xt7zs756hv12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zs756hv12/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-09-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1971 1971 1971-09-08 2020 true xt7zs756hv12 section xt7zs756hv12 an Independent newspaper published by studentyat the university of kentucky .« ' . ,

(_ , ,. r . i "
Wednesday, September 8, 1971 LEXINGTON. KENTI'CKY 10500 \‘ol. I.\lll \H 3 ,
\ i,
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hears reply :3 ~93“? 3&5" .. j ts. 39“) W1“ “fix? a” 3% ii? V ”at, : -h It“: Ahi§4i 9‘ {it} :Vskrv‘. ;;-.“- r I“ N D e . 4" . 3,. 4
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By GREG HARTMANN ”a , e / " a? * '
Assistant Managing Editor ,3: “his >§ . ---, "

At a Tuesday meeting With “5‘ . 35.... fl‘ ‘ / “in, My . . fi'.‘ .
stl'dent affairs Vice presrdent Dr. 3. ' _ ‘ ‘ ,. . j?" i v _‘_4~ -. 9 ‘5
Robert Zumwinkle gave a , . , j .. M. . ‘ . , . -. 7
members of the UK Commission ~> % .- § i ‘ -. l’é- w "" M”: Na” ._ ”I ' _ 3 TI” Q. ‘ 1"
on the Quality of Student %“ shew ‘ . 7 .. $W“;.,3(.;_.L . c '. W >_ i; .53. :-~‘: h f- } -, ..
Residential. me “he housing ' , w " . . . as -~ ’ - .
commission) advance notice of 4 MW ."i’ .d .mifiif-gfi, . ,‘9 " 1%” M ....M.. “p 3' " 9. -‘ - . 3 ‘ " .
recommendations. w ” e -" ‘ ,' ‘ »_ , .9 '.’

Dr. Zumwinkle discussed each WW}: I . .53 ‘. 7.? w _, M t i I i
o f t h e c o m m i s s i o n ' s :4 ’3 I ”W --. "y ,I ,1

1 recommendations item by item, i fl fiwz: 1M "i” i , “ ' 'i‘
and presented his responses to ; ““th I . _ ‘
them. Dr. Zumwinklc said the g _, ,_ . _, . ..,_ N f
text Of his responses will be Fe? ,a‘r» f . figs,“ . -» g f g in»
m a d e p u bl ic T h u r d say .fi' . ”W- a: ._ E? .- . ,_.~ ‘ - . _ ._ ... . . if
afternoon. 3 ‘ ;,.f“ . . ““ ‘ ."a i, .. -~

The meeting. closed to the ‘ ' " f" m g 7
press, was attended by members ”M, "g“ ' ” ' . s, ‘Tsfi . a A , ‘ fibufifimflw .;
of the student affairs staff as - . _ ~ . 2;; ;
well as the housing commission. §* . . . . Fred Abbott waits With book in hand In the Complex Commons for .53.;

“The meeting went very well 15;: Alvflltlllg (In (llvakenlng Marsha St. Clair to awaken and remove the cover from her eyes. E}:- ,
indeed,” said Dr. William Bryan, F525»; ,, (Staff photo by Curt Niblack.) #1:.
chairmen of the housing asaee‘mww‘eteawe ‘
commiSSion. . , . .

“Dr. Zumwinkle went through

. . O O 0
our recommendations item by _
. item and responded to them all. I inlverSlty record POlle ul’lder Study .
More study .

“on each recommendation he By LINCOLN R. LEWIS JR. participating in demonstrations May 1969.” Burch said, the compilation. maintenance -,
tqld us whether he agreed, Assistant Managing Editor because 0f fear they may be “photographs were taken which and disclosure of records. ’,
disagreed, or thOUSht more Student records and photographed by a law were put in evidence in federal The Student Code. in sections
StUdY was necessary. Some Of University policy, or lack of it, enforcement agency while court.” 3.22 and 3.23. covers a student‘s .
the physmal renovations, well as are the objects of an demonstrating. When asked about the disciplinary and counseling I
rewmng Donovan Hall, are investigation by 86 President 1n an interview Tuesday, Joe questionnaire sent by records. However. Wendelsdorf
already underway,” Dr. Bryan Scott T. Wendelsdorf. Burch, Director of Safety and Wendelsdorf, Burch said he charges that the guidelines are. 3‘
said. The investigation began in Security said, “We don’t keep either had not seen it or “very nebulous and ambiguous." 9.

“A number of the major July when Wendelsdorf sent a photos on people for the kind of dismissed it as irrelevant to his New regulations
matters are still open to questionnaire concerning the purposes people are thinking office. . . He proposes to draw up .‘
question,” said Steve Daub, compilation, maintenance and except for caseswhich are now Record-keeping policy . uniform regulations regarding .
housing commission member. disclosure of student records to gomg on. If a budding burns, we 1n response .to_ a question the records to insure against
“Dr. Zumwinkle indicated that all deans and departments take a photograph of it. If a regarding the Division of Safety invasion of privacy. and amend .9
he still has to talk to other keeping records on students. crime is committed, we take a and Security’s record-keeping them tothe Student Code.
administrators on some of our “Overall”, Wendelsdorf said, picture of it. policy, Burch replied that his Th SC ’d‘ t ‘d h" ‘ ;
recommendations. But a lot of “I’m trying to determine exactly “During the demonstrations of department keeps records of . let‘ i presiwcrliI :11t his . .‘
the little things, like improving what the University’s policy is anything they are involved in by anVCS lgd ion . 1 O. t

' ' ” concernin records.” fil' i c'dent re orts. complete until all of the .- , .
dorm lighting, have been done. g . . . mg n ,1 . p t‘ - ' )g ar‘ 1n and
. . , The SC preSident said he 15 SORRY In an interv1ew last Thursday. ques ionnairea ‘ ..

One tssue that W111 not be In satisfied with almost all Wendelsdorf said he will go to evaluated. He then plans to hold
question 'when Dr. Zunwinkle responses he has received. FOLKS' the public as a member of the public hearings to detcmune w ‘-
makes. his .responses public is although neither the Dean 0t ' Board of Trustees if the Division whether or not student S records k' ' - _
open Vlsnat‘onm the dorms. Students office nor the Division In a headline on page six of of Safety and Security and the have been abused.“ . . 1.? i

I Last Wednesday 01- 0f Safety and Security have the Sept. 3 Kernel Jerry Stevens Dean of Students office do not “At the worst.- “endCISQQH .' f i j
Zumwinkle announced he was replied. was incorrectly identified as a reply tothe questionnaire. said. “there is criminal GCIlVlt} ._
rejecting the commission’s Wendelsdorf said there are dean. Later in the story he was Associate Dean of Students going on. Hopefully they arciust 2'.
recommendation that a rumors that Safety and Security identified as an assistant dean. Kenneth E. Brandenburgh said keeping routine records. We re ,_ .
committee be appointed to maintains a photograph file of Jerry Stevens’ proper title is: last Thursday that his office’s not trying to sink anybody. ' l. ..
further study open visitation. students participating in Assistant to the Vice President questionnaire was nearly Wendelsdorf expressed 3 ‘ ‘,.‘
Instead, he said the University demonstrations. of Student Affairs. His basic complete. confidencethat any irregularities .
WOUId abide by its present Photograph files concern iS minority student Wendelsdorf explained that found in handling records will be iii‘
POHC)’, With a few minor He said that SUCh files COUId affairs. the investigation started out to rectified within the University -‘
changes. POSSiblY deter students from The Kernel extends apologies. get a uniform policy regarding system rather than in the courts. ,‘

o . is
Agenmes offer assrstance ' -
I o o o o . . I. ::
nformatwn on abortion readily accessrble at Unwersrty . .

Birth control and abortion information are now emotionally draining. The women who come to us are Each woman who goes to the clinic is given a Pap .
readily accessible to UK students from a variety Of frightened and nervous, and it is necessary that we be smear (cancer test) and pelvic examination before she is '
sources. Student nurses, Women's Liberation, the strong enough to cope With the individual problems 0t provided with the method of her choice. Planned ‘

Student Health Service, the local Planned Parenthood each woman we counsel.” Parenthood also offers information on legal abortions in .x
organization and the County Health Service provide New counselors sought New York and Washington. DC Women should make ‘- '~
several different approaches to the problems Of The Women’s Liberation abortion project is hoping to appointments for the clinics by calling 255-4913 ’ -
unwanted Pregnancies. recruit new counselors,preferably women who have had between 9 and 5 on weekdays. Prices for methods and ‘ ‘. -
1n the past, the Student Nurses Association has held abortions, or women “deeply concerned and exams are on a sliding scale. . . ,p -.
forums on contraception. They hope'to present another sympathetic with the problems of women. according to County Health Department “mm are “8th under g \ t .
this semester under the sponsorship 0f ZPG (Zero MS' Sutherland. . . Clinic in the Yellow Pages of the City phone directory. . V ‘
Population Growth). The forums, usually well attended, The abortion counseling group W!“ hOId an Checkups and examinations as well as most methods of ‘-‘ ' _'
include illustrations of various birth control techniques organizational meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 8 at 7 pm. contraception are available at these Chm“ also. 4 .
birth control and provide time for question and answers. at the Women’s Center (124 Kentucky Ave.) for women . . . . . ' - ’

Lexington Women’s Liberation has also operated a interested in becoming birth control or abortion The Student Health Scrvrcc also offersinformationon . - ‘ -
birth control and abortion counseling service for the past counselors. Women who are unable to attend the bltth control. lntercstcd women may attend a tree . g‘
year and has provided more than 300 women with meeting may call Barbara Sutherland at 254-5334. educational session headed by doctors and nurses on the ~. ‘ .-
inforrnation about legal abortions. The contraceptive methods described by these groups Health SerVice staff. If. after the session. they “"5".” . .

Although the Women’s Liberation counselors feel that and others are available through the Lexington chapter obtain a method, they may make an appointment With ‘. ‘
they have been successful during the past year, the group of Planned Parenthood and also through the county one of the staff phystcians and he W111 provide the . . _
has decided to reorganize in order to provide better health department. Planned Parenthood holds twice necessary tests and examinations and a perscnption for ' '
service. weekly clinics for anyone wishing to obtain control whatever method is decrded upon. The cost is $15. _‘

According to abortion counselor Barbara Sutherland, techniques. Methods available are pills, condoms, foam, The Health Service will also perform pregnancy tests. _ .,
“Abortion counseling is time consuming and interuterine devices (100’s) and diaphragms. Part A of the new insurance plan will cover that expense. - i i

 ‘..’ Till“. KE\Tl'(.I\\' kl‘iRNI‘iln \Vediu-sdin. Sept. 8. lii7| —__________________________________
‘V O
' K COIltl‘O O communlty CO egos Ill g6
. ' ‘ ' ' . . - ~. » ‘ . l\ , ’ u-esident of liastcrn meetin irovides an equally rot‘essor, and professor in the institutions iii which they might
Kentucky s community .lrtltl. l I gIl . , p , . . .. - t .t The r‘)0rt
‘ colleges should remain under the Kentucky l'ni\ ersity. 9“ CCth“ "O‘CC tor the community COHGECS- T1195" “V“ WWW” 1“ ”‘5 ' . “I
. control of Us according to it Dr. Doran and Dr. Martin said community colleges. ranks would replace the two stipulates community colleges
’ polic\ statement written b\ an the L‘Ollllllllllll} colleges acted as The third recommendation to c u r r e n t l y e ,\ l s t i n g be iully and treely open for the
' id\isor\ committee comprised feeder systems for [K instead of be vetoed WOUld have changed OHCS~~ instructor and Willi” encouragement and recrutting 01
lllllllllV-UT representatixes of the focusing on the needs of their the title of the chief instructor. . students Ih." the ”5'01“”
‘ . [WU-\‘C'll schools eonnnunnicg. administrative otticer ot each A n ot he r committee u n ivers lltCS and PeriitC
' The “Policy St'itemciit on The a d\ isoi \ committee. community 00119216 from recommendation WOUld t‘SlilbllSll institutions as well as by UK-
' ' ‘ ‘ V (‘ommunin ("olleges " drittecl headed by Dr. Roscoe l). Kelley. director 10 president. President “CW community COIIL‘ECS only 01“” recommendations 01 the
I . I ~' by the committee states that the d i r c e t o r o i S om crset Singletar)’ said he COllld SUPPOl't when tht’lt‘ 11W ildt‘llllillt‘ coniutitteeiI . I ,
I ' ' ' colleges “should remain under (‘om in unity College. \\ as changing the title to dean. resources to prov1dc minimum ) The University oi lsentucky
2 .' ' the human” oi the [‘niversity appointed [no war by President Trustees will decide staffing requirements. Research Foundation employ a
'7'. ' oi Kcntuck\ ‘llld the Board of Singleturv. The committee’s Two proposals are to be acted The committee turther stati member to work lull-time
‘ . Trustees ~- ' recommendations range from upon by the UK Board of recommends UK’s community with the community college
i ' x, V, 1hr. gt itement is scheduled to faculty rank changes to Trustees at its Sept. Zl meeting. colleges develop “strong system to assrst the colleges in
. ' * " go before the L'K trustees at community college relationships These call for establishing new relationships" With the states obtaining Federal grants.
‘1 ' f 7 Their September meeting and. it' w i t h o 1 her K e n t u c k y academic ranks for faculty in the regional universities. private foundation aid. and other
. ‘, “ -- ;ippr0\cd “Quid rcpluyc an institutions. community colleges, and in st i t u t io n s. and other outside grits. . I
-‘ ~ " ‘ « older statement oi policy on President Siiigletar} said he authorization for an advisory educational organizations. D l'ort Knox C ommumty
.. U " ' N" communitx outing“, welcomes the committee report committee on faculty privilege Wider counseling proposed College. now under study. be
I The committee made scicral a iid believes with three and tenure for the community Also proposed was counseling made a part oi l‘liI/Iabetlitown -
- . ' . re_ommcndations to increase the t \ c C P l i o It s a l l l he college s} stein. community college students ‘ as (oinmuiiity (ollcge ii the study
T . ' ‘ .1 iiitononix ind fle\ibilit\ oi recommcndulions can he The proposed new faculty completely as possible indicates the Knox tacility s
_ .. _ c _ . II , . 4‘ ~1; .. .|"s
. ' . local college administrations but achieved in substance it not in ranks are those of instructor. regarding the academic oficiings should ht illttlltd l0
I . -' T the report still states. entirety. assistant professor. associate requirements of other senior freshmen. SOllllOIllOlC~ and
i » " , “community colleges now in Three [)I'OPOSZIIS rejected technical courses.
.. - i. c\istence and future community The UK president rejected two ' It. on the other hand. the
. ’ ' ' . ., colleges administered by the committee recommendations tu ent 0 e app l8 Stlld." IShOUm indicate a “ch tor
. . . " -. ' L‘niversity of Kentucky should because they would require offering Junior and senior
' . ‘ '- . ' continue to be grouped and legislative action. A third was . courses at the Army post, the
- I ' ‘ ‘ ' administered as a community vetoed because it conflicts with a ter Ha ln bust committee recommends the
' a . . ‘ ‘ college system.“ the University‘s over-all Knox faCilityI be removed from
' . — Current system attacked organization. . _ the community Polkge system
' - .' ' .' The current system of control 0 n e reco mm en (1 atio n A UK freshman W111 be under section 1-45 0f the and made a UniverSity branch.
j _ ' 3 of the colleges has recently come requiring legislative action calls charged under the UK Student Student Code. } Le xington Technical
. ‘ ' V ' under fire from Dr. Adron for the UK vice president for Code TOHOWIUS hls arrest for Can 5"“ attend class I n S t l l U t e b e C 0 m e a
. _', . ,. ~ . unit . colle es to be alleged possesion of dangerous “This doesn’t limit him in com rehensive communit
. . . . Doran, Presrdent of Morehead comm y g . . . II
' .. ' .' .' -' ~ .' State University and Dr. Robert granted membership on the drugs Wlth intent to 5611. Dean 0f attending class however, H311 college, when resources become
; - ‘. unc‘ on Public Hi er Students Jack Hall said Tuesday. said. available, to better meet the
. I . . _ tate o . . . .
I, - .* Education. The other James ESSlg, 18, was arrested Essrg now has the chorce of needs of Lexington-area
. I I. ,' ' COMPONENT STEREOS re c o m m end 5 in crea si ng August 31 at his resrdence in resolving the UK charges against students.
' -I I . membership on the UK Board of Haggin Hall by Lexmgton and him in counsel With Dean Hall or ) There be no total program of ,
.- . . ' JUS' received (4) new Trustees to provide seats—minus UK campus POUCC- H15 room taking the 0356 to the University intercollegiate athletics within
I . ~' . ' .Sr'If'eof 5°m'3/‘I’2A8225A sell? voting privileges—for two faculty mate, JOhIn Battcher, 18, W35 JUdICIal Board. Eventually the the community college system.
‘ . . '- ‘ ‘ ley :3. ”r: l ' 8m” 1' members and one student from charged With disorderly conduct charges COUId be heard before Individual colleges might
- ex ra iO, uit in -trac , . ' ‘ ‘
'. . . _ aplso a Garrard changer All the community college system. but Will not be charged under the UniverSityIApIpeals Board. sponsor a program but they may .
«. I. .- » . I -_ this for only $1 19 95‘ In- Singletary said he believes his the student code. Asked if this first drug arrest not use state funds to finance it,
II I sped aI own position on the State Campus pohce Sgt. Fitch said on the UK campus marked the I The community college
. " UNITED FREIGHT SALES Council gives the community his office obtained a search beginning of continued arrests, system and the individual
. .. .' . , ‘g - 99 . g . . . .
. ‘. ‘ . a - ? 2‘23 0 f d C‘ I college system adequate warrant after reliable sources Hall said “There S no colleges be given responsrbility
. I . r.. I.~ x or "c e representation on that body, and inform ed th em of the concentrated effort to put for administering the federal
- g ‘. , _ Mon-Thurs. 9-6. Fri. 8» Sat. 9-8 the presence of Vice President whereabouts of a supply of pressure on anywhere on programs of student financial
. . I .‘ ‘. ‘ . " ‘ ‘ 9, . a .
-- - -' . - . I. , Stanley Wall at each UK trustees maruuana. _ Police said they campus. aid, an actmty now handled by
. . I I. . . found marijuana valued at SZSIO “It’s only fair to say a central financial aid office in
' W " ’ ' MAJOR REFINERY GASOLINE AT ‘“ .3 box “it”? on a table m however” Hall ma, “that if Lexington.
. 1 , .I 1 . . I Fsing Is dormitory room. the sale of dangerous drugs takes President Singletary said he
. DISCOUNT PRICES! hsISig Will be charged under place. the UniverSity will take believes all the recommendations
.I ~ . I I»II 9¢ section 1.2 h. of the student steps to alleviate the problem.“ can ultimately be adopted.
‘ .‘ " 'j I -. ' 94 + octane REQUIOI‘ . . . . 31' - code which dCscrlIbCSI “L‘sc. “I think we have an obligation though some may require more
'9 - I II .I I 9¢ possessron. or distribution on to do that.’ Hall said. specific definition.
-I . II . . . I ._ . 1m + octane EthYl . 1 1 1 1 1 _ 33' University property oi narcotic
~ ' H I or dangerous drugs" as a
7} .fl -‘ ', “punishable disciplinary ' °
' 4 I- . I a offense". + a S S I I e +
‘ ' , . ~ . Dean llall also said temporary
I . I I -I East Main Street of Woodland Ave. sanctions had been placed on
. ' . U ' i- Hours: 6:00 cam-9:00 P.m.. Mon. thru Sat. Essig by Dr. Robert Zumwinklc. ““5”“ “V"“S‘” ““" b' ““1““ WW
_ .» . . _ . on a pre-pnid basis only. Ads may be FOR SALE
I . " ' . I. Vice prCSident for student affairs, pllced in person Monday through WW
I . .I ‘. I I .I Friday or by mail. payment inclosed. CLASSIC M h . - -
I .1 I , , ; », . _I to THE xaxrucxy KERNEL, Room case. 84 ina. T5333 gogfisafiiififdflfi.
. _. ‘. -I ”L Journalism Bldl- deep; glass doors; old adjustable
I '. , - .t Rates are $1.50 for 20 words; 53.75 Shelves. $200. 269-2282. 259
.I . ' for three consecutive insertions o! the M
.. I. I II I,II . some ad of 20 words, nnd $5.00 per FOR SALE—lBO-W FiShEr 450-T re-
I .I . I . .. I . ‘. week {or 20 words. 10 cents per word ceiver, 2 Fisher XP-GG-B Speakers.
. '. -.: _- '. I . _ over 20 words, per insertion. Garrard SLI-9S-B automatic turntable
" -, ' '- ,- , , A The dendiine in ii mm. the dly Evalgzitke’mg XVISZOOE’ base'°°"°“
., . . I . , §I .1 II % . prior 17‘ publication. No advertisement ‘ 358
: . .' . » . ' j s * - . -' " any 0 c race, ell l M
. .; - I - . . 1 I" T.“ o . I ‘ - origin In I quolTflca‘tl‘rh gr nr‘e‘dtlnnzl SgfiRfigregq‘t’fi'anétzgacfi‘05“ M1124”
>‘ . ' ~ _‘ - T 1.1 ‘ o . . ; arman- ar-
. : . ‘ .1“ «4 *3.“ it; . ‘ 3;; * . -. "mm °' W 'm"'°"‘"“" do" CAD-4 cassette deck. $95; Thor-
. .- .7 . ‘ $ I' II I «.II -I_I,-;I WWW ens I‘D-150 manual turntable: $50-
. .; ' '- ‘ ., -: ‘- ' .A * : Fon BENT 299-2403. ssm
I . i . i . I. "t” 2 I_ 3:5“: ““‘IjiII “ I I: ' gt _ W E _-
' . " W -'" . ’3“ ' t B-A—C-H-E-L-O-R efficiencies t TEAC A 2.0 C3558“ Tape Deck. Reg-
-. .‘ . . ' 1 I . c. ‘. II“: "as. '-" . .. ' .3 .. 1.. {I 5; fig! person units. $90 up. Adults. SpgciatT Klartrligigt SXTI basketball score Cl-OCR'
~ .2 ' . e . ' . . ;- . .. ‘2 “.1; M .'s:‘:. ates for doublin ' gummat‘c' Pet” 9“"‘5'
. .. \ ,_ ~. N I k I . I”. 1 ., _ _ , ., T . g up. Between UK- 255-4698 evenings 8
., . . _ ' . . I1; ’ . 1 I, g \ it ;_' 3. '- town. Nice. 254-6134. 266-4632. hkgi
' ' ' ‘ 5: *>....1,.-.a 5 7». I_ ‘1 . g; 19: '1 5. ,- w Gligi‘ili‘AsfieH Fendghw strings. with
I. . . - . ' .. " ’ - . SPA ' . . Fase' ‘ lager "‘04“ P9"
» _ - .‘ . , 2 ' . " . J .. :4 = '3-1 ’ f. .. smack? igoggugzedoogogfg £5338 :1in: {’elfdn cog'rdznalgn. $195 or be“ on“
I '. '. - . I I . _ ; '$ 5,; r’i‘” :; t “5.1.. ""5 ._...I;I'I, seriously committed to the human e - 66 after 5:00' 8510
. .I . I I- , . II :II.- ::1':*-.I I ' :. W°‘.(,y.£f t’}\' :’ . I . III-(,II growth potential in a C00 er . , WW
. , l . es... ..,.__. . . . . D atlvc .
. I . . ., . : ,1 .3ng . .I ‘gé’z I _ r communal livmg program. Call Karen (“'1an CARE
. I I " ' 4 . * , ' ”a x I at 252-3426 from 8-5:30. or come to W
, " . ' . . .‘I \. ‘;§%° Q nfiafigégfifiw - ‘ ‘ . 370 Aylesford. Students OMY- 3514 EXCELLENT CARE—Five blocks from
. . . . I . , . .. . . \I __ .. . 3.1 fig” 1a; _‘1‘ . “K UK: fenced in ba k - -
. .. . . . 1% it“? , 0 yard. large play
. . . . . ~ ' gygaagv’g W911 '.'.' i} ONE BEDROOM. 2 blocks from cam. room. References and experienced.
. - . I 1 , . I .. . ,2” ;I3§11§; ”a; _ .I . .. I; pus; furnished. Maid and linen ser- Hours flexible. Call 252-3532, 159
- " " " ‘ '- V \ . .1étr..1a1 r . l. ““9- $225 ‘0‘" “35‘ 0‘ semester See WW.
.- - . I .I _ . . 22- ti“ tr . {1‘8“ Reedy. 300m 221. Kimball HELP WANTED
' - - i. ' . i?’..:.' ::.-:-. v:;:'-.. .' i' Tbilisi: ‘tvffl" v\"’ ficv‘ 7‘: t .: OUSC‘ Mowl‘ 8510 WWW
- . .. . ' ., ,. . . .. , . ' .3 . 3” ' MALE 0“ FEMALE Especially during
- _ lunch period. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Apply
I I II I E.“ McDonald’s Drive-In, 2321 Versailles
. ' , . * The Henluek Kernel ~i"-
. I . I . ”MW
' " - ‘ ’ We come H ome Stu ents/ 9
. I . i . I . Station. University of Kentucky. Lex): MALE help wanted. Work on campus
I ington. Kentucky 40506. Second class weekdays, 10 a.m. " 2 DJ“. Leave
I I II I .' postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky. name and number. 277-7157. 259
I. I - . Mailed five times weekly during the \M—E
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 ____—__________________________________—.——————- TH!" RI \1 l ( k\ [\I",R\l'l. \\('(lll('\(l.l\. \(‘lit H. I‘M-l 3 ' " '
. B." JERRY W. LEWIS The pill/led looks on the faces of the Slllth'lh who .\'t\\ \lilt'r Raliiuaii sits llt a West l'akiutaiii ml
Assocrate Editor stop in ti'oiit ol the table prove 'l'liiud is right. awaiting: .i iiial toi treason \ constitutional .l\\\ llil‘l} 7' .‘ ' >, '.
p ()nri'gulden Bengal. [love [new In a tiK otticc Sli'iii‘sul ll \loll'i e‘x‘pl'uns ”N was [itisttititit‘tl by President \aliya .tlttl he so! vii; ' . , s . .
Always 'ouri .. . v' - ' i . ~ .. . ‘. ‘ ‘ " ', ‘ ‘ ‘ bettaii a lliitt" l‘Hll llll‘ 'n tli - lat ()iil' th - l""~l\ ‘ts tr..i " , ,
. ‘.l V,“ “”d J”“’_‘”“§’ ”If” "W5“ 1” ”I" hm”- sutlering lie leels ot the last Pakistan retugees through f , . ' , ' ' ' ' \ ‘ " k .1 ', ' ' . ', -. '
0 mother. Illt' fragrance of springm your nnmgo-forexts the letters 11L. WWW“ “.ng lum 1m. own mm” ”M m" “WM“J “ll“ ““1"“ "l “‘1le "H “J“ ll — " " ‘1“ . '. ' ' '-’ ‘
makes me wild with/or. ‘, - , , , . . ' , . ' ‘ ‘ e\plode izioie rapidly than the toil war with it toil: if . ’
, . - .. . tatiier-in-law lia\ e been taken away by the Pakistan -
And in your ric'li autumn fields l have seen your snn/e \ . ' ' . t '- '
St) sweet ' ' ’7 rm)" llle ltiit‘licatiiiiis ot t.ie wai iiatitiall',» attic-«t :iauie Ti. v: . .'
' l’akistaii alone. 7 "
Few poems are being written todav about last A UK graduate student in political science. \lolla sa}s ln the [ mutt States, \tilltlle'ssiiit’ml taut”. w 3.1., ..'; . | .2:
» Pakistan. the golden Bengal instead being'the subieet of if 'S "uni: lutek)’ thlm lmany other "mm“ "L" "7"" "'7' "ml" “WW" ”WW“ 1"! ‘sl ls T‘llllli'li 1:: .7 j
.- . c .. , . ' eeii W] we ou oiii et ‘ v. . » ~ ’1 - '4‘ - in t. 2‘
daily newspaper and magaZine reports of an endless I L p ' ' ‘1717'\"”"L‘,. "' "7 ‘1‘ "AMM‘ "”1"“ 1 ,\“ " u'.‘
. , , ~, - y . ‘ . . “ . , atiiiiiii i;i.ioii;rgu' . tent»: .izli .r ‘ ~'»
blOOthl‘ aecompanicd Wltll an OVCYSUPPly 01 grim N1). tather was in the Pakistan Army on a lllllllltl'\ .1”. 1,; (hit ' ‘ U '1" H l 'l't' "' 'l' ‘ le’, ,.
~ .. - . ~ - _ . . _ - - s‘ o i;.; in " in an; \‘tic' .i
pictures ShOng starvmg refugees. base in ltast Pakistan. My tatlier-in-law was a teacher on 7 ' ' 1 "H ‘ 'U U 1 1 r_ m I V " .
Into India they come. At a rate of over 50.000 11 day the base." Mgna says. As [flat Pakistanis. the} were lndia tiiids lierselt laced with the pressure tilt t. 1;; ”‘1. fl,
they cross the border to escape a war which many fear taken 5"”33’ b) the Pakistani army. out to crush the ”M l" hm Inlkl‘l‘d” 4mm}! “”11 lle‘ H‘llléit'i w! ' 1.",
may become a “second Vietnam." Bengali independence movement. tilt-'5 11““ ”W ““114” CWHWHN fl
After four inon .‘ " ' V' H 3' t " a « 4 ~ > h '
Pakistan the totillstif “3:11 \H‘” betlwcien LdSt [ind W5“ They also took away one of my brother—in—laws. Io Sliamsul \lolla. tlie retiigee aid by the l iiiitll
7 SOO 00'0 , k Tl ) t? "gt“: m . ineia sgrtrsses 'L Nobody knows their whereabouts. if they are alive or States and the economie ant to Pakistan on tin; “gray , .: >' '. _. _
“,c ). . mar . ie irca o w1( esprea . amine in not. I fear the worst.” scritiiig contradiction. , I -.’.*-.'.:. ‘, 1"!"
East lakistan only darkens the forecast tor relief. ’ . , . _ ;‘ ~.., -. ' . 5
. .. . . “After that. they took my tainil)’ (his wife and son) to ““ est Pakistan can easil\ LUll\k'll economic aid gun» ' : - ~. 1
The ”109500“ rains make '11.? 8:18“ '."fifimlsémbT'? 1" a detention camp on the same base. When my wife wrote military hardware." Molla notes, .’ ' ‘.
the refugee Ld'tnp3s'5 ggsddty‘ 11:11“ bw'ttl iseaste. 1m: me she had to be careful of what she said. but I know it Another last Pakistani on the [k caiiit‘iis. lJi. «'5 ‘> '-. A " .‘
... i ")0 ; 1"‘n i re voniiin an ., ,, .7 . . . ,'-'l' '.
magazine Ifl r‘ ’. , ‘5 r“) .L 3/ -, _ g1 . .1 must have btcn miserable. Mukhtar M. Ali. an assistant protessor oi emnoviiits. 1 §_ . _ .‘ :. ',
diarrhea that accompany cholera. Pneumonia. diphtiei‘ia , . . g . ‘ .1 _ . . .
~ '- ~ .. a } ‘ _ agrees with Sliamsul and kulwant that the onlt twin: _: . ; . ..
and tuberculosrs are predicted to iollow. When I wrote to ask about my father. tie reply now for 1 settlement m PAIN” ]\ th n r” ,' i ii - ‘. .
. . , .. .. , t. t .ti es~.a.io.‘«~ lL ..' "
Thousands of miles from the refugee camps. a Sign on was~no such person ever was in the military. Past and the West t. ’ v . ,3 9" '
a table set up in the UK Student Center reads “SI'OO = Since then Moll'i‘s wife and child have been returned v ' h . - 3%., ' ' "
7'50 repees." A inimeographed handout 35" for to a small village but he fears that they are no bttt rot‘f ("wn that ”It ”“1”“? hits taken over,“ at,“ in ‘1 2'-
contributions to the East Pakistan Refugees Relief Fund. than many of the refugees that “05g each d“. into India ithe only solution is tla tinal separation and war i:ia_\ tit‘ . t. .-
. . . 1 ‘ ‘v ‘ tie onl\ means now.“ *3
Kulwant Thind. his tightiy wound turban more . . _ . . “a ' l' ., , _ - .,
.‘ . . . . The actual civ1l war in Pakistan broke out on the night I 1- “‘0‘ MS ruUHd lt'tlt‘fl ”out his tamm Itieiiibeis . ._
noticeable than his dark black beard. Sits quietly behind (. , i .. tt , ‘d ., l“ P' y , . 1' , ,, - ,
. . . of March 25, 1371. when the lakistan army crackdown SW UL “Hr AN “\N‘m- All only ”WING ”WING "
the table. An electrical engineering student, Kulwant . - . . ' ti .1. It . . - , , , , .
. . . . began against the East Bengal (East Pakistan) movement M U US. “I‘Itlcn in late March. I .-
reads the stories about the refugees pouring into his for political and economic automon But tli
. homeland India probably much closer than the average be innin s go back much farth~r y ”is tamil} s homes were looted and m helm“ his
UK student. g g c ‘ ~ mother was hurt. but by as much as he can tell. his ‘
‘ . . , . . ,, L in across from West Pakistan on the othe s' * ( ‘ family 1'51” least “it“ '3 '
‘ '1 cannot easrly forget these peoples suffering. Indi'a gEast Pakistan has never shared the iolr't"ldT )'
. j .‘ ’ ’ '7' ) “' s . - ' , . ,, c , . '. , . ',
Thind says. as he hands a pamphlet across the table. economic wealth it deserves l 1 ltd (Y ' The only thing tht) rcall) could say is that the} ire a ,
" “Nobody can imagine how many people are dying.” . ' 2111““ All SW8- a
. . . . . . Althou h it com ti 0. o ' . ~ ,~ - . . - . .- , ., ., . I ‘
. A small empty box Sits in front of Thind. Each time total la 5 thp :38 Sly one SlXth 0f tht country S To Thind. Molla and A11. working on the LR campus ‘. .
he hands out a pamphlet. he asks for contributions to Th f 1: lama h'C8OdSt ‘35 over rhdlf the POPUIHUOH. seeking contributions through a relief lund is at least an .
the refugee relief fund. Finally, one student pauses to we; agitilogvst at pttrcefnt of foreign aid goes to the effort to keep their minds ott the stories and letters that .' .
read the sign, reaches in her pocket book and drops a employesthere -1'~ ercen 0 tie central government come out ot hast Pakistan.
dollar into the b