xt7zpc2t7n70 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zpc2t7n70/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-01-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 1979 1979 1979-01-30 2020 true xt7zpc2t7n70 section xt7zpc2t7n70 int r\\I \u it Kel el "““"‘"-‘ ”' ”mm“
. . . . |c\iri ton. kentucki
luesda). .lanuar) 30. W79 an independent student newspaper g ‘
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. esptte rise III Ullelllp oyed,
4:554" :3
- I ‘ GCOHOmIC rowth 9X ected
4? ‘ A“ arr-t" vii-...,” .
., . : _ . -. B} 5”“ h “A55h‘ alsoadccliitcrrithcratcot growtlioser as (INI’. inIlatioti and interest rates
, , , 23' t.- ' t . _ l ' .. stair writer pr'esiotis scars compiled h\ the \\ hartorr School oI
' - ” .. - ()n the national scale. tirtcrrtploj.- lliisincss in l'liiladelphra arid
/ 19,5 " About thirt} people and three tilrrr rttcrtt and (iross \atrorial l'roduct comrrrorils used b_\ cconoirtists
.j' 5, , - crews “etc at scstcr‘el.i)‘s Kerttiiclts sliotild cspcr'icncc rriodcrate increases nationwide
;» I m ' (‘ouncil ot I cortomic ‘\(l\l\ttl‘s w hrle iitIlatron. ('ar'ter's biggest l'rieriiplosrricrtt itt the state is
a . I .,. "ti-~25 ' ' meeting.t to hear three state cconorrrrsts headache. is predicted to declrric expected to rise to 5 5 percent. higher
«I, I ‘I, " ‘ - present sortie reicaling predictions sIrghtIIs thari last seats 5 | percent tigiire
1' : :m 32;", .
I ,1; § _. ‘ -. . ,. about the tiiture ot the national and last scar. trttlatiori closed out the “hilt this Insure represents art
J" ~23 ,5“- 1 3:. \ , . eg' Kentucs‘) economies _\ear at a high mails ot 9 percent lhis increase. it is still below the national
’4! 7” h '2, ' l‘rgitt‘es released at the annual year. it is cspccted to elccrcasc to h" predicted tigiirc ‘Kentuclss is an
IT" 'I ,9“. n“ .’ . meeting. held on l’atter‘son ()tIice percent eeoriorirs eroisirie relatiiels taster
,2 0,, ‘ 3 -.m".r':::‘-v""":3§:;533-1731ll?” ..‘ "l . ‘ 3- - , "t . , , . .
-. ‘2. 5 .: .. I“; lower s lhth llotit, predict that I9 I (i\l’. ”k, tttztlttt irielicator ”I tltc thart the \Ildllttlldl rate. lynch
, .-. - .. ; ~ : will bring.t a sl'owtdown iii the rate oI “comm“ growth rate. “M, to $3 I esplairied atiortal uricrrtploimcnt ts
. Z I?” ll .» ‘ growth or hot l 1“ national ”“1 \l m trillion iti I‘) is Dr ( harles Hultrnarr. Hpu “1 I“ ”M“ N l” 6 ”mm" up
4' '35;;-,«I2-j¢;:'r”31._ , 1:3 :I-:_ 25'; . . . ; . . . . , ‘ . ‘, II - _ . .,
;% j a???“ , __ . . ... economies hlll’l‘lt) tn iior reeession, chairman ot ls( l _\. said last WI” oier Iist Itear s tigtire ot 6 percent.
:fié/ . - "V I if . 'EII I. 55"" “k mu" kl" board members ended with the ccoiroriijs sorrtcwhat “‘0 ”CI-’iIIiW growth FEW-'5 are
. ’ w .12., I present the state board eonsists ot strorreer than “m c\pcctcd “Mr anticipated in contract construction
._ , Mf”a§i§ri€€§. . 2?. . :. sis economists ilso predie.eel tltat (A!) Iigure represented a II 9 percent mummy, arid ““1“”er lhe
‘ _:,; {I 3%, -- ‘ : Illa-i 1- mg l S “I“ c\periettcc ‘1 small increase osci 19". ititlatiort cut the ltttllsitlL‘ decrease is prirrtarrls due to
g M 1 sf“ " g 5.9;»? E surplus m ”k toreign “‘ld‘ sector L't'owth rate to‘rcal terms (the eronth Ills‘ kls‘s‘ls'dW 1“ tedet’al funding It"
. It”; . z: .:., .v '-.’ :3- 15. .._;Ej:v;:;fi:;3WEI/I4: . : ""-’--,§g:"=.;,,';,.:351 , '23.; " . ., . . ., . , ‘ . ‘
,, . a <2 $ . .;. lnereased produetion ttt trade exports 0' the s's‘ttllttml lhe mumps,” ..t It 9 housing as well as the hltlh interest
35' ..= .. " "ig‘s‘ilégér 'fi is rteeded to tulttll the demand Ior . ,. -
' 4g, , ‘v WIN“ ”I“
, ”‘55:???- . ; "."';;.:3=::'.3€.’::§5.-.;§ ”‘23:. ' a man ittactttred goods hi cspanding
--.:1:=""' ,,,,5§5II;..: .I; - :~. ..3 ‘ “ith the predicted slowdoien One other lltICrCsIIng ohsersation ,
/ :é- wifii'ge’ ' :Ea ' toreign CCt‘nt‘IlW‘» ' .
-? ’i as”? M 3" fi Dr I .1“ rettce l \nch esccutise spurred h\ lllIlll interest rates and Ill-“l“ h.‘ 1h“ council “‘1‘ [hill the
.:e- wk”..""‘:5§:’:“E?=5-=34:e-' 2:” " ' ' ~ ‘ . - . ' .
_‘, 3,1311,332525;:557- "",,J.-“ 5.9315»? -' / - 3- . - . ' ' r " I ' ; . l . -- llllL'l'LNI IXIIC l\ C\ CCICKl ID YCLiClI 'd "ih
1:54}! {I353 ,,,-,.;::--‘§‘%:9{725g;/ 5,: director oI l\( l A“ summed up the (arter s solurit It) \\ ige) ind price [h j p I t 19‘9 j? H /
3 . .:f‘ - - a; " . . 5 i ‘ . ‘i ll] L‘ \CCttllt U’tl‘ CT 0 I ’ n 'I
. 555' 4‘,."'3-1’:..s.§‘: -, g?! - I: _._3 lDlCCth lDI' [hc hl‘dIC h\ \IIHH}! IQ“) glllddln“~ 1h: I“) l) ('\| l‘llLkl‘l 1* 1 1 l ] I: ‘ [I ]h d ‘h
.~’ :3 -' _‘ ‘55; 3 ., ‘r; a}: ‘::_\._- "s ' ' - ~- - - ll Dt CH] C \ L'FCII Cf, Is ”11 1
fi‘ ‘3? -' g: ' 7%: M. -' ‘will not he a great war but not a had shooting "W PLrLLm growth m ”"1 ‘ g
a.» ”3:5“- . .,3 1:5,, . _ , ' terms. hase art adtcrsise ettcct on the
g,:i'-==-zi.,,; 31-2/2, 5?- one either Ior' Iscntuclts prosiding a _ .
:g; . . w = _ ;, ; . . . economic slowdown.causinginllatton
., \ , recession docsnt occur. lhe groisth rate will he reduced 1 ) n
. ,, .,,l _ . 2,5- , -' ,I , q . n l \C,
:.-;. ,..él..."§55,' a}? 5, Personal income in kcntucles is someishat tit l9 Qand ION). Hiiltmari
. - "P5222523: ,i' » ' - ' ' ' - ' ~ s '
_$ " » . s , 153;: expected to be $25.4 billion. retlecting \Atld. hilt tht‘ “harm” l’tttls‘tllon M I 3‘“ “”“ll‘m- tormed I” ”70‘
' 3 . 53i=3:,,.. .- about a It) Percent growth; howeter. Model does not include a recession " ‘I‘ I“ le'ds' "W“?“mm‘ “l the “1”“
_- . " ‘4; r ’ ' I " .~ the inflation rate shotrld catise tltc real lhs‘ council bases its predictions on ”I ”W CC”""”‘.\ and 11"“ “WW 'dl‘u‘i“
. l 9': /§ZE?%§5--" 'i in . . growth to be about 2 percent. Ilus the Wharton l’roiectiori Modela data “ltd! lit HPCCI In Ilts‘ “CM I0“
. . in; ,:«- ”V ‘ 45 rcprcscnts a positite grosith rate hiit model using economic indicators stich ”1“”th ”Ullmdn “I‘d
'3 r ,; .-+3:"”-3- I ' ' _:3;.:.;;,-.;.,3 '-"
, . ’2’ ,. * x . ‘
,7 I"31::55353§5=z:92555'f;5?§.s all: :I ‘3 ...“: ' :é-eis::‘9=l.3:":€;35=55?v: '<" 5,3 ”5:35 , ' '
A 5% 1/ ‘J' , “$5,255.53 , -f .
I . , ... . I; - -,,,,,,s:,«,.,,,;:.‘:;-..-,--" ‘- 3. . ~ - '- ~-;' =2;-
V l '1 .l.', .. ,- . .-“; tn ' i 2" . n ‘ " - s , s , .
/ "t," w? Bi Blll (‘OATI'S \‘se re big. Barlass slt\s We can branch banls. eantiot altord to
, V ,.‘xi:§::§:l€,j5'~ 61;," fgirfgzt‘ ' ,. 3., - ' ' ‘ ' - ‘
3% We” fif ..’ - <==::‘-:--"=-: ». % (”pmgm c 1979‘ ”Hum“. ”mum" attord to absorb some loses s\II the subsidi/e students by ottering them
. . B‘ It)“ “UR“ Hm“ 5"" Reporting syn.“ small banlss have dropped otit " special aceounts. saIss Douglas
Auburns Benn) \nthon) 14H cuts off (htrck stored III points and grabbed fiH' rebounds. while Despite [m- losses BA incurs m Rupert. tlte hanls‘s \ice president He ‘
. ' . , I s u - ' s ' . s ' ' 3 ' . , e ‘ .
\erderher (34) last night at Rupp \rena. \erderhir \nthon) tallied just three points in .8 minutes of Bankers tend to 1““ at the student seritcing student accounts. according also dies the bank has no rneentrie to
dtlltln. ChCCleg account m (mg of [“0 “u\§: [0 Bullet“. lllC hlillls lCCl\ll hehdMX‘Idl Lll‘ \(I. \10\l \(UdCHIS lCiHL‘ [hC BITE!
Defense and free thI‘OWS [(9 UK as a mones slosing sen ice pros ided otrt obligation to proside students with upon graduation. ,
y oI chant} or as an unnecessar} cheaper WWW- . Judging b_\ theettamples ot BA and
burden Bl“ ”‘9 mm" “1‘“ hcm'm‘ h.‘ ”I“ Dartmouth National. large banks
entuc 8 ea ts u ur’ ' — Both points ot \rcw stem Irom the arrangement. B.‘ introducing ”‘9 h} \irtue 01 their enormous assets .
“(“10“ that student WWW“ generall} student to ”5 “I" ”C“ Barlass “‘-“~ B" can attord the sttrdent a better deal on
cart} [0“ halanccg that cost 1th battle hopes to retain the student s account a checking account than can smaller ,-
B) BRIAN RI('KER[) breaks nlllse' we were carlzet 2r. tl‘r ‘\\t' [‘t-Hs'kl more as a tearrr'to‘night to” much to sersice. when he graditatcsand begins malsing banlss.
sssistani \potts ldllot season than \M' hate all season I Is (oach lhe charitIs approach ,5 one taken substantiall) more mone}. Sc'ne eople howeser would
lhe score “as Ile'tl 4"»4‘ \\llll III .loe Ilalé said "\M'h' It‘dlh \llll'lmb'l” b_\ the Bank oI' America in (‘alltornra In contrast to BA. the Dartmouth dl‘il tree irIlcludirlg Veil (lendel a San
P0r40mtnutesthe Kentuckaildcats minutes It'llldllllllI.’ hctore l k littlls plat. 'occlltcr tron " the largest bank in the countn. BA 15 National Bank in Hano\er. \ H.. lr'lrltstsclo attornei and author of a
and Auburn lice-rs pm“; hatd~noscd command \ las up hi Disielir lliet .ll\ \\e‘le‘ tortiinate tospend so one 01 the few hanks m the state that otters no special account tor the '9‘“ h ‘ ‘1‘ on how to “Break the
L ' - l . . » ( ( ‘
basketball. with ”K. (‘ats {mull} -\nderson \\Illl \tfts te'll Ill the came I'..lle|'i little at the chain} stripe. still on”, special student checking students ot nearbIs Dartmouth Banks'" published N San Fransisco
Puwdthng (sh—5‘} he‘lllllel ]_ I”; :H llk'L' Plll IllL‘ ( .II\ III" ~19“; .tlltl l\tl lileh\ kl‘llltle h‘. \lttll d Il‘ilse‘lllhlk‘ 35 percent iiCCDUnIS at l’CdUL‘Cd “Hills. ““5 College. (‘onsu'm‘er -\ction Ll pritate nonprofit ,
Illltt“ \lItMllIlL‘ Ill lllk‘ \L'L'ttlltl lldll \\L‘lll tlll lit ttll'ise‘ttle' \Ill‘llll‘i l- l: llit Iii Ills" \s'ettllil llilll Ah llIL‘ ( lll‘ llll lU‘l Andre“ PI Barlugx BAR markcung Students ENC \‘llhjCCl I0 ”16 same ‘nl/lll ;n .
. . , , orta i ' i .
"\\e» l‘l-tls‘kl about In good at \\ccan rest ot the was. c'lillll IlLtel goals manager '0, the l.o.s Angeles area. recentls increased seruce charge paid 1‘ ‘ » -
plat." liger ('oaeh Sonn} Smith said “I 0' ”HM Pmm‘ Mm“ ”ll ”W l K ‘lW 1" I‘C'Wm 'I‘l' ”‘9 114”"? “Reduced" means that students pas h.‘ the 11‘“ N the bank's CUthCFNI it (iendelsayslarge bankslike Bank ot
attcrward “Brit ldon‘r \santamoneto tlirosss as the liecrs had to toti'i Iliit \iihurri did not tare much $150 for eseri 15 checks and a tee ot $4 ona balancethataseragesless America tend to be more rnelttCtent
print that we‘re a hard-luck team or “Film“ 1h“ WWI“ “‘lslsdl‘ 'llllls' ldls‘ ”VII” monthls' seriice charge til 32 on it than 33”“ a month. than small banks. large banks also
sltilht‘ hit \\e-‘ie- rust not rrtalerriIL' the WWI-'- (ontinued on page 5 balance under gran Dartmouth \atronal. a small one- (‘ontinued on page 6
—_—____-_._—_. ‘ " O \
\e-braslsa and It sa» arid a ml hooeiaryiiie arm” (01.: expects to see wage and price controls enacted hi this .\ ._.,_
mph .iltcad\ has heeii approxi-d h\ the “writing ““51“” N (””EW“ %‘
gum,» He said satteIs in the coal Iields has impro\ed. birt ’ ‘
\ri ‘\ssttel.tlL'sl l‘rcss spot elle‘els shoned legislators ”W “99' import problem '-‘ not improung Foreign I
state m tithinimm, t tan, \i'“ \tismi,\e-i..t1,,,.mt\a,1h steel is cheaper onl) because it‘s "being suhsidr/ed b_\ _, . ._
t. i . ‘ i ' i. .ri v a i I. I in v th‘ -- ‘ torei tn yoiernments " sees .I,‘:, 1
a nut. to l.|\1l1 pittpt‘th '.a\cs mini-ii also to l W“ “‘“ ”‘ ' I -‘ " ‘ " I ”W” ””m‘ b 5 \
or .is art alternatoe s tzlttrrc pe ri.ilt:cs Iot dr l‘.t is who \\ss\\\e
passage \csterday but the gap widened hctwcerl lhc ’ 1 It Q. ‘ -‘ -.f*=.5,s;f;:=‘~bj;:=*i:s-‘g:;e‘{‘~'\'§'=‘i;»‘~§g:;;§s‘:,I‘IIN, .
. ' . . . go as e't ran , , , . .
llotise and \enate oser hosi to pat tor proposed tax “05111“ RIOTERS I-l RIOl 8 mm the _ .~:-':5‘5i5’5'1:3-...'}-Ilsi'ifi-EEEEEEEEéW
(me . 5 . - ~ ss‘xe
' II II \ t 1 R gosernments relusal to bow to AIsatulIa Ruhollah “=53 ‘\‘
ie oiise - ppropria ions dllt eseriue . . - v ' , . - . . - ' I‘. A .
( omniittce .tl‘l‘tmcd and sent to the House Ilooi a PR} NIH-\l ( \R I l' R‘ "mun!" ”1‘” newspaper Khomeini \ leadershipwent on d tengelul rampage ot - ; “gs V e
rm. M p m, I ll , .N ml“. 1‘ .i I H M1 .[ arson in lehran vesterdatz later it was announced . -' sis
measure to limit annual propertt tas increases b\ I ‘ ‘ “ ' .. ‘ “ “‘ ‘ ‘ “' ‘ ‘ ‘ l I . I ‘ ld ' . ”m n Khomeini to .1 ...-- ”Vs
percent rehabilitation or piiriishrttcttt .Ile‘tl \esterdas to set tans airports wou reopen. a ‘ l g . »_ \s‘ .
‘ I ._ - _ , ;,-»;.»;;5;:,_::;»~;:;;;,\ Shins:
l lltlt‘l lliillse' llil. 14 \tltiell Llllllll eoltie' III" In! ‘d llt‘l hwy Ihh “Ell rd:Znil'rrélwahlsdl(::g\::::crn lehran H00 \ ()pcncd ‘\\\\:§ .
tloor \ote lltl"sil u loc rl m.” m would M“, to roll (atter Iutattted eseciitoe eleriiertes to \Im Hearst, _ * 8c » ~ P I ,»
“ ‘ - ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ k 1 . I -h Iii-4 1 . l I;. ~ tire to scatter the 8!]ng mobs oI protesters. and at -»*-.:-.- E :::.IE'.:.,:==::\‘
hteh l;t\ , ”I“ ,0 “It“, Illeti‘ tse‘el tsse‘stttt‘nls Voters tt ndppeel e irrars. .irlt pet taps I re ttalton s v :: ""3'i*.s'.£:~:::-:',I:S;I,.»-::='».I~;SESE?:I»*\\»i\\’:=:".as‘s\‘l‘L-i-e
I »- ~ s - _I I . I , , _ .. . , ; least three were reported killed ;* e s ‘
MM 1“, ,. to I on .I m i.» I“, I,” on the h ilIol H most celebrated retlkla. pr is mar and committed her . " "It:».=-:$:..¥::“;‘5=:5=¢15=§i":§¥§\<<’:5:~"”\‘“7
Ml I] l I“ I W ‘ VP ( L l A ‘ ~L‘\ctt-\c it seritcriec to- hitik i ihhew ”1“ ”me” benton riddingthetrcountr) “l “mm! \\\\\\\s\\\
it esccee ee t ie iiiiot ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' . I I I , . I , . I , . -5:\3;I;:I_\',:,_..s:_;‘11::V~I.-=,._\:..,.
lhe House corrttrizttee attion came .ittct llotise and \” "I‘ll”“llst‘llls‘nl ”I Ills l‘lwltlk‘m s .ts‘tton. talsen “Hum intluenees. “l “n to d n‘ighleluh. d brewer). i :\\ \ *
‘ Senate menihers “I'm II, re'ich terecment m' I roint on the rceemmeridatron ot the liisticc Department. “qu “m“ and a pork-processing plant , V \\\§§t\\“. .
’ ‘ ‘ ‘e ‘ \ . . .. . I‘or dass. authorities blocked Khomeini s planned '\.-‘::,,\§\\\ ; '
meetin on how to h'ilincc the bird wt to on“! the said Iiss llearsi isill he iteid lIiiirsd.i\ trorrt the ~ _ ‘ \s\i“-:.‘-\~ . ’ ,
eIIect ft ro osed H; ‘uh estin ” 1: H “4 million tederal prison at l'lcasaritori. ( alit \hc has scr\ed 32 triumphant homecoming b) shutting down Irans 3st n, ’ «a: I
. P l‘ . s 'i ‘ . ~> ”mm?“ m h“ wmmu, airports. But ottie‘ials at lehranairporrtsarditandthe \‘lfix £5 '8,
' Miss Hearst would haichccrrcligihlctorparolcon country's “th “”P‘m‘ “0""! reopen today but , . :5“ A“ ;- ‘ :le .
, . luls lland would haiceorrtplcted hertermancliiding probably would not begin reeeriing planes until ’- ...,“ , " -\ ’5 .. . V; t, @
L natlon time till Ior good hehauor. ht \1.i\ Wis: tomorrow. ‘ ,5“, ’ ,e 552' i} '5’ " ., «5 I,
A e-»I<;:::z'::. is ‘ ‘ N
. s,-\\‘\\'=:3§.\v.:,..;\.:2;~;,..,t55 .." '
. ' ,. iswsisro its is si s t R sr \Hslt‘ttt ..mi sits 4 t5 ‘- s
. 5 . . , . , . .. I r, , ‘\*‘h\§e“'x‘* 315‘: V““ ‘
'. midwisterr. starts hast Ioined their \Mi irate worId weather . Iii TOM MORAN/Kernel Sn"
- eolleagiie-s to eampayn tor .in increase iii the “ritiph I ' _
. ‘ speed limit. risking the loss ot millions ot dollars in H)!” I(;\ SI l H l\1l’()Rl\ arid iriincsatte\ are ANOTHER WIN [ER STORM watch todd) A“ "f "'9 unl‘er‘") " "““l‘ed '" experimentation ll One "me or another.
tederril moncs the two main eiilteL‘llts oi eoal miners in thiscoiinirs. night Increasing cloudiness today with a chance of Kathy Walker conducted an informal survey recently whlle sledding In the
r “I sersbods's tired ot dosing ‘5 miles an hour." >\tno|d \Iiller said sestcidai at .i press eonterence snow by evening. Highs in the upper 20s with snow Botanical (:flrdenfi ms" l'K's Student ('enler. She found that while sleds.
: said Washington state» Rep ‘\I Henrs, who 3\ thin-alas meetingoi the International I seeiitise tonight and tomorrow. Low tonight near 20 Winds plastic and cardboard may gum“ for the average snow bunny. pluiglls
, . introduced a bill last week raising the limit to M mph Hoard ot the I nitetl \Ime Workers I nion opened and colder tomorrow with temperatures talling into prmides u" but ride. Sledding isn't "u, only snow “fly"? we pl“ 3 for ',
. ‘ Similar measures hase been introduced in ( olorado, testerda\ and Miller. president ot the union said he the teens more “in." fun. '.
3 ‘4
' 9
i r
r .
e . I . _ 3;». .

 __,, -,_u_,,..,... . .47 3.7 __._ 7 .._.___+_,____., ”An—7 hw~_-___-~'___..__. flaw? Mi. _.#_..- 7 . . . A» 2/ - ~ 7 .-.. 1‘... ,7-.__ ——-—«—_._._______. y
I ' 2‘s" cm
7 hlal l U
I ‘ \tcn‘ Hulllngcl “mm.“ ( but “an \im Hiitliurl \\ INN lunix .hlmie \Iught Iom \Ioriin .
7 II/IuII II I l‘,l /./IIIII..i /./‘;.uII Nutli \Iiilliiiglv H/ /,,,;,.I V‘I‘W /,,,,I.,, ”WNW H, I'thI mil/”h .
Helihie \Itlhuilcl ( \'
(.rt-gg lit-Ids I .lenui lulc I"? \ III“: I I 7
Richard “\‘Utllllid .Imnnt- “rhiwx llt‘h “Illmnghl M ”I l‘ A John ( lin lindl ( amphell
I \fIir‘Izi‘I/Ii‘ III‘HI' Loud“, ]_/,,v, I t ,t I III“ M \t‘” 'lt‘lth “Kiln Rit'h'rd [VIII/II \Iurmcu
7 ' ' . & y‘\ t /,,,,,,.,, I‘M” l\‘l"ll’ll VIII/Ix IIIIIIIII
l editorials comma) s
l .______.______,____________,__________‘. __ ,_ ______________
L it ‘ m». ,
esident’s pardon Of Hearst " ‘ i l
t l / I I' ‘ I
2 l
Pr II . e / / .
7 \ 2' I
l" I it i ' \ ‘. _. .4 I
I7 ‘ \x ' J I
I I I I I , I - IIl ~ . 3 I
t h l \ ' *2“ H 7
ii. ‘ 7 “ ’ \ I ' a‘ A ‘ -
. I I ) , 4 . I ’l
i 7 7 7 r~ d t ‘2 I f r l V
. ~ . ‘ '\ J 2 t /‘ I l L‘
H l ‘ l ’7 Ai I V ,\ " \X C L
I“ i 7“ 1 ‘ -—‘t 43 J , J» s‘ ” I
IvicxIdont .lItnitty (aitci‘x .ictionx \usiL‘ltiil} to 70mm 17m, cattxc. spending more than a yet” on the , ,1!) 77 7 7 7 777 I" ~p§\ ___W_W . ' 2 ,- Li GUARD II
tic-c l‘IItt'IcIII llcaist ixaditttiablc tot ttxcottipaxxion. underground l‘ttlllL‘ to clltidc xcaiching l lil acciitx ‘ '7 , 7 ‘7 '7 / /, i 7) R I" 7 {\7 \\' m .
I ‘ . 3 ~ . ’I
lhe 'intznttatt in )1 ll 'Iit'xt‘x ittxonxetttcnccxci'\ctl ., I -‘ .x t‘ l/\ 7 2 a » A l7 Li 7
U ‘7 7“ k 717‘ l tltti 1 " lhe ltill tititli about the llcatxt caxc hct 7v '7 “3‘7 7 i fix KVWU 7C\ a, l [.7 7W7 7 ,
Ii ‘lll it '. I ii "an .0 icx ccia ‘t)l t oi xt .2; e. __ 7,. I
M [W I t. u \L P k . kidnapping. hci tolc In the iobbci\ and hci acttIIIl I l .. I k ' {1i , K d ' ,-
ltct one which do not include hei lainilv x ‘ , ' I 7 _ I . 3 kn
‘ Iti\ol\eittcnt In the .\| \ may never bc known. hilt .7 I‘ \ e H / l . I
piotntticncc and wealth L'ldllllllL‘ It pardon Ix tltc . .. . , - _, _ J7 _ 7 .. I
‘ ‘ It ix clear that her actx xtemtttctl cntiicly ltom being e, .47. 7 v.2.— - _ / l I f i 9*
humane thing to do , . . _ _ . . 7 77 I ‘_;.:_' ,l , , 2/4 ( _ .
‘ takctt piixotiei llcaixt x cIixc Ix dillciciit liom otlici __ 7';__ _fl 7 / .\ ,. II *7
lhe rccotntttcdatIon to rclcaxc llcatxt came 7 “‘7" r 1 7 r ' “.l l . II
. criminals bccatixc hci' capti\It\ lcd to motivation , t (Lea I ‘.,. II. I . 4M
caiitct In the tnonth tt'otn l)eptit\ -\ttotnc\ (icnci'al , ’ 2-2 'L‘:\J\ .\f \ I.II ..,. 7 7 fl 2,
l3 7. 1 it t H 7‘ uh“ and actions tltat xhc piohahlv would not otliciwixc ”7;: 1 ,fi- \ :L , 1*». 'Q‘ W . 17¢, Ia, . I, ‘.
'nIIItnin me I In anxwer o a x «in: c ' , ‘ _ 4x. . ~ . 2’ ‘2 .- 4 ' I ,
k ‘ P havc taken. - 1 7* p _., acts . ‘= . .1 , i
otxtcu lUl ltct ticcdottt , ,r-—2-s 3v _,._,__ t t i f _ / .
‘ / 7{ k I u, , f t l‘ I h (
llcatxt xcr\cd I: monthx of It xe\cn-\eai prixoti \\ licthei xhc wax loi'ccd to act againxt her will or ., l i W) I 7 \I . hr 2 7 .3 \ 7 l
’ . » 7 ,1 . \ ‘ ', ~
xcntcncc lot bank “INK-n lhc arrest and was biainwaxhed Into coittmittiiig ct'iinc. llcaixt x 7 gay - ’ \r 4 7 V, J“ , ¢ L‘L‘Atvflr“ 7 I
‘ l. .. 7‘. _ | .. . -‘ I _ . a, it.l.... .oI.L};l. .ml In '1‘” ‘1 nxitnilse tlxt- Int \nI-nt In .1 .1 V 2 “‘ K. ""‘2/‘.,; 3:1, L I I i
L.)ll\.ellt\lliUiIU“KUt1\LllL\UiilikiULliiNtlllLl lilL _4. Inc lld‘ not once. III the __ IIIIIIIIII. IIIc II... .,..III .II \JJK'.‘? . {1 ~ 3 —~ , 7 VJ 7
\cIIt-oid newspaper hetrexs wax kidnapped by the tail Having hci' littixli the xcntcncc would hate WWW-63f») fl—e , , ,f‘LLL’fS‘W ’ _ "/ I, 2/ ‘l / 7
\\n]h7‘)[7f\t\‘ I they-lupin \ron ‘md tippdfc‘llli} xt‘l'H‘d lit) \\t)t'lil\\iillc t)l' IUNI plil‘Poso \\ I ' . 7 T- , l /" ‘ / I I y l 7
I . n - I ' 7 / g l
Self-appomted mmI-god \ \ 7 2x / / 4 I 7
A ‘ , , . 7
‘ , ,1 .' \‘ ,—‘ I
u I I / i ‘ 1 I .9- K. V \ w \ 7
' t I
Columnist IS unfair to Southern states :2. - .~ I . - - I
- - . . 2» I / w; W ‘. . . - ,
j”;/’ / '4 7 fi_‘/~“ 7, W, -:n_. I
. .. 4‘ ‘I /’ 44“ - V r ‘ I k
B\ \|,\R\ K,.\THR\ \' TRI In the paragraphx about \aldosta_ (at and stupid girls. It Ix too bad that he l , v 7 77 M ’C
He draws upon c\cry cliche and ne\erbotheredtotalk.orlixtcnto.any i 7‘ \ \// 77 7, 77 . .
\tter readIttg thclan 25 column h_\ xtereotype about the deep South. “l ”‘9 PWl‘h‘ h“ ‘0 \Wlt‘u‘l.‘ I ' \‘l \/ I. H 3 M= .
the Art-mi. I xtjli-dpptflnicd minngod, implicx that dixco and “dim \elson l‘R‘lUdgk‘d . -/ ”me
John ('ookc. lain forced to rescind my are phenomena restricted that region. ”W “‘1er PWCC '5 ”“0“th ht‘CilU‘k‘ .
ton neier to write a xccond letter to kind ‘UESC‘l‘ that every (ieorgian 1‘ H ‘muCk‘ "7 narrow-minded '
tour newspaper ('ooke‘x denigratory. born with a .U-caliber attached to the ”Alh‘nuh‘m- ( ”‘th l‘il‘llil/Cd 1““ 1“”! 7
holiet-than-thoti exxa\ Ix a blanket hll‘ 1” “0”}“00d\ rendering of the ,
Inem 1,, Hortdtanx and (,wmmn“ (“0|“- deplorex [7“- South \ Souths good ole boyx and ding~ 7, ,2,2/3%2// 22/3,, , 2/3 , 7,32 H 2,3,2 , .7
Iilld liC Llhk" \‘I'K'L‘ldi giCC lli niUChlllg "Lndngcllcal \[udgc‘ “thh hue )c1 {0 dong NOUthln hCiiL‘\. Blii\ (artct‘. ’W%%%/WW III,
\\ I ‘ *‘ ' l 2 ) x awn a reli tiotis leader of the stature (icorue \Vallace. l'at'rah and l’livllix / 3 %Z W% %W L" ’
Imcn and eIdtry pcrxt nx P E _ . 2/77/22 7 W , ////2%//7 , .
1 , ., _.,,,,,,_,,_,.. 1, ,1 ,_ WW and thoxc obnoxious Dallax ('ongirlx ‘ %W%%W¢/fl% 7
do not einhodv “sotithcrncxx” anv 7%7/2/” 577/y,%/ ,2 %////// %
' ‘ ’ ' ’/ yfl I / 3/ / 3/ ’
' ' more than the grossly violent ' - %/%/%M%/%%%%W/%I 7
» , / 2 4,, / , '1 ‘ ‘
0 Inlon European—released \L‘l'sltillx ot ('lini 3,: g %, W%7% Z277. ‘ 7
Eastwood‘s and (‘harlex Bronxon'x 2/2/f. , %%%%2% /%%7///3%%//%W"7 \ . h§\
movies embody “2\tnct'icaitcxx " %jf .. fl/Z/Z’f/W’Z’ 7%W9/M2/MU‘ ~. ’cdS\\ ,v 31113! n ,"",‘. 7
. . ' . .3 1- v" A ' . M ‘. . .
2 '2 A , 2 , W' 4—v~#" "'i‘“‘"_""” in" ' ,,.,. (ookc s long-winded indictment. 72% . %7%"§ " W/Wflb %; *5 fl v i ”1%
He cqtiatex the crass tourist of .ltm .lones l grew tip in the based on anapparenth short. harried. W/fé/Z/ ////%/2 . ' %%/2%%W" {thou/2’23, _ k "8","! 2/2?
I .. .. ' , / , 41,77,542 3 , '3' ' / '3/(2 2 . 3/1' _ I: l./ ". 3 2 // , , ,’."’ '
economy ot liorida with a “blond xwamps of Mississippi and I admit and lonely trip tltrotiglt (Icoi'gia and 2////%Z ,2" %(% "' , A Z I, "7//7//////%//2' 2'5" 33.12% 37/"3 W2” 7
bombxhcll who does ha\e a few that fire-and-brimstone evangelism l'lorida. brings to mind the inccxxant é/Q/Z/f/ZZ/ // 7% Z"'2 V ., 772;}; Q Z W. %/ ”7/ ’//%/%/‘a %%%//% /%%//
r- . 2 , / ”7'0 ' " I. V f / " 2 V ’3 ’ {I ,/ 34/37/71"
\Irtuex. all phyxical Once again the abounds there. But l doubt that itix gthcx otie heat‘x troin American //%/Z// '3///////7 %% " :2%”"/.‘ 2A "3 " 3% //%/‘w// ZZ//%/ %; 9’ 7
' 2 . ,/ . - ' , , 3.2,, . 7 74,1 - , 2 , ,' . . , . I
tcmale body servesas metaphortorthe any more simplistic. mercenary, or 101”]st who return from whirlwind // / or . ”22% 2’ W7 § r" 7 2 7’2/ /2 2 / 7/.» 7:37 7
I . ' , 3/ "a 7, I, a 3 z, 2 2 I, {2, “’.,/.122 2 2 ,/ , , 2 /
xldg’ndne‘} III Inc In [he‘sc l nited harmttil than the sophisticated totirx ot lratice. bittcily disappointed %/ 7/22 , //’ Z732 / 2 “‘2/2%,: 33/35 2/3 ,7 (/7 /,2 |
States glibness ol \kcrner Erhard s est or the that everyone tn that cotintr\ docx not 2// '.,/22 2' "a , (7.2 ’. .. V2 ”2, 7 2 22/222" / /.////¢% 7
- . ' /, 3“, 3, ,33 ,2 ',/ . . ' // w' “ “ ,' 3 , /, ' ,3
lhen (tit)htxldCs\\1pcx the nursing narcixxistic philosophies that ha\e understand lnglixh and dot". not é/a \5' 2/ 2/ ,' /72 , {3" //, ////3 "’2/7 , A j 7 ,
piotexsion.butsoonleavexthatterrain garnered millions for Wayne l)verand appreciate American wealth and 7&7 2 , .33-\l ”23; 2% ' " %72 f, ’ “‘%”2’%7/7722222 47'%///”% I
In oider to enlighten ux ax to his his cohorts. \loreover. (‘ooke ix superiority. lt makes a dilterencc it ’///%7"%/%%/ // %/2 '73 f ’ /’.’,//””';"' ,',' 7%” "M 4/%Z%/ 7 '
/ Ioticluxtonx about the frigidity and incorrect in claiming that Anita one travels “llh a willingness to look. %I 437%,, . ', 0:, '%22 :2 73/ ¢ 7/7 ~ 2/ (/2 , . ‘1
xe\tial hypocrtxy of the distatt xex Bryant "pulled her coup there to listen. to think before rendering a My ’ 7 ~ 5/ ,, \ , /"’(/”’/ Z Z / ’
. . 1' 7. "/, , ' , ’ :5" % // Z7417 '
lrom 1h” 710”” hi\ drilCiC n10\C\ (florlden and g g _ \hC COUid ()nh ha\c \L'rdlL'i. ‘.a'é’;§ 2’1 1 a 2 "Zr/"71W ,. .i, '3, ,I . /3’,' ///4 /// /
onward and upward. without pity tor done it there, l nlortunately. her hilt John ( 00GC apparently lCh ”1 2333773343775M/ //’ ’ / ' ' 7’
an old accountant trom Detroit who campaign also succeeded in defeating pursuit on|\ ot a great American ’ W/ %%
. ,. . / . ' . ' I” / («3”, / I
hax come to Honda to die with his gay rights ordinances astar northwest dream the winter tan. I 7/ 2/25,;2'2“ /%
.. a. / /,/ //’
bloated religion fanatic wife The as Oregon. \ 2 ' '"r 47 ammo»)
essayist l\ a maxter ot innuendo and Cooke concludes with "l hid out in Mary Kathryn Tri is a part-time YOJ WANT. WPW P
myth. and his talentx literally explode Florida . . .dodgingthe retired perxonx English instructor. ,
V' m W ' id . t. V
ietna ar documentary has lessons for U.S. In 3rd WOT interven ion
BY GEORGE POTRATZ spate of films and popular literature, the aggressiontothe rest ol Indochina. accepted them without much more had when he went to that talk ”This at this University. the Committee is
bUt also for the dissertations. articles conducting tnilitary operations and than a murmur. isatcacherofstudents, Andthisisata sponsoring a series of films on US.
[hon .IIit .rmimn (/(l\h of our. and monographs of which academic ‘nation—building‘ programs of It has been ntade clear what is and l'niverxity conference. l'his is where involvement in the Third World.
lam/I lurrit'tl hlutk and bare; careers are made. But whilcthe results indescribable barbarism. But we can what is m)! I0 ht‘ taught ih this “9 ‘Chd PCOPIC ‘0 he educated. This Wednesday at "00h in the
llonicri )H‘Pl, vary. most reinforces the old he sure that the guardians of ilixlt)ry l3iti\ersit_\‘. ("th “0N menace I0 SOUhd Student Center Theatre and at 7I30lh
Balm ran, itoridprmg, mythology, In a recent essay Noam will present a diffferent story Since lhe sewrity of my punishment in government is not the avowed |06 Classroom Building. we will show
There (UNH‘ (my )\}1() understood not Chomsky reviews how the academic their position in the propaganda court was explicity linked to me socialists but a lot of cowards who Hearts and Minds. the Academy
thew thinci establishment the "technocratic and institutions is virtually unchallenged, betrayal ol the proper professorial work under cover the long—haired Award-winning documentary on the
He yard. "M‘hi I\ ihit““ policy-oriented intellectuals" as they they will succeed in this endeavor xtance. (lil)l'l()R‘S NO'lF: (ieorgc gentry who call themselves ‘liberals' Vietnam War. ltisapowerfulfilm. full
”hwy/W, a "”77“," ”m”, It) amuer term themselves have been a n d ind eed a I read v ha y c, Potrat/ received a sentence of 90 days and ‘radicals‘ and 'non-partisan‘ and of data which people should find
him rewriting the history of the American substantially.“ in jail and a $250 fine.) In his closing ‘intelligentsia‘ and (iod only knows interesting and educational no matter
'Ihere IIuI \lllh lnlflt'alf’ clamor of war in Vietnam. as they labor to Just how substantialh thev have What!“ 1“ tht‘ _Iury. ”056“"th hm‘ many other ”le names! what their political views. But it is "0‘
totmgm. reconstruct the ideological succeeded at lfK is reflected in [hc Attorney Pat Maloncy had thisto say' lrresponsibe teachers and professors formless. nor does it pretend to be
lhai Hill the rcaton not not. foundations of American power and ___-_-___,.___~__,_.-. ._ .W _,__ .,_,--_.__. A ..*..A_-.-.- constitute the worst of this whole impartial. It does what the
Stephen (ram. ”695 regain the hearts and minds of the gang. and I am ashamed to say that government and its defenders could
American people. , , se\eral of them are on the faculty of never do offeran analysis ofthe war
. It seems that the American people " , , , ‘ our great State University!“ from which squares with the facts. Above
have learned little from the Vietnam , Scholars It“ ”,5 lh‘” [lhe ”med I I Babbitt‘s speech to the Zenith Real all. it attempts to draw the lessons of
experience People seem more States d'd not realne that "mam?“ Estate Board; Bobbin. Sinclair Lewis. that war. As one veteran says in the
bewildered than apathetic as they Communism was a nationalist A , , I922) film‘s closing moments. “I think
discover whatthe media can no longer Eovenilent . planners ‘hOUEh‘ that __,, " _.,_. ” Now if it is a crime to attend a Americans have tried. we‘ve all tried
conceal; ln Nicaragua. In Iran. the M0 _ C ' Mmhh was an 486’“ 0‘ “Lexington Eletent‘case,“htchchowg “I think that probably one of the lecture without being interested in very hard toescapewhat we‘velearned
lflS. government. for all its talkgof i oscow. or per apsPekljng.‘Thedfaul't the firm grip 07 the tcchnocrats and most surprinxing gunmen“ made to what the lecturer has to say. notafew in Vietnam. to not cometothelogical
human rights. Is once again backing ,‘cs m error. :tisun erstan m3“ policy-oriented intellectuals on this ' me was by a l'niversitv professor ol 0' my 0““ students Shm‘ld belookmg COhClUSI‘mS Of what happened ”WW
« brutal. right-wing dictatorshtps irgengiranlce. ”TE" aps anh “its“ 0‘ campus, Someolthcm invitcdthc (‘IA English who was supposed to. at least for lawyers. Bl" it is not true that I The military did the same ”“hg- They
against the overwhelming opposition Ievo :nce. is is not t e p ace to Director here to delnera propaganda in my mind.be somewhat ola leader of preach disrespect for learning. I and don‘t realm that people fighting for
of their people One puppettBakhtiar) ”I‘mtheddoffi‘memanl reclordiwhich address last spring, and when comma students. because he educates them. others on the-Committee to Defend their freedom are not, gomg to be
is exchanged for another tthe Shah). es ad '5 e k at top- eve panners us used the occasion to protest (‘IA teaches linglixh literature. He said he the Eleven “”“L {0' example. that S‘OPPCd by I“St changing tactics or
but the people‘s struggle will not 7:: wertpo ‘ Jotnsciohusfly andf crimesinlran and clsewhcre.they had wasn‘t even interested in what was more. people were interested in adding a little more sophisticated
subside. And as all other resources are v.0 mg). m , es roy ‘ e o'rces ° us arrested and got us convicted and going to be said. because he knew it pursuing the truth about the CIAZ bl" technology."
exhausted. the possibility of masswe hietgamcsefnatitinapsm.anddid 50"" Jailed. (Barring a successful appeal. we was gmng m bca (‘IA whitewash. And experience has shown that an address
' l3 5- mlhiary "“meth begins ‘0 inf 6:2: Suit“ culégii‘acnforiéz?"al will be jailed again.) And most that was his attitude before he ever h) “5 diTCClOT l5 ("0‘ the most likely George Potmz. an assistant professor
STOW“ . p ‘ gy. ' ' ore distressingly. despite growing went to the talk We speak of the place 10 '00k for It ‘ lnthedeplnmentofEnglhhmnsbom
_ Interest in the Vietnam War seems “ChCh Will they launched a “it" opposition to these actions of the intellectual exchange of ideas. and I" ah attempt ‘0 PT0V|d¢_ an and raised In St. Louis withll’olish-
‘ ‘0 be Oh the -upsurge, The war has again.“ the largely peasant population establishment. both students and people's right to speak and all that. alternative viewpomt 0" American Germ-n name. He nysheishonored
‘ 2 2 : Provided material not onlyforarecent of South Vietnam and later extended faculty have to .his point generalh that's the attitude Mr Pole-traits (sic) foreign Policy from the one Pmmotcd to be called an Iranian student. '
f ' ‘
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