xt7zs756hw99 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zs756hw99/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-02-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 1987 1987 1987-02-02 2020 true xt7zs756hw99 section xt7zs756hw99  





Vol. XCl. No 88

Established 1894




Independent since i 971

Monday. Februarty 4’ T 38 .7


Afro-American culture

celebrated this month

My \ii‘tiis‘s \ I, ma
t‘i’iiitribiitiiig Writer

\i-sierday marked the beginning
«it .\ti'o \iiiericaii History Month.
and l K will he celebrating with a
skltlt‘ range of l'\'(‘llls and activities
sponsored by the Office of Minority
\tt.iiis and smeral other student or—
L'. i'll1"I ills
\tio \iiieiicaii History Month
proxidcs .i gathering ground for
blackness and gives us a chance to
rciiirbish our culture and our
thoughts said William Parker.
\l‘xt- clianii-ilor tor ltlllltll'tt) affairs.
lfiiit ' iust tor blacks. the
is ,ii: ex: t'llt‘lll opportunity to

\ xiii?
ll‘l it:
‘. a.l1nlhi'!~


\lai l‘.',tl


ce l e

iii’ei-iiiiiii and
Ail; kick ott

bration at 2 pm. Friday with the
program. "The Black Inventor:
Founder of Modern (‘ivlization.”

The "Keen Machine" is a comput-
er that stores information about the
inventors and helps Freeman bring
them to life.

"Ersky Freeman is a performer
and a researcher. He combines his
talents to educate and entertain,"
said (‘hester Grundy. director of mi-
nority student affairs.

Also on Friday. the Pin Points
Theater t‘ompanv. of which Free-
man is the founder will present the
muSical theater production. “1001
Black liiii-ntions" at 8 pm. in the
Student (enter.

Hoth eients are cosponsored by
the Black Student I own and the Stu—
dent Activities Board contemporary

affairs committee. Admission is

To highlight these events. a black
inventors exhibit will be held today
through Friday in 245 Student Cen-

The National Cultural Theater and
Dance Company of Gambia will per-
form at 8 pm. on Feb. 10 in Memo-
rial Hall. Admission is $3 and $2 for
students and faculty.

"This 23—member troupe. which in—
cudes acrobats. dancers and sing-
ers. is on a limited national tour and
UK is one of the select group of uni-
versities on the tour." Grundy said.

The program is also cosponsored
by the office of minority student af—
fairs and the SAB performing arts

The Modern Jazz Quartet, the last


in the Spotlight Jazz Series. will per»
form in the FR (‘enter for the Arts
at8p m. on Feb. 20

The group includes l’ercy Heath
on bass. Milt Jackson on \ibra
phone. John Lewis on piano and
Connie Kay on drums Tickets are

\.-.-q I I ll RI , I’i

Genesis appeals to crowd with its hits

lh IIHIK lif‘il‘ ( in
\its liliitwi’

'l‘lie gout I lilliL' premise of last
iiiutii \ siii-l oiii Genesis concert was

”in I'm» ‘hi people what they

\‘ihiil the). wanted and what they

fill" J .i\ the l1":s

t’n-txiei-i ‘tiisi


l;\z piis‘i- imit'i ll REVIEW
teietl polished iii

sll‘llltlt‘llliiizs and brief stints of pat
'i-i . iiiiszs’ing of politiialplatitudes

i rim :f-plcascrs.

Perhaps the reasons behind Gene
siii‘ci-ss :‘oiiie from their ability
to sl.’i\ up with the times The band
that lit-gin: out of the artrrock mold
'fl vie has i'irihrziced high fashion
and state n: We art instruments




was ohi'ioiis And the
part oi the show


kiln it’ll‘-

I‘hi- Geri-sis of old that performed
* -«ist:.iiics .irid toyed with pcrfor
has been chucked for the
performing under
.1 complex laser light

iiiaiiu- at?
lir'i‘it‘~.~ “l ih ti
‘i‘ic I'.i_\s '1


»\ii om viniis smoke hung over the
hint ah i ”he iie‘its beamed down

pioiliiii interesting etfects that
title!‘ see-iiimi ti-cagi- the band

l oi:‘::i..i‘ l‘liil seemed
ttii'l‘i‘ iiispvwi! ill .1 hand setting than
\Ior‘eover. the rest of
.lid not take a backseat to
but instead supplied
ttiii h layers oi iiistriunentation


11> ii siiiitlsl
the hand

his \oi‘al work

the sound was understandably to

light of the band‘s history

togethc: lt Tony Banks who

shone most as .1 player. ris'ing above

the occasional Itttliliflc of the bass

hire lrt‘Yitl‘s'Is softer at all

'ianstormation from

hot instead offered a

iaxi. ippealing sound. unal-
tcii if M istii lio llll\

lll'>!\t‘ {it

iirl not
:ii.il\iiig thi-
\iii\l lll liai-


l'olhiis lofty \ix .‘ils were well suit
ioi thi .\l/t' ot Htlpp Arena How
t‘\t‘t Itic lfllill drum sets that ac»
both him and the
“maps \lllltt‘li drummer produced
no taiorihle effect but instead
hampered the melody


v'r';iii 1d. | ‘crl



Phil Collins

lead Singer for Genesis opens with
last night before a sold- out Rupp Arena

crowd The

five- -man ensemble is
c0untry on its Invisible Touch‘ tOur

YIM SHARP KPtripl ©1144

touring the

SAB Dating Game
coming to campus

Staff Writer

Bachelors and bachelorettes. put
on your best smile. the Student Ac
tiVitle’S Board's Dating (lame is
coming to t'K.

()n Feb 12. the SAB will sponsor
['K's first dating game in the Stu
dent (‘enter Theater.

The dating game is a prOJect that
has been produced successfully at
two other schools. said Hicke Watt
chairman of SAB‘s special actiiities

”We talked to some other Ulll\'t‘l'
sities that did it and at both
places it went over real well.” he

Watt said he has the
for success here at l'K

And so far. the response has been
impressive he said

"Over twice the amount of people
we need have applied foi the posi
tions already." Watt said Applica
tions \Mll be accepted at the SAB of
fice in the Student (‘enter uiit:l

“‘i’le're going to iiiteryieii every
one this Thursday and Friday"
Watt said But not everyone dual
ifies as a contestant The SAB knows
the type of people it \‘xillllrs Watt

"We‘re giust looking for people who

same hopes

are (puck and

“Were ’ll’ . .
ing seryici- .\ " 1' up 'w
on a good '41: En V." The
dents. '“at‘ s.i.i:

SAB is planar»;
good clean l‘If: »\ iii i'ri‘ pruJect.

All SAB ts‘i'ii". . i.
'i‘iiis (ii the ;L-'1







‘p )lv\

asked i'iti

Hlil\ .\,ti' V}:
l,\ lli li‘ .i.\ri" ",.'
lflg. 'u kip: I. 1””.
best ltl'lL’t‘. . :'
li. .iiiii.
“\‘R‘l vs’
Lilil,‘ ., liltlll‘\'
l't"it Hand
Skim Siiimi

l‘hci‘c .iil. *
eight itier. w
games .‘iill l‘t .
Hill}; t‘tllltilt'> -.-.,i. ‘
tlIIlL‘iillllIi‘ ti~‘.'.'

Vic I'i' L'. .1.

limit he


it'll sci ,i

rt ‘taiirari’ iiiif ‘

eri .la/i’ tau We” v= ..~

‘Ask a Professor’ gets
teachers back to class

Contributing Writer

t'K's t‘ouncil on Aging is bringing
professors out of retirement and
back into the classroom with its edu-
cational program. "Ask a Profes
sor "

This volunteer program estah
lished three years ago enables re
tired professors to share their life
time cxrmriences with elementary
and secondary schools in the
Fayette ( 'ounty School District

"This program offers classroom
teachers to provide enrichment for
their students." said Phyllis Hanna.
the program's coordinator

Volunteers discuss subjects such
as economics. geography. law. hlstOr
ry. creative writing and sociology

One of the volunteers is Gifford
Blyton, a former communications
professor who retired from l.'K in
1975 “The children were excellent. I
felt that I impired the students to

“There is a vast reservoir of
knowledge and experience that not
many people take advantage of It

ii sliii.i.i‘ l
i ‘lilflvii:

would he

siiiiri'iiilr‘i. tit ..
tor of his :' :~~;~.:.r

iitiiitj' '

tit‘is .s

.ihoiit ‘fi-

who". "ie .«.is .i in ;
A‘mitiw' 3_‘lt"'
Bridges 't‘,t ' _
throng: \.st..
world hi ti.-
“f‘ gills
:1: other coir”: cs
oping (‘ttlill""i‘\
1‘1'» and hint "
ages through itw

iiist «for: ...i c-

said lit


t'\.lllltt‘itlli\ ti'u'.‘


the swim-i s ‘.U'!'
and appi'ei ‘.i"\i


Looking 3.,
she hopes to ‘-,. ,i .
giilll/illlllns i.) Li;

[)‘t‘l'li‘tti'i' hlit‘r‘A l» 113

Today last day to drop
without receiving ‘W

Staff iepoi ts

Tomorrow is the last day to drop a
course without it appending on a stu
dent ‘s transcript

To drop a class. students must go
to the department the class is in and
pick up a drop card. which should be
taken to their dean‘s office

After tomorrow students wishing
to drop a class mai do so until

New animal lab surpasses regulations, officials say

Hi SH \lttl\ It \ l't Ill’tlltl)
\‘talt \Xritei

This is the first in a
the (‘cntralized
liiciFitx tit l'K This

lrlitnr's note

ii-Iuiv' \il'lt'Q ”71

4h "Hit t i'i
leafs \tii‘h the new

wilt tie-Vii: limit ri.‘ i'K

\‘kher. The t'i-iiti'alned Animal (‘are
fat illl\ opens this summer. l'K WI”
housing for \arious small re
search animals that is ‘as good as
you can get these days." said Art
\oniieriizin the t'K director of grad
vlillt' studies in isu‘hology

I‘he tariiiiy. which is urider the
new \larkex t'ancer t'enter on Rose
street will he used explicitly for re-
scai‘i h \oiiiieinaii said Most of the
other l'k facilities hold classes as
irll .is t ondiicl research


\fist of Phi iieu center‘s space

will he used for housing animals
that are used for biomedical re:
search. but psychology and nutri
tional science will also have space.
Most of the researchers ising the
building are working with grant
money and need space to house their
animals. Nonneman said.

The animal facility is scheduled to
open no later than June. Nonneman
said Although the building itself is
almost complete. the system of
ducts that circulate air through it
are still being connected. he said.

The new building. which will in-
clude a sophisticated air circulation
unit that will help control the spread
of disease and odor, is only one ex-
ample of how the University is keep-
ing ahead of federal regulations.

The National Institute of Health
sets the rules of operation for all re-
search iinits that use federal mon-


As a result of such planning, UK is way ahead
of most universities in procedures and facilities.
said Art Nonneman. UK director of graduate
studies in psychology. Only Yale seems to be
more advanced in its policies.

ids Specifications about the cincula-
tion of air and every other topic
imaginable concerning lab animal
care are included in the NlH's Guide
for the Care and Use of Laboratory

The University anticipated the
need to make changes in its pro-
gram about five years ago. said
Nonneman. chairman of UK‘s lex-
ington campus subcommittee of the

lmtitutional Animal (‘are and t'se

lACUC, according to a booklet 9x.
plaining the workings of t'K‘s lab
animal policies that the University
put out for the general public. “is
concerned with the procurement.
housim, humane care. use and dis-
position of animals involved in the
teaching and research activates of
the departments . . . of the Universi-


As a result of such planning. 1 K is
way ahead of most universities in
procedures and fac1lities. Nonneman
said. Only Yale seems to be more
advanced in its poliCies. he said

“We're definitely the best" in the
state. said Dr Edward Timmons. di
rector of (M‘s Division of Laborato
ry Animal Resources and the man in
charge of the new centralized facili
ty. but “we‘re not a Yale yet "

The UniverSity of Louisville is the
only other college in Kentucky that
does biomedical research, and it
does have an “active and growing
program."1‘immons said.

Timmons is a veterinarian. which
is not required for the head of the
DLAR post. Nonneman said

The role of DLAR is to properly
care and house laboratory animals
Every university funded by the NIH

\cc I AB. Page ‘

\léltth Ti. hi. it
their transi i ipt

Toiiiorrcu is
change .i guiding ‘lllfi‘
fall to .1
grade to pass fail

Thursday is the
dents who were droppe-l 2min
l'niversity because of 1.. . i. pay
registratior ’o l't‘Ill:-‘ i'w 'hmr

iilV' "


li‘ift't gldtli


i i . .
tits. ilii» .l|.'







Bobby McForrln‘s body did
an out-of-this-world show this
weekend For the review.
see DIVERSIONS. Page 4

Bobby Knight may be called
unorthodox. but one column-
ist thinks he‘s all right See




It wiil be partly cloudy today
wlth a high near 50 Partly
cloudy tonight and In the low
to mid 303. Partly sunny and
mild tomorrow With a high
from 50 to 55.





 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday, February 2, 1987


Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through

the Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student_Centerl University of gen-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the

publication date.



- Intramurals Starting date tor Mixed DCuDleS
Racquetball Free Room 135 Seaton Call 7 2898

- Concerts UK Symphonic Winds Fr-m UK Center tor
the Arts. 8 p to .Call 74900

0 lntramurals Starting date for intramural Racqiietball
Free. Room 135 Seaton Call 7 2898

0 Other Ground Hog s Day


0 Workshops: Single Parents Resouce Group; Free; K-
House/412 Rose Street: Tues-7:309 pm . Call 7-3383

0 Meeting: Pre-Vet Club. Free; 852 Ag Bldg South,
7.30 p.m.; Call 7-1894

~ Academic: Deadline for Submitting application (or
admission to the College of Dentistry for Fall 1987

0 Academic Last day to change grading option (passifail
to letter grade or letter grade to pass/tail; credit to audit or
audit to credit) in college dean's office

0 Academic: Orientation for new and transfer students
(important intormation related to College 01 Education); 1 58
Taylor Ed. Bldg ;3-5 p.m.; Call 7-7971

0 Academic: Last day to drop a couse without it
appearing on the student's transcript

o lntramurals: Entry deadline for intramural swim meet;
Free; Room 135 Seaton; before 4 p.m.; Call 7-2898

0 Meetings. Study Abroad Table w/representative from
Study Abroad office: Free; Old Student Center Arcade; 1 1
a m -2 pm. Call 7-8139

0 Religious: Tuesday Night Together Worship SerVice-
Baptist Student Union: Free; 429 Columbia Ave; 730
D m.; Call 73989

' Sports: Lady Kat basketball vs. Auburn; Free w/UKlD;
Home; 7.30 pm,

0 Workshops: Reading to Remember: $10-UK’$25-non-
UK. 307 Commons Complex; 7-7:50p.m.; Call 7-8673

- Workshops: Note Taking: $10-UK/$25-non-UK; Rm.
306 Barker Hall; 2-2‘50 p.m.; Call 7-8673

- Workshops: Study Skills for Foreign Languages; $1 0-
UKi$25-non-UK; Rm. 306 Barker Hall; 1-1 :50 pm. Call 7-

0 Meetings: National Education Association Student
Organization- Dr. Kawanna Simpson; Free; 245 SC: 6:30
p m ,Call 269-8935



- Meetings Student COuncii for Exceptional Children;
236C Taylor Ed Bldg 7 p rr: Call " 859-1

0 Meetings UK Cycling Cm” S‘C‘ . MUSE-.1? r~ 8 30-10
C in Call 254-7765

- MOvies Guess Who s Coming to Currier S? 95'
Worsham Theatre. 8 p m Call 78867

0 MOVies Ferris Bueller s Day Off 51 :75 Worsham
Theatre 10 05 p rn .Cali 78867

' Soons UK basketball vs Auburn 17"-

- Workshops Reading to Rome-nor” $1 UK S25-non-
UK 307 Commons Complex 7 7 5C 2 :7 Call 78673

- Religious Holy Communion Canterbury Fellowship.
Free St Augustine Chapel 5 '30 c "‘ CaI1254 3726


0 Sports: UK Men's Tennis: ITCA National Indoor Singles
& Doubles; Free; Richmond; VA; all day; Call 254-4072

- Academic Last day for reinstatement of students
cancelled for nonpayment of registration tees and/or
housmg and dining fees

0 Sports: Japan Karate Association- Shotokan; $30/sem..
Alumni gym loft; 6-8 p.m.;Call7-1195

0 Meetings: UK Table Tennis Club; Free; Seaton Squash
Courts; 7-10 p.m.; Call 252-7081

0 Movies: Guess Who‘s Coming to Dinner; $1 .95:
Worsham Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

0 Movies: Ferris Bueller‘s Day 011; $1.95: Worsham
Theatre; 10:05 p.m.; Call 7-8867

0 Religious: D 8. L Grill- Baptist Student Union; Free; 429
Columbia Ave; Noon; Call 7-3989

0 Seminars: Am. Chem. Society: John Moitat- “Theoretical
Calculations on Phosphate Clusters“; Free; CP 137; 4 pm;
Call 7-3484

- Workshops: Note Taking; $10-UK/$25-non-UK; Rm.
306 Barker Hall; 2-2150 p.m.; Call 7-8673

0 Workshops: Study Skills for Foreign Languages; $10-
UK/SZS-non-UK; Rm. 306 Barker Hall; 1-1:50 p.m.; Call 7-

0 Other: CPU- Campus Computer Users: $2.50; SC SOA
106; 7:15 p.m.; Call 7-1381

0 Lectures: ‘The Aims of Afro-Am. Critical Thinking-
Valerie Smith; Free: Peal Gallery Ml King; 8 p.m.; Call 257-

; ELAlalul


24 Mowes: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre: 8 p m ; Call 7-8867

2'4. Mowes Ferris Bueller's Day Off; $1 .95; Worsham
Theatre; 10:05 p.m.; Call 7-8867

2, 5 Mowes: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre: 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

25 Movies. Ferris Bueller‘s Day Off; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre:10'05 p.m.; Call 7-8867

2 6: Mowes: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner; $1.95:
Worsham Theatre: 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

2(6: Mowes: Ferris Bueller's Day Off; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre. 10:05 p.m.; Call 7-8867

2 7. Movies: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner: $1 .95:
Worsham Theatre: 8 pm; Call 7-8867

2,7 Mowes Ferris Bueller's Day Off; $1 .95; Worsham
Thearte. 10.05 pm ;Call 7-8867




273: Meeting: Pro-Vet Club: Free; 852 Ag. Bldg. South:
7:30 p.m.; Call 7-1894
2/3: Meetings: Study Abroad Table w/representative from
Study Abroad oflice; Free: Old Student Center Arcade; 1 1
a.m.-2 p.m.; Call 78139
2732 Meetings: National Education Association Student
Organization- Dr. Kawanna Simpson; Free: 245 SC: 6:30
pm: Call 269-8935
2/ 4: Meetings: Student Council for Exceptional Children;
2360 Taylor Ed. Bldg; 7 p.m.; Call 7-8594
2/4: Meetings: UK Cycling Club: $10: 212 Seaton: 8:30-
10 p.m.; Call 254-7765
275: Meetings: UK Table Tennis Club: Free: Seaton Squash
Courts: 7-10 p.m.; Call 252-7081
2/5: Lectures: ‘The Aims of Afro-Am. Critical Thinking“-
Valerie Smith; Free; Peal Gallery Ml King: 8 p.m.; Call 257-
276: Meetings: UK Badminton Club; Seaton Bldg: 7:30-9
p.m.; Call 35157
2/6: Meetings: Info. Session on Univ. of East Anglia.
Norwich. England- Study Abroad office; Free; SC 1 17:
11:45 a.m.-1p.m.;Call7-8139
2/8: Meetings: UK Badminton Club; Seaton Bldg: 2:30
p.m.; Call 3-5157




‘ Concerts Lexmgton Philharmonic Concert Jonathan
Shames. piano. $12 50 $15 $17 5i;- 5 82“ Center for
the Arts 8 p m .Call 74900

0 Meetings UK Badminton Club Seaton Bldg 7 309
D m Call 3-5157

0 Meetings info SeSSion on Univ of East Anglia
NorWich, England Study Abroad office Free SC 1 17.
1145a m -1 pm Call 7-8139

0 MOVies Guess Who's Corning to Dinner: $1 95
Worsham Theatre. 8 p m . Call 78867

O MOVIeS' Ferris Bueller‘s Day 011. $1 95 Worsham
Theatre. 10 05p m Call 78867

. Other. Professor Edgar Tidwell- The (,r Il(.'(ll Realism of
Sterling A Brown‘ Free. Peal Gallery Kim Noon Call 7-

~ Seminars Dept of Chem CUL‘Efi-l’liii‘ aOti‘iei
Photochem Rx OIBIHUCIPHITWI" 1%th iv‘r ‘ Free Rrr.
137 Chem Phys Bldg .4 p rr. Cali " 3:4

1‘: .1


0 Exhibits: Kat McGee: MFA thesis exhibit; Free: Center
for Contemporary Art; Call 7-8148

0 Concerts: Guitar Society of Lexington- Centeral
Kentucky: Novas Cantus: $4 & $6; Center for the Arts; 8
p m.; Call 7-4900

- Movies: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre: 8 p.m.; Call 78867

0 Movies Ferris Bueller's Day 011; $1 .95; Worsham
Thearte110205 p.m.; Call 7-8867

0 Sports: UK basketball vs. Alabama (A)

- Sports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Alabama; Free w/UKlD;
Home: 7:30 pm.


2/2: Concerts: UK Symphonic Winds; Free; UK Center for
the Arts, 8 pm, Call 7-4900

2i6: Concerts. Lexmgton Philharmonic Concert- Jonathan
Shaines. piano; $12.50. $15 $17.50 & $20; Center for
the Arts. 8 p m ; Call 7-4900

2/7: Exhibits: Kat McGee: MFAthesis exhibit; Free; Center
for Contemporary Art; Call 7-8148

2’7: Concerts: Guitar Society of Lexmgton- Centeral
Kentucky: Novas Cantus: $4 8- $6: Center for the Arts; 8
cm; Call 7-4900
278: Concerts: New World Consort- Renaissance Music;
Free w/student ID; $7 50; other CFA Recital Hall; 8 pm.
2/8: Concerts. Center Sundays Series: You're Going to
Play What. By Whomaz Free: Center for the Arts: 3 p.m.;
Call 7-4900

2/8: Concerts Chamber MUSIC Society of Central
Kentucky: The New World Consort: $7.50: Center for the
Arts; 8 pm. Call 74900

279: Concerts: Symphonic Vlfinds; Free; Center for the Arts;
Cali 7-4900


2/2: Intranurals: Starting date for Mixed Doubles
Racquetball; Free; Room 135 Seaton; Call 72898

2/2: Intramurals: Starting date for intramural Racquetball:
Free; Room 135 Seaton: Call 7-2898

2/3: lntramurals: Entry deadline for intramural swim meet;
Free; Room 135 Seaton; before 4 p.m.; Call 7-2898

273: Sports: Japan Karate Association- Shotokan;
$30/sem.; Alumni gym loft: 6-8 p.m.; Call 7-1 195

2/3: Sports: Lady Kat basketball vs. Auburn; Free w/UKID:
Home; 7:30 pm.

2/4: Sports: UK basketball vs. Auburn (H)

2/5: Sports: UK Men's Tennis: ITCA National Indoor Singles
at Doubles; Free; Richmond, VA; all day; Call 254-4072
2/5: Sports: Japan Karate Association- Shotokan;
$30/sem.: Alumni gym loft: 6-8 p.m.; Call 7-1 195

2”: Sports: UK basketball vs. Alabama (A)

277: Sports: Lady Kat Basketde vs. Alabama; Free w/UKlD:
Home; 7:30 pm.

2/8: Sports: UK Men's Tennis: Louisville: Free; Louisville.
KY: 2 p.m.; Call 254-4072

2/9: lntramurals: Starting date tor intramural swim meet;
Free: Rm. 135 Seaton: Call7-2898




0 Concerts New World Consort Renaissance MUSlC
Free w student 10 $7 50 other C‘ A “W '2.‘ him" 8 p m

' Concerts Center Sundays 36" f I f; to Play
What By Whnma Free Cenlerl'r the Art: <‘ r- i' Call 7-
H quip.

‘ Concerts Chamber Music Bot -i:‘. .r‘ Central Kentucky
The New World Consort. $7 50 Center (or the Arts 8
D "‘- Call 7 4900

0 Meetings UK Badminton Club SM" n eri'. ’2 30
n 'h CaI13-5157

- Sports UK Men 5 Tennis Lou swir- lrm- lolliswlle
K122 p m . Call 254-4072

- Religious Holy Communion Canterbury Fellowship.
Free St Augustine Chapel. 10 303 n: Call 254 3726

- Religious Holy Communion Canterbu'y Fellowship
Free St Augustine Chapel 5 300 r" Call 254 3726

U Religious 'Heartsounds musuc urriiin (Canterbury
Fellowship). Free. St Augustine Chapel 5 .30 o m . Call
254 3726

0 Religi0us ‘Heartsounds' MUSIC group iCaninrhury
Fellowship) Free. St Augustine Chanel ’ c m Call 254-



0 Concerts: Symphonic Winds; Free: Center for the Arts.
Call 7-4900

0 lntramurals Starting date for intramural Swm‘. meet.
Free; Rm. 135 Seaton; Call7-2898

- Workshops Time Management: $1 O-UK $25-non-UK
Room 306 Barker Hall. 3-350 p m. Call 7-8673

- Workshops: Organizing to Remember: $10-UK/$25-
non-UK. Room 306 Barker Hall. 1-1 50 p m .Call 7-8673



23 Academic Deadline for submitting application for
admissmn to the College of Dentistry for Fall 1987

2 '3. Academic Last day to change grading option (pass/tail
to letter grade or letter grade to pass fail. credit to audit or
audit to credit) in college dean‘s office

2/3:Academic: Orientation for new and transfer students
(important information related to College of Education); 158
Taylor Ed Bldg .3-5p.m ;Call 7-7971

2 ’3 Academic: Last day to drop a couse without it
appearing on the student's transcript

2 5' Academic Last day ior reinstatementot students
cancelled for nonpayment oi registration fees and/or
housing and dining fees

28 Religious: Holy Communion Canterbury Fellowship;
Free. St Augustine Chapel; 10.30 am : Call 254-3726
28 Religious Holy Communion- Canterbury Fellowship:
Free; St Augustine Chapel. 5 30 p m.; Call 254-3726

2 '8 Religious ‘Heartsounds'- music group (Canterbury
Fellowship) Free: St Augustine Chapel; 530 pm ;Call

2.- 8 Religious ‘HeartSOunds'- music group (Canterbury
Fellowship). Free. St Augustine Chapel: 7 p.m.; Call 254-
37 26


. . fl

2/10: Gambia National Cultural Theatre- SAB/Minority
Attairs: $2-stu./$3-pub.: Memorial Hall; 8pm.: Call 7-8867
2/1 t : UK Percussion Studio Recital: Free; Center for the
Arts; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

2/1 1: UK beaketbel vs. Tennessee (H)

271 2: Last day tor tiling m mpllcation in college dean's
ottice tor a May degree

2/ 1 2: Miss KY Vdsnfino Announcement and Reception;
Free: 214 SC; 4 p.m.; Call 7-6598

2/14: Vlantine's Day

2114: UK buketbdl vs. Florida (A)


 KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. February 2. 1987 - 3


gets defensive; .

collars Dogs, 50-36,
evens SEC record

Staff Writer

In a game that was more of a bat-
tie between sticky man-to-man de-
fenses than an offensive exhibition,
Kentucky prevailed 50-36 over Mis-
sissippi State Saturday at Rupp

The victory improved the Wildcats
to 126 overall and 5-5 in the South-
eastern Conference. The Bulldogs
dropped to 5-14 and 1-9.

UK guards James Blackmon and
Rex Chapman combined for 30
points in the low-scoring affair. The
two were the only players to score in
double f igures.

Blackmon‘s 18 points more than
doubled his scoring average of 8.2
points per game. Chapman chipped
in 12 points and handed out a game-
high six assists, three to Blackmon.

“I thought if we held Kentucky to
50. we‘d at least have a chance,"
Mississippi State coach Richard Wil-
liams said.

The Bulldogs gave themselves a
chance by holding the Cats to only
50 points. But State shot itself in the
foot by not shooting the ball in the

With only 36 points, the Bulldogs
scored less this game than they
have all season. This was due to 37
percent (1746) shooting from the
field. However, Williams said the
UK defense was also to blame.

“Kentucky‘s defense contributed
to our poor shooting. although we
did miss some easy shots." Williams
said. "You can‘t beat good teams or
bad teams if you can‘t make easy
baskets. And we missed a ton of

Sutton also felt defensive pressure
was the key to his team‘s victory.

“Defense again held us in there
and allowed us to win." he said.
“Anytime you hold a ballclub to 36
points, chances are you‘re going to
win the contest.“

Although Sutton was pleased with
the defense. he said inconsistency
again plagued the Wildcats.

“It was a very typical Kentucky
performance in my opinion," he
said. “At times we played well
enough to beat anybody in America.
And at times 287 other teams (the
number of colleges in Division I bas-


MlssisstPPl st «"100
Player lg In it III I.
Henderson 0 0

Ballard . ()
l-dmond . . ti
lahles .. (I
Kelly 0
Peters t)
\chcller o




2‘!) l'.‘ 46
KIN [I (IV (50)

Player min lg lga fl lta
\fadivoii. . 27 l 0 0
loch . 2‘ l I
thapman. .. 33 ll o
Blackmon )4 12 I





Davcndcr . I9
\lillct.. .. 7
Andreas... . 2]
Bruce I (l
Sliigg. ..... I (I
I lioiiias . .. l3 2
\SU“ . . 4 l)
Jenkins . . l4 l







it'ldi\ 2t!) 2| 45 5 l2 9 50
Halftime: Kentucky ZS-ZA. Three-point goals:
Mississippi State 0-! (Taylor (H. Peters 0-1. McK-
eller (Hi: Kentucky 342 (Chapman 2—6. Miller 0-2.
Blackmon l3. Davendcr (H). Shooting percent‘
with Misuwppi State 370; Kentucky “.7. Free
throw perccritagev Mississippi State 40.0: Kentucky
4‘ ‘ Technicals: None. Turnovers: Mississippi
Sldl‘.‘ I9; Kentucky l7. ()fficrals: Paul Galvan. Paul
Andneyewslti. Pat Nugeni. Attendance: 22.83].


ketballi probably could have beaten

Early on. it looked as if Mississip~
pi State would be one of the 287.

The Rupp Arena crowd was quiet
as the Bulldogs came out firing and
jumped out to first-half leads of 10-5
and 16-11.

Robert Woodard canned a jumper
giving the visitors their biggest lead,
an 18-11 advantage at the 11:53
mark. At that point, the patient Bull-
dogs had connected on 75 percent (9-
121 of their shots. And this was from
a team that was last in the SEC in
field goal percentage at 42.6 percent.

However. it was all downhill from
there for the Bulldogs as UK’s de-
fense started to take charge.

The Wildcats began putting the
clamps on State's perimeter players
and forced six turnovers in the next
six minutes.

The pressure led to an 8-2 Wildcat

Andy Dumatofl
Sports Editor


Rex Chapman goes over MiSSissippi State's Clyde
Tables during Saturday‘s 50-36 win at

run and UK's first lead of the game.
21-20, with 5:05 left in the half. The
Cats held a one-point. 25-24. advan-
tage at intermission.

“A couple of times late in the first
half. I saw the opportunity to really
push the ball up the floor." Chap-



man said. “And when I did.
made something happen and
moved out in front of them. "

The second half was all Kentucky
as the Wildcats went on an 11 ;
spurt in the first scvcn lllllllllt'> I“
take a nine-point. 37728. l(’iltl stair


Staff Writer

During a swim meet, the noise
can be deafening.

The whistles of coaches run-
ning alongside the pool and the
frantic cheer of the crowd as the
swimmers flip and kick out into
the final lap echo through the
humid facility.

Any athlete's adrenaline would
flow high in such‘ an intense sur

But during the same meet.
when the diver climbs atop the
board. the silence can be almost

Suddenly the noise ceases.

All eyes focus on the lone ath-
lete. suspended above the crowd.

"It‘s a challenge." said UK ju-
nior diver Julie Jelf. “It‘s a chal-
lenge to yourself. It‘s really dif-
ferent from the swimming
because it's just you up there."

And just as the crowd's con-
stant cheering mablos the swim-
mer to reach peak performance.
silence allows the diver to reach
the highest level of concentration.

“When you're on the board
your level of concentration is so
high you really don't hear any-
thing anyway.“ said freshman
Mary Jaye Barber. “You really
have to think about what you are
doing and it helps when the
crowd is quiet. “

Even though the diving compe-
tition is a very important part of
a swim team's entire final score.
the individuality of the sport is
what attracts most divers.

UK's four women divers are no

“It’s very individualized.” Bar-
ber said. “I like it became how
you and you only. i really enjoy
that partofit.”

And even though UK‘s women
divers are very team-oriented.
when they climb to the edge of
the board their thoughts are only
onthedlve at hand.

“The only thim you’re thinking
about when you‘re ta) there is
doiig the dive well yotnelf,“
Jeff said. “We all lmow that the
better we perform the but: we


Women’s diving team
contributes to program
with individual efforts


“It's a challenge. It’s a
challenge to yourself.
It’s really different from
the swimming because
it's just you up there.”
UK diver

will be as a team but we also re-
alize that it is up to us to make
every dive count. "

Since the birth of the women's
program in 1983. Kentucky's di-
vers have done just that.

Both Jelf and classmate Kim
Gugino have qualified for the
NCAA zone meet the past two
seasons. and both have qualified
for the 1987 meet as well.

The two veterans will travel to
Louisiana State University in
March to compete with the na-
tion‘s best divers.

Although qualificatiOns for the
meet are based on individual div-
ing scores. Coach Brigid DeVrios
said having the two divers qual'
ify three years straight is a re-
flection on the entire Kentucky

“We are trying to upgrade our
program." she said. “It is really
a big deal because the scores are
sohard to make.

“With the UK (women’s) pro-
gram being only four years old. it
really looks good when our divers
are able to make the scores and
are able to go. "

Backing up UK‘s two veteran
divers are freshmen Barber and
Jill Bumgarner. Both are inex-
perienced but DeVriea is confi-
dent their talent will allow them
to become successful collegiate

And because the caliber of the
Wildcat recruits improves each
season. the program itself im-

“The program has improved
greatly every year.“ DeVrla
said. “We pretty much started
from scratch the first year and
this team is the but we’ve had so

Julie Jelf concentrates in preparation for a dive off the high
board. Jolt. along with teammate Kim Gugino. has qualified

for the NCA