xt7zpc2t559d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zpc2t559d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1926-05-may29. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1926-05-may29. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1926-05-may29. 1926 1926-05-may29. 2011 true xt7zpc2t559d section xt7zpc2t559d 

     Minutes of the regular quarterly meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky for Saturday, May 29, 1926.

    'The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
regular quarterly session in the President's office of the Uni-
versity at 11:30 a. m., Saturday, May 29, 1926.    The following
members were present: Mr. Frank McKee, Senator H. M. Froman,
Mr. McHenry Rhcads, Mr. W. J. Webb, Mr. Louis Hillenmeyer and
Judge R. C. Stoll.   President Frank L. McVey met with the Beard.

U.   The minutes of the Board of Trustees for April 13, 1926
and the minutes of the Executive Committee since that time were
approved as published.

     1. Report of the Business Agont.   The report Of the Busi-
ness Agent was presented by President McVey and upon motion duly
seconded was received and filed.

     2. Report of the President.   The President made a brief
report as follows:

     (a) Enrollment for the Year.   The total enrollment in resi-
dence during the two semesters was 2,321; 786 of these were women
and 1,535 were men.    Including summer session and extension stu-
dents, the total enrollment for the year, he said, was approxi-
mately 4,000.   The Graduate School has about 125 students, about
35 t.f whom are to receive Master degrees this year.

     (b) Graduate W.:;rk. President McVey stated tfat the grad-
uate work at the University has increased to such an extent
that the question of offering a Ph. D. degree in a number of de-
partments ought to be considered.    He presented to the Board a
preliminary survey made by the Dean of the Graduate School of
the prospects of graduate work in various departments of the Uni-
versity.   The matter was discussed at length and motion was
made, seconded and adopted, asking that the Dean of the Graduate
School make specific recommendations regarding the matter at the
September meeting of the Board.

     (c) University Bookstore.   The President (continuing his
report) stated that the University hookatore had been purchased
for $4,437.94.   The stock has been taken Over by a committee
appointed for the purpose and the bookstore will henceforth be
operated by the University.    Motion was made, seconded and


                              2~ --

carried approving the actic:n cf the c-mmittee.

      (dt) State Purchavi?,i-,.Aent: Presiient MoVey reported
that the St,-te Purcr.a aehndl,           the Univeroity for
its requicr.oments en  c-ho  s--tion cf e octric la.n-os and coal.
He statedt.E a rco-irt had beei! mc.I.e cn theaea rnattere to the State
Purchas'ing Ar-ant.

      (S) Leapmg of        d LapA at Quicksand.  President McVey
stated that the L. &        ,Railway had reoeved its tracks from the
right-of-wta  -t Quaici,rand and '-.ad lefWsed t^ the University,
v th-ut ccst, the righrt-cf &f.vay.  Tp^, motion, duly seconded,
t 'e 'Loard.          tho.L ^ o ar eangere:at.

      (f) Gi.fj Tc  Carn  Coi CO.7ration.  Presid.ent McVey (con-
tinuirn  h s r r& r) stte.I thart the Carneeie C. poreation of New
Ycrk had set aside Pl00,000 to be. divideel ar:ong twenty clleges
for the purpc sc of purcbxasing books and other art material to
be given Tr the institutions.   The University of Kentucky has
been selectLed as ^ne cf thLese institutiens and will participate
in the gift.  Mntiron was made, sec!onded and ado:pted, accepting
the gift and instructing the Secretary to co-nvey the thanks of
the Board to the Carnegie Corpnration.

     (g) Inheritance Tax.  President MoVey rep-rted to the Board
that in accordcnce with its instruction he had engaged Mr. Pelham
Johnston, Jr., to represent the University in the inheritance tax
suit.   He stated thtat Mr. Jfihnst.-n had I led a brief.

     (h) Right-of-wa  cver Universit  Pr.pertv in Graves Ccunty.
President McVey stat~ed that the Fisca.l Court of Graves County
hatd asked for a right-of-way for a public highway through Uni-
versity property and that the Univorolty execute dead to the
right-of-way.   The matter was d.iscuasseld and the correspondence
ref erred to MTAr. W. J.. Webb, member of the Board of Trustees from
G}raves County, with the request that he m-ake the nocessary ad-
jup.tmsento for the University.  The chairman of the Executive
Committee was authorized to excoute deed.

     (i) Fraternity House Mothers.   Prenid.ent McVay reported to
the Board thut a petition had been received frotm seventeen frater-
nities of the University asking that the ruling of the Bcard,
requesting fraternities to have houee mothers; be deferred to
uecome effective Septomber 15, 1927.   The fraternities set forth
var.ous reasnns for making the request, the most important of
which was the necessity of making changes in their hnuses in
order to provide for the keeping of a house mother.     The matter
was discussed 't'llength and on m tion Made and seconded the Board
areed to postpone the matter until September 15, 1927 in accord-
ance with the request of the fraternities.



     3. Fraternity Sites on Winslow Street.   It was called to
the attention of the &card. tbat some two or three years ago the
Board upon request  f a-f number of fraternities had designated
building sites on Winslov Street.   After discussion, in which
the point was made that the fraternities had not taken advantage
cf the offer of the University to provide such aite.s, motion was
made, seconded and carrioed that the previous action of the Board
designating such sites be reconsidered and the designations of
the sites be crncelled.

     4. Retiring Allowances.   The committee to consider retir-
ing allowance fcr =m-bers of the University staff reported that
the matter wrs being studied by the Carnegie Foundation at the
request :;f the comm1Lttee-  Motion was made, seconded and car-
ried that the report be accepted and the committee be continued.

     5. Graham Avenue Property.   President McVey reported that
Mrs. Veach living at 155 GrahaTa Avenue desired to sell her pro-
perty to the University.   He stated that the University ewnM3d
all the property on the north side of Graham Avenue with the ex-
beption of a few lots Lnd that it was desirable to purchase this
property as it became available for purchase.   Motion was made,
seconded and carried authorizing the President t!. purchase the
property provided it could be procured at a reasonable price.

     6. Granting of Degrees.   President McVey reported that the
University Senate had recommended that the following degrees be
granted.   Whereupon motion was made, seconded and adopted that
the Board of Trustees authorize the granting of these degrees.


Henry Corbin Adcock
Frank Owens Alexander
Gracye Dourghty Archer
Clara Arnold
Mary Margaret Arnold
Terry Lorenzo Arterberry
Louise Ziegler Atkins
Marie Warren Beckner
Winfrey Portor Blackburn
Mary Ethel Botts
Udell Brandenburg
Richard B. Bridgeman, Jr.
Lurlene Frances Bronaugh
Elizabeth Curtis Buehler
Banrma Ethel Bunch
Robert Ward Bushart
Ava J. Cawood
Cecil Marvin Charles
Roscoe Cantrill Claxon

Emily Burgess Conley
Corinne L.ndrum Cowgill
John Lelwnd Cr.wford
Ernestine Cross
Dorothy Crossfield
John Albert D&bney
James Robert DFa6vidson
Grace Alexander Davis
Joe Lee Davis
Era Pickens DeBoe
Frank Pete Derrick
Charles Merrill Dowden
EleanoT Francis Downing
Ellis Dean Dugger
Clyde Hnnry Estes
PreWitt Evans
Agnes Gertrude Flora
William Solomon Gilbert
Eliza.beth Ptarks Glvscock


Emilie Elizabeth Gregory
Emma, Jessie Gudgel
Mary Eva Hall
Laura Lucile Harp
Nell Kinnaird Hart
Lucille Howard
Sallie Howard
Beth Huddleston
Darrell Stephen Hughes
Helen Franke James
J. W. Jones
Erma E. Juhl
Virginia D. Kelley
Ruth Kennedy
Catherine Kincheloe
Mardia Lampert
Erle Harrison Landeers
Robert Cecil Lane
Frances Elizabeth Lee
Elizabeth Nelson Lilleston
Mary Elizabeth Luxon
Ruth Chandler McCord
Ted Gaylor McDowell
Maria Bullock McElroy
James William MScMahon
Pearl Esther Martin
Elmon Clay Middle ton
Jane Earle Middelton
Maria Louise Middelton
George Samuel Milam
Elizabeth Ann Miller
Travis Martin Runyox Million
M.1aary Page Milton
Edith Cecelia Minihan
JoGephine Moore
Sidney Voosnick
Arthur Hugh Morris
Marjorie Howard Morrison
Anna Brittain Moss
Ronald Otis Newcomb
Mary Stuart Newman
Eugenia O'Hara
John Isaac Owen
Edward Drane Paton
James Samuel Patterson
Homan Rees Phenix
Martha Martin Reed
John Est ill Reeves
Kenneth Carlton Reeves
Carolyn Yantis Rice

Jesse Taylor Riffe
Evelyn Ritchie Rogers
William Campbell Scott
Woodson Dennie Soct.t
Lucasta Steece Sellards
Millicent Cecile Sheridan
Christine Shouse
Virgil Skaggs
Audrey Eggleston Slaughter
George Moore Smith
Suzanne Snoolk
Clarence Gordon Soward
Mavie Clare Sternberg
M3ary Katherine Sutton
Nellie Amine Torian
Leonard Graves Tracy
Kenneth Herndon Tuggle
Herman Story Turner
Virgil Vance
Helen Van Der Veer
Elmore Alexander Vossmeyer
Sister Hubertina Walsh
Jseph Richard Walter
Edna Lewis Wells
Martha Frances White
Charles Kyle Whitehead
Mary Elizabeth Whitfield
Margaret Johnson Wooldridge
William Norwood Worthington
Anna Margaret Yungblut




Elizabeth Boston Hahn
Coleman Dillard Hunter
Arthur Carlton Prichard

Russell Burton Scott
Francis Spencer Withers

                   IN IND-JSTRIAL CHEMISTRY

Lydia Catherine Kaimt
Jay Stout StockhFxrdt
Edward Cecil Tarpley-


Clifton James Bradley
Robert Young Cravens
John Willis Drake
William Crow Eskew
Florian Cox Ewer
Bernard Joseph Griffin
Hughes Mocre Hamilton
Marshall Dees Harris
Smith Jameson Jones

Reed Sutherland Miller
George D. Rogers
J. Ernost Threlkeld
Ottic B. Travis
Ge-, rge Garnett Wallington
Clark Walls
John Russell Wa.tlington
Otis Roosevelt Wheeler

                  HOMiE ECONOMICS

Dorothy Mildred Bcnar
Aileen Walcott Brown
Nelle Wadswvijrth Chipman
Lana Martine Coates
Katharine Elizazbeth Davenport
Donna Marie Dover
MaEry Katharine Dyle
Edith Lewis Farmer
M,1ary Tebay Garside

MLrguret Jean Gormley
Eugenia Burnaam Herrington
Mttrs. Juanise Sc:ggin Johnson
Lola May McAlpin
Dcroithy Letcher McConnell
Sarah Dena Shelby
Evelyn Slater
Eleanor Chenault Smith

                CIVIL ENGINEERING

Joe Kasey Bailey
Harry Albert Balke
Jesse Shearle Baskett
Arthur Daniel Bickel
Ellie Bertram Boston
Hugh Cleveland Card
Patrick Keegan Farra, Jr.
Austin Griff ith
Wiilliam Albert Harbold
Clinton Kelly Hcffman
Robert Willard Hogan

John Sharp Kenntny
Melbourne Mills
Arthur Nutting
Bryce Owen Petree
William Homer Rice
Robert Lea Samuell, Jr.
Wallace Wolfred Sanders
Peter Joseph Sehlinger
Bradford Prestcn Taylcr
Maurice Adams Walker
Edward Richter Young



Hamnpton Collier Adams
Charles Edward Albert
Joseph William Austin
Stanley Veach Baker
Charles William Alexander Bell
Harry Bartleson Carpenter, Jr.
Cortez Day
Samuel Cornelius Ewing
George Appleby Farrant
Virgil David Florence
Isadore Goldben
Robert Henry Harr6d
John Pella Holtzclaw, Jr.
Eugene Victor Kesheimer
Edward Barrett Lalley
Claiborne Lisle
Robert Oldham Malloy
Edward Patterson Morris

David Allen Newton
Thomas Hedger 01 iver
John White O'Nan
Chester Clark Rice
Philip Wilburn Rusch
Lee Boyd Russell
Alfred Simpson
John Rowan Smith
Ramon L. Spears
James William Stark
Cary Spencer Tucker
Edward Ward Walters
Joseph Alfred Weingartner
Taylor Gilbert White, Jr.
Richard Charles Williamson
William M1cKinley Witty
Henry Lee Woods, Jr.
Mar shall Elbert Wright

                MINING ENGINEERING

August Adolph Bablitz

David Browning, Jr.


Chairles Hallam Mahoney


Boyd Langdon Bailey
William Watts Blanton
Joseph Jacob Bradley
John Young Brown.
Eugene Brown Cochran
Harlan Hobart Grooms
I. Jay Miller

Earle Moren Nichols
Virgil James Pritchett,
William Franklin Simpson
Richard Clayton Smcot
Adrian Harris Terrell
Antho.ny Wayne Thomser
Sanford B. Triplett

                   EDUCAT ION

William Hickman Bladree
Ethel Morton Barnard
Robert Lee Beck
Stanley Banks Cundiff
Malinda Fisher

John Loyd French
Franklin Pierce Geurin
Mary Elizabeth Hefforman
Nathan M. Hill
Mary Faith Huffaker



,{leen Perry Hunter
Blanche Hyden
..;ary Joseph'a Jones
Po- Thomas Kniqat
i rginia Kathleen Lovell
Lucille Lovely
u!aUol Harrison McGuire
.'q Cleone MicVhorter
F1lo a Bryant fiacl:,c-e
Lill :an li: llza')eth Malsy
aa-d.ge V'.on .c cr
Saidla BealJ. Monacn
IElizabet., Marie Moreland
Stanley Po-roill
flizabeth Reed Prjitlt


Newell Gray Atkins
Henry Randolph Brownv
Cecil Clayton Carpenter
James Lyle Cassi.dy
Thomas Eimer Coons
Lysle Warrick Croft
David Rowe Hickey
Luther Phillipps MccGary
George Ivan Mci{own, I.II
William Ezimet Milward
Henry Bo ian moore
VincLn H ernan kiijnich
T 0nla5 Walter Neblett

             Mkry Edward Riley
             Georgia MaLrie Rouse
             Cla-r3.ce Rowland
             Jo-,in Alexander Sarmuels
             Lupte Brunetta Short
             Anna Louise Sinathers
             Jennie Louise Stamler
             Lucille Hazel Stillwell
             Mar3aret 3Buokner Tandy
             C~xmen Keo to Taylor
             Jessie Leo Tilton
             Nlle.e Marie W~atson
             Joh~i Davis Williams
             Mar-aret Wayne Wooton
             Mollie Elizabeth Young


              George Washington Newman,Jr.
              Thomras Monroe Pope
              Mark Twain Ratliff
              Charles Darwin Riefkin
              Colvin Patterson Rouse
              James William Russell
              Clifton Lewis Thompson, Jr.
              Ray Smit.,h Thurman
              Virgil Os1acrne Watson
              Charles Mills Wheeler
              James Robert White
              George Phillips Young

               MASTER OF ARTS

English -- Enna Harper Applegate
Engl8sh-- Emme;tt BRadley
Psychology -- VirXW.yi.a Omer Durbin
Enriglih -- Max Freeman
,Zooicogy  Leonard Giovcanno1i
Hi.stozy   George Dan Hagun
Ilati.n -- Benjamin Franklin Hall
SoCoology -- Frances Shinkle Jennings
Hictory -- Zachary Taylor Johnson
,Education -- Jay B. Kenyon
Zoology-- Thelmaa Louise MacIntyro
FHistory -- Earl Stanley McKee
Mathematics -- Harve Weddington Mobley
TrTench -- Mrs. Janet Martindale Murbach
Education -- David Willian Nankivell
Mathematics -- Vada Lee Nelson
History -- Anna Browning Peck



History -- Henry Benton Simpson
Education -- Joseph Orlando VanHook
Education -- Lucile Gastineau Wiloon
English -- Lawrence Yates
               MASTER OF SCIENCE

Physics -- Williacm Luther Brenner
Physics -- Xen Kievit
Bot"any -- Bor thus Boston MIcInteer


Animral Industry -- Charles A. Loudermilk
Animal Industry -- John Fred Till, Jr.
Plant Pathology -- Hulbert Houston Thornberry

               CIVIL ENGINEER

Lawrence Russell Burroughs


Willis Taylor Downing
William George Hillen


George Woerner Baumngarten
Clyde Rogers Gibbons

    C O M M E N C E M E N T H O N O R S


            Harry Albert Balke
            Joe Lee Davis
            Catherine Kincheloe
            Clarice Rowland
            Woodson Dennie Scott
            Margaret Johnson Wooldridge


            Eugene Brown Cochran
            Robert Young Cravens
            John Albert Dabney
            Rxbert Henry Harrod



                    Helen Perry Hunter
                    Frances Elizabeth Lee
                    Lucille Lovely
                    Lillian Elizabsth May
                    Eugenia O'Hara
                    Kenneth Carlton Reeves
                    Georgia Marie Rouse
                    Russell Burton Scott
                    WVi lliam, Campbell Scott
                    Herrman Story Turner
                    Nelle Marie Watson

     Students are graduated "With High Distinction" who attain
a standing of 2.6 up to 3.   They must have been in attendance
at least three years.

     Students are graduated "With Distinction" who attain a
standing of 2.4 up to 2.6.

     A student may receive the appropriate commencement honors
who attains a standing of .2 greater than the above named Lor
his last two years.

                                   Respectfully submitted,
                                        Ezra L Gillis
                                  Secretary of the Senate

     7. New Appointments.   Upon recommendation of President
McVey the following new appointments were approved by the Board
at the salary designated;

Roy Moreland, Assistant Professor, Law, salary $2,800.
Pearl E. Ruby, Assistant Professor, Home Economics, half-time
   basis, salary $1,000.
Ab Kirwin, Instructor, Physical Education,during football seasoni
Jean Lowry, Instructor,- Art, salary $1,000.
L. A. Pardue, Instructor, Physics, salary $1,600.
M. E. Potter, Instructor, Physical Education, shlary $1,800.
R. G. Henry, Graduate Assistantj Physics, salary $600.
SanfOrd Gladden., Graduate Assistant, Physics, salary $600.
D. S., Hughea, Graduate Assistant, Phybicsc, s.lary $600.
Daniel Bailey, Graduate Assistant, Physics, salary $600.
Mary Hester Cooper, Graduate Assistant,: Mathematics, salary P600.
A. B. Scott, Graduate Assistant, Physics, salary P600.
Ellery L. Hall, Graduate Assistant, History and Political Science,
   salary $800.
Mildred Schneiderhan, Technician, Department of Hygiene, salary
R. E. Murphy, Instructor, Geology, salary $1,800.
C. C. Roes, Professor, Education, salary $3,500,
Robert G. Housman, Student Assistant, Commerce, salary P300 for
   ten months.
Ishmael Planck, Student Assistant, Commerce, Salary $300 for ten


Wary Agnee Gordon, Fellowship, Registrar's Office, for the first
   sermester of next ye -:
Jessie Terry appoint& L  :i por-ra rily as seed analyst to take the
   place of Marie J1cts-

     ?a, Reaopointnentew   Uncyi recommendation of President
M-.IcVey the following Yeappointme.rts wei'e approved by the Board:

College of Arts and S-ciences

     Allen SwisheIr,Tstructcrfi'-, ,           leave of absence
        (fXor l926-2iE'i)  
     Ann Callltan, inseto uctor for onre year
     Mrs. Elizabeth S. Adams, Instructor for one year

     J. R. 'Mi.tchell, Assistant Professor fox three years
     A. J. Zimmerman, Instructor for one year
     B. W.l McKay, Instructor for one year

     W. R. Sutherland, Assistant Professor for three years
     George K. Brady, Assistant Professor for three years
     B. P, Davis, Instructor for bne year
     Lawrenoe Yates, Instructor for one year
     L. B. Shackelford, Instructor  or one year
     W. F. Galloway, Instructor for one year
     C. F. Walbridge, Instructor for one year
     Margaret King, Instructor for one year
     Ines Webb, Instructor for one year


     W. H. Stephenson, Assistant Professor for three years (on
        leave of absence for 1926-27)
     John J. George, Assistant Professor for three years

   Hygiene and Public Health
     ID. S. Ross, Instructor for One year
     Bessie Desha, Resident Nurse, Instructcr for one year
     Minnie B. Long, Residernt Nurse, Instructor for one year

   Journal ism
     Kyle Whitehead, Graduate Assistant

   Mathematios and Astronomy
     D!. C. Brown, Instructor for one year
     D. O. Streyfeller, Instructor for one year
     D. E. South, Instructor for Qne year
     E. J. Canaday, Instructor for one year



   Phnr s c . 1 Fdcu -uat i o' -
      L^ i. Hda i'.;v;l ^l,ctrueo- fcv cr,. 'ear
      Re-y Yklhunm, n:".;trc.tor for oric vcoa
      Fnaenk. M.ann 1izt rI2ctcr cr une year
      I3l en Ski.irine, Tni^. ,ructor for cren year
      B. L. P-rib.le,  .ru.C'   for foot-ball season

      Mrs. Katherrne Lyon transferred from Stenographic Bureau
to flopartmo:nt of Phyice.L Edlucation, Juxe 1, 1926.

   Ps y chn, 1 o ,L
     Paul L. Boyntltn, Assistant Professor for three years

   RcnanTic e La .zr e s
     k/ain  t , Iora:i ield, Assistant Profeossr for three years.
        E3alary to be xaised to $2,400.
     H. 13. Hclmes, Instructor fcr cune year
     B. VT. Schick, Instructor for one year

   Zoo l 'g
     Alfred Brauer, Instructnr for one year

College of Education

     Otto Mills, Instructor for one year
     A. B. Crawford, Instructor for one year
     Grace West, Instructor for one year
     Grace Anderson, Instructor for onc year
     1;1Mary Beall, Instructor for one ycar
     Anna Peck, Instructor for one year

Ccllpge of Agriculture

     John Orville Barkman, Assistant Professor of Dairy Manu-
        facture6, for two years
     Statie Erikson, Assistant Professor of Home Economico,
        for two years
     Ernest N. Fergus, Assistant Professor in Farm Crops, for
        three years
     Nel]li.e A. Gard, Assistant Professor in Home Economics,
        for one year
     William Jefferson Harris, Assistant Professor in Animal
        Husbandry,for three years
     Lilly E. Kohl, Assistant Professor in Institutional Manage-
        mentfor one year
    Marie Barkisy, Instructor in Home Economics, for one year
    William B. Finn, Instructor in Agricultural Economics for
        one year
    C. S. Waltman, Instructor in Horticulture,for one year


colloze of Enginocring

     Thomas McKee Arkle, Instructor in Wood Shop, for one year
     Brinkley Barnett, Assistant Professor of Electrical
        Engineering, for three years
     Morris Wilson Beebe, Instructor in Engineering Mechanics
        and Meallurgy, for one year
     Frank M. Beckley, Instructor in Practical Me;hanics, for
        one year
     Virginia Anderson Bozeman, Instructor in Mechanical Draw-
        ing, for one year
     William Hugo Brend, Instructor in Practical Mechanics, for
        one year
     Edward Barlow Crowders Instructor in Foundry, for one year
     John Born Dioker, Superintendent of Shops, for one year
     Robert Dawson hawkins, Assistant Professor,for two years
     William George Hillen, Instructcr in Mechanical Drawing,
        fcr one year
     Stephen Thaddeus Sauniar, Instructor in Forge Shop, for
        one year
     David Norton Singer, Instructor in Automotive Engineering,
        for one year
     Gordon Thurman. Instructor in Machine Shop, for one year
     Thomas C. Tucker, Instructor in Wood Shop, for one year
     Isaac G. Watkins, Assistant in Experimental Laboratories,
        for one yoar
     Louise Gray Webb, Instructor in Mechanical Drawing, for
        one year

     8. Promotions in Rank.    Upon recommendation by President
.HcVey mction wa  made, seconded and carried authorizing the fol-
lowing promotions in rank:

S. E. Leland promoted from Associate Professor of Economics to
   Professor of Economics
lW. W. Jennings promoted from Associate Professor of Economics
   to Professor of Economics
R. D. McIntyre promoted from Assistant Professor of Markets and
   Salesmanship to Associate Professor of Markets and Salemanship
Mrs. Alberta Wilson Server promoted from Instructor in Romance
   Languages to Assistant Professor of Romance Languages
Sarah Blanding transferred to Department of Political Science
   with rank of Assistant Professor of Politica'l Science
W. W. Zwick promoted from Assistant Professor of Hygiene to Asso-
   ciate Professor of Hygiene
B. B. McInteer promoted from Instructor in Botany to Assistant
   Professor of Botany
Adolph E. Bigge promoted from Instruator in German to Assistant
   Professor of German
J. Cqj' Jones promoted from Associate Professor of Political Science
   to Professor and head of the Department of Political Soience.



     9. Leraves of Absence..  Upon recomnendation of Preside-nt
 *r'y e the tollijwving leaves of absence were authorized by the

 Allan Swisher, Instructor in the Departnent of Art, granted
    reeve of absence for one year, 1926-27.  First semester on
    half pay, seccnd. sea:.cster without pay.
 7I Elizebeth LeStourgeon, Assistant Professor of Mathematics,
   te:e year, 19273-26, cn half pay, to study abroad.
O. J, Steward, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, second semester,
   /192E-27, orn half pay.
A.'. E. Ligon, Profoesoi? of Secondary Education, one  ear, 1926-27.
;argaret r:oafield., Assistant Professor of Romance Languages,
   one year, 1927-28, on half pay.

     10. Resignations,   The resignation of Dr. W. N. Lipscomb
was presented and accepted,

     The resignation of Carrie Be Green wXe presented and accepted.

     11. Plans for Library Building.   The question of the con-
struction of a library building was discussed by the Board.
Motion was made, seconded and adopted authorizing the President
'to consider plans for the construction of the library building.

     12. Election of Officers.   The Board proceeded to the elec-
tion of officers for the ensuing year and the following were de-
clared elected: Judge R. C. Stoll, Vice Chairman; John Skain,
Treasurer; Wellington Patrick, Secretary.   University Executive
Committee:  Judge Stoll, Mr. McKee, Mr. Rhoads, Mr. Gordon and
Senator Froman.

     13. Orrzanization of Department of Publicity and Alumni Affairs.
The question of the consolidation of the Alumni Office with Pub-
licity Affairs of the University was discussed at length by the
Board and the following motion was made, seconded and adopted:
that the funds now provided in the budget; namely, $2,500 for an
Alumni office, be transferred to a new Department of Publicity and
ASlumni Affairs, which is hereby created, and that the President
.j. authorized to secure a director for the Department.

     14. Appointments of County Agents.    The following list of
appointments and continuation of appointments of county agents
;was recommended by President McVey and upon motion was duly seconded
and approved:

     Appointment of V. C. Ashby as county agent in Hancock County,
Kentucky from April 1, 1926 to February 28, 1927 at a salary of
.p150 a month.



     Continuation of employment of R. V. Troesper as county agent
in Breathitt County, Kerntucky from April 1, 1926 to March 31,
1927 at a salary of $166-2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Vashti Cave, Home Demon-
stration Agent, Oldham County, Kentucky from May 1, 1926 to
April 30, 1927 at a salary of $166--2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of C. C. Malone, county agent,
.Henry County, Kentucicy from March 1, 1926 to February 28, 1927
at a salary of $166-12/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Harry B. Lane, county agent,
Anderson County Kentucky from April 1, 1926 to March 31, 1927
at a salary of 4166-2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of R. H. King, county agent,
Carter County, Kentucky from March 22, 1926 to March 21, 1927
at a salary of $150.00 a month,

     Continuation of employment of William C. Johnstone, county
agent, McCracken Ccunty, Kentucky from April 16, 1926 to December
31, 192" at a salary of $233-1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of J. F. Graham, county agent,
Caldwell County Kentucky from January 1, to December 31, 1926
at a salary of l83-1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of C. 0. Dickey, Bounty agent,
Webster County, Kentucky from May 15, 1926 to May14, 1927 at a
salary of $183-1/3 a. month.

     Continuation of employment of H. J. Hayes, county agent,
Wayne County, Kentucky from February 6, 1926 to February 5, 1927
at a salary of $225 a month.

     Continuation of employment of C. V. Bryan, county agent,
Taylor County, Kentucky from March 1, 1926 to February 28, 1927
at a salary of $183-1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of C. E. Gabbard, caunty agent,
Uorgan County, Kentucky from April 7, to October 31, 1926 at a
salary of $108-1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of J. L. Miller, county agent,
Bracken County, Kentucky from June 1, 1926 to May 31, 1927 at a
salary of $208-1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Willie T. Abner, dounty agent,


Pike Countv, Kentucky from, MaBrch 1, 1926 tc February 28, 1927 at
az salary of $166-2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of P. H. Gosdring - county agent,
Todd County, Kentucky frcrq Februa-;y 16 to December 31, 1926 at
a salary of $166-2/z3 a mvnnth.

     Continuation of ^,.ploymrent of B. A. Hensley, county agent,
Lee County, Kantucvy from Malrch 1 to June 30, 1926 at a salary
of 100 a month.

     Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board of Trustees adjourned.

                                        Respectfully submitted
                                            Wellington Patrick


Missing report(s)