xt7zpc2t7j30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zpc2t7j30/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1989-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 1989 text GLSO News, December 1989 1989 1989-12 2019 true xt7zpc2t7j30 section xt7zpc2t7j30 5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from GLSO News staff
For the first time since its formation the local vice-mayor sets her up as the candidate to beat
gay/lesbian political organization, the Bluegrass in the I993 mayoral election. Teresa Isaac
Human Rights Advocates endorsed candi ates surprised many local election watchers by
running for office in Lexington-Fa ette County. registering a sur risineg strong second lace.
The results could not be more gratifying, with all In the final BHRA endorsement, Jud) e Gary
BHRA-supported candidates winning easily. Payne easily won election as district judge over
Mayor Scotty Baesler won an unprecedented Byron Ockerman. Payne directly benefited from
third term with an easy victory over former the support of several BHRA members who
at-Iarge council member Ann Ross. Both worked on the Payne campaign.
at-Iarge council members endorsed by BHRA This November's election marked the first
also coasted to easy victories. Vice-mayor-elect time a lesbian and gay group issued candidate
Pam Miller easily led all vote-getters in the endorsements in Lexington.
at-Iarge race for council. Millers election as
from Lisa M. Keen of the Washington BIade
Gay ri hts supporters lost all five measures Rick Ruvolo, Ie isIative aide to o enIy ay
on the bcEIIot across the nation in November, Board President Ig’Iarry Britt stated) anoffier
including a highly publicized battle to preserve problem with the vote, 'Fifty ercent of the gays
a domestic partners ordinance in San Francisco. did not vote." Onl agout half of the
While all the measures lost by very small registered voters in redominantly gay precincts
margins, the result amounts to the loss of three turned out at the poIIIDs.
recently assed Iaws protecting gays and Athens, Ohio voters rejected by only 163
lesbians Fraom discrimination, one prohibitin votes, or 3% of the vote, a bid to keep a gay
discrimination against people with AIDS, ang rights law previously approved by the city
one providing bereavement leave for gay and council. In Concord, California voters repealed
lesbian spouses of city employees. the city's recently passed ordinance banning
The closest contest was in San Francisco, discrimination against people with AIDS by a
where the domestic partners law was on the mar in of 6%.
ballot after being approved unanimously by the (gay rights ordinances were also repealed in
Board of Supervisors in May. The domestic Irvine, California and Tacoma, Washington.
partners proposition lost by only one percent of Irvine voters voted 53% for the referendum to
the vote---I,777 votes short out of a total of repeal the law versus 47% to preserve the law.
more than I65,000 cast. Observers speculated In Tacoma voters cast 52% to repeal versus
that voters were concerned about the city's fiscal 48% to reserve it.
health following the October 17th earthquake. Eric Rosenthal of the HRCF considers the
Other revenue 5 endin measures in San November setback "just a blip. We’re
Francisco were CIDefeateg by equally small disappointed; but unfortunately, you can never
margins. go iust straightforward.”

 [ ] Plfease send me adfre? introductory 5w?)
0 GLSO NEWS an in ormation on LS .
[ ] I'd like to become a votin Member of ASK AUNT MARY
GLSO, including home deTive of the
GLSO NEWS an discounts at gLSO Dear Aunt Mary
functions. My Membership fee of I
SIO/year '5 enclosed. Help!!! I am coming up to yet another trip
, . home to see the family for the Holidays. Any
I l I don I W'SI‘ to become a Member bUI tips on how to survive and kee my sanity?
please send me the GLSO NEWS each In gigs in December
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee.
Dear Crisis,
N‘Jmez ___________—————— Yes, I do! Here are Aunt Mary's frivolous
tips for surviving the Holidays at home.
_ , I. When your Aunt Mary asks for the thirteenth
0')" 5" Z'Pi_____.____————— ear in a row why you're not yet married, tell
. her in your most recent conversation with Boddy,
Ma'I'm Ne‘YSIemr' P.O. B°x ”471 an extraterrestrial being and one of your best
Lex'"9'°“' ”40575 friends, he informed you that it is your destiny
7 to be Elizabeth Taylor 5 twenty-first husband and
‘ that means, at least until next year, you will be
GLSO News is ublished monthly by the unable to act on the marriage. Promise,
Lexington Gay Saervices Organization, Inc. however, to keep her informed.
(Lexin ton Gay/Lesbian Services Organization), 2. When singing "Don we now our gay
Box Igl 471, Lexington, KY 40575. apparel" be sure to mention that your
underwear has pink stripes and Don gave them
Craig Clere, Managing Editor to you.
Angela Martin, Asst Editor - Esmerelda Parlour 3. Avoid fruitcake (unless it speaks to you).
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist 4. Decorate the Christmas tree with your
Additional Contributors: Dave, Teresa, Angela, mother's pink plastic curlers.
NOW, Debbie, Keith, Crai ; GLSO, Alan, The 5. At the Holiday dinner table, address the
Advocate, The Washington gBlade; Typist: Craig; philosophical implications of Rudolph's red nose
E uipment: Dave; Layout: Steve, Craig; Moilin : and it's relation to the current state of affairs in
Bill; Courier: Kenneth; FoIding & Stuffing: Mark, Eastern Europe (bringing this up early may
Steve, Steve, Craig, Jan, John. cause your Aunt Mary to skip the question on
marriage this year).
Views or o inions expressed in GLSO News are 6. If asked to deliver Grace, mention that
those of tfie authors and do not necessarily according to the Enquirer (your primary source
represent those of the GLSO Board of Directors. of information) she was last seen with Elvis,
Submissions are welcome. All submissions Hitler, and JFK bagging roceries at a Kroger in
become the property of GLSO and must indicate Indiana and, as a resuiit, it may take you a
the full name and address of the author. while to deliver her. .
Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The 7. Switch all the name tags on the gifts.
editorial staff reserves the right to alter
submissions (includin ads)1 to meet publishing Aunt Mary
requirements, as wefi as t e right to reiect any
submissions it deems may be offensive or If you would like to write to Aunt Mary, send
discriminatory to others. Placement of your letters to: Aunt Ma , c/o GLSO, PO Box
advertising in GLSO News does not denote a II47I, Lexin ton, KY 46575. For a rsonal
person's sexual orientation nor a business's reply, incluge a stamped, self adderessed
customer preference. envelope. All names are strictly confidential.
2 Dec GLSO

 GLSO NEWS NAMES NEW EDITORS GLSO agreed to contact the University of
from GLSO News staff Kentucky roup, Gays and Lesbians Unite for
Education EiGLUE), for a possible joint meeting in
GLSO News, the monthly publication of the February. The meetin would take the form of
Lexington Gay & Lesbian Services Or anization a " ettin to know eacgh other."
has named two new editors to its stan. Crai g“ GTSO Board meetings are open to the
Ciere, GLSO Board President, has been named general membership. Contact the number listed
Managing Editor. Ciere had been serving as in the Directory for more information and the
temporary editor following the de rture of location site.
former editor Steve Savage in Siaptember.
Angela Martin has been named Assistant Editor COFFEEHOUSES RESUME IN JANUARY
for the Esmerelda's Parlour section of GLSO from Debbie Currie
News. Martin had been coordinator for the
Esmereida ink collective which had been in deference to the holidays, the GLSO
responsible for the section for the past six Coffeehouses are taking a break during
months. November and December. in part, that is to
Sectional editors are still being sought for the give us time to gear up for a GREAT Spring
Calendar of Events and the Newsbriefs section when we ho e to have live entertainment at
of GLSO News. For more information each of the fbur Coffeehouses planned. We
regardin these ositions, contact the number are approaching some of your old favorites,
for GLSO News Found in Directory. such as Tendre and The Grinders, as well as
some roups that have never appeared at the
Coffeegouse before, and we're really excited
about the possibilitiesii
OCTOBER GLSO BOARD MEETING Although we have strayed from the
HANDLES ROUTINE BUSINESS traditional third Friday of the month several
from Teresa Reynolds and Craig Ciere times this year, we plan to be back on a
regular schedule next 5 rin , with our intended
The October 25th meeting of the GLSO dates being January i8, February i6, March
Board of Directors focused on old business i6 and A rii 20. Watch for more information
concerning routine matters. Discussion of the about eaclE of the Coffeehouses as their dates
GLSO promotional brochure resulted in Edwin roll around. Our oal is to have each and
Hackney and Bill Loggins, at-iarge board every Coffeehouse Eiye as wonderful as the
members, agreeing to coordinate the production September one was (if ou were there, you
of the brochure. know what i meaniL. gon’t miss out on the
The Membershi Committee reported that no good times . . . be t ere!
replacement has been found as at for the
at-iarge board position. Severail additional WENDY’S BOWS TO HOMOPHOBIA
names were referred to the committee for action from Steve Savage
at the November meetin .
, Crai Ciere reported:J for the GLSO News Under pressure from the American Family
‘ staff, fftat no new editor has been found. Association (AFA), Wendy's fast-food chain
‘ Several additional persons have, however, recently apologized for advertising on an
volunteered for other newsletter staff positions. episode of LA. Law. The episode included 0
Melanie Otis, at—lar e board member, was gay—positive character: a gay Oi mpic athlete
congratulated as fine new Community suing a cereal company for breach, of contract.
Coordinator for the University of Kentucky Drug The AFA later attacked Wendy’s for runnin
Study among Gays and Lesbians. Otis was commercials durin a program which they feTt
GLSO's recommendation for the position and inappropriate for Elmily viewin . Fearing public
will be representing GLSO during the study. backlash, Wendy's responded by apologizing.
Dec GLSO 3

from Craig Clere

During the weekend of November 12th, my and lesbians needed to be at the Rally, not
partner and I had the envious opportunity of because of the support shown by pro-choice
attending several events not available in activists who work for lesbian an g)ay rights,
Lexington. We attended the NGLTF's Creating not out of a sense of obligation, ut simply
Chan e conference in Washington, DC. On because it was the flgfl thing to do.
that SSunday, with over 200,000 others in The most poignant moment for me occurred
attendance, we were able to spend nearly two as we were leaving the rally to re-ioin the real
hours walking, talkin , and Iookin while at The world of work, school, Lexington, family hassles,
Mall during the NCgW-sponsoredg Mobilize for GLSO, church and the news etter. As we were
Women's Lives Rally. walking down 17th street to the Metro, we

There was excitement in the air while heard the chorus of the Holly Near song
listening to the rally speakers, includin New "Sin ing For Our Lives". My partner, Steve,
York City Mo or-elect David Dinkins, andgNOW wondered aloud if they would include the line
President Molfy Yard. In many ways it was like about gays and lesbians. While I confidently
the I987 March on Washington. The feeling predicted the?! would, there was a bit of
was similar, the sights and sounds familiar. esitation. Ater all, maybe the rally organizers

There were several impressions from that day would want to simply refrain from ”t at" line. In
that continue to linger with me. First, was the just a moment, however, the lyrics, "We are
diversity of the crowd. We saw pro-choice gay and straight together" was eard loudly. I
Republicans and Roman Catholics alorzg with the would like to think, as Pfarr believes, that the
expected pro—choice groups of N W, the crowd sang those (II/rics that day because it was
National Abortion Rights Action League, and the rightt ing to 0.
Planned Parenthood. Not unexpectedly, there For those of you who can attend a rally
were a substantial number of ay men and closer to home, another pro-choice rally, the
lesbians in the crowd, incsiuding some Rally for Women's Lives, will be held at the
recognizable faces from the conference. State Capitol in Frankfort on December 9th at I

Prior to ioinin the rally, the closing keynote pm. The rally is sponsored by Kentucky NOW.
speaker of the [\TGLTF conference was Suzanne Come and stand with lesbians, gay men, and
Pfarr, director of the Women's Project in Little non- ays to let Frankfort know that Kentucky is
Rock, Arkansas. Pfarr said that we as gay men pro-cTtoice.

from the Center for Democratic Renewal

A new report from the Center for Democratic community-based res onses to hate group
Renewal (CDR) ties the risin tide of violence activity and bigoted vioI;nce.
against gays and lesbians to SFar right and white Quarantines and Death examines such
supremacist organizations that are using anti-gay issues as why gay men and lesbians have been
bigotry to attract new recruits. targeted by far right groups, the nature of

The report is entitle Quarantines and homophobic violence, and the ideology of the
Death: The Far Right’s Homophobic new right and the far ri ht regarding
Agenda. "Gay peope have increasingly homosexuality, AIDS and civil rigTfis.
become the target of bigoted violence,I ”This document underscores the basic need
explained Daniel evitas, executive director of for all groups that are the targets of bigoted
the Atlanta-based CDR. "This report describes violence to work together," said Kevin BerriII,
the theoretical framework of the far ri ht's director of the Anti-Violence Proiect of the
homophobic agenda and outlines the gasic National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
steps needed to confront anti-gay bigotry." Quaranttnes and Death is available for $5

The Center for Democratic Renewal, formerly (including ostage and handling) from the CDR,
known as the National Anti-Klan Network, was PO Box 56469, Atlanta, Georgia, 30302.
founded I0 years a o as the nation's principal
clearinghouse 9for information on
4 Dec GLSO


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 P sutlerin we want to help, we want to bring
I. ~ about cqhange. And it just so happens that we
, can do this because we are, most ot us, well
/: smerelda S pal-I educated, we do give our energy lreely, we are
‘- 0 1‘ a determined lot - we can see the big picture,
the phenomenon ol patriarchal persecution and
So, what do we do? Well, let's take
TOWARDS A LESBIAN ALQ JoAnn's example at the straight women's
Irorn Angela Martin movement. A conservative estimate would be to
assume that one-third ot all the women active in
My lover and I Were treated to a wonderful NOW (the National Organization for Women]
ex erience last night (Nov. II); one that we are lesbian. The lesbians are a major politica
will3 no doubt alwa s remember and forever lorce within the women's movement; we
seek to repeat. VJhat I am referring to, or organize, we give our bodies to demonstrations
actuall , who I am relerring to is none other and letter-writing campaigns, we run the
than the witty, s arklin , protound Iesbianite halt-way houses when the straight women go
JoAnn Loulan. JoADnn is Elie author at those two home at night to their husbands and children -
brilliant books we all know and love Lesbian we are the Iile's blood of this organization!
Sex and Lesbian Passion, the latter being the And what has NOW clone tor lesbians? They
inspiration tor Esmerelda’s Lesbian Passion have told us "OK, you can join, but don't use
Group. fall Esmerelda tor details!) the ’L’ word because we certainly don’t want
For t ose ol ou who missed JoAnn's anyone to think that we're gay, and don't hold
perlormance I teel very sorry, because a hands at the fundraisers because we don't want
pertormance it was! I really didn't know what our supporters to be uncomtortable." And we
to expect lrom her as a speaker, but I know I have agreed - we have sold out our sexuality in
didn't expect to hear anything new or protound order to be involved within the movement tor
4 that is nothin that I adnt alread read in the rights 0! straight women. And, as JoAnn
her books. I gid not expect to be thoroughly point out, it is the rights of straight women we
entertained, practically rolling in the aisles in are talking about, especially on issues such as
laughter, while my lesbian consciousness was pro-choice. OI course, these straight women
being subtly, gently, but proloundly raised. I will say, "but we're lighting for the rights of
expected to hear about sex, and I did. But our body as well!" But, hey! Wait a minute!
JoAn n made us aware of our {Ve are not acknowledged within NOW - these
politicaI/sociaI/womyn-identilied sexual selves - rights are not Ior lesbians (most 0! whom are
a sexual sell we must continually tight lor in a not the ones gettin pregnant and needing
world that demands of us the hidin , the denial abortions anyway). S{Ale help these women in
at our sexuality. We live in a woer that gives their movement under the gurse ot sisterly love,
us the message that, not only is our sexuality common need and common community - but
Iilthy, but it is an embarrassment, it is they do not even accept or acknowledge our
insignificant, and we do not have the right to community. This is where JoAnn says many of
demand that others deal with - we must keep it our sexual problems lie; we deny our sexuality,
to ourselves. theretore agreeing that it is bad or insignificant
The tact is that within our Judeo-Christian, in order to belong and be accepted - in order
patriarchal, Western society; the lesbian is more to give away our powerful, earth-changing
oppressed than the straig t woman (tor, atter energy to others. In denyin our sexuality we
a I, they are male-identified), the lesbian is more cause ourselves reat and prglound problems in
oppressed than the homosexual male (because the bedroom. SA/e can't help but receive the
they are men and inherently more significant). unconscious messages of shame, embarrassment
JoAnn points out that what we have done in and lilth.
order to be included is to become the "wives" So what do we need to do? We need to
of the straight women's political rights movement torm our own LESBIAN AGENDA. We need to
and the wives of the male homosexual's light call in our debts. We need to let NOW know
against AIDS. Lesbians have such "big hearts" that we will continue to be involved in their
that when we see injustice, when we see movement but we expect the same in return -
6 Dec GLSO

 AND WE EXPECT RECOGNITION AS LESBIANS. My most recent discove in the field at
We need to let gay men know that we value lesbian erotica is B Word 07Mouth: Lesbians
working with people with AIDS and tighting tor write the erotic {109 pages). This book is a
their rights, but we expect some at their money compilation at short stories and poems written
and bodies to be put back into our community - b an assortment of authors, and edited by Lee
into our womyn's buildings, our archives, our Fir/aming. The first thing that I want to comment
bookstores and collectives. Too long have we on about this book is the tirst thing that I
been the caretakers of other movements at the noticed about it, and that is that it has a
price at our own sexuality or our own resources. knock-out cover. I think I could have picked it
All at this comes right back home to us, girls - it out at twenty paces. Needless to say, it served
doesn’t help our situation as lesbians one bit its purpose. Alter eagerly snatchin it up and
unless we demand it. It's time tor 0 Lesbian buyin it, | toted my treasure home Tall the way
Agenda - a movement tor us, for our identity back Tram Chicago), savoring the anticipation at
and our sexuality. And it's time our "lriends' reading it. But, as is usually the case with
helped us out. compilations such as this, it has roven only
partially satisfying. There is no ciisputin the
[As with all articles, the views expressed in this erotic nature at its writings, but at times I Tound
editorial are personal and do not necessarily the writing itself to be cumbersome to the point
represent those at the Board at Directors at the ot distraction. Now lets be honest, tolks . . . it
Lexington Gay & Lesbian Services Organization. there's one thing that you should be able to just
Readers with dittering views may respond by relax and soak up, its erotica. At its best, it
writing: GLSO News, PO Box II47I, should push all the right buttons, charging you
Lexington, KY, 40575.] u while not drawing attention to itself. Several
oi3 the authors in this book are quite successtul
at this, and their entries alone make it worth
readin . Others, however, seemed to get
boggeg down (or so it seemed to me) in
EROTIC REVIEW II flowery, "other world" writing that Iett me
tram Debbie Currie contused and, at times, downright irritated. I
realize, of course, that these are the very stories
Avid readers of Esmerelda's Parlour will that will appeal to some of you, and that is why
probably remember reading "Erotic Review I" I recommend that each at ou give this book a
about his time last year in which Angela Martin try. Diversity is its strength, so it is bound to
reviewed Dreams of the Woman Who Loved have something tor everyone. Hap y reading!
Sex and The Leading Edge, two line examples (Each at these books was purcfiased out oi
oi lesbian erotica. In the year that has passed town, so I am not sure of their availability in
since then, we have kept our eyes open tor Lexin ton. I believe I have seen Lovers at
new additions (preferable good) to the limited Joseth-Beth on occasion. However, both books
selection at lesbian erotica, and l have two new may be ordered through Sqecial Media or
£1989) releases I'd like to share with you. The Joseph-Beth Booksellers it not in stock.)
irst, entitled Lovers . . . Love and Sex
Stories (I I3 pages), is by Tee Corinne, who is
also the author at Dreams of the Woman
Who Loved Sex. Although not as BLACK LESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP
ground-breaking as Dreams, Lovers is a very STARTING IN DECEMBER
good book in its own right straight-forward in from GLSO News statt
its purpose and pleasurably readable. Her
stories cover a wide and varied range at to ics, A new support group for black lesbians is
from "Hot, Sticky Sex" to l'A Nourisiiing organizing in Lexington. The group is designed
Attair". She writes about sex, love, to facilitate communication between lesbians in
relationships, being ourselves and lovin each the black community. For more information,
other, brin ing our lesbian selves joytufiy into contactJulia at 255-4224.
tocus. Wfiile it may not be great literature,
Lovers is a creditable contribution to the tield ot
lesbian erotica.
Dec: GLSO 7

from NGLTF

Dr. Louis Sullivan, Secretary at the condemnin environment verbal and physical
Department at Health and Human Service abuse, ang rejection and isolation from families
(HHS), has sided with the anti-gay forces at and peers.”

Rep. William Dannemeyer on the recently The report goes on to state that "the
released HHS Youth Sutcide Report, saying traumatic consequences at these external
portions ot the report dealing with gay yout pressures make gay, lesbian, bisexual and
run "contrary" to the aim at "advancing transsexual youth more vulnerable than other
traditional family values." youth to a variety at . . . problems and

The response from Sullivan stunned gay self-destructive behavior."
rights activists who say the study has been In his written response to Dannemeyer,
Widely praised tor its tair and factual analysis at Sullivan states that "the views expressed in the
the growing problem of youth suicide, especially paper entitled 'Gay Male and Lesbian Youth
gay and lesbian suicide. Suicide' do not in any way represent my

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force ersonal beliets or the policy at this
(NGLTF) has called tor a meetin with Sullivan Bepartment."
and has sharl criticized him For "alarmingly "I am stron ly committed to advancing
insensitive andlt/rightening statements regarding traditional tamigly values," said Sullivan.
gay and lesbian teen suicide." "Federal policies must be crafted with great care

The TiO-page report analyzes and makes so as to stren then rather than undermine the
recommendations for stemming the increasing institution at tge family. In my opinion, the
rate at teen suicides in the US. The study has 0 views expressed in the paper run contrary to
sizable section on gay and lesbian suicide, that aim.I
reporting that "gay youth face a hostile and



from GLSO News staff THANK YOU

The Planned Parenthood Center has a novel
response to ttte picketing 0t clinics by Operation Each time you picket a clinic, our supporters make 0
Rescue and other anti—choice groups. Those donation. With your help, we can raise the funds necessary
picketing Lexington tacilities now receive a to promote family planning and expand all at our programs
'Thank You" note from Planned Parenthood and services.

The project is a unique fund-raising pro ram Not only do we agree with your right to demonstrate, we
called t e "Picket Pay Back Plan." Pro-cfioice applaud it. Because, with your help and hard work, other
donors pledge a contribution to Planned organizations have raised more than $30,000 thisyearon
Parenthood for each picketer who shows up the picket pay back plan. This money can be used to:
each day, during the period November 15 to
May I5. Each picketer receives a "Thank YOU" ‘ Pay for abortions tor needy women
note, and Planned Parenthood periodically bills
supporters for the number at picketers present. ' Pay for birth control for men and women who
Hopefully the program will reduce the number cannot afiord it
at anti-choice demonstrators who harass family
planning clients. ‘ Pay for community family planning education

The adjoining "Thank You" note clearly programs.
illustrates the simplicity at the program. It you
would like to support the Picket Pay Back project Once again, thank you for your continued presence and
contact Lexington Planned Parenthood at support.

8 Dec GLSO

from SF Board President Harry Britt
The AIDS Volunteers of Lexington (AVOL) will
elect oliicers and directors Ior I990 at the Alter the October I7th earth uake struck the
December monthly meeting. Numerous San Francisco Bay area, nationccul media reports
nominations were accepted at last month’s indicated that San Francisco had tallen into the
meeting. AVOL supporters are encouraged to ocean. Many at us were forced to call worried
attend the meeting at Camp Care on Dec. IO friends and relatives around the country and
to participate. reassure them that most of the city was doing
_ quite well. After the narrow defeat 0
Pro osition S (the domestic partnership low), I
MASSACHUSETTS BECOMES SECOND IeeFthe need to once again reassure the world
STATE IN NATION that we are alive and well.
TO PASS GAY RIGHTS BILL Virtually every poll taken prior to the election
Irom Coalition for Lesbian/Gay Civil Rights indicated widespread support. The legislation
was unanimously passed by the Board at
Massachusetts, alter I7 y)ears at trying, has Supervisors and signed by the Mayor and
passed a gay civil rights in which prohibits endorsed by every major newspa er in the city.
discrimination against gays in employment, Despite the results, we are conlident that the
housing, credit, insurance and public vast ma'ority at San Franciscans welcome gay
accommodation. The bill passed the men and lesbians as part at the Iamily.
Massachusetts House in April b a vote at We knew Irom the start that those who were
76-72 and received lull approval by the Senate most likely to vote were against us. We knew
on November 6. Governor Michael Dukakis we needed an extraordinary turnout to offset
signed the legislation on November I5. this relatively small but frequently-voting group
The bill empowers the Massachusetts of conservatives who do not represent the San
Commission Against Discrimination to investigate Francisco experience at inclusion, acceptance
and prosecute cases at anti-gay discrimination. and understanding. We launched an
Gay activists are mobilizing to light a likely aggressive campaign, but the earthciuake hit at
move by conservatives to place the law on the a crucial time only 3 weeks belore t e election.
ballot, allowing voters to repeal the measure. We immediately diverted all at our energy and
Wisconsin passed a gay civil rights bill in resources to assist in the city's recovery.
I982. California's House and Senate passed a We have suitered a setback, but the detect
bill in I983, but saw the bill vetoed by only temporarily postpones these important steps
Republican Governor Geor e Deukmeiian. In in recognizin non-traditional relationships. The
recent ears Connecticut, flew York, and Iowa Mayor's Tasi Force will immediately move
have all seen gay rights bills pass at least one forward to provide access to health benefits to
house at their legislatures. the domestic partners at city employees. We
"The success at the Massachusetts gay and will also move quickly to realize the dreams
lesbian community will inspire \and energize which were jolted in the election aftershock.
activists all over the country," said Sue H de, We are relying on you to help us spread the
spokesperson for the National Ga and Lesbian truth. The Board at Supervisors still supports this
Task Force. H de emphasized that of all the legislation, the Mayor has reatlirmed his
Ie islative work/ being done by gays and commitment to legitimize go and lesbian
legbian, none is more important than passing relationships, and mainstream San Francisco is
comprehensive civil rights legislation. "The ready to give its approval.
important lesson learned Irom I7 years at tiling
the bill in Massachusetts is 'don't give up, dont
shut up and don’t go away.'"
Dec GLSO 9

 NATIONAL state senate olice officers he had sued for
allegedly violbting the civil rights of gay I
Republican National Committee chairman Lee protesters during a demonstration at the
Atwater praised California state Republican statehouse in January I988. Under terms of
leaders for rejecting several antigajy resolutions the settlement, the officers did not admit gvuilt,
at their state party convention. he rejection but they will undergo sensitivity training 0 out
reflects the party's commitment to the "politics of dealing with protesters.
inclusion," Atwater said. "There is no place in .
our party for bigotry."
The Greensboro city council voted 5—4 to
The San Francisco health department said it amend the city’s personnel policy to prohibit
documented two cases, the first of their type, in antiga bias in hiring for municipal jobs. The
which gay men were exposed to HIV t rough councif tur