xt7zkh0dwd3f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zkh0dwd3f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1941-07-08  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July  8, 1941 text The Kentucky Kernel, July  8, 1941 1941 1941-07-08 2013 true xt7zkh0dwd3f section xt7zkh0dwd3f Fhe ECentucky ECer MEL





i.f.xint; ton.


Donovan To Request
New Athletic Structure
Gym To Include
Dressing Rooms,
Pool And Clinic'

A hope nourished
by University
of Kentucky supporters was given '
turn liworvl mu lit.. ., hwaL
President Hermat, V
new hed of the school announced!
an early meeting of the
board of trustees he would reconv- mend the construction of a new
gymnasium on the campus.
Although the president said the
complete plans would have to be
worekd up after a consultation with
faculty members most concerned.
he added that he believed a gym- adequate to the present
and future needs of the University
have a seating capacity of
about 12.000 around the maind play- ing floor, and should include a
pool, physical educa- classrooms and laboratories,
coaches offices, facilties for the
tTniversity merical clinic and staff,
dressing moms, handball courts and
so on
He said also that he thought such
gymnasium could be designed to
include a moveable stage so the main
floor could be used as an
pro-- !
auditorium for Junior-Wee- k
and other University and
other University and community
"The construction of this combined gymnasium and health building." he explained, "will have to


be undertaken with the support of
the trustees. Governor Johnson and
the legislature. If the trustees and
the governor respond favorably. I
am sure the building can be obtain-ed.- "

The president declared that the
present Alumni gymnasium had
by the University
gnd tht ew facjlljes wpre neec;ed


had inymin he
for the expanding


needs of the
school for years to come.
"l m especially anxious that the
University not lose the state high
nooi DasKetoall tournament. he
said, "but I am certain that it will
un,ess aoequai lacmues can oe
v4ded for
players and spectators,
"However." he continued,
though I have considered the need
'"" new gymnasium. I intend to
consult with the board of trustees
and with the faculty members be-t- n
fore proceeding with any plans. I
think that Mr. Shively, the athle- tic director: Coach Kirwan, Coach
Rupp. Dr. Potter of the physical
education department; Dr. Chambers of the University clinic and
Dean Graham of the engineering
college should be given an oppor-plavitunity of presenting their views
what should be
eluded in a new building, how it
should be arranged and where it
should be located. I hope to talk
to them within a day or two and
get their views on the matter."
Dr. Donovan declined to estimate



the probable cost of the structure,
but persons familiar with buildings
of this type and size have estimated
that it would be in the neighborhood
of a million dollars.
Commenting on possible financal
arrangements, he observed that:
"The State of Kentucky Is out of
debt, or will be shortly so far as
warrents are concerned, but it never
will be entirely out of debt until it
rehabilitates some of the dilapidated buildings at state institutions,
some of which are on the Universty
campus, and it will never be out of
debt until a health building is constructed for the young people of the
The President ventured that the
proposed building would not be of
type because, he
said, he believed the climate in
scarcely Justified the
construction of that sort of builET-in- g
which is used at some northern
universities located in colder climates. "There is no use," he
"of trying to wall In all


He pointed out, also that although
the plan for a new gymnasum
might be considered ambitious for
the University he believed the school
would ccntnue to grow and as the
principal institution of its type in
the state, it should have the best
facilities possible. He expressed the
hope that his proposal would receive popular support and that the
new building could be obtained in
the near future.

Classic Satire
To Be Presented
In Modern Dress

Coeds In Shorts Swarm Stage
In Gnignol's All-GiCrete

theater's presentation of "Lysistrata." Aristophanes'
famous satire. Is rapidly shaping
ug oyer
when the editor
up. according to reports from the Guj
thealer yesterday to get a
theatre yesterday afternoon.
gtory n .Lysistrata. we thought it
The play, which will open for a wouM
tne 8Rme oW tw
three-nigrun July 15. will be the was untu we found ourselves ,n
The Guignol


Guignol summer
s,nre 1934. according to Clarence
Geiger. director.
The Guignol version of the Greek
classic wil make use of modern
dress and stage technique, and will
eliminate the choral background.
Various characters are assigned the
dialogue used by the chorus. Geiger
Lysistrata. the title role, will be,
partrayed by Mrs. Kathleen Camp,
a graduate student who has ap-peered with the Bowling Green
players. The part of Lampito will
be taken by Miss Pauline Wylie.
who has been connected with the
Huntington. W. Va.. little tneater:
and that of Mysrhine by Miss Hettie
Knlgnt. wno nas woreca wnn uir
Lexington children's theater.
Probulos will be acted by Prof.
Blaine Schick of the romance lang
uayes department. Professor Schick's
last performance at Guignol was as
the German consul in Clare Boothe's
"Margin for Error."
Raymond Rand, who appeared in
Guignol s "Male Animal." will play
the role of Kinesias. Curtis Owens.
who has worked with the Yale
school of drama, has been cast as
Other members of the cast in- elude Cleonice. Alma Rouse; Rhodip- pe. Lois Brand; Ismenia. Elizabeth
Rita Sue
Leslie; Dirce. Jean Wilson: Her- mione. Eleanore Reed; Merope. Mar- garet Jane Jackson: Proone. Geore- ine Rumrill; Philurgus. Billy Nave:
S'rymodore. Virgil Moore. Jr.; Las- us. John Carson: and Heracles,
Wlliam Mitchell.
The Guiunol version of Lysistrata
is a combination of the translators
of Oates and O'Neill, and George
and Gilbert Seldes.
The plot of 'Lysistrata' concerns
s young Athenian woman who in- cited the women of Greece to take
control of the government and force
the men to stop war.
Used by the Moscow Art Theater,
the Seldes translation comments,
"Amazing as it may be. the coin
of its loading motives is still cur- rent after nearly two and a half
nvlleniums war. peace, nature, men.
women. And the conflirt between
these motives is just as far from
Suffragites. pacifiists. and other
groups with causes to champion have
used the play many times. Geiger
Sets for 'he pmdoetton. rtetcred
by Clay Lancaster, are being built
by the class in dramatic production,
is staging the play. William
Carter Stair will direct a dance at
the end of the first act. Geiger

mjdst of g buncn of snorts.lad
coeds cIimbjng Rround over tne
Hen,g now u
Wp waked , tne front door of
the theat;r and wm
Rhorts who lQoked
there. We
h th
whpre we cou,d find Mf Gejg.
er tne director, and one of them
g bRckst
e on thP


, exactIv



tneaterg m wp kpw wnere
but tnat .. id-- bsi.
mouths of
ug foo)pd fw R minute

We walked back, determined



to find


The Guignol's stage was swarming
with women. This, we were told,
was the class tn dramatic produc
tion which was producing 'Lysistrata'
b,, given on tne 15th 0f July.
4 tnat, there were eight
We were
girls ln the dass, an(j that there
wag nothing that they couldn't do.
Again we asked for Mr. Geiger.
"He's up there in the grid."
That was at least a lead. The grid
must be up. We looked up. The.
4 turned out to be a catwalk
twelve inches wide, within two feet
of the roof of the stage,
"May we see you for a moment?"
we shouted.
"Sure, be right down. Come on,
prances, let's quit for a while."
eyes popped. There was a coed
talking around on that twelve inch
feet from the
plant twenty-eigfloor, with as much ease as if she
were on the floor.
We commented on it when Geiger
reached the floor. "Well." he said,
"when this class began. I was a lit tie worried. You see, we use a crew
of at least five carpenters during the
regular session, and take five weeks
to produce a play. This summer. 1
had only four weeks for production,
and a class of eight girls to do all
the work. Since that time, my wor- ries have ended, however. I wouldn't
exchange this class of girls for a
male crew, regardless of the size,
"Why. I usually have difficulty
getting a man to go into the grid,
but Frances here, she's Frances
Howard of Harlan. Ky., has taken
it like a duck takes to water. She
loves to climb, and I have to in- vent excuses to keep her out of the
"See those steps there? Test
them. Pretty strong, aren't they.
Pat and Kitty built those. They're
Pat Pettry and Kitty Wiseman from
West Virginia, and they handle
mens like professional carpenters.
That's Emmajean Allred over there
painting that door. Notice the
. fession?.!
stroke that she uses? Delia


pro-mii- h.


Blevins is outside now washing the
paint off a flat that I want to use.
She's from Harlan, and so is Laura
Smith over there. She's the girl
that's sawing up those pieces of


"Pat Young is over there working
on the switchboard, and Dixie Reach
is the girl' that you see tacking
cloth on those boxes. You can see
for yourself that they're all working, and doing good jobs of whatever they tackle.
"We work every afternoon from
1:30 until about 5:00. We soon found
out that the hour and fifteen minutes that the University gives us
wasn t enough, so the girls decided
that they'd come over in the after- noons and really get some work
done. We're really not a class. We've
gotten over that feeling. We're just
a group of people who have gotten
together to produce a play as well
as we're able, and from the looks
of things right now, we're going to
be proud of our Job.

Lions Sign Ishmael
The signing of Charles Ishmael.
star fullback of the University of
was announced Satur- day by the Detroit Lions of the

kfnuckv. h fsow. jn.v




Two Objectives
Of His Program
"I do not expect any advances at
the University as great or greatet
than those already marie, without
further appropriations from the
state government." declared President H. L. Donovan in his first
speech to the student body last
"The progress made so far by the
University has been as great as can
be expected with the amount of
funds available." he asserted.
Speaking on the subject "Teachers and Teaching," President Donovan listed the two prime objectives
of his future administration.
The first, he declared, was to increase the financial resources of the
University to maintain the type of
progress that the mstituion should
have and he second was to emphasize good teaching and the rewarding recognition of those who proved themselves good teachers.
Virtually ever' one of Memorial
Hall's 1,110 seats "'a filled for the


Dinner Tomorrow Will Honor
New University Officials, Wives


Outdoor Dance,
Open House, Tea,
Movie Scheduled


Topping social plans for the week
dance Saturday
night, an open house, the weekly
tea hour, and weekly movie in the
Union building
Saturday night. July 11. a dance
will be held on the roof of Jewell
hall, open to all summer session
students. Sponsored by the Union
building and the women's residence
halls, the dance will begin at 9:30.
Admission of 25 cents per couple
or stag will be charged, according
to Miss Margaret Lester and Miss
Rebecca Van Meter, in charge, and
elevator service to the roof will be
offered. Students attending the
dance should enter the Euclid avenue entrance of Jewell hall, they announced.
In case of rain, the dance will be
held in the Great Hall of the Union
Wednesday at 4 p.m. Prof. Donald
Allton and Mrs. Allton will be featured in a tea hour in the Music
room of the Union building. Their
program will consist of a lecture
on "The March of Time In Music"
and recital of violin music.
For the informal social hour afterward. Mrs. Alexander Capurso
and Mrs. R. E. Murphy will pour.
Student assistants will be Anne
Louise Cowgill. Kathleen Hagan.
Mary Virginia Fulcher, Ruth Jewell.
Virginia Mitchell. Bob Walker, and
Caywood Thompson.
Friday night the weekly moving
picture at the Union building will
be "Horse Farms of the Bluegrass."
with two short subjects. "Ornamental Swimming." and "Songs of the
The weekly Student Union open
house will be held Tuesday night
at 8 p.m.

are a moonlight

Campus Dinner Speakers

Final Convocation

Qt, J..1-- J I Or
,S OllKCl Ultll Vnw

LVJ4 o






The music department will
present a program of music at
the meeting.
The convocation,
scheduled for the fourth hour
was changed to the second hour
so that no class would be interrupted by convocation more
than once during the term.














Donnelly Describes
ROTC Rulings

regulations to govern appointments in the Officers Reserve
Corps of former graduates of R.O.
T.C. who have failed to accept appointments when offered, were announced yesterday by Col. Howard
Donnelly, commandant of the University military department.
Applications must be made within
five years of the date of graduation.
Appointments will not be made in
sections other than that In which
training was had and will be limited
to the lowest grade in that section.
Applicants will be required to meet
quirements of Army Regulations governing appointments in the Officers'
Reserve Corps at the time applications are made, and np exemptions
will be granted by reason of graduation from the ROTC.
Applicants will be reuired to secure a Certificate of Capacity for
Agricultural Adjustment Adminis- the grade an section in which comfrom the mission is sought, as prescribed in
tration committeemen
except that
eastern half of Kentucky and busi- paragraph 34. AR 140-ness and professional men num- the practical test prescribed in parbering approximately 1,000 attend- agraph 34 2 may be waived. No
ed a meeting at Memorial Hall yes- exemptions from the required Army
terday to hear of developments in Extension Courses will be granted.
1942 AAA programs.
Applicants meeting the above rePrincipal speaker was Dr. Ro- quirements may be appointed with
bert Montgomery, professor of ec- out regard to existing vacancies or
onomics at the University of Texas suspension if appointments.
and nationally known lecturer, who
outlined economic and social changes of recent years and pointed out
the threat in the present interna
tional situation to democratic in- -J
stitutions throughout he world.
Other speakers were Charles D.
Lewis, assistant d lector of the east On
central region of the AAA. who
A solo for piano with band
discussed the 1942 agricultural con- accompaniment, played by Mrs.
Maude Miles Ogle, will be featured on the band concert in
vines. Chicago branch manager of
Hall amphitheater
the Crop Insurance Corporation,
Thursday. July 10, beginning
who discussed crop insurance.
at 7:15 p.m.
On Tuesday the same speakers
will address farmers and business
The piano piece, a modern
men of western Kentucky at thei composition by David Bennet,
high school in
"Repartee." will be ocered in
Owens bo ro.
addition to the regular program
of band music anl community
Meller Repeats
singing, led by Miss Iiela MaSidney Meller. who won the
lan award in 193R for his first novel,
The summer session band is
lpd by C. V. Magurean.
"Roots in the Sky." has won it again
for his new novel, "Home is Here,"
summer publication.


The new officials of the University Dr. Herman
Lee Donovan,
Frank Peterson, and Dr. Henry H.
Hill and their wives will be honJ
ored at a dinner to be given by
the summer session July 9 in the
Student Union building.
All summer session students and
faculty members, as well as Uni- -'
i 'rmversity alumni and friends, have
been invited to attend the affair.
Beginning at 7 p.m.. the banquet
will include a musical program and
speeches and toasts by prominent
Universtiy and state officials.
Dr. Jesse E. Adams, director of
the summer session, will preside,
and will introduce the speakerj who
will represent various aspects of
the University. These will be:
Governor Keen Johnon. speakinj
for the state of Kentucky:
Harper Gatton. for the Board of
Trustees; Dr. Thomas D. Clark, for
the University faculty:
Dr. Thomas P. Cooper, for the retiring administration:
Ray Binford. Versailles, speaking
In) I lir lnlr n Ki nllu
for the student body.
Also on the program will be sev- -:
eral musical selections by Lowry
Kohler. accompanied by Miss Alice
Seated at the speakers table will
be Dr. and Mrs. Adams: Dr. and
Mrs. Donovan: Dr. and Mrs. Hill;
Mr. and Mrs. Cronley Elliot; Mr.
and Mrs. Gatton: Dr. and Mrs.
Clark: Dr. and Mrs. Cooper: Dr.
and Mrs. Frank L. McVey; Mrs. P.
K. Holmes: Mr. Binford; Mr. Kohler;
and Miss Robertson.
Tickets for the dinner must be
ordered before 4 p.m. Tuesday. July
8. according to Dr. O. T. Koppius.
in charge of ticket sales. They are
available at the offices of all the
deans, the Student Union information desk. Che library, the summer
session office, and the men's and
women's dormitories.
The Garden Club of the Fayette
m nil lull
mmm ml
County Homemakers and the Lex- -,
ington Alumni chip will be in charge
t'nr liimsili mill Mn. 1 inir, nn. of decorations.
Chairmen of committees in charge
of arrangements are Dr. Koppius.
tickets: Dr. Adams and Mrs. Holmes,
program; Miss Chloe Gifford and
and Miss Alberta Limbach. menu:
Miss Billy Whitlow, speakers table.'

The final convocation of the
first summer term will be held
Friday. July 11. at second hour.
Classes will be dismissed from

thf retiring mlmifiistrtitnm.





Eastern Kentucky

Farmers Gather


tlir futility.


Modern Piano Solo

To Be Featured

Band Concert













South American Cnrios, Books,
Maps On Display In Library
With South America relations tak- ing on added significance daily, the
(exhibit of books, maps, pictures,
and curios from the continent to
the south, now on display in the
lobby of the University library, is
particularly timely and interesting.
In the colorful exhibit brought
together by Miss Margaret King,
'librarian, is a broad panorama of
South America.
the display are
several pieces brought from South
America by Mrs. Alberta Server,
who spent a year there in study
and travel, visiting every South
American nation but Paraguay,
Included among these are two silver
spoons with handles shaped by the
natives in filigree, and two model- ed as representations of the native




Guy Will Head


smaii dish of amine silver, a!
basket, and!
bright red
a strange, light little doll made from
thepith of an aquatic plant in Rioj
de Janeiro are also on display.
in one ca.se is a small boat made '
Irom reeds from the shore of Lake
Tipicaca. an exact replica of those
sailed by the natives on the highest
navigable lake in the world. Thej
native boats are marie of hugh reeds
and can be used only about two
months, until they
logged and must be set ashore to!
dry before they can be used again.
is only
Mrs. Serve's collection
part of the complete exhibit, which
includes charts and maps lent by
the national Foreign Policy Associa- tion. showing the relation of the
two continents in trade, mveste-- ;
ments. exports and imports.



College Art Exhibit In Union
7 ermed

'Exciting'Iiy Reviewer

An exciting note in an otherwise?
hot and humid summer at the Uni- - of the still lifes from our Kentucky
versity of Kentucky is the interThe most notable is an explosive
collegiate art exhibit now holding oil. "Autumn Flowers." by Carol
forth in the Student Union building Patrick of Morehead. The person
Entitled "The Kentucky College interested in sports will find a great
Art Fxhibition" it is iust that, be- - aP' 01 pleasure in me c..i. clean
colors of the ' Athletic Still Life"
ing composed of works by students
done by Elsie Sanders of Morehead.
A teacher's heart must be in his
which was presided
Do you like realistic pictures with
over by Dr. Jesse E. Adams, direc-- , work, the speaker continued. arid- - from Asubry. Centre.
quality, but with
tor of the summer sesion.
ing that it would be one of the prin- - Moitheari. Murray. Western and the a photographic
University of Kentucky. As this is extra depth? Then don't fail to see
Atter replying to tne welcomes ciples of his administration to
him by students, facul- - vide M"" tight sort of environment the first time that there has ever the work done by Murray's Harold
West nr the industrial drawing by
ty and friends. Dr. Donovan ex- - for
been such a collection exhibited in Barbara Walton of Centre. They
pressed his plans for the future.
Previous to the address by Dr
it is particularly fitting
oS ordinary everyday things but
"I accept things as they are and Donovan. Prof. C. A. Lampert ot Lexington,
that the University should sponsor somehow a life has been breathed
will work gradually with the stu- - the music department led the
and faculty." he said. "A sembly in singing "My Old
it. and thereby aid in the develop- - into them.
..1,,.! The number of water colors is
administrator is the servant tucky Home" and "Alma Mater " menl of art in the state of Kentucky
.somewhat limited hut there is
of his teachers and not their boss." Lonery Kohler. soloist, sang "Calm
only the works of co'l'-g- f
mte quality exhibited. The one most
he added.
Is The Night." and "I Love Life."
exhibited, there is a p(T(Vf veW designed and painted is
students are
There need be no fear that he
to the convocation contrast of technisue. and a
that of an old hewn fence and
would make the University into were Bart Peak. Union building
of talent that, are start-ief- J
nM done bv Biaxron McDonald
colted,?." Df. rector: Dr. M M. White, assistant ling Port rail make up a greater
of Wetern. It is certainly descrip-pa- rt
Donovan declared, because he rea- - dean of the College of Arts and
of the show, while still lifers rjvp n
KenU)fkv while several
lized that teacher education is only Sciences; Dean W E. Freeman,
run a close second. Probably the ,hers also depict views of our agri-befunction of many."
sistant dean of the College of En- prot raits are by Louise Wilkin- rMniIHi jt
The speaker continued by stat- - gineering:
Dr. W.D.
Funkhouser. son of
two presen- A goo(1
mf)nv of ,np landscapes
ling he had no intention of im - 'dean of the graduate school; Dean tations. Centre who has Pink Sweat-- 1
entitled "Girl in
jfPS inrIlnp tward being
j,nd stl
proving teacher training at the ex- - Alvin E. Evans of the College of
pense of research work. A Univer- - Law; Dr. L.J. Horlacher. assistant er" and "The Maid." A very subtle! too passjW- PjIhpr .showing
has been done by Lucy O'Fla- - tllre handling of materials or the
sity must have good research, he dean of the College of Agriculture:
Nany tack of thp
desmn. and not as
said, "and I am goinig to do all I Dean Edward Weist of the College herty of Georgetown while
Howard of Morehead turned out n ....
can to stimulate it."
H P'Mk. retiring
0f commerce; I
aveu lonr cair rwmiiT
I'rid ....... some rases. 4 grear many colors are
Reviewing his own schooling. Dr. business agent of the University:i
used, too otten the okl standby.
, m- ' Mrs P i"""""-r'?
Donovan pointed out qualities in' ,.
group of
teachers which he considered essen V tl..1
Won n . .f ............ '
,....... atAJ. objects whichone sees avery much, BROVVV. has a picture that is an- he likes
until one sees
tial. including kindness, courtesy.
of beautv Frank Peterson, New comptroller of he of'en wishes he roulrt see it ag'i'n nving and depressing
Such, too are som" of
an'1 ?s?m
a C DKLt'XS.'
the Unr'ersitv
and a cppp.cit to stir ambition




as-o- ne





- ,.,..

Students, Faculty,
Alumni, Friends
Are Invited


No Advance Without Money,
Donovan Predicts To Students
President Lists




Will Open At Guignol July 15 AAA
Geiger-Directe- d






over-worke- d


Business Educators
H. P. Guy. assistant professor of
commerce at the University of Kentucky. was elected president of the
American Business Educators Association, a department of the National Education Association. Wednesday at Boston.
Active for several years in orga
devoted to business e location. Mr. Ouy has served
American Business Educators Association as vice president, secon.!
vice president, national members"' ?
diiedtor. State director, and ed 'o.-its quarterly maeazine.

Baker To Teach
Prof. Maurice W. Baker, head fi
of Distributive
Education, will be in M
from July 7 to 25 to tench
at the University of Minnesota Department of Vocational Education.
Professor Baker will teach a class
in Organization
and Administration of Distributive Education Programs and one in Problems of Coordinating Retail Selling Classes.

the department,


What Goes
On Ilere- ,


7 p.m.
Union open house
4 p.m.
Tea hour, music room of
Union building: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Allton.
fi:30 pm. Dinner in honor "f
new University officials.
7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Dancing in women's gym.
7:15 p.m. Band roncert tn Memorial Hall amphitheater
4 pm
Phi elta Kappa initiation
and picnic.
8:ig a.m. Convocation; musie de-


8:30 p.m. Moving picture at Union building.
9 .3" p m
Dance on Jewell hall.
'o 9 30 pm. Dancing in
women's gym.
pm Kappa Pe'.'a PI
tia'iori and piciuc.

� Ike

Student Government: The Laboratory
And Training Ground Of Democracy


I sujiixise that education lor demociacv is
i.bout the hardest kind ol education there is.
tor ix)th the student and I he teacher. It must
be nu.ie than a memorizing of facts and the-- i
iHv It has to Ik a loiitiniions development ot
ehaiacter qualities as well: of initiative, ol lead
ership. ( cooM.iaiion, of real concern lot the
veifare not onlv ol oneself directlv hut of the
Lodv of mankind as a whole, umii which one's
welfare in the long run cieends.
It must he a process whiih will not lesult in
icH 'Sine students to lie either selfish and narrow
or iiiisclli-.l- i
in t "disillusioned" and discoui-aeadvance from attempting to impioxe
roiidiiions of life. When we trv to decide what
ihrallv, will bring out the
kind ot education.
C'.khI lesult and avoid the had, we are at ome
",.aie that we late an enormous problem.




outside lass. 1 lie more independent woik a!
student can do. the more of whai he learns lie



vcill 1 iik iiiIm i
I lull is not to say that


required studies aie
to disapeai. but that iiidejxndeiii studies are:
to be encouraged, and that such encouragement
and the interest that goes with it must lie the!
constant concern of everv teacher, on whatever
Srudeni government has not vet licen gen
eralK acivpted. and its advocates are having a
gieat deal ol trouble currently in convincing
school admiiiistiators that it otight to be. For
iu older to lie effective, cither as government
or as education, it has to be real; it has to actually hapien. I'tincipals of high schools and
presidents ot universities shake their heads at
the vciv mention of such an idea. Let the Mil
inn the school' No indeed.



Am solution that comes will have to lie woiked
out eradualh. errors will have to lie made and
corrected, and teachers will have to learn and
improve. The direction of the movement, however, can he seen alieadv, I believe, in two developments ot modem education. One is the
increase in the studv of things bv laboratorvt
niethods. variously applied to science, engineering, and the arts. The second is in a wav related to the first, but more vital; it is the uijiid
it.i veut- - in the JnsI srveral years of demonatic
st !i ie ht fiinerntnetit.
Tlit laloiatorv method of Mudv is bv now
tenriallv acicpted. tlHHigh the jiossihilities ol
iis application have bv no means been exhausted. It is especiallv valuable if it results in t lie
production ol things which are useful to the
tiid lit vclio makes them, and even mote il
ihev suggest to him lines of independent studv
.liih he Kill then lie interested enough to pur- -


course, it is not projiosed that the
students shall run the school. It is prooscd
thai ihev shall have control over certain of its
activities which concern them directlv, leaving
mattets of finance and educational standards
where they now. reside with the faculty and adil

I'rincipais and presidents who have allowed
their students to establish working systems have
found that the students are surprisingly good
at it. and that, with proer handling, they improve rapidlv. Matters of discipline,
activities of all kinds, and recommendations concerning every phase of curriculum and
administration are among the concerns ot an
established student governing body.
Its turn Honing is an aid to the students and to
the smooth operation of the administration itself and the educational lesults are invaluable
iu a dciiMK taiic yicietv.

John E. Stfmph.
of Ion Htilisttt Indium! Vnis'ernty


when its ciiieus aie
adecjuateh inhumed, and a press tree to invest i
.iie and u pon the tacts remains the liest nice?
uiiii toi giving those citizens the inhumation
ihev need to fulfill their ohligations 10 societv
and to carrv on their daily lite in the hiisiuess
and vxial world. Lducaiors long have rccog-ird the value ol training school childicn t
lead iiev'spaers and the value ot that leading
ihe basic subjects of modem
in hiinging to
(Li, I ni ii ula.
Mote stress than ever will he phued during
the next tew months on tiewsa)M-- i leading. I'to-ne- t
mini Mi llion can keep ilie men and women
of Amenta inhumed of the dangers lacing the
nation, full inhumation can help them in their
pitpaiatiou tot the common defense, and 10111-icie intiM mat ion can instill national confidence
and Li nig national unity.

lit ruociac



ll, pi ess an continue its job oi keeping the
ciiiveiirv inhumed if it is not handicapped bv
unnecessary censorship, and a citieurv trained
id read newspaiers intelligently will make ihe
LeM use ot the inloi niation published,
we lit leading of new spa k is is an iiiixi t.tnl pail
ehi ation.
ewspacrs rcalic ilie value of public
and do everything in tlieir jowet to keep



dicii news K jxiiis accurate. In times si it as
these piopagauda ot all sorts I xi nines a pail
c;t iht- - news stieam. Discerning editors att'inpt
If; v red out su h propaganda 01 lo label it
iainh. The it aili I mmhi leailis. if he is disi hi

NOTE Slightly
the spectacle of the movpicture "Gone With The Wind"




Jack Tarver. who
this review in his newspaper
ihe Toombs County Ga i Demo- Ciut




ing. thai each newspaper gives the authority toi
eve iv statement of fart it makes il cites the
record whence ii came, the official or authority
who gave out the information, the circumstances
under which the inhumation was obtained. Bv
taking in this aid to understanding the individual reader can weigh the fails, not as statements
bv this or that newspajKr, but as statements
iioiu this or that record or this or that authority,
and can decide how at curate the facts ot the
iiiierpietalioii aie.



Flood as a peacock, he roared like
a lion and rode like a dog and pony
Alter Sherman came he was
cK.zv us a bedbug.
"Anyhow. Scarlett was in love with
A'hle Wiikes. who was in love with
nis cousin Melaule, who Was in
eve with Ashley and so Uiey were
i Ashley
and MelaJiw m
cs.se vou re getui
This irritated Som-Jer-t
be nd





second ii