xt7zs756hv60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zs756hv60/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-10-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1975 1975 1975-10-22 2020 true xt7zs756hv60 section xt7zs756hv60   

Vol. LXVII No. 57
Wednesday. October 22 1975

Taylor found dead

floating in Ohio River

Managing Editor
Kernel Staff Writer

The body of Luron Eugene Taylor was
found early Tuesday floating in the Ohio
River. about five miles east of the Jef—
ferson County Police River Station

A tugboat operator found Taylor‘s body
at approximately 8:30 am. and it was
removed from the river by the Jefferson
County River Patrol.

Lexington Metro Police were notified at
10 am of the discoverV of a bodV. len
tativc identification was made by Taylor s

Metro Police detectives Sam Church and
fl” Allen were dispatched to Louisville to
help identifV the body Positive iden-
tification was made at :20 pm. In ad
dition to clothing, Taylor s fingerprints
aided in identifying the body.

An autopsy is being performed on the
body. which was taken to the Bowlshen
Miller Funeral Home in Louisville. The
Jefferson County Police Homicide
Division is assisting Metro Police in the

The investigation into the alleged kid~
napping of Taylor is continuing. said
Metro Capt. James Mathias. He refused to
comment on the possible cause of death.

Mathias also refused-to comment on
whether there would be additional arrests
in connection with the case.

Taylor. 24. was abducted from his
apartment at 1261 Village Dr. around
11:30 pm. (let. 11. Police have arrested
and charged with kidnaping four suspects
in connection with the incident.

The four are: Elmore Stephens, 23; John
Bishop. 22; Robert Channels, 22; and
Noble Leroy Butler. 23. Bond has been set
at $100000 for each suspect.

At the time of the kidnaping, Taylor was
wanted by Metro Police in connection with
the Oct. 11 robbery of Channels' apart—
ment. 1:308 Yates Crescent. About $1,000
and a $500 watch were taken from
Stephens and Channels in the robbery.

Stephens and Channels went to Metro
Police and reported the robbery. Police
apprehended Channels and Stephens
through descriptions obtained from wit-
nesses. according to .Ioe Catt. Metro
Police media liaison.

"They 1Channels and Stephenst were
dressed the same way as when they came
to police headquarters to fill out the report
on the burglary." Catt said. “Things just
started falling into place."

Taylor ‘s wife Darlene. reported that
four black men forced Taylor into the
trunk of the kidnapers‘ vehicle and drove

Darlene Taylor also reported one shot
was fired. Catt said, however, no guns
have been recovered in the case.

Stephens and Bishop were called from

Channels arrest

Metro Police revealed Tuesday for the
first time that Robert Channels. 22, was
arrested at 12:55am. Monday. Oct. 13 on a
marijuana charge. In previous reports. it
was stated that he had been arrested early
Sunday morning (Oct. 121.

The original information was obtained
from the official police arrest record the
only source of arrest information available
to the public.

However. a police spokesman said the


an independent student newspaper “1







their Louisville homes and returned
voluntarily to Lexington for questioning.

“We questioned them and thought there
was sufficient evidence to have a case."
(‘att said.

Butler was arrested ()c1. 18 at his
Louisville residence by Metro Police. Two
Metro Police officers were assisted by
Jefferson County Police in apprehending
Butler. He was brought to Lexington and

Stephens. Bishop and Butler were 1970
Louisville Thomas Jefferson football team
members. according to the school‘s annual
for that year.

Discovery of the body ends an eight-day
investigation in which police worked
overtime shifts and dispatched a
photograph of Taylor to police and media
in three states.

error explained

police record did not have the arrest listed
under the proper date.

Alfred “Sonny" Collins. star running
back on the Wildcat football team. has said
Channels was one of three men who visited
his dorm room at about 1 am. ()c1. 12.
Collins said the other two men were:
Elmore Stephens. 23; and John Bishop, 22.

All three were arrested Oct. 13 in con-
nection with the (ref. 11 alleged kidnaping
if Luron Eugene Taylor.




University of Kentucky
Lexington Kentucky


ABC cracks

down on
fake lD's

Kernel Staff Writer

Citations issued at a bar near
campus last week indicate
authorities are now as concerned
with forged identification as they
are with bars that sell liquor to

"Obviously the bar owner has
certain responsibilities,“ said
Stephen Driesler. director of the
Lexington Alcoholic Beverage
Control (ABC >. “But the person who
uses a fake driver's license to buy
liquor should share in the penalty.
We‘re going to try and enforce this
more than we have in the past."

In a mutine check last Wednesday
at 803 South, a lounge at 803 South
Broadway, approximately 100 false
or altered driver‘s licenses were
confiscated by ABC agents and
Lexington Metro Police, Driesler

Alan Stein. owner of 803 South,
was given a citation for serving
alcoholic beveragesto minors. Stein
said the bar followed the policy of
serving drinks only after iden~
tification had been presented.

Four persons were issued citations
for possession of fake driver‘s
licenses in connection with the raid.
said Driesler. Two of these were
confirmed to be UK students by T.
Lynn Williamson, assistant dean of

Penalties assessed were a $10 fine
and $19.50 quarterly court costs. the
standard sentence for a first offense
of fa Lse identification. Driesler said.




Women panelists discuss influencing media

Kernel Staff Writer

Viewers dissatisfied wrth local television
news coverage and programming should
complain to station officials. some 40
persons were told Tuesday night at a panel
discussion on women in the media.

The panel discussion, which was
sponsored by the UK chapter of Women in
Communications. was one of a series of
events scheduled this week to celebrate
lntematjonal Women‘s Year.

WKYT broadcaster Barbara Nivens said
television reporting in Lexington neglects
the “real issues" in favor of ”public
relations journalism.”

“The issues that really count in the home
are being neglected," she said.

Consumer affairs are inadequately
reported, she said. Television‘s coverage
of public officials is also unsatisfactory
because local stations have not established

n “adversary relationship" with officials.
The media should hold public officials
accountable, she said.

Viewer demands for more complete
coverage would encourage local stations to
do more investigative reporting. “Unless



League of Women Voters (LWV) member Charlotte Zerof makes a point at the
“Women in the Media“ panel discussion. Other panelists (left to right) are WKYT
broadcaster Barbara Nivens WI.EX broadcaster Sue Wiley and LWV member

()teria ()‘Rear.

you press stations to give the news you
won‘t get it,“ she said.

Unless the public demands a different
style of reporting local television news
coverage will probably remain the same
because that‘s the way it‘s always been.
she said.

The “rating system“ which broad-
casters use to determine viewer
preferencel~ and ultimately program-
ming and content — is not very reliable,
according to several panelists.

The system involves a relatively small
number of viewers, said Kenlyn Achunke,
WTVQ national sales representative.
Determining viewer preference in
Lexington is especially difficult because
viewers are sometimes unsure of call
numbers for UHF channels and often fail
to associate call numbers with station call
letters, she added.

Nivens said the University community
“could be most influential” in encouraging
stations to improve programming, but
when professors and students are asked by
ratings firms to report their viewing habits
they frequently say they don’t ever watch

Continued on p“ 12





Lettas and Spectrum articles should be adcressed to the Eduial Page Editor,
Room 114 Journalism Building. They should be typed, doublespaoed and signed.
Lette's should not exceed 7.60 words and Spectrum article 750 ““18.

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor

Bruce Winges

Jack Koeneman
Associate Editor

Ginny Edwards
Managing Editor





(Scene: a small, dark room illumina<
ted by a sole study lamp. Blocking the
odious glare of the bulb’s stark light is a
WASPish-Iooking young man who is
hunched over an old Royal table
typewriter. He is not typing, but is
cursing fairly creatively. Ripped and
otherwise destroyed paper litters the
floor of the room, and two legal
textbooks lie unceremoniously in a
standard plastic waste container. Full
ashtrays and empty beer cans trans-
form our hero's bed into a lowrent
surrogate bar; staleness permeates the
atmosphere. Zooming in to within
eyeshot, we observe him as he begins to
type listlessly.)



Dear Steve,

How are things at the University of
Louisville (U of L)? Heard you had
another close game last weekend...You
ought to come over to U K sometime and
find out how it is to lose by iust a few
points instead of by a few touchdowns. I
don’t know which is more frustrating...

Oi my brother, it looks like my
weekly letter to you won’t contain my
column for Oct. 22 because l haven’t
(dammit) been able to come up with
one this week. Bruce Winges, Kernel
editor, will probably cut out my liver
when he hears about it, but we’ll both
getover it, I’m sure. I mean, I couldn’t
get it done this week-—the past few days
have beens strictly Horror City here. A
mid-term, quizzes. 400 pages of unread
legal posturings and nothing—and I do
mean not a scintilla—to write about
that would hold even Mom’s interest
this week. I’ve culled the papers right
down to the classifieds and even taken
suggestions for the subject matter I
need, but...nothing.'Wanna hear my list
of prospects? You don’t? Well, tough
guano, cause I feel like bitching about

The Carroll-Gable debate—~What
could I say about it? They agreed on
practically everything they discussed...
I cauldn’t even find a nickel’s worth of
difference between ’em. Turkey Day, I
decided, should be on Nov. 4 instead of
on Thanksgiving in Kentucky this year.
But hey, did you see Gable’s ”truth
bell?” Real sophisticated, huh? Makes
you proud to be a Kentuckian, right?
Next thing y0u know, Carroll will tell
the truth about something...But, let’s
not delve in to impossibilities; on with
the letter.

The firing of three state government
employees in Newport by Carroll for
making fun of him in their office—Well,

damn, that was going to be my topic for
the week until Julian went and reinsta-
ted them. I feel like Hunter Thompson
did when Nixon resigned—he called ol‘
Dick an ”evil little bastard” because by
resigning, Nixon had cheated Thomp-
son out of the chance to report on the
Senate impeachment for Rolling Stone.
Sure, I’m pleased that the welfare
workers are back on the job now, but
why did Carroll have to ruin me by
picking last weekend to correct a very
stupid political mistake? Just because
I’m paranoid doesn’t mean that he’s
not out to get me, you know.

Women's Year Week—~l couldn’t
elaborate on this subject; when it
comes to discussions on feminism, I
usually get my well-meaning foot
kicked into my teeth anyway, by some
personnage or another. But today’s
schedule does show a noon discussion
on”Women in action: women in public
life” led by Jackie Swigart at the
YWCA, and Marian Pearsall discusses
"Southern women in the context of the
family” at the Student Center at 7:30
pm. tonight.

The natural gas shortage—How could
they ever have one of those as long as
we have Frankfort?

Sen. Dee Huddleston (DAKy) proposal
to fill the Red River Gorge with
”recreational development” all the
way to Cave Run—Gobble, gobble...The
more things change, the more they stay
the same.

Gays—If UK is good enough for
Leviticus, then I guess Leviticus must
be good enough for UK. Anyway, the
campus is super-saturated with the
subject now. I guess everybody is
probably pretty tagged out with the
whole thing.

Hubert Humphrey’s recent rise in
Presidential watchers’ eyes—(see na-
tural gas).

Well, that‘s about it from this end of
thepost. God, Winges is gonna kill me if
he ever sees me again; I could have
been typing my column instead of this
frivolous piece of pap...

At any rate, it’s time for a deadly
excursion into the rack in hopes that an
idea worth writing about enters the
netherworld of my dreams. Last night I
dreamed that l was reading a Norman
Mailer novel and as a result I was
confused enough when I woke up so that
I kept looking for my matador's suit of
lights. Too bad I couldn’t find it—
there’s enough bull floating around at
the law school to satisfy the most
maschistic toreador.

Your brutha


Dick Downey is a hopelessly ambitious
writer who is currently disguised as a
UK law student. He has had some
experience in the Real Worlds of
ioumalism and disaster insurance
adiusting. His column appears weekly
in the Kernel.







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(Editor‘s note: Because of the number of letters and commentaries received by the
Kernel, there is no editorial today. In cases where a number of letters and
commentaries are received about one or several subiects, more space will be devoted


to readers’ views. All letters and Spectrum articles should be typed, double-spaced

and signed. Letters cannot exceed 250 words and Spectrum articles 750 words.)





Henley is not

intellectually serious


By Peter R. Gwilt


An interesting article appeared in the
Kernel recently (Kernel, Oct. IS,
”Moral views aren’t personal whims”).
Its author, Kenneth Henley, an assis-
tant professor in the Department of
Philososphy sets up an interesting
argument. Henley contrasts the writ-
ings of ”...Plato and Aristotle through
Hume and Kant, to Mill and then into
the contemporary literature” with the
Bible. The former, he says is ”...a body
of work that enough intellectual seri»
ousness about the moral life is found so
that it makes sense for us to pay
attention to what is said; ”appealing to
the Bible on the other hand involves no
such seriousness.

In order to establish the case against
the intellectual seriousness of appeal~
ing to the Bible, Henley expends some
effort in undermining the position of the
Bible as regards its statements on
moral issues. A complete commitment
to Biblical authority leads to practices
and attitudes which in Henely’s mind
are absurd, therefore it is not being
intellectually serious to appeal to this

By way of an answer to Henley, I
would maintain that it is he who is
demonstrating a lack of intellectual
seriousness. The Bible is not a reposi-
tory of quotations: it should be ap-
proached with intellectual openness as
any other philosophical work. All the
quotations from Leviticus are a part of
Jewish Ceremonial Law. They were
written to Old Testament Jews, not to
Gentiles such as most 20th Century
Americans (Acts 15:19, 20). The pur-
pose of these laws was to show the Jews
the righteousness of God and their own
unrighteousness, (Romans 3:20). Ho-
mosexuality is condemned in Gentiles
not under the Law as wellhs in those
Old Testament Jews under the Law

(Romans I:24,27: | Tim. 121;; Jude 7)
It therefore follows that to appeal to the
moral instructions concerning home»
sexuality in the Bible one does not have
to go back and fulfill all the details of
the Jewish Law.

Henley states, ”St. Paul is hardly a
good model for sexual morality, unless
one looks upon all sex as dirty.” He
calls Paul ”this sexually frustrated
man”. In doing this Henley seeks to
discredit the authority of those portions
of the Bible written by Paul. But what
really is Paul's position on sex? As far
as Paul was concerned, sex is only
appropriate in marriage; when prac-
ticed within these bounds it is honorable
not dirty (Hebrews 13:4). Does this
condemn Paul as a bad model for
sexual morality? Or is it iust that
Henley disagrees with Paul? There is
as much evidence in the Bible that Paul
was a sexually frustrated man as there
is in Henley’s article that he himself is
promiscuously bisexual.

Henley’s attempts to point out the
folly of appealing to the Bible are based
upon only a partial understanding of
that book and ultimately on a disa-
greement with its teachings.

The Bible, at the very least, can be
regarded as a philosophical text. The
inability of man to free himself from
immorality is it’s central theme. Much
space is devoted to the origin of sin and
it’s end. The influence of immorality
and it’s effect upon individuals and
societies is described. According to the
Bible the widespread practice of homo-
sexuality is a symptom of advanced
decadence. Again while we may not
agree with the conclusions of this work,
it is certainly being no less ”intellec
tuaIIy serious” to appeal to the author-
ity of the Bible than it is to appeal to the
authority of moral philosophers such as
Plato, Aristotle and others.


Peter R. Gwilt is a graduate student in



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By Scott Epley



Curci should apologize to Gray

Well, the news is out and critics are
trying to evaluate who was right in the
Tony Gray situation. As you may well
know Tony Gray, Kentucky’s former
starting safety, quit the Wildcat team
this past Tuesday.

At first I felt that an enormous
mistake had been made by Gray
because he quit the team. This does
happen at other schools around the
country, but elsewhere the details are
not as accessible as the ones concerning
Fran Curci and Tony Gray.

I realize that Coach Curci has a job to
fulfill, manipulation of players is an
absolute necesssity. if a man faulters
or seems to lack what it takes to be
“number one” then, for the benefit of
the team and the coach that man should
be replaced.

But, from the circumstances relating
to the Gray incident it appears that not
only did Gray feel he did the right
thing, but most everyone else shares
the same opinion.

Curci was hired to coach and produce
a winning football team; it takes
winning players to have a winning
team, therefore, I feel Curci knew Gray

was a winner or Curci would not have

started him in the past two seasons.

lnside sources have said that Ken
tucky’s surprisingly great coach (Cur-
ci) has blamed the Auburn loss solely
on Gray’s efforts. But let us recall a few
of our past games. The last game of
1974, Kentucky vs. Tennessee, what
happened Coach? (”expect the

unexpected“) This year, with the
exception of the Virginia Tech game,
Kentucky’s offense only generated an
eight point game. Average against
Kansas, Maryland, Penn State and
Auburn. (ls this a tremendous offensive
threat?) Did Fran see what VPl did to
Auburn? Did he see the score? Pro-
bably so. Therefore, did he consider
what Kentucky did to VPl? The
Vlfildcats held the Gobblers to eight
points while scoring 27. Did our coach
hear what Penn State did to West
Virginia (the 18th ranked team in the
country)? Did he consider the fact that
UK held Penn State to 10 points? Now,
who do you think was the starting
safety? That’s right, Tony Gray.
Perhaps, the blame goes to the
Coach. Could Curci be so naive as to
believe the defense should score all of
the points? There is not one game the
Cats should have lost this year. If our
offense isn’t producing, change it! But

when a defense is holding great
national teams to an 11.4 per game
average, the fault lies within the
offensive coordination.

You know, last year people were
jokingly talking about Fran Curci
winning the governorship uncontested.
The humiliation of Tony Gray in front of
Kentucky fans as well as Tony’s friends
and teammates is not a coaching
strategy, but an ill-respected political

if the Cats lose their respect for you,
Mr.Curci, I just have, then for the sake
of football teams, as well as human
beings (football players are human
beings aren’t they?) I hope your
coaching career teaches you one
thing—that all the losses are yours, and
that you will be ridiculed, but the
victories are ours! Human emotions,
characteristics and personalities are
not yours to judge publically, but to
cope with.

A public apology should be made by
Curci to Tony Gray as a gentleman, if
not as a coach.

Remember UK’s format. run two up
the middle, pass(incomplete)then punt.


Scott Epley is an A&S sohpomore





offers nothing


Since Bob Gable’s innocuous Oct. 6
remarks at the Student Center could be
summed up in the statement ”l’m
against sin,” it seems that this year’s
gubernatorial race is to be one based
strictly on his perception quality, not
performance. Gable used most of his
prepared address that day to be labor
the imperious manner and neuroses of
Julian Carroll, who he compared to a

Granted, Carroll’s a pain in the pride
quite often, but Gable’sinsurance-
seller’s good humor gives me the
nervous fantods. And when Gable's
slogan is ”A Leader for a Change” it
makes me curious. He doesn’t say a
“good leader,” he just says ”a leader.”
What sort of comfort is there in electing
a man aspiring to be a value-neutral
”leader." Moses may be an example of
a leader, but so could Hitler or
(surprise!) even Julian Carroll-as-
monarch. In short, Bob’s just another
one of the boys, offering nothing
challenging or different from the old
hat we’ve got in now.

When we elect people to office whose
fundamental platform is ”I’m going to
be governor when you elect me,” we’ve
fallen pretty far. It hardly seems worth
it any more to be a voter in the
stu pefy ing monotony of Kentucky state
politics, if, indeed, it ever was.

John Fields
Philosophy sophomore

Christian love


I would like to make a few comments
on what l feel should be the Church’s
and the Christian’s attitude toward
homosexuality and gay liberation.
First, I am a Christian and as a
Christian I feel the church has a
responsibility to accept gay people as
children of God. Many of the attitudes
of Christians reflect a very minimal
knowledge of the findings of modern
medical and psychological research.
Frequently, the church has served to
reinforce existing prejudices and
myths concerning homosexuals rather
than help abolish them.

Christians have a responsibility to
examine their prejudices for many
reasons. Sexuality is a significant part
of everyone’s life. Over 10 per cent of
our population is homosexual. The
church has often repressed sex educa-
tion. The church should help people
discover the nature of thier sexuality
and express it honestly.

Society has often cruelly punished
homosexuals. Many gay peoplefeelshut
out, alone, and hurt, and need the kind
of acceptance the Christian community
can give. We need to become vulner~
able to one another if we are to enter
into relationships of Christian love.

Jane Howard
Music junior


Question: When there are so many
issues to become involved in or



outraged about what do UK students
and the Lexington community pick out?
No——not the environment, a political
race or the energy crisis.
Answer2Male homecoming
candidates (you peeked). Not to be
outdone, our Kentucky Kernel decided
to run that front page story (Kernrl,
Oct. 14, ”Male queen candidate is
threatened”) and two added features
on football players. (By the way was
the one article about Sonny and his
family or a kidnapping?)
If it weren’t so damn pathetic it might
be funny.
Patty Collins
Nursing student

is wrong


In the October 15 issue of the Kernel,
Kenneth Henley, in his article ”Moral
Views Aren’t Personal Whims," made
some statements and implications
which are completely wrong and dia-
metrically opposed to the truth. Appar-
ently Henley is a widely-read intellec-
tual, but it seems that in his attempt to
broaden his horizons of knowledge, he
has only skimmed the Bible instead of
reading deeply for every detail and
meaning. He has said St. Paul disap-
proved of all sex and that ”St. Paul is
hardly a good model for sexual moral-
ity, unless one looks upon all sex as

Get the Facts: When Paul was
writing to the libertine Corinthians the
Church was about 40 years old and was
still being subjected to continual fam~
ines, wars and persecutions. Paul
counseled some people that marriage
was temporarily unadvisable due to
then-present distressing times. But to
those not in such distressing situations
he did say, ”...Do not withold sexual
intercourse from one another...” (1
Corinthians 7:5 Moffatt translation;
King James scribes were embarrassed
to write it like it is). ”...And if you

marry you have not sinned;...“ (l Cor.
7:28). Speaking about marriage Paul
also said, ”Submit yourselves (husband
and wife) one to another in the fear of
God. Wives, submit yourselves unto
your own husbands, as unto the
Lord...(Ephesians 6:21, 22), so ought
men to love their wives as their own
bodies. He that loves his wife loves
himself, for no man ever yet hated his
own flesh; but nourishes and cherishes
it,...” (Eph. 6:28, 29). And again Paul
reiterates (Colossians 3: 18, 19). ”Wives
submit yourselves unto your own
husbands as it is fit in the Lord.
Husbands love your wives and be not
bitter against them.” in 1 Timothy
4:1-3, Paul said that forbidding to
marry was a doctrine of demons. And
finally Paul declared, ”Marriage is
honorable in all,—and the bed unde-
filed: ”—not dirty (Hebrews 13:4)!

Are Henley and I both talking of the
same Paul? Don’t believe anyone, read
the book for yourself.

Tom Jones
Business administration






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'I'IIE Flllfll.










r ,
fl news briefs



Agreement to outline
civic center athletics

LEXINGTON (AP) — The executive director of Lexington's
Civic Center said Tuesday he expects an agreement to be reached
within 30 days on what type of athletic events will be held there and

Tom Minter said that, most likely. both amateur and professional
sports will use the center “as long as they don‘t conflict in their

Some controversy erupted earlier this year when UK said it
might not play basketball at the center unless there were some
limit on how much professional sports were allowed.

The latest public statement from the University said it would
permit the Kentucky Colonels, based in Louisville. to play as many
games here as the University plays in Louisville each season.

The University added that it had no objection to any Colonels
games here as long as they were scheduled outside the university's
regular season.

Ellie Brown. board chairwoman of the Colonels. announced at
one point that the American Basketball Association team wouldn't
play at all in Lexington this year.

However. the Colonels played an exhibition game last Sunday
against the Washington Bullets of the National Basketball
Association at the University‘s Memorial Coliseum.

Minter. who is executive director and general manager of the
not-yet-completed Civic Center, said he wouldn‘t divulge the
contents of the agreement he‘s trying to work out.

“But it does appear as though the eventual agreement will
permit full use of the center...l think that professional and college
basketball will be seen throughout the season." he said.

Rights Commission objects

to busing hearing timing

WASHINGTON (AP) Kentucky‘s (‘ommission on Human
ltights has objected to scheduling of L'S Senate hearings on court»
ordered school busing only a week before Kentucky‘s general

Busing "already has been a political football here." Galen
Martin. executive director of the commission, said in a letter to the
Senate Judiciary Committee.

Martin said Tuesday he wrote the letter Oct. 8 to Sen. James
liastland ll)-Miss.i. the committee chairman.

He said he asked "that any hearings on the subject of school
desegregation be scheduled to begina fterthe elections in Kentucky
and Mississippi of Nov. 4 rather than before...there is no advantage
and great disadvantage before the election.

"While our two states are the only ones having gubernatorial
elections this year. this matter has already been made a political
lootball here.

Kentucky Fried Chicken
sues Col. Sanders for libel

l.l)l'lS\‘ll.l.l€ ( AP); (‘ol. Harland Sanders, the Kentucky Fried
(‘hicken Corp. a newspaper and a reporter are defendants in a $2.5
million libel suit filed by the company that owns the Kentucky
Fried (‘hicken Franchise in Bowling Green. Ky.

The suit contends that the franchise, Kentucky Fried Chicken of
Bowling Green. has been damaged by statements made by Sanders
and carried in the Louisville Courier-Journal Oct. 8 in an article
written by Dan Kauffman. and on July 13 in a Bowling Green
newspaper that was not identified.

The Bowling Green paper was not named as a defendant in the
action. which was filed Monday in Jefferson Circuit Court.

According to the suit. Sanders was quoted as remarking about
the gravy sold in Kentucky Fried (‘hicken outlets: “My God. that
graxy is horrible...it‘s pure wallpaper paste."

The suit also said the newspaper article quoted Sanders as
saying. “That new crispy chicken recipe is nothing in the world but
a damned fried doughball stuck on some chicken."

The story in the Bowling Green paper. according to the suit. said
Sanders was considering opening his own restaurant in Bowling
Green that would feature “my own chicken recipe."

The lawsuit implied that chicken sold at the Kentucky Fried
(‘hicken outlet was not prepared by Sanders' recipe.

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The Kentucky Kernel, "4 Journalism

Building, University at Kentucky, the Cadet in 1994. The paper has been



Lexington, Kentucky. 40506, is mailed five
times weekly during the year except during

tnlidays and exam periods, and twice
weekly during sumtmr session. Third-
class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky,
05". Subscription rates are $12 per lull
semester. Published by the Kernel Press,

wolished continuously as the Kentucky
Kernel since I915.

. Advertising is intended only to help the
reader buy and any false or misleading
advertising should be reported and will be
investigated by the editors. Advertising
found to be false or misleading will be
reputed to the Betlet Business Bureau.


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LettasamSpedruma'ticlesshouldbeadu'essed tothe mid Page Edna.
Room 114 Journalism milding. They stnuldbe typed, Mespaced aid sigied.
Lette's should not exceed 2!) words and Spectrum articles I!) wont.

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Winges

Ginny Edwards
Managing Editor

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor

Jack Koeneman
Associate Editor


down on
Free U

Free University, through the six
years of its existence, has depended
upon Student Government (56) to
fund its major expense — printing the
Free U course catalog-poster, which
doubles as a major decorating item
for everyone on campus.

But this year 56 President Jim
Harralson put his foot down on $6
subsidization of Free U. Harralson
vetoed two bills proposing SG Free U

The first bill, wh