xt7zpc2t5t2s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zpc2t5t2s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2000 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- University of Kentucky Series- University Bulletin, Volume 92, Issue 1, 2000-2001 text University of Kentucky Series- University Bulletin, Volume 92, Issue 1, 2000-2001 2000 2000 2013 true xt7zpc2t5t2s section xt7zpc2t5t2s UNIVERSITY OE KENTUCKY SERIES
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The information in this bulletin is current at the time of publication. lf you are pursuing a degree, you are obligated to fulfill the requirements as they i 
are listed in the bulletin for the semester in which you enroll in that program. .
If the requirements change after you have enrolled in the program, you have the option of fulfilling either the old or new requirements. If you elect j
to fulfill the old requirements and find that necessary courses have been eliminated or substantially revised, you may substitute other courses with the  
approval of the dean of the college. If the revision is required by an external accreditation certification body, and this body submits a written statement
to the University that the accreditation of a program or certification of its graduates is in jeopardy unless students fulfill the new requirements, the option   ·
of fulfilling the old requirements shall not apply.  
If your study in the program or the University is interrupted for more than two semesters, your college dean will decide which program requirements l
must be fulfilled. g
The University of Kentucky will provide each new student with one copy ofthe Bulletin. Additional copies may be purchased at either the University
or Kennedy bookstores. Reference copies are distributed to all high school counselors in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. information about the S 
Community College System may be obtained by contacting the Community College System Office, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-  
0056. K 
For specific information about different parts of the University, direct inquiries to members of the administrative staff The post office address is:
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506. Telephone: (859) 257-9000.
General information, transcripts of credits: University Registrar Academic Scholarships: Dean for Undergraduate Studies .
Admissions: Director of Admissions General publications about the University: Office of Public Relations { 
Student Affairs: Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Placement services: University Career Center rr
Living Accommodations: University Housing Office Counseling and Testing: Director of Counseling and Testing Center `
A particular college and its programs: Dean of the College, Director of Distance Learning Technology Center: Director, Distance Learning ‘-
Admissions Technology Center `
Community Colleges: Chancellor for the Community College System Evening and Weekend and Correspondence Courses: Executive Director, A 
Graduate Work: Dean of the Graduate School University Extension ’
Student Financial Aid: Director of Student Financial Aid ,
The University of Kentucky is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association r
of Colleges and Schools to award undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees. l
The University of Kentucky is committed to a policy of providing  
educational opportunities to all qualified students regardless of economic l 
or social status, and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 1
religion, sex, marital status, beliefs, age, national origin, sexual orientation, `°
or physical or mental disability. _ _ r
Compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Photographs by Tim Coums  
which prohibits sex discrimination, and with Title V1 of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 is coordinated by Mr. TerryAllen, Equal Opportunity Office, .
8 Administration Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY r
40506-0032, (859) 257-8927.  
Efforts to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to people with _ 
disabilities are also coordinated by the Equal Opportunity Office, as  
required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the V¤*¤m¢ 92 Issue 1 E.
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The University of Kentucky Series (USPS 384 LA
Questions concerning compliance with regulations may be directed to 610) is published Eve dmes a year Orme, July, _`
UK`s Equal Opportunity Office, or to the Director ofthe Office for Civil gebrember and me m December) by me Univer, l
Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. my of Kemuekyy 500 S_ Lrmesrrme SL, Lexmg_ ;_ 
The University is in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of ton, KY 40506-0001. Periodicals postage paid at E
1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of Lexington, KY 40511. Postmaster: Send address  
1989. Questions may be directed to the Vice Chancellor for Student changes to University of Kentucky Series, Regis-  
Affairs or the Human Resource Services Ditector`s Office. trar, Attn: Mailing Center, University of Ken- , . S ,
Questions about admission to the University should be directed to the n*CkY· Lexington- KY 405060001-
appropriate admissions office. E

 1 C a r- I
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    2000 - 200`I       r  
  BULLE I IN      
  UK M i ss i o n
.  The University of Kentucky is a comprehensive, public, land grant university dedicated
» to preparing students for an increasingly diverse and technological world, and to
·  improving the lives of people in the Commonwealth, the nation, and the world through
i teaching, research, and service.
` • Our instructional mission includes undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, pro-
g fessional, and lifelong education informed by scholarship and research, and guided
` by a spirit of integrity and mutual respect.
I • Our research, scholarship, and creative activities promote human and economic
` development through the expansion of knowledge and its applications in the
sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, business, and the professions.
· • We have a unique responsibility for outreach and public service to support the
» citizens of the Commonwealth. We collaborate with our educational, profes-
‘ sional, business, healthcare, and agricultural partners here and abroad to dissemi-
A  nate, share, and apply knowledge.
  — UK Strategic Plan, adopted by the
Q Board of Trustees, May 1998
Principles of Inclusive Learning
· ` The University 0fKentucky principles of inclusive learning have been collectively created by students, faculty
U and staff as ideals to strive for in order to reach a more inclusive campus environment.
g  It is not intended for purposes of enforcement or to be exclusionary of any race, ethnic background, religion
l  or culture. _
'  Individuals are encouraged to use these principles as a learning tool in a process of personal growth and
I One who reads these principles is encouraged to adopt them as one sees fit and to continually explore one’s
· own interpretation of them, thus collectively working for the betterment of the University as a whole.
‘  As a member of the University of Kentucky community, I will strive to promote:
` Lifelong learning
‘  Academic excellence and personal integrity
· Individual responsibility and self empowerment
A ` Freedom of thought and speech
  Mutual respect and collective responsibility
I Culture diversity and human dignity
v_  Teamwork and shared decision-making
{  Physical accessibility and personal safety
i.  Environmental stewardship

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NOTE: This is an abbreviated calendar containing general dates. The complete and oliicial University of Kentucky Academic Calendar for the 2000 Fall Semester,  
2001 Spring Semester, and 2001 First and Second Summer Sessions, as well as the calendars for the Colleges of Law, Medicine and Dentistry, begins on page I 
329. g
_ january 10 Class work begins for Spring Semester ‘ 
Gdnerdr Application Qeadltnes january 10-17 Late registration for Spring Semester § 
F·¤ S=¤·¤t=· i`¤¤= 1- F¤tf$t¤t[i¤¤¢t Advisitts 9<>¤f¤t=¤¤=¤ jeddciy is Mudd Luther King Birthday - Academic Holiday ¥_  A I
ugu-st 1, or ugust Rcglsu-mon january 17 Last day to enter an organized class I  _ 1
Spring Semester October 15, for November Advising Conference january 17 Last day to officially withdraw from the University or reduce course   W
December 1, for january Registration load and receive an 80 percent refund f  E
january 31 Last day to drop a course without it appearing on the student’s -  oft
First Summer Session April 15, for May Registration transcript   anc
second Summer Session May ls, fm. June Registration F€lJfu3l'Y 7 Last dg ttjiwithdraw from a course or from the University and receive   Arr
any re n _· 
February 15 Priority deadline for freshman applicants for the 2001 Fall Semester  ‘; mu
Applicants should be aware that certain colleges and some programs within colleges _d F S _ S   Fu;
have application deadlines and requirements which differ from those for general March 5 Mr term ° Prrng °m°$t°r' i, nm
University admission. Applicants should refer to the chart on page 12 of this Bulletin March 6-26 Approved time period for students to change academic majors  _` dm
fm mfmmauon on sclccuvc admissions wllcgcs and Pmgm-ns' March 9 Last day to withdraw from the University or withdraw from a course A  Wit
March 12-17 Spring Vacation - Academic Holidays  `; bui
March 26- Priority Registration for the 2001 Fall Semester and both 2001 _ , Li];
      A ril 18* Summer Sessions  
P _ ner
August 14 Fees due iprii   M 4  o;;lass work for 2001 Spring Semester   iari
August 15-21 Registration for new program graduate students Nix] 6 _ ay (Sn ammaumg   T0};
August 18-19 Registration for Evening/Weekend students ay Ommcnccmcm ay  J: {ih
August 19-22 Kentucky Welcome (orientation) for all new undergraduate students l  O
‘ ,'_` Pl
August 21 Registration for Fall Semester for new undergraduate students           · im
August 2r’22 OP°rung‘°r't°rrn ddd/dr°P fot Pau Scrncstcr May 7 Registration for First Summer Session for new students ni 
August 21-25 Approved time period for students to change academic majors Ma 8 pegs due   pei
Y __
August 22 Last daY tu dr°P d Cuurtt °r Cdnctr rcgrstrundn wrtn t-nc Unr"crSrtY May 8 Last day to drop a course or cancel registration with the University   Op
Rugistrur fur ir nur ren-rnd ut t-cts Registrar for a full refund of fees   Sin
August 23 Clw wurk t’°grn’ fur Pau $¤¤¤<=¤t¢t May 8 Class work begins for First Summer Session Q , Ori
August 23'29 r-utc rcgrstrdtrun rut Wturrung Students md nuw aPPuCant$ May 8-11 Late registration for returning students and new applicants   ici
A¤s¤5t 29 Last d2Y r° °nt°r ru" urgruuud Crass May 11 Last day to enter an organized class for the First Summer Session   ai
August 29 1-vt titty t¤ ¤f}i¤i¤1|>· withdmw tt¤t¤ the Univtttity ¤t t=d¤¤¤ ¤¤¤t¤¤ Mcy l1 Last day cc emcidiiy withdraw from the University or reduce course .   UI
rddd md r°“r"° dn 80 Pcrctnt refund 1 load and receive an 80 ercent refund  §¥
P ,  th.
$=pt=t¤b=t 4 L¤b¤t Dv - A¤td=¤t·¤ Holtdav Mey 14 Last dey ce drop c course without 1c appearing cc die student's   a 
September 13 Last day to drop a course without it appearing on the srudent’s ¤'¤¤S¤i
 '· ava
`  acc
§_ aPF
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l,   The Omcc of Undergraduate AdH`llSSl()l'l S\1pPO[[$ [hc mission of [hg  
P  Q, University of Kentucky. Consistent with its tripartite mission of research,
"  n service and teaching, the university seeks to enroll and retain an aeademi- February 15 Freshman application deadline for fall term. Freshman
is E·  cally talented student body that enriches the learning community and is applicants who apply by this date are given full
"   representative of the diverse society it serves. The following admission consideration foradmissionandAdvisingConferences.
i   policies reflect this philosophy, Applications received after this date will be considered
lc Y  on a space-available basis.
a   _ , , _ _ , JUDC I SummcrAdvisingC0r1fercncc deadline. All prospective
*‘ -*  Th° D“°°“" °{U“d°‘g“‘d“‘“° Ad‘““"°“ ““°h°“Z°S thc ‘*d‘“‘“’°“ °f students pimms ts mend a summer Advising
  all ¤$·<¥¤g~%d¤¤i·=.S*¤d¤¤*S *0 the U¤·vmY· Sem Should dl eest an Conference(includingregistrationforfal1c1asses)sh¤uld
`d  ii admissions mqumcs to: have transcri ts and other re uir d d cum t
,_ p q e o en s
¤d ·  Office of Undergraduate Admission submitted to the omcs orunacrgndum Admission.
al   100 W. D. Funkhouser Building
i-   University of Kentucky August 1 Credentials deadline for undergraduates entering in the
lc `i  L€Xi|'\Qt0I'|, KY 40506·0054 fall term. For freshmen, this usually means a final high
 .1 (859) 257-2000 school transcript. For transfer students, final college
ul   http://www.uky.edu/Admissi¤ns/ transcripts are due. Failure to meet this deadline may
E;   Undergraduates at UK enroll in one of twelve colleges, Each College is result in 2 registration hold on the student’s record.
)P   supervised by an academic dean and is usually made up of several academic
  departments that offer different major Helds of study.
  The general University admission requirements and procedures for All applicants should be aware that some programs have application
 is freshmen and transfer students are outlined below. All applicants should procedures and deadlines which differ from those fm- general University
 { be aware that certain colleges and some programs within colleges have admission. Applicants should refer to SpeciulApplimti¤m Dare: and Proce-
;,  { additional admission standards and criteria beyond those for general dum at the end of this section for information on deadlines and procedures
  Universityadmission. Refer to Specia/App/icatian Darzsuna'Pr0cedureson for selective admissions colleges and programs.
  page 12 for information on deadlines and procedures for particular * _
  colleges and programs. Detailed information on admission criteria is Imcmmcml Students _ scc Page w'
  provided in the college sections of this Bulletin. V
 Qi The University of Kentucky provides educational opportunities to all
  qualified students regardless of economic or social status. The University SELECTIVE ADMISSION—S€l€€¥iV€ admission Cfimfia are €$Y¤b‘
  does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital lished by f¤€¤1FY C0mmi¥¥€€· F1‘€$hm¤¤ ¤PPli€a¤¥$ Who have €0mPl€¥€d
  status, beliefs, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical or thc PWCOHCSC €¤1’1'i€u1¤m and PFCSCHY gi'¤d€·P0i¤¥ ¤V€F¤g°$ and ofiiciai
  mental disability test scores from either the ACT or SAT meeting the selective criteria are
  offered admission.
   M    DIEFERREDHDECISIONS—Freishman applicants who hage com-
  plete the preco ege curriculum but o not have t e requisite gra e-point
        average, test scores or both for selective admission, may have their
 ` The University of Kentucky subscribes to a selective admission policy. admission decisions d€f€FY€d· A portion of thc Freshman class m¤Y be
  Admission for freshman applicants is based on; a) high school grades; b) admitted from this group of applicants If. after the application deadline
 `J natinnl enllege admission test i-esnlts; and e) sneeessfnl Completion ofthe spaces in the class remain to be filled, admission will be offered to deferred-
 ii i'€q¤if€d prccollege curriculum. The Ofiice of Undergraduate Admission decision HppliC3.nts on a competitive basis. Admission will be oH:ered first
»  Pfcfgrs [hc   Assessment, but applicants may submit sCO[cS from [hg IO [l'lOS€ 3PPllC31'l[S   [l'l€ SU'01'lg€S[ l'CCOI`ClS and OHCIS   CO[1{ll'lLlC until
  SAT I: Reasoning Test. the Cla$$ is {mcd-
  MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENT-—All students who Strength of record is a relative term and refers to an applicant’s record
 <* have completed the precollege curriculum (scc below) as prescribed bythe in comparison with rhvsc ¤F all ¤rh¢r freshman applicams- $¤¢¤g¢h ¤f
ci  . Council on Postsecondary Education and have a 2.0 high school grade- i'€€0Fd maY be dctcfmincd b)’ a numbcr Of difY¢r<=¤¤ fa€¥°Y$ b€Y°¤d
  Point ¤V€f8g€ arc encouraged to apply to the freshman class at UK. s€l€CtiV€ admission Criteria. V/hile grades ar1d test scores are important in
jj  Enrollment in the ftesliman Class is limite(l_ Within the limits of space this assessment, course selection, senior year schedule, honors and Ad-
1  availability) the Ofiiee Ol? Uneleigi-aduate Admission will eneleavet tn vanced Placement courses, extracurricular and leadership activities and a
 ,· accommodate all eligible applieants l-lnwevet, the numbei- gf fteslaman student”s potential to benefit from or contribute to the learning commu-
  ¤PPliC&tions fat exceeds the number of spaces available in the entering nity may also be Considered. The overriding concern will always be for the
  (712155- F0! this reason, the selective and competitive admission require- SIl1d€l’lt’S potential t0 bc successful in meeting the academic expectations
  ments often exceed the minimum eligibility requirement. at the U¤lV€Y$iYY·

 8 Undergraduate Admission   __
Precollege Currlculum High School Students with Exceptional Ability   5-
Incoming freshmen should have the high school preparation necessary Through UK’s Exceptional Ability program, highly motivated students l  l
for academic success at the college level. To be eligible for consideration can enroll in classes at UK before they graduate from high school. {  afll
at UK under the policy outlined above, an applicant must have success- Exceptional high school students may be offered admission to UK after a `  Um
fully completed the following high school courses as a minimum: thorough evaluation of their academic record. Students seeking such `J  ag
E - h 4 E i· h L H, HI, W consideration must submit an application form, a non-refundable fee,  j °
nghs ( ) ng ls oflicial scores from the ACT or SAT, an official high school transcript and i- b€<
Malhcmadcs (3) Algcbm l’ Gmmctry 1* md Algebra ll a letter from their high school principal or guidance counselor stating the  T. the
Sciences (2) Biology I and Chcmiétry I Or Physics I benefit to the student of entering college prior to high school completion. `  l
Social Studies (2) U.S. History and World Civiliudon/World History High $ch°°| Equiyamncy Cgriificgigs i  am
Additionally, high school students are encouraged to complete at least The University considers admission from freshman applicants who are  
two years of a foreign language, at least one year of mathematics beyond not high school graduates but who present a valid High School Equiva- _ 
Al ebra II and one ear of fine or erformin arts. len Certificate and General Education Develo ment test scores. A li- Q
S Y P S CY P PP _, 
A total of zo units or more mm be completed in high semi. cams {mm M50 t¤k¤ ¤h<·= ACT ASS¤SS¤=¤¤¤ (Or SAD gmd hm thc tcsqlts ‘· ·
Applicants should contact the Oliice of Undergraduate Admission for scm dll'°CdY to thc Olllcc Olltlllflclglaflulllc Admlsslml l-mm thc lcsllng 'f  oai
information concerning exceptions to this policy. ag€llCY·  _= my
Special Admission Colleges and Programs TRANSFER ADMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITY    
Some ¢0u€g€$ wd p1'0g1'¤m$ within €0u¢g€S at UK have admission Students at other colleges or universities, including UK community 4.  ini
standards and criteria that are higher than those for general admission colleges, are eligible to mmsfc; to UK if [hgy; ` mi
t0 the University: A1S°’ some Pmgmms have ‘l€“‘ll‘{‘°s a¤d_aBPhcau?n 1. would have been selectively admitted to UK when they entered the   Sal
P·¤·==·*$·=¢S*h=·$<*·¥*=*F*·>¤·¤*¤·>S¤f·>*¤·=¤·=*e'U~v=~·*Ya€*m·°¤;Rt Cf its institution attended provided they have mmuim gmt- g  co
to Spec1aIAppl1mt10n Dates m1dPmcedure.t on page 12 for information on . . ‘ 
. . . . . . point average of 2.0 or better for all work attempted. Applicants . OF
procedures and deadlines for special admission programs. Detailed mfor- . .  i,· P
. . . . . . . . . . must also have a cumul