xt7zkh0dz96k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zkh0dz96k/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1990-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 1990 text GLSO News, December 1990 1990 1990-12 2019 true xt7zkh0dz96k section xt7zkh0dz96k NEWS 1990 1 L5 (fl
5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from GLSO News staff
Election Night 1990 brought a huge defeat, Boston University, opposed the inclusion of
the re-eIection of Senator Jesse Helms of North sexual orientation in the school's
Carolina over Harve Gantt, by a margin of six anti—discrimination clause and made statements
percent. Ralei h [Jews and Observer polls com ring homosexuality to bestialitly.
showed that 1? percent of those who voted in gallifornia voters choose Repubican Senator
the race made up their minds about how to Pete Wilson over former San Francisco mayor
vote in the last week of the campai n. Helms' Democrat Dianne Feinstein. Gay Re ublican
campaign ran ads with a racidTIy divisive clubs supported Wilson, but most otfier ay
message that Gantt supported "racial quotas" in groups in the state supported Feinstein. WiPson
employment hiring practices. Of those 15 is ex cted to be a moderate in social issues
percent, 60 percent said they decided to vote and his not decided whether to support a state
or Helms, enough to provi e Helms with his gay rights bill.
victory margin. In Connecticut, former Senator Lowell
There were numerous victories, however, Weicker, running as an independent, was
across the country. The Human Rights elected governor over two challengers. Weicker
Campaign Fund (HRCF), which contributed over was a consistent supporter of gay issues during
$516,0 O to 129 candidates, reported that his Senate years. Weicker's election may
113 of their supported candidates were elected. improve chances for passage of the statewide
The 113 victors included 19 new members of gay ri hts bill in the state, which was just
Congress, 15 of whom have already indicated narrowa defeated last year and in 1988.
they will sign on as cosponsors of the federal In local referenda, voters in San Francisco
gay rights bill. and Seattle 0 proved limited domestic
Somewhat offsetting the North Carolina loss, artnership Iegisfiltion. Voters in Tacoma,
Minnesota Republican Senator Rudy Boschwitz €Vashington and Wooster, Ohio, however,
was defeated by his more liberal Democratic overturned anti-discrimination ordinances for
challen er Paul Wellstone. "The gay community lesbians and go 5.
feels dipressed over Helms' re-eIection," said In individual, races, all five openly gay
HRCF Executive Director Tim McFeeley, "but we elected officials who were seekin re-eIection
counterbalanced our loss in North Carolina with won. U.S. Rep. Gerry Studds EfD-MA) won
a gain in Minnesota." re-eIection to a ninth term with 53 percent of
On the state level, Texans celebrated a the vote; and U.S. Rep. Barney Frank ID-MA)
come-from-behind win of Democrat Ann Richards won his re—eIection with 66 percent of the vote.
over Clayton Williams. Richards had been In state-level races two state house members
attacked requently for her support of repealin were re-elected as was one state senator.
the state's sodomy Iaw. Richards never alterea In San Francisco two lesbians won seats to
her position on the sodomy issue during the the Board of Supervisors joining openly gay
campaign and would take the time to explain Board President Harry Britt in the eleven
why the law was a discriminatory measure. member council. Lesbians were also elected to
In the Massachusetts gubernatorial race, the New York Assembly and the Maine Senate.
Republican William Weld defeated Democrat In analyzing the results, McFeeIey stated,
John Silber. In an unusual turn-of-events all the "we saw some very solid gains, and, overall,
state’s maior go and lesbian groups sup orted the election was a very good one for the gay
Weld, the Republican. Silber, the president of and lesbian community."

[ ] Please send me intormation on GLSO. 1 SK AIHJT Y
[ ] l'd like to become a votin Member at MAR
GLSO, including home defive ot the “——
functions- Membership of SlO/yr. "TIPS FOR SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS"
Indindual, $15/yr. couple, is enclosed.
1. Chase the rtrid e out at the or tree.
[ ] i don't wish to become a Member but po 9 pe
please send me the GLSO NEWS each 2. Destroy )2 copies of Bing Crosby's White
month. I enclose the $5 annual tee. Christmas.
3. Paint your toenails alternately red and
Name: green and remove your slippers at the
stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve.
4. Roast chestnuts in the microwave (call the
City. St, Zip: Fire Department betore hitting the start
Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box H471
Lexington, KY40575 5. Use candles as lights on the tree you
purchased in September (again, call the
‘ ire Department).
6. Openly confront shoppers about their
GLSO News is published monthly by the purchases at Walmart.
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc.
(Lexin ton Ga /Lesbian Services Or anization), 7. Take up two or more parking spaces at the
P.O. Box 114%, Lexington, KY 405g5. mall With one car.
Craig Clere, Managing Editor 8. Flee the country (Aunt Mary recommends
Esmerelda Collective, Esmerelda Parlour avoiding Baghdad and Kuwait City).
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist
9. Request an audience with Father or Mother
Additional Contributors: NGLTF, HRCF, Craig, Time for 11:59 New Year's Eve to discuss
GLSO, Laura, Jo ce, Heartland, Laverne, replacing Guy Lombardo with Erasure.
Washington Blade, The Advocate; Typist: Craig;
E uipment: Dave; Layout: Craig, Steve; Mailing: TO. Resolve to break all your New Year’s
Bill; Courier: Craig; Folding 8‘ Stuffing: Steve, resolutions.
it. Telephone Bette Midler and ask it the
Divine Miss M. will ever return.
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are those of the .
authors and do not necessarily represent those of the GLSO l2. Have a sale and happy holiday season!
Board ot Directors. Submissions are welcome. All submissions .
become the property of GLSO and must indicate the Full name Seasons Greettngs,
and address at the author. Anonymous submissions are not Aunt Mary
accepted. The editorial stalt reserves the right to alter . .
submissions (including ads) to meet publishing requirements, as It you would like to write to Aunt Mary, send
well as the right to reject any submission it deems otTensive or your letter to: Aunt M02, C/O GLSO, O BOX
discriminatory. Placement of advertising in GLSO News does T 1471, .Lexrrzgton, KY 0575. For a apersonal
not denote a person's sexual orientation nor a business's reply, lnclU e a stamped, selt_ Ci dressed
customer preterence. envelope. All names are strictly confidential.
2 Dec GLSO

lrom GLSO News stall
November 21, 1990
Leann's Body Shop, 1830 East Picadome
Park, will otter ballroom dancing classes for Dear Craig and GLSO members,
lesbians and gay men beginning December I at
7 pm. Participants may pay by the class. This Thanks again for contributing $75 tor the
is a great opportunity to ep your spouse learn rental on the theatre for a screening of "Video
to dance! For more information call 276-2821. Against AIDS" and tor the prominent coverage
in two issues at the newsletter.
KENTUCKY NAMES PROJECT Because at GLSO's generous help, along
QUILTING WORKSHOP EXPANDS with that at other community groups/businesses,
lrom GLSO News staff AVOL will be able to use the total amount
raised from the brunch and video - almost
The Kentucky NAMES Project's panel making $2000 - tor services to PWA's and those with
workshop has expanded to include 0 Louisville HIV intection.
location. In Louisville the workshop will be held l think this event was community
the last Friday of the month at the University at collaboration at its best. Bravo to all of us!
Louisville. For more information on the Louisville
workshop contact Kevin Elkins at (502) Sincerely,
637-5608. Kate Black
I |
i The Kentucky Historical Calendar i
i t “lt 1991 i
| g g |
I J ' I
i :1 R ‘19: ‘3‘ Every date a slice of Kentucky’s rich history... a
l . Q‘s a Q g 5 Every month a photograph from the University }
{ § kw 3: ‘X of Louisville Photographic Archives At stores I
l tit ‘s‘ s throughout Kentucky. Or send $8.00 (tax and l
l _l 5" ‘3: We postage included) to Phoenix Hill Enterprises, l
: ‘5‘“ j .» ~55 " 3,;5 Box 4264-F, Louisville, KY 40204. :
l gig, ADDRESS :
i g§¢g Nest CITY/STATE/ZIP __.—____— i
l A Portion of Net Profits Will be Donated l
E to the Community Health Trust! E
Dec GLSO 3

 Don’t just worry about HIV.
Do something about it.
If you think you are at risk for
HIV infection, now is the time
to consider HIV counseling
and testing.
The test is FREE and ANONYMOUS.
Call your local Health Department,
or, the Kentucky AIDS Hotline at
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. m
4 Dec GLSO

from Sue Hyde, NGLTF Privacy Project Director
Dear Justice Powell, have so many more examples in my tiles that

I was at first glad to read in the national my heart hurts.
media that ou regret your vote in Bowers v. Lesbian and gay men's lives are not lrivolous
Hardwick. Yiou cast the deciding vote to uphold and we are not frivolous people. We are
the Gear ia law criminalizing private, adult, angry and resolute that the wrong you have
consensuaT sex and you supported with your done us should be set right as soon as possible.
swing vote a decision that denies personhood We will continue our 5 battles in 5 state
and the fundamental ri ht at privacy For lesbian legislatures and in 25 state courts to undo your
and gay people in the TJnited States. terrible mistake.

I thought about your mis ivings about the Justice Powell you can help us in two ways.
vote expressed an understanging of what the First, write a letter to the high courts and
decision has meant to us. Evidently l was legislators at each state that retains a sodomy
wrong; because you also said that the Bowars law. Tell the state court judges and the
vote as not occupied even 30 minutes at your legislators that you have erred and you would
time since you made the decision. not wish them to compound your mistake by

The case brou ht by Michael Hardwick was tailing to decriminalize private, adult, consensual
not "frivolous.” The court's decision has done sex in their states. I have enclosed with this
much damage to lesbians and gay men. Since letter an address list at the governments in
gay people are so manifestly invisible to most unrelormed states to assist you in this task. This
eterosexuals, l have listed below some will be a bit time-consuming, but it will help us
examples of the impact of Bowers. ' when we knock on the doors of state

-- Since Bowers, at east tour men in governments and courts it you have already
Tennessee have stood trial for "crimes against visited them.
nature," that is, consensual sex with an adult And then, on behalf of Michael Hardwick,
partner. Two received suspended 'ail sentences who was handcuffed, arrested, and spent many
of Five years. Men in other states have gone to hours in jail awaiting release on bail, I ask this
jail for similar ”crimes." of you: Please make sure that your colleagues

-— Since Bowers, a mother in Georgia was on the US Supreme Court - the sitting justices -
denied custody oi her 7-year-old son because, know how you feel about your vote in Bowers.
as a lesbian, she is an unconvicted lelon in that Your repudiation of your own vote in the case is
state. the strongest argument for a review and a

-- Since Bowers, the New Hampshire reversal by the court. Help to restore our faith
legislature prohibited lesbian and gay people in the ideals of justice on equal protection for
from becoming foster parents in that state, citln all under the law.
the majority opinion In Bowers as evidence (El
the unacceptability of homosexuality.

-- Since Bowers, a woman was [prevented National

‘ gom applying lor a job with the Do as Police esbian Conference
epartment because, as a lesbian In Texas, she
is automatically assumed to be a criminal and April 24-23, 1991
unsuited for work as a law enlorcemejnt jottjijcer. Atlanta, Georgia

-- Since Bowers, a constitutiona c a en e . ,T . w EN.
lo the mllllorys OliC)’ Of eXCIUdlng CrgTd Dow:llr:tEanlhiyllons::tl:A:adjjisofMt-laotjelERHMohday
dischargin gay omflesbian people was turned lnn and'Allanla cm: Cchtcr
aside at tEe federal appeals court level, in part Purpose; To bring logeazena npliznlal :iversc
because the Bowers majority denies us a icir‘mfofksiipmsingteansary’ sgséiif£iestr:ie$nlm—
fundamental ’l lli '0 P’lVC‘CY- l:f§.'ana"a::n”.l;irilu.7325: bor:srseradoclsasrl:ll:il:rles

Lives ruinejl. Careers destroyed. Families and haverun!
ripped apart The stories of damage done by 2.3322212233223 31:3:..:’“::.‘...?::::f"1
Bowers go on and on. It you need more proof mm‘mdw coma“ us, (unis) 373—0000
at the impact of this case, please contact me. | SMSL'S,’SéféothcggiTOEZquf,RSE‘SJIJaall“ Packet

Dec GLSO 5

from NG‘LTF
The US. Congress has given final approval Since the 19505 the Immigration and
to landmark legis ation that removes gay men Naturalization Service (INS), following passage
and lesbians from the nation's list of immigration of the McCarran—Walter Act, has held that
exclusions and paves the way for removal of individuals "afflicted with psychopathic
HIV and AIDS from the policy. personality, or sexual deviation" are ineligible to
The Congress passed the Family Unity and receive a visa or enter the US Although the
Employment Opportunity Immigration Act. The American Psychological Association and other
act contains sweeping provisrons for allowin roups long ago removed homosexuality from
immigrants and viSItors to enter the country and fists of "mental disorders, " the INS has
reforms McCarthy-era restrictions that prevented continued to use the policy.
many people - gays and lesbians included - The AIDS immigration restriction, created by
from visiting the US. Durin conference Senator Jesse Helms in the revious Congress,
committee negotiations on the bill tEe lawmakers has received considerabll: national and
added a clause that gives the De rtment of international protest. HHS and the Bush
Health and Human Services (HHSIJOpower to Administration have re eatedly said it was
delete AIDS and HIV from the list of restricted Congress' responsibility fgr removing HIV from
diseases. the immigration list.
from GLSO News staff from Partners
An AIDS/HIV prevention resource training Financial interdependence was widely
workshop will be held December 5 and 6 in the observed among the 1,266 go and lesbian
Forum of the Louisville and Jefferson County couples surveye lay Partners N)ewsletter for
Health Department, 400 East Gray Street. Gay 8: Lesbian ouples. Fully 82 rcent of
Subjects covered include: general AIDS the male couples and 75 percent of th: female
information, infection control, testing procedures, couples shared all or part of their incomes. In
demographics and epideminology of the HIV ad ition, the longer couples had been together,
virus legal ramifications, and worksplace the more likely they were to share income.
regulations. "In their management of household income,
For more information or to register call (502) same-sex couples a pear to share a primary
625-5601. There is $20 fee or all materials characteristic with, married heterosexual
and refreshments. couples," said Demian, Ed.D., who edits and
publishes the bimonthl newsletter with his
CHARGES DROPPED AGAINST CINCINNATI 10-year-partner Stevie glryant. "These survey
HAND-HOLDING COUPLE results provide yet another reason to ask why
from Heartland the law tyhpicall treats same-sex couples
differently tan heterosexual couples. We
Two men arrested for holding hands in a believe gay and lesbian couples deserve the
rked car have been cleared 0 all charges, some financial options enjoyed by married
gift gay and lesbian activist question whet er couples."
the case should have ever come up. n the Partners study, some of the individuals
The men were cited in E en Park for surveyed were able to share iob benefits with
"disorderly conduct by creating a offensive their partners. Health insurance coverage for
condition.I The arresting officer testified that he partners was available to four percent of the
saw the men holding hands when he shined a women and six percent of men.
flashli ht into their car. Hamilton County Judge A free summary of results from the national
Joseplg Leubbers promptly dismissed the charges survey may be 0 tained by sending a SASE,
saying that the charges were too vague to business size, to Partners, ox 9685, Seattle,
mean anything. WA 98109.
6 Dec GLSO

from Laverne Zabielski

When we were at the pool yesterday my . . . and a white dot yells from across the
mind kept flashing. It was like I was watching pool "If ou can't play byt e rules you're outl"
a picture show and I had just arrived, trying to and the black dots mimic the white dot's threat.
figure out what was happening. The pool Anger rises out of the water and i search the
seemed different. I spread out my towel and blue pool for my white dot, wanting to leave —
began to watch the dots bouncin in and out of ashamed of my ear.
the water —- the black dots and tge white dots -- As I watch, a white static dot emer es from
and listened to the whistles of the lifeguards the men's dressing room, and other white dots
and searched the blue pool for my youngest cluster around it as he moved electricall across
little white dot taking swimmin lessons. the steamy concrete; my own little white dot

It was while i was searciing for m little comes over to me crying, bi tears athered at
white dot that i noticed how many black dots the corner of his eyes. file sits qbeside me
there were in the blue pool, more than I’d ever huddled under his towel. "What happened?" I
seen there before, and I'd been comin to that ask him.
pool for a long time. There were big bTack dots "The pushed me under water. I almost
with big voices and little black dots with shrill drowned: They tried to pull off my bathing suit.
voices; and the were bouncing in the blue They did? Who did?"
pool, and I searched for my little white dot, and 'They did, over there"; and i look in the
the whistles blew, and I was sitting near the direction he points, at small, bright colored
lifeguard stand, remembering when I was a black dots playing in the blue pool. "Why did
lifeguard blowing my whistle. they do that?" I ask sympathetically.

”Keep of the rope!" all lifeguards holler. . "I don't know why," he so 5 through tears.
”No wrestling!" all lifeguards holler; and a "I accidentally kicked one of them when l was
your? white dot stood beside the life uard , swimming under water with my eyes closed, and
stan : "But, but, but . . . " I hear? him then the pushed me."
stammer. ”Take a break" the lifeguard said, i gathered my things and dots and headed
"Settle down. My manager has just called the for home. ’Is this racist' I ask myself?
paddy wagon;" and he turned around as "Hey! remember me?" the static white dot
though he was searching the park to see if it asked as we ssed by. "Remember me, from
was coming; and I noticed my attention to what the juvenile dpecfention center when you came
I'd just overheard, and I wondered why he said and read poetry?" I remembered him. "They
it. jumped me. The police ran 'em off. I hit 'em,

I searched the blue pool again for my white too. They got me, though. They hit me once,
dot. Seeing him dive underwater, my aze got me in the eye."
traveled through the fence. A police car grove "I can see some blood" I said nervously,
up and whistles blew -- and my eyes searched moving away, slowly remembering the day |
the pool again; then a second police car drove read poetry, remembering listening to the poems
up, and then a third police car drove up; and they wrote. "You know me" the static white dot
two policeman ran, and all the black dots continues as | drift away. "I'm a good kid" he
hurried to the corner of the fence. The black says.
clots in the blue pool moved quickly, in slow "You be careful" I sug est as we leave the
motion thru the‘water and l searched for my fence around the blue pocfi, drive home in the
white dot. I was feeling fear, and I was rain...
surprised at my feelin s, but I suddenly didn't The downpour began as soon as we got in
like bein enclosed begind that fence beside the the car. We got out just in time, it seeme . ’Is
blue poo? and all those black dots gathering in this racist' I asked myself again, remembering,
one corner. The police left and the black dots how racist i thought I wasn't. And now l’m
disbursed among the white dots, and the wondering if the question isn't really, to what
whistles blew: degree.

Dec GLSO 7

 of total priorities related to the survival of the
race. Black women are distressed by the
, surrender of much within the Black community to
smerelda sparl a promise of a "better situation" through
0 1' integration, which for the dominant group,
\~, A usually means movement from Black culture into
Qt '.\ White conformity. This encoura es losses of
. ' vital African American talent Chg resources."
‘ " So what I'm hearing is fear of losing their
I identity, their culture, by conforming to the
This month I have a couple of follow-u sI In White women's ways. And are we so ing that
the August 1990 issue of GLSO News, ingela our ways, our culture, is the better waygl
Martin had an article entitled "The '90s, A Gordon emphasizes the followin : I.
Decade For Lesbians?" In that article she African American women have endures abject
addressed NOW's national agenda and their deprivation; 2. African American women have
lack of attention towards lesbian issues. Angela been victims of a racism which defined them as
stated, "Lesbians should not have to work for Iess-than-human, whereas White women have
equal rights and equal billing within a women's been defined as having limitations or unique
organization, but it appears they must. Ihope roles appropriate to their gender within the
that lesbians within NOW are working at human speCIes; 3. African American women are
changing it." Well you NOW members now in a partnership struggle with Black men for
have that chance. In the October/November their emancipation; w ile White women enjoy
I990 Bluegrass Chapter NOW newsletter is the the economic benefits of the privile ed White
following announcement: Lesbian Concerns male; 4. African American women have been
Committee -- Attendance by the lesbian and continue to be victims of racism by White
community at Take Back the Night was terrificI women in the organized feminist movement.
Bluegrass NOW is hopin to start a lesbian In questioning the viability of Black/White
concerns committee to focus on issues of women coalitions, Gordon concluded that only
particular concern to lesbian women. If you're short-term, issue-specific coalitions are viable.
interested in being a member of this committee, She believes that the perspective of most
call the answerin service (233-4393) and let women's movement programs is that Black and
us know. We’d lie to become more responsive White women have suffered a common
to the concerns of our lesbian members. experience of oppression which is
So, what do you think about that??? gender-specific. here is a pervasive
Secondly, in response to last months article unWIIIingness to acknowledge the distinctively
on bringing white womyn and African American different nature of oppression for White women
womyn together, this is what I heard from my and non-White women. Seldom is attention
one African American friend; that I better do my Eleven the extent to which White women have
07% housekeepingl She said that African nefited from the oppression of Black women
American womyn are tired of educating us and/or have been active participants in racism.
"white folk" on racism. It's our problem and Laura
our responsibilig to change. She gave me a
book to read; lack Women, Feminism, and CULTURAL ETIQUETTE
Black Liberation: Which Wgy? by Vivian V. from Laura Drew
Gordon. In this book Gor on says "Black
women have a different post, a different. present While at the Michi an womyn's Music
and because of institutionalized raasm, a Festival this summer I picied up a little book:
different future from that of white women. Black Cultural Etiquette: A Guide for the
women do not perceive their enemy to be Black Well-lntentioned by Amoja Three Rivers.
men, but rather the enemy is conSIdered to be ' The following excerpt has really had an
the oppressive forces in the large some? which impact on me and I would like to share it with
subjugate Black men, women, and'chil ren. A you.
reoccupation with the equalization of roles
Between Black men and women is almost The various cultures of people of color often
irrelevant when one places it within the context seem very attractive to white people. But white
8 Dec GLSO 1

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 people should not make a playground out of mothers who need to get to the market.
other people's culture. We are not quaint. We Quietly contribute mon'ey to the African National
are not exotic. We are not cool. Our music, Can ress, Akwesasne ates and La Raza.
art, and spiritualities are but small, isolated parts Tien take your drum lesson and your dance
of integrated and meanin ful ancient traditions. class. Then burn your sage and cedar.
They were developed witT'iin each group for
that group, by deities and teachers of that ESMERELDA’S BOOK REVIEW
group, according to their own particular from Joyce
conditions and connections to their cosmos, and
their own particular histories and philosophies. Women On Women: An Anthology of
In addition, our cultural expressions also carry American Lesbian Short Fiction. Edited by
all the pain, joy, bitterness and hope that reflect Joan Nestle and Naomi Holoch, New York:
our lives and our struggles in dealing with Pen uin Books, $9.95.
so-called Western civilization. While most Igor a "baby dyke" like myself, this book
philosophies can have universal application, it was a wonderful find. The fiction I have been
as been the habit of many non-people of color reading in the brief year since "coming out"
to select unconnected pieces of our cultures for has been amateurish stuff, written, it seemed, by
fads and fashion, to ing them totally out of women told by friends that they could write. In
context and robbing them of a" meaning and other words, it was not literature. This
power. anthology of short fiction is literature of the best
t’s like we take all the beautiful old things from kind in every one of the 28 stories. My onI
our own cultures disappointment with some of the works was with
And we take the blood and pain that their brevity - I found myself aching to read
whites have heaped u n us too, more.
And we deal with it afiomix it up. The 28 authors are both established writers
Compost it, plow it under, work the soil, and newcomers, but only a few of the pieces
Pull the weeds, nurture the seedlings have been published previously in literary
And finally, Here it is, our garden periodicals. The styles range from Willa Cather's
These fruits, These songs and dances, subdued "Tommy, The Unsentimental", to
These visions. Sapphire's erotic ’Eat". Several stories ca ture
Then here YOU come, you in the everyday lives of everyday lesbians
Fresh from the Big House, of color, such as Becky Birtha's "In the Life"; a
Havinfi neither sowed nor plowed, couple of stories deal with the trauma of coming
But fu y expecting to reap. out, such as Leslie Lawrence's piece about 0
Now is is pe ectly natural for human beings woman developing her "Lesbian Imagination“.
to share and blend cultures, but let us face a My own favorite ieces are the more homey
hard reality: 20th century white society is stories about lost Idee ("In the Live") and
culturally addicted to exploitation. Cultivate an tenderness ("A Life S ckled with Children" and
awareness of your own personal motivations. "Our Life in Iowa"?e A line from "Iowa'I
Do not simply take and consume. If you are illustrates: "We were in our late thirties
white and you find ourself drawn to Native together and just discovering that if you wait
American spirituality, African drumming, or Latin long enough, life gives you something holy.
rhythms, make an effort to maintain some kind Life herself.’
of balance. Learn how our history relates to Some readers will enipjy the more poetic
your own, how your privilege connects and "Letting Bade", with won erfuI prose: "The
contributes to our oppression and exploitation. whites of her hands swim out pure like the tops
And most importantly, make it a fair exchange, of newborns from the bunches of her overlarge
give something back. sleeves. Bode is, was, and will be." Others
If you want to pick the fruit, then carry some will be attracted to Leslea Newman's "A Letter
manure and plow some fields. Give your land to Harvey Milk" and to several stories dealing
back to the Indians and the Mexicans. Make with Jewish lesbian life.
reparations to the Africans. Send relief money Overall, it is truly a wonderful book to read,
to Middle Eastern and Asian disaster victims. with some very fine writing. As the editors also
Lobby Congress for fair immi ration laws. state: "These are stories that surely have been
Provide rides for Elders of coTor or single told before, but they have not been heard."
Dec GLSO 9

LOS ANGELES, CA Watkins was drafted into the Army in T967
though he acknowledged on a service entry
Sherry Sperling‘I has been convicted of form that he was ay. He re-enlisted three
battery in a case t at prosecutors said marked times and was regised re-enlistment only in
the first use at the battered-women syndrome in 1981 atter the Army adopted a more stringent
a case involving lesbians. policy of discharging all gays and lesbians.
Sperling was sentenced to three years'
probation and ordered to enroll in a treatment BOISE, ID
program for batterers. Women attected by the
syn rome believe that they deserve to be A tederal iury convicted three white
battered, so they lie to protect their assailants. supremacists of plotting to tire-bomb a ay
Prosecutors successtully used evidence about the Seattle disco. The three were found guilty aTter
syndrome to explain wh S erling's victim TO days of testimony from 50 witnesses.
recanted her account at Sperlihg's attack on Defense attorneys charged that FBI a ents had
her. encouraged the men to make sucTi actions
against gays. That allegation was rejected. The
SAN FRANCISCO, CA jury heard nearly TOO hours of secret recordings
of the defendants describing the planned blast
The National Endowment tor the Arts as a "meat grinder."
exonerated a national gay arts organization last
month at allegations that the group violated the NEW YORK CITY, NY
NEA's anti-obscenity ban. The federal General
Accounting Office requested the NEA "Music for Lite," raised nearly $2 million for
investi ation alter