xt7zs756j280 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zs756j280/data/mets.xml Benson, John T., 1861-1930. comp  scores (documents for music) M2198 .S68 1900z English J.T. Benson Pub. Co Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Gospel music Hymns, English Soul Stirring Songs, circa 1900 text [ca. 126] pages, all music, 20 cm. Call Number: M2198 .S68 1900z Soul Stirring Songs, circa 1900   2022 true xt7zs756j280 section xt7zs756j280  




[jaspechully dedicated to me ch02‘r at Hollow Roe/a










M. LE. Mrs. M. J. HAM”.
r" I l I 1: 451 {E 1 1‘ a?
1 H A —_l .4. #4 Al Al +-
_ -. ‘51-‘11 1‘ 1V ‘ LV_ 1“ ._ .. ”4:1“ - ' ”-1”..- _.
L five—irigq . _* .1 1‘ 3‘ . El!— 11:44.51-
.U I fl V! VI Al Al ‘

1. I long a;- go left E- gypt, for the promisedland. I trust- ed in my
2. I followed close be—side Him, and the land soon found, I did not halt or
3. I start- ed for the h1gh—lands where the fruits abound, Ipitched my tent near

M3' heartis so en- rap- -tured as Ipress a- long, Each day I find new

AAAO,_A- -A.



.~1»-- w—N—H 1

I ___ 1 V 1‘ J‘ —l\. 11.
‘ __ .~~— ‘_____‘3 :_j‘ 1‘
1 £25 " 3L???“ add—Hi; f1 :fi;d u- e—H—_g

U -9
a Sav- 10111', and to His guiding hand; He led me out. to vic— —t’ry thro’ the
tremble, for Ca- naanI was bound; \IyGu (191 full- -y trust- (d and He
He-bron there grapes cfEshcol found With milk and hon- -ey flow- -ing, and new
blessings which fill my heartWItli song I’mev- -er marching 011- ward to that



















F- A I A.—A I - A-IA— - - A - - n
L$£¥QK3EJA—em—- -—*,A—1-ar-+m—u—J——:— Hb&—&—:+-H—k—j
m-LP-v" "-v-Lir-v—v-w- fTV-va-bv-L‘ V—v—b—v—J
. 1 J n \
glrfitgfltrq. 1 1 a“; 1 . ,_ ‘r n l arro— *“0-1: ‘__‘~:;"
515.125: VLTZQTZTgZZZg‘IE Ling—'4' itEl’iii: 3:7:3

great Red Sea, I sang a song of tri-nmph, andslmut— ed, I am free!
led me in, I shout-ed, 1131- la - lu— jab! my heart is; free from sin.

wine so free; I have no love for E- gypt it has no chhrmsforme.
land on. high, Someday I’llreachmyman~sion that? build- ed in the sky.












































#— AL A.- A -A AAA A— A” A +0- P
1 2—11. 1 . {FEET—w"? 1P'r'-r-fi:‘
L‘miggbru-fgwyy’gf} Eli" bf‘i
011011118 V
its—y .1““TH‘ ‘ 1 1“ L 1‘2‘ ..‘ j“
_ _. “.- u "-I — q i J z D h _ n l I“
1 }):lr.ia—:d}_:3:1:_::§.3yj 21—.2‘_,-_:‘ 1 d__ g _. 51:
- -Q. ‘
You need notlook for me, down in E-gypt’ssand,For Ihave pitched my
fi—T'k-L—‘n-‘Lt‘ 'fANI; IA 0 g "AV . —‘_ f:_. -:P.;L—_:;:~:
l gig-WV .-1__,.:tz:rz:*r;=l}: 1" ”a :9- f {1, ,1 1;;
2 1
‘91gizj3r—"B*‘E: “+1t_-_ .jL - iflgflHIr A 11
1:17 a. **~"—~-t#~4Ci——m , ~~ --
'~ :1 [r'fipfl'm‘f— - mflkwr 5‘d‘" iii {til
W V l V V
f) tent- far up in 8911— lahland; You tent far up in Ben-lab land.
. A- .



$210111an 1998. mm. M“). Harris Used 12mm .



< r5. 1_.___ -1.






, I





final, @itrrmgifiié finnga




r - >..._ J










































C. A. M. C. AUSTIN Muss.
n J l‘ h
I A I I I I ' I} I V I I A . I l
19-1 I I I I ___I_ l‘l I J I I
A J l -1 .I'il ‘i’ J I I o _.I l flI .' l l 0-1
“17‘ij :3 3| a A] A] 'lAlKI A gonna-2,.
U 1'— —a- ~o~ V 15'- ~@- l "
1. There is a land of wondrous beau-ty,Where the“LIv-ing Wa-ters”flow,
2. N0 tears are there, no blight—lug sor-row From the cm — 91 hand of death ,
3, There ransomed souls will give me wel-come With 3. “Hal« 1e - lu - jah”shout
4. I’ve loved ones there who passed be- fore me, They’ll re-joice to see me come
-a- 4- -o— a — - 79-"
m—h W—‘h—[W .I W II—T".I"TI. 3—1. I. t‘"""‘
In F‘“ I- r- I-I» w M :- Ir
35W“ I I- I4 4 I1 IL I I L Iva»
h . I I I I i I I I I I;_ .
l I E
1% I I I I I h M m I" g._ l l I
file I '— A“ “l ~_-—.---
m» . ashmmfl—‘i ..-'——_‘III
I r A g g r AI“ AI} a I35; 4:: a v w I
U -Iu- 4L 4-
TheWord of God to all has said it And it sure-1y arm-It be so.
No flow-ere fade, no sum-mere per-15h By the Win- ter :3 Infill-mg Lox-IX
And I shall en- ter in that clt- y, Nev-er, newer to go mu
But best of all, I’ll see my SawiourflVho will bid me ""I el- some horn-w
h 9 Q :0— 164 + Q I. 3. 70— -,0~ 31%; “I4” “L .4.
l-L . Ia Is. a a l; 1-‘- m Fem—fl Ieue—L Eats—w
I: II II IA I; r ' I“.
IEZEZE. I: I I PI I I»- vb”? , .14
I l r






. 1‘»- - 4» 67%; {in .
V I l” I I, I5 I
And I’m go - ing there some day, Some y, sow:

go-ing there, some day,


go~ln *here,

.- I;

day, 1 am go-ing there to stay With Je
some day, some day,



Copyright. 1907. by HalloMack Cc. Used by Der.


: A- ”A (:v\€5& gnu. .


 x No.2


.1» men.“ «mm HEAVEN.

A .‘ffieteyhg'x; ;







Yl A:-
‘ -


I v v V
A ,

_.‘__.g__ 3




my way to
my way to
my way to

heav - en where the saints are robed in white.
heav - en where the streetsare paved with gold,
heav - en, bless - ed land of pure tie-light,

my way

to heav-en where I’ll see my Sav-ior’s face,
- — — ‘— - *-


.- .u





a - I
























Shout - ing glo - ry,
Shout - ing glo - ry,
Shout - ing glo - ry,
Shout - ing glo - ry,

. shout - ing glo - ry!
shout- ing glo - ry!
shout- ing glo - ry!
shout - ing glo - ry!


I, .

To that

To the
Where the
There I’ll

Hal - le - lu-jahl

Hal - le - lu-jah!




ch’A-‘t‘ — I



¥ i

F j

' Al
v J _



Fv C













bless - ed land im-mor-tal where can nev’- er come the night,IShout-ing '
place of man - y man-sions and of glo -ries yet un-told, Shout-ing ‘/
blessed of ev - ’ry na-tion are for - ev - er clothed in white,Shout-ing
sing re-demp-tion’s sto- ry, bless-ed song of sav- ing grace,Shout-ing

- -‘r, -‘r . ’A—o -*- -‘-o an— ‘A‘ .
' ' 'L— T‘
t lA_‘|A \D l J

. ox

a l



I o





















x '-'I'-‘
all the way! 5 r—

all the way!



1- , hl-l .-
Hal-le-Iu-jah! 0 3° ty 3. e










. x x
in - jah! I am on the way to heav-en, Shout-ing glo - ry,
‘ Hal-le-lu-jah! l

“I- I1






Copyright. 1904. by Hall-Mack Co. Used by permission.






7 ..._.,.._._<.‘ m»

r ,2


1 n
I1 Y4 l


== x x x 7:“ "a r
shout-ing glo - ry! all the way!

Hal - le - 111 - jab! all the way!


N o. 3 Feasting With My Lord.

















”9—. .J K I _I‘ k A KD_.J. l . l J i
LIL ' J# 1‘ v1 1 . _l L lv—l
@H—a—1 a .2 3 31:21:51,], a J aw
ul. Since my soul is saved and sanc- ti- fled, Feasting, I’m feasting,
2. Feed- -ing on the hon- ey and the wine,Feasting, I’m feasting,
3. Day by day we have a new sup- ply, Feasting, I’m feasting,
4. Man- y times we have an ex— tra Spread, Feasting, I’m feasting,
5. Oft- en there are on- 1y just we two, Feasting, I’m feasting, ,
6. If perchancethe cupboard’s scarce of bread, Feasting, I‘ m feasting,
at-m-p-‘p—p-p—w’p—g- #i-fl-g—
a .1. =- ' m% +i—‘5—i—E
V P V :


In this land of Ca-naan I’ll a-bide, Feastingwith my Lord.
' Gath-er - ing the clusters from the vine, Feasting with my Lord.
I And the food is nev - er stale nor dry, Feastingwith my Lord.
I When to deep - er truths I have bee 11 It d,Feast1ngw1th my Lord.
1 Then He tells me what He’ d have me do, F e: Lstingwith my Lor
‘ 011 the hid- den man- na I am fed, Fe eastingwith my Lord.
! -o- —p— —o— '—o— —o— «o- -o—' —o —€~

93.11 z :ljtb—‘— gefiihrfi







Feast- ing, I am feast ~ing, Feast -ing with my Lord; I’m








4!— —¢- —6—
the liv - ing Word.


feast — ing, I am feast - ing On



Cupytizbt. 1899. by L. (5 ’ Iowa. Indianapolis. Ind. By yet.





No. 4. Some Golden Daybreak.


laggil; +EEF: ‘3: f i l;__ —d_ j_
44—"?— —-=l'—l:'—uq——g— --+ ;—;-1—

'1." -o— W 1‘ «a- we —o‘-. a»


1. Some day the light of earth shall fade a- way,And I at last shall

2. That gold- -en day-breakI can al- most see, A veil but thin- 1y

3. The hills of Par- 21- dise with pur—ple gleam, The zephyrs ev- er





































-F— ~0-
(\0 1.1 ‘ ‘ LA ' ‘ H _ ._*~-—H*'
rm: ii Err—P4! Eli—PEPE“:
1’ng [_ 0L1
git V

n L J J k L

. v v T 1 la . a I “ l >1 a a

El? b-~-x-l-61-—-+—l:+ : i d . e L .1‘ 4 J r

' infi- -je' 5 c c T f L '4' —-—a-—

‘7 V“ ' 3‘— ‘ T:- 4- - - - —¢
cease to roam; Then bur-dens I have borne I down shall lay; Some
in - ter-venes; Soon at the gates e - ter - nal I shall be To
soft-1y play, And all 1s fair-er than the fair-est dreams When

A A ' .F -..- -1.- A A A A .A A
%_ _-_4.1,o - 4L r f .___ __
9 £5; _ 1 a ' l |-—:E:F=P:tE~—~—E:El
vygy : IL L . 1 g g i LA. . T p_3
V V J y ' II I




on us. mf



gold— en day-break' 1n myhome, sweet home.

gaze up- on those fair ce- les - tial scenes. Some gold-en day-break,
breaks at last that glad e - ter- nal day.


some gold-en day-breakI shall ev - er cease to roam; Some gold-en
A- .L



. -e- .
day-break, some golden day-break I shall reach my home, sweet home.
—0- «o-

cuwrizht. 1913, by 1110. T. Benson. Nashville, Tenn.


unnsv MW” ‘5




1 131%:










'. When






No. 5. ONLY WAIT._















































Words copyrighted by . W. R° NEW:2“'¢',E.,
A. B. SIMPSON. N. Y. Chorus, words and mum/e, by L. B. Harma- ,
g- _ .. ‘ u m a. u
g; s—A‘” ‘ ‘fi‘ ‘ h. I 1 A a
— ———d l“ ‘ o—u' ' J‘Irj§:# L
$331,- — “I. u $.41; H :j i ‘- . 1 .
- - - i an— -31- “34‘ .v 1p- —3;— 3- —Su- -=n- --w,.~»
1. 0ft I hear a gen-tle whis-per o’er me steal-jug. When my tri _ als and w
2. When I can—not un-der-stand my Fa-ther’s lead—mg, And it seems to be "
3. When the promise seems to linger, long de - lay-ing, Aug 1 trem _ ble lest m
4. When I see the Wick-ed pros-per in their sm-mng, Ana the righteous pressvsn : ,
5. Oh! how lit—tle soon w111 seem our hardest sot—row, And how tri-fling is , r
6. I have Clio-sen my e-ter-nal por-tion yon-der, I am press-ing ham"
.. « 1; l 0A9 l
@54-‘4—H .A A .l r A— e—e +—~—~e~F~——~»—~—
Wfilb 1 r v, I ' “ 11 1.4 [ [4 11 rP—W‘W‘.
“b" . l. .2. . AI. .' ui' ' w r], fl r»——‘
l. - _ - all - _ r ——V_ "L
1/ v w L» I V V
_9_” 4» jil K “I. ‘ K h 4‘ 1 hr a:
a s. 1‘ ‘ , ‘ l ‘ , A E , r
a?” w 3-8' I l . VI l : ‘ q _l___l__ ‘ -—<‘ ,‘JAj—l ‘4
W ‘A—r‘l'filt ‘vit‘ii'fi — fl———+———ze.«;——«
1H . . -—---——m— 2—5—5—I «a.
U 7‘7"“ “ ' > -



I e
bur—dens seem too great; Like the sweet voiced-bells of evening softly Dealing, It a.
hard and cm - e1 fate, Still I hear that heav’nly whisper ev—er plead—ink; GOM '
haps it come too late, Still I hear that sweet—voiced angel ev-er say ~ ing: Th1" 1.:
many a cru — el strait, I re-mem-ber this is on - ly the be - gin -‘ ping, Anl‘:

pres - ent brief es - tate; Could we see it in the light of heav’n’s to-mor-row. Oh ‘V. ‘
reach yon heav’nly gate; And tho’ oft a—long the way I weep and won—der, Still. »






























-p- -1- {F 11-33-41- 1:. it-” PA
@§_A_Aee}A-IAEVEI lA 2A Hg
‘F‘P’.’ P’ x'fi La Ii L’ i ll Lll
{1 11 f. {4 LR . r l r V 1’
fi—J‘ m _ k ,3 mt. CHORUS. . h
‘ ‘ ‘ V A A! 1 I .4 lglj ‘
E9” is .i 3‘“ 4‘ J - 1‘ 'p.
81’“ __ i - 1:1“— :‘dTvg'l’fli~ —hvl 1‘ ‘1
7 - — 7- fix- —=I- sun—1w- 1;. J’l- -=I« JIJ

say - ing to my spir- it, On - 1y wait.
faith-ful, God is work-ing. on - ly wait. '
tar - ry, it is com-ing, on - ly wait. On-ly wait; a-gain I hear that
whis- per to my spir - it, On - 1y wait.
eas - y it would be for us to wait.
hear that heav’nly whis-r’fr, On - 1y waita








m . - l“) lt 3

‘ ._A___A__A._. __._. L... _ ' '. .Al“ _..__l;_ '_v
Qg—p—p—p—S—E—E—Béfii an»- at
——-v—v—v-v-—-—fi ~ :44.“- 'aé w



WhiS - perg On - IY wait. ’twill not be vet - 5' long; E - WI! BOW ‘1'
1.. .Q. . _





—»~—m+ 7- -

Father’s hand is lead ringg Soon with Je -sus we will 5135 the Vic - tor’s s= y‘

Eff-'5? A A A A [A AAA A. A FA." A A A _3§._®'f’ Hg

um: . . . . a 1 I i . rm. .3 m L. §A_-L_de ,9 Mn

Mi—év-w—p—b—kr—r-—e—e-r~»—— rig—3t; - +~e~ _tfi:r {a
puppvvrvvvw’i‘w a, “if





Copyright. 1910. by John T. 'fiemn“ “"““""'


o as:

v al-hwm, ..


 c. B‘ w-

Gom‘e and Dine:

John 21: 12.





k ‘V .
r“ N D

. I). Wldmeyer. , 


Litfh Cf 3‘ K'



~ -





Y El

:qu::_ —’__q: ,



{Je- sus has

With His man - na He doth feed And sup- plies
{The dis - ci - ples came to
There theyfound their hearts de- -sire, Bread and fish
Soon the Lamb will take His

0, ’ twill be

-I-‘ ~I- -l-

bride T
a glo- rious sight, All the saints





a ta - ble spread Where the saints of God are fed,

our ev- ’ry need:
land, Thus 0 - bey-ing Christ’s command,




on the fire;
at His side,

in spot-less White;



‘I- +


{ \'




















1T 4










@9141: :12!





, ’tis

2 For the
Thus He
3 All the


sweet to sup with

Mas- ter called to them, “Come, come ,and dine; ”

sat - is- -fies the

‘25“ o

1 He in- vites His chos- en peo-ple “Come and dine; ”

host of heav- -en will as- -sem-bled be;

And with Je- -sus Fthey will



1x L
is L 1'1 1
T '_ '_‘,

J e-sus all the time!

hun-gry ev-’ry timee


e- -ter-nal - ly.














“Come andrdine,” the Master calleth, “Come and dine ;”
0 ccme


ta - ble all the time;


0 come and



You may feast at

He who fed the mul - ti-

i/ L3.
tude,Turned the we - ter in- to wine,’1‘o the hungry calleth now,‘ ‘Conié‘find dine.”










EEEH E”: tall Hill

No. 7. - HE TOOK MY sms AWAY.










Mrs. M. J. H. Mrs. M. J. HARRIS;
51' I1“ fi‘s In 1 4‘ i‘ {2"}"3
1 . . A -. “ Si~~—:'~z~---~
X 31¢? 4: 1 14." 121424. 4 ;
i7 'EI’“‘-L—9'—'u9~—:l—.—:‘- -4—‘7'0—9" *
HI:— 3- a ' -5'-' -3— '5

1. I came to Je - sus, wear-y, worn and sad, He took my sins a - way,
2. The load of sin was more than I could beaii, He took them all a - way,
3. No con- -dem- 113- tion have I in my heart, He took my sins a - way,
4. If you will come to Jesus Christ to- day, He'll take your sins a - way,


























A- 4n— —P~- |~
112.11‘11‘ ‘- A-il‘r i ’- "1i'L9.__
- _ —1» 11 1 1 r. L ' [“1:1 :_‘1“°‘1
“£911 11 [__419 r- 1— V (F l) . g 1
1) ‘1» [A 1A .111- L4 4 4 . [a r; 1
I .
"e- 1 ~ ~ 5 I‘ m
’ lb?” lgimko 0- 0‘0- lsi J 0- F, i‘ “‘ j“ J
N'b—J‘F 1‘ J‘f 1 A [=1_ .Al __,,_ “:i_:|
W .‘1.‘ - 3‘15 -- Lli— __:'_d_.-
a '3‘“ ' —0'- ~— ' V -0”

He took my sins a- way; And now His love has made my heart so glad
He tookthem all a- way; And now on Him I roll my ev- ’ry care,
He took my sins a- way; His per- -fect peace He did to me im- -part,
He’ll take yoursins a-way; And keep you hap — py in His love eachday,



















1 . ~5— -L— 4“-
g-ww‘é’wfii-moiséi Lita-1
5%“!rb‘v‘iv‘v‘lr1, 119E .3511
L7 I 1A LA__A__1A_-__' _L A a . 1‘ .
CHOR'. .
1 l‘h
-:9—i7v 1 1 “[4,- 1...: 1 “‘L-‘a
1212 3 r a __..L.__,.. 212—1 :11; 1 .‘ .
‘,:E-l___,___, - _; Egg-1J3.- .. 9—“ - —" ‘ 4“ « .



He took my sins 3 ~ way.
He took my sins a - way. He took my sins a - way,
He took my sins a - way.
He’ll take your sins a - way.
-'|-— —o— —.e .

Ema: . 1: Hpfiflph‘”

_1___._.. ...__ — _.#___. 1,—

l’ 1} 'l A# L ' —[ % LW:E——~Wé fig—















He took my sins a -wa , And keeps me sing-ing ev - ’ry dayl






so glad He took my sins a-way, He took my sins a -way.
-1»- A- -L- . a, \—







Copyright. 1903 by J. M. Harris. Used by vet.



C. Au‘s'rm MILES;



l l\



AA gin
j" n














_ 1 fi_.‘-_ '-, _-._\_..

uni f



‘ v
V ‘

1. I was once a sin—ner, but I came Par-don to receive from my Lord:

2. I was humbly kneeling at the cross, Fearing naught but God’s angry frown,

3. In the Book ’tis written,“Saved by grace;” Oh, the joy that came to my soull '


















This was free-1y giv-en,
When the heavens opened and
Now I am for - giv-en, and


















A A A A .. A A A l
'dbL-l l '. A ‘1. .X l: x V V ‘m. V [,1 :1
r. d» r l I r' 1 r P ' 1" u
V11 A '. . :. .u I u '4 '4 :4 - l A - fi‘
V ‘1 m - .- l- l r v w r [E—X 1
D a la b ‘
4L '
r. 4‘4- n‘ '5‘ . I 3‘ l‘ c l : J
34:44: :‘L—F A? v’ -‘- l, U n __ -_i
———‘—-'——§—%‘—=§— “ ‘2‘ 1%); ‘- , P

I found That He always kept His word.
saw That my name was written down.
I know By the bloodI am made Whole.







There’s a new name written down in glo-ry, And it’s mine,


And the white-robed angels sing the story,



Copyright. 1910. by Hall-Mack C0. Used by permission.




("FT D
\ I»




And it’s mine,

For re’s a. new name written down in glo - ry, And it’s mine,

oh, yes, it’s mine!

yes, it’s mine!


“A sin - ner has come home;”
has come home;


oh, yes, it’s

And it’s mine,






I a“









“Uri-Nb 51W. ‘


: “at,














1. I h u 1n J I L I ,-
“—igl ' I'L LIV III :A chi. "I II I—R
”'— “£__ ‘A l H 1 A 1 I— i ,f‘.‘ -* 1~ 5'33}.
:2— ———‘:a:-g: Ii—~-—_3-3"l-fi-tai-—-a‘l1+y.175—“:5‘1— £17: I
-——'\§‘,—‘——‘—“y N—a~w-=I 4‘ as- 3—6” -—4—-——~——3~-.——_w5 a?”
mine! With my sins forv-giv—en I am bound for heaven, Nevermore to roam.
4 yes, iL’s minel
I I .__-AA A-AL.A-A n_ __-_-A m ~fs_-_ .A_.__¢‘-_A__ A_':_.€A_ 2;)__ _I__ -
I -;i2::::-I:C:I;:: L:: ::L: L- L- E:L: I—— L f9 ' - 5:;
1“ fi—‘fi _I‘-IIJ'“‘m
p VI L, f; ' ' I I I '_' I

No. 9 God Will Take Care of You.

Dedicated to my wife, Mrs. John A. Davis.







n.MRs C. D. MARTIN. Copyright, 1906, by Jghn A. Davis. Used by per. W. s, MARTIN.
J. N .
f; issfvre‘egimiei 1
- I I . ' I i

III—£711: a ”a"? 1 ..= I I 1 .1. 'V'1l‘ 1 ai“l":I"—i‘—I

I:rVi A 14‘ L" V1 L1-1 'LVA ‘14 Va Va IXsAI-j

-2”. “' '1 ' D W V '»E‘
I -

1. Be not dismay ed Whate’ er be- tide, God Will take care of you;
2. Thro’ days of toil when heart doth fail. God will take care of. you ;
3. All you may need He will pro- vide, God will take care of you;
4. No mat- ter what may be the test, God will take care of you;













, .m- .1..- fl .1..—
1-' 1 Q _.-- , _'
efi—f—P—F 294% L“? 11-11:" Iii-~53? 1’--111—— 11’"
1 1g 5 11-4. 1 .2 (w. a 1.1 1,. 1 .4 Lia-H
/ v v 1 1 v1
_“'I -.N I . IL:-







ii; 1 .: 1 :1 . . .1 1111i -
L- 1____‘i V 1 '1‘ 1‘ ~ I'L . . ‘1'“
H 4+4“, IN '1 V I :wl’o
Beneath His Wings of love 3- b1 1de, God will take care of you.
When dangers fierce your path as- -saiI, God will take care of you.
Noth- -ing you ask will be de— nied, God wiIl take care of you.
Lean wealy one, up - on His breast; God will take care of you.

IN 1
m1 1
V. no 1
1 i
‘1 4s.



















L9 1 9 'g‘ i“ -.~9--_9__ 1’5-L12L.
9+: 4 :1 o ' a' :1 :0 ‘1-—1111:E‘——11'i-—§¢—~—7LF:——.1~—~1
f A I: A. LA 1'1 L y-_iA ' bit “d’_4’—_I_’~"'J’—I:F—"H







' '
@54- 13.1

God will take care of you, Thro’ ev -’ry day, 0 ’07 2.11 the way;




























—A:~' 3AA jk- -Ar —A 1r. M L I“. v , 9—.»
If? _..-.,-_-H 1——-—1——>— 1 .: 1—111 I :1 +1 :11 111 vi
,:~——** 1:; ATA-L‘. 11- 11111A~1
i ’ I1 I I 13‘ 31‘ 9‘ b ' “a 1;. ‘e 1f #5
v I.
1 II II Id
h H A m I .-
' ya“ \
4 ‘_— 1_ fl—9-~-——w : 1A4 . i‘!‘ -. 7-5;)? 3—;
__ _. ‘_ at! 7‘5:‘ ___..__ -_.vi-_- Ju_'___.___.-’--
E, a 5 O 11 “MJI m__‘ n f ‘ I ’15—— 0.1
1.1 r “a “I 1’ W “.33. 12 1""
w “a. 1 I
He will take came of you God will take care of y<1;.1 ........
take care of leI.
air 'fir ‘Ar 'k I I“! I I
. . . , 4n __
I r—‘r— Ari—FPs—k'“§ *- “Fr“‘kw‘k 1L1 —I”— “iii
0 . I I I. 1 r— 4'. I. I 4‘ n u.
Igfl;1.;_1¢.v.r éiié :[A-‘I.





No, 10. Heavenly Sunlight.

“ I am the Light of the world he that followeth we shall not walk in the dune" “—John 9. I}.





1m H. .1 ZELLEY 1000!.
Q! J LJbfi-I‘ _!\G J
1‘ "L— AWN-H—OLTH— J) v! _____3
2—“; i . f—kfiw—‘g— 9—: —" Til—Al" w%‘fin*“
u i ' '


1. Walk—ing in sun- light, all of my jour-ney; O - yet the moun-tains
2. Shad- OWS a- round me, shad- ows a -bove me, Nev er con- ceal my
3. In the bright sun- light, ev- er re- joic- ing, Press mg my way to





















(.7231 1.






























.gip, _- ~37?! .: :3: f :7?" 3:1; 7" +14“ L _‘
ih’bfi' L 11 IF i:#v' J V {is 3‘ 9!? .1
U 3 7 ' L 'lw F
ii- J 1
@‘Q: A—‘fl—F :7:_—-Lm:‘- *3 fi’fih—‘fi ' "‘ m:- :':' a
thro’ the deep vale; Je- sus has said I’ll nev- er for sake thee,
Sav— ieur and Guide; He is the light, in Him is no dark-mess,
man- sions a - hove; Sing-lug His prails-es glad-1y I’m walk- ing
11 #7.”: 51“- *- -£A I L L 5%.:—
cg.» 1:4,,” ,___.J l-,_ .3 __1':zi__ ' Q‘“M‘—E‘”
yew—e n Mame— $M flaili— - w -
lg” 1‘ V L’— I
11 as 5 J N h l 1
‘ Q;"i::re;€l:i;: 1* —“:”“f“ -J—‘r—
“new—awn '——- — -— 7—1::
hm -l ”-5... :QA LE4...
L‘z'wn-ise di -vine th; nev -er can fail.
‘ EV - er l’m walk— i119; cluse to His side. Heav- en - 1y Bun - light,
V‘Jz‘lk—ing in sun light, sun— light of love
-1!z..- - , a: . — 1..—
{-15% A 2 [A ~ r3."- L 1 1 I ' X. ‘9
thn—f , ”V’M‘j—l t__—.|,._____,*~~ _.- CL; .— [ft—1..-...
-. r1 , -h.
«Lb 1'“ 5 EH “1! ‘ 1"”. —’r r J
"HTZ‘§",'5‘;J:11:9;3,_¢TT"“ _ :fl;"-"‘"l__‘" "‘4‘ _ _;
‘ 4—4 A’fr"1§‘—“l&r‘l"‘l—T fl—T—H—f—k— k—wmoi—Ai—“fl- WV“~§Q§ T fi
V /fiV w my fl-
heav- ea ‘ ly sun- light; Flooding my soul With glo- ry di - vine: ul le-
~bv- ‘k‘ ir a. 1';
_.._ V _.Q' ._.. -9 1 1— ,_.V’_i._
9.1;; 1--:—“‘“ 1‘5“: AELH‘L— 4“”! 512i}: 4:
r ’1 +1 Ln; U 1 L11 j"— ’ . - 1—}.
4““ A




i5 K
_ ._, 7—, ._ p _~w r
1 ' :3ij 1 .' Li_ ti: _FW‘ _ éi—l ----- —.v__°i_.__
.___ k ,‘v—“fi' * 1 k—“l V :“v’.” +A4——2:~- ‘r— 2‘ij
_ , C G

lu-jah, I am re - joic-ing, Sing-mg, His prais-es, Je -sus is mine.

, s: 42— .3:
AJJA. 35:19-45 _ H ..... , Etf: Q_




tyrant. 1899, by E b, ailment, Wenonah, N. Ju BX £5?-


















‘- l I; 5 I J
‘ W1- fii “ J“ ‘le' I I; I l ‘I j
figb I; —I‘ I AI V I? A J 4‘ I‘l‘fl, _.
I‘ E l ' l l =3 53 afi a ”1—“
I “I." —O« w— —o- —o- ’d' w- —o- ~o- w- —o— ‘

1. Whle’n you get to heaV-en, as you sure - 1y will If the SaV-iour’s
2. When you roam with friends a-cross the heav’n - 1y fields, Ev - er find »- ing
3. When you hear them singing, round the great white throne, Songs ofpraise un-
4. When you kneel in wor-ship to the King of kings, Who has saved you
























' - A—fi—rHfl—t‘i—‘I ”rt—‘H’i‘—E‘T »
firm I I I I I I I I I I E L k__

. _b A I .' l l l l r l [I r r

y “f {A IA L! IA A A IA I IA A I
V V | l V V V V l v V
A L . . I k I \ w.

T. I) h I I 1 lg ‘ I I I‘ ‘ ‘ I II
I? v I 4 I I I I ._ o I J
— ‘—..I I I e A t— =: 'I I " I

M”. a__._ _____ I I

‘ ‘ >0 “ ‘ ‘ «w w— V

name you own, Aft-er, you have greet~ed those you love the best,
treas- ures new; When you stand in rap-ture on some star - ry height,
to the Lamb;Wheu you hear the ran-somed,with theirharps of gold,
by‘ His grace;When you see that Sav—iour who has brought you there,































_ ° !_.___ _ ________,__ __ _
.—‘t7 L 1" r (A I fit. Q .M !___‘_*—_Trp* k—fi—‘J
4% 5 I ftmfl ~ g_—,.:,,_ «LP I e I
I I \- Ll L1 IF I 9? a L4 “I! m I
_12: \ ‘ I CHORLIIE ‘

' I I I I II j“ H. ‘
iii—I)" ° = I I\- I4 «I * ° AI If]
w (‘4' d m. l i I 44"” "I“"l‘film _'_‘l
U ‘ ‘ V n *. ‘ v -0]. 1? ‘1

Who are stand-ing round the throne-—
Gaz —ing on some glo—rious view—
Shouting,“Glo - ry to His name I”—
And with joy be - hold His face—

Youmay look for me, for I’ll be














. ‘ I!__uz___pz __ . T __ __ _r
. 1 .- - I| 91.6 . if k—Lfl “ ‘ *
@i‘lifi l .- I I I i‘DFgHI I I I “j
l'_ _ —ll IFIFIO I I L. __ _
I Iv Iv 4:] g g H I I A ‘A Is. A V‘
V V l l l \_/ V i g V







be there, I’ll be there! You may
I’ll be there, I’ll be there!


I’ll be there,



. l I
look for me, for I’ll be there! Glo-ry to Hls name! V
I’ll be there! precious name!
I I" 1‘






Connight. 1905. by Hall-Mack Co. Used by per.



s_—~_;n'-wf§.IT‘—-ur V. , T




_- , :11 “TLM


‘7! s,




V i


No. 12 A Soul Winner for Jesus;

“ The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul."—-—Ps. 19! '-

Copyright, 1907, by J. E. Thomas and J. W. Fen-ill. Used by per.
1W. FERRILL. 3 J. w. FEW
R l h K A} 1; b . , I

. 1 J
@_——_4: cJ-L—d—T—id—i‘rfi— —d—i "g— a——::— —aT-j,-

1. I want to be a osoul winner For Je- sus ev-’ ry day, He does so much for me;
2 I want to be a soul winner And bring the lost to Chnst, That thev His grace may know;
3. I want to be a soul winner Till Jesus calls for me, To lay my burdens down;















A A- AA- A AAA -A -AA A A"A'A|Ai...o
nin.—Ii -i1211 ' 1 1.12.1
“val 11— F1A'V1 1 F A1 A A 1 1 In] I
[h/‘L-JLFI 1..i-1.11 1.41 [VL -1 J . .11 . 11f 1

4‘ J .

l U V!) ,1! 9‘;

p .1 Ps3 .1 _:«~‘





‘1‘... A; _ '
me me— TT basses

I 1.1 ant to aid the lost sinner To leave his erring way, And be from bondage free.
I want to live for Christ ever, And do His blessed will, Be- -cause He loves me so.
I want to hear Him say, servant, “You’ve gathered many sheaves, Receive a starrv crown.’
























“ _ _ ‘ i’iiii — fl
W“o¢““’ \taWfi—S" i -ELF ,“' 3—53.!
A soul ....... . . a . . winner for J 9 . sus, A soul ............ winner for
A soul win-net for Je-sus Christ the Lord, A soul winner for J'e-sus
A A A A 4.. A A '9' ‘ % A A A A A A A A
@91_ 1 . 1 . . 1 1 1 ‘ ’ . 1 J1
/~i‘ l .l” 1 1 L l L i 1 DA 1.: AA A 1A A ‘1
fl. - wage-we v ,, e 1% ‘2 a 1 1 '
I J I; J ‘ 3



Je - sus, 0 let me he each day A soul ............ Win-1181' for
Christ the Lord, 0 let me be each day A soul winner for Je - sue



Je - sus, A soul ...... . . winner for Je - sus, He’s done so much for me.
Christ the Lord, A soul winner for Jesus Christ the Lord,



 i: \n



"l'hst ye should Show forth the praises of him who hath called you. out of darkness with
his marvelous light." 1 Peter 2: 9.






ADA Bntihxonn. J. u. sucx.
k x ‘N K I "W h a
.. u l‘ g , r‘ I I;
i , ..' U _' . l . n' J‘
g??? a a :drg m. -1 Ag .~. Ll F ,i d



3L - ' ' “ ‘ «5‘- 41 5'- -oL #—
1. When danger and sor-row encompassed my soul, And dark seemed my
2. N OW bright as the noontide the pathway appears, The clouds have all
3. To J e - sus, who rescued my soul from despair, My life’s sweetest

\ 4. The Sav-iour is call-ing—why long-er de-lay? He’s waiting your


































974:: tar-+7 -* - - v rA-u—F c“ e”. r a
— .79 I‘ _ J l5? , l l 2 4
V fill 0 [IA A A v r, I‘: {'4 {'1 A :A_ A A rA I

u v J V J V v u 7 u
n ' l———A——-i:‘—-;—" lA ! 1 .3“ glsLil—fisll J.“ m I
E ”H gets? ajoktzfflfli s A; 1.? A: L» +

- -v- 'F .—

path as the night, I cried to the Lord and He part-ed the clouds
vanished a - way; I walk in the light of my Lord’s loving smile,
service I bring ; And now in my heart with re - joic-ing and song,
soul to receive; He’ll pardon and cleanse you, and make you His child,




































. 3f - fir—“*— J ‘ ‘ J
Wigfi—‘m : IQ MEL—”F‘s :l
r . I A VI 1 I A in '_1 . L’J "J 1 A J
V .4 u u u a u I V
n , . _ cnonus.
117‘. I) h 4 ‘5‘ h . " 1A “.4?” A _
A v :—+———{___P_..~ 4—. Eli i I ,
‘— 4‘- “Q'n-O' ‘ A A 6 a .‘h 0 .d—
. . . . I v J u z , . v
And let in His glo-ri-ous light.
And dwell in His beau-ti-ful day. The light brightly beamed on my as; g,
I crown Him, my Saviour, and King.
If on - 1y on Him you be-iieve. soul, on my soul,
10- l/‘K i
o -a.r A . 1
3: X—‘X—J—J——J—#—{7j:%
.A _| A} 9



The light brightly beamed on my soul, . . . Since J e- sus, my
soul, on my soul,

Saviour, dispelled the dark clouds, The light brightly beams oh) my



00pm» 1890, b! J. I. Block. B! We




_ L; A M— \H 5;, ,. . . _ ‘
o. 14,. , Like a Mlghty Sea.»
“ Whosoever in eth of the vqater that I shall give him, shall never thirst.”—
REV. H. J. ZELLEY. John 4: ‘ H. L. GILMOUR.














17' l i "O‘
x k A _
4‘ ’ “s 39% A
-— -o-. 4- 4-. 4- -0


1. My soul to-day is thirst - ing for liv ~ ing streams (ii-vine, To
2. I see the clouds an ris - ing, the mer - cy clouds of love, That
3. The show’rs of grace are fall - ing, the tide is roll-ing in; The
4. It‘s com-ing, yes, it’s com .. ing, it’s eom-ing down this hour, A
. .3..-L'P' A:A L-Lp-

















sweep from highest W- en to this poor heart of mine; I stand up — on the
come to bring “filming down from the throne a-bove, The ear-nest of the
flood—tide of 89 I - V8- fion,with pow’r to cleanse from sin; It’s surging thro’ my
tor — rent of 813- W I tion in sav-ing, cleansing pow’r; I hear the bil - lows
J. E. I ‘L_ O o . __ I L—
TF—“fig—H—H— atfltr-tt' ' F“
l A‘s-Fv—K—w—‘fi—

73 a 11“le—
VL ' w -_ :_ ___t____, .
(Tub.~ J jLo-oi ' 3!. . .-.l. ‘-_:1
W17 _...Al.L














I o . o . ‘ a .1 '
-C'o-fi‘l . a 9' ' :1 - ' ifd‘fl]
prom-ise, in 38 .. sus’ name I plead; 0 send the gra—eious cur-rent to
show- CI' justnow to us is giv’n, And now we wait ex-pect - ing the
be - ing, and takes my sin a - way; It keeps me shout-ing, glo - ry! thro’
sing-jug, I see them mount and roll; 0h, glo - ry, hal - le - lu- jahlthey’re












O O . .
sat - is - fy my need.
floods of grace from heav‘n.

a” the hap— py day. gLike a might-y sea, like a. might-y sea,
sweep-mg thro’ my soul.



_'- . I
' Comes the love of J e - sue sweeping o - ver me; The wav es of glo-ry roll,
.7 __L.-_L_L_°_.L_, '9‘ ""'g;!;1._v_i V :— --_. _‘ 3+.
[*7 _:*~#—:1::__:———*— :4 !~F—.—!—~74-M4:::;4—t—-]
Pin—k # gar A—s‘

e . 2— ~r::51'——'wiir~" = staid
v 5 ' B V 7
Copyright, 1900. by H. L. Gilmour. Wenonah. NJ. 33 De:-






1.1-1 1 p1 . 1
1 «>1 . , «
,.,_— 1:;fo 1

'3: Ey- 111—5




‘Like a. Mighty Sea.

shouts I can’t eon-trol, Comes the love of Je - sus sweep o’er my soul.


15. Jesus Has Lifted the Load.

“Cast. thy burden upon the Lord.”-—Psalm 55: 22.






O A A ‘1'







g 75' #5:“—
1. The trust - ing heart to
2 The pass - 111;; days inng man - y


Je - sus clings Nor an - y ill for - bodes,
cams “Fear not,” I hear Him say,

3: He tells me of my Fa— ther’slove And nev - er-slumb’ring eye;

4. When to the throne of grace I flee, I
‘ N

find the prom- -ise trua.






P 1";















15-». wit-yer :...:.
W2:- 5,1 :9






















n l‘_l 1' E 1 [A 131.. 1A A l¢’.‘jv
11 19' E a :1 : J —— 1—— 4 E1; ' g
18 L1 I 11 1 11 :11 11 1. -1:Lj11 6 1° 11 1 11 V'i_l_I
[1 g l x '1 fl I‘ -'1— 41“
w 1 1 ———-~——~—- —fi— —— ~— _
p 1L1 1 j q fill-‘1‘ :‘J‘ "1—: :r.‘:vl11:}£ ‘51;
1 #1 1 ___. V: __._, _ __.__ .. .— ——_+_———+———
"T'— 71 ’6' ;;1?4 g_ g .g_ _ - - a .fi. _, “.1771.
But at the cross of C1111 r'sy 1