xt7zpc2t7p5c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zpc2t7p5c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-02-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 1985 1985 1985-02-07 2020 true xt7zpc2t7p5c section xt7zpc2t7p5c ___—___—______________________________—_____________
‘ wW asst-how‘s: ~ 2o s» ' . si sea ~ . , ~
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COIIIIIIO“ d [1.98 0p II In t. d t
. By DARRELLCLEM student activities fees or University cellor for student affairs. said the that there is a problem at UK that people in a hallway. and they dis said the only closed student govern- .
l SeniorStaff Writer appropriations. student code revision committee would require such an amendment cuss what's 80mg on. that can be m_ ment meetings. as outlined in SGA .
The primary organizations to thought there were some “problems in the student code.“ Zumwinkle terpreted as a non—scheduled meet- Senate rules. are those in which . '
A proposed student code amend- which the amendment would apply of definition and theprecise intent of said. ing or an informal gathering,“ final deliberations are held by SGA ‘ I '
. ment concerning open meetings of are the Student Government Asso- the proposal." Other committee But Andrew Oppmann. UK Sigma Straub said. “In all actuality. it judicial and elections boards ' .
' student organizations failed Monday ciation and the Student Activities members saw no apparent need for Delta Chi president. said. “i would could be just two people expressing The umcndment allows for closed » >
J as the student code revision commit- Board. the amendment.hesaid. have considered the amendment as their opinions on an issue." meetings during such deliberations. .. , V ' 5
tee unanimously rejected the propo But the proposal’s definition of Under the proposal. meetings are buying insurance before the house in such a situation. a reporter who as M.” a. dunng appomtmenis of I I. - . ,
sal. open meetings and the impact such defined as: “Any scheduled or non- burned down. rather than after." is “eavesdropping" on the conversa- individuals to positions in student or- . ,
The amendment. proposed by the an amendment would have on the in- scheduled gathering. formal or in- Louis Straub. SAB president. said tion is "infringing upon someones ganizations. during discussions in» ' .' -. ‘
Society of Professional Journalists. dependence of student organizations formal, of an organization. including his main concern centered around rightsI"he said. toning academic ricords. and dur- ‘ . , . ‘
. —' Sigma Delta Chi. states that stu- have raised concerns about the fea- gatherings of standing or adhoc portions of the amendment dealing Tim Freudenberg. SGA prt‘Sldenl. mg {ml dehbtwmns of “semi“... . . .-
antS should have access [0 meet- Slblllty 0f the pml. now in its committees. for the W 0‘ dlS' with informal and non-scheduled said he supported the reasoning be. contract negotiations" Homeven . . i
' ings of registered student organiza- third draft. I eussing or deciding upon any issue.I" gatherings. hind the amendment. but questioned the proposal states that student or -I . .I .
. 3' tions that are funded through Robert Zumwmkle. Vice chan- “The committee did not perceive “When you just have a couple of whether it was actually needed He Yvon-NI mm ~ ‘ . . . I
Student group seeks , .¥ W 7 CHE c ief - .
.. ‘ ll 11] J ‘
SGA watchdog role . -« ~ . ca 5 erge" . w ~
- r -. l o ' . . -
o ‘ . l ' »
Students for America wants to ensure '2‘" .. .. Ti ‘ Important - g ‘ .
representation ofconservatlve opinion I : it”, . Competition hurts .e ‘ -- ‘ .
By LINIS.KADABA said. “We honestly feel the addition ‘- ¥ . state, Snyder says . ' -
Contributing Writer of lists of groups to be protected . . . . W, ‘m M t' . .= ‘
necessarily leaves out Swims. The By \\l)ltE\\thP.\l\\.\ ‘
Students for America established code would still serve its purpose if “' ‘ M ' / ( y. ('oiitributing Writer - . ' '
yesterday an SGA watchdog com- itdidn't listany groups.“ . I % ’5:
mittee to monitor Student Govern- Holt said a revised code would ‘ “WM 19"” . .. A Siillt‘ education official yesterr . .
mentAssociation's activities. probably read “any other factors be— lww . i . day called most of the objections
“It‘s hard to find out what‘s going sides those pertinent to academic .w .. “\t ‘ 1.; * against merging l'K and the t'myer- I - -
on in SGA until the day after.“ said performance should be irrelevant in _ : ,v . . . .2} .. sily ol LOUISVlllt‘ ”ludicrous“ and 2
Alan Holt. chairman of the commit- deciding grades. financial aid. et ce ! i II ‘ . (\i t. 3% urged the public to treat the issue - ,
tee and president of College Republi- tera." rat-w M . l l. - .. . . g ’ (Jb)t‘(’ll\'t‘l_\' ' '-
cans. during an organizational meet- Reese Graham. newly elected .I "'— . ’Ij. ' . ’ Harry Snyder. executive director '.
ing of 18 students in the Student president of the group. said the l” ‘ W. ‘=..- ' / . ol the t'ounCil on Higher Education. . .
Center. “Instead of always having to watchdog committee would promote ; ' ‘. “ . a». said competition between the state’s . I
react. wewant toact." conservative viewpoints on campus. and ' . ” universities is partially responsible

The watchdog committee plans to ”Every time you turn around you . f . " , ‘ tor the serious state of Kentucky‘s .
keep track of bills filed in SGA. at- hear liberals." Graham said follow- . i _ . . ** rm higher education system ‘ _
tend committee meetings and lobby ing the meeting. “Basically they ' “fig ‘1 we; ' a "Competition lll anything ex- ’
for conservative concerns. “I wel- (SGA) don't have anyone to give ‘ I. ' ‘9‘ i a ‘ " ._ cept maybe athletics is detri-
come their input. and I‘m real them grief over what they're doing. h " F, . _, . ' ' mental." Snyder said during a noon . ‘
pleased there are students who are . . . They‘re supposed to represent l"" . y ,‘ ' ' . . v. A torum spoiisored 5} the t'K's L'nited -
interested in what we‘re doing.“ the campus.not theirown views." ’ l i t‘amDUs .\linistr.\ "(Umpetltlon and
said SGA President Tim Freuden- Freudenberg. however. disagreed l .- t" . <’ so; _ regionalism could be what has held ‘
berg. during a telephone interview that SGA represents only liberal stu- ’ . , “b . $31: ‘ higher education back in Kentucky 1.
followingthemeeting. dents. He said SGA has brought con- ' is '-._ "We need to give the merger se-

Holt's committee plans to intro- servative programming to UK last ,. iv » -.. rious. obicctiu- thought and not get .
duce a bill to simplify the student semester. including Alexander Ginz- , ’ - bogged down our Vlhtli the name of

code.'l‘hemove stems fromarecent burg. a Soviet dissident. who do ~ ,. .v/ -"’ ‘ a... ihc basketball team will be." he '
Proposal that would amend the stu- scribed President Reagan's adminis— ' W ' said .
dent code to prohibit UK from dis- trationas“much too liberal." r ». 5" s.) Thc t‘ouncil. Snyder said. was re- ‘
criminating on the grounds of “sex- SGA. Freudenberg said. will con- ' ' i .3 “a. . l _ sponslblc lor .isklng the universities
ualorientation."hesaid. tlnue to offer conservative programs 3' , 1‘ “~ .. ' ”x " ’ _’ i ., .. . to take "this issue out of the closet
“It's not that we‘re anti-gay." he See WAT(‘.HIX)G.page2 l , . ” . ' \ \ . " . , and on the table" in thc lorm of a .
Pl WW; » "‘ ». A _ 'z If report by July I '
t . t h . ht l“ A a 4’ ' .- \ ‘ & ".g .t 2!; Snyder said the (‘ouncil is preparv
rylng 0 elg en t 32' ”A 6.» mg a t'ly‘c»y'ciir plan concerning the » .
‘ . we?" _ ’ ”K: Mg luturc ol the state's higher educa- - - .
onstit ents’ awareness : "‘{j . , S _ , 1.. tion system that could bring lorth , ’
r’ 1"" ‘ “' 3 , 3‘1}; " ' "radical changes” in thc current ope . '.
c u l its: '9“ . t-i‘ation He would not elaborate on ’ .
Hy ANDREWDAVIS many students weren‘t aware of the 1 'fi ’ the report. saying it would be re- ~ ,
Senior Staff Writer many services we offer and things 3 ' Ictiscd this summer. ' . '
wedo."l-‘reudenbergsaid. l Although he termed the condition '1

In an effort to make students Because they don't know about ; \.N K (ll thcstate‘s unnt‘l‘Slllt’S as serious. .-
more aware of the activities and most of the services. many students l \r / hc said the (‘ouncil believes Ken- .
servlm it sponsors. the Student d0 "0‘ use them. Freudenberg said. “— _——’7##MMM ‘" ‘ ' ""“Tr RI‘MHHIWILLI‘I“N,I\T€;:;;, lucky should give primary and sec» - y '
Government Association has desig- in addition. many people who are . ondary education — kindergarten .I ,
nated February il> SGA “Did You elected to SGA offices are not al- Index flngers throughthhgrade—toppriority. ' , ' . - ’
Know“ month, ways sure of what they are supposed See guy-mm. page 3 . , .‘ .
pumgmugnallldutilllillthttiztzggjtflo: $236803]: ’53:: awlgtogéwggsg‘a Ehris Bake; anrhundecjided sophomore. loIoks .lhrough the card catalog in the M.l. King Li- I .
campus. talking at ll‘att'rnlt)‘. soror- is." rary yester ay. e car catalogs are located in the reference department on the first floor. . ', .
ity and reSIdcncc hall council meet- . ' . .
ings. setting up information tables in Earlier this week. SGA members . ' 4 '
the Student cutter. and handing out began putting up the first of a series , , , -
pamphlets. of four posters. The posters list the ne S on lrec ory TV I who lineups are a mix of new . .

SGA has allocated more than snot) names of all the elected SGA offi- , shows. reruns and replaments. . . .
to pay for the awareness campaign. cials. except for Freudenberg. Cain . . . I I .. For a review of the new faces and .
last month. the interim student sen- and Jim Pustingcr. executive vice B.‘ fiOTTWAHl) .At the meeting. President Tim cosmetic changes. ()ne of Ithesc plots, see Small Screen on DWI-)- I -I .'
ate voted to allocate $447.40. and president. Cain said SGA accidently SemorStaffWriter rreudenherg said the _difierence in changes will be the addition of to to SlONS.m93. I -
President Tim l‘lt'Utlt‘llbt'l‘Q recently omitted their names from the print- . the bids "is in the profltIsharlIng 85‘ lfifiller pages. he said. . . ,
added :2“) from an ilddlllollal SGA lng orders. but they Wlll be included . The Student Government ASSOCIa' [X‘Ctfi He sa'd University Directty . . I I” '4“! Kat: defeated the Tennessee 4 I
fund. SGA's total budget is about on the next two. Upcoming posters tion voted last night to accept a $20.- rles was the topridder and ‘ offered KimI Kramer. operation director loch (‘xrldcn Eagleues last night to - , .
$49M. will list some of the services SGA 000 bid from University Directories the best deal With the most quality for LniverSlty Directories. pre- up their raw“, ,0 ”-7. For details . .

' sponsors for the rights to the Faculty-Student directory available. ‘ sented a brief promotional Videotape on“, SW. ”em mg. I .

SGA officials decided to conduct Staff Directory. The contract. which should be on behalf of the company but de- I
the awareness campaign because Among the activities SGA spon- The company. a division of Village signed today by Freudenberg. Wlll clined to comment on the bid until .
they MU“ the average student sors which are listed in their pamph~ Companies. Chapel Hill N.C.. cur— last for five years and Will increase the contract is Signed. 'lI‘he senate .
doan't know enough about the 0r83- lot are the telephone directory. free rently owns the rights to the phone SGA's budget by 315.000 per year. accepted the proposal With no de- . I ,
nization. legal aCl‘Vlt‘P. voter registration book. but its five-year contract ex- Because of a reporting error. this bate ordlscuSsinn.

drives andthebookexchange. piredin December. figure was incorrectly listed as $1.-

"We want in let people know about Christina Buxton a finance t'resh- Last night's special meeting was 300m yesterday‘s Kernel. The senate also passed aImeasure Today will be mostly «may with . I - _
SGA." said John Cain. senior was man said the awareness cam is“ scheduled to hear the findings of the Freudenberg said the phone book to allocate StiOIto buy ads In Emer- Mall in the mid to upper 33. To- .
president. He said that While rune might help students learn p30” SGA phone book committee. As re- committee is pleased with the bid. hence. a feminist newspaper.IFreud- w “a be clear with the low 5 to
ning for office last year. he found am". SE A .1 just know what they ported in yesterday‘s Kernel. the He also told the senate that next cnberg said this measure willIhelp lo M_ TM “a be m
that "nobody knew anything about an. lldon'l know what they do it committee submitted bids to six year's directory will be similarIto thc SGA reach a targeted audience may with the ”I“ in the low .
SGA." might help .. ' ' companies and received bids from this year‘s book With the exception and “support student jOul'nallStS in a n.

“We‘ve known for about a year ' three. of “a number of basic technical and variety of ways.

ROTC enrollment decreasing '
UK ROTC Enrollment . . . . . . .
I 245 UK military figures falling amidst steady national rise
By SANDY C. JAMES sitive organization and “everybody Cadet Col. Andy Couch got in-
1.043 1,043 1.029 Reporter wasmihardcm," volved with the ROTC during the
984 “I thought ROTC people were the summer advising conference before
786 Before he joined the ROTC. Cadet kind of people that didn‘t have any- his freshman year at UK. Some girls
. - Maj. Steve Kain thought it was “a thing better to do after school.“ said at the conference persuaded him to
bunchofwiseguys. Cadet Capt. Jack Hayes. an adver- take military science because “it
‘ “My image was probably not as tising junior. was an easy ‘A' and you can have
good as it is now. said Kain. a his- Hayes decided to join the ROTC fun rappelling and riding helicopt-
tnryand political sciencesenior. after his brother had joined. Wig: erégm h
. . ~ . he learned that he could serve in . a computer science senior.
M‘F'y “om““R'STxc‘mgng'f‘Jg' Army reserves imtead of joining the said he got hooked on the military
g g g > "warm to .t 5 Me“, 0: active military after graduation. the when he won a scholarship. “l jut
- § .— § — .— 3". :7? mil ber tlleyhaad negative Rtfl‘Cwaaappealing. loved it. The adventurous lifestyle
’— 2‘ .— 9 2‘ 5 feeli ytoward the ROTC or none “I thot‘ht. “Well. if I've got a six- appealed to me.“ He persuaded
= "' = 'z "" t “‘1?“ ‘ year cotttract in the reserves l Hummerdiisfianceeto join also.
‘2 g a 3- } 5 I' Imam atrainsuIIIvaIIelidooonnetiiiniiIi'I: Mohadultl‘dviewsdthekfi
'7 - ”Mich ywumfly ngto eaomemoneya support-trend mugged
diffuultfraneverythinglwanted hemnetiaiig."'henid."Solgot alrollmentmthenation‘scollege
toda."slid Cadet lot qui ineotcouldbeanetflcerinthere- cantanJluordingtoBoanl-
Drummer. a mathematical science serves. 1 dith’t have to join the ac- lace. public attain specialist at the
’-""“’""°"““ sailor. She believed it was an m deem-my." Sanctum:

 I-KWYKW My, My 7, I“

W t [“10 Separate trial
Continued frompageonc p set for couple

Continued from page one

forshidenothlssemesterSGAhas dem.w ' ' . ' my" (m_m«
invited Congressman Jack Kemp, R- president and now nationalco-chalr- ganiutiom must post notices and ——-_——--- dence of student cremation! in fugitives Alton Coleman and Debra
N'Y'! t0 smk and ‘ blu SM man a the WP' ‘nd D.Vld Wen make media contacts 24 hours “The committee )eopardy because the administra- Brown are to be tried separately on
by Holt to bring Phyllis khhny. past treasurer, t0 the Chlpurs CX‘ mu. to am mm. with the . . “w is mmnfle fu- lnmt. chars6 0‘ murdering an mo
chairwoman of Eagle Fonim. to UK CCUliVC board. . provision that decisions are made did not perceive ing guidelines in the student code woman against their wishes to be
isuldercommittee review. . The group W several public afterward. that there is a handbook. tried jointly, Hamilton County

Students for America also cornid- events for this semester, including I “There has never been a case. “Some administrators made judges have ruled.
ered an amendment to its constitu- Brown 388 Forum ‘0, Mt con- to my knowledge. where SGA has problem at UK that the point that they didn’t want to Coleman and Brown, who now

. tion that would "condemn“ through servative political films and . a not followed to the letter the pro (1 . h get into the business of telling consider themselves to be a com-
expulsion from the group those statewide fundraiser to feature Jim vision of the proposed amend- woul require suC student government how to con- mon-law couple. asked Common
member's W ”‘8“ ‘0 “PM“ 8.“ Bummh “ mm?“ °‘ "‘9' Kentucky ment,"n-eudenbergsaid. an amendment. ” duct their business." he said. “i Pleas Judge Richard A. Niehaus to
demmst'ate "‘9 ‘SWPS’ Repub‘m" mm“. “mm” But WPmann said 8 m0"! con- . don‘t think this Board (of 'h'ust- allow them to be tried together for
statement 0‘ 9"“C‘P‘esz" “mam“ Sims ‘0'" Am?“ 315° W‘" cm rule in the student We is ROM" Zumwmkle, cos) or this President (Otis A. the July 13 fatal beating of Marlene
to the group's constitution. Students participate in the Little Kentucky needed. vice chancellor Singletary) would think of such a Walters. 44‘ of suburban Norwood.
for America "is a conservative. pa- Derby this spring and launch a “We have never accused the thing, but that leaves the door But Niehaus. after meeting with

. triotic student movement dedicated membership drive. The group now present SGA administration of — open for future presidents and m other county judges Tuesday. ruled
to the advancement 0‘ Judeo-Chris- hassamembeis. . . denying access to the P‘h’h':~ 0" tuChy KemeL he witnessed nu~ lure boards that we don‘t know." that he could find no good reason to
“it" "alufi-H Graham said he believed recruit- the media." he said. “But 1““ merous revisions and rewrites of permit Coleman and Brown to be

Holt said violation .Of the code ins new membei? shwld be “me because a part of their constitu- the SGA constitution. “It would tlppmaiill said his group had iuintly tried.

would thh’de “marching for abor. Wham-7“?“ philosphy 0f Students tion says they cannot close ac- take a coalition of votes and two received no formal notification of The judges set a trial date of
' tion or asking for a nuclear freeze. for America ‘5 to “PW" freedom °l cess to meetings of the-Senate, meetings to bar students from .\londay's action. “I‘m not sure Marchll.

Anything that 3°85 333"" conserva- economy. good government. 5W“! that‘rule '5 "0‘ “me" m stone ever stepping foot in a meeting.“ what steps can be taken. but we (‘oleman and Brown. from Wanke-

tism." . Americanvalues and political liber- “T“fd down from the moun- he said. plat" to make the University com- gan. “L. are also charged with the

In other busmess. Students for [y'u he said. “Students need to know uh“- , Freudenberg said the amend- uiunity aware of the decision and July murder of 'l‘onnie Storey. is. of

~ America elected John Fischer as there‘s an alternative to liberals on ()ppmann said that as a report- ment could place the indepen- its possible effects.“ Cincinnati.
, . treasurer and confirmed the ap— campus." er and former editor for the Ken-
“Snyder b AAl'I'l m
' Continued from page ollC '
I “We need to reform and improve the funding of pri— .
- ’ mary and secondary education. Higher education is in
serious condition, but elementary and secondary schools 372 WOOdland Avenue I
. arein critical need." he said. Lexington, Kentucky 40508
' . ‘ He said although Kentuckians enjoy bragging. there is 606-253-2202 '
- little tobeproud of in the state‘s educational system. Come to our place or call for quality toppings like pure

“We like to find things to brag about." Snyder said. a pizza to go. Either way, mozzarella cheese and real
"But in education. we don‘t have much to brag about. you’ll enjoy one ofthe tastiest Italiansausage.You’lllovegen-

. . . We have the lowest percentages in almost every Save! 3 ll mealsintiownfmmywrhome uimPinaI-IufiPanPimour
measure of educational achievement and attainment. Stroh's Sun Country ”zinc: Di": town Pizza Hut“ restaurant. non-stop salad bar—and the

“We used to say. ‘Thank God for Arkansas and Mis- 84.65 m... Coolors " r w make - fresh - -

- . ‘ sissippl.’ Now people in other states are saying. 'Thank I2pk. 12 oz. Cons ‘2.” 34.25 m 8 PM mm reasonable pnoesfi,

. , God for Kentucky.‘ " ‘ pk 6 Pk '2 01 NR . e. ‘

Snyder also said he predicts universities will not be GOOd at these P1228. Hut“ restaurants.

. . - placing as much emphasis on national accrediting orga<
nizatlons in the future because of “blackmail" pressure
the organizations are exerting over program curric- 80° ' 60° ‘°°° I9I9Harrodsburg Road --~--.--...--277-7l33
ulum, Very 0 d DoKuypor Yukon 2213 Versailles Rood .................254-22l4
. , largo: Poppormlnf Schnopp . Jock 4l8 New Circle Rood .................255-34l8
Reagan S address $gown “"9 $303: 3501 Lonsdowne Drive ...............272-62ll
‘ 750ml 2313Woodhill Drive 2661030
Stresses tax bill l316‘/2 RussollCovo ..................255-3418
’ ’ . $513311 FREE DELIVERY
support to poor THURSDAY rig»
By MICHAEL PL‘TZEL \ x I S U K D A Y l pizza 2 53-3 7 1 2
Associated Press -\ ' 'liut
\ I
' WASHINGTON — President Reagan. in his fourth I-2--------------_-
State of the Union address. asked Congress last night to T R O U SE R 5 SK '9 T S I s m “I: I
pass a tax simplification bill that he said would help‘tln- S W E A T E R S S PO R T C O A T S I ——

7 leash "the tremendous pent-up power of our economy. ”.00 on“)! e pizza. - Valid for dine in or carryout '

Making the annual evening address to both houses of I ”000“,“), mm at all Lexin t n | f I
(‘ongress on his 74th birthday. Reagan said “we did I plan. Hun-y—thisspecial mm 9 O can ions I
what we promised" in his first term. and he described firegpirfspgfion- 0:153th For FREE delivery call
the United States as “renewed — stronger. freer and EACH I mpgipfiingpigeflmr ul'lut‘ 2533712 I
more secure than before." . ' restaurants. L' 'ted d l' I

I in prepared remarks. Reagan barely mentioned the I lepmmm "WWW“: ‘ M e “Jew Oreo . /
record federal deficit or his controversial budget-cutting 2 pC SUIT S mmhmwmm. “mag-mt]: 63°;inth an it]; in... I
planjustsubmitted toCongress.Rather.helreaffirmed PLAIN 1 PC DRESSES L--------------—----J
American support for freedom movements in Afghani-

. sum and Nicaragua. stressed his Proposals for helping seems;
the nation's low-income citizens. and embraced wmzwggfisfigw
guidelines for an overhaul of the tax system. “is?

He did not endorse the tax plan put forth by the Trea- a
sury Department in December; rather. Reagan said he . E AC H mm '0“ THE TEACHER '
was directing his Treasury secretary to begin working v SPECIAL SAVINGS
With congressional authors and committees to write bi- SHl R T S y , . .. _

. ‘ partisan legislation based on principles of “fairness. . )
Slnlplir-ily and growth. ‘ . L A U N D E R E C T O i E 1:,
To achieve a lower rate. the plan would trim “many u PE R F E C T l O N F O L DE 0 . . ,’ ref; 52:.
, » > tax preferences." but he proposed at least two new ones 0 R O N H A N R [7m 33‘ __ . . —¢ a___- g
, ' himself ~—— tax breaks for companies that locate in de- 1 HOUR CLEANERS GE S .._s=_f;lg;;; Ms? / —"-X 3
pressed urban ”enterprise zones.“ and tuition tax credr m a...” i’—-€ fly
- its to help families who send their children to private Wm H. Wm“.
schools. CWMCK :z'izgu u M gm .090 n W "M d " H
‘ Even before Reagan made his tax proposal. Senate m1“ maim- m . '5-.;_.:;;f§;; -
‘ . Majority leader Robert J. Dole. R-Kan.. said it would t A C H The Lexi on Com t St I .
‘ ‘ , . he "very difficult" to overhaul the tax system this year. 4;" I "gt o 9” er 0'9: Cent” KentUCky 5
' given the lawmakers' preoccupation with Reagan’s pro- ~ 5 f o r 3 3 9 3'99“ Apple dealer, 3'50 SUPPl’es 'more CQmPUters to
. posed spending cuts in the budget the president sent to o SChOOlS than anyone else. NOW we re offering teachers -
Congresg on AIonda) . . am up to 30% 0" on the Apple ”C, "C, '
. In his remarks. broadcast nationally. Reagan de- Macnntosh." or lmagewriter through the Apple Buy '
' clared "a second American Revolution" of hope. oppor- .';’=*"3f;3; Program. (Discounm will vary on products.) V
' . ’ tunity. technological progress and the promise of a free . . '
. , . .- and peaceful world. Academic Excellence Scholarships , 4* about Apple Instant Credit! "you qualifvyou can
~. . Reagan said the revolution he envisions “must carry [>le OUt and take home your Apple the same day.
. . the promise of opportunity for all" and that blacks and Application deadline: . -
' . ' other minorities "will not have full and equal power ..
_ until the} have full economic power." MurCh 1 5. 1 985
‘ . .‘ ' Reagan also called for a constitutional amendment to
‘3 permit organized prayer in public schools and legis-
. ' . . - lation tooutlaw abortion. ’-
’ ’- He pledged that "the social safety net for the elderly. The University of Kentucky will be awarding approxi- f , KAYPRO —A COMMIT!
V . needy. disabled and unemployed will be left intact," but maid saw an in merit h - _ . ' *
’ said Medicare and Medicaid growth “will be slowed" for this ' rd :‘ °'°:h5h'Ps f°r 1.98;" 36- Funding - COMPUTIR 3'3""
‘ while "spending for defense is investing in things that e awo .5 comes .rom _ a University 5 contractual ONLY $1.95
' ' _ are priceless: peace and freedom." arrangement WIll'l the University Bookstore. Ongoing slu- .
. _ dents in undergraduate or professional degree programs , El .
3 . . . :4. -ll on both the Lexington Campus and the Medical Center a '1“: ~ '
. . The lcenruciry kernel, .210 % may apply for these awards. Awards will be made on a .i ' --
-.' 1::mgfliszmzll2lfiilrl3ungSLCrt' . ‘ W competitive basis and the selection process will consider m‘
Ky. m. (6“) 257, M;;;‘.";;;f"s;";'w both academic achievement and financial need. Awards Here's_everyming you need to organize, wn'te, file, and
. 2871. is published class 2134 Nichoissvmo Road Will be for cl single academic year and will not exceed the print. "firing?
. days during the academic Lexmoton. Kentucky «503 amognf of in.“ f f if I Klypro 2X perm cm
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 KWYKM Maml 7‘4
. Art-Editor
I e e e '
ex-craze cops , computer nerds highlig t mi -season 8 ows
Every fall. the networks mt _——_——— ——’————_’~——*——_————_l television be without screwy physr that can give them access to a lot of
us with their fall line-up of shows ‘ cs? computers. doorways. communica- '
lnvariably, a great deal of these Sm“ The motorcycle is driven by the tion systems and vehicles. and the
shows fail and the networks are athletic guy while the nerdy guy landscape is dotted with ancient
forced to either run reruns of the SCREEN l stays home and controls it from statues that were. according to an- , , 1'
failed show for the rest of the sea- ‘ their combination beach house/mis- cient legends. used by ancient trav- .
son. run reruns of other shows or _— . sion control. Nobody ever gets to get Hers to iind their wiiy hack to their -
pull out some mid-season replace- . the girl though. because the identity owr worlds tine other liit ol good ..
merits. Sometimes these shows are the'feeling of “Dallas.” but then 1“ of the people who use this powerful news IS that the people nho toiiiiil , .- ,
better than the ones they replaced. hfialhi “Dallas" was pretty week in &. machine — as well as the machine their way back returned as philo- ' Q ~ .
but other times they are things its first season, and “Berrenger’s” %) l. itself - must remain anonymous sophersand kings . .
slapped together to finish out the IS bulldmsa 1'0qu people @l lest they should compromise their The show has some very cerebral - ,
restoftheseason. whostay homeonSaturdaynights. crimefighting abilities. (Rather sim- premises which are too lengthy to . A ’ ' '
Submitted for your perusal is a l ilarto"Batman"and"Airwolf."l discuss here. mixeil wilh a tired old . . . - ' 1
roundup review of some of these McGrouder and bond Tuesdays at 9 j The plot isn't all that engaging or plot Plot aside however. it would be ‘ a :4 ' ‘ ' .
shows. Unfortunately, because of pm. on ABC/WTVQ 38: ”They’re \l . original. but the high-tech stuil is worth watching it it wasn‘t up . - . . I. .
scheduling problems. this is an in- Waters by day —and by night." So E“ i fun to watch. There is. oi course. the algalnstTJ Hooker , - ‘.
complete roundup, but a roundup gothecommercials. "\ ~ 1 added bonus that you get at least ', ~ ‘ '
nonetheless. Malcolm McGruder and Jenny N i four shows in one, . ,- ' 1 . -, ‘
Loud are a policeman and policeNo- "f l . . ,' ‘ '
Berrenger's Saturdays at 10 pm. on man. respectively. and are secietly 9‘ “ ‘ Other World Saturdays at 8 pm. on - , 7 ’ '
NBC/WLEX 18: This is the story oi married. They are also both sex- 0‘ [ CBS/WKYT 27: What happens when As promised In ”l.‘ W volunmi a ' .. . -
the life and times of one Phillip Ber- crazed and a night away fror. each I a white-bread American family tour- l9“ “”Fds 'dhoul l’lullb (”forge . ‘ _ r. ' _
renger. his two sons, and the people other means fun in the patrol car to- . ing Egypt is trapped in a ceremonial Bl‘O‘Vh 1“ ht‘l' "v“ “’19 ‘35 003ml?“ ‘ , g _ .
who work for him and are treated morrow. ; room of a pyramid by an unsavory Wfith l?” Kurlh 0" "(35 Mormng - *' .
like so many non-returnable sales McGruder deals out justice in a l guide when the planets are aligned? 59““ bfi'iluse 0‘ space, very . '
from his lingerie department. You watered-down T.J. Hooker style — no They are transported to another. l9“ - _
see, Berrenger is the owner of a he says “sucker" insterd of “mag- ‘ topsy-turvy world where the an l expected 5h“ “‘35 80mg [0 be _ . ‘ * ‘
major department store of the same got" — and Loud is the nice cop that _ 7 ,,_ _fi__"___‘ dr0ids are more human than the hu- domg nothing but a bunch of fluff . . ~ . . g ‘
namein New York City. rounds out the tough cop/nice cop mm “AVS/Kffnelhliphls‘x mans and someone makes ll TV so uhd “11> plea-Hm“) surprlsed When 1 f i
of course. he’s cold and ruthless. team. Together. they make a type of . . ‘ ries out of it. of course. turned 0“ ”l." teleV'h'O" 59' one ‘ ' ' i
and that‘s certainly believable, but “Hart to Hart" teim, but with no “Night Hawk" is no differuit. lt’s everything from drlvms at danger That‘s what happened to this iiiinir earl) morning and saw her dome ~ . - _ . . ' -
on a recent Show Bemnger was ten. dog. no Max and no innate cuteness. the story of two guys 7 one Is kmd ously high Speeds (way past the le- 1y, They are now nameiess_ faceless news \ot only was Sht' domg news, . _ , .
ing the soon-to—be president of the The commercials say this is telc« of nerdy but a whiz with computers gally recognized 5.5 mph) to flying — people in a strange land. pursued h} but sht- wiis doing it well ‘ ' _. p.
company thathewas going to “be in vision’s only husband and wife top and the Other is good-lodging and or at least maintaina Jump for seve» one Nuvin Crull. an evil Vim type i dont know what her career , . , A
a very powerful position." “A very team, and we have only a wise and athletic (Similar to “Rlptide") — ral seconds, I