xt7zkh0dw75v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zkh0dw75v/data/mets.xml Kentucky Historical Records Survey 1938 books Kentucky Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Kentucky Historical Records Survey--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Manual of the Survey of Federal Archives in Kentucky. Instructions for field workers text Manual of the Survey of Federal Archives in Kentucky. Instructions for field workers 1938 1938 2012 true xt7zkh0dw75v section xt7zkh0dw75v      
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Prepared by  gs 
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This manual of instructions, prepared especially for field workers  
‘C.',"' -1
engaged in the Survey of Federal Archives in Kentucky, under the super- ped-  
vision of the Division of Women's and Professional Projects, Works Pro- sig.?
gress Administration in Kentucky, is based on more than two years of  
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actual experience, as this Survey was begun on March 1, 1956.  
In its preparation we have been actuated by the almost single desire  
to simplify the original manual prepared by Dr. Philip M. Hamer, of the  
National Archives, Washington, D. C., and National Director of our Survey.  
It also embodies the essential facts of more than 200 memorandums issued  
by Dr. Hamer's editorial staff, during the first sixteen months of the  
survey, when it was a federal project. Since September 1, 1937, our  
survey has operated as a state-wide project.  
, This manual is issued at this time especially for the instruction  
of the new workers that have been requisitioned for new units. We hope _ 
to be able to survey every depository of federal archives in these new  
; 3 ‘  o  ‘;  i   —           ‘~      '%» V  It ·    `; ‘ if   I   F I I KJZI I a n  
me-- .— -_"-— _—_-M  
iPl.lI;P·CE3§': The survey of Federal Archives in Kentucky shall be devoted to  
the inspection of the records of the agencies of the Federal Government,  
wherever located. It will seek to ascertain the exact location, volume and  
condition of the storage of Federal Archives. To identify, as to their con-  
tents,   other information which may be of assistance for public and of-  
fical use, and to insure their preservation,  
Organizat_i_<:Ln; In order to make a survey of Federal Archives, a state- ·  
wide project, under the Women*s and Professional division of the Works Prog-  
ross Administration in Kentucky, as the official sponsor and the Kentucky  
State Historical Society as cooperating sponsor, was established,  
_]2_e_f_i.n_5t_t·i_e_n pf Archives; By archives is meant, the unpublished records  
of an agency of the Federal Goverment, executive, legislative, or judicial,  
made in connection with the functions of that agency. However, any printed I 
‘matter such as enclosures, or separate exhibits, should be included in the  
serial reports, Among archives desired are typed and written records, such  
as correspondence, memoranda, reports, schedules, questionnaires, dockets,   l
forms which have been filed in the transaction of business, reference, tab-  
ulation, and index files. It includes printed maps upon which notations  
have been made, photographs, photographic plates, motion picture films,and  
sound recordings. It also includes circulars, press releases, bulletins,  
when original copy is not on file. "Archives" are records of transactions  
of yesterday or a century ago.  
Eulnlished Records; The survey is not concerned with published proceed-  
ings or reports, except; to send to the State Director lists of published  
volumes or pamphlets which are old and rare. While it is—pr·ima_rily_in-  
° ’ M O if I  
zo} 4-3  I   _ o no . i or - Y S   ~ . · - [ t   ‘- F V·sso , ‘ ·  F
V     g r; .  -  ~ Ir   4ss e   v,i;‘     L ; r-'i s yeuex ,5;  x irr F- ·   i is   aa iai   i as    s»e    e‘»»l»    

   _ Q    * AW  ‘     —    *   1  igi  ’-» _  Q   ‘· ‘“    ~   ‘ It Y T C A   A   
r  ‘.~ g
terested in unprinted records, it wishes to procure information regarding zyjj
.5 J
existence of maps and publications of the Government of the United States.  
r This survey is not concerned with the archives of states, counties,  
• • • • 4 • • • . 7 ff]!
municipalities, private institutions, individuals er families, except inse-  
if W
far they are new in the possession of an agency of the Federal Government. =:j;>_;§
Duties of Field Workers; They shall acquaint themselves with the pro-  
cedure to be followed in making a survey of Federal Archives. This 1mowl—  
edge may bc gained by studying thc forms on which the information regarding  
archives is to be entered, together with instructions set forth in this man-  
ual. Conferences shall be arranged for field workers at which time problems  
relating to the work can be discussed.  
Regulations; Workers must observe the following regulations;  
l. Do not write on archives, even for the purpose of numbering  
ri ..· ,;_
2. De not mutilate archives. Violation of this regulation shall  
be grounds for dismissal.  
5. Do not remove archives from containers, without permission from ’" ;,
 v ,·/·;‘  " ·_   A:   4    $,1» *‘  

 I- »»··  A             rs  
· · 8. Smoking by workers is prohibited in rooms where survey is being  
conducted. Observe this regulation even when not imposed upon  
clerks and custodians,  
9. Cooperate with Government Employees or custodie.nS··<;r£' archives,  
Cpmpl_c£i;_en gf Qpgii: It is very important that the workers have a thor-  
ough understanding of the information desired, and that forms be completed  
with scrupulous regard for accuracy. Precaution should be taken that all  
data collected is, as far as possible, errorless,  
EE pf _lj‘_e_rin_s: For the purpose of procuring information four forms have  
been developed (copies are included in this manual). In upper left hand  
corner enter name of state, city or town in which agency is located. In  
upper right hand corner leave "Report No." blank. "Sheet___of___she¤:ts"  
Enter nl Of ln, unless addenda-sheet is attached, in which case it should  
mad ul Of zu. On top of addenda sheet a notation should be made. Example;  
"Report on Agency, Covington, Ky., No.“__ sheet 2 of 2 sheets,"  
lll?} @1 §_§§_As This form shall be submitted for each local office of a  _
sub—division of a department, or independent agency. Information of sub-  3,
divisions of local offices will appear on form EBSA. Where possible, charts   ~
showing the organization of the local office should be attached to the re-  
port. Information desired can be secured by interviewing someone connected  
with the office, V 
l. List name of department. Example: War Department, Department  
of Treasury. Veterans Administration, Interstate Commerce Com- e  
2. List names of sub-division, proceeding from the largest to the  
smallest unit, ending with the name of the local office.  
Example: Bureau of Internal Revenue, Alcohol Tax Unit, Dis-·  
trict No, 7, District Supervisor. This information can be  
i f- .       ,i~c   i·‘‘ $2  i f A A  »  A:   ·‘l  L  '2   "7 ·? ;4" "  z  

 M _  
secured from organization charts, or by questioning goverment    
eff ic i als . `   
5. If you question accuracy of date of establishment of local agen-  
cy or office, indicate thus: 1850 (?). If only an approximate  
1 date is obtainable, indicate thus; C. 1850.  
LL. If this information is not readily obtainable, no research  
_ should be made to procure it.  
5. Include all buildings in which archives of the agency are housed.  
6. Aseertain whether agency was formerly located in other buildings.  
7 and 8. Inquire whether archives have been lost, destroyed or dis-  
posed of. Procure lists if possible and describe fully.  
9. Records considered of no permanent value,  
lO, Determine whether any archives are sent to Washington.  
ll and I2. List name, title and address of person interviewed, and  
official in charge of local agency.  
15. Note any additional information you consider of value.  
@li‘_orm§§§1_t. The project superintendent shall locate buildings in  
which Federal Archives are stored, submit a report, and where possible at-   A
tach pictures thereof. Its purpose is to furnish information as to its  
suitability as a safe depository of archives, V 
l and 2. Name and locationwof building, Example:  
Hurley....w,‘Iright Building  
128 South Cherry Street.  
5 and LL. Date of erection, typo of construction, number of floors,  
and materials of which building is constructed.  
5, 6 and 7. Obtain ratings from Underwriters Association, and  
other information from custodian, or building inspector, If  
this is not possible, make your own estimate and give reasons  
i FA‘O"6  
        p       _. I  _-   -,,..     .,·-,. .4   -.,_   W     y   _    
 ;      ~—.·  ?::Q‘??i»`g?? }  ..·  #*5* ~.;i     `"f’l ’   I  »»·.  ; ? ° `M -5 5 iiiil  

 2  5 °    
§ · L
  8, Precautions to be noted, are prohibition against smoking, use  
  of metal containers and clearing desks of loose papers at the  
  end of the day. Among the protective devices to be noted, are `  
  automatic sprinkler systems, hose and fire extinguishers. l f Q;
  9. Note any additional information you consider of value.  
  H12} Egxln 21%. In addition to the building reports, e. report on rooms  
  in which archives are located shall be submitted. Describe rooms, and if if  
  possible obtain photographs, showing storage conditions. 21
  l and 2. List name and location of building.    
  U 5. List room number, or symbol, if any, otherwise indicate its i _ _,~d, an  
  location thus; Basement, south-west corner. V    
  L;. Indicate whether used as office or storage room.   A  
  5, 6, 7 and 8. Check conditions which exist as indicated on report,    
  and describe mcnaces or impediments,    
j 9. Note additional information you consider of value. 4  
  WEA §‘_er;1_§§_§1i_. The purpose of this form is to obtain an identification.  
5 of the archives in a depository. The quantity of archives docs not signify  
, a serial, the determining factor is how they are filed. In smaller offices,  
Y2 correspondence, reports, memoranda and other records, are usyally filed as  
· one unit, however, if filed separately, a serial report shall be submitted  
‘ ‘   *
for each set of files, such as, correspondence, reference, financial, ro-  
° search, and personnel,  
1, 2 and 5. List name, address, and room number in which serial,  
being reported upon, is located.  
Li. If "agency or origin" is other than "agency of eustody", where  
  possible, obtain infomation as to how the records came into  
,_ h their custody, otherwise follow instructions given in item l,  

    ‘' ’  u  ‘     2    ‘ ~      of i         sver ¥ ` 5°° 2 if     T  T  it  ’  
  ‘A.’~ 7   ~->—  _,,_ »_ _   i’ T u .  §?j`?—§
  gg · E
report on agencies. As a rule the agencies of origin and cus-   ‘=_J  
— . I
tcdy are the same. The distinction here is important and must »V»·  
be made with great care. If one agency receives material peace-  
meal from another and files it in its own office for its own  
' use, the receiving agency will be considered as creating the  
archives, and is, accordingly, the agency of origin. Thus, if ''i’A    
the clerk of courts receives forms and photographs from the  
Bureau of Naturalization and Immigration and files them, he  
    if 5
thereby makes them part of the archives of the courts. If a  
_ ;;¤;r"$,g ZT, I
bureau, office or other subdivision is transferred from one  
department to another, it is considered to be part of its pres-  
ont department; and its files, even though they may go back into  
the period when it was another department, will bo counted as  
Lqa· #‘y;.‘·- _‘
the files of the department to which it new belongs.  
5. Follow instructions illustrated in item 2, report on agencies.  
v i 
6 and . If asenc of ousted is same as a cnc of ori·in write  
5 y y g g , ,:?f>‘~·==:%?’ 
in "same", if not write in name of department and subdivision  
as instructed, in item l and 2, report on agencies,  
8. List title of serial, this information can usually be supplied  
by the persons interviewed, or from lablcs on filing cases,  
packages, or volumes.  
9. Show inclusive dates, if certain portions of the serials are  
‘ missing, ascertain why.  
lO, The title of a serialpis sometimes sufficient to identjify it,  
if net, the description should be brief, but sufficiently clear,  
that one who has not seen the serial may have an understanding  
of the general character of its contents, whether, correspond-  
‘ ‘ f€· ?Zf  
i gm-1;-; ;;p'>»y
ence, re-por'; s, tabulatiens, charts, maps, or other types. When  
?,_ _ J  
FA-O- 8    
5: » _ yr zfjiiqii 
rj     V
55=;»~ ··ni  
1' ,;·*¤** Q
n     s c ,     l     A u . V- L _ ~   n ·   .c.. » ,n._ T n    
   r vce,     W _     ,   is   _‘~_     "          
V F     ‘ ’ · N  -···   .·‘:2·fQ.  u   ~   · -·‘·     —    "   ‘   "“"?#<"‘    C`{'1"Z   

  »     —  . » _  z   
v       T    1 - * -       ·-  V.               e I I •  
. ` . '  
only form numbers are shown as titles, this information should Z}; 
be given under item 10, and title listed should be descriptive .~·f; Q
’ ·.  l?
of contents of files, It is not the purpose to delve into in-  
timate contents of a file, but investigations beyond the more  
‘ naming and neasurincq of records should be made.  
11., Indicate, whether "daily", "frcquently", "occassional1y" ,  
"rare1y" , or "never".  
12. Indicate whether "public", "official", or "confidential".  
  fi __‘i l
15. Show location, if in another room, card or volume index, di-  
4;-'2'»   ,1
mensions, and linear footage.  
ll;. Check in square, the form in which archives are maintained.  
15. Show approximately length and width of forms indicated above.    
Example; "lOxl2" , or "lOxl6".    
/ . . . . .  E}
lo. Show total linear feet of archives of serial in question.  
· __, 52;;
Linear footage means measurement of archives from top to  
bottom if placed flat one on top of another. Do not remove  
from containers for measurement. Example; One drawer of filing  
case, when full, contains about 2 linear feet. 3:  
17. Show number and type of containers.  
1. Indicate nnunber of drawers, thus; "2O drawers". gg ; 
2. Indicate number of cases, thus 5, 6 or 12. ‘  
· . . u . n   l. `
5. Obsolete containers, indicate thus: L;.x9 size . ;;;.¤,_;;r  __,<
·»17·i,5;_ .
ly. Indicate size of cards, thus; "5x5", or "5x8".  
5. Indicate whether, open or enclosed, wood or steel.  
6 and 7. Indicate size, in width, height and length. "“i,§g;<*’ Y T 
T···¤•'+·.i wgy
"`Y 4*  
8. Indicate any other type of containers.  
18. Check in squares, conditions existing.  
.3z, .j·’-,_ *1 rj
19. List, name and title of person supplying information.  
 f-;  J
  `  ll
  2* V`°i ·; ;       z     ```· e ,—.. 7     »  w   —   · i· ‘· M  
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