xt7zpc2t7r9t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zpc2t7r9t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-02-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 2007 2007 2007-02-15 2020 true xt7zpc2t7r9t section xt7zpc2t7r9t A modern tragedy



FEBRUARY l3, 2007’

From Home to Lexington, Shakespeare's bloodiest drama transforms
swords to guns and past to present




By Shannon Mason

sh; 55 game i ’n’éi’c 0 or

As rn~state tuition at Kentuek) eolleges is
rising. the enrollment or inestate sitidents is
durndlrng. aeeording to a stud} released )esierr
da} b_\ State Auditor (‘rrt l.uallen l’K's enrol|~
nieni rates. ho“ e\ er. are still seeing a "steady lli'
erease. despite turtion increases." l.uallen said.

L'K President Lee Todd has taken a number





High tuition cost yields lower in-state enrollment

UK, unlike other state schools, still seeing
rising in—state enrollment despite rising costs

oi steps \irth the Top Iii Btisiness Plait to raise
the proi'ile and quality oi the uni\ersrt_\'. l.uallen

“President Todd has made strre [K is the
kind of sehool people should still be interested in
attending." l.uallen said.

l3l\' spokesman in} lilanton said l’K‘s en-
rollment rates reileet a number oi~ things. irrelud
mg the business plan

[he 'l‘op 20 Business Plan has ereated a lot of

momentum and is attraeting a higher qualit) oi'
taeult} members. Blanion said. Also. eompared
\sitli benehmark uniiersrties. l‘K‘s turtioii is
“eompeiitn e and attraetne." he said.

Lastl). iuture ilillldii\t.'s like the Illlti Sehol
ars program. “hieh “ill provide four new sehol~
ar'ships to high school students \\ ho deeide to air
tend {’K. m“ help attr'aet student. Blanton said

Still. the deeline oi in—siate students seems to
be going against the state's edueatron goals As
part oi the same l‘N7 higher edueatron aet that
called Mr UK to beeome a top-30 unisersit).
state legislators also mandated an increase in
bachelor's degree-holders b} 2030. The Kent
tuek) l’ostseeondar} [idueation lmprm ement
i-\et oi~ 1997 ealls 701.000 state residents to ha\ e

l’i.\' ()i\l\' 'l‘Rliii itt. 1900 ~ 2007i


Above: Yr sYr'
fatay (3'31 i’l"".’tr'é%’r:\. " "

tree Below right: ‘i'‘ tit it t

"(it Wits ("9 ,_ .9 i i . fl “

.g’t Below left: ‘-. '~

3’ , us; ,
.tis i it

”it. ..
‘tl ' i l

“fit'i i.

. _, ,. an . ‘1

Oak rooted in UK history

By Sean Rose
srosei’nykernm com

l‘rees don‘t get obituaries.

But ie\\ lr\ing things e\perrenee more
like l'K's
tampiis uimer'sron to a milriar_\ base the uni
\er‘sii) iir’st blaek student and protests dirt

than Ititi sears oi di‘astie ehange

mg the \ remain \\.-.r
()llC C\L\‘i‘littil

irorrt oi the Math Hurlding

stunt throughout the unr\ersrt_\ .‘ lllsitir}.

(her the new tito dais. it \srll be Llll


l‘lie trees root \‘_\ stem has been deea}iiig
lr'om a iungus. said l'K plant pathologist

a large pot oak tree in
has been a tori

.lolin Hartman in liiesda} ~s Kernel, lhe ad
ministration deeided this \\eek that the risk oi
the tree i'allmg ll‘. a storm posed enough oi a
saiei} ha/rir‘d to r'erirme it

[he tree's lrietrme has rneliided the mod.
deliiirrrg moments oi the past etntiirx inter
turned \irth the toléeee's liistor}

'tl Ki has grimn siertiinariil} oser time
in the same “as that tree has grouri." said
l'K illkllh ist Deirdre \aegs “It‘s been a part
oi all these tliariges more than \s e reali/e

“lt‘s had its own histors iii the grouth oi
the l'nisersit} oi Kentiitks ”

lli l‘3tt5. is hen the .ar‘litst photograph oi
the tree “as taken. l K had 4i: students lo
tiai. 24.1w! attend t K

”it: tree has sititttl itliisitle lite \ialll
Building oiiiee oi e\ei‘_\ l'ls‘ president. I! “ll
nessed the ei‘rrollrrient ot the iirst ‘tlatk stir
dent. 1,)mari lohnsori. in l‘Hts \nd it \sas
still there \\ hen isomeri earned more degrees
than men tor the iirst time in l‘tfiq

lioth \Norld \\ars transiorrried l K into a
partial base tor militars training. and at the
height ot the \reinam \\'ar tonteiition stii
dents or'garrr/ed protests that man bed through

Hundreds oi students protesting the Kent
\taie l‘rii\er'srts shootings iorted their \\a\
into a lioard oi l’riistees irieeimg

marehmg around tampiis and the surroiiridiiie

1'11“ 10


i~ Tree




Traveling group protests

By Katie Salt:
ksaitl’fikemei com

It‘s the _\ear Zilll. and puppets are explaining
the exrls ol' the North Arnerrean Free Trade Agrees
rnent and the eorruptron oi the taprtalrsts and their
”eold. black eapitalist hearts."

This Wits tttsl one seene In a program last night
held by the aetiust organr/ation lianh l'irst Mem-
bers of Earth First gathered at the Lexrngton Public
lirbrar) to give presentations on emrronmental and
\(X‘ltll issues. loeusrng on stopping the eonstnietron

First issue “so. Subsequent issues 25 cents.


Hi I 6‘)

HM is an interstate that \soirld nm irom laredo.
l'he lb‘l torridor would
run through lit eoiinties in Western Kentiiek}. rnr
eluding Henderson. Webster. Hopkins. (‘alduelL
Lion. l.i\rngsion. Marshall. (irines. Hiekman and

Texas to Port Huron. Mreh

Fulton ,


interstate construction

rallies. tree sits. loek oiits banner hangings and dis

rupting ptibl IL meetings

Aeeordrng to lzanh l'lr\l members the building
oi l (N “ill tause the panng oi it!“ atres oi land
in Indiana alone. and the beneiits \sill not otrtiseigh

the \t)\l\

bachelor‘s degree

.-\eeordrng to the ('ouneil on l’ostseeorid;ir_\
lidueation. as reierented in the stud). it Ken
tuck) eontrnues to periorrn at its eurrent lesel. it
“Ill iall short ot its goal b_\ 2i | .tttitt degrees

Since the NW bill. the stud) shim ed that in
state tuition at Kentuek} 's eight iour' tear publre
institutions has inereased bs an aserage oi llh

Sinee l‘all Ztltll. Kentuek} ‘s lil'slalt‘ tuition
has risen is" pereent eompared to a ‘5 pereeiii
national inereuse Between l’dll Ititnt to ball
Zones. Kentuek)\ tullrtime undergraduate r'esrr
dent enrollment has gr‘oisn at an mer‘all aserage

See Tuition page 6



of benefits

By Autumn Harbison
rtewsikueMe rc'r‘

.\ state Senate eommrttee approxeil a
bill that \\ould keep [K and other publit
ageneies irom oiieririg domestie partner
benefits to eotrples \\ ho are not married.
aeeordmg to the Kentuek) legislature
Web site

The bill \\ill no“ go beiore the iiili
Senate tor a \ote

I'K has started disetissions about the
iirri\ersii) potentiall} oiier‘rrig the benetits
to gas and iinrriarr‘ied domestn eouples
last month. the its Domestn l’ar’triei
Beneirts t‘orrirriittee. eoiirmissroned b}
President Lee lodtl iii the tall, retom
'nendeil passing the beneirts l nrsersm
oi l.oiirs\iile is the oni} piibln iiniseisih
in the start oiiering tlorriestre partner ber:

last night, the l is leder‘airst \otiet}
sponsored a lettiire sllllei/lllfl the poteri
l!,ti heneirts plan and the etonomit and
soeiai iriiplieations r' \\itiihl li.i'. e should
the ririi\ersrt\ approie the beneiits

.lerimier Robaek More a pa"! time
lL'\Cillt ll it‘lftt“ .il ll‘iL‘ \i litl‘. llis'lliilt' it"
the \tiid\ o! Religion and l ibert_\ in ('al
iiorriia. presented “ \ \keptit .ii \ ten of
l)orriesiir l’artnei Herreiits ”

h \\ '12]: goes Hi] and lll'tlL' ttt'ttl‘lz‘
betoriie aware oi the pioeiatti
ple \till airanee their toes to iriraia's tor
iterieiiisf \lorse sa;r.i

Moise went on to esplear: 'iaat be

-re peo

eaiise oi the pioposal‘s Mature aoriiiiit' i'
eoiild eritor‘artass a xsitie rang-e oi Jo'nes

It situations and e".iplo\x.‘es mas s'ait to

Partners : 10

N CW Visitor
ID system
looks to make
hospital safer

By Alice Haymond
yr ‘..,.'.i

\e‘.\ 'etlinoluex .. tat l is
i'tedtial tert'er oitea.s It .:. .:is'arit

”hoto ll) hailees to: .rtitr llt‘lil \isi'ors
, .

heiprne to keep lllt ‘os't'ta‘ inhibit-s
more \k‘Llllk
lhe iieu

last l‘ass \\stt“ii. \sliitli

item into ettett iast ti.i‘iilli. stairs dri
\er‘s literises anti lllti‘. stores all iele
'-.llil inlorrriatiosi li transiers tl‘e ‘-lsl
tor‘s name photo. number oi the room
thes are \ rsitme and the «late onto the

Its a more eitnierit s\stem tor the
settrrits staii to theek in \isrtor‘s, said
t apt l‘airl (irant oi l K l'oliie,
ill tliaree oi l K llospita': and \ledrtal
( enter Setrrrrn l'he neu pltlleC is not
in reattion to am \t‘stllll\ problems at

is ho r\

the hospital. birt rather "inst a better ““.‘
to manage \rsrtois,” he said

ll‘ie stanned iniorriration remains
stored in the sistt~rri l’hrs .lllt\\\s \Cellrl‘

'len members oi l;arth l'rrst are on a month long
tour trawling to eight states to raise auareness and
try to eneourage people to ioin in the light against
the building of the interstate The group participates
in forms of nonwiolent er\r| disobedrenee \Uth as

”The ouners oi trunk eorporatioris \srll sa\e
thousands of dollars \\rth the road. but the a\erage
person \Hll sa\e se\en minutes oi drr\ing time]
birth l‘rrst member (‘hase Baker said "lhat rs rust
rrdieiiloiis to me ”

w“ |£9 iii“ 10

t} to keep a retord oi “ho has \rsrted
the hospital and s.i\ es the rniormatron to
be used it the same people should \rsit
more than onte It does not. houeu‘r.
reeognr/e ansone's errminal reeord

liar Security ‘" page 6

Nmroom: 257 ms, Advertising: 257-2872







PAGE 2] Thursday, February 15, 2007


u ku Go to www.kykernel.com for the solution


































By Linda C Black

To get the advantage, check the
day’s rating 70 r5 the easrest day, 0
the most challenging

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is a 7 Talk to your team about
what they ye done well, and what
they could have done better They
look to you for encouragement and
approval as well as direction
Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
is an 8 A group you've known
and loved for years does you a
world of good Discuss your guy
your hopes and you fears Allow
friends to help you heal

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
Take the opportunity to
upgrade your public pri‘zsent‘e A
new power suit could very effet tryer
ly CL-ll'llrltfiiltdit? your n :w status,

:s an 9

Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
l8 3 7 , Reach out and take advan-
tage of new opportunities Don't do
rt in person, however Have some
body else do it for you

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) Today is
an 8 W, Some days are all talk and
no action This day, it's the other
way around You'll catch up With all
the chores you'd been putting off,
and then some

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept 22) Today rs
a 7 , You'd rather be in a secluded
spot expressmg your affection lf
normal chores interfere With that,
Jot down a few notes for later
Libra (Sept. 23 « Oct. 22) Today rs
a 6 Dont hurry rnto anything, or
out of anything either Your opinion
wrll change at least once before you
make the right docrsron

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
rs a E A cozy comfortable feeling
alternates with bouts of anxiety
One 'nrntite everythrng's fine, and
the next 'rirnuto you wonder Better
he luv. for .i irruple of days


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Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a 7 ,, Life is about educa»
tion, as you may have noticed
Some things, you learn the hard
way. Doesn't matter, a lesson is a
lesson, and you're getting wrser all
the time.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To-
day is an 8 ,._ Temporary frustration
gives way to something more like
sheer delight Don't give up when
you run into a wall, there’s a secret

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To-
day is a 7 You have many valu-
able items hidden around your
premises Show the folks who see
them as clutter that they're really
cold, hard cash. Sell something
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) To»
day is a7 ., New friends clue you
in on the easiest ways to accom-
plish your objectives You've been
doing some things the hard way, as
you may have suspected





if your resume looks like this, ahem ...blank, and you want a
job in the advertising and PR fields, come work for the


You can have a great parHime job selling ads, designing ads or
handling public relations for the Kernel and UK News.
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Plus, it looks pretty darn good on your resume’.

Call 859—257-2872 for more information today.
Or, stop by Room 26in the Grehan Journalism Building to apply.






your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kemel ‘ 0| , 7’


fl'le DiSI-l

Why the charmer
can't even sing
his own praises
for his latest role

Sure. in his new romantic
comedy music and Lyrics (out
February l4). Hugh Grant l'cro-
ciously dances and warblcs a
string of ditties as a washed-up
‘80s pop star who falls for Drcw
Ban’yniorc. But according to the
46-year-old Brit. "I‘m not a [title
sical person. and frankly. l‘in
miscast in the whole tilm." The
cycr—modcst actor. who has been
dating heiress Jcmima Khan. 33.
for more than two years. cx-
plains his lack of musical

Q: So you really can‘t

it was totigh for me to get
up there. I learned to play piano.
learned to sing. but the dancing.
. . . [)cliycriiig a song onstage
by yourself iii tight trousers . . . l
ricxcr enjoyed that. It‘s the only
time I seriously used alcohol
and drugs for acting.

Q: But you can carry a

li‘s thc coriiputcrsf (,‘trmptllr
crs arc unbclicyablc. Yoti bring a
dog and got it to bark. and by
thc tinic tlicy'i'c brushed with it.
it sounds likc Aretha i‘t‘tlllkim
Q: So no future on Broad-

No? Yoti couldn‘t get riic
thcrc. I won‘t cicii go and watch
a play. lct alone be in one.

Q: You have a big. Bridget
Jones-like physical scene in
this movie. An) training?

No. I don‘t need it. I bring a
natural mcnacc to thc scrccn.
'l‘liat‘s bccn thc basis of riiy ca-

Mark Cina

Rachael Ray's greenroom

At licr NYC studio. cach
star guest gets pcrsoriali/cd

\Vlicri ls'atharrnc Mcl’licc
cntcrcd thc grcciiroom ot~
Rachael Ray's eponymous
cook-andchat show on Februv
my l. the \‘cggic-loying singer
was grcctcd with a spread of
arancini risotto balls. \‘cggic pil-
Ia. soup and taco cups with
turkcy chili. ln tact. Ray trcats
all hcr VIP visitors to foods spc~
cially tailored to their tastes.

Fancy (arc. Why go all-oiit'.’
"Food is a huge part ol this
show." Ray tells ['s. Bcsidcs.
she‘s still scarred from a bad
grcciiroom experience. “I was
on a show once with a moldy
fruit basket." she says. "Just be»
fore a strawberry was iti my
mouth. i looked down and was
like. 'r\hli""

Eric Andersson

YouTube's Bridezilla

Since the youtubccorii dc-
but ot~ “Bride Has a Massivc
\Vig ()iit." an estimated 3 mil»
lion pcoplc hayc watched Jodi
Bchan. 22. scream. thrash and
chop off her curly locks after a
disastrous trip to the hair salon
on her wedding day. Alas. the
iiicltdown isn‘t real: She and hcr
“bridesmaids" w crc acting in a
short film. l's unveils the truth.

"i do" dctails. Bchan was



Hugh’s witty music lesson

cast al‘tcr hcr pal (aka, "bi'idcs-
maid”) had a chance cncountct‘
with the director. who said he
was interested in shooting liliiis
to post on You l‘ubc. ’l‘hcy tosscd
around sonic ideas. and this
br'idc/illa was born. Bin aspiring
actrcss Bchaii ncwr c\pcctcd
thc fuss: "l w .is inst happy to get
paid?" the l‘or‘ontwhascd actress
(who really ctit hcr hair on
sct‘ccn) tclls Us. Now lllc “tilt-
rcss is t‘icldiiig calls tor roles.
Says Bchan. "it‘s very exciting."

Aimee Agrestr

Beverley's new beat

Hcaycn knows it ain‘t casy
launching a riitisic carccr
even for 7th Hcaycri star chcr—
lc_\ Mitchell. 'l‘wo ycar's ago.
when shc first trckkcd to
Nashullc to fulfill her dr‘carri of
recording a country album. shc
tlcd because of thc pr‘ssUl'c. "I
Was scared." shc tclls Us No
morc: The California mine. 26.
just i'clcascd hcr scIl-titlcd dc—
biit. "l pr'chd to my sell 1 could
do it." she says. And it‘s not thc
only high note in her life.

Hcr wcdding ."\\c don‘t
haVc a date shc says of licr up
coming nuptials to Michael
Cameron. :6. .i t'oi'riici' .lt‘t‘t‘lllir
tant As tor the planning.
Mnchcll swears. "i can do it in a

Hcr' big~timc Bl'l“. Slic‘s
tight with cx—Hcaycn costar .lcs—
sica Bicl. who has rcccntly bccn
linkcd with Justin l‘iriibcr'lakc.
.lokcs Milchcll oi all tlic Bicl
gossip. “I call and makc tun ot











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Singletary Center for the Arts The event teatures a full day of CllnlCS
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hand to perform, and percrrssron enthusiasts are encouraged to attend,

The cost is $5 for PAS members and $10 for non-members




Bet. ayal

urder and damn

UK Theatre's modern rendition of Shakespeare's

goriest play has all the makings of a tragedy

By Heather Young
features@kykernel. com

Titus Andronicus’s daughter is raped and her
hands and tongue are cut off. leaving her unable to
give away the crime. A killing spree leaves few char-
acters alive by the final curtain call.

So why would a university theatre department
tackle what is considered to be one of Shakespeare‘s
goriest plays?

“It is a play about a man who had to deal with
one incomprehensible struggle after another." said
Bo List. the play's director at UK. "He lost many
sons in battle, and if we look at the news now. we
can see our sons dying in the war. and we can con-
nect t0 the play."

“Titus Andronicus" premieres tonight at Guignol
Theatre in the Fine Arts Building.

“Titus Andronicus portrays the occurrences in
old Rome where the gore and the drama are used to
reel-in and horrify the audience." List said.

It's the relatability of the script that List is bank-

By Ellie Fairbanks


a coriicritror‘ral rol‘ lat}

trdcrrtal irrcctrrrg

opened." lat) said "I


diarrharrks (Zkyker'ie' “3m

Hen l at _\ isir t a tr idrtrorr. rl
Hc st;i_\s up .rll night. slttps rrrosr
ol the rrroriirng and has ricicr realh hail
grist lows rrrrrr
sic. and he has locuscd his
\Pl‘t‘dtilllg this low all around I curt:

a l.e\rrr:.'torr name. in
tame a guitar tcathcr alter a torn
at a irrusrt shop
where he has hit) lllL‘ arr arrrplrri

“.\‘|) trrst rcttular ioh “as at
the lumhlcuectl in the latent
\1all r’ood court when it first
girl lllt‘
roh to ”1.th sorrrc c\tr'a rrioric\.

and l “orlxcd there tor thrcc rirorrths

ing on. and to help the audience understand the rele-
vance of the story‘s issues ~ including \iolerice
against women and political corruption he is
adding a modem twist.

"We want to hopefully dravt political parallels
from the script.“ List said. "The characters \\ ill be
equipped with knives. guns and cell phones. as ucll
as swords and old weaponr) "

List hopes the audience “ill connect “till the
play‘s themes of obsession with violence and hrutali
[y of society then and no“. He \\ ants to shun that as
violence continues situations pct harder and more
difficult to qurt. Again. he parallels this concept to
the current \\ at in Iraq,

“Violence begets violence and one \crigetul act
begets another." List said.

Senior Dara Tiller. who play 'l‘amora Queen or
the Goths. hclimcs the modern changes in the pla}
are CiTCCIlHJ.

“it puts in images they recognize so it connects to
the media toda) in the e)e~tor-ari4e'\ c lit-hell" 'l‘illtr






To make the pla\ more entertaining and realistic.
List had pr'olcssronal light choreographers tcatlr the
cast proper techniques tor a com int irig: ii; in s. cric

"We worked on tcrrriinologgi and tat t‘cncral
knoHIedgc oi the rrroxcrricrrts so c \tt\orrc \. or: M he
knmslcdgc rhlt a ihout thc ttthirrtriit ot ll 'l t it; said
. \tllhtill “aerrcr. who pla .“ Irttrs \llt'lltllilclh

\Vaurrci said the tast crrioit-tl lilt,‘lll\.‘i\t s irzi't . H; rot K '
. . 1 t t. t
learning: the lrj~..‘lrtrrr;v iiroxcs and iclt the Mud :U‘li. i, n "‘i‘ 3'5 d':

paid otl

"i’coplc \u-rc rcarl} harry} to he c\.v»s. ; to
when the} ilJti rrcicr hit-ti around

1? i‘tt‘iit'; h ".‘safi’lt'

ilsl \‘tttd he did rtti! ciidilL'L' llit ‘~‘~'-ii"..trj of 3‘
Pla}3 hut added cheers :' :sv- .it‘i‘. j‘:'-'t"‘ ”in .~


the drama and t'wrizitu ~.i:ili 'l '_.lJ\ilt". 3 li. ‘ '
tut a third or the «.r r~r t‘liri'._l‘.f ‘i. .. COSI' {3 i . dowel-nit.
.rrid kccpri3-' ‘llt' '.“:'\ 'ri ' adiam, " 3
themes _~ 3 .\ . 3
"it “iii he a i‘lll't'l'I’,“<‘l.tl\ won‘t: ._, so A i
he alarmed when soii‘c ¥l\'-‘ '
Titus 4


Stirrit:r11nsi:let it its inn. .tn'. :. "
Anilriiiflt‘us to tie: one arm" tor“ 2 : i. U
or Sl‘arsiisrrtari's nuts: trio smut r rm ' .
tila. at .3 iii ii. 1’41}; iv‘i n r Br 3 '
that '» .. u I‘ at interim; Mir :1.“

blood to.“ “1‘3 youth trot? til Tris rim. 7» 3‘ '

P‘k'it‘ic' i had enough rrrorrcs sawi‘ in“ to hir\
an arrrphtrcr '
\\hcir lat). ‘suit to hrr_\ :hc pictc .3;
"U tirurrrrrrtrrt. tc sttpptd iii
"1 '»\ I\ it Hit irrusrt stoic
pzrtrcr arid iris: hard wt started plaxm :ri'.
curtar.‘ lit-tort' l Lirtu -' "1.:

hirx iii: 'lr;~ .irr.

l..it\ said

lite on \\.r\ a trood torrrrcd around :rrt ‘ia'tlrir'
rrrc t‘..i_\ lht'rr the oisrit-r ml tlit ~i--r.~ '
rll‘ to Hit and .rslscd lllt' it I’d ill-.t' ”tail

, ..
!\‘\\l r[l\

lat\ \kas ll:‘\ll.1ll' ilL' hadir ' l..i~‘. ’r:l. i.

loirrrai tr tilllliL' and lit ruldi‘ ' r. .r.l :us.
in tat! he \llli tarr'! rcad irrrrsrt
itlir\.l\~ rust lrL'irrt-d thaws oii' ‘ 3

tcrrrrru” |.i\\ said [his his hit“ l. l3i1
good tor me though. ht‘taust- nov l..irr
ten to prctt} rrrui lr .rnitlirrr;
oric hoxt to pl.i\ rt ”

l an lit-tum ril.i\rrrj_' t'rrrtar .li .rhoii' .lL't
eight or nine, hc said He had hands ”9mm
"hardcore rrictal.“ throughout hi;

and ism it our.

'h \. lrtn .:

.iti ,'.i' l." l _- ;‘

«wet vii. ;}:zi ' .K 3 r

\‘lit‘M i‘.\ I'm'. -

air or . .i;i ;“
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l‘.-~..: i. '3
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\l, Gurtar
i'll'-'l"' 3-3



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PAGE 4 | Thursday, February 15,

0 Min. l?


Art at Covenant w/ Frequency,
Devine Cerama and DJ JK-47

9 PM, lat DAME licxtis ARE $5
Sounds [lkl’ Mr. Lil'. Atmos-

FRIDAY, Feb. 16

Sunday Valley

9 PM, M DAMi lows At”: 8/
Sounds lili' llank \Mlliains.
The Rolling Stones

Happy Chichester w/ Shawn

930 Mt, Sl.,‘tli*it;i\‘: ll‘lil\:,
Nti‘il’llRi lays AM so

Sounds lilti' .l.tllllt‘ Lidclll

Ying Yang Twins w/ 08 Muzi-
cianz Institution, TBR and The


For the week of
FEB. 15 — FEB. 21

9 PM, l‘llADliNle,
liltiu is Aiii $25



deco. Wayne 'l‘oups

Rascal Flatts

$81 25

Brothers. Eric Clapton

Guster w/ Mason Jennings
730 PM, BooAriis, ClNClNNAll. TlCK-
HS ARE 32250325

Peabo Bryson Smmdx like The Planning

Ryan Montbleau Band w/ Dustin 8 PM , iAii THEATRL ClNClNNAlI TlCK- Lips. Counting CrOWs
Milan HS Aii't $32 50352 50
1 M1 lat DAMi Louis Aiii 86 Sounds like ~ Luther Vundross. WEDNESDAY,
Sounds like \’aii Morrison. Natalie (‘ole
Badls Brawn Bo\ Feb' 21

' ' MONDAY, Feb, 19 Bill Mallonee w/ The
Emily Hagihara w/ Chico Brett Dennen w/ Tom Freund DGBhGWkS
Fellini 8 PM, lrlt DAME llCKEiS Aii’t $5 8 W , THE UAW TlCKETS ARE $5
‘0 i “.l , lrlt USDA: i 0-.& All! 85 Sounds like James Blunt. Sound) MW Wilco. Neil
Strum/A Iiiiv l’J liaise). lit-iii Bob Dylan Young

TUESDAY, Feb. 20

Robin Lacy w/ Dezydeco

8 PM , MA mun lunar.

ltll\.‘5vi]iil\l it via ARE $8

Stimuli lilw Biiclmlicat Zy—

Mastadon w/ Priestess and

Fifth on the Floor w/ Frank Stonecutters

Bang‘s Secret Stash 8 PM , HrAbouies, Loulsvm: Ticitis

8 PM , lrit DAME TCKETS Arii $3, Aer $15 ,

Sounds [,IW The Minn“, Sounds like A Lamb ot God,




Most-played songs of the week

i Apples in Stereo, ”New Magnetic Wonder"
2 Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, “Some Loud Thun-



Gojogo, "All Is Far"


Jason Zavala, ’Lazer Crust"

Shins, ”Vi/incinii The Night Away"
Bird And The Bee, "Bird Anti The Bee"

Max Richter, ”Song From Before"

8 MV and EE With The Bummer Road, "Green



Kiwi/flit it‘d" start at SL’L‘ {)0



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1. Coffee and a free concert

It )ou arc in the mood lor acousiit music and LUllCC. (‘oiniiion
(ii‘ounils is thc place to be this \\CL‘l\L‘llil. 'l‘odd ls'csslcr. a (‘hica~
go .ii‘tist. “ill be pla_\ing l-i'ida} night limit 9 to Ii. ('oiiinion
(irounds is located at 343 l;. High St. and the conccn is true and
opt-ii to tho piililic.

2. Gallery Hop

llll.‘ sti'ccts ot do“ lllti“ ii Lusington “Ill ltt‘ hoppin' \\llll arts)
lolk l'l'ltlil} night More than 30 galleries and sites \sill be true
and open to the public ll’tlll‘; 5 to is. Sonic places “i“ proudc rc-
licslinicnts and ll\C lillhlt‘. Maps tor the \llllk‘l‘k‘lll locations “111
no .isailaliic at Ansl’lacc. 'l‘hc l,c\ington .-\it and (‘ultural ('oun’
t ll organi/cd the merit.

3. Big names at Rupp

lliis \st-clst‘nd Riipp Arena “I“ in: d.i//lcd h) t\\o inaior cone
tcils l iitlaci'is \\lll hc “slial‘iii‘ lll\ I‘illlllC) nialu‘i'" at X pin.
llkl’xCl\ i'aiigc li‘oiii $463M to "show l‘t‘l' inorc intoi‘iiiation call
3*” 7‘ H 318‘) the pact- \\Iil cliangc tor Satui'da} night‘s ton»
tci’t ()nc ol coiiiiti') music‘s iiiost popular hands. Rascal I‘latts
\\lll lic pci’loi'niing .it Saliu'da} at h’ pin l'iH‘ tnoi‘c inloi'niation
tail KW I“ {515

NIVERSI'H‘ ()l" Kl{i\"l'l (:le
. ‘liool (il'Musit‘

Wind Ensemble

lit Cod) l’iirilucll. toiitliitior

Friday February 16, 2007 - 7:30 pm

soloist jam

iii ' 13’»

Symphony Band

(icoi‘izc BlillldLll LUIldUlel'

Sunday February 18, 2007 - 7:30 pm

i as .i if"-
GeorgeWashirigton Bicemeiimaz. . ., , , ,
Reflection on the Holocaust: A Visual and Musical Expe
l ' ‘ ‘ ’ it :i i ,‘
Salvation is Cijmt i



Both twi‘l'armzittccs .u‘c pit-suited :l‘l lllL‘ Viiiglt-liiij‘ LX'iiit‘i' 1hr inc .0 is.
We: Mitiission. For rum-v iiiinrinaliuii. picaw toniaci I'K isiiitls .ii is?»




9 Arbouretum, “Rates; of Uncovering
ill Bracken, ”We iiiow About The Need"



Continued lz'riiii iii-oi: 3
i J

i.itt‘il lllli‘ lit-c obi iz-I s i.l

ilis N s! itl'w 2' ' ",IEI‘
llit i‘!.i\ “(ill in vipv' “will: .|l':\l lu-
i‘tuiil\ toi so'iux ~lii‘i i .z, iizt. mi N
llit' nidiii.ii\ iiii‘iilt’lll

\iiilih also t'iiiis - 'i\.l\ iiilo
lllk‘ pl.i\ ulicil iii!” vl 'li- lniil
sitlt'sol l\\oiii.ilt‘r.is‘ ziriilimail

slli)\\ll, l.l\l said
"llit' iiiii\t‘isit\ iniiistri El llisl


l.i~l saiil. "lull \\llt ii til \ splnaicd
lliiiigs to tilt m, tlt«'\ toils ‘lll‘l‘tlilk'il
llit‘ pla}.

"\M‘ are appi'mit liillL' ’lils illsc .i











lioi'i'oi lllt‘\lt' it not won» iiilo lllk
\llH\\ \\itli llic aiiszt-H l‘vlllll up .llltl
is anticipating .ilioi itics lllt'\ lt't'l
satc hctaiisc illt‘_\ '\\'\‘l\’ i-spctliiig
llk‘ \\ot‘sl ..

inlet is coiling lici tollcgt' .lll


ing carccr with .i plas slit- killlk'tl

‘ \r‘ ’Miahvsgt' iii‘
li‘ii~ \ii f'oiiitiis tops oil lll\
illi'liitW .lllll l .iiii L'liltl lo liau~ a

nit \\l'.ll lots ol intuit,~ lillt'i said
it Hitliialix t'.|\lk‘l to plan ltlllliil‘di

niosl lliil'lll‘lc

lllt‘ till/lust,
\l‘i"*l\‘l toii‘ll csci‘ \‘lltlllllllk'l. l‘t'

\‘lis‘ i‘-

Hoist llt'l llt‘lsi'lldllh is so tai a\\.i}
. iii\\t'll
\\.i-:iici is tnigt'i to gel llic stii

‘i >'\

.lt-iil l‘oils lll\tll‘st‘tl in tlicalt'i

It s .ii'ounii
wait it illil\l\‘\ and |llsl it't lllt‘ klllC
'i‘.ilo~'i,ipli\ and plot go utilalkt'il

L‘.l\\ to sit and

.ll‘l‘ll' and not tll\\li\\ lllL‘ iiio\ics.“
\\.it'nci said "llu! actuall) \salt‘li
lllt‘ .i stagc pla) can cntoui'agc tlic
[Milli ipalioii ol the audicntt' to see
llli' iiiiidt-iii \\oi'ld t‘illlllt‘t‘llillh and
\ll‘\ ilss lllt‘ \t [IN N

l is! hope-s lllt' audience is .ililc
.ilioiit lllk‘ nimlt‘i'n \‘(H'ltl troni tliis

li‘ ili‘a“ U\\tl toiitliisioiis

"In lllt‘ cnd \u‘ how to help
tliciii icali/t' tlicir llllL‘ audicnt‘c‘si

\sorlil isn‘t so tci‘rililt'," list said


Continued from page 3


get oft campus that ottcn a chance to soc tlicni "

While lac} hasn‘t plascd at l‘ls. in sonic time. he is
no stranger to the collcgc campus sccnc. ht‘ said.

“lac actually \lUllC a lot ot colleges." Lac) said. “l‘w
pl.i)cd at Western. :\sliur_\ and other places around the
sltllL‘ ..

lacy has earned personal and national acclaim troni
his guitar plasing. In the licbruar} 2007 issllt‘ ol (iiiilar
l’la_\ci‘ iiiaga/int‘. l.ac_\ \\ as nanicd onc ol tlic "toplliil
unsung heroes" in the industry.

”Sonic ol the gins \\ ho \\ rite tor i(iuitar l’l.i_\cri hast-
heard me pla} and know in} .stul‘l'." Lac) said. "Thu just
chose ”it. and it's rcall} liattcring and nitc."

l:\cn though Lac) isn‘t a conventional gii}. he knons
\\ll.ll lic lows and what makes him happy.

“You can show Viho _\ou are through the gtiitar." Lacy
said. “It‘s such a great outlet {or an indiiidual. Mining
lk‘ilk‘lltN ion a lot about experience and crcatn it). You can
at‘lualls cam things than it.

“I put time into this. and I lose it." Lac} said. “You
actuall} put time into something and then get something
back out It's great."

please recycle the kernel.








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