xt7zkh0dzc1r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zkh0dzc1r/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1936 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1936 Vol.7 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, April 1936 Vol.7 No.11 1936 1936 2019 true xt7zkh0dzc1r section xt7zkh0dzc1r [936 ' A i

ind ad— I

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~ ._. Of, Bl]. Jlnd For Kentuckq newspapers -- ,i

Emma—— fi——~l~~—-—-——————_———_.—_ ._ _ __ _1_ t

"m ' ‘ Volume Seven APRIL I l
, , 936 Number Eleven l
l ' ' ' . o E;
:Lowsvnlle Merchant R | F 6 P {1 WV 1
, u es or l93 rize Contes s, eekl'es Can Have it
i ' l
| Praises Newspapers Call is hereby issued for the 1936 from which the judge will select the PhOtOS At LOW COSt ‘
l __ glaze gonte‘stts. of the Kentucky best issue. Prizes to be awarded in~ ._.___

A just tribute to newspapers as a ress ssoc1a ion. Every editor in elude: first, silver set; second and ,.
'tommunity asset and the only real the state, whether members 0f the ‘third, certificates. EtlitoBry TfiieAWlfifigywlalplfigfican i
advertising medium was paid by aSSOCiatiOD (they ShOUId b6) 01‘ hOt, Best Editorial Contest While’the weekly newspapers of "l
Ben Snyder, progressive owner of may enter each and every contest. In order to stimulate the editors this state have shown a marked ‘1‘!
large department stores in Louis— There Will be SlX contests in all, in expressing individuality, initia- improvement; during the twenty i

t ville and Lexington, in a letter pub- one new COMES tbeing included tive, and leadership in this depart— years since I first started out as ‘
lished by the Lexington Herald. request of the sponsor ment which is the editor’s own, at— “the office devil” in the plant it is f
,This letter is significant in these Please read the rules governing tractive prizes are offered in this now my business to manage few ,‘
idays when men, with a, steady job, each contest and follow them to the contest. The factors Which Will be as yet, have solved the problém of, 1'
go into the larger towns and start letter. Any Violation .0f the rules . considered in the judging are: sub— I providing their readers with local I
iii, “Shopping Guide,” an undertak— Will result in the entries being dis- lject matter, thought sequence, com- pictures. A good many now use ;
ilng that. approaches close to a carded. Send in as many entries as l munity appeal, rhetoric (diction, some form of syndicated mat serv— ?
‘blackmalllng scheme on the local you please. 'The Judges are glut—unity, figure of speech, punctua— ice embracing national news pic— i
merchants. 'People Will read the tons for punishment, and say“ the tron), and vocabulary. Prizes of— ture—but seldom pictures of home— I
newspapers, but throw away, usual— meie the meirier. Please observe fered are: first, Silver set, second'town people. ,
1y without reading, these shopping the deadline. ACCOYdlhg t0 the and third, certificates. In most cases the lack of local ‘ '1
,sheets that clutter ‘up the front standing rules, .a-mended last year, Each contestant is required to se— I pictures is due only to one thing~—- J
(porch. _The editor has heard many n0 newspaper is eligible to enter lect two editorials published in his the cost. Lacking photographic and !
housewives complain of these ad— any contest in which it has won paper between the dates of May 1, I engraving facilities the editor i
vertismg sheets thrown" on . the first place for the preceding two 193,5, and May 1, 1936. Each edi- throws up his handsin despair. To ‘
porch or doorstep and invariably years. _ , toria-l should be pasted on a sheet hire a commercial photographer i
,they add, “We don’t read them The exhibit this year promises to of paper with the notation of name an then buy the engravings would . l
fianyway.” be one of the largest and best since of newspaper, date of issue, and bankrupt the. average newspaper t
1; The letter on the letterhead of the contest began. The committee writer’s name. No “canned” or plant in short order. 9
Ben Snyder, Incorporated, reads: 15 issuing this call for the hEEWSPa- Clipped editorials will be considered But the situation is not as hope- i
iMr. Theodore Solinger, Manager pers to be entered, and, as In the in this contest. less as it seems. Photoengraving I
Ben. Snyder, Inc. past, valuable prizes will be offered. Best News Story Contest costs are not nearly so high today
lLexmgton, Ky. The rules and regulations for each At the request of a number of ed— as in the past. And, most every i
:Dear Sir: . contest f9110w. The papers will be itors, this contest is continued for newspaper has someone connected ‘1
i if ahm 1n receipt of your letter in $13311: display at the mid-summer competition this year on the best with it who like to handle a kodak. ‘
w ic you ask my opinion regard— n e g. community'news story. The factors Anyone who can use an ordinary l
mg a Shopping Circular. . All—Around Contest to be CODSIdeI'Ed are content, sen— kodak can soon learn to take pic— ; I
SPlermlt me to say that a circular For guidance of the competitors tence and_ paragraph structure, tures for photoengraving. , I
it: as you mention cannot In any the following will constitute the thwght’ “mt-Vi Wherencei .V0cabu' Personally, I began my career as i
. y. compare W1 11 newspaper ad— percentages by which the newspa— lary, the lead, and community serv- an amateur photographer on a ‘
tertising. In the first place .a shOD- pers will be scored: “Fe value. The prizes include: first, Garrard County farm in 1914. Y
lung circular has no prestige and General appearance, 30 per cent; silver set; second and third. certi— Equipped with at No.2 Brownie and , i
Iiiranno (produce results. Advertisu local news, 25 per cent; country cor— flcates. Contestants are requiredto about two dollars’ worth of dark ,
1h f In}: iums, like people, must respondence, 5 per cent; persona] select two Of the best news stories room materials, I managed to pro— ; i
it VP: :1 aracter. I 33’}?er ‘30 Stahd items, 10 per cent; farm news or published between May 1 1.935 and duce fairly respectable photos, al— i
in}! 3“ loious advertlsmg placed m news pertaining to the chief indus- May 1’ 1936' Each story 15 to be though somewhat lacking in detail. f
', afgipapers, because newspapers try of the section where the paper pasted on a sheet 0f paper With the Last fall when I turned my at- l

Shoereirtio stay.1 I h is published, 5 per cent; general notation 'of. the name of newspaper, tention to taking news pictures, I
75ervedppthg ClI‘Cu arsilas . ave 0b" news, 5 per cent; and editorial, 20 date or issue, mine 0f editor, and found that my experience with the i
ithe on] em’ are :11 ort lived. and per cent. Factors to be considered name 0f the writer .Of the story. kodak was indeed valuable. While ’

. y purpose ‘ey serve is to in scoring of general a earance Open to weekly, semi—weekly, and I now ork 'th hi h—s eed e uj _
{bring about a chaotic condit ~ pp 1: ' ' W W g p q p
’the ha f .1 f - 1 ion m include make-up of front page and coun ry dailies .111 the state. Only merit and can secure good pictures
ploye d 1111373 aarniy ° 1'ng aiélty em— inside pages, advertising make—up crime stories W111 be barred from under most any conditions, day or
a city wheiPe 13:2me e. A er ant and composition, headline schedule, thls contest. . . . . night, the darkroom technique is
'perinitt d t thr' 1? pers are no literary excellence, community serv— Best Advertisuig Composition DI‘BttY 11111011 the same as in 1914. J
ipla .9 9 1V9. 15 not a happy ice, headlines’ content, illustrations, Three mites W1.“ be awarded to Every phase of the work can be i
‘ Size ii: ziglscfl tomléye.I s t d typography and press work. fentucky editors in this contest: $5 mastered through study of inex—

{by your newsgaperg if Saga SW21; 1; Each contestantis required to se— $grfofe§§stilalfi£lg§§e 2332;332:1122? pensive manuals obtainable from

, ithe best in advertising. islet t‘l’volggéu‘ics Of his paper from $5 for best quarter—page or less ad; £011}; local 12mm 1008111112131; d’ffégfi

i - ay , 0 May 1, 1936 from - ’ - ’ as man’s “ W a e 3

1 This tributslglyeg)::rltl:hi?i¥d$ho Whmh the judge “115916“ the best Viiiiiiemfm‘ Patter: tto be Judged Futures”, is a suitable handbmk’ 5

[Spends thousands of dollars for ad- issue to be judged. Prizes to be rnent evaslfigg ignilalrustryg e arranlge— selling for only fifty cents. .

vertisi-ng every year, is significant awarded ”9: first, silver set; 560— tion of border and decgrgtgrse gag: - T0 in“: really good pictures, It 3

,of the value of newspapers and the 0nd and third, certlflcates- rial, and fulfillment of the three $1155: 31,3533; amifis gimifi ‘

,1 regard in which they are held b Front Page Contest functions f d it ' — t ' -

th h y . o a ve .ising a tention, market which can be purchased at

‘a ose w o expect adequate cover— Factors to be judged include] interest, and conv1ction. The en— reasonable prices I use a 4x5

,_ge and returns for their advertis— headline content, headline sched- tries are limited to advertisements '- ' - ~ i

In d1 Speed Grapthic, equipped With a ,

l g “are ule, type balance, make—up, name that have been 5913 in the cCutest-roan Zeiss f 4.5 Tessar lens and i "

, J k__——~.—_‘ . plate and ears, press work and i-nk- ant’s office, either hand or machine Mendelsohn photoflash Speed Gun.

:5 813 Spaldlhg, son of Victor L. ing, appearance and illustrations COmpOSlthn. With this camera one can obtain ,

Wop; ling“, publisher of the Union— (if any), news story value, balance, Each contestant may select any pictures under most any condi—
—d iefln Telegram, is .now ass1stant symmetry, and contrast. Each con— advertisement that appeared dur- tions. I have photographed auto 1”
= Lite] 123' of the sturgis Post, seml— testant is required to select two is— lhg‘ the year, May 1', 1935 and May wrecks in total darkness promin— 'U '
= tone iy published by Editor Stan- sues of his paper from his files 1, 1936; each entry to be mounted ent speakers in action, school ,1} ,3
___ - _ from May, 1 1935 to May 1, 1936 ‘ (Continued on Page Three) , (Continued on Page Four) {;

 ’T'egwi I I I I
. 1 l - .
I I , I I I Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS April, 1936 I
I ., 11 _______________———-—————_.\ I AI
1 . 1 1 __ 1 I
1 I 1 I Imore particular postmaster in hisI SECRETARY’S NOTES 1 ~—--
1 1I 1. 1 town. I —‘— I R 1
.1 1 I 1 . . . . 1 . . 11 8E
‘I 1 I 1: I K k ress I A united front on this propOSItion I “Vic” Portmann Is announcino .
'1 1 I11 he entuc 9 P Iwould eliminate this acknowledged 1 the 1936 newspaper contest in this, I '
1 I . I1 ——I———I—"“—*—‘ evil over night. {issue of the Kentucky Press, With I
1 I I1 I, Olficml Publication Of The Kentucky Press Assocmtlon I There is usually no doubt as to I some new features, and it is hoped I (C
I I 1I ’I __—.——————~—— Iwhether a certain undertaking is I every publisher of a country news_ 1 0n a1I
_1 I1 I I VICTOR R. PORTMANN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Editor Ilottery 01‘ not. “If a scheme is one I paper will enter one or more of the I “Otatl
I 1 ,1I _ Iinvolving the distribution of prizes I contests. Whether you win first newsp
1 —~———._ . . . . . .
‘1 I III Printed On The Kernel Press, Department Of Journalism, Ibg lot or chance, the 01111551911 Of I prize or not, It W111 benefit you by I Of 601
I ‘ I University Of Kentucky, Lexington It e mEIhOd 0f awardI 01‘ details 0f . letting Professor Poi-trnann and his B'
I ..I ‘1 I 1the scheme does not lendei an ad— I corps of competent Judges gIVe your I This
I .‘ I —_———. —— Ivertlsement or article relating to it I paper “the once over.” There’s a1~ 1 by Fr
I 9 1] J I L o f d PRESS ASSZCI“T;°*II OFFICIII‘S T' T 'b c b‘ Iillrllly 1the lfIsls ohgectionable undo; I ways “room for improvement,” and I of Ke
1 , r ~ r _____.___________________ I‘ESl en c- lmes- rl une, or in a 3” e ‘ 1‘ ~ ' - 1- . . ' ,
' I I1 I ,igci;71P.(3o:geI€)__.__~ Vice President News—Journal, Campbellsville Ith: po‘ztal serveilcemlgigntglenestztegl Ithe latlng given yom papei ought IDCIUd
: I I J, Curtis Alcock ___,-p,__...._.,____ Secretary-Treasurer Messenger, Danville I“ y . ‘ I to I191p you improve your Paper. I the p2
.1 III .1 . The law makes no exception ofI . . 1‘ .
I ,:1 Lxscurivr. COMMITTEE Iany particular enterprise whether‘ KPA members ale lequested to .' ity of
' 3 I J. LeMar Bradley, Enterprise, Providence, Chairman; Gracean M. Pedley, Her- its purpose be charitable Ifl‘atfirnal pay dues inadvance. The K'entUCky I and C.
i ." ald, Eddyville; Dolph Creal, Herald-News, Hodgenville; Vance Armentrout, Cour- I . . ,, ’ V ’ Press Association is affiliating with I forum
1 I ier-Journal, Louisville; Keith Hood, News-Democrat, Carrollton; Joseph Costello, 01 0th31wlse. the National Editorial A580 1 t' 't
1 . II : Democrat, Cynthiana; James T. Norris, Independent, Asliland; Thomas R. Un- I If the prizes are giv6n in any Way I ' I C 3‘ lon I mat e]
I , I derwood, Herald, Lexington; Russell Dyche, Sentinel—Echo, London; Joe Richard— SO that it is purely an element of and guarantees the payment of dues 1 ment.
I I1 son, Times, Glasgow; Victor R. Portmann, Kentucky Press, Lexington; Robert . . . ‘to the NEA. Therefore the KPA 1 00111de
I -1 I1 L EIkIn Lancaster Honorary chance, it Is a lottery, both w1thln1 . ’ -,
I III I - 1 1 ' the meaning of the postal laws and suffers a. loss if every member does 5 much
I 1:1, LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE . Inot a dues rom tl F I l 1
1 I I 1 . . _ . , Istate statutes. The postal laws pro— p y p _ p y. or my 1 the pa
3‘ 1 Thomas R. Underwood, Herald, Lexmgton, Chairman, Law1ence W. Hager, 1 'd f’ f t . 1000 (1 $8.00 a year publishers receive the 1' entry
-. I Messenger, Owensboro; Warren Fisher, Mercury, Carlisle; George A. Joplin Jr., IV1 9 a 1119 01 n0 OV‘31 $ 1_ 341} IDI‘ I q . . f 1) th 1' t. 1 ‘
. I 1 Commonwealth, Somerset; Harold Browning, Whitley Republican, Williamsburg; -not more than two years’ imprison— I LeIVICfS 0 . 0 355003 Ions- If you Eacl
III 1I ADVERTISING COMMITTEE Iment. The state statutes provide I haven tt paid 37%;;936 {111951 13123359 lect t'
I; I .. J T. L tt, L d :r' , M rra, Ch irma ; Rob rt L. K‘ 'd, Da'l the same penalties- In With in-I 950 a. once' selvme mus .9 1 May 1
III , Noeews, Mig‘dleesbortf; ggeslqueig. Chery, Entzrprlsg, ElizaeIJethtou1n;mEI§riomas ITS? stances, the advertiser, as well as dISCOHthEd to 311 newspapers 1n 1 which
I1 ' I ‘ Wilson, Log Cabin, Cynthiana; Leigh Harris, Gleaner and Journal, Henderson. the publisher, are liabie to the pen— arrears. best. 1
.II NEWSPAPER EXHIBIT COMMITTEE alties. This gives you reason enough I . A list of newspapers and pub— 1 ver se
‘ II! '1 Victor R. Portmann, University of Kentucky, Chairman; Albert Schumacher, to turn down lottery ads. It would I IIShe-l‘s 1n KentUCky ls bang print— I cates.
I ’II ; Citizen, Berea; Denny Spragens, Marion Falcon, Lebanon. pay us 311 in the eiidI._Minnesota I ed and Will be sent to members of O
' 1 I ' Press. the KPA. When you get your copy, Eacl’
1 I —-———-—————————____ u please check over it, and, if you 1 every
I 1 I ————%——~—R- Advertising Rackets Stopped see any errors, kindly report same state
‘ I I I , . . - .- - to the secretary. Also kindly re— 1 '
I 1 I 1 HAPPI BIRTHDAY TO YOU! prise, and the pea le of Mlddlesboro FOIIOWIHg the alhde “1 135E. _ , . 1 , . . opent
1 I 1. II for a. splendid gaper and their month’s Press on advertising rack— 1301: any Chiggfs m ownelshlpr Of (I is urg1
I . Seated at the head of our birth— support. . ets, it is appropriate and pertinent timufiipiigie a may Ovcm 10m each c
511‘ day table this month, with his cake E for our EdIFOI‘S to suggest a plan Con rat Iahons d the Indy judged
I II 1 covered with sixty bright candles, Publication Law Upheld forI 00ht1‘01hhg donations, etc., to I g u . Iare ue ~ this 19
I II I , . . . . . their local commerc1al club The tel upon the impiovements that he
1 1 we find R. E. Garrlson With hls In adeCISIOn handed down by the . ' - i d t th K t k pr 0f the
1 1- I 1 arms fondly pressed around the An— Circuit Court th M - C usual 131311 15 for merchants ’00 agree ”.15 ma e 0 9 en uc y Iess. I be clig
‘ , I‘ I derson News Lawrenceburg. t3; (Illinois), editoriztlougslshcistign to refer requests for donations and H15 news about KentUCkY editors 1 above
I ‘1 , I Other guests include the Estill gained a signal victory In com eI_ subscriptions to the club and for the and Otzher peI'sonal.ItemS are EDO‘I'
I - 1 - .a H 1 - . . p latter to investigate and report BI“? VIC cannot do It all. He needs All
1 1. . Herald, Ierno, John W. overma e, ling the county supeersor to pub— - o ‘ e
1 1- 1 - . , . ‘t - th— . . . through a secret committee. If tact the help 0f the state edltors. Any f P‘ -
1 . 1 editor, celeblating ls tenth blr llsh an annual leport of receipts . . t 1 ‘th 0 10-
I II day. and expenditures The courts are 15 used’ the results are good—sav— tlrInerou know of something W011 I before
: 3, 3 Eleven years old, the Taylor solidly for the law that compels mgs ”1 “mi?“ money.f°1‘legItI' pmtmg’ send It m" . ‘tt eluded
I ' 1 County Star, Campbellsville, S. 1". public officials to publish an ac— mate advertising and prlnting for wifihfiiegigoneéffdltste tcgrgjnémi: I entry I
:I . It White, editor. (Change of owner—Iowan; accounting of the expedi— the local newspaper. and place for holding (the annual the CO]
1 ‘ I I Ship announced elsewhere). tures of public monies. Why public . . . . " ~ b - . markec
I ' 1 Twenty—two years old the Spen— officials should fight this law un A anesom editor, getting tired IsjummIIelr Inleetlng I? dchd3 associatiton. test” a
_ 1 1 .’ . , ‘ I 1u- .11- . anVIe as ex ne an 1nVla-1 I
1.1 1 1 1 cer Magnet Taylorsvule, Katie B. der the guise of saving money is 0f Wlmng MI- and M15- In p91“ t' . - I R. P01
,. 1 ’ . 1 , n 11 . for the 1936 meeting and, 1f 1
,‘1 Beaucham I editor. .a . sonals, now uses Mrms for the 1011 _ . _ . I tuck,
II . p . t almost beyond comprehension when combined title, He said that his the inVltatlon is accepted, plans th ty
1 F 1fty candles grace the able for they should support such a measure . . - a t]
I 1: th _ . . readers like it. Do you? Will be made to show the state edl- .
1 , I 1e MaySVllle Daily Bulletin, George that protects them from the least ‘ 1 1 .. - ' ' ” nouncn
1 I15 R. McCarthy publisher. hint of wrongdoin Another Kentucky editor has tors the best time of their lives. I sent, to
1 II.‘ ‘ I g. joined the growing list of those who Make your plans now to attend the I of the
.1 I; I‘ I Ex ti1 C ”151; T are on a strict cash—in—advance cir- summer meeting. Editors always I .
1 I ISSUES ANNIVERSARY EDITION ecu he ommlI ee 0 Meet culation basis. E. Russell McClure receive “pleasure and proflt” at the 1 The
I I I . I.— . The SpringImeeting of KPA ex— announced in the Henry County annual meetings. . .I a new
I I- 1 I The Press JOlnS the editors of the ecutive committee has been caHEd Local, Newcastle, that hereafter all Your secretary receives many 111‘ with F1
I‘ I I 1 state in extending congratulations for April 24—25 at Jodie Gozder’s subs. will be on that basis so that he quiries from persons desiring to latest I
. I I I to Bob Kincaid, versatile editor of :amp on the Green river near can sleep nights. purchase newspapers or newspaper "1 fratern‘
II I j the Middlesboro Daily News, for his Campbellsvule. The first business Eight fonts of 7 point Linotype material, but never receives any m— I to our I
.‘ II I I Splendid souvenir editor on occa— W11I be the selection 0f the place for Excelsior No. 1 with Bold Face NO. formation about newspapers that the KP
:I I, I sion of the twenty-fifth anniver— the Summer meeting, with Danville 2 have been installed by the Ash— may be purchased or printing ma— I The I
‘I III I sary of that paper. The 32—page being a strong contender. Needless land, Kentucky, Independent. terial that is for sale or exchange.
I III I edition contained a histOry of the to say, the committee looks forward A bulletin giving the summary of There are two or three parties now —-
1 ‘III' ’ 1 paper as well as historical data to a wonderful time at Jodie’s hos— “Regulations 9051 issued by Guy T. looking for” Kentucky newspapers. 1 0 I]
. ‘1 1 1 concerning the development of Mid— pltable camp-I aInd aIrelaxation by, Helvering, commissioner of internal They have written me to help them
., I I dlesboro during the past qua1rter1OIHI (and sometimes in) the Green revenue, was recently issued by the find what they want. Therefore, I ~
1 1 I century. The News was started on river. National Editorial association to if you will sell your paper, or have 1
1 March 30, 1911 by H. C. Chappell, E its members. These regulations a press or other material for Sale '
II I now editor of the Three States, un— Let’s Clean House clarify certain questions regarding 01‘ exchange, write me “confiden— T
,1 I. .1 der the name of Thousandsticks., the definition of “employee,” period. tially.” I assure 3’01; no 01113 bhb m' I
1 I 1:; I Judge Herd became the new owner— Newspapers, which exist at least of employment, compensation, and tereIsted parties Will get the Infor- I The D
I I editor of the growmg paper in Au— partly for the protection and safe- other matters relating to the excise matlon. , I 119
I, i gust, 1913, and changed the name to guards they supply for the commu— tax imposed under Title IX of the 4 Lo
II I; The Pinnacle News. Bob Kincaid nity, might well consider cleaning Social Security Act. Every employ— I WOUId like to hear from me“? ,’
I i arrived in Middlesboro in 1923 as their own houses in regard to 101;. ing publisher should read and study hers 0f the Kentucky Press ASSOCl— I ‘
. I II“. ‘ managing editor of the News. He tery violations. If for no other rea— this bulletin. _ ation at any time they have sug-
; . I1 I f left onIaccount of health, but re— son, It wiII be found that more E. L. McFarland, formerly editor gestions to make. If you can sug‘ I
I ~ I 1' turned m 1926 to form a stock com— goodwill can be created by turning and manager of the Girald (Ohio) east something “for the good of the I
I.:- I I pany and purchase the paper. The doWn questionable enterprises of News, has purchased an interest in order,': let me know 0f it. The 01d 1
. I III 1' weekly was changed then to a dally the gift nature than will be lost; the West Kentuckian and College KPA Is some good. Let’s keep it I
“5 I41- III; 1. under the present name. We 001}- and it will make it easier for the City Printing company at Murray gomg 0n and upward. I
11. , IIII’ gratulate Bob on the splendid edl- next editor to turn down the same and has taken over active manage— J. Curtis Alcock, I
I ,III' mom on his versatlhty, hls enter—1pr0position, Who, perhaps, has a1ment of the paper and plant. Secretary KPA G. 1
.‘ l1 I
. II 1 I
\ . I I
t '

_\ April, 1936 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three
is: , —————_———'—1—._———.————_
stalling a new Model 8 Linotype and definitely decrded in a few days. | W;
louncinr { Ruleigigé‘eNAnnSOlhngfi‘d (£23681 a. rebuilt newspaper press this week. ' The Kentucky Press Assoc1ation has rut—EDIE PUBLISmHER ——1
in this. 1 6W I) 1) Anyone knowing the whereabouts been brhsy 5111091 the Jatnuily mt'tet— ' .
SS, With - f. P . One) of Bennett Tate is requested to no— me, an severa Imp” an ma ”,5 Send "5 YOUI‘ Orders f0? SHIP Col-
(Continued iom age . . _ . 1 t . Al k Will be up for discussmn at this umn Rules, Borders, LeadS, Slugs, t
.s hoped sheet of cardboard With the tify the editor or Secre my 000 . eetin , addition to the usual so—I d M _ ' l
y news— . on ah. to the name of the Seven prize-winning essays by “.11 gt’mt Y ’11 t t be] an onol'ype spacmg. materia.
e 0f the ‘ nota ion as t f - and name local school children in the county Ola a011V1135- ou wan O ' We 0'50 haVe many dESII‘Gble l'l’Pe
in first ‘ newspaper, da e 0 issue, ' Women’s contest are being pub— there, Im sure. ' faces. Monofype 0r LIHOl'YPe C0111-
you by ‘ Of contestant. lished in current issues of the Cum— Cordrally, posmon for your Catalogs, School
and his 3 Best Editorial Page Contest bel‘land County News, Burksville, John L- Crawford Ahnuals, Association Minutes, Law
ive your l. This is a new contest, Sponsored Ben M. Jones, editor. —“ Briefs, Etc. ‘Prlces reasonable.
:i‘e’s al— } by Prof. Enoch Grehan, University ———_—_ USES UNIQUE IDEA FOR CRIME s d f « « » h
It,” and 1 of Kentucky. Factors to be judged CRAWFORD SAYS_ STORIES 1 an or speCImen s eets.
1‘ CHEM . include the physical appearance of a . .—_ a « » ,,
aper- ‘ the page. subject matter, and qual- The rules of the 1936 prize con— An, filters-“lite? attltllde 0“ the , WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION
ssted to 1 ity of the editorials, subject matter test of the KPA newspapers are be- question if pilgrims hcrlmed'hews 1: i 22 E. 12”] St. Cincinnati, 0. .
entuck ' and uallt of features, cartoons, - c, ii (1 b Editor Vic Port- taken by .A. aerc erhe i or _an 1 _~
V q ,Y . mopubshe y uh fth 0t 11 M1 —_ ‘— ,
rig with 1 forums, literary matter, syndicated 1 mann in this issue of the Kentucky pu is er 0 eft r onvll 'e,. 1113111., mm 1
ociation , matter, and typOgrgphical a.r1'ange— 1 Press. This is the customary Presi— Independent. A er exp alnlng e
of dues ll ment. While advertisements are not 1 dent’s plea for entries in this enjoy_ hewspaper s pornt of View on prciib—I “——
le KPA . considered a detriment, yet too able event and vital part of the rishlng'news of crimes and mls e— 1
er does t much advertising not in “tone” With 1 —summer meetin .. menacis of . fll‘St. offenders, Mr. .
or only 1 the page will be counted against the In all sincerity I want to urge Kaerc er edl Elia lzes. t t th t amuLlNu'rypEmm.
live the K entry. the members of the Kentucky PressI And 50’ W“. WWW S a e . a ’
I - - whenever all ind1v1dual commits a
If you Each contestant is required to se— Association to enter the various dl- f.“ 1; He y f an t e 1e all 1
. please . lect two pages published between visions of the newspaper exhibit this tllf :1) rise. 0 1371811315251 ofg ch 1
“St be May 1, 1935 and May 1, 1936 fl‘Om year. This is an educational fea— lelmeth aInIg‘lnngfid‘elnt will be Om M d .
pers 1“ i which the judges will select the ture and will best serve its purpose tag“ h ‘6 topcoo erate with tn: 0 e’rntze 1
best. The prizes include: first, 811— if a. large number of entries are (if daifpg n t uglicizin his un—
d pub— i ver set; second and third, certifi— made in all departments. ? efnler ti’oniifp and Drug if the 1.
‘ print— :' cates. The thrill of winning recognition 2" ud ac ‘11 ’e in ersgn h’) the P
bers 0f ,‘ Open to Every Newspaper is well worth any small effort ne— 0 Sin her WIX (132$ h phe wishes to or 2’0 ts
if COPY: ‘ Each and every contest is open to cessary to select copies from your pu ids erblfcit) anZlv S? ns an a Tee—3 1
If you ‘ every weekly or semi—weekly in the l files and mail them. The News— avea t E11121; to ycommit gsuch org an 1 1
t same . state. The news story contest is! paper Exhibit Committee will make [filgwful offense another timg 1
illlypigg 1 open todciuntryddaihers: Ezetllieeslggfl Etheshgilhgggdegoif’lty to have the en— Failure to honor said agreement re- These recent Linotype devcl- 1
’ ‘ is urge osen in 1s 11‘ ' '. _ , ‘ _ . 1
f from C each contest and every entry will be But whether you Win or lose, you iteEl'SeZSmeliist £11121; 12115302131111; 2311215119 9133191113 offer new “0110103193. 1
d’ judged on its merits. Let us make1have the satisfaction of knowing wge believe and may be of some 1 IHCOmDOSIDg-TOOmOpelatlon- 1
ie a l— - - ' ' ' . . ’ . . . . . ‘
hat he this 1936 contest the biggest (‘30nt95t that you are aiding m the program ' meagre value in encouraging strict Two-m-One Linotype
of them all.I No newspaper shall . of the assomation. Let us plan now 1 observance of the law .
mesa 1 be eligible for more than one of the to mail the necessary copies to the This policy we also .wish to make Sets both text and display 1
editor's 3 above fil‘SlD prizes. chairman. Make the eXhlbit thls it understood applies only to minor from a single keyboard. 1
3 EDOd- May 15, Deadline year the best in the history of the violations of, laws and ordinances _ 1
needs . All entries must be in the hands association. Then follow your entry such as are established in the reg— Four Magazine Model 8 1
r. Any of Prof. Victor R. Portma-nn 0n 01‘ by youi‘ attendance, look over the ulation of traffic hunting liquor A fourth magazine reduces I
worth ‘ before May. 15‘ Entries can be in_ different papers Of the state, Ch§0k ‘ petty thievery etc, It pertains only the frequency of magazine .
. cluded in the same bundle, but each - their ratings by the judges, and find to first offenders We especially "han es ‘1
.mittee 1 entry must be plainly marked as to wherein you differ from them and urge minors “to understand that we L g - 11
hag; f the contest. The package must be in what ways you can improve your are willing to avoid bad publicity Self- 31‘! adder 11
. . . marked “K. P. A. Newspaper Con— paper. . _ . r ' i,
.iatlon. test,” and addressed to Prof. Victor It is with pride that I observe the $1511 2:0 oasaziorihzfrisgs atnhjatwgfirsl Automatically quads ’90 .the 1
.nVita; 1 R. Portmann, University of Ken— steady improvement in the news— signature of a minor be accom— right or left, or centers lines 11
"nd’ 1 '1 tucky, Lexington. It is suggested papers of Kentucky. Editorsand pgni' ed by that of a parent guard- 0f any length. 1I
plans that the editor write a note an— publishers are constantly strivmg ian-or person of legal age, . _ . l
'13. edl; nouncing that the package has been 1 to improve their sheets. This ' re— This policy Of course is. not ex— Super-Display Lmotypes l
icllvtls'ie 1 sent, to avoid delay and possible loss fleets credit upon the comtmtunities tended to accidents an d’other items With the Extra—Range maga- 1 1
always 5 0f the entries. Iiifigleseriteegs:rhiwlp’tcliistilrfiégvgrggiiét whiflh are tjuslt’dy classed'as gneuhs'i” zine that carries 35% wider 1
at the 1 The Munfordville Times—Journal, in the biggest display ever made of futrurles ”1:1; gas ewgrgegoolicginogtheie' faces. '
. r a new seven column, 12 em paper, state papers. . . j . .
1y 111’ ‘ with Foster Owen as editor, is the Danville will probably be the Cltlgs’ .there should 1233,1330 9365?; Three Lengths of Magazine ,
fig to . ~ _ ,2 ~ - as to 1‘35 success in 1 “V1 e. ‘4 Half three—quarter or full .
‘ 1, .3 latest newcomer to the newspaper scene of the mid summer meeting. give this publicity to the new policy ) _ .
page; 1 fraternity. We welcome Mr. Owen The good people of that beautiful that the public might know and length, to meet all operating 1
.iyth t l to our ranks and invite him to join city have indicated they are anxrous understand the paper’s position— conditions. 1
r m: 1 the KPA today. . . to entertain the newspapermen and and our aim to continue to publish All . .
iange. f The Morehead Independent is in- their Wives. The matter Will be a clean, unbiased and independent -Purpose Linotype .
5 now . ——-—————-—_—_ newspaper_ For the convenient casting of .
apers. i ‘ S .1 ‘———— hand—set lines in a full range 7
them 1 O PRINTERS BUSINESS DIRECTORY o Bab Bum dropped in the Office of sizes from 5 to 144 points. .
-efore, ~——————————— from Lancaster on April 10 having L' l‘ M’ .
have 1 - just returned from sunny Florida. mo rte agazznes :
t sale 5 Imperlal Type Metal Bob looks great and has achieved a Made of a special light alloy.
fiddli— E Howard L. Felix, District Representative gift gfohggrtlhfiitgrig bilghisengfilgg 22 pounds lighter thanabrass ‘
3&3: I SEND YOUR ORDERS T0 improved in health: magazine and just as durable. ‘
1 The Dickson Company The McHugh Express Company Walter L. Green, editor and busi-
119 North Fourth St. 812 Freeman Avenue ness manager, Flemingsburg Times— MERGENTHALER .
mem— 5 Louisville Cincinnati Democrat. has accepted the position LINOTYPE COMPANY 1
ssoci— 1‘ _—-—-———-——_ of managing editor of the Times— .
sug— l 111: k P C lUnionhlgochesteih,1 1; 3V gsddhis BROOKLYN, N. y. _-
511g- . “7 1- 0m an ease a expire r - - 9 on San Francisc