xt7zs756ff5r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zs756ff5r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1925-03-27  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 1925 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 1925 1925 1925-03-27 2012 true xt7zs756ff5r section xt7zs756ff5r I

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The Kentucky Kernel




AT KY. IN 1922
Formed on Recommendation of University
of Iowa

Committee Will Meet
to Devise a Better


At n meeting of the Men's Student
Council of the University of

McFarland, Kentucky
Underwood, Kentucky
Mnggard, Berea

Alberts, Kentucky
Carey, Kentucky
Gividcn, Transylvania

Will Go to Pittsburgh,
Buffalo and Niagara






In 1021, the deans and advisors of
several universities met at tne university of Iowa and recommended to
fi,n nnivnrsitios and colleges who
had representatives present that since
all faculty government, was nut nuu t
fr. ftinoo institutions, nor was all
student government, a cooperative
plan would perhaps meet the needs.
tn tViis recommendation
the students of the University of
Kentucky met in 1922 and the Men s
o.,.innf nunnW mns organized, adopt
ing the present constitution, slightly
The purpose

of the Council, as
stated in the preamble of the constitution is to "secure an effective .t,ilnnf irnTOmmfint in acr
cordance with the authority grantedi... ti. cnn)n tn flm Student CounThe powers embody those ot
the discipline of undergrauuaujs, uiu
f the university and
the penalties for the violation of all
rules.- -

After a thorough investigation, the
members of the Council found that
several students were not complying
,.,ifu vo ruin nf wearine the fresh
man caps, and that they were "powerless to enforce the regulations pre
scribed by the students oi me u.
Their adjournment fol



Since this action was taken, these
T,,r mPt with Doctor McVey,
Dean Melcher and Dean Turck to
discuss the situation and it was ue
n pnmmittee from the Stu
tlUUU W.v "
dent Council meet with one from the
faculty as soon as possible to de
vise some means ot meeting uiu uC
mand for a governing body.




Sunervision of
Association of


The third annual Institute for
istrars will be held at the University
sof Kentucky from April
work of this meeting will be so organized as to require four hours of






lectures and studies in methods of
conducting the worK m a registrars




The first two days of the Institute
...:n l. tn nhnrcrn nf thn Stllto AsSOci- ation of Registrars. This part of the
program will bo planned by J. R.

Robertson, registrar of the Eastern
State Normnl School, Richmond". The
program will be planned to meet the
needs of those attending the Institute
as well as those here only for the
meeting ot the State Association.
The third annual Institute will bo
nnnihinted after the same plan as were
pltlSSOS will
Lllu C.it
mat tiwl cnnmul Two
be held in tho morning and two in
the afternoon, tno morning session
will be under tho supervision of Ezra
Gillis, registrar of tho university, and
will deal largely with tho practical
phases of tho registrar's work. Tho
afternoon sessions will bo in charge
of Dean Taylor of tho college of Education, Professor Minor of the department of Psychology, and Professor Lelnnd, of the department of



Mothers of all University of Kentucky women students will be guests
of honor at special celebrations planned in their honor Saturday, May 2
and 3, to commemorate Mothers Day.
Elaborate plans nrc being made to
entertain the visitors.
Saturday afternoon the guests will
be taken to points of interest on the
enmpus and to a tea in their honor
at the home of President and Mrs.
McVey at Maxwell Place.
At this
time they will be addressed by Dr.
McVey. Saturday night they will be
entertained at the various sorority
houses and residence halls on the
Sunday afternoon musical
vesper services will be held at the
Maxwell Presbyterian church under
the direction of Professor Lamport.
Dean Sarah Blanding is furthering
the project and her tireless efforts
toward the completion of the plan
are certain to put the movement over.





lties in Europe

The tenth nnnunl

League tournnment in debate, oratory, declamation, track,
journalism, music and essay contests
will be held at the University of Kentucky April 29 and .10 nnd May 1
and 2.
Preliminaries will be held the last
two days in April nnd finals in all
but the track meet will be held May
Preliminaries and finals in track
will be held Saturday, May 2. District tournaments have been in progress throughout the state this month
and will be concluded before April 22.
Professor L. L. Dantzler, head of
the department of English, and Miss
Celln Taylor, acting head of the department of University Extension,
will be in charge of all contests except track, of which S. A. Boles, head
of the department of Physical Education, will be in charge.

Will be Held in the House of


The senior class of the college of
Engineering of tho university will
leave for their twenty-sixt- h
Miss Sarah Wambaugh, who was a
senior inspection tour on April 2. The member of the Secretariat of the
will go to Pittsburgh, Buffalo, League of Nations, took "Six Years
and to Niagara Falls, and will re Aftcr'as the subject of her lecture
turn April 10.
Friday afternoon, March 20, at PatTl e trip Wi.i be conducted by Dean terson Hall.
F. Paul Anderson, and Professors W,
In discussing the restoration of terE. Freeman, D. V. Terrell, J. B. Dick ritory taken from Poland a few
er and L. S. O'Bannon, all of the col decades ago, and at present inhabited
leire of Engineering.
hy the Germans, Miss Wambaugh
While in Pittsburgh the class .will pointed out the difficulties of dealing
visit the Westinghouse Electric and with the minority. In such matters
Manufacturing Company, the Bureau as these and other

on Pago Eight)

About twenty University of Ken
tucky students are planning to take
the state bar examination, which is
to be held in Frankfort in the House
of Representatives, Wednesday
Thursday, April 15 and 1G. A student must have had two years of law
before he may take this examination.
A.mong those who are eligible are:
T. A. Ballantine, Louise Carson, M.
B. Daniel. Lucy Edens, M. J. Fischer,
Basil Frost, J. W. Gillon, Joe
Robert Honaker, II. C. Johnson,

the lecturer stated
C. P. King, L. H. Liles, C. M. C.
plebiscides had been resorted to.
Mss Wambaugh's work was in the Porter, E. S. Melton, Minnie B. Peterminority field and she has written son, Maurine Sharp, Taylor G. Smith,
a book on the subject of "plebiscides." and A. W. Thompson.



gineers Will Make

The V. W. C. A. will hold its
election of officers immediately nf-tthe compulsory meeting for
women students at the sixth hour
today in the university gymnasium.

Oskar Hambleton, Violet Young Will Take
the Leads
Will be Last Production
of the Subscription


the spring produc
tion of the Stroller dramatic organi
be presented in Louiszation, will
ville April 24, under the auspices of
the Louisville' Alumni Club.
This date was agreed upon at a
meeting of the Entertainment Committee of the club, at which James
Darnell, president of the Strollers,
was present. The Louisville Alumni
Club sponsors the entertainment for
the annual meeting of the Kentucky
Educational Association held in Louisville each spring, nnd the Strollers
are well pleased with tho idea that
tho Louisville alumni are behind this
presentation, and also that they will
have an opportunity to present their
play before the educators of the state.
April 11 the Strollers are booked
to play in Pincville, and on Monday
and Tuesday, April 13 and M, they
to Harlan
will present "Fifty-Fifty- "
and Lynch.
Although tho western Kentucky
trip is a new adventure for the Stroller organization, the letters received
from their backers in wosto r n
Kentucky give promise of a very enthusiastic reception there. Mr. Darnell left witli the Gleo Club for western Kentucky to close the contracts
for appearance in Howling Green,
Henderson and Oweusboro.
Ilerndou Evans, an old Stroller, and
a former director of tho organization,
has taken over the management of
the presentation in Pineville, where
Preston Cherry,
he is now located.
another university alumnus and also
a Stroller, is making arrangements
for the presentation of "Fifty-Fifty- "
in Bowling Green.

The department of Hygiene and
Public Health has sent out the follow
ing letter as means of warning
against neglect concerning vaccinaDue to recent "outbreaks of
reported throughout the
United States, the department feels
that a word of advice should be

"Dear Sir:
"The department of Hygiene and
Public Health feels that it is important to call your attention to the
following mntters:
"1 During the latter part of 1924
and early n this year there were
several outbreaks of smallpox reported throughout the United Sta'tes.
This condition is said to be due in
large part to individuals not being
frequently enough.
behooves each one of us who have
not hnd a successful vaccination with-th- o
past seven years to bo
"2. You are, of course, awnre that
there has recently been developed a
method for protecting children against
diphtheria which is quite similar to

Locals Defeat Some of

Nation's Strongest

Unnoticed and unheralded, the university rifle team has won a place
this year among the best collegiate
rifle teams of the nation, losing only
two matches and defeating some of
the strongest teams in the countr? .
The War Department has chosen thli
team to represent the Fifth Corps
Area in the national rifle shoot next

The teams which went down to defeat before the rifles of the Blue
and White marksmen during tho past
semester were: Penn. State, University of South Dakota, University of
Pennsylvania, University of Ariaona,
University of Missouri and the University of Oklahoma.
The two
matches lost went to Ohio State anil
to V. M. I. by narrow margins.
Having been chosen to represent
the Fifth Corps Area in the national
shoot, Captain J. E. Torrence has
announced that all future matches
will be cancelled to permit the tean.
to prepare for the contest.
coaches of the team will spend
major part of their time, until the
date of the meet, in coaching and
drilling the men.
There are nine corps areas m the
United States and the Universuj of
Kentucky team will compete with 3(5

Educators at K. E. A.
lock to Represent
Will Bee Amateurs
Monday Evening Re- Dept. of Hygiene Issues
Warning as to Small
Perform '
hearsals Show Rapid
pox Outbreak
Handel's "Messiah," Lexington's
contribution to the National Music
Week, will be presented by a large
chorus and symphony orchestra on
the evening of April 30 in the basketball auditorium of the university.
The concert, sponsored by Phi Mu
Alpha, musical fraternity of the university, is designed to promote musical development in Central Kentucky and is the first organized effort of its-- kind to bring together the
community in an undertaking of this
The chorus, which has been in rehearsal for several weeks, numbers
more than 200 trained voices, repre
senting the best musical talent from
Central Kentucky. Georgetown,
Paris, Winchester, and Berea are
contributing lnrge units to the chorus
Supporting the presentation will be
n symphony orchestra of more than
forty pieces, with the Philharmonic
Society of tho university as a nu
and Berea mu
sicians will augment tho orchestra
arrangements nro being ninde
to procure musicians from tho Cm
cinnati Symphony Orchestra.
Four soloists who have had wide
experience in oratoro work in Chicago and New York has been engaged
to take tho leads.
Wednesday night, April 21), will be
"College Night," also sponsored by
Phi Mu Alpha, and on this night tho
various university musical organiza
tions and clubs will give a "song
fest." This will truly bo tho students'
night, when they may have fun to
their hearts' content. Tho authorities
wish especially to urge, however, that
at the rendition of "Tho Messah" on
tho following night that students and
others make as little noise as pos
sible, in keeping with tho wonderful
story of "Tho Messiah."
Announcements as to tickets will
be made in the near future.

Manager Cancels All
of Team's Future

The Romany Theatre will present
as its fifth and final production of the
subscription season, Pinero's "The
Enchanted Cottage," during the entire week of March 30. Thursday and
Friday nights will be student nights.
There wil be a matinee Saturday. The
Romany players have plans under
way for taking this production on
tdur in the month of April.
The scene of the play is laid in a
cottage in Sussex county, England.
The interior of the cottage will be
furnished quaintly with antiques. The
play is under the direction of Miss
Clarabel Kay, manager of the Rom
any, and director of "Just Suppose."
The dream scene at the end of the
second act is under the direction of
Miss Rosette March, publicity manother university and collece teams-- .
ager for the Romany.
from all parts of the country. In the
(Continued on Pago Seven)
national meet last year Kentucky
the United States in three stages of
firing, but were defeated in the kneel





Brown, Keller and Bul-

"Fifty-Fifty,- "



Forty-Nin- e

Western Trip New Ven
REGISTRARS MEET ture for Dramatic


No. 24

Elaborate Plans Being Includes Forensics, MuMade for the
sic, Journalism, and


19. in
Dean Boyd's office, it was decided that
the Council would adjourn lmieiinue-th- e
fact that it "had no
power hy which it could enforce the
regulations deemed necessary ior me
r.,i.nmfmf nf its trust as renrescntn- tives of the desires of the student

MARCH 27, 1925




Wright, Keren
Covington, Centre



To be Held at the Maxwell Presbyterian
Two debates will be held on successive nights with the strong Michigan
Agricultural College team next week
at the Maxwell Presbyterian church.
On Monday evening at 8 o'clock
tho question of the debate will be,
"Resolved, That Congross should be
to override by a two
thirds majority vote, decisions of the
Supreme Court declaring congression
al action unconstitutional." On Tues
day night at the same hour, tho subject will be, "Resolved, That the
Japanese Exclusion Act of 1921 be
Kentucky will take the affirmative
on the Supreme Court question and
will be represented by John Y. Brown,
W. O. Kellor and John R. Bullock.
Michigan's team will bo composed of
T.L. Christie, L. U. Millor and E. M.
Chapman. On the second night J. B.
Johnson and R. P. Maloney, of Kentucky, will uphold the negative side
of the Japanose Exclusion Act question, while Mossrs. Chapman and
Christie will bo their opponents.
Last night tho university opposed
North Carolina in a debate hold at
Ohapel Hill, N. C on tho Supreme
Court question, but tho rosults were
not known as the Kernel wont to
press, Kontucky had the nogative
side in this debate and was represented by W. O. Kellor and John Y.

protective inoculation for smallpox
or typhoid fever. It behooves all of
us to urge parents to havo their child
ren protected against this dread
"3. Any individuals who are con
templating travel during tho coming
summer or residence in rural districts
where they may bo exposed to" infection from typhoid fever would do
well to bo vaccinated at this tune.
"Very truly yours,
(Signed) "J. E. Rush, M. D
In the state oratorical contest hold
at Goorgotown last Fridny night, J.
W. Jones of the university was
Fagan Dixon
Tho Faculty Good Times Club of awarded second prize
of Georgetown College won first place
the university havo postponed their with his speech, "Greater Aniurica."
dance from Saturday night of this Mr. Joras spoko on "Woodrow
week to Saturday night of next week.

ing position.
The men on the firing squad this
year are: Captain H. R. Brown. J
D. Rogers, J. C. Bobbitt. C. C. Rice.
O. R. Travis, W. E. Weems, Mayo
Anderson, George
Creech, Manacrer D. Griffith, and
Forkner, E. T. Bullock, R. Griffin, J.
J. Richardson and C. D. Fife. The
first eleven men were members of
last year's squad.
The highest averages in the team
are held by J. D. Rogers, a junior in
the college of Agriculture, and E. T.
Bullock, a junior in the Arts and Science college.
Both men are tied
for highest honors, each making an
average of 389 out of a possible 10.)
on the U. K. range.
The team is coached by Captain .f.
E. Torrence, Sergeant Guy McGahan,
Sergeant M. J. Eberhardt, and is managed by George Woolf.

Lecturer is Professor of
Math, at U. of

Dr. A. C. Lunn, professor of Applied Mathematics at tho University
of Chicago, will give a lecture this
aftornoon at 4 o'clock and at 7:30
o'clock in tho Physics lecture room,
room 201, C. and P. building.

The subject for the aftornoon lecture is "The Historical Background
of Einstoin's Theory nnd the Geometry of Space and Time."
The subject for the ovoning lecture is "Rolativity and the Quantum
Dr. Lunn in qualifiod to speak as
Hti MUthority on the subject of rolativity, being a worker in this field.


4 and

7:30 o'clock


gave two lecturos, the subjucts of
which wore "The Problem of tho
Atomic Constants and tho Chemical
Elements," and "Tho Relativity Motive in Scientific Theory," rospootivuly.
The evening lecture was preceded by
a dinner in the University Cafeteria
in honor of Doctor


The lecturos are open to all
of the university and all those
interested are cordially invititd to ate

� Best Cor


Detroit, Mar. 27. (Last Friday
Regular) dinner at Dixieland
Somerset, April 3. (First Friday
Regular) 7:30 p. m. at Dr.
Norflect's office.
Philadelphia, April . (First Satat
urday Rccrular)
Engineers' Club, 1,117 Spruce
Louisville, April 1. (First
unlay Regular)
:li", Hrmvn hotel.
Hnrfalo, April 8. Annual Dinner
for Senior Engineers, 7:30 p. m
Chamber of Commerce.
New York, April 10. Annual








Alumni Secretary

It in trot possible for us to believe tbnt there is nny citisen in the proud
old Commonwealth of Kentucky who deep down in his own heart docs not
wnnt to see this sUte go forward, and wot there are a few of those who
hnvo considerable power who are not willing to place the best interest of
Kontucky and her institutions above their own personal interests nnd the
intdrest which they represent.
It seems that they are Riven to make a sacrifice of the hip things in
ordar to promote things that hnvo no material benefit to the state ne a whole.
How much longer are wo to permit those gentlemen to go on with their
quibbling over things of minor importance and give them such n place of
importance in our large dailies as to becloud the things for which every
Kontuckian should be fighting? A few may be interested in the racing
quostion; another group in a production tax on coal; another sect in evolution, and another in blue sky laws; but for the sake of all right thinking
citijsons, why can wc not nil pull together for better educational facilities;
hotter conditions for the unfortunates who are the wards of the state and
for better highways? Is it not time to sot aside all this puny little talk
nnd publicity concerning the things that do not benefit all and take up the
problems which will, if properly solved, put our state near the rank she
should hold among the others of the Union?
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of the University of Kontucky, in an
nddroM lxfore the Exclmngc Club of Louisville a abort time ago, certainly
oxprowed what should be the sentiment of every loyal Kentuckian when he
said :
"We have resources, enormous resources that might be developed in
this commonwealth; there are industries in the oastern part of the state,
industries in the great cities, and industries in various places. Emphasis
is also laid upon Kentucky as a great agricultural state; and yet there isn't
nny central agency to take these matters into consideration. Are we doing anything, other than here and there in individual communities, toward
tho building up of a great organisation where all sorts of economic questions
coming before us may bo considered; questions of education, questions doal-inwith matters of illiteracy, dependency and public henlth. The answer
is not encouraging. Thorc is no groat central agency that emphasizes the
importance of those things and that keeps them constantly before tho public. The state board of health does the best that it can, but it is handicapped
because there isn't any body of business men and women, of people interested, that are building up a body of public opinion interested in the various things that should be done in the commonwealth.
"When wc turn to another phase of the problem wc find that thorc arc
groups here and there and elsewhere that are engaged in defending the position which they occupy. For insnnce, tho farmers arc saying their Uixcs
are too high, and they arc looking for some way to take tho taxes off their
lands and put them on something else. The coal mining concerns feel that
they must defend themselves against any unjust imposition; and there are
other groups that are engaged in building up organizations, political organizations in partcular. The result is that we have a commonwealth that
is divided into political camps that arc hostile to each other and there is
no pulling together. The people in the field of education hold conferences
to talk over educational matters, thus stressing the importance of education and the necessity of larger expenditures, and they comment upon the
difficulties with which they are confronted. That is only a part of it; the
educational people can't get anywhere, they can't really produce any results, they can't make progress until all the factors in the whole state get
together in a program of progress."
In this address the President of the highest public educational institution in the commonwealth has laid down the challenge to every citizen of
the state to act in the future in accordance with our motto, "UNITED WE
STAND; DIVIDED WE FALL," and to be boosters boosting for Kentucky
first, and this means the Purchase as well as the Blue Grass and the Mountains as well as the Pennyroyal. It ought to be a well known fact that there
more people living in western Kentucky read papers from St. Louis, Evans-vill- e
and Chicago than those who read Kentucky papers; and those living in
the northern most part of our state know more about Ohio and Ohio's problems than they do about Kentucky and the people residing along the Big
Sandy and along the Ohio river in the northeastern section of the state are
in closer touch with Huntington and Ironton and some other
towns than they are with the villages and towns of the interior of their
own commonwealth.
It occurs to us that the principal thing needed is a little educational
compaign and further it appears to us that one of the best mediums through
which such an awakening could be aroused as to change things as they
should be is the public school system. It has been our contention for some
time that there should be a conference of the heads of all of the higher institutions for public education in Kentucky for the purpose of not only agreeing on a program for these institutions which they should submit to the
legislature and have passed, but to also consider the best methods for advancing our city, county and state government. In these institutions are men
who have given their lives to the study of the problems of taxation and
other subjects that are most essential to the production of the best government for the people; then why should we be forced to go longer without
their advice and assistance, leaving things of such vital importance to those
who know little or nothing about such matters of state and have to act upon
manner, usually miss? It is our candid opinion that
them in a
a vast majority of the citizenry of Kentucky would welcome some such leadership and that many other organizations of a civic nature would join in
with their strength in an united effort to bring about a new day in Kentucky.
We are prone to think that those who have left the borders of the grand
old commonwealth and have taken up their dwelling place elsewhere believe
that "Once a Kentuckian Always a Kentuckian," and that wherever they
are it is their duty to pull for their former state and point to her past with
pride. This is an excellent spirit and a bit of the same feeling planted in
the minds of us who remain would be better for the state. The moment that
our citizens begin to pull for the things of greatest importance and get
away from all factional fights, Kentucky will go forward!

Satur-lunchco- n



one-ha- lf

who was graduated in Engineering
with tho class of '07 with the degree
in Mechanical Engineering back in
tho days when each branch of the
Engineering college was a separate
Walter Ferrell "Written Up" in college.
Ferrell has been connected with
Trade Journal
several engineering companies until
he became connected with his present
In "Who's Who of Ferro Columns," employers in 1910. Ho married Miss
u monthly publication issued by tho Rettn Otters in 1910 and they have a
Ferro Construction Company of Cin- son seven years of age. They live
cinnati, there appears in the Febru- at 1003 Fort Thomas u venue, Fort
ary issue a sketch of Walter Ferrell, Thomas.




7:30 p. in., Waldorf-Astori- a
RulTalo, April 11. (Second Salur-da- y
1 :15
Regular) luncheon,
p. m., Chamber of Commerce,
corner Main and Seneca streets.
Chicago, April 20. (Third Monday
Regular) luncheon at Field's


Subscriptions are Re
sult of First Two


The united George D. Prentice chapter of the Alpha Dolta Sigma frator
nity of Goorgotown College and the Henry Wattomon chapter of Alpha
Dolta Sigma of the University of Kentucky prosontcd a program at the
Gridiron Dinner Monday, March 1G, that will long be remombered a one
of originality and talent.
The students of Georgetown College and the student of the University
of Kontucky, tho citizens of Georgetown and Lexington, joined forces in
making the game played in the new basketball building Friday, Murch 20,
and in making it probably the most outstanding game of the season played
hare. The university and Georgetown College together furmshod the floor
of the contestants. Those players were cheered on by mingled
Georgetown and Lexington rooters. Wo are glad of this comradeship and
Wo trust that it
fellowship with a sister institution of higher education.
may irrow.
In writing of the game, the Lexington Leader says: "Althougn they
won the game by a margin of seven points, 28 to 10, the Favorite Knits
of Cleveland, Ohio, girls' independent basketball champions of the Unitod
State, realized in the University of Kontucky gymnasium Friday night that
thoy wero laced by a foe worthy of their class and the girls of Goorgotown
high school, champions of Kontucky, domonstratod ovon in dofoat to a crowd
of approximately 4,300 porsons, tho largost over to attend a baskotball game
in tho stato, that thoir reputation of boing "wondors" is truly dosorving and
in no manner can be justly termed a sobriquet of exaggerated ability."
They are "wonders." We take pride in the fact that tho Georgetown
girls are Kentucky girls and that they played on our floor.

In an expression of appreciation to
the Club for the hospitality, Mr.
Boles said that he considered tho
luncheon a decided success because
the occasion for presenting letters
nnd numerals previously had been an
affair strikingly lacking in color nnd
having none of the festivity tbnt is
usually considered appropriate for tho
John M. Waugh ox-- , a "lost" alumclosing of the season for other teams. nus for some time, is now living at
The Club members agreed that the Asland, whore he is criminal attor
1925 luncheon should be the first of ney.
nn annual party which it is hoped
will grow in interest nnd significance.
David M. Brock is U. S. engineer
with the Mississippi Rivor Commis-

At last the Louisville alumni have
come to life and it came about by tho
untiring efforts of N. Gray Rochester,
the newly elected president.
time ago Mr. Rochester called a meet
ing of those interested, at the Brown
hotel and out 6"f this meeting has
grown the best luncheon club in Louis
We meet the first Saturday
afternoon in each month at 1:15 p.
m., in the private dining rooms of
the Brown hotel. A cordial invitation
is extended to all members of the
faculty as well as students and alum
ni to meet with us on these days.
Two luncheons have already been
held and over thirty were present at
each luncheon.
The first Saturday in
April wc are expecting 75. Already
25 subscriptions have been sent in
to the Alumni Association and at each
luncheon others will be secured until
every alumnus in Jefferson county will
be a member in good standing with
all dues paid.
Mr. Rochester, who has been elected president, will fie remembered as
"Rooster" by all. He played short
stop on the 1909 and 1910 teams and
was graduated with an A. B. degree
in 1912. Since that time he has lived
in Louisville and is now manager for
the new Brown building for doctors
that J. Graham Brown is building at
Fourth and Broadway. Mr. Roches
ter is active in social and welfare
work in Louisville, being a member of
the Lions Club, the St. Paul M. E
Church, South, and a teacher of one
of the largest men's Bible classes in
He holds the distinction
of having made more after-dinnspeeches than any other man of his

age inKentucky.
Ralph Morgan '15 was elected Vice- president. Mr. Morgan is with the
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
Company and is very active in the
affairs of the Club. He lives at 115
South Hite avenue.
Miss Christine Hopkins '15 of the
Louisville Grls high school was elected Secretary. Miss Hopkins has always had a keen interest in the Association and has been a loyal supporter of its plans. Robert Bamber
'22, with the Northwestern Mutual
Life Insurance Company, was elected
The 25 subscriptions
mailed to the Alumni office certainly
show we were right in our choice. All
we've got to say is "Watch our smoke.
We will all be there at the Brown on
the night of April 23 with feathers




Local Club Defines Policies of the Organi-


Regular Luncheon Well
Attended; C. Col lis
is Guest

sion, Memphis,


William S. Carrithcrs is foreman
with tho Carbondnlo Machine Com
pany. He should lie addressed Y. M-- .
C. A., Carbondnlo,

Thomas II. Robinson, who has been
on our "lost" list for some time, is
farming, R. F. D. No. 3, Winchester.



J. W. Thompson's now address is
Room G38, Bourse Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Ho was formerly with
tho American Telephone & Telegraph

Cliostor L. Doylo is cngineor nnd
contractor witli offices at 201 West
Choslnuc street, Louisville.
He is
living at 1218 Willow avenue.



E. E. Johnson, Secretary.

McLaughlin, McFerrin,
Brown, Innis, New

John W. Lindsay is county ngent
Wo recently received alumni dues nt Summersville, W. Vn.
from Hownrd K. Bell, civil engineer
John D. Mnddox is sales represenof tho Water Supply and Purification tative witli the Babcock & Wilcox
418 Hernnndo
building, Company, 1110 Farmers Bank b