xt7zkh0dwq65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zkh0dwq65/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1992 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 68, No. 1, Summer 1992 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 68, No. 1, Summer 1992 1992 1992 2014 true xt7zkh0dwq65 section xt7zkh0dwq65 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE   ·—·` ‘ 
Volume 68 Number I Summer 1992   `ignig Q
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 US ISSN 0016-2116
Table of Contents
FNS Remembers Dr. Gertrude Isaacs - Barb Gibson 1 _
FNS Remembers Mr. Gaylord Donnelley - Barb Gibson 2
Employees of our Organization - Barb Gibson 3
FNS Remembers Mr. Joseph Coleman Carter — Barb Gibson 4
Notes from the School - Judith Treistrnan 5
My Experience as a Courier - Damonica H uy? - Susie Quinlan 7
Local Spotlight- Barb Gibson 11
Courier News - Susie Hudgins 12
"Hell for Sartin" - Barb Gibson 13
Field Notes - Susie Hudgins 14
Annual Report - Barb Gibson 16
In Memoriam - Barb Gibson 35 J
In Honor Of — Barb Gibson 36 F-i’
Urgent Needs - Barb Gibson Inside back cover ,,3
_ {
COVER: Dr. Gertrude Isaacs, former Dean of the Frontier School of
Midwifery and Family Nursing ;_{
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Us ISSN 001e2116
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
Wendover, Kentucky 41775
Subscription Price $5.00 a Year
Edit0r's OlTice, Wendovcr, Kentucky 41775 `
VOLUME 68 NUMBER 1 Summer 1992
Second-class postage paid at Wendover, KY 41775 and at additional mailing ofiices. E
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, KY 41775.
Copyright 1986, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. I

  FNS Remembers Dr. Gertrude Isaacs
  Our syrrzphathy g0es t0 the family af Dr. Gertrude Isaacs wha passed
` away an July 25, 1992.
Trudy first heard of the Frontier Nursing Service while working
tj at a hospital in Kansas in 1947. A patient of hers, an elderly man, was
reading the book Nurses an Horseback and said to her "this is what you
should be doing. Go to Kentucky and become a Nurse on Horseback."
Trudy read the book and decided that was exactly what she wanted to do.
She came to FNS in 1947 as an RN and entered the Frontier School of
. Midwifery, graduating as a midwife in October 1948.
Q Trudy was born in Lubbock, TX. She obtained herRN training
l in 1946 from the Misericordia Hospital, Winnipeg, Canada and after
( taking her midwifery training at FNS, she received her B.S. (Public
A Health Nursing Certificate) in 1953 at the University of Minnesota. In
ll 1956 she received her M.P.H. (Program in Mental Health Public Health
1 Nursing) from the University of Minnesota. ln 1963 she attended the
  Boston University for her D.N.Sc. (Clinical Psychiatric Nursing). She
L1 was the first RN to receive a Doctorate in Nursing in the United States.
Y In 1963, she attended Harvard School of Public Health for Post Doctoral
  study in Community Mental Health.
j 5 Trudy worked in many different places and had a wide range of
  experience. After leaving the FNS in 1950, she was staff nurse at the
,1 g Navajo Medical Center, Fort Defiance, AZ. In 1951, she was clinic nurse
gg .j at the Groves Clinic, St. John, KS. Also, in 1951 she was staff nurse at
  _; the Scotts Bluff County Health Department in Gering, NB. In 1953, she
lp g_ was a public health nurse at the Scotts Bluff County Health Department.
et. G In 1957, she was an instructor in Matemal Child Care at the University
Lg if of Miami, Coral Gables, FL. In 1958, she was the assistant professor in
H Public Health Nursing at Barry College, Miami, FL.Also, in 1958, she
'lli was an instmctor in Public Health Nursing at the University of Miami,
li Coral Gables, FL. In 1959, she was a clinical nurse therapist in the
  Doctoral Program at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center. In 1962,
{ she was a mental health consultant with the Visiting Nurses Association
  and the Post Doctoral Program at the Boston Health Department. In
  1963, she was a public health nurse consultant at the National Institute of
  Health in Washington, DC. In 1966, she was a training specialist chief
  in Special Areas Psychiatric Nursing at the National Institute of Nursing
i in Washington. In 1969, she came back to the Frontier Nursing Service
    as the Education and Research Director for the Frontier School of

Midwifery and Family Nursing. She retired in 1977 due to illness.  
Trudy was a member of the American Nurse’s Association, the  
American Public Health Association, the American College of Nurse- .1,
Midwives and the National League for Nursing. Trudy also wrote several é
papers and publications. For information on her research, you may
contact the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing at Hyden. , _
Trudy helped in obtaining grants for the Frontier School of Q
Midwifery and Family Nursing. She and Dr. W.B. Rogers Beasley were j
instrumental in getting the Family Nursing Program started. Trudy has  
done great things for the Frontier Nursing Service and we will always  
remember her. -Barb Gibs0n  
FNS Remembers Mr. Gaylord Donnelley  
Gaylord Donnelley died April 19, 1992 at his home in South  
Carolina. He was originally from Libertyville, IL. {
Mr. Donnelley started working in 1932 for R. R. Donnelley and  
Sons Printing Company, a company his grandfather founded in 1864 and ?
grew to be one of the world's largest commercial printers. He was elected t
company president in 1952 and board chairman in 1964. When he retired l,
in 1975, he was named chairman of the executive committee.  
He was elected president of Ducks Unlimited in 1975 and had Q
been involved with the organization since 1938. Mr. Donnelley was a Y
widely respected wildlife conservationistand philanthropist. He dedicated  _
his life to many worthy causes. He made significant strides in the gf
protection ofthe environment, the promotion of quality education and the   I-
support of charitable institutions. His personal contributions alone have  
made possible the conservation management of countless thousands of  
acres for waterfowl and other wildlife. He was also personally involved   `
with a variety of conservation organizations and projects in his home ,
state of IL and in the ACE Basin of SC where his Ashepoo Plantation is  `
located. Up until his death, Mr. Donnelley provided leadership in the  
launching of the ACE Basin effort, aimed at protecting some 350,000  
acres of important wildlife habitat. { 
Mr. Donnelley and his wife, Dorothy, has been friends of Miss  I
Kate Ireland and supporters of the Frontier Nursing Service for many  li
years. -Barb Gibson ‘

  Employees of our Organization
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  Drucilla Howard Nancy Williams
i Drucilla Howard started working at theFrontierN ursing Service
  April 28, 1968 in the Business Office of the old hospital. Later, she
  became the night supervisor and then worked as the In~patient Data
Ei Control Clerk at Mary Breckinridge Hospital.
tl, Drucilla is a native of Leslie County, delivered by a midwife,
  Q and was married to Claybem Howard who is now deceased. She lives on
  Hurricane Creek at Hyden, KY and has four children, two living,
5 Margaret Howard and Deanna Caldwell and two deceased, Bobby Ray
JE Johnson and Joyce Ann Howard. She has seven grandchildren, four boys
5{ and three girls.
  Drucilla says she loves FNS and enjoys her job. She likes to
  travel during her spare time. We appreciate Drucilla’s dedication.
.’2` [1HZ1Y11111Y111
  Nancy Williams started working for the Frontier Nursing Service
 _ at Wendover December 1, 1964 in the records department. She kept the
` records for all of the districts, midwifery service, and the hospital. She
 3 worked closely with Helen Browne, Agnes Lewis, Betty Lester, Anna
 ’ Mae January, Lucille Hodges and Peggy Elmore. Mrs. Breckinridge was
 1 bedridden at the time she worked atWendover and died shortly afterwards
  so Nancy didn’t get to spend a lot of time with her. She worked at

Wendover for twelve years and was transferred to the old hospital. She S
now works at the Mary Breckinridge Hospital.
Nancy has been married to Harold Williams for 24 years. They ,
live on Hurts Creek at Hyden, KY. During her spare time, Nancy says
she enjoys fishing in their new fish and ski boat. She also enjoys baby
sitting her nephew, James Michael Stidham, who is the "pride of her life". .
Nancy says she loves FNS and feels that she has dedicated many
years of service to this organization. We appreciate Nancy’s loyalty.
—Barb Gibson
FNS Remembers Mr. Joseph Coleman Carter _
Joseph Carter passed away June 26, 1992. He was a
courier at FNS in the 30’s, a committee member in 1966 and an _
honorary trustee in 1989. His mother was a first cousin of Mary p
Breckinridge. Before becoming a courier he helped cousin Mary I
Breckinridge discover the territory ofthe FrontierNursing Service  
and has been a supporter of FNS since 1941.  
Mr. Carter lived in Versailles, KY and worked on the  
Manhattan Project as a nuclear engineer. After graduating with a l
master's degree from Columbia University, he worked at the  
Army’s Manhattan Engineer District in New York City in 1942. In  
1946, Mr. Carter went to work at the War Department's research  
station at Oak Ridge, TN and helped develop the Navy's first *3
nuclear-powered submarine--the U.S.S. Nautilus. In 1950, he took Eli
a position at the University of Chicago‘s Argonne National ii
Laboratory and worked in research and design for non-military  
uses of the atom including developing nuclear reactors for the  
production of electricity. Mr. Carter retired from Argonne in 1978  »
and became an associate professorof engineering at the University  ,
of KY.  h
Mr. Carter was also a member of the Naval Academy  {
Alumni Association and the American Association of Nuclear j
-Barb Gibson Q

Notes from the School
< We are just back from the Berea College where ONE
HUNDRED FOURTEEN new students attended the FSMFN's
"Midwifery Bound"..our orientation to the nurse midwifery education
` program. Students stayed in the dormitories of our "sister" college and
came to Hyden where they had tea at Wendover and were greeted by
Deanna Severance and Dr. Anne Wasson. Here at the School we gave
the students a royal welcome and toured them through the facilities. We
. were able to show them Mardi Cottage, the original site of the Midwifery
‘ School, which we are presently renovating to give us expanded
classroom and office space.
When I come into the office each morning, my habit is to look
at the Electronic Bulletin Board and read any messages that may have
been left for me during the night by students and faculty. Upon retuming
_ from Midwifery Bound I found this message from a new student
addressed to all the students already in the program:
i "J ust wanted to let you courageous souls ahead of us know that
your new classmates are charged up and ready to go! I'd like to tell you
. folks how I found Midwifery Bound .... There was some grumbling
, among us, as we were all stressed out, but by the end of the orientation
  I felt relieved of anxieties and knew what was expected of us. I also felt
{ an even greater conviction, expressed by many of my classmates, that I
{ had chosen notonly the rightdirection, butthe rightpath to get there. As
E one in my group said, "there's nowhere else I need to be!"
{ "We applauded one another walking under the Banyan Tree and
Er receiving encouragement to "make a difference". The clapping for one
j I another evolved into a powerful rhythmic drum of feet and hands .... the
  crescendo joined by cheers for the Ugandan nurse midwives who came
I 2 to visit us and for Patrick (our new male classmate). The beat of our feet
l quickened into an intensity not to be believed in the unity of our energy
and commitment. A propitious start!!"
{ A A propitious start indeed. We at the School welcome the new
  students and look forward to helping them realize their dreams!
 Q Judith Treistman

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My Experience as a Courier
Damonica H ujf is 19 years old and was born inLesIie County. Her father
J is the principal at one ofthe local elementary schools and her mother is
principal at the Leslie County Vocational School. FNS is proud to have
Damonica, a Leslie Countian, to volunteer as a courier.
` —Barb Gibson
We often take for granted what we see and are exposed to every
day here in the mountains. This is the way I viewed Frontier Nursing
Service and Leslie County before becoming a Courier. I have been a
‘ lifelong resident of Leslie County and a patient of the FNS. I had traveled
to the hospital, passed by the clinics, and even visited Wendover a few
A times. I just really never realized the impact PNS has had on my life and
all of Leslie County.
I I made a career decision early in my life to become a doctor and
j return to serve the mountain people. However, I was not sure which field
` of medicine I would choose. As a high school senior, I enrolled in the
. Leslie County Vocational School Health Services Program to assist me
° in making that career choice. The Health Services Program gave me the
Q opportunity to work in all areas of the hospital and nursing home and
I certified me as a nursing assistant. I was also given the opportunity to
A work a summer with a surgeon and a pediatrician. These are the two areas
in which l’m most interested. This is when I decided to become a courier.
 A Through the courier program I have gained experience in many
_ differentareas. I worked with physicians and nurses in the various clinics,
E I’ve tutored elementary summer school students, I made courier rounds
 _ , to outpost clinics, I’ve served dinner at Wendover and made many
 ‘ lifelong friends through both my work and with the other couriers. When
  I began the program, I was not sure how a Leslie County student would
  measure up to those from such areas as Washington, New Hampshire,
 f Virginia, Indiana, Iowa and Seattle. I now realize that there was no reason
 S to feel intimidated by them and I truly enjoyed showing them some
 r Appalachian culture and telling them about the people here. I too learned
to appreciate Leslie County, the hospitality of the people, and the beauty
of the area.
. Being the first Leslie County person in a long time to be a
f courier has been a great experience, one thatl would strongly recommend
 A others to pursue.
i -Damonica Hujf

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Damonica Huff Susie Quinlan
My Experience as a Courier I
Susie Quinlan is a dynamic young lady with a great personality. I asked
her to lfy and put into words for me her experience as a Courier and this `
is her summary.
-Barb Gibson
Humm .... I am supposed to summarize my experience as a
courier with the Frontier Nursing Service. This is certainly an impossible
task. To summarize my stay would minimize all of the wonderful things I
that I had an opportunity to do and the people I had a chance to meet. I ·
can, however, share my reflections of FNS which I am still fantasizing
about. y
With the Frontier Nursing Service, couriers are encouraged to  
individualize their experiences by exploring avenues in health care,  I
education, and social services. There are many options to choose from  
and new ideas are always welcome. When these factors are combined  °
with a receptive comm unity, a vast array of rich educational and heartfelt  ’
experiences are created. `
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Among the patients I visited on the home health rounds, it is I
probably the "Day Boys" who are most celebrated by the couriers. The  ’
term "differently-abled" describes these three gentlemen. They have V

I each mananged to overcome the barriers of being deaf, mute, and
‘ intellectually disabled to create their own sign language. Those who
_ spend a lot of time with the "Days" are fluent, but this wasn't something
I learned in school, and at first, it had me baffled. Unfortunately, I never
» became fluent in my signing, but here are a few things I learned how to
i, say:
I "Nice shave!"
. "You sure are handsome."
I "My muscles are bigger than yours."
I "The dog is going to bite you."
_ "If you let me bathe you, we'l1 go for a ride in the car."
On my visits to the "Days" I accompanied Home Health Aide,
_ Mae Bowling, who demonstrated a skillful blend of professionalism and
. humanitarianism. Mae not only provides health care, but she also
supports her patients on a personal level. She encouraged me to do the
same. It is my understanding that Mary Breckinridge held this quality in
. high esteem. I feel very strongly that she would have been very fond of
Mae, as are the patients and myself.
e "You mean you`re not getting paid to be here?", my "Little
Sister" realized with a dumbfounded expression. Being placed in a foster
I home after being labeled as a troublemaker and an emotionally disturbed
I child, she found it hard to believe that I would come to visit her simply
 _ because I wanted to. The dumbfounded expression had to make room for
_ a warm smile. Apparently, this was a new experience for her.
j· Friday aftemoons quickly became special time that we both
 { looked forward to. She spoke glibly of her idol, Michael Jordan, and his
- many conquests. She told me about the time she dove into the river to
  save a drowning puppy. We shopped and shopped and shopped, a
 f favorite past time of typical teenagers. Our time together always
”_  managed to slip away from us.
_ I never saw the side of this "troubled" girl that had brought her
I an onslaught of negative labels and caused her authority figures much
t frustration. As her "Big Sister", I only saw a thirteen year old struggling
with the reality of her past, her present, and a questionable future. I saw
1  a girl who relished the company of someone who enjoyed being with her.

A knot rose up in my throat, my face flushed, warm tears welled 3
up in my eyes and spilled down my face. This was the last time I’d see f
Alabam before I had to go back to Maryland. I didn ’t want to budge from
her couch. This is where I’d spent some of my favorite Kentucky _
evenings. Alabam, a cherished friend of the couriers, always kept an
open invitation for us to come up the holler to join her for sewing or just
to chat. Before this night, the only tears I’d shed at Alabam’s were those
that emerged when I laughed too hard. Alabam made me a beautiful I
handmade quilt which now decorates my bed. She says there’s love in  ~
every stitch. All of those stitches make for a lot of love. That’s the way .
Alabam is.
Y Z Y K I 3 1 I L K 1 V
She beamed as she told me how proud her family is. She’d made
it through sixty—some years without knowing how to read. Bravely, she
decided to take on the challenge. Now I had the privilege of tutoring her.
Prior to coming to FNS, I’d heard about vast numbers of people
who were illiterate in the United' States. The numbers were always  V
shocking. It wasn’t until I met this woman, however, that I realized what
it means to be unable to read functionally.
In the last two years, she had several couriers tutor her. In that °
time, she found that she was able to read and write letters to special Z
friends. She worked on her letters tenaciously. Each one she wrote was
uniquely dedicated to its recipient. Her son had framed the first letter that f
she wrote to him and had it hanging over his bed. It’s no wonder that t
they’re all so proud. tw
Upon leaving FN S, it was difficult for me to accept that I would  L
no longer be able to tutor this vibrant woman. But now its my turn to  ,
receive her gifts in my mailbox. { 
1 1 L Y 1 Y 1 I Z 1 Y t
As a child, I used to lie on the floor of the station wagon during  .
car trips and look for shapes in the billowy clouds that drifted across the  ‘
sky. I used to see fish, dragons, and turtles diving into the massive
floating cotton balls, the possibilities were endless. Today’s sky is crisp,
blue, and full of those same billowy clouds, but I’m fantasizing about
something different. Today my mind is entertained with reflections of
my time spent in Kentucky with the Frontier Nursing Service, where the
opportunities are endless. -Susie Quinlan A

Local Spotlight- Hyden Manor Nursing Home
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H yden Manor-Melissa Sparks Patient, Gracie Lewis
During 1984 Freddie Lewis had some family members in
nursing homes in other counties and realized the need for a nursing home
V in Hyden. He then started the building process and applied for a
1 "certihcate of need" which took some time. Finally in October 1988, the
I certificate was awarded and the nursing home opened. lt is an 83 bed
_ facility and has 100% occupancy with a waiting list of about 40 people
  at all times. The home is privately owned by Mr. Lewis, his wife Eulene,
and their two daughters, Cheryl and Melissa. Mr. Lewis also owns the
V Letcher Manor Nursing Home at Whitesburg, KY and is in the process
. of building the Martin County Health Care Home at Inez, KY. The
nursing home provides three levels of care, Skilled, Intermediate, and
I talked with Ms. Melissa Sparks, daughter of Mr. Lewis, and
· she told me that just last week the nursing home was rated as "superior"
by the State Board of Licensure.
I also talked with one of the patients, Gracie Lewis, who became
 it sick two years ago and realized that she couldn’t live alone anymore and
  came to Hyden Manor. She has two daughters who were sick at that time
{ and were unable to give her the care that she needed. Gracie has a really
 ‘ nice private room with some of her own things from home and she told
‘ me that she loves it at the nursing home. She said that everyone is so nice
I and good to her, and the staff feels like family. We are proud to have this
nursing home to serve our families in the town of Hyden.
‘ -Barb Gibson

Courier News
Since this is the Annual Report, I have taken a moment to reflect  ,·
over the past year. The number of hours of service given in the nine
general areas certainly tells the story. In most areas the figures are fairly
close. Though we did not spend as much time in the Hospital or Clinics, `
there was a dramatic increase in hours given to the Literacy Program
from 687 hours lastyear to 2,626 hours this year! ! So many ofthe parents .
and teachers have expressed their thanks and each and every courier was
deeply saddened to have to leave their classes.
It has been a wonderful year for me. I have met some of the most
dynamic young adults and though our paths may not cross again, I will I
always remember them, their fun·filled spirit and their dedication to FNS  _
and Leslie County. Greetings came our way this year from all over:
Dorothy Trefts: 78, was married this fall in New York to Daniel J.
Sarah Bayes: Summer 91, says Hi to everyone from England.
Jennifer Dundas: Spring 90, starred in the TV program "In the Shadow ‘
of Love." This was a documentary geared for a teenage audience and _
addressed the issue of AIDS in the teenage population. V
Katie Pakos: Summer 91, graduated from Bowdoin this spring and is
going to Mongolia this fall on a Watson Fellowship to study the changes »
in their health care system.
Beth Small: Spring 91, also graduated from Bowdoin in the spring and Y
headed across the country with friends. She's busy applying to Medical ;
Schools.  ,
Kristin Erickson: Fall and Winter 91-92, has been working on a farm  
in PA and seems to be happy as a clam, planting and weeding. 1 
Sky Blackiston: Fall and Winter 91-92, worked at Pine Mountain  I
Settlement School after leaving here and was going to work on an organic 4· 
vegetable farm in New Hampshire the last we heard. I
Anna Ives: Spring 92, headed to New England and is waitressing in
South Dartmouth, MA. She writes that Josh Kantrawitz: Spring 92, is
traveling around Spain and trying to speak Spanish. Todd Russell:
Winter and Spring 92, finally made it back to Texas and is still sorting
out his junk! Lizzy Brown: Spring 92, is working at a day care center
in Vermont and loving it. Luke DiGirilam0: Spring 92, floats down to
Dartmouth every so often. -Susie Hudgins

I "Hell for Sartin" Clinic
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Church group from Marian, IN
About 5:30 on Monday evening,July the 13th, the van pulled up
with two chauffeurs and ten excited boys and girls varying between the
ages of four and eighteen. This was the group we were expecting from
· the First Methodist Church in Marion, IN.
Susie Hudgins, Courier Coordinator, has been friends with
` Mrs. Betsy Doepken for 42 years, so when Betsy called and asked if the
Frontier Nursing Service had any kind of project for a group of kids to do,
 I Susie of course thought of something. The old FNS "Hell for Sartin"
clinic needed repairs so this became their designated project.
Betsy is the Director of Lay Ministry at their church in Marion,
and Ms. Lesia Anderson is their Director of Christian Education. The
group does a mission project each year. They have done work with an
Indian Reservation in New Mexico along with other projects in different
 L states. Three months ago these kids started selling barbecue chicken to
  raise the money to come to Hyden. Along with some donations from
V people in their church they raised enough money to pay their expenses.
'  The kids are: Beth Anderson 12, David Anderson 10, Christina Anderson
"  4, Corey Boxell 15, Manuel Aguilar 14, Peter Duckwall 14, Holly Fager
_ 14, Katie Fennolore 12, Curtis Best 18 and Erica York 15.
The "He1l for Sartin" clinic was built in the early 30's by the
Frontier Nursing Service. The original color of the clinic was green with
a red roof. Susie did her best to find the same color but it tums out the
roof now is a very bright red. It definitely "catches" your eye.
_ Betsy Doepken says that she feels you don’t have to go a
thousand miles away to do mission work. She believes we should start

teaching kids in their earlier years how to give of themselves to benefit  
those in need. Betsy says the children are already making plans to raise I
money for our Christmas program that we have each year at FNS and one
of the kids promised Susie that she will retum as a courier as soon as she
is old enough. The kids had a great time and we enjoyed having them at <
Wendover. We truly appreciate the work they did for us and the work they
plan to do for others. -Barb Gibson
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"Hell for Sartin" Clinic I
Field Notes
It seemed that summer appeared almost overnight and i
Wendover was simmering in the heat and humidity along with all the ,
rain. Between the downpours we were barely able to keep the lawns
mowed and the flower garden grew more weeds than anything else. Of  
course, it did not help to have such neophyte gardners (myself, along {
with the couriers) tending the flowers as we had to wonder what to keep
and what to pull! However, with a lot of luck, we still have flowers of
the right sort.
Our first project this season was repairing the cisterns. We
didn't see much of I .G. and I r. during this period as they had to not only »
repair the cracks but replaster the insides. The ground was so saturated
that we had to wait a while to do the plastering because the water was ·
leaking in from the outside. Finally we were able to finish the job and ‘
repair the roofs, so now we are all set for many a year to come. f
Meanwhile, we have repaired the garden steps down from the Big House I

i and accomplished lots of rainy day odd jobs. As soon as the logs arrive,
 3 we will rebuild the road between the Garden Shed and the path to the Big
i House. This will be quite an undertaking and we can only hope the
. weather dries up.
I During this time we have had numerous ovemight guests,
luncheons, tours, and visitors from abroad. In May, we were honored to
I have three healthcare professionals from Senegal visit with us for four
j days to research FNS. This was the first time Senegal has sent anyone
 I overseas. May also was the time for the annual Old Timers dinner.
 ; Everyone had a fun filled evening and per usual, Cassie performed
 ` miracles in the kitchen. June came along with the National Board of
 Y Govemors members for their meeting. With an almost full house of
  couriers it was a trick finding bed space but it all worked out and no one
 i slept on the floor! July brought us nine members ofthe high school youth
 * group from the First Methodist Church in Marion, IN (see article). We
also had a wonderful day touring around the incoming class of midwives
 ’ and ended with Tea for 150! It was great to renew friendships with so
many instructors and to meet new students.
1 This summer we were fortunate to be invited to participate in an
_ Elderhostle Retreat held at the Red Bird Mission. Barb Gibson and I
 ; spent two mornings showing our films and discussing the FNS model of
 . healthcare. We had a delightful time and hope to participate in the
‘ program again next year. We also presented FNS at four elementary
schools in Clay County and then toured Wendover with the students.
In thinking back over this past year, it amazes me how much has
. been accomplished here. I could only wish thateach and every one of our
 t readers could come and enjoy Wendover as it is today and will be in the
  years to come.
Q -Susie Hudgins
 I We recently received the 1991 Annual Report of the Nature
 ‘ Conservancy-Kentucky Chapter. Their mission is to preserve plants,
animals, and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on
} Earth by protecting the lands and water they need t