xt7zpc2t7p84 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zpc2t7p84/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-03-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1989 1989 1989-03-24 2020 true xt7zpc2t7p84 section xt7zpc2t7p84  



‘ m. .
.. ‘v

‘3.“ :3?

.. a “t:

\\ u \ u “us,

Today: 50% chance of rain
Tomorrow: Mostly sunny









Hysterical gag
doesn’t save
‘Skin Deep’




Virginia advances to
Regional Final

See Back Page






Kentucky Kernel

I Vol. XCll. No. 132 ‘ Established 1594 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

UK salaries don’t measure up, according to some professors

By BETH rose
Staff Writer

The UK average salary for the 1988—89
school year is 11.24 percent lower than
benchmark comparison salaries, according
to yesterday‘s meeting of the UK Chapter
of the American Association of University

“We have some blatant problems,“ said
Michael Kennedy, a professor in the Col-
lege of Architecture. “We have assistant
and associate professors making more
than the lowest paid full professors"

The committee made five recommenda—
tions to the University which included:

- UK‘s top priority should be to bring
faculty salaries in all ranks to the bench-
mark median level in all areas.

- make the percentage of increase uni-
form when it is less than the US. Consum-
er Price Index

0 apply merit increases through a sys—
tem of peer review

. ensure that the percentage of salary in-
crease for administrators will be no more
than the increase for faculty

0 monitor salaries so that individuals
whose salaries are out of a reasonable
range difference can be identified.

Robert Spedding, professor of pediatric
dentistry and president of the UK chapter

of AAUP, said the committee needed more
support in order to bring about changes in
the University.

“You are seeing a very small group of
people,“ Spedding said of the 20 people at»
tending the meeting. “1 can guarantee that
unless we get more young people in to re-
place the white haired. the black-haired
and the tired, bent shouldered. there will
be those differences.

"We need more people. We need some
fighters because they go right for the

A summary of the t'niversity Salary Re-
port was presented at the meeting and in-
cluded statistics for the number of UK.


Staff Writer

(‘ompetence was stressed last night
as the main quality the next student
government president should have.

In a debate sponsored by the Greek
Political Action Committee at Memorial
Hall. the six candidates for president of
UK‘s Student Government Association
said proven experience in student gov-
ernment should be what students took
for in their next student body president.

Sean Lohman, Kennedy James and
Jeff Ashley, who all have served as
SGA senators, emphasized the need for
effective and experienced leadership.

“Compare the records of those that
promise to those who have gotten things


Vice president candidates Pat Hart and David Skid-
more ponder a question during the Student Govern-

SGA presidential, vice president
candidates discuss campus issues

done," said Lohman, who is serving his
first term as a senator at large.

Candidates K.A. “Angel" Moberly.
Brian Rice and John Floyd, all new-
comers to SGA, said even though they
have never served in the Senate they
would provide SGA with an alternative
point of View.

Rice said that office politics and in-
fighting sometimes makes it hard for
student government to accomplish

“I don't have a whole lot of experi-
ence in SGA," said Rice, “I‘m in it for
the students."

Moberly said SGA was partly to
blame for the students‘ apathy toward
campus events.

“We have a problem at the University

merit Association forum last night in Memorial Hall
sponsored by the Greek Political Action Committee



ALAN NAWSE Reina Start

that no one seems to want to look at.
Moberly said. ”SGA liiies speakers
that no one wants to hear '

He said that the Faculty (‘lub should
be used as a campus pub for students.
Moherly said a campus pub would go
toward creating campus unity and
would give students under 2) a social

"A lot of money was spent on a butltl
ing ithe Faculty (‘lubi that is under llllr
tiled," Moberly said.

Other candidates also hit on the
theme of campus llllll_\

James said that he wanted “to tear
down the walls that exist on our camr



Sce( .-\\l)|l)i\lilr.h, Page '4]



independent since 1 971

current average salaries. benchmark :‘iitil
parison salaries, supplementary l)t‘llt‘lll\
differential salary percents by status -on
tract and sex. and average salaries ti) i-ii:

The report. which was presented in t K
President DaVid Roselle's office. sliimwtl
there are 48] UK professors making an .i\
erage of $47,965, 424 associate professor»
making an average of $35 333. 347 assistant
professors making an average of $31 iii-1..
and lit instructors making .in average .,i

According to Don \‘oiile. it Business
Economics professor the benchmark iii-
dian salary is 844.620


,\ll‘l .‘i.i\i-

Irlll‘il .\i.'i'«

Friday, March 24, 1989


illi‘i‘t‘iiM'N il 1'

\\e Il't‘li(‘lti\‘. :iiitlfalling
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llli‘ inches? salaried are getting ’hw

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Bush staff downplays
FAA terrorism threat

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\\'.-\Slll.'\'tl'l‘ti\' 'l‘lie Whiti- lllitlsv' .e~
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the [Xissible hiiacking lit .in \mcrimi: c
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similar to many other 'crrorui iill'f‘k ili'l
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sonable precautions are being Taken

\irports in Engiantr iti-si iieriiiam.
llalv and Belgium ~tep;ie'i iii «worm
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happy he warning liaii t‘itt.t"l i'll
trontpage newspaper '~»l-‘il‘« l1
’t‘ransportation N’t'l‘t‘lill", \.illlll\" ‘-
iier called :t .i potentially \.
misc of illlt‘lllflt‘llt't‘rfléillit‘l'lllt; it 'i'. .'

l‘lirei- l.4.'li;iilt*>t‘ l’aiestniiai s
iioiicit by name ill ’llt‘ warning. it
lo the Daily Express the liiiile'iii .
three may be traveling on passports 't"l
Bahrain. Pakistan or \orin \‘i'mi-n

The FAA confirmed that it liltil
\(‘t‘tll‘lh bulletin to .lll‘ptil‘lx -ilitl
March to about "the possibility if .
ing of :i l‘ S airliner in Western iiiii ope

The uarniiig‘ illtl not EIlt.‘lilllill .iny \pt‘t :'
ic airline or airport ‘hat :iiiufzt lit‘ ‘tiit-a'
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Disputing :lie liaiiy i‘l\pi’i'.\~
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coiilideiit that all lt‘dhtiiiiil‘lt
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levelot security cxists. lit and

(in ('apitol Hill Rep .l.illlt'.\ lllit‘l’MJI fl
.\1inii . chairman of the House Miami».
committee. said the warning had on ii ‘..\
tributed only among intelligeiiu- .
enforcement agents Mi that the, l'llllif :ii:
sue further informal ioii


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Next UK coach must fit the ‘Kentucky style,’ Newton says

Sports Editor

The UK next basketball coach must be a
proven winner, share the same philosophy
held by UK, and, most importantly, must
understand what he‘s getting into, accord-
ing to the school‘s next athletic director.

“Whoever comes in must understand the
nature (of) what he‘s getting into,“ said
CM. Newton, who takes over the AD. job
April 1. “(Thati someone needs to under
stand what it's all about. To me, this is
much like recruiting a player. You don't
want any surprises later.“

Newton spoke to about 30 reporters at an
impromptu press conference last night be-
fore the start of the Southeast Regional of
the NCAA Tournament at Rupp Arena.

“We‘re looking for a person who has all
the qualities you imagine,“ Newton said.
“Be a proven winner at this level, have the
same basic philosophy that‘s held by our
University and someone who wants the

"That’s going to be important as we go
through the process, to determine who
those people are.“

Newton said there are “three or four"
coaches he has in mind for the UK job, but
he would not name who those people were.

The position was left vacant when for-
mer UK coach Eddie Sutton resigned Sun-
day, with the UK program under investiga-
tion by the NCAA for allegedly committing
18 wrongdoings.

A screening committee was named
Wednesday to help Newton select a candi-
date for the job. Newton said he has not
met with members of the committee yet.

Several coaches have been mentioned as
possible candidates including, University
of North Carolina-Charlotte coach Jeff
Mullins, NBA New York Nicks coach Rick
Pitino and Newton‘s former assistant bee
Rose, an assistant coach with the New Jer-
sey Nets of the NBA.

“That's natural,“ Newton said. "Lee
played for me, that's why his name
would come up.“

Pitino told The Associated Press last
night that he was interested in returning to
the college level and is looking into the UK

“if ( anyone is) interested, we‘ll sit down
and eyeball each other and find out how
much interest t they have)," Newton said.

Newton said no timetable has been set
on selecting a coach: “We want someone
who wants it, not someone we have to talk
into taking it.“

It took only 12 days to hire Sutton when
he took the fol) on April 4, 1985.

“An old basketball adage 15, ‘Be qmck
and don‘t hurry,~ “ the former Vanderbilt
University coach and UK alumnus said.
“There are so many reasons to be quick
with the decision. llut we're in no hurry

Newton said he was going to “pick as
many brains as t can" to find the right
man for the Job

“I would hope we could hire the kind of
person Kentucky people are going to say,
‘Yeah, he‘s who we necd.‘ ” Newton said.

Newton said it would be natural for the
new coach to have some qualms about tak-
ing the job, in light of the fact that UK is
expected to receive some sort of sanctions
within the next month from the NCAA.

But he said, “I think that person will
know before he comes here.”

Newton said he will try to pick a coach
who is in the same mold as he is.

“I want a coach that wins. I've got my
preference on how the game ought to be
played,“ Newton said. "I was trained on
the Kentucky style of play and id like to
see it here. But I‘ll hire someone to win
basketball games. "


CM. Newton, who will be UK‘s athletic director. met with members of the media

at the Hyatt Regency yesterday.


 2 - KOMucky KW. Friday. Mb 24. 1...

How to get .
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Ask for details today where computers are sold on campus.


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o mutant-cm hmmum—Wwdmmm mum-wwumnmmmnmmmdh'wmw'mmwhp
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.z Nine Pound Hamme

ad and The .
The Mud, The 310 cal Express. There s

e band will tour England this

Billboard and New Musr
strong possibility that th
You can cat ,
opening for Len Putch
Putch also owns

which Nine Pound Hammer

.1 It pro
Louisville's Humana

' ' L will pre
Tonight at 7.30, AT . ..
r.‘s first play. “Stained Glass. d f
ed columnist and foun er 0

his play 0 .
t, agent Blackford Oakes, is

Buckley .l .
Buckley, a syndicat

National Review. based

Buckley's protagonis
investigating Axel Win
the head of a political movement

- ' ' countrY- .
of his diVided ‘re Wintergrlm a series of events

kes may be {0

AS he gl’OWS l0 adm

conspires in which 0a

the count.

will be perfot
The play d 8 pm on March

March 26. 1130 an
on April 2.

For ticket information,


ch them in town tonight at Th
5 band Snake Out.

Wanghead Rec

mises to be a highlight of Actors
New Play Festival.

tergrin. a

r has recently had their album.

Beers reviewed in .
also still a

e Wrocklase

ords, the label to
is signed.

Theatre of

mich William F-

n his I978 novel.

German count who is at
to force the unification

reed to “eliminate"

med again at 2:30 pm. on

29 and at 1 pm.

call ATL’s box office at (502)



Virgin Records

The Flaming Lips
Restless Records

Toxic Shock Records

Sonic Youth
SST Records

Rough Trade Records


WASPS 1 2"

Robyn Hitchcock
Warner Bros. Records

Guadalcanal Diary
Elektra Records

Gaye Bikers On Acid

The Replacements
Sire Records

The Cowboy Junkies
RCA Records

As determined by airplay on WRFL last week.





Cover is $2.

9. Cover is 33.

required .



Auetln City Saloon —- 2350 Woodhlll Shopping Center. John “cheat
Montgomeryend Young Countrywlll tonight and tornorrownlmtet 9.


perform tonightandtomonownightets. Coverissa.
readings—509W. MeinSt.TtunoerendthePlddebltewiIl
perform tonightendtomorrownlghtet 9:30. Coveris$3
Thebrewery—SOQ W. Main St. (Above Breedings.)LxryRedmonwl
perform tonightandtomorrow night. Nooovor.

CheepeIdeIer—tat www.mkdmwflpatummmt
andtomorrow night at 9. CoverleSt. to required.

endtomrrmow nigbtat 9:30. Coveris $3. ,
Nelnetreete—zee W. MelnSt. Metropolitu'iBueeAl-atewlpertorm

Rhineetone'e-5539 Attnne-Booneeboro Roed.1he8u'idtaendwil
TwolteyeTevern—aass. LirneetoneStAnnlemdtheIkMewl
performtonlghtmdtomorrownlmtethoverleszlormenmdM tor

TheVIrookIege—aat W.Short3t.Tonlght&tdreOutmdMnePorm





Staff Critic

Theatre of Louisville heralds the
1989 Humana Festival of New
American Plays with its production
of Arthur Kopit‘s “Bone-'l‘he-Fish. “

“Bone-The-Fish" has been
shrouded in controversy because of
its excessive use of adult language
and occasional nudity. It's definite-
ly not for the prudish.

It is a play of many themes. The
predominant theme is that of de-
sire, greed and the American
Dream. The play centers around
three characters: Al tJoseph
Ragno), Loo (Barbara eda-Young)
and Jerry (Bruce Adler).

Al and Loo are a half-film pro-
ducing, half-drug dealing couple.
Jerry is the down-and-out producer
just waiting for his chance to enter
the big picture once again.



Al and Loo get a hold of the film
rights to the story of Zalinka, an
overwhelmingly popular Madonna-
esque rock star. But, her story isn't
exactly her own. She has simply al-
tered Herman Melville‘s Moby
Dick substituting Captain Ahab for
herself and the whale for a large

Seems pretty clear so far, right'.‘

Enter Jerry. He and Al were
once partners until Al slept with
his wife and she committed sui»
cide. As you might guess. Al and
Jerry had a bit of a falling out.
Several years later, they make
amends to do this film.


Kentucky Kernel, Friday. March 24. 1989 — 3

ATL’s highly hyped ‘Fish’ a letdown

Al and Loo want Jerry‘s com-
plete devotion so they test him
First. he has to slash his wrist
Then, they make him cat a spoon-
ful of feces Not ~lust any tcccs
nun feces ln Jerry's words. "Holy

The play rcally' begins to lose
credibility when Zalinka shows up
Her character is utterly ridiculous
She is a burned—out flake who has
lost all touch with reality As a rc-
sult, she either pranccs around in a
dog sun or she wears a cloth over
her mouth

I guess. like many rock stars.
she doesn‘t know who lit-r true
friends are .s‘hc is. hUVI‘f'lt‘I‘, awarc
that Loo and A] ari- using her tor
her life story But she uses them
for their security

Zalinka also wants to ’t‘Sl .lt-rry‘s
devotion to the proyect so she poses
the ultimate request to sacrifice


Arts Editor

If Wade Boggs met Zach Hut~
ton, l've got a hunch the two
could become fast friends.

You see, Zach, like Boggs, has
a problem with women. Zach's a
philanderer. And that doesn't sit
well with the various women in
his life, including his wife.

That‘s the premise of Blake
Edwards' latest waste of cellu-
loid, “Skin Deep.“

Like most of Edwards‘ pre-
vious films, he sets his charac-
ters in a materialistic and vacu-
ous Hollywood lifestyle. Unlike
Edward’s previous films, the
slapstick payoff that usually cul-
minates in his films never hap-

To make matters worse, Ed-
wards tries to give his movie a
moral lesson about monogamy
and the importance of stability
in life. By the time his protagon-


John Ritter has more than he can handle, in—
cluding a punchless script, in Blake Edwards

Humor in ‘Skin Deep’ is bone-dry :



ist has come to that realization.
you‘re probably ready to thank
Edwards for giving you an ill'
ternativc to sleeping pills.

Making a moralistic tablc
must have been Edwards domi
nant reason for making the film
He sure doesn't milk much
humor out of casual encounters
Zach has with women.

Except for one instance
it‘s a doozy.

If you‘ve read other reviews
of this film, I'm sure you‘ve
heard about the scene involving
glow-in-the-dark condoms. Wait-
ing for this scene was the only
thing that kept me awake 7- and
interested. After the initial im-


tepid comedy "Skin Deep." Ritter and a con-
dom gag almost save the mowe



pact, Edwards “\t‘illtiltll'y 'til‘ll.\
thc \L't‘lit‘ lllll) .t phallic iiiirody
oi The light-sailor illit'l il‘tllll
"Star Wars I' s inc 'iinnicst

gag I liayc ~t’t'l“ i. illitt‘ omc

it only 7hr icsi ‘tl ’iii- ‘lti‘yit’
“as half ,ts "ispirt-d .is ‘hiil ;
>L't,‘llt‘, all :iiigtit now won ‘oiv ‘
giycn 1

Except tor .i 't'\‘\ litli‘>l> vl
slapstick .iiyciitiycnoss ii :
"Blind Datc .inu 'Xlit'ki mo ‘,

Maude. Edwards has twcn on .. 3
downhill \lltlt‘ \lllt't‘ lll.\ :1lor\ i
days ot "The Mini l‘anthci so i

rics. “to" and 's‘iil’. It “m- |
ghost of l’ctcr wilcrs :s iistcnr ;
ing. yisit lidiiai'tls In tits -~It‘t’l)
tonight. llcs sot‘cly :: ’lt‘t‘tl it
his old must-

‘Skin (twp.
playing N
North Prim ('i'ii'iiitix

‘ ili’il R. \ "UH
Mitt. iiii.‘ l


‘Ancient Heart’ carries on a folk tradition



Staff Critic

Tanlta 'I‘ikaram

Since Suzanne Vega topped the
charts with “Luka,” female artist
have been at the top of the rock
heap. American women like Mich-
elle Shocked, Toni Childs and


um.’ 7M: A7 W.’
C‘l-ECK M F165” :27
I 5771/. am £075 0‘
mm MD


















Tracy Chapman were among the
first to follow Vega. Now England
has its shot at the women‘s rock
league with l9~ycar—old Tanita 1i-
karam the newest and maybe the

best of the bunch.
On her debut

Morrison or the Waterboys.
“'l‘wist In My Sobriety," the first

single, was nominated for a British

Music Award. One listen to this
song makes the album worth buy-

“in the morning I wipe my brow-

album, Ancient
Heart, 'I‘ikaram displays a warmth
and intellect beyond her years. Her
voice, sensitive lyrics and excellent
backing band invoke images of Van

Wipe the inilcs .may i iikc to
think I can no so Alllt‘tl And iicycr
do what you WI l‘ikaium sings
lictorc slic loads .iito i‘iic haunting
chorus in yklllt ll \tii‘ tict-larcs.

Look my cytns .ii‘t iiist liolo
grams Look your i'l\t' has drawn
rcd from my Hands From my
hands you'll lit‘\t'i' lw .\Iot‘t' 'lian
twist in my soliricty

'.lohnny was .i pcculai guy

Brought upon loyt- .iiid tlic rcasons

why But thc rcasoiis yihy ought
not to tic said .\nd so l'ni lctt
hands to my licad 1 low you. ' 'l‘ir
karam sings on ’ l liovc You "

The only othcr problcin is that
Tikaram. likc the (‘owiioy .liinkics.
has a continually inclloyi mood that
dominatcs the album. Both of thcm
nccd to be a littlc morc upbcat By
the t'll(l of thc album you may lccl
rcally dcprcsscd.

Overall. it is an t-xccllcnt album
and it dcscrvcs rccognition from
radio stations. Tikaram has llllt'lr
lect. style and talent that arc ycry
scarce in music today


his left testicle Talk about having
a bad day

Anyway, to try and tell the whole
plot is like resurrecting the dead, it
can't be done. The directing IS cons
fused with too many angles and the
play never really decides if it
wants to be humorous or serious

The characters are immensely
unbelievable. but some of them are
funny. Jerry is genuinely comical
Al is at times funny. at times
bland. and Loo is Just downright

As for the controversy. the lan-
guage is pretty vulgar and the nu-
dity consists of two deteriorating
pairs of breasts

'BonprTltP Fish" .vii'l ‘m ppr
trirnwd at 7 30 p m ,Vlarrh 28, 'J 20
p in March 30. and 3 and 3‘10 p in
April l For tir'bct ritormation (all
the All. 50“ ott‘it-o (it :502i 5347

Two TV programs
debut this weekend

Assomatcd Press

NEW YORK Amid the rock
cm. sock cm yocks of Saturday
night. viewers Will soon have a
saner alternative when a kinder
type of talk-show host. Dennis
Wholey. returns to PBS with late-
Night America ‘

Wholey‘s two-hour weekly falk
show will teaturc :n-studio guests
, newsmakers. authors and celeb
rities responding to telephone
queries and comments it pie-
micrcs Saturday on about too pub»
lic telcy ision stations nationwide

Whoicy'. .l tormcr DOIFOII radio
talk-show nost. hosted the critically
praised liatcNight \mcrica' on
PBS trom i982 iilllll he i-nded he
run in 1985.

i made .i decision to .cavc. no»
cause i wanted to take ii :ook at
my own background." he said in a
telephone iiitcryicyi trom Washing-
ton. '-.\ ticrc the show will originate

‘1 ATP“ tip in .in alcoholic homc.
.tlld .is .i rccovcring alcoholic my-
~citfl l iust wanted to get out ot the

Whoicy word through private tric—
i'apy. \Itlt‘tt‘d somc »\dult t'hildrcn
it \lco‘tioiics groups and wrote
iiooks “l‘lic t‘ouragc oi <‘hangc'
l"‘l'.\l)llill l'onvcrsations ‘tbout \l-
.-otiolisiii. ' .\rc ‘z'ou Happy " and
thc most :‘cccnt Becoming Your
1 Mn Parent The Solution for mu“
t'liildrcn of .'\lt'llh()llCS

\ttcr .tll that,
.ci'y good. and all «it
iamc fame to it.) t’iacK

l’art «it ‘hc talk show will rcyoivc
.tl‘litllltl wit liclp issues. but ii'iostly
' ‘-\lll ltc .1 discussion of an cclcctic
.ollcction wt «utiiccts tor ill-
sldtlt‘t‘. itpt‘t'llllllt}. topics include
sun .ontroi and thc \cadcmy

. iii

tic \altl. i felt

.i sudden .‘
on thc .iir

-\B( ‘s new Men. “our
lttfillr\t'llllt)l ouddics. a surgeon. .i
.iwycr, .i newspaper columnist and
- top. iioii in their .ith, still iticct
~> t-t-kly my cr poker to crack \yisc

llf’.\l)llt‘ ‘hc unlikely lirellllst‘.
\lcn. wt in Baltimore and
"llllt‘ti iri 'l‘oronto. comes darn

iiost- to suit-ceding. thanks mainly
"i thi- zinc «.‘ast Ted Wass

soap Saul itubinck. \‘ing
lttiamcs and Tom (t‘Bricii

i' also prciiiicrcs Saturday

The look of the show. directed by
t’ctci‘ \tcrncr. will contribute to
the already iinavOidable compari-
~illilti 'thii'ty'somcthing."

\lt'll isn't 'thirtysomcthing.”
t'\t‘ll :iiougn it 1\ about :ioish pet)»
pic who spend it lot of time trying
'o tigurc out why they're not
happy it s not nearly as well-writ“

itutimi-k. the only t‘anadian
.imong ttic regulars, plays Paul, a
columnist tor the Baltimore Sun
who rhapsodizcs about his (‘X-Wllt‘.
lictot‘c finding out she plans to not»
gct hack \Hlll him and marry an
inycstmcnt banker. Paul's cgo was
saicd when the banker turned out
to l)(' bald

“ass plays surgeon Steven, who
spcnds most of his time picking up
no“ women. finding something
wrong with them and dumping
thcni beforc things get serious.
lthamcs is lawyer Charlie, the
black member of the group who is
theonly wcll-adjusted family man.
tt‘Bricn plays Danny, a quickstem-
pcrcd young cop,

by Berke Breathed


by Berke Breathed BLCDM COUNTY

It i”, 7,,








’ W Wl/Mf‘ ,. :
Gummy r 9w y§§
50m {vow/w cpg ' ; {a
. . . ‘ ‘ z -














4 — Kentucky Kernel. Frldey. Merch 24, 1909

UK debaters
give Lohman
highest marks

Knowledge of issues, clarity
cited as candidate’s strengths

8) Jl'lJl-I l-JSSEI..\H\
Special PTOJECIS Writer

Experienced l'K debaters and
the director of the LR debate team
gave student government presi-
dential candidate Sean Lohman the
highest marks in last night's de-

While the judges said the format
of last night's debate was more like
a forum rather than a debate. they
all agreed that Lehman showed the
greatest and clearest grasp of is»
sues and could support ideas better
than his opponents

Each of the six presidential can
didates were Judged in the areas of
style. analysis. clash/refutation.
support of ideas. and answers to
questions. on a scale of one to five.
with five being exceptional and one
being poor With the four Judges”
scores added in each category. a
candidate could score a maxrmum
total of lotlpoints

Lohnian. who won each llldIVldUV
al category. received the highest
total score with 87 pomts. followed
by Keith Ashley's 77 points Kenne~
dy James had a close third with 7::
points The other three candidates

John Floyd. Keri Moberly and

Brian Rice all received total
scores below on
Both Lohman and Ashley re-

ceived their highest marks in an-
swers to questions from the five
panelists. with Lohman edging
Ashley by a point

Lolinian showed more significant
wins in the areas of style and sup»
port of ideas

”I think Lohman was sort of
above the rest of the crowd." said
ITK debater David Walsh ”He was
very clear about what he wanted to

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do for the future. IButI he wasn't
head and shoulders above,"

L7K debater TA. McKinney said
Lohman showed the greatest un-
derstanding of facts and expressed
the best refutation ability by re-
sponding to his opponents' positions
in his closing remarks,

“I would say Lohman won, but it
wasn't decisive by any means." he

J W Patterson. UK debate team
director. said Lohman "appeared
to have given more thought to the
specifics he wants it elected, but he
overplayed the ‘experience
issue 2 '1

Patterson said Moberly. with his
expressive language and overall
presence. stood out for his ability
to command the audience‘s atten-
tion. but “when it came to support
of ideas. he wasn't always logical."

James. who received one of his
highest scores in the category of
style. was credited by McKinney
for being “probably the most elo‘
quent speaker“ of the group. Cal-
vin Rockefeller. a UK debater. said
James made a strong start. but
faded somewhat toward the end of
the debate

McKinney also said Ashley had a
very strong overall showing. but
Patterson said he covered few spe»
cities Rocketeller gave Ashley
credit for speaking forcefully. par-
ticularly when there were prob»
lems w ith the microphones

Patterson said Floyd and Rice.
who received the lowest two total
scores. failed to be clear about spe-
cific goals or ideas

All of the judges said it was diffi»
cult to Judge the presidential candi-
dates 111 the debate format used
last night because there was little

Style Analysis
















































Refutation i eas
Ashley 15 17 11 16
Floyd 11 11 9 11
James 16 16 12 14
Lohman 18 18 14 18
Moberly 14 10 10