xt7zpc2t7k69 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zpc2t7k69/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1936 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1936 Vol.8 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, August 1936 Vol.8 No.3 1936 1936 2019 true xt7zpc2t7k69 section xt7zpc2t7k69 L936 0
’ Published In the Interest of Community
' [a Journalism - - Oi, by, and For r
i'\ i
K ' . Kentucky Newspapers g
'1 .
AUGUST, I936 i
B Volume Eight Number Three :1

 I Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS August, 1936 A
o I o o I OHIO
é . Many Workable Ideas Offered To Buuld CIassutIed Advertlsmg PUB
' Our belief is that the alert news- mental operation in which the mind I ban we could boast of four classi- Watch Them Scratch Your CS}
1 paper publisher can at the present was brought to realize the value of i fieds. During the first week of the Money Back. 3:11 ‘
j time bring a considerable volume a quarter. Heretofore the classi— campaign this number was in- They’ll Rent in Any Weather, lbl'r
' of revenue to his newspaper through fied column, which, by the way, was creased to SiX, and at the present or Sell Birds of Any Feather— . Suthu
1: a conscientious effort to develop far from being classified, was con- writing the number is 16. These Ads. 31, h
‘f the classified advertising depart— ducted merely as an accommoda- “Four points which should be re— They’ll Sell a Block. Stock W 10
‘ ment. It is a department of the tion for a few, with an occasional membered are: 01‘ Clock, Yes, and Want Ads was r
‘ paper that few publishers have de- two-bits rolling in to help defray “1. Recognize 25 cents as a quar- Get a Man to Fix a Lock. Ofrga
, veloped. Now and then one will the expense of dunning letters sent ter of a dollar. A booklet was prepared by the 9 if:
find a newspaper that has devel- to advertisers running ads ‘tf’ and “2. Make definite plans. Cincinnati Enquirer entitled “Ways Infra
oped this department of advertis- ‘ftp’ (forgetting to pay). “3. Follow your plans through. to Make Money With Want Ads." ars
. ing to a paying revenue producer. “The next step was to plan the “4. Resolve to increase your col- This booklet outlined the. various ye n d
'. We know of one good daily news~ campaign, and the first thing to be unin. uses of classified advertismg and igauii
, paper that boasts the fact that if done was the classification of the “The last rule is of major im- gave a list of some of the ways it ucrlant

- all its display advertisers should heretofore unclassified column and portance. I have a great deal 0f could be employed to make money, gm
j quit advertising it could be pub- filling it with a few classifieds call— lUCk in pinning a man down for a as well as to save money. Fifty causse
' lished an expenses met through the ing attention to the merits of thelCIaSSified when he wouldn’t con— thousand copies 0f thlS bOOklei lished
. revenue from the classified depart- column. For example, “Found—a sider anything else. Have all faith were printed. made
‘ merit, good place to sell those articles for in the merit of the classified. Call Window posters announced the lect C
i That statement should give pub_ which you have no further use. them ‘little giants,’ but—oh my!” fact that the booklet was. available suit I
, lishers something to think about. Use the Classified Column.” In * * free of charge. Advertismg W85 linquc
This revenue producer has not been making these plans I wrote a classi- By VERNON T~ SANFORD also run in the columns 0f the En- The 3

built in a day, but it shows the pos— fied each week of the campaign, one Advertising Manager quirer announcing that “Ways to upon

sibilities which exist in every news— for each classification. Anadarko, Okla., Daily News Make Money with Want Ads” could copy
paper field for the production of “After making the necessary Promotion is secondary only to the be obtained by filling in a coupon persor
added revenue. plans for improving the columns, sales force in the building and de- appearing in the paper andtakmg lists 2
Many display advertisers who are such as setting an attractive head, veloping‘ Of a successful classified it to the nearest branch office. ' tWice
dropping out of the paper today a uniform method of composition, medium. A 30 Per Cent Gain _ of su‘
. will be lost if they are not directed ‘ as hanging indentations and the The classified managers conceive‘ In that manner the public 1.)?" count'
i to the classified department. Here like, the laying out of a series of Of hundreds of plans for increasing came acquainted with the servme pe rs C'

they can tell their advertising story attractive advertisements was in,the incomes Of their departments The result was: 25,000 additionai' lish
in a manner that will secure re- order. In these I followed a cer- ‘ is evidence from an investigation of copies of the Enquirer’s bookletbar count‘
' sults for them at a cost much less tain plan. The first ad contained the numerous production plans en- to be printed, and the class1f1ec therei
than their former advertising in— the offer of running an ad a week gineered at various times through— columns showed a gain Of 30 pel fore s
- vestment. Advertising results here extra, free of any charge, if sent in OUt the country. cent in three months’ time._ . be me
, will bring many of them back into . and paid for before a certain date. My investigations revealed a in)“ In some classified .adyertlsmg de- ditor
the regular display columns of the’ The second ad offered the privilege riad 0f sensible ideas, freak means ‘ partments direct mail 15 put to ev- the f:
'- newspaper. of phoning ads, and so on down the t of attracting attention and “stuntS” ‘ ery advantage DOSSIble- J. H- But- insert
Some intelligent promotion and line until the complete series of ads that rival those 0f the early days Of i 191" 0f the Houston Chronicle hi.” secuti‘
development of the classified ad- were finished and each week some- Barnum. A number of these meth— developed a series 0f “MISS Classl- of op
vertising department of every daily thing new and attractive was of— ods will be explained. fied” 19tter5- From the gas, 919.“ langu:
- and weekly at the present time will fered. The series contained every As every service and commodity tric, telephone and light companle and C
be worth’ dollars and cents to the conceivable inducement to use the is exploited and sold through the he obtains the names 0f “newcom‘ Copy
publisher, and to his advertisers as classified column. agency of advertising, so is it also ers to Houston. Such a list is 58- be fu:
. well. No department of the paper “Up to the present moment no a practical plan to advertise classi- cured daily, and‘the letters go it tor tc
can have a greater reader interest cash in advance policy has been ‘ fied columns through the use of the new arrivals m town. , publis
if readers are given a little training adopted, and until I can see the display (run of paper) ads, boxes From the transfer compahle simult
in reading the classified advertis_ error of my ways I do not believe on the classified page and news Butler secures the names of mm“ the li
ing department Train your read—,such a policy will be adopted. Rath- pages, streamers across the top of ers, which he says tOtal 50m? 5Q If the
ers as well as your regular adver- : er, I believe there will be small ex- classified pages, fillers, street car weekly in HOUSton) and mails i“ a de:
tisers to use it. Every farmer, tra charge for billing the advertise- cards, handbills, posters, window them this letter: publis
housewife, used car dealer, and merits. displays, and the radio, as well as When Moving, eral c

small dealer in any commodity in “Several hundred form letters campaigns by seasons and by clas— Didn’t you find some ODDS play
your town and community is a were then printed, which read like sifications. AND ENDS shall 1
prospect for your classified col— this: ‘Dear Sir: The attached ad— “Filler” Ads Used You wanted to dispose of? a new
umns. Revenue coming in from vertisements was taken from the Classified promotion in the form CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED publis
this group is a new revenue. It classified column of ———(space of “fillers” is used in almost every, “FOR S ALE” ADS tlon i:
can be produced this year to the to paste in ad). This same adver- newspaper regardless of its size. Will Get You Cash for These is a n
distinct advantage of both publish- tisement or‘ a similar one may be These are the small one-, two- or Articles—and Quickly, Too! cal a
er and advertiser. It is an aid to inserted in the classified columns ' three-line sentences which appear JUST GO TO YOUR PHONE county
circulation as well. This depart— of our two papers, the Addison Ad- ‘ usually at the bottom of the news— AND CALL nOtlce
ment can be made the one that will vertiser and the Woodhull Sentinel paper column—being placed there MISS CLASSIFIED. made
determine the profit on your news— at the rate of —— per week. primarily because there’s nothing ent 11
paper under present business con- ‘We sincerely hope you will try else to “fill” with. A few of such In addition to these letters. 10 count)
ditions. our classified columns and learn advertisements from the Basil L. circulars about want ads at thereii
Show me a newspaper with 3. why we claim our publication to Smith System read: mailed every day to Houston housi quent
well developed classified advertis— be “The Best Advertising Mediums: THE OFFERS in the classi- wives whose names are selectel paper
ing department, and you will show in the Southern Tier Counties.” l fied columns are worth investi- from the telephone directory. complr

me a prosperous newspaper. Are ‘Very truly yours, gating. The classified heading over “B115 made

you going to take advantage of the ‘Southern Tier News, Inc.’ READ, READ, and profit in- iness Cards” in the Oakland (Cal. “Gd.

possibilities which this department ‘I then began clipping classifieds deed by saving when buying the Tribune was recently changed ll

of your paper has to offer? ' from the exchange papers and sent things you need—through the read, “Who Can Do It?—Teleph0n‘ Mar:
The plans for a campaign to de— them out on these form letters. classified ads. , Numbers You Should Know.” In the C(
velop a well-paying classified col— With them was inclosed a blank for SPEND a little time in the mediately following the ribbon hell vide f1
umn in a country weekly should return of the ad and a return en- classified section before you there appeared about a doze: licatio
follow a schedule extending over velope. The DOStage on these form spend your money. emergency telephone numbers—Silt 0f 30 1
two months, says Wallace J. Cum- letters is 11/; cents, unsealed. I find “Streamers” are ordinarily used as the police and fire departmefll in ne‘
mings, member of the staff of the the best policy to use in clipping only in newspapers where classified and the Emergency hospital. Ad ClI‘CLllE
Southern Tier News. Inc., Addison. these ads is to remember that you volume has reached page propor- vertisers in the business directOr the pi
N. J., in a recent issue of Newspaper wouldn’t attempt to sell a person tions. 'Iihey appear in one line consisted of carpenters, painter? In c

Advertising Service, Springfield, Ill. anything you are sure he cannot across the top of the page and are plumbers, mattress-makers, dres‘ made
The major campaign is then fol-- use. sometimes called “ribbon heads.” makers, accountants and bed; a put
lowed by one of lesser intensityl “The final and important step was Typical streamers are these from keepers. Each advertisement 03‘ name,
thereby serving to keep the classi- ‘ to resolve firmly to stress classi- Harrison C. MacDonald’s “Greater ried the telephone numbers in larl busine
fied department before the readers. fieds. The campaign then began. Want Ad Business Builder”: type, thus bearing out the idea Oi‘ interv:

“The first step consisted of a ' The week before the campaign be— Buy 21 Batch of Chickens and telephone directory.

 " ' ii
,936 August, 1936 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three .
,r how’s-ii—“w—Mfim
o o OHIO PASSES IMPORTANT week and having a second-class the Nebraska Press association, sug— i women who send in recipes which '
ISIn PUBLICATION LAW 0N TAXES mailing priVllege, being not less gests a reader—survey to discover g‘et printed or get; in the book sho ld
”9 than four pages of five columns or how your newspaper “rates” with get a book free. u .
' COLUMBUS, Ohio—Gov. Martin more each; the primary function the public. Such a survey, con-
1 Your L. Davey of this state approved a of such publication. shall be to in— ducted by means of a reader—inter— Despite the fact that more court 0
th bill providing for the mandatory form, mStl'UCt: enlighten and en- est coupon printed in your paper, decisions have been made recently
Vea er, publi cation of delinquent tax lists, tertaln, to Which. the general pub- will tell you whether you are play- that “bank night” does not violate -
Bathel_ ‘ both real and personal. This law 110 as a whole W111 and does 113501?t ing up phrases of your newspaper lottery laws the U. S. post office .3
. Which becomes effective October 26 for intelligence of_ passmg events that should be underplayed and are department still considers publica_ i
" StOCk was recommended by the Inter— Of a political, religious, commerCial neglecting departments that arouse tion Of this matter to be a viola— “
mt Ads Organization conference, composed and seem] nature, local and gener- the greatest interest. tion of postal regulations i
k of more than fifty business organ- a1 current happenings, editorial x. 5
:d by the izatiOnS. comment, announcements, miscel— A good rule is “Read before you AD-WRITING CONTEST FOR
led Ways The state supreme court two laneous reading matter, advertise- sign and keep a copy.” CHILDREN GOES OVER BIG 3
Vant AhS-h years ago declared directory and not ments and other notices; provided 3:: ; *
1?. various mandatory the seehOh 0f the que web a publication to be a newspa— It is much easier to interest a‘ One Of the leading retailing trade i
;ismg arid 1.eqiiii-ing DUbliCation of the delln- per of general Circulation shall prospective customer in a piece of papers this month contains the fol-
ie ways it quent land lists. Since that time have been published at'regular in— printing if a good color of stock is lowmg report, Which may be of use
,ke money, only a few country auditors have tervals continuously during a period shown than if white is used. In to some Inland newspaper ad-men l
:ey. Fifty caused the 1and lists to be pub- of at least 24 months or as adirect making up dummies or proofs, for local application; the idea was i
ls bOOkM lished. Little attempt has been legal successor of such publication many times the use of colored stock invented by the advertising mana- 3
made during the emergency to col— lssued durlng the Immedlate Drier will sell the job where plain white 381” 01’ a newspaper, it is pointed i
unced the lect delinquent taxes and as a 1‘6- period Of at leasttwo years; Clr— lacks proper life. You can actuallyi out—— ?
5.?Va‘1ab“ sult more than $216,000,000. of de— culateh and distributed from an create sales by the use of colored ”An ad-writing contest for chil- I
315mg was linquent taxes remain unpald- 65ththhed place or busmess to sub- stock where white will fail, and it dren With the COPY featuring mer— ,
0f the En- The Yoder law makes it mandatory scribers‘ 01‘ readers generally ef all is to your advantage to concentrate chandise ih the toy department i
“Ways to upon the county auditor to “cause a classes-1n the county or counties in on colored stock sales. proved extremely successful in a
Ads” could copy of deiinquent real estate and which it is circulated, for a definite western city store last year and
, a coupon personal and classified preperty tax price or consideration for each copy Publisher George E. Dunscomb while the plan is perhaps not 5
indlakmi lists and duplicates to be published 0? at aimed Drlee per annum, the of the Windsor (111.) Gazette car— Wholly new, it could be used in many ‘
office. ' twice within 60 days after delivery circulation 0f Whleh 15 proven b01194 ries a “Publisher’s Corner” in the places this year .
”in . of such list and duplicate t0 the flqe by at least 50 per cent therhOf lower right-hand corner of the “The contest ran for two full ' 1
public be- county treasurer, in two newspa- being paid for by regular subscrib- from page of each issue of his pa- weeks and was preceded by an— i
he 5.”.va pers of opposite politics in the Eng— ers or through recoghized news per in which he lists the largest ad— “ouncement ads. Simply stated in 1
additional' lish language published in the dealers; and must publish an av- vertisement appearing in that is— the announcement, the idea waS' r
)ooklet hal county and of general circulationrerage of 40 per cent news matter sue. ‘Who’s better able to tell the nice ‘
5 0134551th therein; provided, however, that be- which has sufficient merit to have things about toys than the chil-
of 30 p81 fore such publication it shall also created a following of paid readers, “Safety First,” an editorial ap- dren who play with them?’ That's i1?
1e. be mandatory upon the county au— to be a newspaper 0f general cir— peal to keep your automobiles in all advertising is — talking about i‘,
”thing (19- ditor to cause a display notice 0f culation.”. safe running order and to operate thlhgs 1h SUCh a way that other 1‘
put to ev- the forthcoming publication to be The bill was passed and ap- it carefully on the highway, Was people Willi Want to see them and in
J. H- But inserted once a week for two con- I proved over the obJection of some used for a page cooperative adver— own them. if;
”hide h“? secutive weeks in two newspapers countyauditors who though elect- tisement by merchants of South , ”EaCh daY’s batch of entries was i":
1155 Classl- of opposite politics in the English ed Offlcmls: give. one 01' another Tacoma, Wash. in the South ’I‘a- Judged individually and a daily ,h
gas, elect language published in the county reasons Why publication should not. coma Star. . prize awarded for the best one. i
compahh and of general circulation therein. be made. The measure not only ’1‘ This prize was any top in the de-
if newcom- Copy for such display notice shall provides that. tax_ bills shall be August is the month of canning, 11334311910t up t0 $1.00 in value. Then, .3
. list is 58- be furnished by the county audi— mailed, beginning in 1938, but how summer merchandise clearances, as a grand prize, $15 worth of toys l
tters go it tor to the newspapers selected to collected delinquent taxes may be college clothes, and a clean-up on went to the best of them all. The if;
1' . DUbliSh SUCh delinquent tax hStS used, all hot weather items. The month judges Were the advertising mana- if
companie simultaneously with the delivery of —— also brings an introduction of new gers 0f two daily papers and the id:
es of mo" the lists to the county treasurer. SERVICE TIPS GATHERED irall merchandise, while summer director of a prominent local ad- "ii
,1 some 5“ If there is only one newspaperi 0f FROM OUR EXCHANGES items are being offered at clear— vertising agency. The age of the i1 ii
d mails i“ a designated political affiliation —-—- . ance prices. Stores which are tak- contestant was considered in the ' {j
published in the county and of gen— Running a feature in his paper ing advantage of the August lull award, together with neatness, at- t ill
eral circulation therein, such dis- calling attention to the length of by making store improvements tractiveness, etc., but most of all, iii"
no ODDS play notice and delinquent lists i time advertisers have. used the should be contacted for preparation compelling persuasive ad copy. til
shall be published in it and also in newspaper regularly, is a stunt of special opening sale. Fall drap- “Ads came pouring in by the hun- I, {11H
se of? a heWspaper independent in politics used to good advantage by a west— eries and coverings sell good in dreds right from the start. Some 1 ‘3,
SSIFIED published and of general Circula- ern publisher. August. children got the idea, others did iii?
i tion in such county. Where there A recent feature noteld thatd two note But the response was what it ,’
is a news a er of designated politi— firms have een “regu er” a ver— in erested the store and that was . ii"
[for These cal affiliatign published in such 4‘ tisers for more than a quarter cen— .By Ralph T' Baker, secretary and beyond all expectations, extending E5
y, Too. ' ' f h l tur To build local reader inter— held manager, Kansas Press assoc1— even outsid th t t ‘
$PH0NE county then publication 0 suc y._ . - atlon: Here’s a rec1pe book idea . .e. e S a.e.
notice and delinquent lists shall be est, Similar data can be used, to— that will not an] increase your a d- “The indlv1dual wmner each day i: 'i
sSIFIED- made in two newspapers independ- gether with a brief history of the vertising lineageybut will help show received a little note of congratu- 51.11,
‘ ent in politics published in such older firms, lodge secretaries, etc. an increase in circulation and 'ob lation and an invitation to come in ;';J .21
letters 10 county and of general circulation .- - . J and get acquainted with the adver- "
r _ . . . , . printing. First—carry an announce— . . n: ‘
ads at therein. Publication of the delin- Heres copy of an ad which a ment on the front a e that all tlslng department; and as a rule irll: 1,
lston house quent lists may be made by a news- newspaper carries in its local high women readers are ilijvige d to send they came trooping in, surrounded i”, i
.re selects paper in installments, providing the school paper: in their favorite reci f by gratified relatives. ‘3 ‘ i
. _ , , . pes or pub— H h ,
eCtOI‘y. complete publication thereof is Did You Ever Stop to Think . lication in the paper' that at the At the close of the contest all i153 v,
. over "Bus made twice during a sixty—day pe- Your home town newspaper is end of a certain period these reci winning entries were mounted and . l
, , , . pes . . . . .
{land (Cal, rlod. you schools best friend. then will be assembled and made inscribed and 'displayed in a prom- ii ,
changed ll Must Provide Funds It gives your school evengs and into a recipe book. Each day, the merit front Window. ii I
_Te1ephon Mandatory provision is made for athletic contests. columns 0 news recipes printed will have a few All through the contest, news- l I. i
Snow.” 1111 the county commissioners to pro— , stories and .publlClty. h 1 . designated as “star” selections. It palper advertlsmg kept it alive and i i . l
ribbon hell v.1de funds for the payment of pub- It champions your sc :0 blmd is easy to get food store tie-ins list— ife pfid attract parents and relatives i ~,, 1
J a doze llcation which shall be at the rate provement programs an on ing the items which appear in the o e children to the store. —In- ' i
mbers—suc of 30 cents per entry each insertion elections. . , “star” recipes. After a few weeks and Daily Press. ;. i, ‘ I,
department If} newspapers of less than 25,000 It 15 3: Slzea‘ble taxpayer in your you, will find that you have hun— % _ ii ii
spital. Ad Circulation, to be charged against community. . . . dreds of recipes. Then the type, Secretary and. Mrs. J: Curtis Al- ggf; >
ss director the property published. On Its staff and 1h Its meclfiani- which has been left standing from cock .spent their vacation in Au- 5];
's, painter- In order that full publication be cal rooms you W111 find many ome day to day, or week to week, can gust 1h Tennessee and at Glasgow, I”, ’
kers, dyes: made “a neWSPaper is held to mean owners and taxpayers. h be assembled into a book, usually ‘ KY- 3* r.
and he‘ll a publication bearing a title or The same applies to your ome running 40—60 pages. Ads may be William G. Cayce, 36 years old, )i
iememt cal name, published at a fixed place of town merchant. ' sold for the recipe book, as well as newspaperman, formerly of Hop- g ,
oers in lall business, regularly issued at fixed ‘2‘ "‘ ’the paper. It can be used as a kinsville, shot and killed himself ‘ '
he idea Ol‘ intervals as frequently as once a Vernon Sanford, field manager of premium for new subscribers. The in San Diego, Calif., on August 2. 'i
I“ l ‘

 , Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS August, 1936
. H
lof any home or left lying around i through the front line and gets in PLAN
. 7 only to be burned later?” You have its deadly work.
‘. ,, y 5&3 ., not»! Even the lethargy of the local
- , But you have seen hand bills, people can be overcome by contin- Very
gn‘E .3 8% circulars and mimeograph adver— uous advertising and they can be most (
,. -.’ e tising fill the post office basket to interested in buying. After all, ad- advert
‘ overflowing—you’ve seen the streets vertising is a strong motivating ever g:
, H ,littered every Sunday morning with force and the lack Of this force is ‘ the a:
i: . . . . . hand bills and yards and lawns a serious form of competition. itself(
, OlliCIzil Publication Of The Kentucky Press Assoc1ation strewn with that type of so-called In almost one hundred per cent ices.
- ____a._#_.___#_______ advertising, of the cases of home town store How
, VICTOR R. PORTMANN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Editor If every merchant using that class mortality the reason for the demise ment '
. .——.——————-—————————— of advertising could follow his lit- can be traced to the failure 0f the make-
Printed On The Kernel Press, Department Of Journalism, erature t0 the front (1001‘ Of homes merchant to advertise and to keep a thrl
. University Of Kentucky, Lexington —to the car owners whose cars are his front line defense strengthened. six,” 21
, W cluttered with hand bills—or to the There is a constant financial drain hurrie
'. PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS farmer’s mail box and learn how from towns and cities to larger squeez
, John L. Crawford ... ..,....i___w...._ President .._._.._____ Times-Tribune Corbin unwelcome they are; hOW the re— town.s and Cities’ on account Of the a bi; (
. Jody P. Gozder __...ms___._.... Vice President __ News—Journai,Campb'eiisviiie cipients resent the knocks at their “buying away from home” BVil and the al
: J. Curtis Alcock .«.__._.« Secretary-Treasurer _....._<___- Messenger, Danville doors, or the filling of their autos this can be combatted most effec- it turi
- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE with mail-order advertising, he'tively through advertising in the copy,
: J. LeMar Bradley, Enterprise, Providence, Chairman; Gracean M. Pedley, Her- ‘Would come to the realization that 1'10““? town neWSpaper. simply
g ald, EddyVIlle; Dolph Creal, Herald-News, Hodgenville; Vance Armentrcut, Cour- ’ instead of making friends thereby ———-—-———— “plug’
. ier-Journal, Louisv111e; Keith Hood, News-Democrat, Carrollton; Joseph Costello . . . . - I
Democrat, Cynthiana; James T. Norris, Independent, Ashland; Thomas R. Un: he, In reality, 15 making enemies. IMPROVEMENT NEEDED And
. derwooid, Herald, Lexington; Russell Dyche, Sentinel-Echo, London; Joe Richard- Newspaper advertising on the —— it was
ionfilgigei,arfil::&2whgxigt‘giyR. Portmann, Kentucky Press, Lexmgton; Robert other hand is Welcomed advertis- Business conditions are improv- umn,
LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE ing. It is dignified. advertising. It ing, we are certain'of that. Along of sal
Thomas R. Underwood, Herald, Lexington Chairman' Lawrence W Hager enters the homes In a reSpeCtable Wlth ImprOYEd busmess conditions 01‘ d1;
Messenger, Owensboro; Warren Fisher, Merc’ury, Carlisle; George A. Joplin Jr.: manner and IS read carefully by the must come improved busmess meth- was a
Commonwealth, Somerset; Harold Browning, Whitley Republican, Williamsburg; best class of buyers. — Starbuck, ods. There is a corollary in that what
ADVERTISING COMMITTEE Minn.,-Times. that must not fail. Our methods~ of ad
Joe T. Lovett, Ledger-Times, Murray, Chairman; Robert L, Kincaid, Daily —.—————— of keeping track of business must and v
News, Middlesboro; Wesley E. Carter, Enterprise, Elizabethtown; Thomas T. HOPE AND A FUTURE be improved. our system Of detail the fc
: Wilson, Log Cabin, CyIiTthiana; Leigh Harris, Gleaner and Journal, Henderson. FOR THE NATION relating to advertising agencies and pressii
V_ t R P t :E‘VSP’WER EXHIBIT COMMITTEE _____ national advertisers Inust be brought‘ ers?
V, icor . ormann, niversity 0 .Kentucky, Chairman; Albert Schumacher, AS fine a vision of the country up to date, There are any number Wh(
, Citizen, Berea, Denny Spragens, Marion Falcon, Lebanon. newspaper as has been written for of opportunities for improvement so Wit
, a long time is contained in a beau— and the successful editor or busi- will c1
. ___—______—_ tiful eulogy of a deceased Minnesota ness manager will not overlook the are se
4 _- editor by his pastor. It is reprint- necessity of making improvements would
. BUILDING CIRCULATION far as could be learned, over 3,500 ed here in part: now. The fact that business is anothi
V —— residents and former residents of “Of all publications, the news- better will give US publishers more ad. 3
A Washington newspaper pub— that county were present. The clay paper is the least though of, par— courage to improve our side. And, shoulc
lisher makes these suggestions for was a success in every way and the ticularly the small town paper, yet we are not overlooking any chance never
keeping and building circulation: {editor and his staff are to be con— it contains the history of mankind for Closer and fuller cooperation even
1. Arrange all expirations on thelgratulated on the part that they as certainly as the monuments of with Our state newspaper organiza- consic
first of the month, in order to sim— played in its rousing success. As the ancient world, or the ponderous tion. _ when
plify your billing. iannounced, the idea will be carried books of man’s achievements. So ———-——-— vertisi
, 2. Keep a regular list of non- , out again next year on the third quickly read and tossed aside, lost, THE COUNTRY PAPER Dianni
subscribers for samples and direct: Sunday in August. torn, trampled on, burned without —— idea ii
solicitation. ! __.—-__ ‘the least regret or consideration. Without its newspaper the small Wh:
3. The registration of voters list] Everywhere there is evidence that Yet into it is poured a mass of mat- town American community would cinles
in any town is a good source for the editorial page of the average ter, good and bad, joy and sorrow, be like a school without a teacher If I
a sample list. Inewspaper is enjoying a renais- laughs and tears, the history of to- or a church without a pastor. In’ colum
4. Publish a list of “recent re— sance. This is not wishful think— day’s humanity. Side by side are the aggregate, the country news- ins ti
newals” occasionally to stimulate ing on the part of those who write life’s meanest and mightiest things: paper determines the outcome of instea
others in sending in their money. them, but is borne out by surveys ‘ fighting cocks and fighting kings; more elections, exerts a greater in- 1y In
5. Circulation offers (for maga- and by even the most casual ref- the birth of babes, the death of fluence for constructive communi' are D
zine clubbing and others) can oftenl erence to such barometers as pub- ‘ sages; the slaughter of men, and ty progress, is read longer by more along
be inserted in sale bills that arelhe opinion as the letter columns of the profits of war; and too often members of the family and consti- defini
mailed to box holders. Tlhis saveslmetropohtan newspapers the coun— the fighting cocks are more impor- tutes, with its millions of circula- tentio
postage and allows frequent con-ltry over. The reasons are obvious tant than the fighting kings. Yet tion and quadrupled millions of 911d \
tact. land take their origin in the need we must rely on the small town pa- readers, a better advertising medi- meSSa
————-——— ‘of the hour which is for interpre— per to maintain our rights. We ex- um than any other group of news- Eve