xt7zkh0dwz38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zkh0dwz38/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1974 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. University of Florida, November 16, 1974 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Florida, November 16, 1974 1974 1974 2014 true xt7zkh0dwz38 section xt7zkh0dwz38 COMMONWEALTH STADIUM / NOVEMBER 16, 'I974 / OFFICIAL PROGRAM / $1.00 $2*; ""°° -3;
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Kentucky vs. Floridci —— November I6, I974 ‘    
UK Football Program: Official University of Kentucky football magazine; Mailing ad- _    5,   . .
dress—Memorial Coliseum, Lexington, Ky. 40506.   ~  
Editorial Staff: Russell Rice, editor; Ed Swift and Ellsworth Taylor, advisors; Jack Perry, .    
Asst. SID.    
Photographers: John Mitchell, Ken Goad, Bill Wells, Jim Laughead. I I  , _   g
National Advertising Representative: Spencer Marketing Services, 320 Lexington Avenue,     ‘
New York, N. Y. IOOI7 , x   “ r. »
I  ·» A  
‘ Q`   ' `
CONTENTS V" L =-  » »_ 
Governor Ford ...........,.....................................,.....................................,.................. 3 li         {
Basketball Wildcats ..............,................,...........................................,,........,............ 4 . ‘   {   , .
Scouting Report .....,........,...................................................................,...,....,............ 5 4       _
President Singletary ............,..................................................................,................ 9  
Athletic Director Lancaster .............................................................,........................ 9     _ _
Wildcat All-Americans ......................,............................,...........................,.............. I5 - ,   p I I
[ Coach Fran Curci ......,............................................................................................. I6       `
Neonatal Intensive Care ,.............,.................. . .........................,.......................... I7—2O ,   g_ ' _
l Meet The wriaeers ............,................,.......................................................... 21-22-22   V
  What Opponents Are Doing ...................................................................................... 25   F ,  
` Wildcat Assistant Coaches ,......,..................................................,............................. 27 _   ° if
Visitor’s Picture Pages .,.......................................................,................................,... 28 r  1
Stadium information .......,...................,...........,....................,..............................,.... 3I  
UK Roster ......,.......,........,........................,............................................................... 32 .   .,
. 3 .
, Lineups .......,........,...,......................................................................................... 34 35 ’,$é¥r`_
Visitor’s Roster ...............,............................................................. . .......................... 37 ( ~   _ .
. •   $5
Alumni News Notes ..,..........,.,.....,......................................................i...i................. 4I F _ jWmr · {     - . __ I- I _
Advance Schedule .............................,.......................................................,.............. 43   ·    W,. . , ,   · ·  .. .     y _
, UK Student of the 70's ..............................,......................................................... 45-48    fil
l·larry Lancaster .....,...,.. . ..............,............,......,....................,............................. 50-5I       ya .  
J Ul< Blue White Fund ................................................................ 53-54-55-56-57-58-59     _;,., 7     ,
l Kentucky Basketball ..................................,......................,.......,.............,................ 52    .__      ‘‘’‘   “`
I Wildcat Marching Band .......,..........................................................................,......... 6l  ` _  / ia g    
Officials' Signals ..........,...,............................................,.......................................... 63 , .  A , `   _",     `?  t_ J
eariaws neieimit ..........,......................,.....,.............................,.......................... 64-as .    · ·     r , g`
i School Songs ............................................................................................................ 66 .   tt txé  I.,   / 
, A _ '`i’i    ;·   jr
l V . F ’ VQ “   Fg; 4   I/H I
\ __ ‘ - ’ ~ ` —~»~   Zodiac SST <
A.     I Astrographic— Rf 7l
i   . , ‘   ·- , the watch that gives you   A _ .//\‘  
i   ;, ._ in   _] ‘~ a step on the field. For starters,  
l ` R I, . A    rr  l it;  r ‘ no hands. Two revolving satellites and a  
 ’       »_‘‘,   . red orbiting dot to tell the hours, minutes and`; .  
_ ag.,   *   “ __ seconds. Set in a sculplured case.
.    QZ i   inside, a 17-jewel splitsecond-timing
i _ _ {         ~*—   movement. Guaranteed* to within a minute a
` if V         Qi     month. Seltwinding. Stainless steel or
. » i y » T    _   »+»__ .   ` 18k gold electroplale case. Stainless steel back.
_ s   ’     Automatic calendar with push button date
I ~       _:’      _·‘‘   changer. Shock and water resistant. A touch ot
.   j   glory for your wrist. Priced from $165. EF
R   »    i rr· .   · o
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X F TO   A
, . . . . , `F J bc 5
BILL FLEMlNG, pictured here with Bud Wilkinson (left) during ast Ask {Or ZODLAC £,_ __` E
week’s regionally telecast game between Kentucky and Vanderbilt, Where yOU buy ·;   O  
returns with Duffy Daugherty for taday’s ABC—TV game between Ken- _ if} Q 5
. fine watches. s. -\ 4;:
tucky and Florida. ··r: ___·. Q
Q` ,_ dz ci`
— E
sa a
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i   J

 The University Key
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_   I·,.L · -V4_   V It   IIAV   _V__   A} r_   All-American Tours .............. . ....................... 26
‘ ..  .·“_;   ·-» »   _AAV V   .Q Ashland Oil Co. ,....,.... . ................................. 67
V     7 ‘ '·`’r   r   Associated Gen. Contractors ...................... .. I3
I     `i‘·.    Z       Bank Ot Lexington ........................................ 62
_  Q i—4s Z _ to     Ben Snyder’s .................................................. 26
__ .      _   Burger Queen ................................................ 44
          ;=»   Ca rey—Adams inc. .....................,.................... 30
l   `     ‘‘_»  it   ~ r_»i_»V¤   Chevrolet .................................... Center Spread
l       ` r=    C . ‘·‘V    Y Mlvl   ig_·   Cliff Hagan ...............................................,.. 25
   V      jj  C0ca—Cola Bottling ..................,... Center Spread
  il i     · ”{§]   \‘—»   Nellie Kelly’s ................................................ 7
Y ·   I Parkette Drive ln .................................... 32-37
  ‘iii 4 " I Second National Bank .................................. lO
Shillito’s ........................................................ 64
the l‘°“°'°bl€ Sleepy-Head House ........................................ 40
WENDELL H- FORD Soule’s Corporation ........................................ 68
Ggvgrngr Ot Kentucky Southern Belle Dairy .................................... 63
Southland Sport Shop .................................. 7
Kentuckys 57th governor was a prime mover, as Springs Motel ................................................ l2
lieutenant governor and a member ot the State Prop- Steal<’n Ale .................................................... 12
erty and Buildings Commission, ot the drive to provide Student Center Board .................................... 2l
a new tootball stadium for the University ot Kentucky. Sutt’s Furniture .. ........................................... 39
A native ot Owensboro, he is a veteran ot World War Tall and Big Men’s Shop ................................ 67
l ll and attended the University ot Kentucky before Tinder-Krauss Tinder .................................... 68
_, graduating trom the Maryland School ot lnsurance. University lnn ................................................ 39
He hgs been G rrtgnqber Of the Presidetqfls COUr·]CH Or] WGIIOCGIS Book SIOTG ..... ....................... .. ......  
Youth Fitness, National Council for Religion in Amer- V‘/€i'ii‘1€l<€l’/S ...........................,...................... 43
icgtq Ljfel |-¤S-
_ · quarterback eieieiineei eeriier in the game warn e ereieen Ciirci Said iaracticc this wack wauid dcicrmiiic wha
c nose, came ohc ihe bench and kicked a 2O_yard field moves to Collins' starting_ position. Joe Dipre, who has
_ goal io oiye l_l_l(_ a lO_7 decision A year later] Lou been backing up Collins, carried seven times for 36 yards
. Michaels kicked a rain_coaked ioorball 34 yards wiih two against Vanderbilt and has a season total of 28 carries `
7   seconds remaining in the first half to put the Wildcats r°r I38 Yards _ l
1 ahead to stay. After a IO-year lapse, the series was re- Fresnrnan Ken Nerrrnngren nad an 8O'Yard renendewn
_   Sumed in looyl wiih lclorida Winning l4_7' beginning a carry. He saw his first varsity action a week earlier,
* i Srreak thai now Stands ai. eiohir Siraighr carrying two times for one yard against Tulane.
I LAST MEETING: Novi i7 i973 (GarnaSViii€) UK. Mike Fanuzzi, named the game’s homecoming star and
S I8, U F 20--Bothered by mistakes and injuries, Ken- the AFC Oflenslvs player Ol the game' now has carried
tucky seemed nepeieeeiy beeien nr three quarters in *5* mai iorijig Yards and *0 *¤¤¤i·a** w·i*1 ¤rac·S·¤·a_a¤·i Oui
on the clock and no times out remaining, Lewis took the dsfsnss was rsr?cl(?us‘ Psrhsps the _mOsr Obvious ples
snap at ine rienne 22, rolled to nie ien and was tackled wait was aut *<·c*<··a¤ ciama J¤*a¤ *’·aicc maiic a** be
by David Hitchcock for a damaging SaVan_yard lass to kicks and John’Tatterson really boomed the ball (five
the 29. Lewis passed out-of-bounds quickly to stop the r°r ass vardsx _ _
eieeie and inen came back wnn e sideline pattern to *’·arca *<·c*v
Bishop, Virtually ina Only Option Opan as UK' Sought ro Bobby Jones, his coach at Harrison County High, against
improve iis iiaid anal position. Wayne Fields made an Auburn in I970, laierce alsortied his school record kick
acrobatic interception at his own I7 to thwart the threat. Or $8 iaards ser rlsls Year sgi;nT6l‘°u's'snis sr'srs‘Ga
,_ ,, _ ori a is coming o a - upset oss to orgia
be rfgirggriirajecffiffga mzrnigtufg l;:\ési;1O€wgnbl;srT§; at Jacksonville. The Gators came from behind once to
d bi ia d ,, Y p l take a_ IO—9 lead and roared to a touchdown in the final
OU Y _sr ' i _ _ half-minute of the game to make it I7-I6, but failed
Speaking was University of Kentucky head football in a passing ariamiai for a rwO_nOini_ com/arsion
coach Fran Curci, whose Wildcats romped over Peach , _ ` ,
Bowl—bound Vanderbilt, 38-I2, during homecoming Satur- Gssrels qusrlsrback Msn Rsbmssn three s twmpslnl
day at Cnmmanwaaiih Stadium- conversion to Richard Appleby after Georgia s last touch-
Making today’s game with Sugar BowI—bound Florida down That meds the dlrrsrsncs
double iouoh ia the loss or Star runnino back Sonny F|orida's record is now 7-2, with three of the wins
Collins, who broke a bone in his right leo while Scerino and two losses coming in Southeastern Conference play.
a touchdown to give the Cats a 2I-O lead in the second Kentucky has a 5-4 record overall and is 2-2 in the
quarter. conference.

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 The University of Kentucky Coaching Staff
Thanks These Dealers for Their Assistance in Recruiting
Transportation is vital to modern day college football. I want to thank the
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made themselves available to me and my staff for recruiting. We thank
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Head Coach
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 ..*s»·—t*§  is      t t; .
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   ¢_» _     DR. OTIS A. SINGLETARY
    ._ University President
   ;i‘ z.   
  President ot the University since l9o9 has been
  V ,   Dr. Otis A. Singletary, who came tram the University
i     -·-r   ot Texas, Austin, where he was executive vice chan-
\ ’·‘- —     , I ._ . cellor tor academic attairs. He earlier had been direc-
_ iii     tor ot the Job Corps program tor the Ottice ot Eco-
nomic Opportunity, and chancellor ot the University
Q ot North Carolina at Greensboro.
A K T He is the eighth president ot the University. Unique
l · recognition ot his service to the institution came re-
l ` cently trom the Ul< Alumni Association, which pre-
i ` sented him its Alumni Service Award—an honor
rarely bestowed upon a non-alumnus ot the University.
. .... ,   A  t.==s· .  H   
_ _     ·.   ` l.   l  
Director of Athletics N     , _    
2 NGl'n€Cl athletic dlrector in l968, Harry C_ Lan- _ N A   7   jg.-·-· 1*  
qgster has been connected with UK athletics Since   J °Q”i?i `T'' t   i   , A gt Ty      '
l942, when he was a tu|l—time instructor in physical " * 2 y V- i·    
education and part-time basketball coach. A native ``,‘-, A    
ot Paris, |     ·   O         ~  ‘·         V         A
ng  A V V   -O ».        V 4. we         ,2-AVA O, 1   »—·. O   O  A   »v.»
A   \  VA * 4 . · ·»~V    A    as   _¢’  A  ».,»_ ~s wg  ·.   A   ~ A- {O- `»~’  
I Q —  A ,4iE il      V*A‘‘  ,· ~f ( -   _       5:4     AA     -
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O   Aaze  ( -~ A A ~· t <  V A   H ··       Asa   `%  OOO z- ic. ·-    iii ·O V   - O
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STEVE CAMPASSI breaks into the Commodore secondary after the way Rick FFOUWTP m€¤¤€€S fhé V¤"dY Joe DlPT€ €l'O’9€$ infn V¤¤dY llni?.
was cleared by Tom Farmer (82) and Wally Pesuit (65). quarferbafk David Lee.
Ov -V A. E ~ · ·¢ :—V A   ·. ~sA  - ~ -   ~ A A :·—     O O -
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V     I  M   V ";;VA1gAO-As;-¤._ O-. ,.·‘ -.1;. 2 K  .’
2A     OA     O Ag Freshman Ken Northington grins through his mouthpiece after scoring
» ·—·" A       -  L- AAVLR   _ A   ‘  AL     an 80- ard touchdown from scrimmaqe to give the Wildcats their final
,»;:·A: -:._. .4* *0 ’ 3* _ _ .· V ..?· `_;·.f···;`· Y _
    V   V  VH .9     V V     V 38.12 verdict aver Vanderbilt. O
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Mike Fanuzzi charging into the Vanderbilt line, was named the game's Vandy's Lonnie Sad/er is stopped Wildcat running back Sonny Co//ins
outstanding offensive player. by Kentucl` i
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