xt7zs756hx2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zs756hx2r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-02-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1991 1991 1991-02-18 2020 true xt7zs756hx2r section xt7zs756hx2r  

ntucky Kernel


State denies UK request to prohi

Senior Staff Writer

UK's efforts to prohibit mining
by Arch Mineral Corp. next to Rob-
inson Forest were dealt a serious
blow Friday, when the state denied
a request to prohibit mining adja-

However, the Natural Resources
and Environmental Protection Cabi-

net declared the forest unsuitable
for mining. in response to a petition
filed by three environmental groups
and UK.

Tom Fitzgerald, director of the
Kentucky Resources Council, said
an appeal of the decision almost
certainly would be filed. He called
the cabinet's niling ”arbitrary and
capricious.” UK said it would not
comment further until reviewing the

UK chief declines
trading places idea

Staff Writer

The Residence Hall Association
will not sponsor
a raffle in which
the winner — a
student —
would trade
places with UK
Charles Weth-
ington for a day.

RHA presi-
dent Erica
McDonald said WETHINGTON
Wethington de-
clined to participate “because he
would have to do it every year, re-
gardless of whether or not he want-
ed to. and he didn't want to feel ob-

The intent of the idea would have
been to raise money for charity and
allow both the winner and Wething-
ton to gain insight into how it feels
to nm a university — and how it
feels to be a student.

RHA members were told of his
decision last week.

Wethington said Tuesday —- in
his first interview with an indepen-
dent medium since selection as
president — that he wasn’t con-
cerned with making sound bites for
the media.

He said in the interview that he
preferred to work with individuals
and small groups because “the word
gets spread a lot better that way

over time than it does trying to
make some big splash."

Wethington declined to comment

In October 1989, former UK pres-
ident David Roselle participated in
Pi Kappa Alpha social fratemity's
“UK President for a Day" contest,
when he traded places with then-
psychology freshman Dawn Ho—
ward for a day.

Roselle attended Howard's class-
es, like History 108 and elementary
calculus, while Howard attended
presidential events and met with fa-
culty and administration members
and had lunch with Roselle's wife.
The two attended a Chamber of
Commerce meeting together later in
the day.

Pi Kappa Alpha raised about
$1,000 in the raffle, and half of the
proceeds went to the Margaret 1.
King Library and the other half to
the Kentucky Multiple Sclerosis So

Roselle was “very understanding
and receptive to the idea," said Matt
Breetz, a member of Pi Kappa Al-
pha. last year.

The fraternity had approached
Roselle in April 1989.

Other RHA members declined to

RHA adviser Kris Sommer also
refused to comment. Although it is
illegal to hold raffles in Kentucky, it
is legal to raffle items of no mone-

tary value.


Arch on the North Fork, lnc., a
subsidiary of the St bows-based
Arch Mineral, has a permit request
before the cabinet to mine 81.5
acres on two tracts of land adjacent
to the forest to which it leases the
mineral rights.

UK's Robinson Forest contains
nearly 10,500 acres in three eastern
Kentucky counties — Knott, Brea-

thitt and Perry. UK uses the land for
forestry and hydrology research.
The University claims that Arch’s
mining would damage the near-pure
Clemons Fork watershed, which is
used in water research.

The cabinet found that mining on
the edge of the forest would not
“significantly damage the scientific
resources." But the cabinet also said
in order to obtain a permit to mine

the land, a mining firm would need
to divert drainage and mining runoff
away from the forest

The cabinet said that prohibiting
mining outside the forest would
have a “significant" impact of the
economy in the region. specifically
Breathitt County.

In declaring the forest unsuitable,
the cabinet ruled that mining within
the boundaries of the forest would

bit mining near forest

significantly harm the research.

Deputy Secretary John Nichols
signed the order. Cabinet Secretary
Carl Bradley filed an affidavit on
Friday excusing himself from the
matter because he is a former em-
ployee of Gene Samples, Arch’s
chief executive officer.

The petition to declare the entire

See FOREST. Back page



UK gymnast Suzanne Gutierrez performs some exciti
"Vogue" Friday night at Memorial Coliseum. The Gym


ng high-flying acrobatics in her floor exercise on Friday to the beat of Madonna’s
Kats, now 7-7, beat three opponents last weekend. See story, Page 3




Students’ role in helping homeless focus of forum

Senior Staff Writer

UK senior nursing student Tracy
There had never had much personal
contact with homeless people until
she began working at a Horizon
Center medical clinic this year.

Now she has a clearer understand-
ing of the problem facing millions
of Americans and hundreds of Lex-
ingtonians —— and of the way other
individuals can help them.

“I never had any idea how it was
until this semester, and you

Dr. Aleksei Kozhevni- 5
kov will present “Sci- l
'3 ence Policy and the ln- 1
stitutional I
Development of Phys- i
icsinthe Soviet Un- l
ion”; 8 pm. tonight;
, Room 230, Student
'i Center.

L__ -____-_-_..___


Cats claw
out 89-77
win over

Diversions ......................... 6

Viewpoint .......................... 8
Classifieds ........................ 9






wouldn‘t believe," she said. “I think
if you're aware of the problem, it
just might make you do something."

“tom and other UK students, fa-
culty and staff discussed different
aspects of homelessness Thursday
at the third University Forum held
this semester.

The biweekly forums, sponsored
by the Dean of Students Office, fol-
low a “town meeting” format to fa-
cilitate UK community discussion
on various topics.

Thore and several other nursing

No date

Associated Press

DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia —
The US. military said yesterday
that no date has been set for an al-
lied ground offensive in the Persian
Gulf War, and Washington said it
would reject any Soviet peace plan
calling for a cease-fire.

Here in Saudi Arabia, American
and Iraqi patrols clashed along the
border in seven separate engage-
merits between 5 am. and 10 am.

During one pre-dawn skirmish,
an American Apache attack heli-
copter firing Hellfire missiles de-
stroyed two American military ve-
hicles. killing two soldiers and
wounding six, the US. Command

It. was the worst friendly fire acci-
dent since Jan. 29, when a US.
warplane hit a Marine reconnais-
sance vehicle during a furious tank
battle along the Saudi-Kuwait bor-
der and seven American soldiers
were killed.

Travelers reaching Nicosia on

students talked about their first-
hand experiences working with
homeless individuals at the Horizon

“I‘m sure a lot of people have
clothes they don’t want anymore
that they could give to the Commu-
nity Kitchen," Thore said. “It makes
you really apprecrate what you’ve
got. They do appreciate what you're

Mary Ellis Pratt, associate profes-

sor in nursing, said many people are
homeless even though they have

jobs because minimum wage is not
enough to finance a home. And, she
added. “what‘s worse today is the
number of teenagers who are hav-
ing babies and getting no prenatal

Becky Jordan. assistant to the
dean of students, questioned the
commitment that people have to
helping the homeless.

“We don‘t want to deal with it,"
she said. “What can we as individu-
als do to make a difference? I’d
like to see people’morc willing to
help individually."

One way to help directly. said Da—
vid Stockham. acting dean of stu-
dents. is through Habitats for Hu-
manity, a group of volunteers who
build low-cost homes for the home-

“The premise of Habitats is that
people should have a place to live,"
he said. “It capitalizes on a person's
desire to have something on their
own. It‘s a valid concept. It‘s
working. It‘s working in Lexing-
ton "

Chris Harrell, a first—year law stu-

dent. said the US. government does
not do enough to allevrate the prob-

“I think our country is becoming
more like a third-world country,"
Harrell said. “There are millions of
dollars being made on cost overrun
and waste. The war on homeless—
ness doesn‘t happen because you
can't make any money in a war on

He added that if everyone in the
United States would contribute SI to
help the homeless, "it would solve
the problem

set for ground war, military says

yesterday gave
vivid accounts
of an anti-
Saddam Hussein
protest by up to
5,000 people in
Iraq earlier this
month. The trav-
elers told The
Associated Press
the demonstra—
tors shot and
killed 10 officials
of Iraq's niling Baath Arab Social-
ist Party who tried to stop the

The demonstration in the south-
ern city of Diwaniyeh was the first
against Saddam and his Kuwait pol-
icy since the war began Jan. 17. the
travelers said.

The Bush administration said
yesterday that there was “nothing to
be lost by talking“ but vowed to
continue the allied bombing cam-
paign while the Soviets seek a dip
Iornatic solution to the Persian Gulf

“We say no cease-fire. no pause,
get out of Kuwait," said Secretary





of State James A. Baker [11.

President Bush, vacationing in
Kennebunkport, Maine. told repen-
ers: “We are determined to finish
this job and do it right."

The administration reiterated its
resolve as Iraqi Foreign Minister
Tariq Aziz headed to Moscow for
talks aimed at finding a peaceful so-
lution to the crisis.

He is scheduled to meet Monday
with Soviet President Mikhail S.

Bush said he did not know what
would come of the talks. but he said
Gorbachev was “trying very hard to
seek an end to this conflict."

“He knows very well that the ob-
jectives spelled out by the United
Nations must be met in their en-
tirety." Bush said.

(j int-F

Defense Secretary Dick Cheney
said the only thing that could slow
the allied military campaign was the
start of an Iraqi pullout from Ku-

“The only thing we can really be»
lieve is action," Cheney said on
ABC‘s “This Week With David
Brinkley." “We have to see him
withdraw from Kuwait"

“We have a certain tempo to our
military operations now and
we‘re not going to break that tempo
unless it is clear that he is comply-
ing with the (U.N.) Security Coun-
cil directive," said Bush's national
security adviser, Brent Scowcroft

Baker, interviewed on CNN‘s
“Newsmaker Sunday." said the So-
viets were welcome to seek a diplo-
matic solution, but he expressed no
optimism they would succeed.

“There is nothing to be lost by
talking and if that will result in
the withdrawal of Iraq from Kuwait,
more power to whoever is doing the
talking," Baker said.

It remains to be seen. of
course. whether anything can come
of this session.”


Baker added that even if an Iraqi
withdrawal did follow the talks.
“It's just not going to be because
someone has been talking to the Ira-
qis. It's going to be because the coa-
lition forces are domg what we have
said for some time we would do” to
torce them out of Kuwait.

British military officials admitted
yesterday that a bomb from an RAF
fomado veered off course into the
western Iraqi town of Fallouja dur-
ing an attack on a bridge last week.
Iraq has claimed that 130 people
were killed and 78 wounded when
the bomb hit an apartment building
and an outdoor market on Thursday.

The British said their investiga-
tion was continuing. If the probe up-
holds the lraqi claim. it would be a
big propaganda victory for Bagh-
dad. which repeatedly has clairfied
that allied warplanes are killing
hundreds of Iraqis and that the raids
are targeting ClVIIlanS.

Speculation continued, mean~
while, about when the allied forces
will augment their non-stop air at-
tacks with a ground or amphibious



2 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday. February 18, 1991
' .3-


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 Kentucky Kernel, Monday, February 18, 1991 - 3




Chilling out:
Woods puts
flu in fridge

He spent two days in the
hospital chilling.

He wasn't, however, chilling
out. He was chilling from
within —— with a 104-degree,
cold and sweaty, fever.

But when Sean Woods hit
the court Saturday, he was hot.

“1 just had to reach down
deep and bring something to
this game.” an obviously
drained Woods said after UK’s
89-77 win over the Ole Miss
Rebels Saturday. “It was an
important game, you know."

Woods finished the game
with nine points, seven assists
and two steals in 23 minutes
and 49 seconds of play.

Twenty-three minutes and
49 seconds with a body that
had just been attacked by a fe-
rocious, unknown cellular vi-
rus. The kind of virus that
leads to cold sweats and funky

“I could get a quick step
here and there," Woods said of
his play. “ But after a couple
of quick steps 1 need a breath-

One quick step at a time was

With the Cats down since
the score was tied at 2-2,
Woods had a physical surge
after five minutes had passed
in the second half. The score
had just been tied 55-55 by a
Deron Feldhaus layup at the
15:57 mark.

After an Ole Miss miss,
Woods stormed in for a driv-
ing short shot off the glass to
give UK what it really wanted
—— space. Space to play with a
two-point lead. Space to ease
the tension of being behind.

Space to make more space.

Big Patrick Eddie, however,
decided he wanted to close
back in on the Cats. His fol-
low-up put the game back in
the heater. 57-57.

Woods didn‘t waste any
time pushing the Cats away
from the tenacious Rebels. In
his frantic, dribbling style, he
drove down the court and
dished the ball to Richie Farm-
er, who promptly made a base-
line three-pointer to give UK a
60-57 lead.

The surge pumped up the
Cats, and they never relin-
quished the lead. Woods, on
the other hand, went down.

After a foul on Feldhaus
during the Ole Miss inbounds
play, Woom — bent in ex-
haustion with hands on knees
in front of the UK bench ——
forced out a demand: I‘m out.

He sat down as Junior Brad—
dy hustled in. And the Cats,
behind Farmer's gutsy play
and John Pelphrey's three-
point icing. drove coach Ed
Murphy‘s Rebels back down
South with a loss.

But don’t feel sorry for Mur-
phy. The loss wasn't his first
—- it was his 16th loss in 20
games. Murphy's starting to
get used to it.

The hapless, pesky Rebels
have snagged only a single
victory in the SEC against 13

UK, on the other side of the
Mason-Dixon line, has once
again found its key to winning.
The Cats have an almost un-
canny way of neutralizing oth-
er teams.

Neutralization doesn't al-
ways make for beautiful bas—
ketball — but for this frenetic
UK team, it nonetheless leads

Saturday’s game was slop-
py. Missed catches. Missed
layups. Overall fumbling.

1n the past. UK usually
three-pointed its way to victo-
ry. More recently the Cats
tool —their legs.

"1 think it was fatigue,"
Woods said of the difference
in the game.

And that is what coach Rick
Pitino was after. He took out
leading scorer Pelphrey at the

See THOMAS. page 4




UK outlasts Ole Miss 89-77 in Rupp

Assistant Sports Editor

Reggie Hanson does not pretend
to be Magic Johnson. But the 6-
foot-8 UK center sure did his best
impersonation on Saturday against
Ole Miss.

Note the Magic-like numbers:

- 17 points.

-11 rebounds.

-Eight assists.

-Seven steals.

“1 had no idea until I looked at
the (statistics) sheet." the senior
said with a big smile.

“I thought it was a typo or some-
thing. I thought they gave me some-
body else’s."

The reason for Hanson’s big
smile is he had just led No. 16 UK
to a 89-77 come-from-behind victo-
ry over Southeastern Conference
cellar-dweller Ole Miss in front of
24,118 at Rupp Arena.

Perhaps the reason for Hanson's
big game was the team’s work late-
ly on high-low post passing.

Postmate Jamal Mashbum fin-
ished with 18 points and 13 re-

“We’ve been working on passing
from the high post a lot in practice,”
said UK coach Rick Pitino, whose
team improved to 19-5.

“Reggie and Jamal did a good job
of execution of that They made
some good passes and when we
neede. “We were not hitting the
threes particularly well. We
needed Reggie to step up and he

UK’s win, coupled with LSU’s
88-81 victory over Alabama yester—
day, left the Wildcats (unofficially)
alone at the top of the SEC race
with an 11—3 record. LSU, Alabama
and Mississippi State are a game
back at 1041.

“It's where we want to be," UK
guard Richie Farmer said. “We
don’t have a lot to play for except
the SEC title. That‘s our priority."

Despite shooting just 37 percent
from the field, the Wildcats were
able to scratch and claw out a win.


f; *9 54? 26ml.

3: 9‘12? rarest

go; ram; 30 81 3433s,; _
gamma—Mississippi 52. Keri: ‘
their? {81. abolishes—L . 5'
.IadissisSippi‘3*l‘O (itemize. 5'
g saucy i ‘2‘);Keixtucxy 64,23. ,-
-' (firmer +9. Belparey 21,8}.
Fouled out-Nanexebbenés-4
Mississippi 49 {Murphy 1'01”
Kentucky 48 (Miehburn'lfii. ,
Assists~Mississippt K} {Bailey
4). Kentucky 20 (Harrison 8). to
; tat {outs—Mississippi 26. Keri.~ . H
' lucky 21.
48-24.] 18.




Perhaps nobody had to claw like
Farmer and Sean Woods.

Woods. the regular point guard
who had to be hospitalized earlier in
the week because of the flu, came
off the bench to score seven of his
nine points in the first half. Woods
also had seven assists in 23:49 of
playing time. And Farmer, who
started at the point, had to overcome
a bruised knee and scratched eye
suffered in the game to lead UK
with 21 points.

One look at Farmer, and you
know how tough the win was.

“My knee hurts, 1 can’t hardly see
out of my eye," Farmer said, paused
then added, “Other than that, I'm all

Ole Miss (7-16, l-l3) has not

See HANSON, page 4


UK guard Richie Farmer glares down low for reliet in Saturday's Ole Miss game



GPFG FANS ‘u"o C” i.“

Farmer ed the UK

scoring attack with 21 points as the Cats went on to beat the Rebels 89-77

Murphy time: Ole Miss coach
knows show, but Rebels falling

Senior Stall Writer

lt's Murphy time. Or is it?

He‘s got the moves, the height
and the quickness to be successful
among the college ranks.

But Mississippi coach Ed Mur-
phy‘s colorful hand-oriented disco
moves haven’t been enough to mus-
ter many victories for his Ole Miss
learn this season.

With the departure of last year‘s
Southeastern Conference superstar
Gerald Glass, Murphy is left with
only his stylish body language, his
6—11 son Sean and versatile sopho-
more “Smokin‘ " Joe Harvell.

Standing at (>8, wearing a white
oxford shin and a pair of pleated
black trousers, Murphy is definitely
a sight to see, as he paces the side-
lines in front of the Mississippi

He is most often seen bouncing,
yelling and maneuvering his hands
like a maestro directing a wild musi-
cal sequence.

Unfortunately the maeon has
only been able to compose a 7-16
record overall, while hitting a bad
note in the SEC with l-l3 record.

Murphy hasn‘t produced many
hits in his five years at Ole Miss. As
a matter of fact, he‘s only had one


winning season —— and that came
last year.

His overall record is now 60-78,
which may have the people down in
Oxford ready to pull the plug on

But Murphy thinks he’s still got
the instruments to produce an SEC-
calibcr team.

“We’re in pretty good shape over
the next two ycars. I‘ve got eight or
nine really talented freshmen and
sophomores,” Murphy said. “1 think
this is really gomg to be the last
really tough year."

The instruments at his direction
are Harvell, 6—9 freshman Keith
Peel, and sophomore forward J amcs

But it's Harvell that Will have to
carry Ole Miss, as well as Murphy.
Harvell leads Mississippi in scor-
ing, averaging over 18 p0ints per

“Joe is gonna be an awfully good
player. He‘s a sophomore Who‘s be-
ing guarded by the same guys that
guarded Glass," Murphy said.

“In the next few years, he‘s going
to be a good one."

Despite Murphy‘s Michael Jack-
son moves and Harvell's 18.5
points per game, the Rebels have
been norhing but a flea bite on the
skin of other SEC teams thus far
this season.

Murphy may have annoyed UK
coach Rick “Amadeus“ Pitino, as
well as some SEC bigwigs, with his
comments about the lack of fouls
called at Rupp Arena this year.
“Only one of every four fouls is be-
ing called there," he said.

Pitino walked out of the press
room when the comment was mcn‘

He was obwously fumed over the

But Murphy. keeping his show in-
tact, quickly assencd his lack asser-
tion on the matter.

“I don't need any letters from any
big shots.“ Murphy said. “Rick and
l are friends. He's a good guy. He‘s
a pro. He's got a good restuarant.“
Then in a low humorous tone. “He
makes a lot of money. He'll get
over it."

But don‘t worry about Murphy.
if things don't work out on the hard-
wood, maybe he can get a job on
the next Madonna tour.

His moves might be more appre-
ciated there.


GREG EANSI Kernel 5m"

Showman Ed Murphy adwses one of his Rebels in the UK game

Gym Kats pull together for win


Senior Staff Writer

The UK gymnastics team (7-7 overall.
0-2 Southeastern Conference) got it to-
gether just in time to win Friday night‘s
quad-meet at Memorial Coliseum.

After the team’s recent troubles on the
road, the Gym Kats decided to get togeth-
er and discuss their downfalls.

The result — an exciting come from be-

hind win.

Going into the final round. the Gym
Kats found themselves in second place. al-
most two points behind the University of

UK freshman Amy Appel soars high in
the vault event. Photo by STEVE


Nonh Carolina a With Iowa State and
Georgia College followmg closely behind.

1n the final round, UK went to the floor
exchIse. While L'NC was faced With the
low ratings of the uncvcn bars.

Freshman Gina Hatterick. along With
three other UK gymnasts. came through
with marks good enough to overtake
North Carolina in the end.

Hatterick led the way in the final com~
petition finishing second overall during
the floor exercise with a score of9.55.

Michelle Ogden and Amy Appel fin<
ished tied in fourth place With scores of
9.50, while Tara Kahlc added a 9.35 that
balanced the floor attack.

UK won the meet With a
183.55. North Carolina placed second

third With 181.65. and Georgia t‘ollcgc lin-
ishcd fourth With .i score of 175'. it).

“Wc fought hard to the cnd.” L K coutli
Leah Littlc said. “Hopcliillv. \sc can iisc
this as a stepping stone ”

Appcl tinishcd cighth ovcnill.

Senior Kai Donna Ocl'i'ingcr has been
gctting high marks on the vault all season.
Friday night was no cxccpuon. as she
once again placed tirst in the vault compe-
tition With a score of 9.5.

But it was her score of 9,2 on the beam
that made this night one to remember.

“l'm rcallv proud of Donna # 9.2 on
the beam was a career high for her." Little

”She kept promising me that before she
graduates she would hit a 0. and she hit

score of

with 183.30, While Iowa State ended up in it.“

I a.


 4 - Kantueky Ke