xt7zs756ft95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zs756ft95/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1954-05-28  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 28, 1954 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 28, 1954 1954 1954-05-28 2013 true xt7zs756ft95 section xt7zs756ft95 The ECentucky ECerne



2S. ltJ.1l

Student Body To Determine
Fate Of UK Honor System
In Election Next December


uphold, and preserve the ho.ior


my ability at all
the best
action toward tem toand under of circumstances."
dctcnniniim the future status of
Questions Not Derided
Iioiior system proposals was
Final questions to bo decided by
taL.cn ly assembly mcmlicrs at future conferences on the campus
tle last SGA niectinu of the year would include whether the judiciary
body would be composed of SGA
Monday niht.
faculty memjHsiti-


Before the final procedures are
determined for a tentative operation
plan, several alternative honor system proposals will be circulated
pmong various organizations on the
campus to eventually formulate a
basic honor system plan.
An SGA committee, named to
Ftudy the proposal and headed by
Al Steilbcrg, submitted a set of
alternatives which could be studied
by faculty and student leaders in
finally working out the honor system which would go into effect at
UK. providing the student body approves the plan in December.
Other Plan Studied
This committee consulted with
various campus groups and received
replies from many colleges and universities throughout the United
States where effective honor systems
are reportedly being used.
Under the tentative plan, enrolling
students would be required to sign
en honor pledge before entering the
University. However, one possible
drawback to this proposal, as Steil-ber- g
pointed out, stems from the
fact that no one could be refused
admittance to the University on this
basis alone, under present
In fact, replies from other colleges
and universities which have honor
systems In effect indicate that
strictly enforced plans are used only
at private institutions. State universities find it difficult to refuse
admission on these grounds, Stcil-ber- g

UK Yearbook

This invitation to all students,
faculty, and staff members has
been issued by the UK Alumni
The Alumni Association would
like to have you enjoy free coffee, cokes, and cookies as its
guests during exam week. Come
into the Music Room in the
Student Union from 10 to 12
noon and 1:30 to 4 p.m. DST
Tuesday through Friday. We
Will be looking forward to see-

Tlic question of adopting an p!( ilc my word that the Student
honor system at UK w ill lie sub- Council will t;e iniormcd within a
period of 24 luurs of the close of
mittal to a vote of the student the exam cither by the offender or
IkkIv at the Student Government by myself.
Association elections in Deccin-Ix"I furthermore agree to safeguard,

Staffs Named
For Kernel,

Exam Week Treat

Campus Organizations
Will Consider Plans

Kenu l M.inanin Eilitor


Kernel Editor






Kernel News Editor


named to head the Kernel staff next
of the
ear, and Katherine Edwards will le
UK yearliook.
Other n'W Kernel stiff inemhers include Uehhie Schwarz,
editor; Ken LitchfieM. news editor, anil (George Kixt,
sports etlitor.
Hoiniie Htitler has






Terrell To Advise
California Head
On Bav Crossing






Dr. Daniel V. Terrell, dean of the
College of Engineering, will be one
Before finally deciding to submit of two consultant experts in the
the honor system question to a vote construction of a San Francisco
bridge, estimated to cost upward of
of the student body, several assembly members sought to defeat all S200 million, the Department of
Engineering announced.
honor system proposals.
Dean Terrell was appointed by the
This small bloc of SGA stated
that the students did not want any- Governor of California, Goodwin J.
thing to do with an honor system Knight, as was Richard E. Doughof the
and introduced a motion to kill all erty Value-Knec- firm of Seeley, Stephen- son.
of New York.
present plans.
The bridge, which will crass the
Immediately opposition to this San Francisco Bay in the south, ex-- I
Kernel Sjiorts Editor
Opposing as- tending from Third Street in San
motion developed.
sembly members pointed out that Francisco to a point in Alameda,
SGA was not a truly representative was approved by the Secretary of
body and could not reflect all stu- the Army on an application by the
dent opinion. These members em- Department of Public Works in San
phasized that the only positive way ' Francisco.
to find out if UK students actually
Gov. Knight announced that these
wanted the system was to have an two nationally known engineers will
advise him as chairman of the Toll
ROTC graduates who were to reBridge Authority and the Depart- ceive certificates of completion inCommittee Formed
One additional opposing factor to ment of Public Works on all phases stead of commissions In the Air
killing all honor system proposals of the programming for the new Force will be permitted to become
was stated by Wendell Norman, vice crossing.
officers in the Air National Guard,
president of SGA. He pointed out
The funds available for this work according to instructions recently
committee are the proceeds of the sale of San received by the Department of Air
that a student-facult- y
had been formed, following the first Francisco-Oaklan- d
Bay Bridge 1951 Science and Tactics from Headquarhonor system suggestion in March. Refunding and Improvement Toll ters. Air Fore ROTC in Washington.
"Why should SGA back out now Bridge Revenue Bonds, Series D, in
These graduates would be given
after being the first to propose it?" the amount of $1,500,000.
an option of selecting the National
he asked.
Guard plan or continuing under the
The proposed underwater tubes present operation. Students selectIn other business completed at the which made possible the plan for a ing the certificate of completion
final SGA meeting, an appropriation southern crossing of the Bay were plan would enlist in the grade of
not to exceed $125 was approved by designed by Norman C. Raab, chief airman 3rd class for the period norassembly members for financing an of the Division of San Francisco mally"
required to be served by a
orchestra at the Colleee Night Bay Toll Crossings.
planned for Sept. 17. This
At the end of this service, the
is an annual feature of orientation
recipient could apply for a reserve
week. SGA will also operate a concommission in the Air Force.
cession booth at the event.






Keutuckiaii Business Manager

Keutuckiaii Editor

Certificates National Guard Officerships

Training In



categories II and III, who
are scheduled to receive certificates
of completion, are eligible.
Applicants acceptable to the respective states will be appointed by
the Air Force as reserve second
lieutenants and then appointed as
secmd lieutenants in the Air National Guard by their respective
states. This procedure affects their
membership in the National Guard,
the instructions stated.
1955, in

To Be Affected
AFROTC graduates
at UK will be affected by the newly
announced procedure. Until the new
instructions were received, these
students were scheduled to receive
certificates of completion and could
not be commissioned or called to
active duty.
However, the new regulations will
permit these individuals an option
of applying for a commission
program to
part of a nation-wid- e
about 5.000 students
who were in the same category.

Thirty-nin- e

Each applicant will sign an agree- nient which stipulates that he will
serve on duty with the active Air
Force for a period of three years
and an additional three years of active participation in an Air National Guard unit. This would in- clude a minimum of 48 paid unit

training assemblies and 15 days field
training annually.
Should the tour of duty with the
active Air Force be less than three
years, the officer will be required to
serve a sufficient amount of time in
Air Guard units to total six years
of active participation in the reserre

Complete details of the new plan
can be secured from the Department of Air Science and Tactics.

School Announces

Graduation Plans
Commencement exercises of the
University School will be at 7 p.m.
DST Thursday in the school's
auditorium. Dr. Lyman Ginger, Director of the University School, announced today.
Dr. Frank G. Dickey, dean of the
College of Education, will deliver the

commencement address.
The 30 graduates will receive their
diplomas from Dr. Ginger. The
girls' choir of University, High will
sing. The Rev. J. W. Angell. pastor
of Second Presbyterian Church, will
deliver the invocation and benedic- tion. Dr. Ginger stated.




Miss Edwards, David Noyes has been
appointed as business manager on


Frank J. Welch, dean of the
lege of Agriculture and Home

ROTC Graduates Will Have Two Choices;

However, the new optional plan
Block and Bridle, agriculture hon- - calls for graduates to be ordered to
orary, presented awards Monday training duty with the Air Force in
night to individuals placing highest four quarterly periods. National seservice
headquarters has
in the annual Block and Bridle lective
agreed that applicants under this
judging contest, held May 20.
plan will receive 60 days continued
Those receiving trophies were Jim deferment following graduation in
Brogli, beef cattle; Dick Pedigo, order to permit necessary processsheep, and Bill Poor, swine. Pedigo ing.
also received a trophy for the high- Only AFROTC graduates comest over-a- ll
score and a trophy for
being highest individual in giving pleting commissioning requirements
' from May 1. 1954 through April 30.

In addition to the selection


An Deiin


Ken-tuckia- n,

14 i

the Kentuckian staff.
These staff appointments were approved Wednesday by the Board of
Student Publications, which includes
the director of the School of
nalism. the University Comptroller,
and Student Government Asocia-i- n
tion representative.
In assuming the Kernel editor-Sta- te
ship. Butler moved up from the news
editor position, which he held this
semester. He also wrote a weekly
column. "The Tool Box." throughout
the past year.
Itlitor From Louisville
A native of Louisville, the new
Kernel editor has served as secretary
of th- - Henry Watterson Press Club
and is a former staff member of
Stylus. UK literary magazine.
Butler is a member of Phi Kappa
Tail fraternity and a graduate of

From Yugoslavia


Block And Bridle;
Presents Awards





Chance In Pledge
Of the tentative proposals drafted
by the SGA committee for future
study and correction, only two sections would not be subject to any
alteration. These are the pledge to
SGA went on record as disapprovbe signed by students and a defini- ing announced plans for graduating
of an honor system.
seniors, who are members of the
ROTC, to march with the military
The pledge states:
I do hereby accept and fully as- units to the Baccalaureate exercises
sume the responsibilities and obliga- Sunday afternoon. These seniors
tions of the honor system as it ap- would not be permitted to wear their
plies at UK. I understand that in gowns nor march with the senior
accepting this pledge as a code of group, according to present plans.
ROTC units are participating in
conduct during my stay at UK
that I mean to pledge myself the Eaccalaureate service as their
neither to give nor receive aid in salute to the Korean war dead, who
any examination, and if I see any- will be honored in special dedicatory
one else doing so, I shall further exercises at the Baccalaureate.

Butler, Edwards
Selected To Edit

ing you.

members, students, or
bers. The exact powers of the group
could include expulsion or suspension, restriction, or only recom-


Col- Eco- -

has recently returned from
a three weeks' tour of Yugot.lavia
with the Foreign
Operations Administrations and the
Dean Welch's tour wa.s to study
and appraise the supply and de- mand situation with reference to
wheat, to study education and research in the field of agriculture,
to appraise the recent policy and
program changes and their in- rluence on agriculture production.
and to appraise the current year's
wheat production prospects.
He visited universities, research
institutes, state farms,
farms, and individual farms. He
conferred with high ranking gov- eminent officials, farm managers
and common laborers. Six days
were spent traveling about the
country in automobile.
The agricultural methods in Yu- goslavia are crude. Dean Welch re- ported. The farmers utilise oxen
and horses, with very little mech- anized equipment. ''Our aid to them
has gone in the form of food grains
and industrial machinery." he said.
The people are poor, but he saw no
abject poverty such us may be
found in some of the countries of
the Far East.
"The thing that impressed me
most was the status of the women,
They worked on the farms, cleaned
streets, and did all sorts of heavy
labor," he said.
Dean Welch reported that he was
given complete freedom while in the
country. He received answers, both
verbal and written, to all of his
questions. The people of Yugoslavia.
as a whole, are very friendly to the
United States, he said.
Less than half the agriculture
land is in state and collective farms,
according to Dean Welch, with the
private farms averaging about 25
or 30 acres. The Party has met
strong resistance on the part of the
when they attempt to collec- tivize the farms.







Male High School.

He ia

a junior journalism major.
Miss Edwards, a sophomore in the
College of Education, was managins
editor of this year's Kentuckian. A
native of Decature. Ga.. the new
yearbook editor is YWCA social
chairman, vice president of the
freshmen Y, and a member of the
University social committee,
The Kentuckian editor is also Chi
Omega pledge mistress,
New Managinf Editor
Miss Schwarz moved up from the
assistant managing editor's position,
in which she has served this semes- ter, to become managing editor of
the Kernel. She U a junior journal-- I
ism major from White Sulphur
Springs, W. Va.
A member of Delta Zeta sorority.
Miss Schwarz is vice president of
Suky, secretary of Chi Delta Phi,
and a member of SGA. In addition
the new managing editor is past
president of the House President's
Council and president of Theta Sig- ma Phi. A member of Mortar Board.
she was chosen one of three out- standing junior women journalists
and was assistant editor of the
A native of Hopkinsville.
Editor Litchfield transferred to UK
this year from Western State
lege where he was club editor on
Continued on Page 4

Baccalaureate Services To Launch Senior Activities
His achievement in his chosen
Honorary Doctor of Laws degrees
will be conferred upon two native profession and lifelong interest in
Krntuckians at the 87th annual and devotion to his native state
commencement exercises scheduled were cited for the Doctor of Laws
for 8 p.m. Friday, June 4 in Me- degree presentation.
Baccalaureate Opens Week
morial Coliseum.
Commencement week activities
Named to receive the honor are
Stephen A. Rapier, director of the open with the annual Baccalaureate
Electrical Manufacturers Export exercises at 4 p.m. DST Sunday
Company in New York City, and in Memorial Coliseum. Speaker at
Joseph M. Hartfield, senior partner the service will be Dr. Homer W.
of White and Case law firm in New Carpenter, minister ecumenical of
the First Christian Church in LouisYork City.
The awarding of degrees to ap- ville. The topic for Dr. Carpenter's
proximately 800 UK students at the address will be "The Likeness of a
commencement program will climax King."
Dedicatory ceremonies for Kena full week of class reunions, luncheons, receptions, and graduation tucky's 1.200 Korean war dead will
be observed at this yearns Bacactivities.
Mr. Rapier, a native of Knob calaureate. A section of the ColiCreek in Larue County, started in seum will be reserved for the parthe electrical field as a sales engi- ents, children, and relatives of the
neer with the General Electric Com- Korean dpad. More than 1.500 repany in Latin America. Then in quests for seat reservations have
1918 he opened his own business, the been received.
All members of the Army and Air
Electrical Manufacturers Export
Force ROTC will march, in uniform,
to the dedicatory service. Names of
Entered Engineering College
He entered the College of Engi- the Korean War dead, compiled by
neering at UK but received an ap- the Kentucky War Memorial Surpointment in the Marine corps be- vey, have recently been added to the
fore completing his full course of Honor Roll plaques in the Coliseum.
Dr. Gatton To Speak
Named as an honorary degree reDr. Harper Gatton, trustee of the
cipient, Mr. Rapier was cited for University and executive vice presihis service to the nation in develop- dent of the Kentucky Chamber of
ing friendship with more than 100 Commerce, will be the principal
foreign countries. His contributions speaker at the annual commenceto a better relationship in interna- ment luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Thursday in the Bluegrass Room of Stutional business were tjso named.
Mr. Hartfield is a najve of Union dent Union.
County and a member of one of the
Included on the program this year
largest law firms in the world. He will be musical numbers by Gail
is a leader in many national cultural Jennings, sophomore in Arts and
and welfare projects, including the Sciences, accompanied by Marilyn
Metropolitan pera Association and Gregory.
In urging student, fatuity, and
tlie Ar.i.-- i it :.n Ki d Cn.rs.

Freshcut and Mr. Human Lvc Donovan
Cordially invite
The January, June and August graduates, with their families;
The alumni, with their families;
The faculty and staff with their wiles.
The friends of the I'nit t rity of Kentucky
To attend the Commencement Tea
Three to I ire o'clock
Central Standard Time

ntj, ,







To Keccive Decree


staff attendance at the luncheon,
Dr. Hambleton Tapp, chairman of
the commencement committee,
stated. "The idea of honoring and
serving the seniors and members of
their families wa.s the original purpose of the luncheon. This year it
is hoped that many students,
seniors, will attend the

ment week activities is the annual
meeting and banquet of the Alumni
Association at 6:30 p.m. Thursday
in the Bluegrass Room of Student
Union. Dean Flvis J. Stahr Jr. of
the College of Law, provost of the
University, has been named as the
principal speaker for the program.

t vent ."

Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, vice
president of the University, will preside at the commencement luncheon.
Tickets Are S .50
Tickets, at $1.50 a plate, may be
purchased at the offices of deans,
alumni secretary, social director,
and at Room 109. Administration
tickets must be
.iwuulit b Thursday noon.
... ii.ii it t,.iL kI ci.miiiince- 1

(ioniinenceiiieiit Speaker








K 11

Given lonorai Decree


Golden Jubilee certificates will be
awarded tu the class of l!()4 during
the commencement exercises next
Friday exenmg.




Haccalaurcatc Speaker


(All times are Daylight Saving Tunc
Main regularly scheduled class
reunions have bien planned for next
week. Anion-- ! t tic reunions set are
3:45 p.m. Baccalaureate procesthe classes of 190:i. l!lt!8. 1909. 19J5. sion forms on circle between Stoll
R. R. Dawson of Bloomfield. presi19J6. 191T7. 19:28. 1945. 194i. 1947.
dent of the Alumni Association, will 1948. Special reunion programs anil Field and Student Union.
4 p.m. Baccalaureate
preside at the banquet. Election of planned by
the classes of 1914 and Memorial Coliseum. Speaker: Dr.
five oflicers, including a president, 1929.
Homer W. Carpenter, minister ecuvice president, and three members
menical. First Christian Church,
of the executive committee, will be
H. L. DonoPresident and Mrs.
held in conjunction with the ban- van have issued an invitation to all Louisville. Baccalaureate reception
for members of the graduating class,
members ol the graduating class, faculty, relatives, and friends. Music
Two graduating seniors in the
their families, alumni, faculty, and Room. Student Union, immediately
Music Department will present a
staff members to attend the com- loilowiinr Haccalaureate service.
musical program. They are Shirley
Fauquier, mezzo soprano, and Joan mencement tea from 4 to 6 p.m.
Mat See, pianist, both of Louisville.
10 a.m.
(DSTi Thursday at Maxwell Tlace.
Meeting, of the University

Maxwell I'lace

(So private invitations will be sent)
Board of Trustees.
10:30 a.m. Registration of alumni.
Room 124. Student Union.
12:30 p.m. Alumni luncheon for
alumni, seniors, faculty members
and friends on east concourse of Memorial Coliseum.
2 p.m.
Annual meeting of the
Kentucky Research Foundation, office of the president.
4 p.m.
President anil Mrs. Donovan h"ld reception for members of
the graduating class, their families
and friends, alumni, faculty, and
staff. Maxwell Place.
6:30 p.m. Alumni banquet, and
meeting of the UK Alumni Association, Bluegrass Room, Student

Union. Speaker: Dean Elvis J.
Jr.. College of Law.


Friday, June 4
Commencement luncheon. Bluegrass Room, Student Union.
Speaker: Dr. Harper Gatton. trustee
of the University and executive
of the Kentucky Chamber
12:30 p.m.

of Commerce.
cere3:30 p.m. Commissioning
monies for army and air force ROTC
graduates. Memorial Hall.
7:30 p.m. Commencement procession forms on circle between Stoll
Field and Student Union.
8 p.m. Commencement exercises.
Memorial Coliseum. Speaker: Dr.
Virgil M. Hancher, pits.uri.u S;,.;c
University of


� ?aue





FH.l.u Way

Academic Driftwood
Should Be Abolished
College newspapers customarily give graduating
seniors a pat on the back, wish them good luck,
and philosophize on the ways of life. Well, we'll
go along as far as the pats on the back and the
good luck wishes are concerned. However, there is
one small matter which disturbs us slightly the
student the acamatter of the
demic deadwood in the sc holastic forest.
Students who fail and then return to school
semester after semester are a joke on campus.
Everyone knows alxnit them, everyone talks alxmt
them, a few people even wonder alxnit them. Who
are these strange creatures? Why do thev come
back year after year? Why aren't they forbidden to
return after failing to make the grade time after
That's wliat we'd like to know. If a student
shows that he cannot meet the requirements set
forth by. the University, he should !e told in no
uncertain terms that he is unwelcome. There's no
sense in having these poor people back time and
time again.
The ultimate goal of institutions of education
should be to impart knowledge to
groups of people to teach and instruct generation
after generation of a nation's people. With this
objective in mind, it is impossible to tolerate the
tliought of permitting students who just don't have
what it takes to keep coming back.
These people are not helping themselves, and
they are slowing dow n the work in the classes in
which they enroll. The Faculty, we feel, is aware
of the problem. We hope that in the near future
action will he taken to control the nuinlier of incapable students who return to UK semester after






Our Nature Boy,
Upset By Finals,
Takes The Jump

have been obtained several days or even hours
before examination time.
buildings have been entered tor the purpose of
obtaining tests office doors forced, drawers and
files rifled. A rarer occurrance is the actual copying
of tests dining examinations. Most students who
are inclined to risk cheating feel that this is too
dangerous, so the other methods are favored.
Perhaps the temptation is too great for the
cheaters. With the knowledge that tests and
examinations are mimeographed or typed in advance, many students might feel a compulsion to
"stop by the profs office to see what's on hand."
Some of them do. resulting in added material for
the good old filing cabinets.
If more tests were made up immediately
examinations, if buildings were more closely
and during examination peri(xls,
and if double checks were made against repeating
of the
the same tests year after year,
cheating on campus would Ik eliminated. An
honor system would be an unpleasant burden for
lxth students and Administration.



Indo-Chin- a

if you

don't study how're you going to pass?





And Now We Say Our Farewell
To A Doggone Good Columnist

It was just alxmt eight months ago that we went
to the Kerne! folk and asked for a chance to try a
little experiment. And they, crusading souls all,
gave us the green flash. Well, our wee experiment was simply to see if UK denizens would be
interested in swallowing something a mite divorced
fiom the doings along the Blue and White boardwalkand we promised a column as changeable as
a kaleidoscope.
We haven't stepped in our own
footprints, that's for sure, and
we've covered a lot of ground, so
it's alxmt that time to clamp on
the lid and bid a fond adieu.
But while we're reminiscing,
we'd like to look back briefly



we perpetrated during this acaddemic year. . . . We
spilled some ink on a lot of personalities and subjects: Bolx Hope, Al Capp. Jack Webb, Johnnie
Hay, Arthur Godfrey, Jane Russell, Fred Waring,
Whitaker Chambers, Marilyn Monroe, Rita
et al; We've talked about TV shows, radio
shows, stage show s,
shows, screen shows
We reviewed so many movies that we have the
in captivity which have adjusted
themselves to
without specs. And we've
several times: namely to knock the
chip off Earl Ruby's shoulder, to have a little fun
with the Family's Look, to preach a sermon or two.
We've traveled from Hollywood to Las Vegas to
New Yawk and Chicago and back again. . . . Oh
it's been a long y ear, and, frankly, we re kinda tired.
We made a lot of mistakes, but we had our
too, and our letters
kind of gave
us the edge nice people. Looking back, we made
quite a tew lucky guesses: we scored a grand-slawith our Academy Award predictions, even though
it hurt us to pick Jim Jones' swablx-down version
of "Eternity" (we liked "Roman Holiday"); we
blazed the trail for CinemaScope and for a while,
we tliought we had gone overboard, but we've
never been sorry its here to say, even though we
were much disappointed w ith "The Rolx'" and said
so, and made a few people mad.
And there was the time on March 5 that we reviewed Leland I lay w ard s TV version of Cole
Porter's "Anything Goes," and commented that the
would soon lx showing "a lot of Broadway oldies done-uand we were so
right the Great White Way moved all of its old
baggage into Television City after the Merman


nite-clu- b

During the summer, the scientific world will buzz
with activity . Soon, the huge
"eye" of Mt.
Palomar will lx" turned on the planet Mars in an attempt to solve some of the questions concerning the
possibility of life there. Flying saucer rumors and
stories will crop up in
newspapers all over the United States. This summer
should be interesting.
200-ine- h

Ah, What Sad, Lingering Regrets
We Feel As Summer Approaches


The Gallery


reminded of gay times on the drill field . . . those
wonderful, hot, soggy days when we marched ourselves into a disciplinary frame of mind.
Others of us will have nostalgic memories of
pleasant hours spent in the library especially on
the warm evenings of spring. And, then, there will
always be the fond recollections of pleasant words
from our professors visions of their smiles of encouragement and praise of our work. As the summer months wear on, we shall lxgin to think more
and more of the grand life we lead here, of the
leisurely days and nights.
Iast, but not least, we shall sadly think of active
meetings, of dressing for dinner, of going to sorority desserts, of smiling at obnoxious alums, of
trying to w heedle the cook out of an extra piece of
toast, of trying to find toothpaste after a corned
beef and cabbage banquet, and of breaking shoelaces at the big formal or of losing a room mate's
cuff links. Ah, sweet schfxil, how we shall miss thee!



end and if we started listing all of our blunders
we'd slop over onto page three.
So we'll just take time to thank the fine people
who have helped us along: Noi Peers (whom we
miss muchly), Diane Renaker (our congrats to
"Red" Archer tor snagging this gal); Bob Cox. a
swell guy; several nameless inmates of Vassar;
Brother Boyle (who never liked a word we wrote),
and to everylxxly who took time to write us or
way lay us on campus your adv ice and suggestions
were invaluable.
So that alxut wraps it up for this season, and
"The Gallery" (be it ever so humble) shall lx laid
to rest. As (of us, we'll be fast asleep in the Law
Lounge next year and we don't think we ll ever
noclies, as the Italians
pass this way' again.



Senator Doaper
Three of the dullest things in the world are:
watching a moth flit around a lamp bulb; playing
canasta with little brothers andVsisters while the
car is in the garage; sorority desserts.

that leaving






school for the summer
running away from home. Its fun at first,
but after a while you wish you were back.

is like





A g(xd deal of the mystery concerning the origin
and survival of the human race can lx' explained
by looking at the pretty coeds in their summer attire.










If you really want to see a man suffer from a
guilty conscience, address your postcards to the
profs after final examinations are over.














There's a student over in engineering who has a
little gadget that turns pink when it's going to rain.
One of his friends swears the engineer's face turns
blue when the gadget stays blue when it should
have turned pink. Clear?





that they weren't going to pack the coliseum at
seven bucks a shot. Well, we were proved right,
but we doubt if the Festival people would admit it.
We could go on, but we wouldn't know where to



Klnti ckv


No one knows for sure, but some people have
speculated that the fence by the Journalism Building, if it were wired, would electrocute half the
population of Lexington in a year's time.

as fecond
F.ntered at the Port Olhce al Lexington. Kentm-kvcUl lulM unilrt the Act ot March 3, IH74.
PablisVied weekly during school eacet rmhd;iss and cunu.
SI. (HI per semester


Business Mrr.
UtuME S'.hwaaz Asst. Xing, hd
ki N I.lTrnrin.D As"t. News Ed.
Ronnie BtTl-E- .
John Ryans
Sports Editor
Bill Billitei
Feature Editor
Society Editor
J"hn Mit hrll
L,li- - Morris
O.py IVik
Ji:0 Ram k:nan and Ann
Jim IVrry and Carl May
Cvnthia Colli
Circulation May
HfUn Adams, David Allen, Oiivid Cnspman. Trm-U- C
CxU. jtance Foreman. Pal .eorK F.lialielh Hibtit, Bob
liuriiir. VViliuun F. Jolly. Jndv lister, hrjnk Marnliont, Eiieme
1.. Morin, ?umin F. Miliar lr., H.irhara Morgan, Nancy Paul,
PrKhitt. Fmmvtt V. Knm. Jamca Ropers.
Kflb Powell,
Joha, T. Walton, John F.. VVilu, and I)oo
Yoiwg Jr.
AHn, Bill Burleson. Dnn II er.ro. Kill Knifibt,
Sports 0"fltf
Hank Mao, David Nakdniirn, Dick Purkios, aid
Billy Surface.
John Clover, John Sporrier. Jana Cola
MvartiflDf SaUanwa) .

Diane FrsrABxa
Kathv FfitKH

Managing Fd.


f:t: kp.

1k k

Our Readers Speak: Even With Optimism
Dear Editor,
Got to reading one of the back issues of your
paper the other day when I had a strange idea. It
was so strange that I'm not going to bother sending
it to you. Instead, I am going to tell you alxnit a
new invention of mine, one I worked on several
years ago while at UK.
This invention deals with getting up in the morning. As you must know, it's pretty hard to get up
in the morning. Alarm clocks are useless after a