xt7zs756gp06 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zs756gp06/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1918 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 8, May 1, 1918 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 8, May 1, 1918 1918 1918 2015 true xt7zs756gp06 section xt7zs756gp06 To Editors: The
news in this Bulletin THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Entered as ¤¤¤¤¤d
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May 1, 1918 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. I. No. 8
E1r¤<=¤‘ S· \'VO0dS* Of Lcxmgmm form- Boys’ agricultural clubs are being J. ESt€T1 Boiling, ChiCk1g0, f0l'1l1€l‘ _The _W7m` Committee of the Urfivelu Henry S. Cannon, Nicholasville,
gyly a_ Student of the College of Arts organized under the supervision of resident of Louisville and Alumnus of SRX Wi K€’j‘tE‘°kY* _wh0S€ duty IS to professor of German, University of
and Sgigncgy University of Kentucky, the extension division of the College the College of Mechanical and Elec- MSISK m gwmg md tO uée Gf’v°m‘ Kentucky, has sent a collection or
is now Q member of Company EY Camp of Agriculture, University of Ken- trical Engineering, University of Ken- Elggltngiuigyp;h;i1i).(;;IYli;it\;y0gl{_It cam post cards procured during his stay
Dewey Great, Lukgq Muncie and for Lucky, in co-operation with the Unit- tucky, came to Lexington last week   _tt ‘ W {ld as D in Germfmy, to the War Department
’ "’   _ _ ed States Department of Agriculture. on a business trip, taking back ’Omm1 ?€ Ou M 4 uCamn_ I" in Washington. The ·cards show
Sevemi days has been “§S1Sm?g m Plans are making in several counties to Chicago with him B. B. Russell, lc? Tudlglu W _ _ . _ bil`d$·€Y€ Vi€“’$ of Va1`i0¤S <¤it`i€S, Dub-
the sale ofL1b01‘tyBOHd$ 111 Chicagf)- for the organization of such clubs. as assistant engineer in the drying i fmml lie tml ag Siivl? Oliam UC UHUCUHSS and Y`¤il1`0¤d b1`id§€S i¤
_ . . . L * ` . ‘ * ` . .
In ,5; letter to friends at the Ulil- Although UIQ Cil1bS H1 many COu1lt1€S systems plant; which is to be used   img; b 1]; QTOY ' ‘ arqu m' Germany and arc Valuable 111101*111;],-
vepgit U cnng Woods wrote that he me orgenized for the PUYPOSB of D¤`0· bythe Government in the dehydrating `1S" u_ y uc `mzmj _ _ tion for the Vvar Department, Profes-
Y Y . Committee on Patriotic Exercises-
. , , -.h h ducmg CZUVGS, lambs, DOUUYY, (BOTH, of foods, with which work Mr. Boll- , ` S0? Cannon M50 hud maps of G€1'1¤9·¤
d t J hn Drew clover, and other farm products, the mg is connected ]'Ouug Russel] is e Cl _1 Pi ‘1_ ’ ’ river routes and roads which he in-
g'°“p thm SOM bm S ° ° ’ <=1¤bi¤ Fayette ¤¤¤¤ty will devote its senior in the cone e of Mecmnicai M1 QS. am" . Lmded t¤ Send tv Weshinstrmy but
· · ‘ · g Comnuttee on VVar Se V1 R ·ds
Llllmn Russell and Douglas F€l11`· Gngrgrgs mwapr] {hg raising of Digg, ood Eloomdool Eoginoofs, University E L Gillis Capt? S if RGC? these have nnaccountably disappeared,
banks, The Daily News of ChiC&gO, OHIY. of Kontuokv and o nlombol. of the F_ ‘ ' , ’ In ‘ ' Oy 611* Prgfgsggr (jgmngn hgg received al
A April 18, has a picture of Fairbanks Under the léadérshil) of Otis Alpha Signjgl phi FI·at€mity_ ])i§1;n$;itI;g6l\;i1;l:5;1'iCity Enoch Gm letter of acknowledgment from the
being carried on the shoulders of two I?rilg€r’U0f_ th€_tEXpfe1;£n€m ksmtwg The results accomplished in the de- hoo, Marguerite McLaughlin, Eliza lim D€i’a1`tm€“t·. éxpmssmg ”·PP1`€€i¥’·‘
or the training boys. Woods is one 3h eh thmvefgl bg :1 Gmac y’ an rydrating process have proved inval- Piggotte Ufm fm the Sélllce and requesting
of the (,J&Cki€S·,, Youg e ai 0 e coun y agents uoblo to tho Government in Supplying Duties Of these Commitmgq were him to communicate with the depart·
of the vanous counties, clubs have · . ‘ .` méllt lf he has any 0th€1' such iHf0l‘-
4 been organized in every county ofthe food to troops m Flame. SPC11 Veg discussed at a meeting Of the War mation GSDGGMIIY if it concerns the
HUSBAQIDING OF STQCK State \vhiCh employs e County deem   ‘;;i€pd°t;f1‘;"’;S;;‘ir€;‘;;?;h;i Committee April 16,-wnen it was ree- Country West of gd me South from
COWS IS NATION S DUTY Mo Kirehel. has received many leo ' H   h· d _ e ommended that activities of various Hamburg.
Th l_ d F11 f d d _ ters from members of these clubs, iiiisiguiedtwileiy Bgpllitd ag£;;BiPS;;H ;01;;11it€€€; Shouig be regiortedhbgg ehe
e un o· gram o ee airy . . - u ioiy ommi ee; t at so e ues `
cows, says rms. J. J. Hooper, couege teumg of the wmk aCc°mphSh€d' fwd value is retained. Thus Vega- or Monday, VS/ednesday and Thursday CAMPUS MADE READY
or Agricunnre, University ot Ken- tables can be sucessfully shipped to or each week be arranged to conform T0 RECEIVE SOLDIERS
tucky, will depend upon the compo- UNIVERSITY TEACHERS London and can be carried by the to the program at present carried out ‘;_
Siticn of the roughage that is utilized. AT EDUCATIONAL MEETING soldiers on iong marches. on Tuesday, so that the third period, Four h¤¤dF€d drafted men from
If clover hay is available less protein ————; Dried potatoes occupy only one- corresponding to the chapel period on Tennessee will BME? tha Engineer?
grain may be employed. It is effica- The annual meeting Og the Ken. fourth their original volume, while Tuesday can be used for lectures and rllmmmg Camp at the Umversiiy Of
cious to use ten pounds of alfalfa, [ucky Educational Association, `vhich ten pounds of onions may be com- other exercises under supervision of 1»<>¤i¤¤1¤¤¤¤S 0'GI00k, at which Presulent McVey Lexington and under ingtructjgn at advised fil/3 t}g0l11`St béliagt given fo gichuicei
of carbohydrates and % pound fat. yet ms the guest or honor and einer the University during me ear-1y sum- The division has an its im me 0 ““ 1 ary w°“· Bn W' i
_ _ _ = , purpose the e
·_ 8 COW that is bmng Duslmd Should speaker. mer. The Committee on \Var Ser- education of women and girls. In con- be placed Ou guard about the cam-
MVB a feed Of Puilled SUCCUIBHK ¤l¤¤· ——-—-—-— vice will work independently of the nection with this work a lecture bur- Pug; at we Work STODS ind Mess Ham
gels, parsnips, carrots (or other roots) Y_ M_ C_ A_ and all other Organize. eau will be maintained in cooperation Jus as m EL regu ar ml I ary °€““p·
to stimulate milk HOW.   tions} with the Social Morality Committee Of the 400 m€Ti to be U`aiU€d as ¢’{X‘
After the war the country will not Y. M. C. A. hostess house workers gf thc gv? ug"`; Cguncixl Of the 2* imygioul Fmchmrlcai Ima? gler; Wm
be able to SHDDIY me demand for ,. ,, will lend assistance in entertaining mum · T· · ·* le ‘mGI`iCaH °' m “ auomgclamcs an C au €m`S’
eewe Mem, Cows have been deeU.oy_ F0m`t€€f1 f0<>tb¤U K _SW€¤t`€I`$ haw the Soldiers, and the people of Le; cial Hygiene Association and similar 100 radio engineers, 40 carpenters, 30
od in bomgoront ooulm,ioS’ and many `DGQH Y€C€1d7€d by the D11`€Gt0F of AUP ingmn wm join them as they did organizations, which have also prev- blacksmiths and 20 electricians.
have been butchewd in neutral COuu_ letics, University of Kentucky, and last Summer ` h til _ _ iously cooperated with the directors
t. T1 G , h _ eh _e will be presented to W. S. Baugh, _ ’ N GH ee wma SO of the two other divisions in their
UBS- *9 Gimims are lun ¤ OI _ . . _ many soldiers at Camp Stanley. -, .
London Arthur Shankhn Lexington work CO EDS PROMINENT IN
of fats 3.I1(] ill the past have called ’ _ ’ “ ’ ____t________; ; .      
I . _ F. W. Dempsey, Burlington; Roger This bureau \V1ii supply lecturers to ‘
oudly and lustily for them, and pai- lf ·- xl--qi H . .
ticularl [ ' _u f t Th A _ Moo1.e,LeXmgton; B_ Downing end C_ YOU 1 JJVER CAN TELL groups of women and girls in all -4-—
Y f" e““ ‘ {P 8 memcml Downing Lexington. E_ M_ Pulled T0 BE GIVEN BY GIRLS parts of the country and furnish them Lieutenants 0. E. smith and H. Y.
cow, the toster mother of the human ’ ’ ’ · · · - _
.11 t _ .d tl . f New York City; J_ A_ Byjttginy Lead. _ Wlth llteraiture wd ?XhIbltS· The Brown, of the Canadian army, who
:;1{;:l?"]r;;](; Oi?,€Sl[;-Egg so 01]E1·S£r1€;v$ Ol ville,   Craig   Lgxiugtoll; For   Pgllosoqhiqn LitB]`3,]`y S(dCi- '}"]O]_;k’ Of tldls SQQt]O]']_ \Y]}1 bg intensive have been Speaking in Iielltucky in
to Ou} me A   °y   H T- Adm Paris; Am- BaS¤¤¤ md Bti U“‘V‘““€Y. °’ ““““°‘”’ `“““*3 iii L‘;i.i.?§l?iii§§“2.3`·Z2LiiiiiZ§`§“t“S bm" Of the Lmy LM   ma
; _ James Hedges, Lexington; W_ Wade will priser; img gevei iw Telli J p·· leading speakers on the program at
ol., Loxi gtom and H H He . -_ D· . _ *1 D 3Y W €Y¤¤1` WW', 21 im €ai‘ Y Red Cross Day exercises, Friday after-
1vIcV1i:Y AND STANLEY H a my mm date the f<>11¤wi¤s S<¤1¤¤ti<>¤S have WAR EDUCATION PROGRAM noon April 19 at university of Ken-
. ALUMNI Home GUESTS ORDER ELIMIN S A been ¤i¤<1·= fw we case OUTLINED BY COMMITTEE tuck;. ’
M-- ' ATE LL Mrs Lanfrey (‘landon——Louise Will M ~ ·
- J · · . . B th ld · h. t * —
=r¤m New York anim ot the ··s01·Hs·* AND ··raEsH1as*· nmavnie. U'F*¤€ € <>¤ WM Ed¤¤¤~¤¤¤· mf LffutgjiltQ§;;§;B§,;°`;Q§1 sf;
University of Kentucky entertained -——-— Mr. Fergus Crampton—Alma Bol- mvcrslty O Kentucky has mm°“nC` F .t   ht} H- hl d E T t
with an alumni dinner ill New York Only enrolled members of the Re- ser, Newport. gd mma lectures 2* Week to be givgu aid };v(;§b;dly1i,o;;d;;S iiouggggni -
_ Saturday night, April 27, at which Gov- serve Officers’ Training Corps Unit, Gloria Clandon—'\’irginia Helm Mil- M°nday* wvedngsday and T¤¤¤‘S¤¤»y Smith xvho was with the Eighty.Gfth
ernor A. O. Stanley and President numbering twenty-one, at the Univer- ner, Union Star. from 9:45 to 10:30 3· m· in Chapel On Nova yseetiei Battalion Wes yvoundgd
Frank L. McVev, of the University sity of Kentucky and seniors or oth- Philip Clandon~E1izabeth McGow- the underlying CWSGS and military ( · ’ · ·
- . . l · tl· d bl d t· .
of Kentucky, were the guests of ers who have completed their three an, Bagdad. aspects Of the Wal`- Thé COUYSG Wm zmri·h§B;2;i2?;eSy oflsiog (Eos? 110;,
honor. years’ drill are eligible for attend- Dorothy Clandon—M*try Mayes continue until Um V~’€€k of €X&mi¤¤· ·‘ VL ·
. ‘ r ’ , (1 ‘ th f th
T}19 New Y0l`k branch of the Uni- ance at the summer training camp, Rose Hill, T.i0I1, May 24 to 31. RggeCi1;;Sné§;1$tl€r Oi i;;;p§;EV;1_SityB
{;.1`S;;Y ifs; 1§;3ll;EiCii¥’· Aillllgil is' en- This means that the sophomores and Mr. Valenti11e——Ada Hardesty, Ft, Cilpmill H. No ROydeH, Commalidallt Thom wooo {Hey girls wooriug the cos;
g g ·i eisupas mveisity freshmen of the University will not Thomas. of cadet battalion, will lectuie each tome of Rod Cross workers, Seated
gruduutes Continue to gain ]_)1'Olll111€llC€ be permitted to attend the camp, Mr. McCo1nas—-—Louise Mayer, Lou- Week on the military aspects. His on tho pk,_t{o1.m
izcigdluetriul and business circles of [ Capgir;)R13[yréen ricgivtedt lgonda.); isx;\i;le.B h F e d L P Hrst lectuge givengrioniiay, April 23, Altho tho University Auxiliary has
· iis. rom . . c ain, Ju an enera r. 0 un- me a. emon, rovi- was on " erman ttac<." On \lVe — been organized but d Short time
·t—·—·——··—— of the ·A1*my, Washington, an order dence. I I Ilésdily, May 1, DI`. E(i\V£tI`d Tuthill a11¤€adyt\`v€Hty hospital garments are
TIQERT TQ GO TO FRANCE- concerning camp training for mem- The i\/I2I1d*B91`Ti1C€ Young, Pineville. spoke on the "Rise of Prussia? Doc- completed thousands of Surgical dI.eSS_
j.._. bers of the advanced courseland se- \Villi211nji3e1‘the: Miller, Lexington. tor Tuthill will speak again before ings have been made by the class
D1, Jolm`J. `Tlg€1t, head of the De- IGCtGd m€*:l11b€i‘S, SoHiOI` d1V1S1011, iié- IJ0, FL W€11£@!`—V11E111121 C1'0ft, LOUIS- the lectures close, Thursday, May 2, uyhjch meets eve]-y Saturday night at
      SBl;Vl? OFIQCGTS t';`I‘21.iIl1DihCO}I'p?d.llI11t'Sé V1U€· has DEED SGIGCCGCI fOI` ZL i€CiLlll'€ OH P;‘ttte1‘s0n Hall, and pI&IlS fil`9 HOW
V _, ' ’ "1 4 ( 9 or gr 3_u Orlzgg g 10 lng 0 -——··——— “B‘ · ]_" t ] ‘ b · · . ·
absence and will go at the close of training camps for the further prac- FRED LOOMIS NOW CAPTAIN. E 1?miF;;·qi1l;)a1·)€ $l`i;nreiiiaiihiif;1?S;;1 OH mot fm 34 Hostess House to be
this year to France into army Y. M. tied] mem. t- { b .. { tl L_ I ` .· Conducted by the Red Cross and Y'
C. A· work. Doctor Tigmdt has been llddrancéd uézoaolnsgo  s0;.   John Fmderick L _ _ ` the program will be announced later. W, C, A. for the 400 soldiers who are ·
_ _ . , ICGIS oomis, mstiuctor . n_
active 1n student Y. M. C. A. work Tmmm COI, S units d ri th in the Department of Phyeioo Une to be stationed h~*€·
sincc Coming to the University and th gf J D th , lild HE 3 versity of Kentucky 1916* nyow in FRESHMAN ENGINEERS ENTER- Probably the most outstanding work
has greatly benefited the student body. inout. 0 gum, Q exact; me an regular service in the American army TA|N' Of me Vvays and Means Committee
Doctor Tieort is o graduate of vom OC3 Nm to 9 imnomdced mei`- · in France, has recently been promoted Monday night, April 22, the John has been that of Marie Collins as its
derbilt University. As a Rhodes _£1`w8?t§Hvs jlumng Of tim Umvm" to the rank of eepteid Loomis Wont Hays Hammond Society of Freshman chairman. A steadily growing fund
scholar he made his mastews degree S1 Yeof deqluc {ii who have had QUE ever Dacenlber 12, es First Liedtenono Engineers entertained the other en- gained by selling sandwiches at noon
ut Oxford and {pom the Same mst]. $331 St 1‘1 RBZI1 W o·1¤Hk€ &DDl1¤¤·· COnStA!·t`illQ1·y Come, ded new ee dep, gineering classes and faculty of in- and chapel hours, by conducting re-
medies gee awarded ai doctorate three Joaedetgrehgiggnll. wil also be ad- {dm hee eheree of H hetiery of hee-W struction at a reception in the dining freshment tables at dances, and the
Y a · pS· artillery on the western front, hall of the University. Red Cross d;;_ncg_