xt7zpc2t7k8g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zpc2t7k8g/data/mets.xml Missouri Missouri Historical Records Survey. 1942 18 l.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number F466 .A66 1941 books English St. Louis: Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Missouri Works Progress Administration Publications Historical Records Survey (U.S.) -- Bibliography Archives -- Missouri Annual report, 1941 text Annual report, 1941 1942 1942 2019 true xt7zpc2t7k8g section xt7zpc2t7k8g I II IUNIVERTITY oItI KENTUICKIY II I . .II
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2031 Olive Street 1 ‘“ 1
St. Louis, Missouri H2?) fig} j
_ w" 1
1 January 1, 1942 1

I herewith present an annual report of the status, activities, and 1
accomplishments of the Missouri Historical Records Survey for the calendar 1

year January 1, 1941 to December 31, 1941.
The year (1941) was a very active one for the survey. Major empha- 1
sis was placed upon the completion of all phases of field work. 1
In order to expedite efficiency and increase production, a district 1
supervisor was assigned to the Historical Records Survey in each of the 1
~ five WPA districts in Missouri. Dr. Donald D. Parker, assistant state 1
supervisor, was assigned to District 1; Miss Frances Howard, District 2; 1
Mr. Ellis McClenning, District 5; Mr. Horace D. Pyle, District 4; and Mrs. 1
Ruth West, District 5. Thus, adequate field supervision was provided for 1
the Survey for the first time in its history. 1
A two-day conference of supervisors was held at the Project Office in H
V St. Louis, Missouri on January 15th and 14th. This conference gave the w
’ new supervisors an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the technical 1
details of the work, and to confer with the state supervisor on project 1
problems. A definite program was prepared and followed through, which in- 1
cluded special conferences with department heads, instructive talks, and 1
a field inspection of work. The meeting was attended by Mr. William 1
' Wagenbreth, Chief Research and Records Projects from the state WPA office 3
at Jefferson City, Missouri. On the last day of the conference Mr. :
Douglas McMurtrie, in charge of American Imprints Inventory, from the 1
Chicago office, visited the project. His instructions to the supervisors 1

p “K
% were very timely. Q
I In February, a defense unit was opened at the weldon Spring Ordnance
' Works in St. Charles County. The territory embraced about 18,000 acres
. I and is rich in historical significance, including pioneer settlements, 1
j old buildings, churches, burying grounds, etc. Inhabitants were moved
2 from the region, homes demolished, churches closed, and a plant erected
; for the manufacture of the high explosive TNT. This plant is comprised U
j . of many units, employing thousands of workers. Realizing and appreciating ;
the wealth of historical materials that Would otherwise be lost, the army L
officials in charge requested the Historical Records Survey through the T
1 Work Projects Administration to record and preserve the valuable histori- i
‘ cal data of the region. Two certified workers, Mr. fiugust J. Peterson 9
' and Mr. Frank W. Daschel were assigned to compile the history of the 1
‘ territory. The work included: (1) a brief history of the towns and %
villages, (2) history of the churches, (3) sketches of early settlers, (4) I?
information concerning old buildings, and (5) transcriptions of all tomb— I
' stone inscriptions and records (with pencil sketches of the stones) were i
made. The field work was completed September 50th. I
i In June another defense unit was opened at Jefferson Barracks, St. A
y Louis, Missouri. There were thousands of military records to be arranged, E
: inventoried and filed. Some of these records dated from as early as 1812. E
f The army officipls were anxious to have this work done so they too con- m
? tacted the Woféggpggects Administration officials in District 3, St. Louis a
Missouri. The Historical Records Survey was once more called upon and the p
task was undertaken. The unit at the Barracks consists of a staff of six flé
‘ workers with Mr. Amos Braun as foreman. The latest report of the unit £
shows that the work is progressing rapidly and the following is a summary {h
I of the work accomplished. Eighty-two thousand (5x5") locator cards have ti
i been arranged and alphabetized. These cards contain the names of enlisted I?
I I.

 s ‘\
i a — 3 - k -
g men from 1900 to 1941 and are being arranged preliminary to the inventory A
i of records. They form an index to the military records of all men who )
i have been stationed at the post. Descriptive lists (records) of i
; enlisted men from 1876 to 1941 are being arranged alphabetically prior !
i to being inventoried. About 950,000 records of this nature have been }
§ arranged; 950 volumes of manuscripts have been inventoried, 1814-1932.
é Other old records have been arranged and assorted so they can be listed [
i and inventoried. Some of these old military records are of great histor— L
; ical value. 1
1 The work remaining to be done at Jefferson Barracks includes the H
arrangement of about 1,500,000 locator cards and descriptive lists, and V
i the inventorying of about 975 ledgers, including the unbound materials H
mentioned above. When the work was first started at the Barracks, all N
" of these old records were without arrangement and stored in boxes or H
? piled on the floor in the attic of the post headquarters. The records J
are now being arranged, new shelving has been added and an adequate .i
3 system of filing and arrangement installed. The army officials are very i
enthusiastic about the work that has been done and state that it has been i
of great value to them. Credit for the organization of this unit is due L
1 Mr. William H. Michell, office manager of the project in St. Louis. a
1 During the year, the Hon. Lloyd W. King, State Superintendent of F
‘ Public Schools of Missouri, was added as a member of the State Advisory t
Committee of the Historical hecords Survey. Superintendent King is very T
3 much interested in the work of the Survey and it is hoped that the public
3 schools in our State will become more interested in our publications for k
1 library and reference work. Some reprints of the historical sketches ‘@
V have already been made from our county inventory books for school use. it
V The Advisory Committee is composed of twelve outstanding and civic- ‘E
E minded Missourians: it

 a i

’ - 4 - 1
' y ,

I Dr. John F. Herget, President, William Jewell College and V
E Missouri Baptist Historical Society, Liberty, Missouri. H
E Mr. John G. Putz, President, Cape Girardeau County Historical i
E Society, Jackson, Missouri.
E Hon. Henry C. Chiles, President, Lexington Historical Society, I
E Lexington, Missouri.
; Prof. R. F. Wood, Associate Professor of History, Central
g Missouri State Teachers College, Warrensburg, Missouri.
2 Dr. Ralph P. Bieber, Professor of History, washington University, t
l St. Louis, Missouri.
{ Dr. Uel W. Lamkin, President, Northwest Missouri State Teachers
3 College, Maryville, Missouri. i
1 a
% Mr. George Pohlman, President, Macon County Historical Society,
§ Macon, Missouri. i
r 1
l Mr. Charles H. Whitaker, Sr., Editor, The Clinton Daily Democrat, !
l Clinton, Missouri. . 1
; Dr. C. H. McClure, Head of Division of Social Science, Northeast %
f Missouri State Teachers College, Kirkville, Missouri. I
i l
; Dr. Jonas Viles, Professor of History, University of Missouri, H
g Columbia, Missouri. %
é g.
i Dr. Earl A. Collins, Professor of Education, Southeast Missouri J
E State Teachers College, Cape Girardeau, Missouri. I
l Hon. Lloyd W. King, State Superintendent of Public Schools of J
i Missouri, Jefferson City, Missouri.
: Members of this committee have offered valuable suggestions in con- ”
i nection with the work and publications of the Survey. h
i Good progress has been made on the Missouri Imprints inventory under H
; 7 H
l the direction of ur. Edward A. Berra, Unit Supervisor. The field work W
l n
E throughout the State, with the exception of St. Louis, has been com- i
% pleted. The field work in St. Louis will be completed by June, 1942. At H
I i!
g the present time, we are receiving imprints from Chicago, Illinois. if
3 A;
l These imprints are to be checked and re-edited and a check list will be .H
i issued of Missouri Imprints from the years 1850 to 1876, inclusive. ‘ y
% Plans for the future operation of the unit include the completion of all f
E phases of the field work as soon as possible, and the issuing of the E

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‘ _ 5 - 1 .
check list of Missouri Imprints from 1850 to 1876. This check list will i

i be completed within the next year. E

I There has been a marked increase in sponsor contributions for the y

, A

E year, which has made possible a full publication program. Promises for i

% additional contributions are quite encouraging. i

i At the present time, the county inventory book for McDonald County v

i is being published, and editorial work is being done in the project

E office on similar books for Stone, Dade, St. Louis, and Balls Counties,

E and a church directory is being prepared for St. Louis.

E From January, 1940 to October, 1941, the Historical Records Survey

% project office was located on the seventh floor of the Hamilton-Brown

i ‘ Shoe Company Building, 2031 Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri. In

3 October, 1941, the office was moved to the sixth floor of the same build—

; ing. This location is more convenient, better lighted, has better

i storage facilities for the housing of supplies, etc. I

E Publications of the Missouri Historical Records Survey are sent to ;’

: many outstanding libraries, governmental agencies, and institutions in j

5 r

E the United States, such as: Library of Congress, Columbia University, §

§ Harvard University, State Historical Society of Missouri, St. Louis I

E Municipal Reference Library, and the State Social Security Commission g

E of Missouri. Also to distant depositories such as the University of


% Hawaii, Honolulu, T. H., University of Puerto Rico, Rio Pedras, Puerto '

E Rico, and the Deputy Minister of Public Archives of Canada, Ottowa,

E Canada, are sent publications of the survey.

E The Survey has rendered valuable services in the State. County L

E records have been inventoried. Workers on the Survey have arranged g

i , i

E records in offices and vaults in courthouses preliminary to the inventory, q

i and in a number of instances have been instrumental in having new H

E shelving and more adequate space provided for public records. W



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 - '1
. I . - 6 - I '
I Important missing records have been found and valuable historical V j
I manuscripts have been discovered, transcribed, and published, such as: I
I (1) "Minutes of the Proceedings of the Bethel Church, 1806-1867" — (first I
i ' .
f Protestant Church west of the Mississippi), (2) "Minutes of the St. I
I Louis Board of Trustees, 1808-1809". (8) "Bates Land Minutes, 1812—1814".

I Early county court records have been copied and preserved, and information P
I has been secured on manuscript collections in the State which are of “
I intrinsic value as source materials for unpublished history. Old books, %
I pamphlets, broadsides, and newspapers published prior to 1877 have been fl
I listed. I-
I Much significant church history has been compiled and preserved, I
I representing all denominations. Federal, state, and town archives have I
I been inventoried. Valuable information has been compiled on vital I
I statistics in Connection with defense work, and the history of regions I
E demolished by the government, as a result of the defense program, has I
I been preserved. IL
I The activities of the Survey have stimulated interest in local I
I_ history, and our workers have written (on their own time) valuable I
, ! A
I articles on history for newspapers, magazines, and special publications. I
i The Survey has furnished to various historical organizations types of II
I information not available elsewhere. Reprints of the historical sketches I
s in several county inventory books have been made and are being used in I;
I public schools in the State where they are proving quite popular. I‘
t M
i The outstanding accomplishment of the Survey for 1941 was probably Id
I the number of publications issued. I?
I The first book published by the Survey was in 1957. A total of 60 fl;
I books have been published, 28 of which were issued in 1941. Five were E
I published in 1937, 15 in 1938, 2 in 1939, and 12 in 1940. In 1941, 3 E
' i!

. err“ :_‘;r_g,_,iflp;44:gg__ _4vv_ __A, 4“ .A_l 7&7 , I”

 17' N
i - 7 - i '
4 inventory books were published, 6 church records, 4 reprints, 4 manu- i
i script books, 10 miscellaneous publications, and a guide to vital ’
I v 1
statiStics records in Missouri. I
Outstanding publications of the year were: "Guide to Public Vital !
StatistiCS Records in Missouri," and "Early Missouri Archives," prepared ' 1
under the able direction of Edith S. Ballard, editor. i
_ i The Survey received some very fine publicity in the Missouri press f
' on the book on Vital Statistics. It received wide recognition. !
"Early Missouri Archives‘was a book listing manuscript source 5
V materials. The archives are deposited with the Missouri Historical ‘t
': Society, whose headquarters are located at the Jefferson Memorial, Forest 3
7‘ Park, St. Louis, Missouri. ‘
6 These archives, 1761—1821, constitute the earliest official records I
i of Missouri, dating back to colonial times. Most of the documents are I
written in the'Frenoh language, with a few in Spanish. Only a small [
I percentage of the papers have been translated into English. The archives [
I are frequently consulted by scholars, historians, and research workers;
2 but a complete list of these valuable manuscripts had not heretofore 1
’ been published or made available to anyone outside of the library of the £1
‘ Missouri Historical Society. They deal with practically every phase of iv
, official history, including: churches and religion, marriages, slaves, r
3 Indians, concessions, deeds and land transactions, surveys, public sales, 7%
: mines and mining, town ordinances, agreements, bonds and notes, accounts *3
l and receipts,litigations, letters, inquests, boats, roads, estates and 5;
, wills, tax lists, etc. i;
1 These documents were arranged according to subjects end listed by: i?
(1) names of principal parties, (2) dates, and (5) manuscript file numbers. if:
The publication of this historical manuscript list was undertaken at i:
L the suggestion of Miss Stella M. Drumm, librarian, Missouri Historical .W
r :J'

 - 8 - 1
; Society, who pointed out the importance of the collection and its great 1
I value to Colonial, early Missouri, and Tbstern history. It was through i
: her courtesy and cooperation that the compilation and publication of the I
1 list was made possible. 1
' It is hoped that this inventory of early Missouri archives will call i
the attention of scholars and historians to a more comprehensive study, I
knowledge, and appreciation of them. 1
The publication was supervised by A. Loyd Collins, state supervisor, 1
‘ assisted by Edith S. Ballard, editor. Miss Marie Jensen typed and
V prepared the manuscript for mimeographing. Grateful acknowledgment is J
also due Colonel werner John Genet, translator of foreign languages on g
' 1
V the staff of the Historical Records Survey, who gave valuable assistance 1
1 in connection with the preparation of the lists.
‘ The following is a complete list of the various publications issued f.
j - ‘1
f by the Historical Records Survey for 1941. .1
‘ Inventory pf the County Archives pf Missouri: If
No. 64, Marion County 230 pp. 1941 1
_ No. 19, Cass County 142 pp- 1941 11
w No. 51, Johnson County 150 pp. 1941 h
1 _ I 1
Church Publications: 1
Historical Sketch of Tebo Baptist Association 1‘
i (reprint from Inventory of the Churches j
Archives of Missouri, Baptist Bodies) 18 pp. 1941 1
' Church Bibliography, Baptist Bodies of Missouri: 1'
1 fssociational Minutes 59 pp. 1941
1 Bethel Church Minutes (second edition with ' w.
- additions) 15 pp. 1941 1
1 Historical Sketch of Quarles Baptist Church 3
1 (reprint from Inventory of Tebo Baptist H
issooiotion) 9 pp. 1941 ;
Supplement to Bethel Church Minutes 6 pp. 1941 ii
Missouri Church Calendar 5 pp. 1941 11
i i
- Reprints from Inventory 2f the County Archives pf Missouri: 1(
' No. 73 (Second Reprint of Governmental Organization 1“
~ of Jasper County) 66 pp. 1941 1;
, No. 64, Historical Sketch of Marion County 20 pp. 1941 1;
No. 75, Historical Sketch of Jasper County 50 pp. 1941 11
1 1

 XS” , ‘1, CH
. _.9 _ _ l
: |
' No. 19, Historical Sketch of Cass County 15 pp. 1941
V Manuscripts:
V Information Concerning Manuscript Collection
of Missouri Baptist Historical Society
(reprint from Missouri Manuscript Guide) 8 pp. 1941
- County Court Records, St. Charles County,
' Missouri, 1821 40 pp. 1941 ‘
Documents of the Missouri Historical Society 3 pp. 1941 E
Early Missouri Archives 109 pp. 1941 f
A Miscellaneous: 1
Narrative Report of Survey (1940) 7 pp. 1941 1
Services and Accomplishments of the Missouri
Historical Records Survey 19 pp. 1941 1
Sample Pages From Publications of the f
Missouri Historical Records Survey 17 pp. 1941 1
Manual of Instructions:
Church Archives 24 pp. 1941 g
’ Supplementary Church Instructions 21 pp. 1941 i
' Inventory of Civilian Organizations 18 pp. 1941 E
The Organization of Missouri Counties 19 pp. 1941 1
Comments on the Missouri Historical Records ?
Survey ‘ 30 pp. 1941 t
. Early History of Missouri 20 pp. 1941 !‘
Historical Sketch of Macon County 19 pp. 1941 f
‘ 5;!
Vital Statistics:> d3
Guide to Public Vital Statistics ii
' Records in Missouri 132 pp. 1941 1
‘ _.,_ ' '" ‘ " C"HA“‘RT"0' F'PUBLVICA'T'IONS" _ """' "M 1!
' : County 2 Federal : : : ‘ : : _— :VEEE {1
- Year : Inventory : Archives : Church : Imprints: Reprints: Mss:Mscl: Sts. '5
. ‘ ;-:'" : i : 2 : : ~
1937: 1 ; 2 ; I 1 : 5 g 1 g
- ~--—-—-——-—-——-—~———-————-—————-————-————-—-—-—-——-——: =. i - f = 3 3 f -
p 1958: 4 = 9 : ‘ f ‘ : : ;
p = : : ' E : . : 1; -
: : ' . g : : : : ‘V
1959‘ 2 : I E : : : : H
. : : : : . : z :3
‘ 1940:: 3 Q ; 3 Q Q 2 § 2 ; 2 Q i,
: : : : : : . g : (1]
19411; 3 § , s ' 4. 4 10 1 [1,!
. _.__.L _______.J___.__..______——____-___.:__..___.____.____ 1713
TOTfL 15 11 9 l 6 6 l5 1 fl,
‘ WM.-_.WMW___ is 3
1? ,

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- °L \ 3_ _ _ _I IEiRRIDONJ I I—ENO" LEWI:
a ANDREW . , -—-- - , . I I .
’\ DERE- I GRUN L_.. / ADAM I ' E
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_ MR _ . .WESS I— I ‘I—s'rra'aY—IWN ;, I
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BUCHANANJ I 'uvwes‘ronu‘ CM'TON " -—-‘---4Ifi£|.s_' ’ '
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: ' I 0L“ ' ' LACLEDE I_OENT ‘L g - \.~ .
~ ‘ — '_I I ' ' «HEN-- 5v. rRauco-s 3 .
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 I i Rogres s ReEor'b Hi storical Red ord s Surve‘x, District fl; December 1 st ’. 19,41 - 1 Worker ‘
Making an Inven— Answering Housing and Care Transoription Making an Percent c?
tory of County 62 County Court- Essay of the County Inventory HRS work
Archives History house Court Record of Church complete:
1st cleck 20% Questions plans Archives
recheck 10% 5% 2% 5% 30% 50%
WPEEI‘i‘lhfl" - ..____W meim 1
Barry* 55% 1st check 0 of 62 Rec'd None 1835§1878 87 of 115 63% '
Barton lst check A9 of 71 Reo‘d x None 1866-1875 15 of 75 59% ’
Bates lst check 50 of 71 Rec'd Rec'd 185241888 80 of 110 77%
Benton lst check 53 of 71 Rec'd Rec'd 183541878 18 of 60 67%
Camden lst check 19 of 62 None None 1902;1903 L5 of A5 82% ;
~ Cedar lst check 51 of 62 None Rec’d 18h6;1878 1h of 55 65%
Christian lst check 23 of 62 None None 1865-1881 26 of 65 60% j
Cole* Iublished Cemplete complete Complete 1821—1855 1h of 150 73% §
Dade** 1st check 29 of 62 Rec'd x Rec'd 18h1+1878 22 of 60 67%
Dallas Published COmplete Complete Complete 1872f1879 L9 of 55 95% .
Douglas* 1st check h9 of 62 Rec'd x None 187291875 22 of 70 73% :
Greene** 1st check 60 of 62 Rec'd x Rec'd 185551878 116 of 200 75% f
' Henry ' Iublished Complete Complete Complete 185671889 125 of 125 100% ;
Hickory* 85% let check 23 of 62 None None ,1881e1881 8 of 30 57% L -
JaSper* Iublished Complete Complete Complete 18b1-1878 52 of 200 78% 9 1
Laclede lst check- 0 or 62 None Rec’d 18h941851 23 of 80 61% ‘
Lawrence* lst check 59 of 62 Rec'd Rcc‘d 18h5—1878 97 of 97 89%
McDonald* rechecked Complete Complete Complete 1865-1878 9 of 70 7M%
Miller lst check 15 of 62 None Roc'd 1857-1885 0 of 85 5b% 1
Mbniteau 1st check '0 of 62 Rec'd Roc'd 1858+1873 65 of 65 85% '
‘ Morgan lst check 52 of 62 Rec’d Rec'd 1853518h0 25 of 55 72% 5
Newton 1st check h of 62 None None 185951878 9 of 155 5Q% !
Ozark 1st check 20 of 62 Rec'd Reo’d 186 +1879 N1 of A1 87% 1
' Polk* lst check 61 of 62 None None 185Ze1878 29 of 85 6b%
Pulaski 1st check 0 of 62 None Rec'd 1852§l90h 59 of 50 77%
St. Clair. 60% 1st check 0 of 62 None None 185351872 81 of 81 72%
Stone*** lst check 0 of 62 Rcc'd Rec'd 185171878 15 of 60 62%
Taney lst check 8 of 62 None None 1885-1886 70 of 70 81%
Vernon lst check 12 of 62 None None 185551879 22 of 125 57%
thstor* lst check 5 of 62 None Roc’d 1855—1878 8h of Sh 83%
wright* 1st check 7 of 62 None None 1878-1898 55 of 80 70% r
DDP/lgl ,
H'f""’““:"‘" .2 :‘“ ‘T—‘9“""‘MW . W“ , "J > .n “— "9*"“—. A —" 1.. 3““‘W"—T ' W ' "'—“_' $7 1. ’W‘r" " ’ V 7' , ’ " "7' -. V "“ ‘

 if ‘ Progress Report Historical Records Survey, District #3; December 3—8341—912- * — 1 Worker
Making an Inven- Answering Housing and Care Transcription Making an Percent
tory of County 62 County Court- Essay of the County Inventory of HRS
Archives History house Court Record of Church "work
let check 20% Questions plans 3% Archives complete