xt7zs756hw3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zs756hw3s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-10-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1982 1982 1982-10-15 2020 true xt7zs756hw3s section xt7zs756hw3s g: 01,0 ‘8
~ . In recordtlme
’4‘“. ¢ ' (i ‘ With record sales hitting an all-time
" “.r \f q I", low, recording companies seem willing
.5 -. " ‘1“? to gamble on almost anything. Some-
‘k \\ times the bets pay off and a new sensa-
' l ‘ , tion occurs. Most of the time, however,
I' ~. ‘ , these new groups, and even old ones.
A - i ' . .. are lust recycling the some old thing.
,- 3ft! W For (eVIewS ofsni albums, see page 3.
, _ ,____

Vol. LXXXV, No. 48 Friday, October 15, I982 An IndownJOHf I'UdOl‘" DOWIPCPOI’ University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

CHE may l'm't dental SChOOIS' d .85-0 3
an increasing oversupply of dentists with a decline in the demand for The new Council restrictions, how- versity law student who represents tucky Dental Association to reduce
By JAMES EDWIN HARRIS through the year 2000. dental service, the result is an over- ever. reduce enrollment to maxi- college students on the Council, enrollments.
Managing Editor The Council, using 1980 US. Cen- supply. mums of 48 students at UK and 66 challenged the restrictions, saying "We’re opening the door to a situ-
sus Bureau figures, estimated the Enrollments in the two schools students atUL. she thought there had been insuffi- ation when if a profession feels too
- dentist-to-population ratio at one for hovered around 150 students from The Council debated the issue ex- cient study of Kentuckians' dental much competition the Council will
every 2,342 Kentuckians, the fifth 1975 to 1980. In 1981, UKandULvoI- tensively, with two of its newer needs. beaskedtointervene,”shesaid.

FRANKFORT — UK‘s College of lowest amongthelii southern states. untarily reduced enrollment to 134 members, Peggy Bertelsman of And Bertelsman, a former high Harry Snyder. CHE executive di~
Dentistry will not be closed in the It attributed the oversupply to ex- students. In the last three years, Fort Thomas and Angela Ford of school teacher. charged her col- rector, said, however. “The Coun-
near future, but the Councilon High- panded enrollments, more graduates more than 96 percent graduated, Highland Hills, voting against the leagues with failing to solve the cil‘s primary motivation was the
er Education yesterday cut enroll- and increased number of graduates and nearly 70 percent remained in restrictions. oversupply problem and with suc- long-standing policy we have oper-
ments for both it and the dentistry practicing in the state. Combined Kentucky topractice dentistry. Ford, a Northern Kentucky Uni- cumbing to pressure from the Ken- ated under over the years. The
prlcligrim its the Umyerzg'oflbms- . , . . state, at taxpayer expense, main-
v1 e y percen, inning In D t I d f I th b t t ht k t tains professional schools to satisfy

l Fall, 1983. en a gra 8 ea I ”g e I e In lg mar e the state’s manpower demands for

In acting to adjust the state’s den- that service."
tist-to—population ratio, the Council, LOUISVILLE (AP) — Young den- May, works as a nurse while she Dental Association and the Ken- said recently while sitting in his Snyder said the Council would con-
however, cautioned that the schools tists are learning that you don’t step tries to establish her dental prac- tucky Board of Dentistry said there empty waiting room. tinue to “fine-tune" the numbers of
might be consolidated or one could out of school into a waiting room full tice. is an oversupply of dentists, partic- Pendleton, 26, is associated with students allowed in the professional
close if Kentucky’s oversupply of of patients. Gary Pursell. a 1981 graduate, is ularly in Louisville and Lexington. another dentist but spends his week- schools based on future manpower
dentists continues. After four months in the profes- considering moving to a rural area Pendleton, in an attempt to stir up ends trying to build his own patient needs,

The Council's decision to limit sion, Dr. Terrell Pendleton is consid- to try tofind more patients. business, recently went door~to-door list. President Otis Singletary and UL
combined enrollments to 110 stu- eringmoonlightingasawaiter. Kentucky has a ratio of one den- in Louisville, distributing handbills While he said his income is one- President Donald Swain took turns
dents annually in UK and the UL Don Bowman, five years out of tist for every 2,342 people —— slightly to3,000homes. third what he expected, he faces praising each other for cooperating
colleges of dentistry was based on a dental school, attempts to lure pa— lower than the average ratio of one The ads offer one visit free and 55 payments on an $8,000 business loan with the Council in making the deci-
review of two Council studies on tients with a Yellow Pages adver- dentist per 2,250 people in its region off on the second appointment. And to purchase equipment and next sion. Singletary said the alternative
dental education completed in 1975. tisement that announces, “We Cater of 14 Southern states, according to Pendleton will see you any time — spring must start repaying a $22,000 ~ closing one of the schools —would

If enrollments were allowed to re- to Cowards," and touts the Atari figures compiled by the state Coun- day or night, seven daysaweek. student loan. have been politically unrealistic.
main at 1980 levels, the review con- videogameinhisoffice. cilonHigherEducation. “I want to be able to say I’ve 5 0mm“ 5
cluded, the state would experience Susan Deeley, who graduated in But spokesmen for the Kentucky given this every chance to work,“ he 99 ”98 see ““9”“

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a- 7 , , unvel s new arm
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" -' . afpac make
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J V l \ A B can axDERsm
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Kirwan Tower men ' Staff Writer
hitting intended targets ______h___
By CURTANDERSON A team of h ‘ ' t h r '
, . p ySiCians a t e LK Medical Center has
Staff Writer “‘ SI lent introduced a new form of pacemaker that may go a
M, long way towards eliminating sudden deatls through
E ' " ~ vigil chronic irregular heartbeatsknown as arrhythmias.
Arrhythmias are unpredictable, and those suffering
railsleefrfonareref; :3; 8&5??va ‘12? ,fl“ from them generally respond poorly to conventional
l - .3: - n . y, h _ drug treatment. The new pacemaker. known as a pro-
emp oying h" men 15 an approac " mmabl automatic scannin arrh thmic reversion
seldomlyused. Diane Irving, 0 iunior at gra . e .g y , . '
‘ . . contains a computer that monitors the hearts electrical
However, a group of Kirwan Tates Creek High . .
Tower residents is doing it, but pre- 0" impulses governing hear tbeats.
fers pies to bullets when making a 5Ch90lr h°ld5 ° “0le Ifthe heart becomes arrhythmatic, the PASAR auto-
hit. during a protest against matically stimulates it electrically until the beats re-

For a $15 fee, anyone can have the violation of political turntonormal. ‘ .
their favorite instructor, best friend prisoners' figms around Such procedures have been tried tw1ce at the Mayo
or other acquaintance splattered the world A roxi- Clinic, but the work at UK is the first to concentrate on
with a pie of their choice, with pro- . ‘ pp the heart's lower chambers. Upper-chamber arrhythmi-
ceeds to be donated to the United mately 60 attended "‘9 as are not as life-threatening as those in the lower
Way. . Memorial Hall vigil. chamberswhere blood is actually pumped.

“We put aphone number in the sponsored by the com ”This process is the first step in treating arrhythmias
Kernel claSSlfledS under Cake . independent of the presence of a physician," Dr. Antho-

, d h l d h pus chapter of Amnesty , , _ .. ,
531 t e ea 91' 0f t e Pic-330.81 a . I ny N. DeMaria said. Demaria was mined on the proiect
student who would only be'identified Internationa - bv Dr. Edward 13, Todd and Dr. Pratap Reddy.
as Sgt. Cake. “People call I" and ‘9" "About 400,000 of cardiac arrests occur in patients
us exactly who to hit, when, and ex- IIN VAN NOOK/KemeiStafl that are doing tolerably well," DeMaria said. “The pre-
actIy where to h” them. , . ,_ vention this pacemaker provides will make the differ-
ThComple.e snonym'ty '5 assured. 2' . _. encein saving thesepatients."
T e mo. lgyl fts . broughltedto Kliwan .. . - _' I The pacemaker. made by Telectronics Inc., is still in
“vaerdarrl’t fnin a spa eigvte op: - .,. . . . , the experimental stage. A disk smaller than a pack of
callid g] theehit pail: fvewfiill Itak‘: : y ' . cigarettes. the device is implanted under the skin on the
hit from them,’:Cake said. . - 5:15:25: left side. Wires carry the electical impulses to
The erst-while gangsters raised - “The exciting thing about this is that it‘s a computer
$500 last year, and they expect to _ . . . ,.
equal or better that figure this year. that can diagnose and treat arrhythmatics on its own,
“Generally, people understand , _ , Todd said. , ~ .
what's going on when they’re hit," , t" -* re So far. the deVice has been used in one patient, a 61—
Cake said. “They know it's for char- ' / ' year-old man from Madisonville. DeMaria said the man
ity, and they’re usually real good . has responded perfectly to the pacemaker, but he em-
about it." phasized the team "needs to observe the patient over a
Prospective clients may choose long period oftime.
from chocolate. strawberry, coconut "We know that it will work in at least one human
creme, pineapple and lemon mering- being.“ he said.
uepies. ' See UNVEILS pages
day with the IO-member union-Chrysler bargaining commit- It was the first public sign of change in Israel's reluc-
FRIDAY tee and local union presidents showed ”first and foremost tance to share military information with the United States
. . .workers were expectingapay increase up front." while relations were strained by the Reagan administra-
Chrysler officials "have to make a hard decision" when tion sopposition to the Israeli presence in Lebanon
Fm‘ mm bargaining resumes today, he said. The tally showed 70.4 Israel has captured some recently developed Soviet
- - - percent voting against the pact. It was the first time since weaponry since invading Lebanon June 9, including the
unemPloyment f'llngs I'ISO, SfOCkS f8” 1979 that the contractdid not ask for concessions. SAM-9 anti-aircraft missile launcher used by Syrian forces in
‘d th Id h
The employment outlook darkened yesterday as the govern comAm::l:>sr:ihes?/:lf::re::rltss:l on tiézzfzrlzirou ave no eastern Lebanon.
merit reported a surge in first-time filings for unemploy< g g. Salvadorangovarnmentmaves forces
ment benefits, while the stock market rally'fizzled. POIiSh riots result in death
The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks, measur- SAN SALVADOR, 5| Salvador _ The government sent 5,.
ingfthe performance 0‘ major Eorpogzzogi lT-
KW '
outfield-II sun-W JehnOrlCfln ItevenW-lelttho' llnl|.Kedebe Lev-m e-ncintmi
“woman-t News Editor Am Editor Sports Editor Special Proiectl Editor Photo Editor Graphic. Editor ‘
Jam-elm” CMMU WEI-lie. “um KeehleMllllen IenVanNeeh (Michel! I
Monogingiditov Editorial Editor Awaroxmigil AuiltnntSportIEdltor Speclelrroleanulstoni Chiett'hoiogropher Copy Dull Chlot
W -
Student assembly pol'oy needs Changing
The Student “Government Association re- group believed SGA was wrong in restricting g
versed its deciSion Monday night not to spon- the student body from voting on the issue. It YEAH I SPEAK FOR THE at G _,;
sor_a referendum on the mandatory health threatened SGA with a very powerful weap- ’ N ,1;
fee issue for one reason —-blackmail. on and won. Because of SFPC’s actions, stu- GW» 50 GET CRACKING o t
A small but politically active one-issue dents will have the opportunity on the first a OUR“ RESOt ‘ ”no / a
group, the Students for Political Choice, or- Monday in November to voice their opinions ' / ’4,\¢\
ganized their forces and collected the 200 on the proposed fee. //: \.\.\ ”
signatures needed to call a SGA general stu- Senator-at-Large John Miller, a former op- .\ y z
dent assembly. The assembly, given the ponent of a referendum, introduced the ref- \\\\ I /// .. a. ,_..
power to pass any legislation in the name of erendum bill, hoping to save the Senate \\\\\ ' /// . l» j
the student body, provided at least 300 stu- “time, trouble and cost.” He also urged pas- // \ ' l /, 1/ ‘ I -»
dents attend, is “the final authority” of stu- sage of the referendum — mainly because it y y , / o 9‘0 7/ ,, " . / :3 7
dent government, according to SGA’s consti- would have been railroaded through agener- - MA fly ,./ g a g ' ,2: I :r :7
tution. a1 student assembly and stamped With the _.~' g // 3 p ., ‘ T? 3 1
. fl r0 lofthetdentbod. .~ / \ a . »,
SFPC did not ask for a general student as- ul app va_ s u - - y f; // ' ' " “g ‘
. . . Issues as1de, a very VlSible weakness has /. / —
sembly. It merely dangled the petition, With - i / , //// \ ’ SW » _:
all the needed . t . f t f I been demonstrated in SGAs armor. It has i g ,, l, . z . 1 ., ,
513.“ ures, m. mu 0 severa been shown that it is rather easy to obtain ‘ 5; fl ’ ‘l 15:! Bow . /’
senators along With a promise: If you dont . - g 2 \ ‘~ 2.. 5
. enough Signatures to require an assembly. .\ , - , 3 ,. _
approve a student referendum . . . we Will. - - _ -\ a; . ,, ./ -3 . ,._ a ..
. An opportunity eXists for a few hundred stu 9 (( . ,,,. . g 3],
And the Senate gavein. :: {ff-3 7 t ,, . a». J; , , .5
, . dents to use the general student assembly \ é ,.,/,, J 7
It wasnt a veiled threat. If SGA had not - so . mm a ”'V " - »
a rov ed t d t bod t th . clause to rule in the name of the student .3 . fl 7 - ..
pp . . a s u en y V0 e on e issue, body for a lesser cause — perhaps destroy- - ,3; . 6' Assam” é” ‘
the petition would have been presented to - - - - - - ' . /// . - ’5?
. . . . ing its credibility and effectiveness. .. s . ./ o: . g
SGA President Jim Dinkle. Dinkle would in - - - .s ;. f 3 ya: ,,
have been r . ed b th t d t .he 200 Signatures required to call an as- 1;. ‘ . M) 00 f? ,_
ment co ”e‘ttmr t 3'“ fee 5 u en golveit~n~ sembly and the 300 students needed to ap- Q \ 55. g 4‘ h .
ns ‘ u 1°“ 0 ea or a genera s u- prove legislation are far too low. The SGA 2% ' ‘ . If: fin“. ‘ ——
dent assembly. - - .. - - 1' . , - ‘ 4w /\_\\.\
constitution should be amended, raismg the i. l . \ . , . _:\ \ .
If 300 out of a student body of nearly 23,000 4 - ‘ v. . '\\.\ .
number of students needed to act in the 9 \\§
students attend the assembly, the referen- h e ‘ ~\ s t1
d . 'll be (it th h edf name of t e student body to at least 1,000 .. ), 5:, ‘
um lss‘llelivth tea; 0 0:6 gatther d 0.“ students — the amount of student votes re- b 3:; .\.
appt‘ov; - fe‘crow 39590" 5 W1 a omi- quired by the Senate for the Nov. 1 referen- . . 3;: 9
”.3 c orus °.d ayes, the. 3:0'Plus present dum to become the binding endorsement of ‘ é
w1 haxgzd dec1 ed the opinlo of the entire the University’s student government. . .. ., ;,
student y. Or, the concept of a general student as- j" :3; 3 .
In defense of SFPC, extraordinary prob- sembly will become a hollow, inflated sym- ~- «Afl. ~ - , t 7 /-A—\ ‘
lems require extraordinary actions. The bol of negligible importance. 9;. - ,. ' -, ‘
Opinion Policy ;
"r“ Cam us one [sha one s a e sea as *-
express their oplnlons on the editorial page. I r r r r
Letters should be sent to the editorial editor at .
‘IM Journalism Building - UK. Lexington. Ky. . .j
40506-0042. With domestic and international I’m attending the “flagship” Univer- freshman year here. pencil into it. With a burst, l
To be considered for publication. letters must be problems seemingly at an all-time sityinthisstate.~ cranked~the handle a few times. . .5
typed and double spaced. Letters should not exceed high, the need has arisen for some- ___.._....._—_— Editor’s note: The names have However, when I pulled the pencil ~,
300 words and opinions should not exceed 850 boggéos‘ij’eflk OUttl f ed th been changedlto Protect the innocent out, it was considerbly shorter and 3
words. . niversi y is ac M a and "Di-80 Elli tY- still it had no point. g..-
Writers must also include their names, addresses. major problem. Ahd 110. it’s not the 300“ Finals weelg atU_K! Two more times I foolishly stuck fr:
telephone numbers. along with their malors, classl- budget CUtS or declining enrollmfite. I ’ WILHOIT 81.1335 Signs m the: Classroobgi my pencil in again. After these at- r
ficatlons or connection with UK. 01‘ not even Jerry '5 Crew in '32. “1 “8 W1 mne mm es 80 ' tempts, I realized that this was only “
The indentlty of writers who sent letters sent problem I'm about to address iS far .5“ A‘ fore the test A" was calm, Before getting me a shorter pencil With “0 sin. I
through the mail will be checked and verified be- more complex 311d its SOllltiOh much —-—-—-—— m‘él‘tld mylblugabook,eejraser,lwatch POiht- iii
tore ublicatlon. When more than one erson si ns moredemanding. JHSt walking past our multi-mil- an oneniceys rpen penc1. - ’ . a.
a lettper, all identities must be checked :nd verifged .The problem is thi53 3 lack 0‘ pen- 1th dollar UK Medical Center 01‘ 1’; front of the 91855.er .stoottiiatl‘i’e piggyrfifimmflgffox: 1g ng‘zmedzfifi
before the letter will be published. Cil Sharpeners. WW“ somebody browsing through Ml Kins library, pEro essor, examinations m. . n ' of the hall an elderly janitor pushing
The Kernel reserves the right to edit for gram- please tell me where the much i can see that this state probably ven “nth a reputation °f failing 64 his mo In des ration 1 ran to- if
sha ersareonthiscampus? does care about the needs of higher percent Of his StUdehtS. l was not 9‘ - pe n ’ . 3
mar and clarity and to delete libelous material. rpen ho had the . f , , afraid I grinned a little smirk- con- ward him yelling, Pal, for God 5 .
° Anyone “f Miro 9:13 or- education. But ‘t seems who ever de- fidence wasonm side ‘ sake! Can you tell me where I can 5'
Several columnist positions are available. tune othewkmhg a keg Might 0", a signed this school forgot about pen- _ . y ' findapencil sharpener?”
Anyone Interested in being a columnist should dull_pom:’o $5, exac y ‘2") f‘ndm e11 sharpeners , , , _ Eight minutes to 80- AS students Putting his mop to his side, he
come to "4 Journalism Bldg. and fill out an appli- talking at”? 5 unique ‘ 't: T0 illustrate tins paint, “13’0“ W1“ around me crammed through their chuckled, “Man, don’t you know i '
cation. Two sample columns should be submitted room 9" 93um equipped “1 excuse the PM. the ““0th story texts for one last look, my thoughts where you are? Man, you’re in the .5,“
with the application. aworking pencil spam” . is based loosely on a true episode drifted back to the many weeks be- Classroom Building. Brother, there
Itake great pride m knowmg that that happened to me during my fore when 1 had started preparing hasn’t been no workin’ sharpener 51‘;
for this exam. Camping out in the 11- here since, uh, 1975," 3%;
'__—————_'—————_‘___— brary, setting'the alarm clock for 4 Two minutes to go. Defeated‘ 1
a.m., neglecting my personal hY' went back to my room. I returned to it“
glene—fyethad prepared well. my seat wondering whether a bro-
Nothing to worry about, I was ken pencil was a legitimate excuse 45"
going to ace this ms“ for not taking an exam. Y ‘
Suddenly, behind me walked in Just as I was about to sit, I saw to
Danny Demutm With his Eirlihend- my left DeKIutzo sitting with his
' ' "—“—_—' _" " mimagng‘sg (133; tgmoy 71:31:? bluebook, eraser, and one nicely I
. . . , ' sha ned ncil on to of his desk. :
M k D If aim or the military that sent me to nostic with certain atheist leanings' , lege students with academic majors pied chairs In the room, seats beside AS firms: 3 vengeffll smirk, my
9 ong e 0 Vietnam. Tingelhoff made me consider what ranging from literature, art, speech, me. books just happened to fall from my .. ,
If the disabled veterans are proud the impact of this “Satanic” music drama and architecture to English, Seven minutes to go. [should have hands. _
The letter from Kakie Urch of the Mekong Delta or the military mightbeonourchildren. French, German, political science known disaster was about tostrike. ,
(which condemned the Mekong system that sent them to Vietnam, I am familiar with hypnosis and mam, DeKlutzo tripped as he passed by With a loud crash, I heard DeKlut- ‘
Delta party hosted by the Delta Tau then I can understand their feelings its power. (I use hypnosis as part of Their message was a simple one: my desk, causmg my pencil to go zo's pencil snap! 7‘“
Delta fraternity on Oct. 1) has of indignance and I respect them for an athletic training program.) And, They wanted to share Chinese tradi- crashing to the floor. Bertha {01- As he went rushing out of the __
prompted me to say that I agree their point of view. I am concerned that our children tional, folk, romantic and modern lowed, plowing her 300 pounds of door, broken pencil hand, I yelled to :.
that disabled Vietnam veterans I h0pe this letter explains to you may be turning over their sub- dance with their American audience lard upon my pencil. him?‘glethanny! 'Let me know if _
should receive our respect. the feelings many Vietnam veterans conscious to people like David Bowie - - ro 'de _ . , you in as arpener." .3
The name “Mekong Delta" is very have told me about how they feel to or Mick Jagger. 3:3,;1‘,§3;“8,:°,,:,,“,m,:$1:3 Miraculoueséy,bor:ly the 19:9: 2’01" . . . i;
tacky, but I disagree with the atti- ward their Vietnam experience. The presentation will provide me .. - .. ‘ ken. Annoy , u Stl co .‘ en . Okay, I admit this may be a slight s, 3
- - - . yesisome BOOdWill- got u to shar n the int. But -
tude that the name itself is an as- with m . - . p pe 9°. exaggeration. But the problem does
5° ething to reflect “9°“ ‘0' The were in Lexmgton for two l Th t | h . - .—
sault on any arctipof individuals. G. Robert Leach some time, and that is the reason 1 d8 y d Wed m of e . W3“: Here was, “0 8 Pew S are exist. Even in the Kernel office, one
As a Vietnam veteran I can hon- Specialed.grad.student have attended and [an to attend ys an so e our so me ener mt .e room. is hard pressed to findasharpener. $35.
estly say I gained something from again tonight. p areas such as 1th; Kentucky Horse 81:3 nthinutesf to “Lei lush}? ‘3' In the great journalistic tradition,
my experiences in Vietnam. Park and My 0 d entucky Home m :"hr ehpro $55053 d ffi'fie m 0 I pursued this problem to the high
Besides the scar on my leg. I have Rock expose Mark Laughlin Ba’dstm’ m d h h Le eitsfifrwnff °° ‘ “ea“ est levels of this administration and ,
acquired a cynical attitude and a Lexington . lcannot un tan w y t 9 x: Th pef ‘ h ed h' h on] went tothe very top. fji
lack of respect for a number of or- "‘Ktoh Herald and The Iexmgton 8 pro essor S rugg Is 5 . ' . . . ’r‘
ganizations and people in our sys- The “Expose on Rock Punk and [glider covered the Youth Goodwnl ders, painted to the door, and said, I called up PreSldent Otis Sln- s
tern of overnment It hurts a great New Wave” b Mart fingelhoff in NO covera 9 Mission with pictures and stories “Gosh, I dont really know where gletarys office. A polite secretary 5;
deal toge ignored instead of receiv- 230 Student éenter yAddition this 9 and the Kentucky Kernel, here 0" one is. Try next door. You know, answered the phone. I had one ques~
ing recognition. I know from experi- week is not a harddriving, hell and cam”. did Mt print a single word Scotti y otthShoulQ have brought two téohhfor herée“ETCUhS:r;h€/I§bllnil:&yh$
ence. brimstone condemnation of rock If you were not a part of the near- 0" single picture. penci sw1 you.‘ . _ ' ere a "C1 S ,
By using an important place name music. Nor is it filled with extremist capacity audience in the UK Center Why? it was a very i. very 800d ix‘m‘gggg’mgf 13:: d2"; tgidagn room}; yes an electric one .. Sm, ,
{gr mgr hatrltg name. fuhtfiems to propaganda (like Maranatha’s news- for the Arts Recital Hall this past fiwgfencgfiflged'ehgflf 1:: Xnash ran into the adjoimné mom said ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ '
. me e 8 expense 0 Pace letter.Forerunner>. Suilda night, then here are a few - , , ~ ‘ ' ' . .- - - , '
If. as] (5:6 511183355 tfipt]; $5533 'I‘ingelhoff prfiments the expofse is; facts about the Chinese Youth Good- setason fortiiigrge minority commu- A%‘flik;?§:&;°¥oedggo 22:33: my qugtt Ila;l lingtlltaltiitziiie‘aeiiiéilultiglilg
inmii ryco 'ns. n 83’ W0 leasantwa wi ooduseo sli 'mvfi ' ; myhel‘ea - . . ' . . ‘ . , ,
be showing disrespect for 0“? mili- End sound. ifes, thgy play some ac- wl-I'he :23“,- ballet group consis- I think the Kernel has a reepomi— confidence, Pam“ was beginning to dixrléxllgfimfi)irwiisl:d;gg°{hfi
my system. tual cuts from contemporary rock bility to all students at UK to high- overcome me now. I Jetted baCk g p ' . q ‘ ’ "
. . . , ted of 14 college students from the _ , , into the hall. From room to room 1 dreaded sharpener storage room lo-
However, it is not distasteful to artists, bl' {Chi T ~ light and inform, particularly on an , . . - . .
me to poke fun at the Mekong [18- Although I View myself as an 88' Rep“ 1C0 M0". alwan. ”an that is educational as t enta- ran, Soon I dlscovered [here wasnt cated somewhere on ”US campus.
- They are otherWise ordinary col- taim l a pencil sharpener on the entire first After crossing perilous corridors
DRABBLE ® by Kevin Fogan At the Kernel, you seem to team “00“. and climbing steep and rugged
‘ _ eVG'fihihfl that's important to I * Sitting out in the hall. I ran over steps, our search came to an end. _
510? 6HAKING, limo 100R mm m! TMT'S iii «if. m i no lect few. You really don’t pay much ‘0 a "'“nd- “Hey .Msrki "m In real We had found it! There below up ,
* mom! i stow , . momma! muolueamlnu detail i mo To sttmtion tooutsidc evaits — evaits 'i°“b'°- My Penc" N9? ”,0“ and werefowsand r0“ 0‘ “ea““lul KW . ’
I . W'S‘WOVM SACK , ME ME JUST WK)“, WKTOGETRER § TRANK that ”a” Mum, Greek, or lm about to takemy final. Doqyou penCll Sharpeners. Oh what a Slghi
i.’ \ WTflEKANO “E,“ l E MISHING ii . , ”‘6ka mm“. m (5, CF 06' “COOL" mfmhgrehlgenlhlelihggpenl:Issaid toil/eh??? awoke the next morning I i
I 9 mm BETHE UISER‘. .. ‘ . Foktoo. '- \T‘JJE om JUST. Votlfllltlb fi 9A0! 03“ u the Km [Twiggt on a “Uh, yeah, I think I‘ve heard of one wondered for a few moments 'if
\ )2 fl ,, p r HAND l TRIM M bow: “ a 1‘ mflwwmsmt'd'y ll ' your somewhere on the second or third there just might be a legendary "
1 5‘ a” R w ‘AlNT A E w will“ ' {1: y .mmu‘; me floor, but I‘m "Oi sure." sharpener Storage room. Nah‘ [ .
‘ ' i MAM... ‘ i I i a you ‘1 ' again, to orm Four minutes to 80 l scurried UP thought, it was only a dream, but
i ‘I T the community to Whld‘ you are re— the SiLJCflSCS [0 the second and whatasweet dream it was! ‘
'5';.';;;: ' f . “ sponsibleShameonyou. third floor! Finally, on the third ,
. ;_—_:,—: :7; ":4? 3 ' ‘ h- fl T Deal floor. in a dimly lit utility room. 1 Scott Wilhoit is u journalism and f
, I 41 \ E - . Olly . found anold and rusted sharpener. telecommunications sophomore and
-- h _ . , Poll.sci.)unlor Without hesitation, l Jammed my axarnplmlummsr ,. ..

- ___________.__________————————————————————————
. Boogie-Woagie Vacation I Want Candy
2‘. l’rrit‘lil‘iilriiliw"-I§2’ ' . . . 7 ,1 , "I " ’ .. I ’ . -"“‘-"--»""""‘2”‘"“""“22:'5"""'“-’”'- V -- A... Ii.- -. 2%. .
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2- - ‘ -' -I‘_ 13:, . - i 43:. 1, 7513:7554 of -‘ :5 ”ya-- ‘9“ i-, 34/. . 2 . '; 2: 7437;”- .. .r -» -- 7 , - .. -_-.--.—_f ##7- . “ 2 7
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3; I no” ,7 7 . V ‘ 2 -.7 ion-7377' 2'17“! of. V him -"" w ’2’ ”JR 7le “mo .5 ”mull“ “Ni"- l‘“ "l ' M ° '1 '50 "VOW "'0th '0 M i
2W . 4 Mr. . . 2 77 G“- "2‘" c2 ., ""3 "l" . C 2M “‘5'." ".2122 ow album I 77.... c- - .7... no '
i“ 9 ‘7 I: 2 . ooo-2 . “WWW .. ,_ hootdboiooorooomoo- oiooi .7... mm .
’-"' h" *‘stfigq ’ '7- i. _ -_ .u-2 I‘II‘I *Lfifij’ " 2‘. These motifs combine with d I732 "WWII! MSWMW Bow Wow Wow reloa . n E? ~ 50- dmwn 1m 1..
t5: 4 -- orIock 9097 7 2 ‘ i 'I .9“: . £2“? . '60s sound andIdomable rhythm: A" Obi . . And “WWW 7 _oxtendod play)this s ,7- Ioflw Wlldln 27-.- .'WW-" . . I.
mm "W _ l . “W“ 'fi . ‘ ‘ on, .7.- fix 7&- . 3 '° d°'“‘W°_ 'l" W3. . "6 lnIQI-flymff ”"9 °°°%-.g.2._-.-=‘3: .7 iii the Monauringond those ”sitingiI tram tho 9" :.
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17; 35” /dis" 0 is! l w - ‘ , 7 ‘ " .' och II lead, singer indaflICarlIiIle. Iii-I Ilium WI out to. click was "s’mab‘o' ,7 , 2"‘I :.: these “Mm “'47-'22.
go I ds as " . and - L' _ - ‘h‘l ’ 2i - . . . .quover at. M shdlml'dlanwm l:eeIIJoneIs. '-.2 . There were few snip. H '2 ,: T ”T k. a group who
‘7 I DUN” , ‘7 l ' I 542% $7., ' 2737.17.77 "’ 3'72"; .. 3“ 'h° -’thing '" 590"“k t you didn't get sick of listen- leased a '5" on a matte
7. z a result is in . . oi the II t. .47": . -I. -.2;-- II * 11$: ,7.- . a .