xt7zpc2t5m9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zpc2t5m9k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-02-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1952 1952 1952-02-15 2013 true xt7zpc2t5m9k section xt7zpc2t5m9k The



Maturity To Be Theme
Of Annual Founders
Convocation On Friday
"Your University Comes to Maturity" will be the theme of the annual UK Founders Day convocation
at 9:45 a.m. next Friday in Memorial Coliseum.
Dr. William S. Webb, distinguished professor of physics, will address the assembly on "The Torch
of the Founders In Our Hands."
All classes will be dismissed at
9:30 a.m. so that students may attend. Fourth hour classes will meet



the founding of UK on February
22, 1865. In 1944 the Board of Trustees approved a resolution establishing the annual observation of
this event.

Webb, Glee Club
Will Highlight
Coliseum Program

11:15 a.m.

UK President Herman L. Donovan will be awarded a citation for
"distinguished work in the field of
intergroup relations" Friday at the
annual Founder's Day convocation
by the National Conference of
Christians and Jws.
Dr. Sterling W. Brown, general
director of NCCJ, will present the
the convocation the
NCCJ will honor Dr. Donovan at a
luncheon in the SUB ballroom,
which will be part of the local ob
servance of Brotherhood Week. The
Most Rev. Wililam T. Mulloy, Bishop
of the Covington diocese of the
Catholic Church, will speak at the
luncheon. Tickets which cost $1.25
each, must be obtained from the
Alumni office before noon on
Brotherhood Week is held to:
"Give people an opportunity to
themselves as individuals
to the basic ideals of respect for
others and for the human rights
which are essential to the good way
of life."
"Dramatize the practical things
which people can do to promote an
understanding and realization of
these ideals."
"Enlist the support of a larger
number of people in year-rouactivities to build brotherhood."

Dr. Herman Lee Donovan, presiUK. will preside at the convocation. President Frank A. Rose
of Transylvania will deliver the invocation.
Men' Glee Club To Sine
The University Men's Glee Club,
directed by Earl Holloway, will sing
"To God on High" by Decius; "Ave
Verum Corpus" by Mozart; "Bless
the Lord, O My Soul" by Ippoltof-Ivanand "Hospodi Pomiloi" by
Lvousky. The UK Band will play
the Alma Mater and the Star
Spangled Banner.
Dr. Sterling W. Brown, director
of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, will present an
award. The Benediction will be
given by Bart Peak, secretary of
the University YJI.CA. and Fayette
county representative in the Kentucky General Assembly.
TV Program Planned
A television program related to
Founders Day will be presented at
S.15 pjn. Thursday on WHAS-TFeatured on the program will be
Prof. Ezra GUlis, director of the
bureau of source materials in higher education; Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, assistant professor of
Journalism; Prof. John S. Horine,
professor of engineering drawing.
and Dr. Moses E. Ligon, professor
of education emeritus and director
of the placement bureau. They have
served UK for a total of 153 years.
Prof. GUlis has selected about 14
pictures, relating to the early history of developments at UK, to be
shown on the program. Owen Kearney will produce the telecast, which
Is he first television show of the
Wallace Buice, a graduate student
UK Radio Arts department.
The General Assembly of Ken- in English, will play the title role
tucky passed a law making possible in the Guignol presentation of
"Tartuffe," according to Prof. Wallace Briggs, director of the Guignol
Theater. The play will run from
March 3 to March 8.
"Tartuffe," a satiric French comedy by Moliere, will be presented in
period costumes and setting. It is
the first Moliere play Guignol has
presented since "The Imaginary Invalid" in 1931.
Other leading parts will be played
The Kentucky Award for Distinguished Community Service, to be by Gene Arkle, Bettye Stull, and Jo
given annually to the Kentuckian Anne Anderson.
Jane Ratchford, Harry Carter,
who most distinguishes himself in
the field of community service was Evelyn Dummit, David Bere, Don
announced last month by Dr. Irwin Clayton, Robert Benedictus, Bill
T. Sanders, director of the UK Bu- Wintersole, Anne Hall, Mary Jo
Bishop, and Jim Inman will also
reau of Community Service.
This year's winner will receive be in the cast.
$250. which was donated by Harry
W. Schacter. Louisville businessman.
Terms of the award have been applanning
proved by a state-wid- e
The committee includes Dr. SanToday is the last day students
ders; Schacter; Dr. Howard Beers
and Victor Portmann, Lexington; may order 1952 Kentuckians, Dave
Bere, Kentuckian business manMrs. Chett Badger, Madison ville;
ager, said today. Bere said no
Dr. Donald P. Brown, Frankfort;
Marion Green well, Morganfield; extra copies would be ordered this
year, because of "the number of
Chester Johnson, Bowling Green;
Mrs. Bill Ladd and George Mascott, copies left over in past years.
Louisville, and Robert White, Berea.

dent of



Wallace Buice
To Play Lead
In 'Tartuffe'

Stale To Give
Service Award
Totaling $250

Today Is Last Day
Order Kyians

Dr. Rhea Taylor Chosen
Most Popular Professor
Dr. Rhea Taylor, assistant pro- -.
fessor of history, was selected the
"Most Popular Professor" in the recent campus election sponsored by
the Newman Club, it was announced
this week. Dr. Taylor will reign as
Rex of the Mardi Gras Ball to be
held Feb. 23.
J. Ardery McCauley, assistant professor of journalism, was second in
the contest, and William Snyder
Webb, distinguished professor of
physics, was third.
Dr. Taylor came to the University
in July, 1944, as history instructor.
He became assistant professor of
history in March, 1946. Before coming to the University, he was basketball, .tennis, and touch football
coach at Transylvania College for
two years.
Before going to Transylvania, Dr.
Taylor attended the University of
Chicago, working toward his doctorate in American history. Since
coming to UK, he has received the
degree. He also holds an A.B. degree from Emory and Henry College
in Virginia and an M A. degree from
Ohio State.
Dr. Taylor taught history at West
Georgia College, Carrollton, Ga.,
for four years, and served as instructor in history for the Army
Air Cadets.
A specialist in bis field, Dr. Tay- -







CADET COL. JOHN T. BALLANTINE, first year law, commanding officer of the cadet wing of Air Force
ROTC, points out an important principle of organization to group commanders and members of his staff.
They are (left to right) Cadet Lt. Col. James D. Moseley, Cadet Lt. Col. George M. Lawson, Cadet Maj. Fred
B. Augsburg, Cadet Maj. Tracy H. Ellsworth, Cadet Maj. Eugene C. Auen, Cadet Maj. Fred J. Silhanek, and
Cadet Lt. Col. Bosworth M. Todd. Not present when the picture was taken was Cadet Maj. William D.

'Focus On Faith' Will Be Theme
For Religious Emphasis Week
"Focus on Faith" will be the will be on sale on topics as related
theme on Religious Emphasis Week, to religion.
which begins Sunday. Feb. 24. and
Students serving on committees
lasts through Thursday, Feb. 28.
for the week will hold a retreat
During the week, 10 speakers will from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 24,
be in charge of afternoon forums, and breakfasts at 7 o'clock each
academic assemblies, dormitory, sor- morning during the week in the
ority, and fraternity bull sessions, SUB.
and will speak at club and organizaBesides Mr. Leber and Dr. Burns,
tion meetings.
Dr. W. L. Matthews Jr., of the other speakers will be T. B. (Scotty)
minister of Everybody's
College of Law. is chairman of the Cowan,
are Pat Lan- Church in Lexington; J. Frederick
caster. Home Economics senior, and Miller, on the national staff of the
Kurt Goltermann, a junior in the Student YMCA; Arthur C. McGif- '
College of Arts and Sciences.
Between 75 and 100 students have
been working on separate planning
committees for the week since last
Opens Week From Sunday
Religious Emphasis Week will
open at 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 24. in
Memorial Hall. Charles T. Leber,
Action to improve the appearance
head of the Presbyterian Board of
of fraternity standings on campus
Foreign Missions, will speak on "The
was discussed at the Tuesday night
Only Days We Have."
A reception in the lounge of the meeting of the Interfraternity CounHome Economics Building will fol cil, after President Bob Cayce relow the Sunday night meeting. All ported the Faculty is considering a
the speakers for the week will be plan to take s,ocial privileges away
present, and all students may at- from fraternities with averages beaverage.
low the
tend and meet them.
announced ' the pledge
From Monday through Thursday,
afternoon forums will be held at 4 standing of fraternities for the first
o'clock. An additional forum will be semester of this school year was 1.04,
held at 3 p.m. Tuesday. They will and the highest pledge class, that
be devoted to discussion of questions of Farm House, averaged 1.59.
of student interest.
The Faculty is considering the re"These forums will not be the vocation of social privileges in an
usual type, with discussions of dat- effort to influence fraternities to
ing, whether to smoke and drink, improve their scholarship, Cayce
and similar questions which have added. Such action would take away
been discussed over and over," Ann rights of fraternities to have parties,
Carson, chairman of the Forum to pledge, to rush, or to have other
Committee, explained. "They will activities if they failed to reach the
discuss basic questions for which
religion is supposed to have an an(Dean A. D. Kirwan said this week
the Faculty proposed at its last
Assemblies to be Held
meeting to have a committee look
Academic assemblies will be held into scholarship, both in fraternities
in the College of Law, the College and sororities and in residence halls.
of Agriculture, the College of Engi- He did not mention whether the
neering, and the College of Educa- committee would consider revoking
tion. Three assemblies will be held social privileges.)
in the College of Arts and Sciences,
Study Classes Announced
one in humanities, one in social
Paul Holleman, Delta Tau Delta,
sciences, and one in physical scichairman of the IFC Scholarship
Each dormitory and Greek letter Committee announced classes
organization will have a speaker to how to study would be held for
pledges Monday, Tuesday, Wednessupervise bull sessions during the day,
and Thursday in 203 Frazee
Hall. The classes, held at 4 p.m.
Dr. Robert Burns, pastor of the
Peachtree Christian Church in At- each day, will be taught by the Perlanta, Ga., will speak at the closing sonnel Office, directed by Dr. Lysle
convocation. This meeting, which Croft.
Although the classes are primarwill be a dedication service, will be
ily for pledges, Leslie L. Martin of
held at 7 p.m. Thursday in Memorial
the Personnel Office said he doubtHall.
ed that they would "check to see
Programs to All
that only pledges are present, and
Programs will be distributed to all probably some of the actives will
students next week, and posters attend to check up on their own
have already been placed on the studies."
campus, the
Mr. Martin explained that any
During the week, a book display student may have the same type of
will be presented in the SUB. Books

fert, president of Chicago Theological Seminary; Raymond John
Seeger, chief of the Aeroballistic
Research Department of the Naval
Ordnance Laboratory at Silver
Springs, Md.; Father Gerald Boucher, Carlisle, a member of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer; Rabbi Martin Terley, Louis
ville; Dale Moody, from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary;
and Miss Rosalie Oakes, regional
secretary of the Student YWCA,
and formerly secretary of the University YWCA.

Frat's Low Grades

May Cost Privileges




By Linda Fatteson

February may be American History Month in Kentucky, backed by
the full authority of a proclamation
b Gov. Lawrence B. Wetherby, but
the Declaration of Independence
took quite a beating this week when
it was taken out on the campus for
an airing by two Kernel reporters.
Around campus hangouts and in
the hallways a typewritten copy of
the first two paragraphs of the
Declaration was handed to students
selected at random. Only
recognized the paragraphs and only
of this enlightened minority was positive. From there on,
history was made and remade and
declared with conviction.
Over half of the students interrogated were quite sure that they
had the correct answer although the
correct answer to them was, for example, the Gettysburg Address, the
Preamble to the Constitution of the


lor points out that "American history has been less emphasized in
former years in our schools than
any other history subject." He feels
it is important to have a thorough
background in American history, in
order "to develop the alert citizen
we will need in tomorrow's world."

The Student Government Association has announced that the following rules are In effect nnder the present administration:
Permit are issued, respectively, to the physically handicapped,
faculty and staff, and commuters, according to their distance from
home, as long as parking space is available. Special hardship eases
may receive permits by consulting with the SGA Judiciary Committee.
This committee also hears all violation appeals.
Any person parking on the campus without a parking permit will
receive a traffic ticket.
Traffic tickets cost $1.00, provided the ticket is paid or reported to
the SGA secretary within one week of the date that the ticket is issued. After the first week the ticket costs J2.00.
If sis or more tickets are issued against a person and he does not
pay his fine or report his ticket, the sixth ticket and every ticket thereafter will be $5.00 each.
All fines are to be paid to the secretary of SGA in the Administration Building.



help by coming to the Personnel
Office in the Administration Building.
Give Individual Help
After the four class hours, students who need individual help in
setting up study schedules, studying
for examinations, taking notes, or
other study problems may make appointments with the Personnel Office for further aid.
Cayce expressed the hope that
fraternities would endeavor at once
to raise their standings, adding that
Dean Kirwan had received several
letters from parents who were reluctant to send their children to UK
because of the low fraternity stand-

The Scholarship Committee offered a creed to show the relationship of fraternities and scholarship,
and also gave fraternity representatives a list of suggestions for improvement of fraternity scholarship.
List Suggestions
The suggestions were:
1. Require pledges to post all test
grades in a conspicuous place.
2. Have the scholarship chairman
of each fraternity post the standings
of all members in a conspicuous
Rank the members from
highest to lowest and underline in
red all men who made below the
3. Enforce quiet hours in the

4. Do not be too reluctant to drop
pledges and suspend actives who

continually fail to make a standing.
Check Grades
5. Before a fraternity pledges a
man, make a close check on his
high school grades and his scores
on the entrance exams. Make sure
a man is able to do college work be
fore he is pledged.
6. Make sure that all members
who drop courses or who drop out
of school are listed as withdrawals
instead of failures.
(Continued on Page 3)

Fail To Recognize

United States, Washington's Inaugural Address, Washington's Farewell
Address, the Communist Manifesto,
and the Fourteenth Amendment to
the Constitution.
One student's answer ranged from
a speech by Jefferson Davis, to a
Revolutionary War speech, and finally to the Gettysburg Address.
Said one student, "It's from nothing; it's all about nature and stuff."
One student who knew that it was
the Declaration 8f Independence assumed a lofty air of superiority when
was having a hard
time identifying it, and gave him a
clue, "John Hancock wrote it." He
gave no credit to Thomas Jefferson
for his political treatise nor to
Thomas Paine, much of whose political philosophy Jefferson adopted.
Another person answered, "It
sounds like a lot of malarkey to me.
It sounds like something out of the
South Pacific. When something like

is taken out of its entirety, it
can often be misconstrued." yet the
opening paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence are something
which every American school-bo- y
should know.
One Arts and Sciences student
thought it was from the Bible. Another asked. "Where was the thing
dug up?" still another accused the
surveyors of making it up and trying
to stick him.
"It sounds like something Abraham Lincoln had something to do
with," was another reply. Two political science graduate students gave
as their first answer the Preamble,
then upon further consideration said
that it was the Declaration of Independence.
These answers and many more
like them demonstrate the need for
an American History Month, not
only in February, but during every
month of the year.


Grade Standings
To Be Compiled

In Dean's Office

More than 5000 students have enrolled for the second semester at the
University, the Public Relations Office reports. Deadline for registration was last Tuesday.
Total enrollment was 5.107 at press
time, with students registering later
than Tuesday afternoon not counted.
This figure includes 4.751 students
on campus, 131 in the College of
Pharmacy in Louisville, and 225 at
the Northern Extension Center in
This semester's enrollment shows
a decrease over last semester's total
cf 5,718. The previous year's enrollment for second semester was 5.700.
Standings Being Compiled
Grade standings for the first semester are being compiled in the
offices of Dean A. D. Kirwin and
Dean Sarah B. Holmes. A completed
list is expected to be ready by the
first of March.
According to Miss Maple Moore,
the fourth part of the program will
(At Parting)" and assistant registrar, the averse
include "Frotessa
standing of previous years has been
"Laululle (The Songi," by Yrjo
and "Suutelo," by Toivo between a 13 and a 1.4 for the men.
with the women making a slightly
The concert will conclude with better average.
Four new foreign students en"Grieve Not My Heart," by Rowley,
semesWilfrid Sanderson's "Susan," "Black rolled at the University this
Is The Color Of My True Love's ter. They represent the countries
Hair," by John Jacob Niles, and of Cuba. Turkey, Italy, and Arabia.
New Courses Offered
"Joy Shipmate, Joy," by Leroy
The University Extension DepartRobertson.
ment is offering eight new courses
to cimi
law. Kentucky
A coujt
in bu.
education will be
open to both campus and part-tim- e
students. Three commerce courses,
principle of accounting, industrial
management, and C. P. A. problems
stuare being offered
courses in architec
A graduate organ recital will be tural drawing and life insurance i m
given by Barbara Jean Hughes at preparation for the Chartered Life
Underwriter's examination) began
8 p.m. Wednesday at Christ Episcothis week.
pal Church.
High school business law and soThis will be the first organ recital to be given at UK as partial ciology may be taken by correspondfulfillment for the new master of ence. Other such courses include
economics 130. for upper classmen
music degree.
Miss Hughes received her bache- and graduate sudents, and psychol-ob- y
Clb. for lower classmen.
lor of music degree from UK last
Students may drop a course withJune. She graduated with distincout receiving a grade no later than
tion and departmental honors.
The program will include "Con- March 10.
Departmental Changes Made
certo in D minor." (Allegro-Furgu- e,
Major departmental changes made
Largo e spiccato, and Allegro), by
W. F. Bach, "Nine Preludes," (Nos. j by the University executive commit1, 3, 4, 7, 9), by Darius Milhaud. and tee Jan. 18 include two replacements
"Clavierubung III," (Catechism). in the Departments of Physics and
"Prelude in E flat major." "Kyrie, Electrical Engineering. Dr. Otto T.
God, the Father Everlasting." "These Koppius will succeed Dr. William S.
Are the Holy Ten Commandments," Webb as head of the Physics Deand "Fugue in E flat major," by partment and Dr. Harry A. Romano-wit- z
will head the Department of
J. S. Bach.
Engineering, replacing
Prof. E. A. Bureau.
In the College of Arts and Sciences four appointments have been
made. Mrs. Irma D. Lee will be an
instructor in social work for the
semester, Gordon W. Lovejoy will be
director of the seminar in intergroup relations in the Department
of Socioloby for the 1952 summer
session, and Sgts. David A. Espie
and Clyde Bierly were appointed visiting instructors in police work in
the Department of Political Science.
Cone On Leave Of Absence
Other changes include a leave of
absence granted Carl B. Cone, asThe College of Law faculty has sociate professor of history, and reannounced the mid-yeelections signations have been accepted from
to official positions on the Editorial James M. Schreyer. associate proBoard of the Kentucky Law Journal, fessor of chemistry. George R.
Thomas, assistant geologist, and
legal publication of the College.
Ralph S. Holloway. sociology inMyer S. Tulkoff of Ashland suc- structor.
ceeds William Deep of Lebanon as
Carl D. Brown, assistant entomolbusiness manager, and Jack Lowery ogist in the Department of Entomolof Georgetown was elected note ogy and Botany has resigned from
editor, a position formerly held by the College of Agriculture and Home
Hugh Evans, Corbin.
Rufus Lile has been
professor in the
Mr. Deep plans to open offices appointed part-tim- e
for the general practice "of law in College of Law.
In the University Personnel Olfice.
Lebanon after passing the bar
examination. Mr. Evans, in com- Sidney Simandle will replace OrUie
petition with many candidates from U. Davis, who resigned as assistant
all over the South, has been ap- in testing.
Present for the meeting of the
pointed to a legal position in the
Legislative Council of the U.S. Sen- executive committee were Guy
Huguelet. chairman. John C. Everate.
ett. R. P. Hobson, Frank D. Peterson,
By action of the faculty of the
and H. L. Donovan.
College of Law, two second year
men, Charles M. Carnes, Lexington,
and William R. Ramey, Flatwoods.
have been added to the Editorial
Five first year students with high
scholastic standings have been invited to compete as apprentice
members. They are Thomas K.
Lewis, Ashland; John T. Ballantine,
Dianne McKaig, Oaks
Feb. 20 is the deadline for enterGrove; James S. Kostas, Fort Mitcontest sponchell; and Theodore M. Dunn, ing the short-stor- y
sored by Vague Magazine, campus
literary publication. The contest is
Appointment to the Editorial open to all UK students.
Kentucky Law JourBoard of the
There are no requirements as to
nal is based upon high scholarship length, subject, or style of manuand the ability to do creditable scripts, which should be submitted
professional writing.
to the Journalism School office.
The winning short story will be
The Journal, which is published
four times a year, includes articles published in Vague, and the author
by law school teachers, practicing will receive a ten dollar prize.
Chi Delta Phi. women's hterary
attorneys, and judges, as well as
comments on recent cases and notes honorary, publishes Vague. This
on legal topics by student members year's issue will be published early
in May.
of the staff.

Kiviniemi To Sing
In Sunday Musicale
Music Professor
To Feature Group
Of Finnish Songs


Aimo Kiviniemi, member of the
UK music faculty, will appear as
tenor soloist in a musicale at 4 p.m.
Sunday in Memorial Hall.
Mr. Kiviniemi has sung for the
Aniato Opera Company appearing
as Dr. Faustus in "Faust" and Don
Jose in "Carmen." He will be ac
companied by Viola Kiviniemi.
A special feature of the program
will be a group of Finnish folk
songs. Marvin Rabin, violist, will
assist in accompanying Vaughan
Williams' "Hymns for Tenor."
The concert will include "Ah!
Quanto e vero," by Cesti, "Lungi dal
"Don-zell- e,
caro bens," by Sarti-Huh- n,
Fuggite," by Cavalli, and
Cimera's "Stornello."
The second part of the program
will consist of "Lord! Come Away,"
"Who Is This Fair One?," "Come
Love Come Lord," and "Evening
Hymn," all composed by Vaughan
Following "Walther's
(Die Meistersinger)," by Wagner,




'Declaration Of Independence9

"Most Popular"

Second Semester Registration
Shows University Enrollment
Of More Than 5000 Students



UK Students



Parking Rules Announced


UK President
To Get Award
Founder's Day
Rev. W. T. Mulloy
Will Be Speaker







,.mm-,- .







Sings Sunday

Deans Meet
To Plan Ag
Short Courses
A committee representing
southern group of the Deans of
Agriculture wiy meet in the Agriculture Building today to make
plans and develop a program for a
conference on short courses in agriculture.
After the plans are drawn up at
UK, a conference will be held at
Louisiana State University the
second week in April. The purpose
of the conference to be held at
L.S.U. is to stimulate interest in
short courses
courses of less than
one semester with no credit, usually
from three to six weeks, and to help
the southern states to develop better programs in short courses.
L. J. Horlacher, associate dean of
agriculture, said that short courses
are not being offered in the southern states, including UK, to the extent that they are being offered at
other colleges.
This program, if successful, will
make it possible for southern colleges to offer a program in short
courses comparable to that offered
in other states.
Those who plan to attend the UK
meeting include Dr. Robert Van
Duyn, Kellog Foundation: Dr.
Maurice Seay, chairman of the department of education at the University of Chicago, former dean at
UK; Dean N. D. Peacock, College of
Agriculture, University of Tennessee; Dean C. H. Bostian, North
Carolina State; and Dean V. C.
Freeman, University of Purdue.

non-camp- us

Grad Recital
To Be Given

By Hughes

non-camp- us


Law Journal
Editors Named
By Faculty
Tulkof f, Lowery

Literary Prize
To Be Given
By Magazine

� Tape 2


Friday. February 13. 1032



The Stewpot by Dorman Cordell

Fraternities Back On Spot
For Unusual Reason: Grades

Fraternities are on tlie spot again for the usual
reason poor scholarship. This time it is the
pledge standing for the past semester that is
drawing faculty and administration fire. And
again the fraternities can oiler little defense for
the figure, 1.04 this time, that represents the
cumulative average of the ir pledges.

the administration for not giving them more
power. The IFC is no exception.

In the past we have been criticized by students and administration both for being
government." Nothing could lie further
from the truth. What we are actually against is
misuse of the power of self government by the
students intrusted with it. This misuse can only
result in the withdrawal of that power.
What the fraternities are actually facing is
something much more serious than the temporary loss of social privileges. If they do not take
proper action now they may lose the last vestages

Toor fraternity scholarship has long been a
sore point with the faculty memliers at UK and
they have indicated that they intend to take action of their own to correct the situation unless
the fraternities do a rapid job of improvement
on their own.


They can hardly be blamed.
the plan they
nowr have imder consideration for taking social
privileges from fraternities which do not maintain an average equal to the all men's average
will not solve the problem. True, it may give
the fraternities an incentive for improvement, but
the actual work will still have to le done by
the individual organizations.
If the IFC is interested in maintaining what
fraternities now have, it
should take immediate and positive action. The
basis for this action has been laid in the issuing
of a committee report consisting of eight suggestions for the improvement of fraternity scholarship (see page 1 story). Suggestions, however, are a long way from lxMiig positive action
and no one knows this better than the IFC. Suggestions for the improvement of scholarship have
leen made by the IFC time and time again in
the past with little or no improvement resulting.
To actually improve scholarship the IFC will
have to see that their suggestions become enforced rules.
Students, and Creeks in particular, complain
bitterly about excessive administration control.
But when they are givert the opportunity to govern themselves they are liable to do such a slipshodjob that you can hardly blame


As far as their criticism of our team was concerned, if the Cats played basketball like the
Legislature legislates, they wouldn't score 10
points all year.
It seems a shame that while we have as many
problems as we do in our wonderful Common-

Recently, the boys down at the state legislature decided to honor UK with their presence
at basketball games. So they prevailed upon
Bart Peak, who seems to take his work seriously
(an oddity among legislators), to wangle free
passes for them.
Mr. Peak got the passes, but that didn't satisfy
the lxiys. They came down the other night to
see a game and what happened? They hollered
like they had all been shot (which unfortunately
is not the case) because Uncle Adolph did not
give them uniforms and let them play the last
The next day, several of the great men raised
the roof about the seats at the game. It seems
Mr. Peak had got them seats quite a way from
the playing floor, which were the only ones available on such late notice. In fact, the students
didn't even stand up, put their hands over their
hearts, and sing "God Save the Legislature,"
walked into the Coliseum.
when these demi-god- s
One of the legislators arose in wrath and said,
"They may have quit shaving points, but they
Poverty of mind
certainly shaved us." Others echoed his dissatisfaction. Did they thank Mr. Peak for getSpeak
ting them some kind of seats at such a late date?
Never. They just complained.
A resolution was introduced to spend $100,000
to fumigate the Coliseum, after the legislators
disapproved of the way the Wildcats played. We
suggestion. Spend the $100,000 to
Dear Editor:
body, and the faculty does not ap- have a better
educate the citizens, so they will send some lawTo what end does the controversal prove your actions because
of a
SAS make "Gestapo" raids on tav- small legal technicality. All you are makers to the Legislature.











wealth, and while there are
and muddy roads and sick and underprivileged
people and other things that make us have to
say, "Thank God for Mississippi," our State Legislature, the lawmaking body of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, can find nothing better to
occupy its time than criticizing the University
because of the position of free seats supplied at
a basketball game.
P.S. The legislator who made the nasty remarks about our team apologized the other day.
(Some one must have threatened his health.)

tic- ii


Brotherhood Is Key
To Basic Problem
Sunday marks the opening of the annual
"Brotherhood Week" sponsored by the National
Conference of Christians and Jews. Just what
does this have to do with UK students, you ask.
Not much really just their future.
This is a day and age of modernization and
mechanical achievements, but
man's basic problem of living together peacefully has only lecome more difficult as a result
of these achievements. For this problem is not
one that can le solved by mechanical advancements, even huge stockpiles of atomic bombs.
The solution now is the same as it always
has been; the creation of a real feeling of brotherhood between all men. The only difference
is the problem has become a great deal more
serious in the last few years.
Perhaps this thing called brotherhood might
merit a little extra though next week even by
UK students.



Lawmakers Examine Mouth
Of Well Known 'Gift Horse'
