xt7zkh0dwq5k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zkh0dwq5k/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1977 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 53, No. 1, Summer 1977 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 53, No. 1, Summer 1977 1977 1977 2014 true xt7zkh0dwq5k section xt7zkh0dwq5k · VOLUME 53 SUMMER, 1977 NUMBER 1
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The photo on the cover shows J . G. Morgan  
splitting a stone which he used in rebuilding the  S  
steps down Hospital Hill from the Old Hospital to  js
the road above the Mary Breckinridge Hospital.  
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  .·V·‘t   '.`. ";V k l_  , ended April 30, 1977 and April 30, 1976 was $42,465 and $25,850, respectively.
 V The actuarially computed value of vested benefits as of May 1, 1976 (the date of the
i last actuarial valuation), Gixcccded the total assets of the pension fund and balance
m j sheet accruals by approximately $49,000.
 l In accordance with the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
  of 1974, the Service, as of May 1, 1976, made certain amendments to its retirement
at  .* lan and made centain changes in the actuarial determination of pension costs.
  Investments are stated in the iinancial statements at cost and are not adjusted for
  amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. Investment income is accounted
 , for on the cash basis which is not significantly different from the accrual method. Cost
; and approximate market values at April 30, 1977 and 1976 are summarized as follows:
as  ‘ 1977 1976
  Cost Market Cost Market
Ld "  -1 —; j TT
·e °` Board—designated funds:
;o   Consolidated Investment Fund:
 · U. S. Government obligations ......,. $ 276,230 $ 284,024 $ 509,302 $ 509,008
  Corporate bonds ................................ 975,763 1,009,375 975,763 984,600
lg p Common stocks ................................ 855,045 1,491,453 777,613 1,478,066
i_   aa Other-term endowment .................. 100,000 —— 100,000 —
Q: ‘ $2,207,038 $2,784,852 $2,362,678 $2,971,674
lf  _"' ; '   `  ""i’ 
ls  ' Q: ·
lf  ·, Mary Breckinridge Hospital
,d _`»  and Development Fund:
re 5 U. S. Government obligations .,...... $ 124,459 $ 124,459 $ 69,686 $ 69,686
ae _j,’   —· .. ———-———  ·
Ld Endowment funds:
  ' Corporate bonds .................................. $ 85,028 $ 68,819 $ 85,028 $ 65,456
Ld Common stocks .................................... 90,555 83,738 201,433 326,803
is Investments in common trust funds.. 229,101 347,075 118,223 118,223
Q ‘*1 ‘   * —*t· ·— ———
I . $ 404,684 $ 499,632 $ 404,684 $ 510,482

 r J  
~ April 30, 1977 with Comparative Figures for 1976  
April 30 Additions April 30 Qi
1976 During Year 1977 [ ,_
Norah Oliver Shoemaker Memorial Baby’s Crib ...... $ 5,000 $ $ 5,000 '
Children’s Christmas Fund in Memory of i
Barbara Brown ................................... 1,000 1,000 _
Donald R. McLennan Memorial Bed .................. 12,750 12,750  .,,
, Margaret A. Pettit Legacy ............................ 1,954 1,954 J,
~ Jane Short Atwood Legacy ........................... 7,500 7,500  _
Mrs. John W. Price, Jr. Fund ........................ 10,800 10,800  Q
. Winfield Baird Foundation .......................... 105,000 105,000  '
Mrs. Henry Shipman Legacy ........................ 24,398 24,398  _
Wilson Neel Memorial Baby’s Crib .................. 1,462 1,462  `
Jessie Preston Draper Memorial No. 1 ................ 15,000 15,000  Q
Jessie Preston Draper Memorial No. 2 ............... 185,000 185,000  
Joan Glancy Memorial Baby’s Crib .................. 5,000 5,000  .
Isabella George J effcott Memorial ................... 2,500 2,500  
Belle Barrett Hughitt Memorial ...................... 17,000 17,000  
Bettie Starks Rodes Memorial Baby’s Crib  ,
John Price Starks Memorial Baby’s Crib .......... 10,000 10,000 3.
Mary Ballard Morton Memorial Wing ................ 85,251 85,251 _ 
Marion E. Taylor Memorial .......................... 10,000 10,000  ‘;
Fanny Norris Fund ................................. 10,000 10,000  
Marie L. Willard Legacy ............................. 3,127 3,127 ,-
Mrs. Charles H. Moorman Fund ..................... 1,100 1,100  ,Q
Lillian F. Eisaman Legacy .......................... 5,000 5,000 V 
Lt. John M. Atherton Memorial ...................... 1,000 1,000  
Mrs. Morris B. Belknap Fund ........................ 26,375 26,375  *
Elisabeth Ireland Fund .............................. 22,458 22,458 ` 
Elizabeth Agnes Alexander Legacy .................. 5,000 5,000  i`
Richard D. McMahon Legacy ........................ 943 943 ,
Mrs. W. Rodes Shackelford in Memory  f
of Her Two Children ............................. 15,000 15,000  g
Hattie M. Strong Memorial .......................... 10,000 10,000  T
Beulah Bruce Brennan Memorial .................... 2,000 2,000 ·'-  A
Anna R. Gooch Memorial ............................ 16,625 16,625 _
Jeannie B. Trull Legacy ............................. 33,253 33,253 *
Frances Kendall Ross Legacy ....................... 17,100 17,100
Elizabeth Sherman Lindsay Memorial ............... 5,000 5,000  
Helen N. and Beatrice A. Wilson Fund ............... 10,000 10,000 __
Sophia Cogswell Stiger Memorial .................... 23,401 23,401   *
Dr. Charles N. Kavanaugh Memorial ................ 1,000 1,000 QT
Margaret C. Breckinridge Legacy .................... 3,000 3,000  P
Mary Hallock Armstrong Legacy .................... 2,000 2,000  °
Winifred Irene Leckie Mem