xt7zpc2t5618 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zpc2t5618/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1976-01-jan27-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1976-01-jan27-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1976-01-jan27-ec. 1976 1976-01-jan27-ec. 2011 true xt7zpc2t5618 section xt7zpc2t5618 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, January 27, 1976.

       The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky met at 2:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on Tuesday,
January 27, 1976, in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson
Office Tower on the Lexington campus with the following members answering
the call of the roll: Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, Mr. William R.
Black, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, and Mr. George
W. Griffin. Professor Paul Sears, Ex-officio Secretary, was also present.
The University administration was represented by President Otis A.
Singletary; Vice Presidents Lewis W. Cochran, Robert Zumwinkle,
Stanley Wall, Peter P. Bosomworth, Raymond R. Hornback, John T.
Smith, Jack C. Blanton, and Donald B. Clapp; and Dr. Robert M. Drake,
Special Assistant to the President. Representatives of the various news
media also attended the meeting.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Sturgill called the meeting to order at 2:00 p. m. Following
the invocation, pronounced by Mr. Albert G. Clay, the secretary called
the roll and reported all members of the Executive Committee present.
The Chairman then declared the meeting officially open for the conduct
of business at 2:03 p.m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried the reading of the
Minutes for the December 9, 1975, meeting of the Board of Trustees was
dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       President Singletary commented briefly on certain of the items in
his monthly report to the trustees and recommended that the report be
received and filed. Without objection it was so ordered.



       D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       President Singletary mentioned that PR 2, Recommendations of the
President, had been in the hands of the members for the required ten days
and recommended its approval.

       On motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Black, and passed, PR 2,
Recommendations of the President, was approved as a whole and ordered
made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end
of the Minutes.)

       E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       President Singletary said that he wished to call particular attention
to an appointment which was included in PR 2 under "Administrative
Appointments" but which he would like to have acted upon as a separate
item. He then recommended that Larry Stanley he named Director of the
Southeast Community College effective January 1, 1976. Dr. Wall gave
a brief report on the search for a director which resulted in the nomination
of Dr. Larry Stanley as the best qualified of the more than 60 applicants
for the position.

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed,
Dr. Larry Stanley was appointed Director of the Southeast Community College
effective January 1, 1976.

       President Singletary reminded the members of the Executive
Committee that the Board of Trustees at its meeting on December 9 had
approved the continuation of Jack B. Hall's leave for special assignment
with State government for a second year with the understanding that his
position as Dean of Students would not be held open for him. Following
this action of the Board, a search was begun to find a permanent replace-
ment for Mr. Hall as Dean of Students. After advertising the position and
interviewing numerous candidates it was determined that Joseph T. Burch,
Acting Dean of Students, was by far the best qualified person for the Deanship.
President Singletary then recommended that approval be given to the appoint-
ment of Joseph T. Burch, Acting Dean of Students, as Dean of Students
effective immediately.

      Following favorable comments by Dr. Zumwinkle and Mr. Jim
Harralson, President of the Student Government, on motion by Professor
Sears, seconded by Mr. Clay, and passed, Joseph T. Burch was named
Dean of Students, effective immediately. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)



       F. Budget Revisions for 1975-76 (PR 4)

       Noting that the members had had the recommended budget revisions
for ten days, President Singletary recommended approval of PR 4. Mr.
Clay moved that the revisions of the 1975-76 budget as presented in PR 4
be authorized and approved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Cooper and
passed without dissent. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       G. Renovation Project - Medical Center (PR 5)

       At President Singletary's request Dr. Bosomworth briefed members
of the Executive Committee on the proposed renovation of the pathology
laboratories as recommended in PR 5. After determining that there were
no questions, the Chairman called for a motion to approve for submission
to the Council on Public Higher Education a project to renovate space for
the pathology laboratories in the Medical Center at a cost of $150, 000. Mr.
Black so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed
without dissent. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       H. Biennial Report Presented

       President Singletary called attention to the copies of the Biennial
Report which had been distributed to members of the Executive Committee
and the news media and mentioned the new format of the report, saying that
it was an economy measure recommended by Dr. Hornback and approved by
him. He commented that copies would be mailed to all members of the Board
of Trustees, to the Governor, and to members of the General Assembly as
required under Kentucky statutes.

       I. Report on Investigation of Drug Usage by Members of the Football

       Before continuing with the agenda items, President Singletary requested
permission from the Chairman to make a report on the investigation conducted
by Dean Burch into possible Student Code violations which had been ordered
in November at a time when rumors were circulating concerning drug abuse
by University of Kentucky football players. Permission being granted,
President Singletary said that in the course of the investigation approximately
115 persons were interviewed. As a result of these interviews, charges
of violations of the Student Code have been brought against 23 students and the
following disciplinary actions have been taken:

1) Three students have been placed on undated suspension



       2) Nine students have been placed on disciplinary probation, and

       3) Eleven students have received official letters of warning.

Two of the twenty-three students have been denied permission to live in the
University residence halls effective immediately.

       The disciplinary actions taken are consistent with actions taken
in the past in similar cases. No special favors were sought or given and
no special punishment was given out.

       Contrary to the rumors, the on-campus investigation uncovered
no evidence of hard drug usage. Of the 23 students disciplined, 20 were
involved in marijuana-related cases and the other 3 in amphetamine-related
cases. Of the 23 students disciplined 7 were non-athletes with the remaining
being members of the football team. Since more than 100 students comprise
the football team, approximately 90% were not implicated in any way in drug
usage. The number of football team users is not disproportionate to the
general student population.

       In closing his report, President Singletary said that he had instructed
the Athletic Director to take the following action: 1) review and assess the
need for strengthening the drug education program in the Athletics Depart-
ment, 2) examine current policies and practices relating to housing of
football players on campus and make recommendations for appropriate
changes to the administration and 3) consult with the coaching staff and
devise a workable plan for improved supervision of student athletes.

       Mr. Sturgill accepted the President's report with appropriate
expressions of appreciation to him and to Dean Burch for the fair and
unbiased manner in which the investigation had been conducted and the
openness of the report presented.

       J. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1-A and FCR 1-B)

       Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, pointed out that
there were two financial reports to be acted upon - one covering the period
ending November 30, 1975, and the other for the period ending December 31,
1975. Both reports indicate that the University is "on target" in both receipts
and disbursements and Mr. Clay moved that both reports be accepted. His
motion was seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed. (See FCR 1-A and FCR 1-B
at the end of the Minutes. )



       K. Placement of University Bank Accounts (FCR 2)

       Mr. Clay explained that since the adoption of a five-year plan for
the rotation of accounts among six Lexington banks in the 1970-71 fiscal
year, many changes have occurred in the field of banking and the
Financial Committee deemed it desirable to review the method of assigning
and managing the nine demand deposit accounts which the University has
in Lexington banks. An ad hoc committee composed of Mr. George Griffin,
Mr. Thomas Kessinger, and Mr. W. B. Sturgill was appointed and has
spent the last four months studying the problem and developing a new five-
year plan. The committee has completed its work and the proposed new
plan is submitted as a part of FCR 2.

       At Mr. Clay's request, Mr. Blanton explained the plan as proposed
and indicated that, if adopted, the University could realize $200, 000 to
$250, 000 from interest over a period of a year.

       Following Mr. Blanton's presentation, Mr. Clay said that the
effective date for the proposed five-year plan should be changed on pages
1 and 2 to May 1, 1976 from July 1, 1976. He then moved approval of the
recommendation in FCR 2 as corrected. His motion was seconded by Mr.
Griffin and passed without dissent. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       L. Meeting Adjourned

       It having been determined that there was no further business to
come before the meeting, on motion duly made, seconded, and carried,
the meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.

                                Respectfully submitted,

                                Paul G. Sears, Secretary
                                Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3, 4, and 5, and FCR's 1-A, I-B, and 2 which follow are official
parts of the Minutes of the meeting. )


                                                Office of the President
                                                January 27, 1976


 Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:


 I.  Additional Degree Candidates--Community College System

     Recommendation: that the Associate in Applied Science degree from
     the Lexington Technical Institute be awarded to the following persons
     upon certification that the requirements for the degree have been satis-
     factorily completed:

     Robert Ca Aldridge       Barbara C, Howard     Francis Roberts
     Jerry Connelly           Lorene Jones            Arthur Rupured, Jr.
     Lois K. Edwards          Gary F. McComas         Thomas A. Slay
     George Fister             Tom Moreland
     Helen Lee Foushee         Wallace G. Murphy

     Background: At the December 9, 1976 meeting of the Board of Trustees
     approval was given to the awarding of degrees and certificates in the
     Community College System to those persons completing requirements
     for the degrees and certificates in December. The above named indivi-
     duals were inadvertently omitted from the list of candidates from the
     Lexington Technical Institute. Approval of these persons is, therefore,
     requested at this time.

II.  Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

     Recomrmendation: (1) that approval be given to the appointments and/or
     other changes which require Board action; and (2) that the report relative
     to appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration
     be accepted.

     Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other
     staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance
     with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
     recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate vice
     president through the President and have his concurrence.



Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain appointments
and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President or other administrators
who are required to report their actions to the Board. This report follows
the recommendations requiring Board approval.

                        BOARD ACTION

New Appointments

Bahr, Gunter F., Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of Pathology,
       College of Medicine, L/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Kincaid, Harvey L., Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology,
       College of Medicine, 1/1/76 through 6/30/76.
O'Connor, William N., Instructor, Department of Pathology, College
       of Medicine, 1/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Pigg, Kenneth E., Assistant Extension Professor, Department of
       Sociology, College of Agriculture, 1/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Powell, Deborah E., Associate Professor, Department of Pathology,
       College of Medicine, 1/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Powell, Ralph D., Associate Professor, Department of Pathology,
       College of Medicine, 2/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Rubeiz, Ghassan M., Visiting Assistant Professor, College of Social
       Professions, 1/1/76 through 5/31/76.
Schulman, Stephen G., Visiting Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy,
       1/1/76 through 8/31/76.
Shannon, Anna Marie, Assistant Extension Professor of Home Economics;",
       Home Economics Extension, College of Agriculture, 12/8/75 through

Non-Academic Appointments

Brauer, Leo E., Assistant Extension Publications Editor, Department
       of Public Information, College of Agriculture, retroactive 11/10/75.
Hennessey, James V., Community Services Coordinator, Paducah Community
       College, retroactive 7/1/75.
Inman, Stanley L., Coordinator, Community Service, Office of Business
      Development and Government Services, College of Business and
      Economics, retroactive 11/15/75.
Kreag, Glenn M., Area Extension Specialist, Department of Extension
      Recreation Development, College of Agriculture, retroactive 11/17/75.

,Special Title Series



Roy,a James Dale, Pharmacist, College of Pharmacy, 1/1/76 through
Scudder, Audrey, Associate Counseling and Testing Director, Department
       of Pediatrics, (Center for Handicapped), College of Medicine,
       12/1/75 through 6/30/76.

Administrative Appointments

Rosenbaum, Harold D., Professor (with. tenure), and Chairman, Department
       of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, reappointed as Chairman,
       retroactive 7/1/75.
Stanley, Larry, Associate Professor (with tenure), named Director, Southeast
       Community College, effective 1/1 /76.


Eddison, Grace G., front Associate Professor (full-time) (with tenure),
       Department of Community Medicine, College of Medicine, to
       Associate Clinical Professor (part-time) (without tenure), Department
       of Community Medicine, College of Medicine, 12/1/75 through
Tietz, Norbert W., from Clinical Professor (part-time), Department of
       Pathology, College of Medicine, to Professor (with tenure), Department
       of Pathology, College of Medicine, effective 2/1/76.


Bledsoe, David, Utility Crew Supervisor, Physical Plant Division,
       after 15 consecutive years of service, effective 311/76.
Bower, Charles A., Laborer (Disabled), Personnel Department, after
       22 consecutive years of service, effective 2/1/76.
Morton, Coleman, Custodial Worker, Physical Plant Division, after
       15 consecutive years of service, effective 3/1/76.
Nichols, Robert, Custodial Worker, Physical Plant Division, after
       15 consecutive years of service, effective 2/1/76.
Stone, Prudence S., Pr. Account Clerk (Disabled), Personnel Department,
       after 23. 5 consecutive years of service, effective 3/1/76.

Early Retirements (pursuant to Board action of December 9, 1975)

Keating, Lucille E., Librarian III (with tenure), Law Library, University Libraries,
       effective 12/31/75.
Smith, Frances Lynn, Staff Assistant, Office of Associate Dean, Instruction,
       College of Agriculture, effective 2/27/76.



Post Retirement Appointments

Drucker, Phillip, Professor (with tenure), Department of Anthropology,
       College of Arts and Sciences, for academic year 1976-77.
Von Bokern, Lawrence J., Instructor (part-time), Jefferson Comnnunity
       College, 10/1/75 through 5/31/76.

                   ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION

New Appointments

Altman, Ray, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
       Education and Research, College of Allied Health Professions, 1/1/76
       through 6/30/76.
Ames, Margaret M., Visiting Instructor, Department of Dental Hygiene,
       College of Allied Health Professions, 1/1/76 through 1/31/76.
Anderson, Elaine F., Instructor, College of Nursing, 1/1/76 through 5/31/76.
Baggett, Suella, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied
       Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health Professions,
       1/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Barthle, Damian A., Instructor, Jefferson Community College, 1/1/76
       through 5/31/76.
Blake, Robert J., Jr., Assistant Professor, Lexington Technical Institute,
       1/1/76 through 5/31/76.
B3obys, Stephen M. , Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Obstetrics
       and Gynecology, College of Medicine, 12/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Booth, Richard, Visiting Instructor, Department of Geography, College
       of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/76 through 5/31/76.
l3rodel, John, Assistant Professor, Lexington Technical Institute, 1/1/76
       through 5/31/76.
Burger, Charles, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied
       Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health Professions,
       1/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Burst, Loraine C., Instructor (part-time) (voluntary), Southeast Community
       College, 1/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Byassee, William Sam, Instructor (part-time), Department of Philosophy,
       College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/76 through 5/31/76.
Cabell, Bobbye G., Instructor, Jefferson Community College, 1/1/76
      through 5/31/76.
DeJean, Sally B., Instructor, Jefferson Community College, 1/1/76 through
Dunbar, Robert, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), College of Pharmacy,
      1/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Elliott, Charles M. , Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Medicine,
      College of Medicine, 1/1/76 through 6/30/76.


Gattozzi, Marjorie A., Instructor (part-time) *, Department of Dental
       Hygiene, College of Allied Health Professions, 1/l/76 through
Green, Edward C., Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology,
       College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/76 through 5/31/76.
Hill, Donna L., Instructor, Elizabethtown Community College, 1/1/76
       through 5/31/76.
Hottel, Mark, Instructor, Jefferson Community College, 1/1/76 through
       5/31 /76.
Keeling, Betty, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied
       Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health Professions,
       1/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Keene, Lee D., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied
       Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health Professions,
       1/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Klotter, James C., Instructor (part-time), Department of History,
       College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/76 through 5/31/76.
Mitchiner, Clarice, Assistant Professor, Jefferson Community College,
       1/1/76 through 5/31/76.
Moors, Michael J., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
       Periodontics, College of Dentistry, 9/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Morgan, Alice T.., Visiting Librarian IV, Medical Center Library,
       1/1176 through 6/30/76.
Nevels, William L., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
       Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/76 through 5/31/76.
Pezzuto, Louis J., Jr., Instructor, Jefferson Community College, 1/1/76
      through 5/31/76.
Reams, Beth, Instructor, Jefferson Community College, 1/1/76 through
Redmon, Delmar Ray, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
       Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/76 through 5/31/76.
Rey-Barreau, Joseph, Instructor, Lexington Technical Institute, 1/1/76
      through 5/31 /76.
Saillard, Kay, Librarian IV, Medical Center Library, 1/1/76 through
      6 /30/76.
Salansky, Timothy J., Instructor, Jefferson Community College,
       1/1/76 through 5/31/76.
Thomson, Patricia, Instructor, Lexington Technical Institute, 1/1/76
      through 5/31/76.
Weinberg, Lauren Ruth, Instructor (part-time), College of Social
      Professions, 1/1/76 through 5/31/76.
Whelan, M. Shannon, Counselor/Instructor, Elizabethtown Community
      College, 1/1/76 through 5/31/76.

*Special Title Series



Administrative Appointments

Hultman, Charles W., Professor (with tenure), Department of Economics,
       College of Business and Economics, named Interim Chairman,
       Department of Economics, College of Business and Economics,
       1/1/76 through 6/30/76.

Promotions (without tenure)

Peck, Patsy Moore. from Instructor*, Department of Physical Therapy,
       College of Allied Health Professions, to Assistant Professor*,
       Department of Physical Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions,
       1/1/76 through 6/30/77.


Adkins, William, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Challa, Vankata R., Instructor, Department of Pathology, College of
       Medicine, 1/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Clements, John H., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
       Cnommunity Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Cole, C. E., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Elkins, John, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, College of Dentistry, and Department of Dental Hygiene,
       College of Allied Health Professions, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Hamlin, Larry E., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
       Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Holbrook, Harold E., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
       Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Hutton, Jack, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Dental
      Hygiene, College of Allied Health Professions, and Department of
      Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Morris, Robert E., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
       Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Perkins, Scott, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Cormmunity
       Dentistry, College of Dentistry. 12/l/75 through 6/30/76.
Schmidt, William, Clinical Instructor (-vbli4ntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Segebarth, Ron, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
      Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76,
Spence, Foster, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
      Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Swieterman, Robert, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
      Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.

*Special Title Series


Valkavich, Eugene, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of
       Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Wathen, John D., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Dental
       Hygiene, College of Allied Health Professions, and Department of
       Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Wise, Kenneth, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Yates, Morris C., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/1/75 through 6/30/76.

Leaves of Absence

,Bacdayan, Albert, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology,
       College of Arts and Sciences, Sabbatical leave with half-salary,
       for the academic year 1976-77.
Blythe, Joan, Associate Professor, Department of English, College of
       Arts and Sciences, Sabbatical leave with full-salary, spring semester
Calkins, John C., Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Medicine,
       College of Medicine, and Department of Health Radiation Sciences,
       College of Allied Health Professions, Sabbatical leave with full-salary,
       5/10/76 through 11/9/76.
Cole, Scott W.,, Associate Professor, Jefferson Community College,
       To change previously approved sabbatical leave with half-salary
       from 1/1/76 through 12/31/76 to sabbatical leave with full-salary,
       1/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Douglas, James R. , Associate Professor, Somerset Community College,
       Sabbatical leave with half-salary, 7/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Favre, Beverly, Instructor, College of Social Professions, Extended
      leave without pay 1975-76.
Frazier, Donald T., Professor, Department of Physiology and Biophysics,
       College of Medicine, Sabbatical leave with full-salary, 7/1/76
       through 12/31/76.
Hawkins, James A., III, Assistant Professor and Associate Director,
      Jefferson Community College, Sabbatical leave with half-salary,
      7/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Hollingsworth, J. W., Professor and Chairman, Department of Medicine,
       College of Medicine, Sabbatical leave with half-salary, 7/1/76
       through 6/30/77.
Hsu, N. N., Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics,
       College of Engineering, Leave without pay, for the academic year
Leggett, James E., Professor, Department of Agronomy, College of
      Agriculture, Sabbatical leave with half-salary, 7/15/76 through
Pierce, James, Professor, Department of Art, College of Arts and Sciences,
      Leave without pay, 1/1/76 through 12/31/76.



Ross, Ira J., Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering,
       College of Agriculture, Sabbatical leave with full-salary,
       1/1/76 through 6/30/76.
Swain, Bruce, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism, College
      of Arts and Sciences, Leave without pay, for the academic year
Thomas, G. W., Professor, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture,
      Sabbatical leave with full-salary, 6/7/76 through l2/10/76.
Westley, Bruce H., Professor, School of Journalism, College of Arts and
      Sciences, Sabbatical leave with full-salary, 7/1/76 through 12/31/76,
      and 1eave without pay, 1/1/77 through 6/30/77.

Terminal Reappointment

Smith, Coy D.), Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine,
      College of Medicine, 1/1/76 through 12/31/76.

Date:   January 27

Action: Approved XX       Disapproved             Other

, 1976.


                                               Office of the President
                                               January 27, 1976

Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:


r. Aopintment of Dean of Students

    Recommerndation: that Joseph T. Burch, Acting Dean of Students in the
    Division of Student Affairs, be named Dean of Students, effective imme-

    Background: The Board of Trustees at its meeting on December 9, 1975
    approved a continuation of the leave of absence for Jack B. Hall for special
    assignment with state government with the understanding that his position
    as Dean of Students would not be held open for hin. At the same time,
    Mr. Joseph T. Burch, who had served as Acting Dean of Students during
    Dean HIall's original leave, wisas renamed Acting Dean of Students to serve
    until such time as a permanent replacement might be named.

    After carefully evaluating the qualifications of all the applicants, it was
    concluded that Mr. Burch was clearly the strongest candidate. The Vice
    President for Student Affairs has, therefore, recommended to me that
    he be appointed Dean of Students on a regular, permanent basis. I concur
    in this recommendation and place it before the Board for action at this

    Mr. Burch has excellent working relations with students and staff, has a
    thorough understanding of all aspects of the area for which he will be re-
    sponsible, and has carried out his responsibilities as Acting Dean with
    efficiency and good judgment.

    Action taken: Approved XX      Disapproved          Other

Date: January. 27

, 3 1976


Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees.

Office of the President
January 27, 1976



Recommendation: that the following revisions in the 1975-76
and approved.


budget be authorized

  Budget      Cha

A. General Funds

1. Income Estimates
     Student Fees
     Registration Fees
       Summer Session
         Lexington Campus
      Miscellaneous Fees
      Federal Appropriations
      Vocational Education
      Agricultural Experiment
      Agricultural Cooperative

$    705,400
     892, 000

     566, 900

   2, 244, 000

   6, 151, 400

$    713,400
     901, 500

     577, 100

   2, 452, 300

   6, 539, Z00

2   x. Ependitures
     Academic Affairs
     College of Business and
       UK Summer Program in
      College of Education
      Curriculum Development
      College of Social Professions
      Continuing Education
      Agricultural Experiment
      Agricultural Cooperative



179, 900

190, 100


7, 000

7, 213, 300

7, 421, 600

8, 000

10, 200

7, 000

208, 300

11, 920, 100  378, 800

$   8,000
    9, 500

    10, 200

  208, 300

  378, 800
  614, 800

1 1, 532, 300


Page Two

                                         Approved          Revised
                                         Budget           Budget        Change

    2.  Expenditures (Continued)
         Community College System
           Somerset - Community Service   12, 100           12, 800        700
         Student Affairs
           Counseling and Testing        126, 300          128, 100      1, 800
                                                                       614, 800

    3.  Cormnents - The expenditure increase for Vocational Education curriculum
        developmnent will be supported by additional funds from the Bureau of
        Vocational Education. The increases proposed for the Agricultural Experi-
        ment Station and the Agricultural Cooperative Extension will be funded by
        increases in Federal appropriations. The proposed increases for the
        Community College System Community Service, the Counseling and Testing
        Center, the UK Summer Program in Europe, and Social Professions
        Continuing Education will be supported by increases in student fee income.

B. Restricted Funds

    1. Income Estimates               16, 014, Z00      17, 577, 700 1, 563, 500

    2.  Expenditures