xt7zpc2t7v9g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zpc2t7v9g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1951-07-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 27, 1951 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 27, 1951 1951 1951-07-27 2023 true xt7zpc2t7v9g section xt7zpc2t7v9g THE KENTUCKY KERNEL


High School String Orchestr
To Present Concert Tonight ,

—vv. VV

V] "W"




In Final Program Of Clinic


STRING ORCHESTRA ME \lBi. RS rituarx' for the (0 1c rt they will
give tonight at the Memorial Hall Amphitheatre. Dr. Kenneth Wright
is directing.

Annual All State Band Meet
To Begin Here \ext \V eek

Approximately 360 lllilll .(l..>.. Dntctois Nations.
students from Kentucky will meet 116061. lie \va. a columnist for
and rehearse on the UK um ‘I:.s‘.:'1:n‘:eiitiil:st"



next week for the third 21..
meeting of the Summer All Stair

Band. The climax of the iiice'iiie

er to Carl Fischer. the worlds
\t music publisher.
T ( All‘State

Summer Band


"chestra in “The Wood Cutter"





will be a COM?“ in Memmmfl C‘i’li' Coiictrt Will be in three parts. The
scum at 8 P-m- Fridali A“? 3- tir l part will be a series of pieces‘
This year the enrollment. which by the White Band. Mr. prim“

includes representatives from about (mdngmm; the second part will

60 Kentucky high schools was M) Le ih. Biiir Band. Mr. Fitzgerald.
large that two bands. had to 13“ the conductor. In the last part the
formed. Frank J. Priiidi. an m- ;]1gi\\(-d bands “-111 play “Beautiful

structor in the UK Music Depart-
ment. will direct the White Band
and Bernard Fitzgerald. from the
University of Texas. will direct the
Blue Band.

Saviour" by Chi'istiansen; Mr. Fitz-
erald. the conductor.

Mr J. W. Worrel. chairman of
the faculty committee. will be as-

_ _ . . sisted by Mr. Prindl: Mr. Warren

Kr. Prindl was the director 9‘ Luiz. dll'E‘CiOl‘ of the UK Summer

the “3‘3“?“ Band Festival 1.“ Band; and Mr. Robert Griffith.

Honolulu ““5 year. He ’5 31” d" student assistant who is the di-

rector of the UK Concert Band. rector of the Manual High School
Mr. Fitzgerald a noted composer. B‘illd in Louisville.

was president of the College Band

High School
18 One- Year

One-year scholarships to UK
have been awarded to 18 Kentucky
boys and girls. it was announced
Monday by Dr. Leo M. Chamber—
lain. chairman of the UK scholar-
Ihiap committee.

The awards. totaling $4320 in
value. were made to 14 rear; crad-
uates of state high schools and to
four students currently enrolled at
the University. All are for 1951-5“

Grads Given

basis of their scholastic ability as
indicated by scores attained in
uniform scholarship examinations.
ANNOUNCED include the Ken-
tiitky Distillers Association. the
Frai w Jewell McVey memorial
-d. the Kentucky Brewer Assoc-
. the Fannie L. Jones scholar-
iund. and the Union Light.



_;.-,,.,; “a. I . and Power Company. Caving-
Rm. ‘s were selected. . 7””; . . . .
_ w Dr Kentucky Distillers Assoc1ation
‘w ”A ’ ’ awards. mined at $250 each. went

in Robert V. Crisp. Pikeville;
Hornei W. Lacv Jr.. Hopkinsville:

‘» liltf‘l R Dupps and Charles B.
Sctcis. Louisville: Randall Hopkins.

Gifts Accepted

' I l V . I‘aducah. William C. Cockerill.
BV ruhteeh Fr .iiikiort: Carol Marie Miller.
‘ Bard ‘u wn: Robert L. Rodgers,

T ° " 7 .\l..i11c. :boro: Patricia Sue Watling-
Of Lnlverblty ton. l.l\ e':lltille and Thomas A.
' Gr Ll. Somerset.

in. t" ‘2 512.8?
G i ”“11“ a “m lllAXCl-LS JI-ZWELL MchY

cepted Saturday for the Cllth
by the executive committee (.1 till.
Board of Trustees. Several m;~cc1-
laneous 21ft.» also were accepted. ' ’

Gifts of money and their dot.or~
were scholarships: Kentucky Britt'-
ers Association. 8900 for thin (- ti .
man scholarships: R. R. 1)..1\ ..
Bridge Company. 5.500 it “..})*v§l

; ..
‘Clllillllut‘d from Page 3'






the scholarship given in tlic i.;.nit ' ‘.:.:. st" t-Hi s11 cc I was six
of J. Stanley Dah'dill D! l) 11‘ em: 'r.(l my Dari; my Mama. and
Warehiiie. $50 to be used for tlit l l hut. in Cooperstown. first
speech clinic. Department of l’\_.— 1: 1111111.!) nd then later on Brewer
cholopy. \’ V. CoOkt Fouiida t )i' i . W1 . I was, there I made
Inc.. 3100 to bf U>(d to llt. p s!" :3 llllf friends. and one of
a 42H Club beef tattlt Jud .tl. l)(i:~:“-.~llillr in which they took
team to an international jucitinc .mn pi'.'e to exhibit was their
contest in Scotland .oi Citiren cards.

THE KENTIT'KI' BROAD- "I in:.t confess it made me a
CASTERS ASSO(‘IATIO.\’ ...-. slat; ii: gal-11‘s not to have one or
fora scholaislizp ii ll"\\' lii return. but now I have


for want-
beinfl that
"a great. big

~: in

.,~. " :‘iaz

rm. ~oii
from July 1 through June l952. to

0f .il;'—


work at the Oak Ridge N.l'.lOll.ll
Laboriitm'y; Willi.iiii Jansen. assist-
illlt professor of Ell‘..ll.\'ll. :riinied
leave for ten months t'llt‘.".l\'t‘ Sep«
tember l. to iici-epl .1 l'tilbi'iuLi: lec—
tureship in the Puciil'v or Letters.
University of AllKJl‘J. Turkey.

Resignations' J Charles Czit.i:iiol.
assistant professor of clieiiinti‘y:
Burris D. Tiffany. lll\ll'llt"lll' in


K Zimmerman.
lll t'llt‘lllls-

chemistry; Hoii.ii‘t‘
Ji'. part—time lllsllllt‘lul‘

COLLEGE OF .\(lth‘l'LTl'RE
.\NI) HOME Lt‘t)Nt).\ll(\‘ ‘ Ap—
pomtmentx James N Yo ..i\.\l\i-
Lint in rural sot‘iologL Row J. Huh.
assistant tllt‘llll\l. Departincn: o‘.
Fred and Fertilizer Contiol: J.llllt's



Mary E. Hargrove. assistant
home tlt’nltillsll'flllull agent. Scmt
County: Mary E .\Io .l>\l.\i.‘il‘.(
home (lt‘lllflllsll‘dllllll : . (‘..‘.d'w~. 1':
County. Erma \\' .\lnllls. .lx’l"
Home Deiiioir-ir non Aut': Wen-
ster Coumv; .\li‘<. Mildred linker-
~on. ll‘nll'll‘lnl‘ iii homi- iconoim

for the summer :‘(‘-*.lOll: men L.




Barnes. assistant home demonstra-
tion agent. Nicholas County.

Leave of absence; James S. Brown.
assistant in rural soCiology and a.»-
51stant professor in rural soc1ology.
granted leave of absence from July
23 to August 24.

tvn. field agent in agricultural en-
' cring: Arlie C Todd. parasitolo-

Department of Animal Pam-


010: y; William H. McCollum. assist-
aiit bacteriologist. Department of
Animal Pathology: Mrs. Bobby J

Allred. assistant instructor in home
economics: Mrs. Shirlev Rosemun.
assistant analyst. Department of
Agronomy: Rebecca Hays. home
demonstration agent. Monroe Coun-

ty: Mrs. Josephine A. Smith. home
demonstration agent. G r c e 11 u p
County; Charles E. Giibbard ( .


tv agent. Compton: Katherine l: 1.
home demonstration ta:- ‘1.
\zLic: EClJuZ' A. .\IcDiitizz :ield agent
12‘. cream gl‘iltllll:

Appointments Wesley K. Kay.
>ll‘llt‘t01‘ in electrical engineering for
July and August: Willard R, Bo-
.-i'.1:t. instructor in electrical enm-
€k‘l'.ll:; for July ll.l(i August. Doug-
'..is K Albright . nd Thomas 1., Mc-
llet ll dds. instructors. s '.l r \ e y l .
camp. Department of C'yzl Eli-,1-
llt‘t‘l'llli. lUl‘ i'v‘U llltIlllll>

Lewes of absence. .\Iei‘l Baker.
:issismnt professor of mechanical
t’llglllPt‘l‘lllL‘. granted leave for J.ilv
and August to studv toward tire doc-
toi'uzc .it Purdue University. Chg:-
.\l.int~v. pron-“or o:
t‘lc‘i'll'lt'dl t-i:;:iieering. grained lune
to. July and Aug 11st to s.i‘.d\ lU'.\i1'\l
[he :imtorzite a: Pin due L'inyci \ '
Hdlnli'l'fi W Fix .
til ('lI'k'il'.L.ll
tor the






lt‘\ l Lissisiani




lt>~ol' “Tint ..
_ months oi Jin-
. ..d Angus: to do gradualc study .1;
lllr’ University of llliiiOis: Staley F.
Adams. assistant professor of app cc.

1’. t \l irat‘. ('




lilt‘c‘llAllle. ui'dlilt‘d leave for
~:i(i Augi'rt. to obi; n e\perieinz- .ii
t.i'-i~..!‘. and con; fion work .\I



\V .llllt’

.. .inci ine’.illi.

llt'silt- .txsiit L..'.-.‘


tCOlllillllt‘tl from Rice 3;

 l‘rirre f2. Tlll’. KERNEIH Friday. July 2". 1951

Guignol Play, ‘Dover Road’ Keeps

—vv. vv



First-Night Audience In Stitches

\ii appreciative opening night audience alternately giggled
.ivul ilmckletl and applauded a ichightfnl Guignol cast through
lllt' first performance this “ml of .:\. A. .\IilIie's “Dover Road".

The whimsical and very Ill‘ltlsll .\Iilne dialogue rolicked along
(.lll"lli‘_' plot and characters to an inevitable conclusion almost

in elnpmcnt. There you have the
\‘Illlllltl‘ll. The talents of the cast
make the very most of it.

All'nll Watson. as Dominic the
butler. introduces tlle fun aild main-
tains his Jeeves-like character
prominently throughout tlle play—
\"llllllllt: ll laree share of the laughs.

F.d Henry. as the benevolent Mr.
Iniimer. strikes just the proper at—
titude. His successful portrayal of
the character and professional
handling of his iliaily laugh lines
keeps the play iii proper perspective.
the mood sustainingly gay.

Tllc quiet correct English gentle-
man who is quite indignant at cap-
tivity is Edward Faulkner. as Leo-
nard. He handled a British accent
so nicely that it never interferred
with lilies or mood.

Evelyn Bennet lent a warmth and
vivacity to the role of the shallow
Anne. Bettye Sttill was a striking
and successful contrast as the gush-
ing and clinging Eustaclsa.

Logan English stole the scene on
his entrance. His straight-faced,

ton toon — considering that the wlioleheartcd enjoyment of the
audience ended. too. with the final curtain.
It all begins one spring evening — on the Dover Road. to be

\ very proper English butler answers the door of a very
proper liiiglisli country home —— to admit a young man whose
tar seems to have broken down. it will in the best of plays — in the

A- Zl“(l by the butler that this is form of the master. Mr. Latimer.
Lryll-cd .1 "sort of a hotel." be en- Latimer. it seems. is a wealthy man
we followed shortly by a very whose chief philanthropy is detain-
'zye young lady. his "ahem . . lug such run—away couples until
. , a , , Wife,“ tlley're certain that they‘re in love

The butler leaves to illform hi: \\ ith each other.
master of their arrival and straight- .‘He admjts that he has arranged
' lr‘ story takes a more romantic this seemingly accidental “visit at
This is no conservative mar- his home -— “the power of money.
inc: couple we discover. bilt a pair you know" _ and agrees that they
of inn-away lovers — be from his {me prisoners for awhile.
" .it. Eustacia. and she from a strict The next morning they meet an-
in'iiri' and a dull library. other couple, “at home" with Mr.

Camilla rears its ugly head — as Latimer - Eustacia and her partner





Battle Of Two Worlds

President Truman pointed out in his midyear economic report
l‘sllt‘tl early this week that “We have no reason to believe that the
cyclits in Korea have fundamentally changed the basic Soviet ill-

\l‘ediiesday night in a speech in Detroit. Secretary of State Dean
\clivson rephrased the gist (iii the President’s report in a speech in ‘
v. laich he stated:

“\l'lletlicr or not