xt7zpc2t560p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zpc2t560p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1943-01-jan12. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-01-jan12. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-01-jan12. 1943 1943-01-jan12. 2011 true xt7zpc2t560p section xt7zpc2t560p 



    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky, January 12, 1943.

    The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at
the Lafayette Hotel at 11:30 a.m., Tuesday, January 12, 1943.
The following were present: Governor Keen Johnson, Judge Richard
C. Stoll, Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, H. D. Palmore, J. W. Brooker,
R. P. Hobson, H. S. Cleveland, Harper Gatton, R. C. Tway, and Mar-
shall Barnes. President Donovan and Frank D. Peterson, Comptrol-
ler and secretary of the Board, were also present.

     A. Approval of Minutes.

     The minutes of the actions of the Executive Committee having
been mailed to each member of the Board of Trustees, upon motion,
seconded and unanimously passed, the reading of the minutes was
dispensed with and they were ordered approved as published, in-
cluding the minutes of the Board of Trustees of September 15, 1942.

     B. Anonymous Gift.

     The Chairman of the Executive Committee called attention of
the Board to a meeting of the Executive Committee held on December
12, 1942, at which time an anonymous gift was accepted for the
College of Agricul.ture and Home Economics in the amount of 4l5,OOO.
The Board unanimously approved the action of the Lxecutive Commit-
tee and expressed their appreciation to the donor for such a gen-
erous gift0

     C. President's Report.

     president Donovan read to the Board the following statement
concerning the future of the University:

         The rallying song of the University is "On, On, U of
    K", This must be the spirit of the University, not only
    on the gridiron but in the classrooms, laboratories, of-
    fices, all over the campus in'these days of revolution.
    It is essential that students, faculty; trustees and the
    public continue their faith in the fundamental values



for which the University standes  War must not be permitted
to destroy the institutions of apeople's cultures  The Uni-
versity must be on the march; forward is the only direction
it can take.

     The University Will give technical training to Sol-
diers.   It is ready to offer this instruction to at least
three thousand men.   This is highly important in a world
at war when we fight for survival0   But it is only a
temporary objective of an institution of a.hi.gher educat-
tion.   We must continue to think of the permanent values
which a university renders to society,   The report of the
Kentucky Educational Commission (1933) says, "The general
function of a university may be conceived as embracing
four principal divisions, residence teaching; research;
service, including extension; and performance of library
and museum functions."   These are the objectives we
should constantly keep before us.   War is a  passing
phase,   It will end some day, perhaps suddenly.   It
is then that new problems will arise, that new leader-
ship will be needed.   Society will look to the universi-
ties for the solution of many of these problems, and the
preparation of its leaders.

     Selective service will remove from the University
all able-bodied men.   They may be sent back to the
campus for a period of technical preparation0   But lib-
eral education for this group is out for the duration.
However, liberal education must not be permitted to
languish.   Technical education may be essential to the
winning of the war, but it is liberal education that
will win the peace.   I would also assert that liberal
education has combat value: there is no'l substitute for
a disciplined mind, and such minds are the product of
liberal training.   I, in common with many of my col-
leagues in education, disagree with our army friends on
the value of liberal education in the preparation of men
for positions of leadership in the armed forces.   I
say frankly that the army is making a great mistake in
forcing all its young officer material into narrow,
specialized  technical courses*   This action will make
but  little difference if the war ends quickly.   But if
it should prove to be a long war, time will certainly re-
veal the weaknesses of this shortsighted policy.   The
ultimate welfare of the nation would, in my judgment,
be promoted by selecting a quarter of a million of the
most intelligent youth of the United States and giving
them a very rigorous curriculum in the liberal arts at
public expense, if among the number there were those who
could not afford to attend college.



         But such a program will not be considered. Lib-
    eral education must find its recruits among the women
    and those who cannot qualify physically for military ser-
    vice,   There was never a time when it was more important
    for young women to study history and philosophy, languages
    and literature, art and music, mathematics and science,
    than at present.   The women have the opportunity to
    preserve our culture.      The same opportunity is offered
    men who cannot qualify for military service because of
    physical defects,

         It has taken over three quarters of a century for
    the University to attain its present status.   slowly
    thru the years at great cost and sacrifice, it has been
    built up to its present high standard.   We do not
    propose to see it liquidated at this time.   The Uni-
    versity will go forward with its pr-ogram.  Liberal md
    professional education will be continued on the campus0
    None of the colleges will be closed.   Many courses
    will not be given as frequently as formerly and curricu-
    lum changes to meet changing conditions will be made,
    But the program of the University will not be essential-
    ly altered.   The University will move forward during
    the period of the war.

    Do Enroliment.

    President Donovan made a brief statement to the Board concern-
ing enrollment for the fall quarter and the outlook for the current
quarters and submitted the following statement:

          The enrollment for the fall quarter was 1657 men
     and 1155 women, making a total of 2812.   Registration
     for the winter quarter opened January 5.  The last day
     for enrollment for this quarter iLa January 14.  At
     the present time we have enrolled 1389 men and 1021
     women, making a total of 24100   This represents a loss
     of 402 students over last quarter,   The enrollment Is
     higher than I anticipated it would be,

          A number of boys will be drafted before the quarter
     closes on March 20o   Those young men who are in the
     Adynnced HOTC and the Enlisted Reserve will   permitted
     to complete the work of the quarters   Men enrolled in
     the senior class who are in the ROTC will not be called
     until after graduation*   The Enlisted Reserve is
     scheduled to be called at the end of the quarter.   It
     is reported that juniors who are in the Advanced ROTC
     will also be sent to camps at that time.   This will
     mean that approximately another thousand men will leave
     the University by the close of the winter quarter.
          By that time we will probably have a large number
     of soldiers ready to move in on the campus.



     E, University Health Service.

     President Donovan read the following statement relative to
practices inregard to health service rendered by the Department of
Hygiene and Public Health, and then submitted the report of the
Committee appointed to study the University's health service and
to recommend governing policies.

          Shortly after assuming my duties as President of
     the University, Dr. J. S. Chambers, head of the Depart-
     ment of Hygiene and Public Health and Director of the
     Dispensary, came to talk to me about formulating a
     statement of policies that would serve as a guide in the
     administration of the Health Service of the University.
     He stated that the practices of the Health Service had
     evolved over a period of years, but that there was no
     specific statement of guiding principles which should
     control this service.   He told me that he has sometim s
     been embarrassed when people came for health service and
     he was not certain that they were entitled to it.    He
     indicated that he wanted to render such service as he was
     expected to give, but in the absence of a statement of who
     is entitled to health service and.. to what degree' he
     found himself at a loss to know what to do.

          After a number of conferences with Dr. Chambers,
     we agreed to ask a comm.ttce, composed of the Dean of
     the University, the Dean of the College of Arts and Sci-
     ences, and a professor from each of the colleges, to
     make a thorough study of this problem and report their
     findings to the President.   An outstanding committee
     was appointed to undertake this task.    It is my judgment
     that the committee has done a very excellent job of de-
     fining the policies for the University Health Service!.

          I am presenting the committee's report to the Trus-
     tees with the recommendation that it be approved by this

               Report of the Committee ARpoInted
            to Study the University s Health Service
              &ad to Recommend Governing Policies

            The committee appointed to study the Universi-
       ty'a health Service to students and faculty makes
       thie following report:

            In general, the problem divides itself into
       two parts: I. Policies that should govern under
       current conditions and without significant changes
       in organization and facilities; II. Long-term pol-
       icies affecting the organization and facilities
       of the health Service.



          I. Policies that Should Govern
                under Current Conditions

     With respect to the current problem it is the
Judgment of the committee that the present staff and
facilities of the service are adequate, particularly
in view ofthe rapidly declining enrollment*   It ap-
pears that the office hours maintained at present are
satisfactory and that, in general, no change need be
be made in the routine administration of the service.
Health conditions among students at the University.
are in general good, and it is the opinion of the
committee that much credit for this is owing to the
effective work now being performed by the University
Health Service.

     The chief need seems to be for a better defini-
tion of the services to be given particular groups
on the campus,   The committee, therefore, makes the
following recommendations with respect to (l)boarding
and rooming students, (2)studeats living at home,
(3) the faculty and staff, (4) families of members
of the faculty and staff, (5) pupils of tie Universi-
tyts elementary and high schools, and (6) miscellaneous

     Boarding and Rooming Students With respect to
this group of students, the committee recommends that
the service be continued approximately as it is at
present and without charge to the students.    It is
understood, of course, that a portion of the incidental
fee is charged to cover the cost of the health service
rendered, and it is recommended that this point be
given emphasis in University publications*

     In general, this group of students may expect such
service as that now received from the Health Service,
with the.understanding that the function of the service
is primarily preventive and that it is not designed to
give extensive treatment in other than exceptional

     A boarding and rooming student may expect to re-
ceive the same laboratory services as those now given,
and to receive these without charge.    However, labora-
tory service shall be given only on order of a physician.

     A student in this classification may request the
physician to call at his dormitory or rooming house
in case the illness Is such that he cannot one to the
health Service.   However, it is understood that calls
by physicians are ordinarily for preliminary and



relatively minor treatment, and that where more extensive
treatment is necessary the physician may, in coopera-
tion with the student and parent, obtain as early as
possible private medical service for the student. It
is recognized, of course, that the economic status
of the student is an important factor in determining
the extent of the treatment.
     If the student enters a hospital under the super-
vision of a University physician, there snall be a
clear understanding as to the responsibility for all
hospital and medical expenses incurred    The Univer-
sity shall be responsible for no expenses of this
kind unless a definite commitment is made at the time
of admission.

     Students Living at Home   Students in this cate-
gory shall receive the same service and under the
same conditions as boarding and rooming students, ex-
cept that the physicians shall not call at their
homes or in any respect give other than out-patient
treatment,   In bringing a student to the University
from a distance and thus creating for him a new and
different boarding and rooming environment, the Uni-
versity awsumes a responsibility that It does not
acknowledge in the case of the student who continues
to live at his home.

     Faculty and Staff,  For the purpose of this
report the "faculty and staff" of the University
shall be mnsidered to include only regular resident

     Members of the faculty and staff shall continue
to receive free medical treatment at the Health Ser-
vice as they have in the past, with the understanding
that the service rendered shall be of an emergency
and advisory character only.    More extensive treat-
ment may on occasion be given without charge to the
lower-income members of the faculty and staff.

     In the opinion of the committee, emergency and
advisory treatment for the faculty and staff is
Justified by the saving in the time of its personnel
made possible by the convenience of the service and
the prompt attention given to ailments in their early

     The University physicians shall not make hone
calls for members cf the faculty and staff, or in
any respect give other than out-patient treatment.



     The faculty and staff shall continue to receive
the laboratory services now available, but it Is
recommended that for this group a schedule of
charges be formulated for the various types of labo-
ratory services which will cover not only the cost
of the materials used but likewise the time of the
technicians and the upkeep of the laboratory equip-
ment involved in service to the faculty and staff.
When laboratory service is rendered a member of the
faculty or staff. a bill shall be made in triplicate
one copy to be retained by the Health Service, ore to
be sent to the Comptroller's Office, and one to be
retained by the patient.   It is the thought of the
committee that the laboratory costs to members of
the faculty and staff should be more nearly in keep-
ing with the charges made downtown, but that they
be kept at a point where members of the staff with
smaller incomes may still be able to take advantage
of the service.   Laboratory service shall be given
to members of the faculty and staff only on order of
a physician.
     Families of Members of the Fnculty and Staff.
The University Health Service shall give no service
at any time to members of the families of the faculty
and staff,

     Pupils of the Univorsity's Element ary and High
Schools" Service to these pupils shall be limited to
the periodic physical examirition, the daily Inspec-
tion by a nurse, and emergency or first-aid treatments.

     Miscellaneous Recommendations.    Except in the
case of an emergency all persons calling at the
Health Service, irrespective of classification or
ranks shall be treated or otherwise served in the
order in which they report to the person in charge.
No preference shall under any circumstances be given
to a member of the faculty or staff over a student.

     The official name of the service shall hereafter
be 'The University. Health Service."

     Should the staff of the University Health Service
be so depleted by the war that the service to the stu-
dent body is seriously Jeopardized, all service to the
faculty and staff shall be discontinued for the period
of the emergency.

     Upon adoption of tUis or an amended report by the
Board of Trustees, the policies governing service to
the faculty and staff, including the schedule of lab-
oratory charges, shall be mimeographed and distributed
to all members of that group by the Director of Uni-
versity Health Service. Publicity shall also be



       given to the policies governing service to students.

                  II. Long-Term Policies

            The committee recognizes that the conditions do
       not at present permit of any expansion of the Universi-
       ty Health Service.   It feels strongly, however, that
       the Administration should look forward to the time
       when provision can be made for a new health unit
       which will provide an infirmary adequate to meet the
       needs of the student body, office and laboratory
       facilities, and instructional quarters for the De-
       partment of Hygiene and Public Health.

            In the meantime, the committee would emphasize
       the importance of making some provision for men stu-
       dents whose illness is such that they should be put
       to bed a.r perhaps isolated.   It is recommended
       that further thought be given the possibility of pro-
       viding space in the men s dormitories for a few beds,
       and that these facilities be planned so that students
       with infectious diseases may be temporarily isolated.

                           Signed:   C. S. (ouse
                                     Paul P. Boyd
                                     Chas. Barkenbus
                                     Howard W. Beers
                                     W. W. Dimock
                                     M. E. Ligon
                                     Frank H. Randall
                                     Leo l4. Chamberlain.


Basal Iiotabolism Tests                                     $2.50

Blood Counts:
  Complete (red, white and differential)                     1.50
  White and Differential Count                               1.00
  Red Count and Hemoglobin                                   1.00



    Culture - depending on nature of work,  $1,00 to    $ 3.00
    Vacaines - depending on nature of work,  2.50 to     10.00
    Direct Smear                                           1.00
    Darkfield                                              1.50
    Stool Examinations                       1.50 to       2.50

     Kline                                                  1 00
     Agglutination                                          1.50
     Blood Typing                                           1*50

  Chemical Analysis
     Urinalysis - complete                                  1900
     Blood - sugar, etc., for each analysis                 2.50
     Gastric                                                2.50

  Electrocardiograph Tracing                                2.50

  X-rays: Depending on size of film necessary:

    14 x 17     single    $2-,25          stereo            3.00
    10 x 12     single     2 00           stereo            2.50
    8 x 10     single     1075           stereo            2cOO
    5 x 7   -  single     1e65           stereo            1.80

    Dental (depending on number of teeth x-rayed) .75 to   3.00

    Gastro-intestinal Series                               5.00

  House calls to obtain specimens add $1.00 to above prices.

  This price list does not include a diagnosis of the a nditionp as
  such diagnosis Is not the responsibility of the laboratory.

  Laboratory work will be undertaken only on order of a recognized

                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

     The Board discussed the report of the Committee appointed to
recommend policies governing the University's health service; also
the proposed schedule of fees for laboratory operations for the staff
of the Universityv and' rzude inquiries concerning the relation of the
proposed fee schedule to fees charged by physicians serving the
public.   After a full discussion of the report, the Board took the
following action:



             2. Upon motion, made, seconded and unanimously
                carried, the Board accepted the report of
                the Committee, approved the policy as outlined
                therein, and approved the schedule of fees
                as submitted.

     F* Hinr~y Clay Portrait.

     President Donovan reported to the Board that the Executive
Committee on November 14, 1942, authorized the President to acquire
on behalf of the University the portrait of Henry Clay which has
hung in the president's room of the Greenbrier Hotel, White Bulphur
Springs, West Virginia.  The President made the following report:

          It is a pleasure to report to you that the Chesapeake
     and Ohio Railway Company has presented to the University
     of Kentucky a portrait of Henry Clay (copy) by Samuel
     Morsel.which has hung in the President's Room of the Green-
     brier Hotels White Bulphur Springs, West Virginia.   This
     Is an excellent portrait and it has been hung in the Uni-
     versity Library,   Those who were responsible for our
     securing this portrait are Mr. Herbert Fitzpatrick of
     Huntington, West Virginia, and Mr. L. R. Johnston, Gen-
     eral Manager of the Greenbrier Hotel. These gentlemen,
     as well as Mr. G, D. Brooke, former President of the
     C. & 0. Railway Company, were pleased to have this por-
     trait of Henry Clay placed in his home town,   I have
     written letters of appreciation to these gentlemen, and
     I would like to ask the Board of Trustees to pass a reso-
     lution of thanks for this gift and authorize that It
     be sent to the proper officials of the Chesapeake and
     Ohio Railway Company.

                          * * * * * * * * * *

             3. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the
                Board accepted the gift of the portrait
                of Henry Clay and asked the President to
                express Its appreciation to Mr. Herbert
                Fitzpatrick cf Huntington, West Virginia,
                Mr. L. R. Jchnston, General Manager of
                the Greenbrier Hotel, and Mr. t, D. Brooke,
                former President of the C.& 0. Railway
                Company, Terminal Tower, Cleveland, Ohio.


      G. Enlisted Specialists Corps--Arms Engineers.

      President Donovan made the following statement to the Board
concerning the Enlisted Specialists Branch of the United States Army
Engineering School, and read a letter from Dean James H. Graham
relative to the creation of the Enlisted Specialists Branch, togeth-
er with a list of instructors employed in connection with the trainin

          Enlisted Smecialst Branch, United Statee ArM   Engineer
     Schools, ollge   f Enineerinmg  University of KentuckY.   At
     the meeting on September 15, the Board of Trustecs approved
     a contract with the United States of America for the es-
     tablishment of an Army Engineering School on the campus of
     the University for the purpose of gitng technical training
     in engineering to 870 enlisted men. It is my privilege to
     report to you at this time that this School has been or-
     ganized and is operating very efficiently to the satisfac-
     tion of both the Government ad the University*   The
     School opened September 21 with the arrival of 133 mene
     Every two weeks after that date a new quotaof men enrolled.
     At the end of twelve weeks the men are graduated Three
     groups have already completed their work.   A splendid
     group of highly selected men have been sent to the campus
     of the University for instruction.   Their conduct has
     been exemplary.   It has been a privilege to have these
     men come to the University for this tia Iningo

          The Army has sent exceptionally fine officers to
     have charge of the 1525th Service Unite   These gentle-
     men have cooperated with the University as if they were
     members of our staff.   It has been a pleasure to work
     with them.

          To Dean James H. Graham and to Assistant Dean D, V,
     Terrell and the staff of the College of Engineering we
     are indebted for the efficient manner in which they have
     organized the School and have administered its program.

          I desire to submit for your approval a communication
     from Dean Graham relative to the organization, budget and
     personnel of the Enlisted Specialist Bmanch, United
     States Army Engineer School of the College of Engineering.



                  UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

College of Engineering
Office of the Dean                    December 22, 1942

President H. L. Donovan
University of Kentucky

My dear President Donovan:

     The task of creating upon this campus the Enlisted
Specialist Branch. United States Army Engineer Schools
College of Engineering, University of Kentucky, may be
likened to the actual creation of an entirely new and
specAalized college of near nine hundred technical stu-
dents, including curricula, faculty, furniture, equipment,
and even buildings for class rooms and other needs,
without previous warning and planning. Its creation and
development might well be termed an Impromptu act without
previous rehearsal,

     The school was opened upon the morning of September
21, l942, with the first contingent of 133 enlisted stu-
dents, The schedule set for the arrival of each succeed-
ing group was at intervals of two weeks, over a period of
twelve weeks, when the first group was to graduate, thus
attaining a total continuous enrollment for the school of
approximately 840 students.

     This schedule entailed (a) the securing and training
of the necessary engineering faculty of approximately 50
qualified men, (b) the purchase, delivery, and installa-
tion of drafting tables and other furniture, including
adequate lighting fixtures and electric wiring, (c) the
acquisition of engineering equipment and supplies, and
(d the completion of the Animal Pathology Building for
the housing of the last three groups of students. On
September 21, this latter building was only half completed,
lacking floors, roof, partitions, plumbing, wiring, heating
lines, etc. By strenuous endeavor and attention to many
details, the first floor of this building was ready for
use upon the arrival of the fourth contingent on November
2, 1942, but prior to the actual placin of the roof on
the building0   The second floor with the roof completed
was ready for the fifth contingent on November 16, 1942,
and the whole building was finished, including basement
and exterior walkways, on November 30, 1942, for the ar-
rival of the sixth contingent.

     With a new contingent scheduled to arrive every
other Monday morning at eight o'clock, there was not a
single preceding Saturday when we knew pgaitivelv that
we would be ready for their induction into the classes on
the hour set.   However, by working Saturdays$ nights,



and Sundays, we met each schedule promptly on the hour
without a single, failure-  At this writing, we have graduat-
ed one group of 105 and have an enrollm nt of 856.  I at.
tach hereto the schedule o f enrollment as of December 22,

     t desire to commend to you Assistant Dean D. V.
Terre'Ll and Mr, Frank Grimes for the acqdiosition, the
trs-taing and management of the S3erialis*t Faculty. Also
Mr, Peterson, Mr,, Parris and 'all their staffs for their'
handling of all ache many details of pur-hase, the hauling
and the insta"A.lations ot' varied nature in all three build-
ings rnw used by the Special-ist. S.;hcol,  I also wish to
commend and to thank Mr,, L. K. Frankel. Architect, upon
the Q1ri.imal Pathology Building$ for his excellent service
an& eff-iciener in this onnectionr,  I emphasize these
comnen~dations for the reason that; at this time, it was
especially necessary and vitan, in this its first t ask of
this nvtvres for the University to make a clean and per-
fect rsccrd of performance and to display its ability to
meet unusual situations efficiently and on tine.

     I attach hereto a listing of the Specialist Faculty
employed since September 21; with a brief statement of
the experience record of each members the date of employ-
ment and resignation, whenas such occurred, and the rate
of monthly pay for each,   In the beginnings this task of
acquiring a qualified faculty seemed almost impossible.
as the project developed and has now attained its full
quota; we find that in the beginning we underestimated
the number of instructors required to meet the curricula
requirements, but that, due to Dean Terrell's trading
instincts, we have not over-run our original gross estimat-
ed Xstruction payr9l1,    You will note that-a large
majority of the members of the faculty are Uraduate &fn-
Saee8. of considerable field eMeLrIenao, which is a newesel-
ty in view of the curricula involved,   You will also note
that many of these men have been furloughed by the State
Highway Department and by T.V.A.   The Highway Department
especially has been very cooperative in emery way as well
as the Construction Section of the State Finance bepart-
ment:   You will note that we have experienced a consid-
erable turnover among the members of this faculty and we
believe that this will contl4nue--averaging approximately
three or more each month; for the hours of teaching are
unusual (44 hours per week) and the duties are strenuous
and continuouso

     While this form of listing and reporting has been
used during the period of creating the School and f aculty,
alit sgubseuer  changes in the list and p&XrL3 _ will be
handled in due and regular form with the Comptroller of
the Universityo



     I invite your attention to the attached statement
of income and outgo for this Specialist School as of
December 31, 1942.   At this writing, the statement con-
tains three estimated items: December income, December
salary, and total equipment costs.   Dean Terrell will
furnish you the exact figures for these three estimated
items on or before January 5, 1943.

     On the question of budgeting of the affairs of
this Specialist School, now that it is a going concern,
I suggest for your approval that, as the University is
paid l9W per clock hour of instruction per student en-
rolled each day, we also budget the income and outgo upon
the same clock hour basis0   In view of our experience
thus far, I suggest the distribution of88oss income as fol-

     (a) Instructional payroll technical
             and non-technical                llk per clock hour
     (b) Light, heat, rent maintenance and
             other similar items               4i       n
      (a) Write-off of cost of furniture,
      (d) General overhead and contingent
             reserve                           3t             n

      In conclusion, I recommend that the University of Ken-
tucky shall extend its appreciation and thanks, in a formal
manner, to Major RH E. Potts, Infantry, Major W. B. Whitte-
more, Corps of Engineers, Army of the United States, and to
their respective staffs, for their very efficient aid and
cooperation toward the success of the Enlisted Specialist
Brancmh United States Army Engineer School, College of
Engineering, University of Kentucky.

                             Respectfully submitted$

                                (Signed) James H. Graham