Called the "Amerlcan Joan
of Arc."
October 29 James Boswell, 1740 —— 1795, Scottish
biographer, author of the Life of
Samuel Johnson.
Next Green Bean: Friday, October 30, 1987.
»f¤adlNe for TlC§U€lODZ   Octwr 23, 1987..
he QWS 8 Bf O 8 IIlV€l’Slty J
. Production staff: Editor/typistz Bonnie Jean Cox; yplstf
proofreader: Ca of R ta; irlnjnfz C il Madison.
6 Ken uc ly Tnbrarnes

 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK a UK alumnus and Library
Thanks to all the sharp—eyed Associate, I just wanted you to
GB readers who noticed that my know how pleased I was with
first two issues had the same this issue.
number. That should give
future archivists something to Sincerely,
grumble over. Proper numbering
recommences with this issue. Joseph G. Smoot,
Thanks also to those Vice—President
contributors who have begun to for Development V
use electronic mail to Phxsmmghstmm
communicate with us. University
NEW STAFF ,__ WELCOME AB0ARDg ******x*w**********xxwe*w**x**x
Judy Fugate, Collection
Lori Thompson ...... Medical Development, recently received
Center Cataloging the following letter: ‘
Pamela Brackett .... Special
Collections September 22,1987
Janet Layman ..... Interlibrary
Loan Dear Judith:
Angela Prather .... Microfilm I'm writing to thank you for
Center organizing an orientation
Denise Stinnett....Microfilm lecture for Latin American
Center Studies 201 on Thursday,
September 17, 1987. Beth the
Bon Voyage and Good Lugg students and my·tea<:h1ng
colleague, Joe Jones, seemed to
Jean Karsten...Acquisitions, feel that the session was very
retired helpful. I like the materials
that you prepared for
_1 STAFF TRANSFERS distribution. All in all, my
{ only major problem with the
Shirley Greene ........ Medical beginning of this course is
Center Serials that it may have set too high a
standard. I'm not certain that
ABOVE AND_BEgQ§D we can keep it up.
This course has been offered
Jun Birchfield, editor of for many years at UK, but is
TheUKentucky Review, recently now being offered for the first
receive t e following letter: time on a genuinely team—taught
September 30, 1987 basis. To meet our pedagogical
Dear Dr. Birchfield: goals we depend   the
The Kentucky Review came a cooperation of a variety of UK
few days ago and almost faculty and staff. we much
immediately, I sat down to read appreciate the time that you
it which is unusual for me. devoted to LAS 201.
The issue on Thomas Merton is a
fine contribution to
_ scholarship and distinguishes
the Review, UK, and Merton. As

 You can rest assured that we Services. Before relocating
will call on you again. with her family to Lexington,
she was the Library Director at
Sincerely, Lees College 111 Jackson, KY,
Kenneth M. Coleman for 14 years.
Instructor for LAS 201
She enjoys reading, sewing,
STAFF RECOGNITION all kinds of outdoor activities
—— and working( and playingz) with
Jean Robinson, Technical children.
Services, was omitted from the
previous list of staff members GAINES CENTER LUNCHEQN
who were recognized by UK's
Human Resource Development The next Gaines Center ,
office for more than 20 years Luncheon will be Wednesday,
. of service. Jean received a November 11, from 12—1 p.m. if
30-year service award. David Olster of the History
Department will discuss "Jews,
STAFE_ACTIVITIE§ Christians, and Other· Races:
The Ethnography of Religion in
Gail Kennedy, Assistant the Ancient world." Please
Director for Technical contact Rob Aken at 7-1631 to
Services, was elected the new make a reservation. (Submitted
president of the Kentucky by Rob Aken.)
Library Network's board of
directors at the network's LSO NEWS & NOTES
September 30 meeting. Mary
McClaren, head of acquisitions, Tkne Li.bx7a1:y S‘ta:ff
is the new secretary of the Organization wild. hold ax bake
board. (Submitted by Gail and craft sale Friday, November .
Kennedy.) 13 at 9:30 a.m. in the staff
. lounge of King North.
Among the 35 faculty and
administrative staff advisors A sign—up sheet for
who will be working with donations of crafts and baked
freshmen in UK's honors program goods for the sale will be _
are Rob Aken, Reference passed around to departments
Department, and Paul. Willis, soon.
Director of Libraries. The 3
advisors will serve as monitors LSO wild. againi have a » ..
for the students' journal Thanksgiving basket for A
writing project. donations in the staff lounge.
All donations should be in by
NEW STATE QIQQ November 23.
Mary K. McLaren joined the The annual LSO Christmas
Library faculty as the new head party will again be held this
of the acquisitions department year. More information will be
on August 17,1987. forthcoming as the date nears.
Mary earned her MLS from the LSD will also be cellectirg
University of Pittsburgh, where toys to be donated at Christmas
1 she specialized in Reference to The Nest, which is part of

 The Spouse Abuse Center on LS/2000 PST (PRODUCT
walnut Street. Christmas boxes SUPPORT TRACKING) REPORT
will also be placed in each
department or branch for The Systems Office learned
donations which go to the UK at the LS/2000 Users Group .
Medical Center for toys for meeting in Raleigh that OCLC
children hospitalized at Local Systems Support Center is
Christmas. starting to work on non-
If you have any questions or critical PSTs sent in April of
suggestions for LSO or would 1987. Many of UK's outstanding
like to volunteer for a PST problems fall into this g
project, call Joyce McKinley in category. As a PST is
Acquisitions at 7-8395. resolved, the Systems Office _
(Submitted by Joyce McKinley.) will send you a note that ‘
contains information on the - »
MAILING LIST problem and a word or two about ?
the way OCLC fixed it. So far
A current mailing list of not many of these have been j
all library personnel is sent out except to people with I
available from Kate Black in locked item records and patron
Special Collections. The list records that have ghost fines.
(names and departments only) Data corruption is considered d
is on wordstar 2000 Ma1lL1st critical by OCLC and these two
and can be used to produce problems fall into that
labels for inter-office category. OCLC has resolved
mailing. (Submitted by Kate many problems for us, but most
Black.) involve the MV10,000 ‘
mlnlcomputer and its hardw_a_r_e   V
OCLC VIDEOTAPES FOR VIEWING and software problems .V`’
Please continue to sent PSTs ‘
Two more videotapes produced to the Systems Office. when
by OCLC are now available in you do send in a problem,
the Library. These tapes were please put your name and
procured through Interlibrary department on the form. You ·
Loan by the Technical Services may use either the formal PST
Staff, but other library form or the old Problem Report
personnel may view them as Form.
well. _
The tapes are (1)O tical LOST YOUR F16 AUTOLOGON KEY? . (
Disk Technolo (23 mln.) and
OCLC Re ort #2 (27 m:Ln.). The On October 6, Local Systems
Iatter tape includes "when "fixed" the TV955 terminal
Users Need Help;""The OCLC handler and wiped out all of
Future Terminals Project," and the autologon keys and extra
"The Center for Research programmed keys in the TV955 .
L1brar:Les." OPAC terminals. Although we
Both tapes will be available had them correct the problem
through October 23. If you are immediately, the keys that were
interested in seeing the tapes wiped out had to be
call Mary McLaren at 7-8388. reprogrammed individually.
- (Submitted by Mary McLaren.) Mark Cetrulo, the Systems
Office student worker,

 reprogrammed the keys in most programing.
of the libraries. Since this
took time, some libraries were 7. Type 1LIV
without autologon for most of a LS2KTV955JQP
day. LIBCAT just as if you were
Listed below is a clip-and- logging on. Remember the 
save description of how to represents the return key. gg
reprogram function keys F8 not type  as four
through F16. F16, the characters!
autologon key 1s used as an
example. 8. Hit the  key on
the numeric keypad to lock the
1. Hold down the  key program in place. 1
and hit the< SET UP/NO SCROLL> A
key. This puts you in the 9. Hold down the  ·
terminal set—up mode. key and hit the  key to exit the set—up
2. Use the right arrow key mode. "
to move the highlighted bar to
PROGRAM and hit the  to save .
BAR>. your data. 1
3. Make sure the first Now test your  key.
highlighted bar displays SAVE Make sure you have logged off ·
ON. If it does not, hit the prior to test1ng.(Both
 once. submitted by Tarl Keller.)
4. Use the right arrowykey CPR SESSION
to highlight F1=· /ES .(
is a symbol substitution for The Staff Development
the way the TV955 displays the Committee is sponsoring an “ ·
 key in its function overview of Aid and Cardio-
key programming. when you are Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) ‘
programming function keys in by Greg Rash of the Health, y
this area, you hit the actual Physical Education and 1 -
keys you would use to perform Recreation Department. 1
the operation if there were no The one—hour session will be (
function keys. The TV955 will held in the Peal Gallery on l
display characters or leave Tuesday, October 27, at 8:00 Q
spaces on this llne to show a.m. and repeated Thursday, (
what key strokes it will October 29, at 1:00 p.m. i
perform when the function key All library personnel,
is hit.) including student workers are
encouraged to attend.
5. Hit the  key to edit (Submitted by Kate Black.)
the  function key. (
6. Hit  and
 keys to clear the current The Kentucky Energy Cabinet
information in the function key recently donated to the
programming area for the University "The Energy Series"
function key you are a six-—program video package

 M 1
dealing wlth energy-saving SOLINET WORKSHOPS L
measures and energy management
techniques 1n both residential A wide number of Solinet
and commercial/industrial workshops are scheduled in
settings. October and November at various
~ The tapes are available sites in the Southeast and at
l through the UK Audio-Visual SOLINET. The R&g1StIat10n
Services facility of the Office deadline for the workshops is
of Instructional Resources. two weeks before the scheduled _
date. Complete information is
KENTUCKY SOLINET USERS GROUP available in the gg office.
The Kentucky SOLINET Users Administrative Use of the
Group will be held on Friday, Microcomputer in the Library: (
November 13, at the University $60,mem ers;$90,non-mem ers.
of Louisville cu1 the Belknap November 10 at College of (
Campus in Louisville, Ky. The william and Mary; December 3 &
afternoon portion of the 16 at Solinet. ·
progrann will focus on. NOTIS,
UL's automated system. Abrlef Audio Visual Format:$40,
overview of the schedule is members; $60, non - members., .
listed below. Registration November 20 at SOLINET.
deadline is November 6, 1987.
A registration form (which may Books Format: $40, members; -
be copied) is in the_g§ office. $60, non-members. November 16
at SOLINET; December 9 at 1
8:30-9:30 Registration _ Mlllsaps College.
9:30-9:35 welcome ` · _
9:35-10:15 Business meeting patabase Pre aration: $30, f
amielmuuon members; $45,non-members.
10:15-10:30 Break November 18 in Atlanta,GA.
10:30-11:00 SOLINET update
11:00-11:30 Linda Reel, Dialog Company Intelligence:
executive dl- $55, mem ers an non-mem ers. ‘
rector,Kentucky December 15 at SOLINET.
Library Network
11:30-1:00 Lunch Dialog Legal Applications:
1:00-1:30 David Carlson, $55, mem ers an non-mem ers.
D1rector,Sys— December 17 at SOLINET.
tems Office
1:30-2:00 Judith Niles, Dialo S stem Seminar: $125,
1Mxector,Tech— members and non—members.
nical Services December 16 at SOLINET.
2:00-2:15 Break
2:15-3:30 Panel discus- Interlibrary Loan: $20,
ion of Techn1— members; $30, non-members.
c&LSe¤dces November 19 at SOLINET; (
workflow. December 8 at Mlllsaps College. (
. (Submitted by Tarl Keller.) Introduction to Lotus 1-2-3: ·
$60, members; $90,non-members.
November 13 at the South
Carolina State Library. ‘ ~

 Introduction to PC/MS DOS: cultural comparisons and the
$60,memEers; $90, non—memEers. relations of libraries to a I
November 9 at College of national system. For further I
William and Mary; November 12 information, contact CLS-
at South Carolina State Library, 1700 Asp, Norman, OK
Library. 73037 .
LS/2000: Free, but registration SECRETARIAL SEMINAR
required. November 17 at
SOLINET. A one—day professional
development seminar for
MSXX/Micro Enhancers: $40, secretaries will be held ~
memEers;$60,-members. November November 20 from 8:45 a.m. to .
19 and December 14 at SOLINET. 4:00 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency
in Lexington. The seminar ‘
OCLC Link/Reference: Free, but focuses on enhancing people I V
registration required. skills, organization, self- y
November 20 at SOLINET. improvement and time and self- S t
management. Registration fee g
OCLC Searchin : $20, members; is $98; further information is l
$30, non-memgers. November 19 available in the gg office.
at SOLINET; December 8 at E
Patron Use of Microcom uters: . j
$60, memEers; $90, non—memBers. The annual meeting of the p
November 11 at North Carolina Kentucky Historical Society 1
Central University; December 4 will be held November 6 and 7 `
at SOLINET. at the Old State Capitol in
Frankfort. Registration for V
SC350 & ACQ350: Free, but the two-day conference ls $35; l ‘
registration required. early registration is l
November 17 at SOLINET. suggested. A photographic l
_ exhibit from the Society's
Serials Format: $40, members; photographic collection, "Old I ‘
$60, non-members. November 17 Images -- New Exposures" will 1
at SOLINET. open in the Old Capitol on y
November 6 and will hang  
SEMINAR IN ENGLAND through January, 1988.  
The University of Oklahoma NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF BBS's  
in conjunction with the The National Director of I
Bodleian Library at Oxford Bulletin Board S stems is now T
University is sponsoring a two- available in tte reference I
week seminar, May 22 — June 4, department (Call number 1
1988, on the theme "Engllsh QA76.9.B84 N37). It contains »
Libraries and Llbrarlanshlp." two listings for Lexington: I
The seminar ls designed for Data—Net and Lex—1 as well as
librarians interested ln the nine in Louisville, one in
social role and present Independence and 1 in , »
practices of libraries with Catlettsburg. (Submitted by Rob I
‘ special emphasis on cross- Aken.) ¤

Mana 1n Information S stems Cataloger, Chinese Language.
and TecH1`1oIog1es: A Basic Gulde Un1vers1ty of Colorado,
or Desi n, Se ec 1on, Boulder. Salary: $22,000-
EvaIuaE1on, and Use By Edwln M. 25,000. Deadline: December 4,
Cortez and Edward John 1987.
Kazlauskas. New York: Neal-
Schumann Publishers, 1987. ILLINOIS
Call number Z699.C645 1986.
Head, Circulation Department.
TECHNICAL POSITIONS The Center for Research
L1brar1es, Chlcago. Salary:
Library Tech. IV, grade 8, $25,400—38,200. Deadline: ·
Per1od1cals/Newspapers/ until position filled. A
Microtext (night supervisor,
Sunday-Thursday) . INDIANA
Instruction Librarian. Purdue
ARIZONA University. Salary: $20,000
minimum. Deadline: December
Central Reference Llbrarian 15, 1987.
Communication Arts. Un1vers1ty
of Arizona. Salary: $20,000. Cataloger, Human1t1es.
Deadline: November 16, 1987. Un1vers1ty of Notre Dame.
Sala-ry: $20,000 m1n1mum.
Central Reference Librarian Deadline: December ·l5, 1987.
Business/Social Sciences.
University of Ar1zona. Salary: NEW JERSEY -
$20,000. Deadline: November
16, 1987. Circulation Librarian. Rutgers
University. Salary: $28,547
CALIFORNIA minimum. Deadline: December -
1, 1987. .
Asslstant Dept. Head, Map and
Imagery Laboratory. University General and Human1t1es
of California, Santa Barbara. Reference Librarian I or II.
Salary: $24,012—42,264 Princeton University. Salary:
(As s 1 s t an t /A s s o c 1 a t e). dependent upon qual1f1cat1ons.
Deadline: November 16, 1987. Deadline: November 20, 1987.
Coord lnator of Prospect Director. Rutgers Un1vers1ty
Research and Prospect Library. Salary: $50,000
M a n a g em e n t S e r v 1 c e s . minimum. Deadline: December
California State University, 1, 1987.
Long Beach. Salary: $28,392-
34,188. Deadline: October 20, .
1987. »
8 _.

 oxr..AHoMA TEXAS l
Head, Social Sciences Division. Director of Libraries. North
Oklahoma State University. Texas State University, Denton, ,
Salary: $27,500 minimum. TX. Salary: negotiable.
Deadline: November 20, 1987. Deadline: November 1, 1987. ,
Head, Acquisition Department. Bibliographer/Cataloger RISM
University of Oregon. Salary: Libretto Project (temporary 12 d
$25,000—33,000. Deadline: mo. project). University of
November 1, 1987. Virginia Music Library. I
Salary: $18,000 minimum. y
Collection Development Deadline: November 2, 1987. L
Librarian. University of V
Oregon. Salary: $35,000- Librarian, Collection
40,000. Deadline: November 1, Management Services Dept.
1987. Virginia Commonwealth
University. Salary: $20,000
PENNSYLVANIA minimum . Deadl ine: October 3
25, 1987. ~
Reference Librarian/Cataloger. N
University of Pittsburgh. WASHINGTON y
Salary: commensurate with
qualifications. Deadline: Execut ive D1 rector .
December 15, 1987. ASSOC18t1OI1 of Research
Libraries. . Salary: not
English Dept./Comparative specified. Deadline: October
Literature Blbllographer. 31, 1987. V
University of Pittsburgh.
Salary: commensurate with Museum Specialist. National
qualifications. Deadline: Museum of American History, ‘
December 15,1987. ¤1v1s1¤n of Musical
Instruments . Salary: not ,
TENNESSEE specified . Deadline: not
specified. · _ ‘
Collection Development
Librarian. University of
Tennessee. Salary: $25,000-
28,000. Deadline: October 31,
1987. l
Assistant Director for
Collection Development. U
University of Tennessee.
Salary: $40,000—50,000.
Deadline: November 30, 1987.
9 .