xt7zw37krc4d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zw37krc4d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1983-02-04 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean and The Wax Bean, February 4, 1983, no. 399 text The Green Bean and The Wax Bean, February 4, 1983, no. 399 1983 1983-02-04 2014 true xt7zw37krc4d section xt7zw37krc4d   . EJ   T; _  
2-4-83 V No. 399
h C 
February Q - The Gallery Series—Recital
February l0 lecture and Reception Sponsored by Library Associates
February lO Training at UK
February ll The Gallery Series—Recital
February l5 Preservation Workshop
February l8 The Gallery Series-Lecture A
February 2l Training at UK ‘
February 23 Training at UK
PLEASE NOTE: The next Green Bean will be issued on Friday, February l8th.
Any items submitted for this Green Bean must be in the Director's Office T
no later than lO a.m. on Tuesday, February l5th. Emergency items can be
submitted to the editor by phone after the deadline.
Contributors: Faith Harders. Cathy Hunt, Cheryl Jones, Liz Pogue, Ann Short,
Teresa Starns, Paul Willis, and Gerry Webb (Editor)

— The Perservation Workshop, which was canceled for January 21 due to the .
ice storm, will be held February 15 at 9:00 a.m. in The Gallery. A11 ,
interested persons are encouraged to attend.
The following programs will be presented in The Gallery, King Library-
North at 12 noon;
February 4 "Music for Two Guitars"
Michael Fogler and David Thomson, guitars
February ll ‘ "French Music for Cello and Piano"
Suzanne McIntosh, cello, and Lucien Stark, piano
February 18 A lecture on an aspect of Black History
Dr. Aingred Dunston, lecturer
Professor Susan Groag Bell of the Center for Research on Women, Stanford  
University, will present a slide—1ecture on "Christine de Pizan and Her
Times" on Thursday, February 10, at 3:30 p.m. in The Gallery, King Library- 1
North. A reception will be held in the Solarium.
Professor Bell's visit to the University of Kentucky is in conjunction with
"The Illumined Word," the current exhibition of Latin manuscripts of the
14th and l5th centuries drawn. from the Libraries' Department of Special
V Collections. This showing is on view until Sunday, February 20, in the . `
g Freeman Gallery, University of Kentucky Art Museum. p
The University of Kentucky Library Associates invites you to attend.
The workshops and training programs listed below are sponsored by the
Lexington Campus Personnel Division, Human Resource Development Department,
and are offered free of charge to University (non-faculty) employees. All
programs are held in Room 15 of Memorial Hall, and enrollment is limited to .
25 participants. To enroll, call the Human Resource Development Office,
7-1851. I
February 10 Examining Your Supervisory Skills
February 21 Accounting grocedures A
February 23 Introduction E g gcplanation of Oglity Circles
The Citizen Exchange Council, a nonprofit, non-governmental organization
that designs professional and cultural exchange programs to the Soviet
Union, announces a professional exchange, "Libraries of the USSR," from

il July 10-24, 1983. 0n—site meetings with Soviet library professionals _
i in Moscow, Riza and Leningrad are planned. There will be demonstrations
and round-table discussions of Soviet 1ibraries' services, structures and
·   funding. In return, American librarians are encouraged to present infomation
  relevant to their own institutions' practices.
Y 'Ihe American Library Association is sponsoring this in—depth exploration
  of Soviet Library systems as an extension of its support initiatives
  addressing the international responsibilities of the library profession.
i; For a brochure fully describing the program, write or call: Citizens _
  Exchange Council, 18 East iilst Street, New York, NY 10017, (212)-889-7960.
  LT IV, grade ·6 Biological Sciences Library
i If interested, see Ann Short.
  Assistant Librarian, Technical Services - Head of- Cataloging Department,
, Indiana University—Purdue University at Indianapolis. Salary floor: $1£+,500.
f Deadline: February 15, 1983.
- Music Librarian, Arts Library, Humanities and Social Sciences Department,
g Pennsylvania State University Libraries. Salary: $20,000  
p` Deadline: February 28, 1983.
  Head, Special Collections Cataloging Unit, Stanford University Libraries.
A Salary: Librarian, $25,356—$31,800; Associate Librarian, $22,2i+8—$27,000.
t Deadline: March 4, 1983. _
  Head, Cataloging Automation Unit, Monograph Cataloging, Technical Services,
5 University of Michigan. Salary: $19,600   Deadline: February 7, 1983. I
I Coordinator, Bibliographic Instruction and Reference Librarian, Reference
. Department, University of Michigan. Salary: $16,900   Deadline:
. February 12, 1983.
  Head, Systans Unit, Administrative Services, University of Michigan.
' Salary: $30,000—$35,000. Deadline: February 1i+, 1983.
L If interested, contact Faith Harders.
Q Class ring found; please contact Teresa Starns in Administrative Services
Q and identify.

   I     _
* r I q y.
  H NAIS. J!hA.\
J ra
l January 1983
g Jane Dean and Jean Robinson were honored at the LSO Christmas
Luncheon in December for having worked in the library system for 25
, years. I talked with both of these women and found out some interesting
things that I'd like to share.
* JANE DEAN, a technician in serials, lives in Versailles with her mother
and her daughter Sylvia who is studying computer science at LTI. Jane
has actually worked for the library for 28 years -— she worked 3 years,
quit for a few months and then decided to return. The honor she
received was for 25 years of CONSECUTIVE service. Jane began as a
typist “back when we typed every card -- subject entries, added entries,
everything!“ She is grateful to have had excellent teachers and
I supervisors, people like Miss Katterjohn and Evelyn Evans and others who
‘ have shared their knowledge freely with her. Jane likes her work and
feels fortunate to be working with such a good group of people. She is
a member of Glen's Creek Baptist Church in Woodford County and most
_ enjoys going home after work and just plain relaxing!
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Jean Robinson, left, serialz; technician in King Library, and Jane Dean,
secretary in cataloging, are congratulated by Paul A. Willis, library direc-
tor, for their 25 years of service each to the library. The two women
were honored during a holiday luncheon at the library.
JEAN ROBINSON thought she would stay at the library about six months
when she began working. But, here she is, a few months longer than
that, working in the cataloging department. She worked in a photography
studio and then got married to her husband Clarence when he returned
l .

 l from the war. They have been married for "going on no years“ and have
1 two children —— Sue, who works in Jacksonville, Florida with displaced
T homemakers, and Steve, who works with his father in the family business,
~ Robinson Body Shop on East Vine. Clarence and Jean also have three
grandchildren, one of whom was in Jacksonville's Junior Miss pageant.
T Jean is active in her Sunday School class of Porter Memorial Baptist
j Church and is also in a city bowling league. (She rolled a 18h a week
¥ ago Tuesday!) She enjoys travelling and both giving and going to
j parties. If you need to know anything about parties, just ask to see
1 the notebook she has compiled. Every thought of publishing it, Jean?
Q Karen Croneis
S The 1983 LSO officers have met and we've got some great ideas and a
Q lot of enthusiasm for LSO for this year.
, We want to start things off right with a Valentine's Day Tea on
l Friday, February 11th at 3 p.m. in the Staff Lounge in King North. The
g main purpose is simply to get together again (Christmas seems like a
l long time ago) and meet and greet friends old and new. We will
j introduce the LSO Departmental Representatives and get the membership
l campaign rolling in fine fashion!
{ Dues for 1983 will remain at a very cheap $3. We want to have the
i membership campaign wrapped up early in March so that we know how much
  fund raising will be needed. (The 1983 Treasurer‘s report will be in
, the next WAX BEAN. From that you will get an idea of where the money
l goes.) I was surprised at how much things like the Christmas Luncheon
Q` cost!
( You will be getting a flier about the LSO dues in the mail shortly.
# Bring the membership form and your $3 to the Valentines Day Tea on ~
{ February 11th!
Q We are also looking for willing souls and hard working bodies to
i serve on LSO Committees. So far the committees are
i -- Social Committee (see Cecil Madison)
¢ —- Program Committee (see Perry Bratcher)
! -— Staff Lounge Committee
? -- Bylaws Committee
i Contact any of the officers if you are interested in working on a
_ committee. Comments, criticisms, etc. are always welcome.
g The 1983 LSO Officers are:
f President -- Karen Croneis Mathematical Science Library 7-8365
. Vice President —- Perry Bratcher SOLINET 7*8392
T Secretary -- Cecil Madison Mail Room 7·8385
E Treasurer —— Barbara Hale GPD 7‘3!39
f Ombudsperson —- Judy Fugate Collection Development 7-5895
J We are looking forward to seeing you on the 11th. Y'all come now!
E 2

l To Nuzhat Hussan (GPD) on the loss of her father Masadul Hasan last
I fall. On behalf of the staff LSO made a contribution to the American
I Heart Association.
g To Frances Williams (Education Library) on the loss of her mother, Grace
I Crutcher. On behalf of the Staff LSO made a contribution to the
Q American Cancer Society.
l To Sandra MU€¤k$ (Catalog Department) on the recent loss of her father,
I Ed Summers. On behalf of the staff LSO made a contribution to the
I Kentucky Diabetes Associaton.
l WELCOME BACK to CATHY HUNT after a brief stay in the hospital. We are
I glad you are up and around.
JEAN WHITNEY wishes to express her thanks to LSO and her friends in the
library for their kindness during her stay in the hospital last fall.
l Dear Gwen,
l I sincerely thank you and the »LSO for your expression of
I sympathy at the sad demise of my father. I appreciate your thoughtful
E offer of making a contribution in his memory to my favorite charity. I
I suggest that the contribution be made to the Heart Fund.
I Thanking all of you once more.
l l
/\ . _1 I
c \···Y· \`£` I
Dear LSO Members,
I want to thank you for the beautiful roses. I was so
surprised and pleased.
I I will remember this day for a long time and remember all the
kindness you all have shown me.
‘ Sincerely,
I ,·/A f 5 Q I
I 4 _
l Jean Robinson
I Dear LSO Members,
I The red roses you gave me for me twenty five years of service
I were lovely and I appreciated them so very much. It is a pleasure to
l have such nice and thoughtful people to work with. Thank you.
l Sincerely,
T I   ,(('-*..£ v(_, _
Jane Dean
3 .

 . . ”\ .
I wish to express my appreciation for the many cards, letters,
_ flowers and donations that were made in memory of my mother, Grace
Crutcher. _
My sincere thanks to each of you.
h I want to thank you and LSO for the thoughtful Christmas gift. My
family and I enjoyed reading the Lexington book over the Holidays. Let
me thank you, too, for presiding at the Christmas lunch -- excellent as y
Thanks again and best wishes for l983.
Paul Willis _
This is to thank each member of your organization who contributed
to the generous amount which was collected from you staff and patrons
for the patients' Christmas.
The money was used for poinsettia plants this year. We were able 1
to obtain them at $1.00 per plant and they were beautiful. Growing I
plants are some of the patients' favorite gifts. They seem to miss I
green things when they are confined to the Hospital. The Hospital was I
aglow with the lovely Christmas plants. I know that more persons ,
appreciate your gifts than I can enumerate.
Please express our gratitude, on behalf of the patients, their .
families, and the hospital staff, to your people. ·
Sincerely, l
Mary J. Ireland
Volunteer Director
As you can see the WAX BEAN has once again sprouted. If it is to
continue to grow it will need your help. The WAX BEAN is by the staff
so we need your contributions. Please keep us in mind and let us know
about yourself. Items can be submitted to me at any time. When I have l
enough “news" (sometimes it's not so new) I'll put out a WAX BEAN. I `
know you all enjoy reading it so let's keep it growing.
Toni Powell
To the Library Staff Organization. i
Your gift made to the Cancer Society in memory of my mother, Grace
Crutcher was greatly appreciated. My sincere thanks to each of you.
i'{._l_..__ .   xi`. ri, V

,. All programs listed below will be held in Room 228 of the New Student
‘ Center on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00 p.m. Faculty and students are welcome
and discussion is encouraged.
March 8 Divergent Approaches to Health Care Delivery
April 5 Farming Systems Research
April I2 @ Strategy Q E World Bank
'Ihe Computing Center has recently established a Microcomputer Laboratory
U containing IBM and SuperPET micros for faculty, student, and staff use.
The laboratory is located in Room lO7 McVey Hall and is open and staffed
with a consultant from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. , Monday through Friday.
Micros can be reserved up to two days is advance to ensure their availability
’ by calling 257-2900, extension 207.
Computing Center staff members who are familiar with hardware and software
for the micros will be available for questions and discussion on March l0,
from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the laboratory. The number of persons for the
sesson will be limited; call the above phone number and extension in
advance to reserve a place.
In preparation for Commencement l983, please note the following information:
Rental or purchase orders for academic hoods must be placed with the _
. University Book Store by March l8th. ·
Rental fees are: doctoral, $9.00; masters, $8.00; and bachelors, $7.00.
Purchase prices are: doctoral for the University of Kentucky, $i•8.00, other
schools, $41.75 to $60.25; masters, $39.50.
It is absolutely necessary the deadline dates be observed to insure delivery
of proper attire for graduation. The hoods will arrive by May lst.
The workshops and training programs listed below are sponsored by the
Lexington Campus Personnel Division, Human Resource Development Department,
and are offered free of charge to University (non—faculty) employees.
All programs are held in Room l5 of Memorial Hall, and enrollment is
limited to 25 participants. To enroll, call the Human Resource Development
Office, 7—l?85l.
March li: Research Accounting
March I5 Buccessful Interview Behavior fp; Transfer/Promotion
Applicants `