xt7zpc2t7k7w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zpc2t7k7w/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1939 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1939 Vol.10 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, April 1939 Vol.10 No.10 1939 1939 2019 true xt7zpc2t7k7w section xt7zpc2t7k7w ,, 1939 2 Q I I ‘ ’1' . i j:' .
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L L Shiell LLQ LLLLLL LC(L>01)CLLaLLOtl‘L€s' t0 the BLLLLLL [1-1111 “LVCthéSt- LILEIHCSY (Ligton L ( N’mus 5/0 L f :1 nun}? Conlbfiutews L for 111
1 1 I5". _ '1] ~ C 1 )1] 1 . j, l1 1 y :01 C0 , '11 1 , ’3‘ A -L 0- 101 . ,- 11 1
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L L LLLLL LLLLL (L L L LLLLL Ca L 0,121 L . Veal ~1 1'1 '11. nde Leql 7111110 111111 1 we sum
L L L LLLLL L "‘1 LLLL L «11“ . Lady Ied‘L h - 1111s I « U81 0111““ 13 U 35 [116 .1 cal“ ((3111 .1erC( I . .
I I1 LILIIL, forCL . 1 SC] [1Cu - [11(- eaC 111 ) [1110 5 1"} 10111I V. 110 At .1 15 1651 . 1131‘ ‘ “0 56m (
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LL L '5 LLLLL 4' Se] £110 6 - Eh” ’ (1 )d- * , (led C , 5 ,Int, 3 11111 , 10111111 Ited 0 11
LL LL LCLLLL ‘ L on IL ‘8 Lblt I1“ “'0‘ , WILL ,- 1110 .mlC o‘htI 1 (, A 3:15 . the 011 I
‘I‘ 1,11,, I 1““ 1561‘“ thl . est . 1 be I“ 33-1 11015 1 U 111mm 1 am bL 1 . 1 01 . .1
III, I1;:I.11,I1)C P1LL-11‘d, L1 The f the 121133 wll I COLL/LL (0111le 611121ng “lye, IIC lei!“ 13' iS t0 HOLLLLLOL 11211116 '11ng
‘ LIL L In .1)0I .1 - 0' . (Ht 1 1 C . 1‘C L 1- , 1 gm 4 10 ~ 116: " TL“
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I (I 51( 01 mm 111-; , 0. , 111C (‘01 1‘1 , EM ”[1 , 0 ~ of V
LL LL COLL ' be t bt" f1 - nee ., Itt . 13c I5 1 c. ,1 11 1.110 .101 I 1 1
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I : I11: 1 1 -, I , ‘ , 4 H“ V‘ - , ) n; . . '0 _V' .
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L L LL L be LLL ELLLLLLL ConLeLL '11 [he LLLLL 11- LLLLwh‘ChILL1)1)CE”L‘LLLCCOunfl> Cms- ‘0 LL10 LLLLLLdiLor. ”“11 t0 LLin the :LEILOm [LL “flea
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LL LLL‘L L 3C1] 01L LL , St 15 1 ed to ~ 19 2" IanI 1011-5 .1011 ‘ - ' coU . “I1 1 I
, ‘I E weekly , Come is 111% d evely 110“” r POLL C 178 or 1 11C Sed ntL gen and S[01.le ‘ . I
I V I1 I‘I; V I I 1- 1‘)’ '101‘ ‘ an it . J 16" 1 f 1 ‘ CC , 1 90 _ C 1 , 1 \l 9.
L’ ‘ ' ‘61) 5‘0 .~ (LL est . LC 311th ~11 I .1 0 (:1 3,1 — 1-1111 was he 1 —
'I L‘ LLL IL I C , Hews EVCLL C 11 c0“t cl‘ltS: 1 L_ 1- [211] , 1119”“ d, 5 LL 111101“L L '11 C 951- (m C07 ‘ 1 by T. D L 3. I
I .-I 1x! 1 r1101 I1iCSI [0 rcac its m wage: (“L L1 ieL “LL IDL‘SLLG 11d CL 1 red 1 com in] PM» 11“" “ CQZILT' I I
L L LL L L LL LLL LLL S L L OLL 1110 L 1 ‘ C L ' PL 1" a si( e 10 ~,01I . §)O ‘ 11 1. . :1.
‘ LLLL' LL 1‘) - “16L - rC( Vt , [ha [ht ~ 15 . [e11 ’ 011- . 11K ‘ 3(1) . 111 ‘1 , Be 1 c0 ‘
. ‘L I‘ ‘IL1L‘1LL Ln 111S CLLH be 111329 (tontowspalfiLfL [he [116 Papa: 5 PeL Cto be Lance LLLques, 1V5, f 1[est ‘LgLngh thC ”1011161 I 3 I
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L L L LL LLL LLLLL LLLLLL , 11118 L N . on 1111 PRC ,. 1 <11 1 11151 311011; '1 111‘ 1 VS cd I 1.
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‘I ; -L.I:‘1 llL-LCLSL O 101” L 01: V )ring [ “.011 ) “n( Cxce “IV 1 ‘ .V 1111 1. 1.9 1 8 (
L L 1‘1‘1 1‘ CO 6111111)“: 1‘17CSL I hand:- C s(,( kCC'UL) O “1211;0111 1iLelLLL1Ly V (01116 k ,1 101 I Md 1 1‘ PM)? I 9 ‘
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2 1 I If111“ 1)()\C Dead 1‘. [)6 011 0 . [he , dyg sChC , ‘1 h 1 PL ('017 1 . < {11¢ 11 d?! 096 .
I I :2511 . a 95 nus 1m 11 111 (I fie . ‘ WILL, , Hm LIV , 101 1 A [ 111 ‘ I
L L L LLLLLL L L L LL L LL S L L LLLLL L dLC be ' (UL ‘ .4 561 1. )h} I)!“ — 05L ..-11- 0 . H.
L LL LLLL “(LL “16 LL ' 111 L ICIL U I1dl . nt . \CI . 11 P8 I
L ‘ I ‘ ‘11 P0 1 111° 115 1 111 , . 0° , c0 g1 / 110 . 1 I
. 1‘ LL A“ L . R- bC 1 I 111 I‘l (3 1111“ . 1‘ 1) h . 1c“ 1 1)Z1« v f1) 1 010» , 19.
L “ LL‘LL‘ L ”CLOL ’ can en“) - I 1 CO" 1 in!” ’ _ (111119 A I (119 ex( ,Cns) ou15- . -
L LL LLLL L ILLLOLL2L5 ELLLLLLLLSUL CLLCLL} C come/:LLNQWS‘ inusual (won/(Isl . dude licLLiqncC, «"15 IKLdL‘LLijtII LILLIanCLI 0?“ 211111111116 1 E11117}
1 I 3 I1 , . - IQ ) [1' V 1) - ‘ f ”(M l V (111] 6 1a ( S 1 1 «tate . A51 K 3110‘“ j, ‘116 A
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I i 11 I:;L1IS.III1c LflmqudL alarkeddrcsscd 10f Ken- 1. ){17 1 10 be I‘LgcheduleLdLears’lLilluI LLLIblished mam” It?) CHLCLL: ”O‘LCLVLLekIY 1 C11]
I 1 11:11 ‘ I‘ . 1\' L . be (1 ~ I 0 x .101‘5 1'116 1 an n( P C()‘V ‘I. 16 [1151 D V C ‘ .
L L ‘LLLL‘L )LL‘LLL ' “5L (L a . “‘1" hat H1. (11 16 c :1 "7,11, . 1b . (1 3d 111 Km
, ~::':- I .3 11] 1: an [VCL‘ ,d L hefl Pla «111C 1110 1 (3ng hfie a ‘0111 . D3 1 4
( II I"; L kn‘l,C st, U11 ,regtC t ent, me 3631‘ 1 ( qu 110( 11.A1 1115 . ‘ “V1
L L L LLL LLC L LLLe LnL L 10% ‘ ‘LLLL ' ’“L “a I ”1131 ”’lst' CC‘ .-11e ‘ 1 I 1 A - t M (313
I , 1; I P , CO 1 11111 -1 51 h‘ ‘ nor ((7 ) - (1, I ntl‘ 31a ‘1 . 1111 ) est 1 _ 1 111 11”
I v, ‘ MI '1 )1U 11 1S fit] I? 10' .kC'UI ’ . klnn 1 C0 , 1 be 1 J V 511% B llC( . '15 e V. B n
L L L LaLLC R PL L mOLL “L L 11‘“ 1 L“ - 211“ - “Ill ‘1 11“ .lles, 1 the apP 11cI P16 e
I W116. 1,. 1101‘ ' . ‘lthLL . [C a1 aVO ‘k a11( -, In“), 1 1515 ‘. S 11 11 . 11 0 . be . SO [6-
~1 1 I. I . , / 1‘ 116 . 110 ,111 [CC ta
I L 1‘ LCX” I. I no 1 l" . . “01 (If I . mp 911'; ‘11ec ~ II 1t 16 s
I I IIiI‘I I ‘. 1-. ‘ c I Sen I 1165- . 115 .131 (- I 111C 5C )el 1.11111 .1 [1
E L ‘(L‘L - . WLLL I C“ ,nt . «I110 fit of spa} C0 .1 11
L ‘LL‘LL' LLL 01 , I MC 6 C sU‘ ,. —51 nd eW 116 11 Y
E LL LLLL'IL the CLLLLkII‘Te hLLLL 105S of Lh (NOLLLnkC'LLLL LL15) Nntcst' 1: small (1‘
I I _ PRC ‘ b ibIC IL . is [he 17 ( ”ntes . . (‘0 ever)
L LLLLLLL 1116 L )OSS () flr 111110 ()11 VO ('( V . ’5 In 1‘()111 .
- I LLILII-1I 1:11’ and L pumps L ciLhCF 1-11 the abch LL . I CofiLCLSL he edlto1 and I
LL L L“ L ”ML“ from rieS L. of 1170”” 12110 t - -ati\re,
L t L LL‘L L OWL-(LIL L judges the cm (99le B?" E‘ Sti11111.tr inm
I 31 . I _ I ‘ 1 11 ,. , ,
o [I :11 , meta} SIudY , [110 11C ls at a 1110‘ to. zidllall 1, ,
f I EIL COIL. “I111 ‘ .1 0[ ~11 1131“ . 1116 111 "_ indn A
‘ t IL '1 1‘ L - 01110 5CCau§L . 11161 . be 111 V ”)551ng V7 _
“I L I 0‘ II 1 ISI5 1“ uxsl . 1 Ma» 0x1)1C
I L 1‘ ., =2 {‘1 1- “1650' COHELL .~jeS fl ‘1‘ tth , 110”
L ' a ' "L'LI’IIIL ‘ c0 . [he 1 en“ t lath ‘ 0yard] D _ ,
1 a .11: cttmg al “C 110 IN lea _
p , I I g 1V date! ()Stoffic H 111 C‘ if
L L a L L 63L IL eI‘SL1ty LL follow a 7,
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 ' . W . .. .. ’_"""""““‘ié‘f'jg—I-l, . _'
trill: - .
~ : Il‘lIIII I
)ril, [939 [I . ,( ' lll'll
l “thich i < I II ‘Illl' I l .
- S ,- 10m Undcrv I‘ , .. .
prizes are sldClIt , 1 , topd will picsent a possessmn to that paper in the State ad- 12 Sub‘ t r . . IIIllIIllI: I, 1- . l
h f. fhalK some [101)1) to tie Winner of this pals-Cd as hav' 0 l b . . . JCC matter. as a community ‘lllll II I .I .
e actom test .M a . 1110 tie est editoiial page, paper Should em h ., . ,II will! .
he judgingl con . lhe Cozme Memorial Cup was offered and comm 'tp {isize community news IlIlIICllllIIl j
. . . , ' ~ ‘ .- - L y ‘ ‘ uni ’ interests, . I ll?“ l'Ill .,:
seqtienchI Bet! Advertising Composzlmii 316116 ("St time 1" 1955 by VVZIde M. “outside” news )will be i 5 k t(1)01 mUCh lllllllll llIl T'
. LI C OI ( Z .- _ A - ~ , ‘ ' ‘A ‘ nar C( (.O‘NH. :IllIIililIl‘I'
/ .(dullon’l Three prizes Will be awarded to Ken- News y’Slilelilillrg‘lllg film” 9t “16.511011”, 15- prcial attention Wlil be Given to ll lll'll ill I
?;ItiaItiorIIi! tucky editors in this contest. $5 for best Vearl’was \V'illl‘iiciil?’ th ’Wiglncp' 11]] that the rhetoric, punctuation, unit: coher. l :lIl‘I I ill
Siou ' , , - . W _' I‘ g I ‘ ‘ I * ISlers ‘ai‘Ise NIer- CDC . . . . 1’ ‘JI‘fII 3-: j‘
r with [1 lull-page adiertisement, .tpn lor best hall- cury. Mr, Fisher won a ‘a' _ ‘ ‘ e, expression, (llgnuy’ Vocabulary, llIII’l-ll: Ii
‘ lel page advertisement; $5 for best quarter- Gr'ice'ui M P d1): g in m 1950' contents 01 this page. l lllll I ‘
31‘: date (if page, or less, advertisement Fido” m1 gyon [in 619;? Lyon Ceiiipy Her» 14. Each contestant will submit three lIilllilll‘II‘ l
cannet”, . . ‘ I . I I ’ contest. ” ‘16 1938 mmccum - . I' I
‘ 3' I ~ - ‘ I e Issu s ~ I I. ,I;I :; I .
C(msideredl towbe Judged include type content, type contest was won by Editor “I. S. “’21— from which ti ‘6. (1)l‘ his . news paper III :I: I t:
l aiiaiigement, \alue of illustrations, sel- then, Kentucky Standard, Bai‘dstown best - 1 ’_ _ 1C ‘Juc ges Wl'll' select the IlllIlliil
l ection ol border and decorative material, The contest is “wide open” this rcr r. i Slng 6 Issue [or competition_ l5 [Ill ,.‘ l
and itilillllllEllt 01 the lhl‘CC luncLions Of COIHC 011 in' l ‘1 ' _———*—-——— lll {kill l ‘5
trilvin —; I . . ““' ~ I : . . , ‘ - . iiil III: III Ll a
torial will take ts g Ittention, intciest, and £01} As the title implies, this handsome Executive Committee il’III’C’Is . I1 ::lllIlIlI I; .
I\I'iction. The entries are limited to d. ‘1 .. - . , . - _ I’IIIJIII q I,
news )a) - a 51 vet lovmg cup is dedicated to tl . IIIIWII I. I.
Ch GI Iler. vertiseinents that have been set in the memory of our beloved B C . 16 The KPA executive committee held Ill l Ill l I?
rem' ‘~ ‘7 €11 ozmeI .I v . . . IIItI: . E
j t bl‘ contestants otlice, either hand or ina- who made his edit .(1 its spiing meeting at Camp Laurel Crest II y'l lll E,‘ I.
.s a islied chine composition _ l' 1 9nd page an out- on the Green River on I\pril ()8 30 and l lll ". l
in and the ' St‘lmmg exam}? e 0f the best in 'our- (move . ‘ T _ ’ ‘ .II:III3IIII I‘ I ~"
‘ ‘ J" ' 'I . ~ - . . - d th I . I . ~ , I .
0f -_ Each contestant may select any ad- 1121115111, and his editorials a {12f 1 i ) J. _I C CVcrlaSlmg hospitality oi III‘II;;I II l1
1 Hall” Ii'ertisement etliat appeared during the in his town and h' t t ”Te t OTCL Editor and Mrs. 10d), Gouler. fillllll ll
llan' “3 I I er- . ‘ . Is 5 ae. o retain ManI to ‘.- - I II III‘I;
1 the inc-l‘lealll june l, 1133/, and April 1, 1958; permanent possession of the cup the Ciati:)11)VIeP1L:~01 111L1LILISL to the Asso- IIllllllll II;
. eaCi entrv 1 I , . I _ _ I \ re tiscusg ( z . I , __ ;_, .5Ii I, I:
fVlllC Sun , . o 'e mounted on a sheet newspaper must wxn it three times I . . C(_ “Ml “I‘d there .IIII;llll;.I
) C . ., oi cardboard With the notation as [0 The followino iules ”1 on. The priiicipal ol)]ect oi the meeting I'll |!.,l$ llll,
ZIC‘ 15 re- .- ‘ . ‘ were mate to I, . - , . . . -II‘I'III'
the mine oi th I - I . ~ -. , , O. “as to select a meetino ( ., . , I.» I “All
Ubsequent < e‘newspapei, datc ol is- goveiii the selection of the winner each midsui ~ . . ” placc 101 the I :llll IVE.
I Will 100k Sue, and name 01 contestant. year: ‘_ nlmfel plogram. InVitations were I {I} ,3 II I la;
‘ ' I‘CCCIWX rom Cumberland Falls A WlI’ll" lllll’l“
. ' 3" ‘ ., ~ . . Sh‘ lIIIj I!,;II‘,1
Tin/211) ()[jutrl F0) 1. Page content: the page 1nust con- land, and Mammoth Cave Mter’much lllll ll llll
.‘ ‘ -- ,' ,..', .7. . . . . i ”lithfl‘lI}
l- M’ ”I'll/”lg EIV/IIINI “11.“ ‘fludes of liteiary, feflture, and (11501851011, it was decided that the ineet- - iIIi1 I: ll l; l ll“
I ecitorial matter onlv in11 .65“ entot the LOLIISVIHe Paper on the page. However, this will not bar ing" of President Underwood Secretar "l l ll Ill l illf‘ll
11in news for 1111211»; speciil pontest is again open contestants using such advertisements Alcock and Chairman Russell Dychey II I: ll Ii lI
I .7 . ecitors o tie state at ‘ . ' ,- - ’ I ’ . ‘ _ - I 1. ,III :I
.deied ate Summer meet'na \II‘ .. the mid but said use “Illl count against perfec- This committee W111 announce their de- lil ‘lI lIl .
1ph struc- sent 1 ll 1 I O. l 1. Smith Will pre- tlon. ' cision later lily-Ill» Ii,
' ‘ ‘ mm” ‘ 2 " ' ' ‘ '- ~‘ ' :I; III III;
:, VOCllbU‘ for the be“ sonlie1 ind _\-aluable trophy 3. Editotial matter: preference will Members present were President Un- lilll‘llllllgl Iall,lII
ty service I the mect' -O CEIIJIL ot.~]ob printing at be given to ”home-written” editorials derwood, Secretary Alcock Vice )resi llll-ll ll ‘ l‘ll
) . 4y I ,, . '. a . - n n . . - - “I lIl '.‘III
sted on a II prep!“ amg. lIIIeiy chtOi is uiged to while canned editorials will be a de- dent Pedley Chairman Dyche Illa”), 'IIIll'IlI III“
I ‘ 11 ex ii)it )re'enl lI . 1 .- ’ I a l‘ ,, .I' .. In.
on of the I 1 1 )y mouiitec tiiment. Lee VVat- fi ll '5 ‘7 ll l'l I, M
on a lar ( . I . . . . , I . . CY e (I Tyler Munford Vance g;.‘
sue, name jutlwin g? Caulboard, lorexhibition and 4. Clipped editorials of community Armentrout, Vernon Richardson, James l ‘ I ll: " ‘flll
ter of the ' filegf ($11113 the meeting. nature will be acceptable. 1 T. Norris, Frank c Bell EdW’lrd‘Haml i‘l lilllil, Ill
. V . _ _ fl . . y ( _ IE“ {II-I, l I.
upweeklyfl ed E 1C).]oiv1iig items are to be includ- a. 1 . _ r ( . JIII_ i'glil I l:
)tlier col-l 4 Enml 1c onc coloi. /. Editorial Cartoons Will be accept- Needless to say, those present en— llIIIIllI‘IIl‘IllIIllIl
l 3~ p scope—two or more colors. able. jOyCd a Wonderful holiday 1t this co I‘I’IIlIIIIlgzlt lllllll
l ' YO Yam. . - . ( m- Eillllill ll I '1 f"
l 6 Boogklet [ 8. Headlines, whether spot heads or modious camp IIIIIIllIJIII
I ~ — . ~ . . I .. ~ . ,..:I:III.II' In:
I. 7. Busing. 0”; 0‘ "‘0” Pdfv’es- Ifmndmg department heads, will be _____ IIIIIIlllIIlIII’z, ,
er papers I 8 V . .s cart. Judged for typographical balance. gt; , . I ll: ll'I'IIl III)
. . . . - Calling card. 9 M . . II Puller—Now Is the time to see I, (33:; III I, H. II I] .
dailies in I 9 E . _ _ _. I ast heads: the typooraplncal a)- - . .I - . . ‘ 'I. II5IIII III ‘3! ll" I.
l . Weddnm 1nv1tation , o . l senioi class adVisers about printin rad— ;;_I,,III'II {I .I III.”
of those 10 st1t61ne?[ b' - peaiaiice, the content, and relation to uation invitations Arr f g'g. lI.II 'I‘IIIIIIII
boroI PH' 1] Bl . l 01 111 head. the page as a whole will be considered. 'raduati I, 1 H ange OI plultmg I. $1.1” II Ihlll‘lll l
ndLouiS- f 19- ottei. 10 Art w01L if anI will 1 _ 81c on cart 5. Have you submitted II'E‘IIIiIzg III III il'liliz .
. _. Ii, , r . . , J "i ’ )7 I . J . _. I .l ‘l‘l' l 1,0,“?
“l 6 “me l What you consider your best 101)." i 11 . . . l C given 1 aid {01 the printing of the annual? _ ii .lIl‘I I”. ilillll:.l .
, 1 .. h Eim’ Y _ u consuleiation. $5.3 Puller—Try a different psychology IIlI‘IIl (ll I'IIIIIIIII‘I 1'
‘ 7‘)" ’ ‘ l ' ' ' ' ~ ‘ I '. Ital-I1: ’I : III} ‘
3V€ln tle l C (8 ll (tn/(ad ['07 Comm Trophy ll. Make-up and balance: the page With the next series of sales letters Tests I- ll III}: Ill I. llIll‘Il ,
I . . I . f y. . ‘ ‘ . - . I“3l“iI :I‘ l ”341.
d .Weeltly I up Fm Mental-10115 Editorial Page makeup Wltll emphaSis on balance, sym- have proved that colors create a PSYCho- 'Iil llill‘lll‘l ill“ .
,his DaIY ’ KentucL P I metry, and contrast will be given close logical effect Popular Mechanics when il IIIEJ'IIII I"; llll
i L ' ’ l ' I . ' ' - ‘ ' c . I..I‘I1IIIIIII1I:::'I I
ts 63110165 erg Will coy less ASSOClatlon newspap- scrutiny. Extra w1dth columns, in svm- experimented with return envelo es i ”I‘ll: llli ll“: "
I I, 1 - _ . r ‘ . . I ’ ":1“va 5 III-:1 ‘
Itate. P13 Ben Cozinnpif again this yeai [or the meti‘y With the rest of the page, Will be found pink to have the most pull [£01 iaII-lIIIlI IlI I'. ill, ,I
e I‘emorial Cu) awarded Given S)eci'il ’ . ‘ ‘ I ' .é.'I‘Iii”II~III I.1;-é I
, c . . COIlSldelatK n. I I I, I , I.
l n I ) hm ed by gicenI blue, and canary. .llllléll‘ ill Illlll; l
a ’51:}: II WWII III;
is tlfrllll ii'lII‘ fi'lll- I
ll; I, ”2,5325 _,

 4 AE)1‘11,1939 E A
. .4-;- -4. ' ' nu"
4 . . 4:4;4-4 (-24. 4-44.44 414 SS
. 1. 44 14.4141_.4E_ . CKY PRE .
F - 441' 11-113 KENTU 4444c 444444414444 wuh the ME
.1 _ 1 ‘01 ' . .. c
l i i: ‘11! F 1 five L69LS 1' By no“ ) sold annually Rope“ l B
1.1.‘1‘1‘. our 4 .. )\' nus 1 " * ‘ . 4 4.11 are » 4
1114 Page ~‘11t stands up untk1 C 44‘45 )redict 4. 440115 11 44444 44444144 40 $614 so get outE 1
‘ I {E‘I‘EEE 1)” 1 ' 11 speed PICSSCS’ ”11:14 911 as 111211 order” alt ‘ job register and go down 4. [O
' -:1 f.‘ .‘1 ‘ ' ' 1 '1 *‘1 4 , .. rear 5 k . 1 , '
1 . -: 111“ 0“ 11g ' [he U111Le ‘ .. 0111 1:151 l u 1111e1esled 1n '. ‘e<
4 54.4.4 1 .~ 111 _ _ 4 ~ 1am ) 4 . 4 . \‘01116 ‘4 ‘1
E 'gl WET new Indus”), .4 1111110115 Cl (101 . 11st. 1" L110“ ’ . 1‘s. 1 '
1 ‘ 4.1..411‘ 1 ’ ,4 44 we Pubhshus 1 [ht 4 lease 4,0444. (1115101116 115
4 ‘._ ‘ . 11‘ _’I41414.4 4 44 44 44 ; ' S 4 ‘ ) 1 4‘
.. 4 ~44 4.4.4 4 4 44 .4 g :54, 811?} W] L114 4 HoChSLeE‘ 111L111 Vvll l 41 44044.4(, been 1clus€(l.4011 10111
' ‘.‘ EEJIEEE?‘ ii':l'i‘e:.4, 8;} 1111111121 .E' entor is D13 1‘- “- claim- 34 Althougl1 .6 444C 44044_ad4.ertlse.~ 4454
1:4 41: 4: 1 1.454414 " ‘ 111V 4 ‘11 1‘6 41- 4‘ CEIV . .
E" 1E1 jhel 111s also Succeeded 1 ngquV' udvemsmg’ Make it easy [0 go bad I the
1 . .1. . ‘ . t - .
4 ' E 11 ‘EEE WKenmcky tel, WEO from lwcd Paper so SUCC / with :1 51111161 . he‘ll advertise. 11111
1 .1 1.: . ' Ion . ' 3 ' . ‘el‘. '1 " '1 ~ '
. 1‘ TE “ 1'3 E ofiiclal pubhca AssoCiatlon 111g Ru 1. be ust 0V61 and 9‘ . be- liltCT- 50““ ( E) 4404131 adveltlsemem E Yo!
4" ‘ LE LEE?“ Press that It can 4 40449 01‘ newsprmt me 4 (1 When a “a er in addition to \4
. 4'4 “ 1:15.144 "———_4—‘ ' her . ~ 111 ) C ' . . '11 511?.“ ‘ ‘ 4 - . 11‘ )a 3 , .
. .44 4.444444. portmam" Edltor'Pllblls ICn :3 [(Er the tests, 1131113 11:1116‘ paper appears 111 )014 glllelel to [he nat10nal 13111
11‘ 111‘ victor R- indiume - 1"1‘1115- 19 ’ .. 1'ur «"1 EC?“ ‘ 1 a1 dealer.
- 1 141.115... . D 4. 111111 4 4 . 1 501(1 5 4 . the 0C 4 011
. 4‘44 .1144 .3432; Lexmgwn [r0111 1’61““) 1‘ ‘ ( huetmr‘ also cal c . send one Lo 4 ‘in for 11 t
‘1 1. ‘1‘.» e Kerne . 1 D1". HOC ~ . d agren }, . ,1m051 pa) g en
‘1 1 printed On Th accordmg to 1‘1 4d,4 grass. gOEdemO 4‘4 41$ him feel he 5 “ . 4C4 He’ll be- 44c4
‘ .‘1‘: . 1‘ < . 4 t 1% . "18 ‘~ 4 ‘
4. . 4!. —__—4 . [10111 E O 4. 115 £113 - "1.511 11$ .
4. . . fflctl‘s n1de ~ 1owl ~ Wu 1,.
1 E1444E: Press AssocmtmnC: Lexington 448444434 be 1 ‘ S0144444514 and othCIIg ers The from 1115 0 “Wm-using conSC1ous, and 4 at“
:I: ‘ , - . ‘ 1 4 1 - ‘6 < . use
. end. ”95“?“ Eddyvme Hergl Stemb’ ( 1 SS [0 am ' - 1116 11101 . 1 d on [0 SCV‘
: 114M114 UnderW . _ esxdent. Damn] e otal 0.. 4 V1“ (.0 , )1 CV31 6 -
4 ;; EE (1:141:32: M1 fedclltEY, 81:41::5'42544 Messenger, 444.6 110w 4:14:44“ his new method 1140 404440411110 111AY be 14404441 scthUEe has . 4404
1.1 11-115 A00 ‘ . - . tor )0 1‘ . V'lstc p ' ‘ [11C 11a . ‘ 4
. 4 61:41.1. 0‘“ . Committee 1 . mvcn 101411680 ‘ “ . 'cc when wt
4 _4 4l4444444E4 13‘4xec14144nve sentinel'ECho’ 41441342311333: open a huge maI‘kCt jsel‘VC [04105454 110W 51%;er 04. skipped 21 \VLClx. [4044,44 pieCCS . S)
.1 ;"‘.f? . Lon on. zette; ut, ' COI‘ ' 0X ' ' . 01110 ‘ - l
1 E 51‘1”: Russell Dyebe’erfield. 01mm}? Ggance Armentroow 11CLS and “71.11 113. 1 111 0Pf a few In .- ‘ laSSI- _
41 4 41. Harry Lee Waéem Advocate. Richardson, 6134:5113: (I 4 )mvlde WO0d P1 1 .. 4011 of EO‘ R1 1 rived from 10111 C 4. see
_ 1 ‘4 .1121 morgan1 .441; Joe 1 Cate; ( 101 ,. . 'd 21 . 1 115 ( C ‘ - the -
.4 4 4 4 .. a, -Journ 115 Advo T, quite . , 110 ml 4 . 0 1(511 , \ vlth nc
4 4 4 44444444 forisville couner Danvl 4 . James 4 a .40“ _ 1 1 [C1111] [1165C 1 a
E 4 hardson‘ Lexmgton‘ 1m- “ .. see It 1 ‘ . - . 1110113 b . Send 1-
.; 5“4EE.E L9“ - w. V- Ric 11 Press: 15011, CY.“ AS “C * - 111111211 11 ‘ . 111111115- ‘ 4 - bSCllE)‘
1 ‘ .1411 Timesv Kentuc y . T. T. W1 Tumble . ‘1‘1‘1‘V 01 S m 0 fed (0 'OICCS: SH C211}
‘ 1 :1 :‘44‘1‘ . pm-tmann‘ dependent‘ Bedfordv 1d- .' [ from 5 ‘ . -. ,1 ut «51 l ,4 111% 11“ -
. .1. =1: R . Ashland 1“ k c. Bellv . ille Hera. ‘ newsplm . F T1115 15 .1 )0 “ 11,. gmlcme ., 144
4 .4 1:41.14 Norrl$~ bin; Fran . 4 Paintsv 4 Emu. ,r ) 9.33/- ‘ 4 4- C 11101111} ‘ .1«5_ 4 g
L 1“ EV ME“ 31121 Logt‘cawalker ROEhlasoIgews; Robert L will cost $33 l.( E .1 11 [116 lowest P1“: ‘ nol‘lCCS. and lCUC * ~k Publlsher \rlll
. 4. ~-4 44445.4 Democsafianflem comm 444/ )el‘ 4044 165541121 [1011 _NeW 101
. . .ar _ .) —' ” ‘
4444 444_ 414‘ fgxcasten Honorary committee (0 <4? ld )ulp newslnlnt- _ 4 104 AO‘C Th4
5E ‘4‘LE Legislam’e 4444. for W00 16 C dfrom AdVCrUS11 D n “—4 N,44i044;11 suc.
chairm ' con .Cns - ‘ 0‘ 10 ”C ‘
l .1 1%‘11 ‘E‘r4 1d Advocate’ A. Joplin: — 1, . ._. (tCOl (Elna 4.‘ r , c0\'
31 :E ,4E‘.4.E‘4 l 1‘ Munford! Mgiggg‘flljiul‘nal; GigrgeArmel-‘trout, _ EDS? P111191 ‘\ ‘ ll )a11V4 [11C £0110“1_n:j [-
. E E 15lҤEEE1;EE