xt7zpc2t7m7f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zpc2t7m7f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-01-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1971 1971 1971-01-26 2020 true xt7zpc2t7m7f section xt7zpc2t7m7f . . . . I ' I ’ " .I' . .I' 3
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Tuesday, Jan. 26, I971 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXING10N \ 3.l I \ll. \3t 3' : 2'.-"' .'
.3 3,; . - -,
—————————————————'————_————————— . .1
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SCB Plans - , 3
V '1‘J+"*"' '31'.‘,'""-'. '
. . .. -« ~ . ,..... , .t ' ' '. ;.. -. -;
GDP m ester’q a” *- " " ' .. f-
. o . .. ' ,3 ' ‘ , -- ' f' 332; f "1 3'3": .55.].
Attractlons . t
, .; . , .I ~-,_I 3
B} SALLHC istutan' fl? f: j-f ' {:3 3 ..'-'.'."
Kernel Stall \t'riter . £3: 3'“ g I, II-I s . i; . 3'33" .
. . ’l'ltt- upeonting eoneert l)_\ .. f?“ $33: ‘ .I'I ‘ II =3: 3' . ’ ‘ .'-,' .-
llm‘e Il)ogI Night was one of -. 45m 0 {fl ‘ {33 11$ . ”1:1,." .‘ I'
tlte toptes dismissed by the Stu- i. 3:56.. ' "‘3. ‘ . 1 2 '.. 1;? - if: t-‘I.;I - , .- 3
tlent (Iettter lloard (SCH) at its é ' “'3, \“"%~ ‘ "' l. ,2 . ’. , "*‘t
trim-ting last night. ' . 3 -. . ._- §§£ ' g. .‘gH‘,’ ’Sfxf _.'.'",'t'_
'l it‘lx'ets lor the t'oneert, .sehezl- ;,-.; " -- - , - I " _ 1"" i; 3 i -" i i ,‘E' .'.'I,' ,'" "7,; "3
lllt‘d l'tn‘ Felt. l3 itt \lemorial '3 $3.. " ' é ; ' ' ii i "; "."'3,‘_"'"""-."."'".""
(Ioliseutn. go on sale this tnorn— «33:3 '- '. . ' 2ft 3;: 1,3 l .; " '. ,. 3' 'I‘.
p I, tIIL’ in the Student ('etttet. 33 2.; ' ‘ .'«E . , ~' i g i. 'i '
' 'l'he ltoattl also dismissed the a?” ' 9% ." . '3 ' I ' p:"
\t‘llt’tllllt‘tl appearanee of the -- , ' ' '. , ' E t ' ‘ 3’, :'
llillIV (Lraltatn ('t’llStttlt' here , I ', 3:1" 5- ' «’3' .' C" 3
April ‘32 to ‘25 Still President 2". "*2. ' ' - "
l)a\e llerndon \aid "no l't]l\'t't’~ I ‘ I'i‘ ~31, « "'I: x'Iz.
\it\ l'mtdx \\ill lie involved" in " ' ' . i I ' II?' :T"~—_' Ij'f't;
the erusade. :\ elul) was; Ilt't‘(l(’(l 5.153;". ., " t . 3' ._ _j '3". ,,\
to sponxor the program and ' ' ' ' Ԥ-.""$"~.'~'=. .3
ilcrndon Mm]: “1f “.0 didn't do The Student Center Board's Coll'ee Home Grille doing \et\ at ‘s and 9:30. i"ri(lttI\ untl ,I‘~"\I'I: ,Ig‘
it. S()lttt‘l)()(lI\' (.150 would." . 7 . 9- is featuring the lollx' group ‘IKIn'Itltis \xeelt, Saturtla)I Illlglll tlte\ will do wtx at N, ‘39: ."' '1': I~.3.-.;,' ".5 2
The next speaker Sponsored K1" ‘ (1 “lg If. They \Hll he doing sets tonight lit the (our and .l,'l"".' pan. (.Ihutl and Man . Yemen 5"".".;'-"-'.',--'.'-"'3‘-
ln' 5(31; will he Lt. (lov. “I,” plex Common? at «‘t and 9:30 pan. [otnorrtm are Iktn. \h”“!! an tuna-rt lad night at ‘ '54.;
dell Ford, who \\ill appear here night "'0" “I" be m the Student Center "W ("""""'\' Kn"; ' " I" N ' "fi'f‘t ‘ '3. ~
' Felt. 8. left (lumer, at member W— ”—‘. 13,3»? 3' I
of SCH. said that former _LEOV- “HI
— Cur em I m 039d 0n Ph nom Pen/1 3
Louie ll. Nunn ha‘ve tentati\'elI\ p I 3. "
agreed to speak. . , 3’ ,3" \VI, -.
Former Athl‘Ht'V General l’ll\(),\l l’l‘i.\ll tAlI’l—llte (Iatnhodian .-\pp.tr33ntl§. the llt \\ 2m 1m .tll.tt lo. the \'t\ ( t 31H 95...: 3;: '53-'- '. "‘ ‘ "3:,' t. ".' ..-f.' «'I:
Ramsey Clark had heen sehed- LI=*‘~"3‘i‘ifiiii'iIi illltm-Wd il (illSk-to-daxx'n curfew attempt on the South Vlt'llt‘ttlltv‘ l‘:llll).t\\\ lit) 133:;3 1.5 wag-pl. 3 U» is l' .- 2. " ‘33,?“ "'3'”, f3}:
uled to speak in February but throughout the eapttal .\lon(laI\' '0 eomliat and the pro-.3333? ml “Hanan-ti (HIM-33”, lat-g3 tI tt‘tttlltt‘ 33.3: - limit-3 . .~,; ". 3 ".f".".',' IIII33II,II.III,I-I;
eaneeled. Either lowa Sen. an enemy ”war ol terror 5pl‘t‘tttlttlg in tlte elsewhere prompted the umrtnment ol' Prev \tttn'tlat ttll’ : la 32.32: l,..';.22l . ,33.\« g 51,. 3:»: ,I..33
Harold Hughes or former See— ("I-V," streets. . nner lI.on .\'ol to mtg-ml the eurlew to the ‘l“'1”‘11\" -"3'-~“l\ “11 'l"‘ “YEW”- '31"-'.-"','.:3"' 3:-
retarv of the Interior \Valter the order followed an attempt to l)()lIll) rest of the eapital. 'l' I l x _ l H , -t l .l- , III . , . . I‘I 9:13.51 "I.' j' '1',
lliek'el will speak instead. the South Vietnamese l‘itnliassy on a tnain . Bomlt Hurled WIS": itl-rlt tux't't III“; 'lltt"("il'lll"|""'\'l .m, l-2'3 I: H'\"'JI"..:.("
The Quiz Bowl will be held boulevard and new Iattaeks on the etty s Shortly before 3}". “ll-3,.“- was ordered an \\ltt‘l't‘ ‘l .'-\ l ‘ttl'l)4" .2. )I-m min-.3 I3 VIII:- . ,III- r "3
0“ Feb. 9. it was announced. 0”“‘1'1‘119395 and ll!" airport. illl't’dd)’ SOW‘I‘Ul)‘ unidentified Vietnantme hurled a plasttt I l '. '( "l l' ' ' 'II, t' " k ' " "' '7 f; ,3; '1 "'-""'.-5".
Debbie McKinney is in Charge damaged b," an t 23m): raid last Friday. \ateltel eltargt- at the South Vietnamex‘e "U" "' "H" "H "' ”l" "' "'m' . 1"‘;- .1 "(I-l"? 3'
of flu, eontest. 'whieh allows A \ 1” (“Ht-K tease-fire went ittto elleet in lfrnliass} hut it did not e\plo 4 ‘1 made a novel—record which you yond ' g. alect, Vpotc meaning to lka' i to
g . .~ V, - '. , can either take as st-ient-e tiction. vi‘hrough the cities of the While that's not the essence of guil
' , , i I "”0510er or iust another record t'niversc. v?“ making pottery, it's a beginning _ illl
. . , hy a rock hand. (Although jef— And (Ir-aces piano and Paul .- of a workable definition. Arts "y“
x ‘ fers‘on Starship is not just a rock K".tlitl't(‘l"S-Pllll ’§\y'i1y'er's-Craham ' ' a.» and Science sophomore Cynthia 0,. ;
' , . hand—its Paul Kantner. (lrace \ashs ”Home take us there. & ” _ ”3%. .L. Hood concentrates as she prac~ that
Slick. and (Tasady. Croshy. (lar— llijack the Starship. m it?” 1 , I . . tires 21 craft that is now an art. T
5 cia. Nash. Frieherg, llart. "Have You Seen The Stars ~ ' " 2» ti\ 1-
' - , Kreutzman. Brooks and more. Tonight" continues with great «rs m ”65mm “HI
‘. .l . ' Like Jerry tiai'cia said on the piano from Grace. and Jerry ' 3 l V , W m“
" ' Nli'l‘ showing of San Francisco (Jarcia's pedal steel. and David ' "W was
_ , Rock: (.‘o Ride the .\[u.s'ie. (Troshy's guitar. and begins the _ WW at 9
' ' “\Ve’re all just one hand”) ride: " w” tilt}
_- V ' But. whatever your head ., .. . . ._.. . N .Vj_ .. .V. ._ . . out
makes of it. it dehiuteh is a . ' -:
i V trip. ' \ke could go
~ ' I The first side gets you ready “ (i are free . Kernel Photos By Bob Brewer 'lV
.. .1 I , I, for ”w . . . “V \t' ' Anyplace you could think of ,. z 1 ., “W
, . . . Jttlltttt _\. an . an x ‘ ll he. _ .. a...
, (Aim-rikon) is a call to revolu \\( (on ( . .53 '17 9;; - PM“
V] 4. ' tion iyes, Virginia. there is a Then. ”X-Xl" takes us on au- { " VimV '. .. ' ' said
,V ' ‘ revolution‘i and freedom: other ride. "You feel the p]d”_ “M...“ V. ' i)" l(
V. I. I ’ i (let ”I” ”l ”I“ “'le ets in your hotly." W“ A M... - ing
' 5 . Let the people play ll'“
9 , And a warning to Richard Finally there is ”Starship." ' tion
- i _ \lilhous Nixon that The Starship is on its voyage, guilt
. ‘ , \\'e are the present moving out from the Earth. hack
.- I \Ve .iie the future into the future.
V *- I i . , 12”” Jill ihv past You got to roll with it. ‘ s ‘
. a\ nun dues and get outta \" - ‘ ' l
my way. ion got to go with it.
. l doiilit that tllt‘ warning All in all. .‘1 Very tine (“L-m; ‘ _ . , _fl '
- i' , 'I “i” ll“ hm‘dmk “Vl'l‘lll l“ too sion. and a good record to hoot. , . ' V IV Mlllr
' ‘ ’ i ' had. l)t‘t.tli\t‘ \li. l’icsident only "_m‘”
» V J ‘ .'V - listens to \lontoyani iwith the The (ii‘tttt‘l‘tll Head. 0111’ mani- . right
V . -V in. plat c lil.l/1II‘.‘. and the air iestation oi the hand. discovered “if mtyi
" "'1 "' ‘7"; Ioiiditioin-r lilowiiig in ”'l‘i‘ur kiii' .. on .-\meriemi _ -' them
. ‘- \i U. is "Vl‘ln lialn 'l'ri-e" litontii: “\Vhat a long strange ‘ ' 9s
‘ II I :sliiv l. is a plv asaiit little lantas\ t'ip it‘s hccn.” And what along '~ : deCiS
V V “ :mii‘ .:. l\l.t.i(l Ma 11’ the lLtlHt s si'aiigr 'i’ip it will he . . _Ict? " 3‘3 tion
3 “ V ' w "er s 'lais (.n ’l'o It‘t‘stit; \tai'ship \ynnt to know: I * We, __,' pi f0
": ‘ V‘ ~ . Q‘lH‘I- 's to um and inc, aia l . V .® 's IV '35 civil
T ' - - V _ .',\ WM '1 to as .it'tl4 I and seai: l:. \"m, At! .iin’lc'i'ci‘s Q I "1:5. , . in l"
V . llu ,5 ii . ziii ill: the .iti- \Y‘ ‘~"” ‘5'” mm"; Wk; ., , ., _ "a”
, > i, . . l \i..i t'av". on (a H. .m‘ , . . 3"? .9 -, I 55 . ._ he C0
‘ , f :V “ ‘ 2 '. | . ‘ “ ; \v. listen ain‘. teat: and watch yfixgszfi“§fiei§:wfi .25.: ,. . 1“ LerV ..-. " '33- woul
‘- .’ V ‘ .V V')” ll ”I‘m. ‘ ll \‘HHIM ”‘1 It‘tl'h W tho". DOIIVt 5N}. V K‘N‘:N‘ ’ I ~ (1‘
, . , ‘ . ._ 1.4 ( I! a»: i:* N ‘ '. 11 . _ ‘ .1 ‘ . 1 (3:32. . w_ .0“ f. ~.9.._V ICC .
' .l -l . , l‘ ~. ‘3 Hit til the "ini'iniiH-nts ill V “ll “likllnl \\d\( gtttlt i. ’i ya. : mffi“’""zr~
j ' ‘ " ' ‘ ‘ tn, t' ti) \i'lit'i'lt‘tt. : 1:5: 4563.3... ~’."” ‘“ «3‘
i ll”‘"""“‘ “ l“; ‘ "m” t" ”’ § IV "<99- ' 7 ' . f
' - , . iVioin Hl\ l)tl!l\ (io iide the music . , . V . - M”.;$§%M" .9 p »
' ‘ V 'V Quicksilver Pm“
. . . * forts
‘ V .' _— in be
V. w '- . , T . Revol
-. ~ New Record In ferlor to Golden State Albums .0...
_ . ' . Hous
. ’ l’." LANG ”ATHENSCHIEL some of his down-home .\Vew Phil l.cs‘h is not just a part of a V: Th
\ - ' ‘ 9 , Qiiirksilyci'-_[usi For Love York (Tity licks. transported of tune like "'l‘ruckin'" or “Friend 5 $112?
' ' (Capitol. SMS A198). course. to (:alilornia. (lood old oi the Devil." it is the tune. . 'V g .
' - J A In‘\\ alhuni. Quicksilver rock and roll, Quicksilver style. Their music is so complete. so prove
‘ ' ‘, - . . .. . . n . ‘ - reven
‘ . \lesscnger Service, has added (vollt‘ Again is a tune to he refined. yet so completely free. . d
' ‘ _ . ' Dino Valenti and lost the ianglc closely listened to and then The energy (it ”Sugar Magnolia" Th K t k K I, ma;
' V , I keys ol \icky Hopkins tllop- promptly digested. It plays in i5 houndless. 110M011 light»a e en “C y erne S 32:“ l
' '- I ’ kins plays on ”Just l’or Love." your ear when you're all alone walk in the s‘imshine—coiintry Th
i .. , ' thought VlVlicic are some really on a hri‘ght day. some place in roots assimilated and applied to d . Mills
, V - V ' line tunes ln'i‘c, despite a i'ecord— the country which is yours for- a lite style. The music makes a 1/) House
, ‘ .' . ing that is interior to the ()uick- ever—heaven is in your mind. definite statement ahout their a On? mittee
, . - , \ll\t’l allniins icon-(led .it (:0! “Fresh Air“ sticks in your liycs~good music should. av 02/ i R-Wis
‘ ' ‘ .1”. \tati' In San I’raiiciseo head as the days go by. it Here it comes from the soul I, V Witho
. _ Jul.” t'IVpolliiias ~(_'()I)I‘i" is means a lot of dillerent things and hack again; I feel this in To . 0w ing t
‘ . ‘ one ot those tunes that you wish to (‘\‘cryoiic. hi this time (iipol— "Ripple." “llrokendown Palace." IS wlth Itl have
fl V would go on tor an hour. a lina's guitar is the \lessengci' A suhtle delight in total involve— o the gr
. (‘llllt lssll\i‘i \ti.tl\t' dance \ii‘k‘. Senice soundwhayc another hit ment. These tunes are iniheliey— I Mil
— ' . _‘ llopkiiis' piano woik is a deh and come hack for more. (lary ahly easy to groove on. _[ei'ry many
. ‘ Etit" awn-t Duncan and ('ipollina take otl (iarcia and lioh \\'eir say it in I , . I met M
. . 'loo he. peopl.- hat.- \i-i‘i. and l keep wishing that they their vocals. through their gui‘ _ ' . You H flnd an fganlzed in on
1 , :‘ltlltlsslhlt to know how ii'alh would play on loi another day tars. , ‘ , .- ‘_ . “St of 'campus meetings Th
.' , . lllt‘ tlii-\ .‘it' Itllii) ( i[)()lltti;t. .i ( . .* . ,- ‘\ttl('st)i \ly l.ll(' . \ \tlitllgt‘ thOSe(
tai out in gei )1th y u. t mi "'mml “(lad _ .‘lllt‘lfltlll sort ol hallad which could only C
. » " l ”‘* ‘ ” “ n -. x «w. - Bros. .893). . . . w - ' e' e'
W» ,,.,, i... n..- .V.,,,., "l" "m' it. .....,.-;..i.-.i with the (.ratehil 0 Announcements of movnes, who v
, ' . , plat. 11‘ won skull ’l'lic lccling one gets lioni an Dead to many ways the new 9 ,
.9 \otl.ing lalls oil ol t-ieg l-‘l allnnn lllst this is nirlesciilialile niusi: is simpler. perhaps more IeCtures’ concerts .and f0- [RS115
'l inoic out oi littit \\oll ltiin lt tt‘itlltitls iin- ol iii\ home the iiicaninglul I would think that films ly witl
' l’aits l and _‘ ,. 'I h.- ilnhl pioil t.lll|\ season in \iii‘tlit-iii ('ali these tunes are easier to grasp they w
. igy. l)ino shines l|llfll|tl\ mi loi'nia Ieiiy (htll‘ltt always plays than say. ”Dark Star" or tunes . . . )m ()5
‘ “NW ”at.” \iiky plays k'i-ys Ino\iiig tunes on the guitai. on .'\Hf/II'III oftln' Sun. The roots . campus ACtIVltleS 1stasis
‘ while (ian l)uin an and ('ipol ”l)aik Star" oi ”Black Peter" can he found in St. Stephen, ' , 3161)“
, lina play acoustic guitars. The \ow the l)ead have added a '“l‘riickinn' is the Dead‘s ‘ . Placement Center EmPlOY‘ N” tin
world's most (uddly hear. David new dimension to their music. sequel to “Ballad of lohn and , , hearin
Freiherg, plays good hottom the lyrics hecome that much Yoko." This is their life on tour; ment Opportun'hes ”I
lines, more meaningful when they hc— want to get hack to their sweet have i
Side two and Dino «vets in ionic liiriiionies The liass of home9 .

 _______________________.. THE kliVTl'Clfl KPZRVEI.. Tuesday. 1.... 1:. WT! . - - . _'
_ . ‘ . .. ( . ~ ’ .
. anson ound Guilty m T ate .Murder Case ,.
1:“ [.08 ,-\ \ (J [C 1. If 8 (AP) W Death or life imprisonment mulls and there w: re 2‘).— .w. l. l‘ Hm _ .3159 tla . ”up. t l . ”. y'. :3.-
: (illdl'lt‘S \lanson and three \.\””" .ll't‘ tllt' only possible \(‘i‘dit'ts loi lillills [73.3" ,. 3‘ .3,” M, .j .3, 3,. i. ‘ , , 2’ i. 4 ~-
- en memliers of his hippie-style HHHli'llHM on lll‘Sl-(lt‘fll't't’ ”HIV The prose. irtoi ii. final .iigii on il.. lliiiil \ it. an : - . ‘l l
elan were eoiiyieted yesterday dez. llli‘lits railed the killings "moi «meted Seliiiiuz'. in mi l’ ‘r . \'i\ ‘ v. . ’3':
i "l “I‘l'dl‘fll't‘t‘ Hilll'tlt‘l' and eon— l'lldl‘l' (lilllllll'lllil lil‘" lllt' \ti‘oils. in.“ alire and iiiglitin :1 ('.tllt‘(l the slatiiig- “run all f. ' ‘in ' r. ‘ . .. 3'3. ' . ‘5 'H“
‘ spiraey in the sa\age slayings of Mllllt' llll‘) lllilt I‘l‘tlll‘llb it first l‘ll , . . perhaps the most in The ne\.l il.t‘_ .. tr ::.:‘. . " .t _ ‘ ', i, I",
' aeti‘ess Sharon Tate and si\ ()tll— degree inIiriler-eonspiraey eon» human lioi‘ior-lilled h...“- ..l s.|\ away. the l_.ll1)l.illt .is m...- hum-3 ml t.;‘ T 'l 3 , ’,3", 2; }‘
4 ("'h- "lt‘ll‘lll lllll-‘l "19d ill-I‘ll“ ill kl age murder and human slaugli \t.il)l)(‘(l to (l. .llll amid lilniill‘. w IiH/li' :mvw. » - _ i} ' fl...-
‘ The state said it \\ill aslx‘ the Sl‘t‘tllltl ll‘lill to fix lllt‘ Dt‘llllltl- lei’ in the annals of recorded \( rawliiigs \«tlli‘ 31.55...- Th'.‘
; death penalty for all. llild llH‘ \'(’l'(ll(‘t l)(‘(‘ll St‘t‘UlHl' eriine." lle ealled \lansoii r, ',
3 '11“. defendants. who staged degree murder, the penalty ”someone with a \l('l\' and Hum ‘
‘ “de oiitliiirsts during their sev- would have been an automatie hid lust and preoccupation with 3"" . 3‘ _,3_;, '3
‘ en—month trial. sat passively as th‘ ,H‘ill‘S t0 lltl‘ and there would death." The women. he said. ' c "if-37'-
\‘erdiets “1.3-3. returned on 1}“. 27 have heen no penalty trial. were \lanson‘s ”robots and /()lll— “ ‘ .'. T .A
' eoiints against them. The defendants were charged hit-s." f. 3 ,3 {-10 " -' "-i ~"
After jurors were poncd‘ .\lan- with murder—eoiispiraey in the Life Style ~ . *d'fg: if.
di. son muttered aiidihly, referring Alli-UN “)6” Slill'll'l-IS 0f lllt‘ The defense argued that 2' "t , like;
ke. to them: "l think they're all llt‘élllllllll '«lt‘ll't‘SS illld {01" VlSl' someone other than the deft-n— ‘ 3
of g guilty." After the verdicts were “”5 t0 llt‘l‘ IllilllSlOll- illltl llllllc ants might have done the kill- 3:". " ._ "
ing 7‘ all in, he shouted at (h.- judge: killings a night later of a ings. Attorneys said Hanson ’ fl '. 3f;-
- rts " “\Ve're still not allowed to put “'“illtlll' lllf‘l‘t'll‘dllt L“llllllC- was heinLE pi‘oseented for his un- . 1: 9'71] ,3 j'.
hia on a defense. You won't outlive Race \Var popular life style. and that if . 3’? -' f:
ac- that, old man. Manson. 36. was aeetised of the women. were real].- rol)ols 3.3; .'
art. lhe Jury of seven men and ordering the killings to touch 0” they eoiildnt perform premedi— :3 3'. . ' ‘3
3 fi\'e women. who had deliber- a race war he believed was her- tilllOH ”(‘NlNl for tll‘\‘t-(lt'fli’<‘l‘ ' " ‘I "in" :13 3 .
ated 1‘.- lioiirs and 40 minutes alded in a Beatles song. after 'll'll:(l“"- _ . . l3 . .V
i sinee reeeiynig the ease Ian. 1;). whieli y“, expeeted to take over lhe ease first made headlines s ' 1-5;," ,-
was ordered to return to eoiirt power. Aug. H). 1969. when a maid 7 ': )3
f at 9 ant. Thursday for the pen- _ found hloody bodies of \‘ietims '. 3' .’ 3
3 alty phase of the trial. They will ()tl'” (lt'lt'll‘lill'l5 “W“: 5‘1““ at the Tate estate The eight- ‘r - i. . ‘ .-.
‘ "“mm‘lt‘ t” l)“ “Villt‘htt‘l‘fll. “\fkl“‘~ 22" l’atrieia K"“““ll”l‘“l‘ months pregnant honey lilonde Ti’ ~ ‘
, . . . 23: ““‘l high" Van llouton. 2" aetress. '36. wife of direetor llo~ ' {:3 .-
,. 30 \Vitnesses (.la'imed \liss \'.m llouten was eliarged man l)(llrlll\l\l. lay stahhed (m _ . ~. 3;
wer lhe pi'oseeiitor ““1 hp hm “ll-m “”"l’lm‘l l“ ”H ll'" 1"” the living room tloor near that , : ., ,_’.I
about 50 \\'llll(rx,\(‘s ready for the inL's. hut with murder only in (,3 l”) St‘lll'lllfl. iii Hollywood ‘ t .' ,1. :3
penalty trial. The defense has those of market owners l.t‘ii(I hm. stylist and h” onetime {3’ -‘s;_,_' .~' ‘:-".1"-’. ,_
said it will put on a ease, as loud and Rosemary l.;il’iiaiiea. 3”,“. Outside were the 1mm” ‘ 5‘
or longer than the states. seeki The \‘erdiet eapped a trial in of Polish playlim “mm-(43.3}! . i : ,3
ing life imprisonment instead of aim-l. the state (3.11.11 34 wit- l“i‘\l