xt7zs756j168 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zs756j168/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1955-04-04  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 4, 1955 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 4, 1955 1955 1955-04-04 2020 true xt7zs756j168 section xt7zs756j168 Minutes 0" the University Faculty9 April 4; lfifii

The University Faculty met in a called session Monday, April 4, at 4:00
p.m. in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall. President Donovan presided. «ENE

The minutes of March 14 were read and approved.

At the request of President Donovan Dean Stahr explained the purpose of the
called session. He stated that the practice has been for students who completed
work for degrees in Law at the end of the first semester to take the bar examines
tiOn and to obtain their licenses on the besis of a letter from the Dean of the
Law College certifying that their work had been completed. A new interpretation
of ruling had been made, however, which provides that the licenses could not be
issued to anyone who had not actually received his degree. This made it EGCGSE
sary to call a meeting of the University Faculty to recommend candidates for
degrees in Law to the Board of Trustees at the April meeting of that body. He
then moved that the following named students be recommended to the Board of
Trustees for the degree of Bachelor of Laws:













George Bennett Baker, Jr, Belfry Ii
Paul EIWOod Hunley Whitesburg
Joe Lee Middlesboro
Jack Leighton Lewis Williamsport M
James William Lyon Raceland i
Lemuel Morris Tipton Reed Mayfield ;
George Dayton Sohrader Lexington
William Allen Watson Middlesboro
Conley Glenn Wilkerson Earlington

The University Faculty approved Dean Stahr’s motion.

President Donovan announced that within the next few days members of the
Faculty would receiVe forms on which to nominate one man student, one woman
student. and one citizen of the State for the Annual Sullivan Awards. He urged
that the Faculty send in their nominations not later than April 18g «It


Dean White presented for the College of Arts and Sciences recommendations ‘1

covering new courses, and changes in courses which were approved by the University
Faculty: ‘ 1


I. The following courses be added:


Art 1‘. Introduction ta Art (2) I ?
Criteria for evaluation of works of art: detailed study and
analysis of original works: paintings, sculpture, printsa
applied design and architecture. Required of and open only
to prospective majors in art,

Library Science 103aec. Workshop (1 ea.) S. .
Designed primarily for persons with little or no library
science training who are responsible for a bookmobile or a
public or school library situationo w

II. To be changed in number and credit: (No change in title or description)


Art 35. Ancient Art (2) to Art lfiig Ancient Art (3)
Art 366 Medieval Art (2) to Art 136. Medieval Art (3)




Minutes of the University Faculty. April 4. 1955

III. To be changed in credit: (No change in title or description)
Art 62‘. Basic Design (3) to Art 62*. Basic Design (2}
IV. To be changed in title and description (No change in credit)

Art 30'. Introduction to Art (2) to Art 20'. Forms 2:.Art (2)
Evolution of forms in art; style: relation of styles to
cultural context.

Art 61‘. Elementary Drawing (2) to Art 61‘. Beginning Drawing
22$ Painting (2)
Basic concepts and procedures in drawing and painting.
Media: pencil, charcoal, ink, casein and watercolor. Four
studio hours; one hour, criticism.

Art 63. Intermediate Drawing (2) to Art 63. Intermediate Drawing
and Painting (2).
Creative representation based upon analytic study of natural
forms. Figure, still life and landscape. Media: charcoal, ink,
casein and watercolor. Four studio hours; one hour, criticism.

V. Students in Geography 133b be allowed to be absent from the campus
May 9 and 10th in order to engage in field work.

In the absence of Dean Slone Dean White presented a request from the College
of Pharmacy that members of the junior and senior classes be allowed to be
absent frOm the College April 27, 28 and 29 for a visit to the Eli Lilly Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana. The University Faculty approved the request.

In the absence of Dean Terrell Professor Penrod presented a request from the
College of Engineering that three students in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering be allowed to attend the ASME Student Branch Regional Conference at
Peoria, Illinois, April 27 to 30. This request was approved by the Faculty.

Dean Stahr presented a request from the Law faculty that four members of
the staff of the Kentucky Law Journal be allowed to attend a Law Review Conference
in Atlanta in April. The absence will not be for longer than three days. The
dates will be announced later. The request was approved by the Faculty.

In the absence of Dr. Dawson Professor Romanowitz presented a recommenda-
tion from the Graduate Council that certain courses in Mathematics be approved
for graduate credit. The recommendation was approved by the University Faculty.

I. The Graduate Council recommends approval of graduate
credit for the following courses, previously approved by the
University Faculty for undergraduate credit:

Mathematics and Astronomy 153. Elementary
Numerical Analysis. (3) Eaves, Ward, and Riley.
Mathematics and Astronomy lBland. Summer Seminar ig
Selected Topics. (3 each) Eaves (staff as needed).

II. The Graduate Council recommends approval of the Following
strictly graduate courses:

Mathematics and Astronomy 253. Numerical Analysis. (3)
Eaves, Riley, and Ward. Advanced methods of solutions
















v o o ‘ ,A M," ‘ !
Minutes of th; JanEJSEty Jaculty still 4, 195;

of systems of equati-ns. approximetion c
numerical solution of ordinary and partial d

3 L
eigenvalues of matrices. Prerequisites: fl. & A. 14c
or 153 or equivalent with consent of the instructor.


Mathematics and Astronomy 26laad. Summer Semina; in Selected
Tepics. (3 each) Eaves
Continued fractions, Peano's axioms, matrices ans the
solutions of systems of equations, mac e
space curVes, groups, rings, and fierd
Teaching eXperience in the field of ma
consent of the instructor.


. Prereguisites:

tlematics and the

Dro Eaves called attention to the lecture by Dr. D. V. Widder of Harvard
University on Wednesday, April 6, at 4:09 p.m., the lecture being Sponsored by
Pi Mu Epsilon, honorary mathematics fraternity.

In the absence of Dr. L. L, Martin. Chairman of the Student Organi
Committee, Mrs. Clemmons presented a request for organization of an Art sin
The organization was approvefi by the Faculty.

Dean Dickey reminded the Faculty of the meeting of the KEA April 1,
and urged attendance by as many of the Faculty as pOSSible,



Charles Palmer, President of the Student Government Associationp announced
to the Faculty that he would not be able to attend meetings for the rest of the
year and that the Vice President. Wendell borman, would take his place in the
Faculty, Mr. Palmer exPressed his anoreciation of the court sy shown him by
members of the Faculty.

The Faculty adjourned.

"‘ ‘ 29/ ’x :1-~L»:.,L—c

Robert L. Mills