xt7zkh0dw12s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zkh0dw12s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1955 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 26, 1955 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 26, 1955 1955 1955 2012 true xt7zkh0dw12s section xt7zkh0dw12s   3
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· 3
A i A QI
j f The K
Q Q Kentucky 0
¤ it Lexingtc
I Association i
    U K Mourns Guy A Hugue et    
i • • • é.-
. ii b {
$11015; 0Pr
` Council
. ' nt i
ts Qi?
The shadow of death has cast its grim reflec- of those who were never too busy, never we i}‘,,,,‘§%t§
. . . . , . _ Anne iam
tion across the campus of the University of Ken- involved in personal obligations to devote their ~·—
tucky and across the hearts of the alumni, the undivided attention to the needs and hopes of 195+5
members of the University Board of Trustees a great University. H,,,,m. L_ 1
. . . ~Co.. epoe-
arid the administrative staff. \\Q)_E51_Cq
lTQ1llll1\ I
He was not easily expendable. However, it is liskycciax
Guy A· Hrrgaerea 14> caarrmaa cl: the exec"' not for us to doubt; rather it is for us to accept B‘,Qi;,fl{}§;‘
i -. · . , , ii —, T, -—
trac cammaree vt the Baara al Tracreeci member the will of God in all things and to be deeply ilidisuriii
. V V- · · _ lloliert H. l
cli the Alam"' Execatwe C°mmmee> member cr grateful that Guy Huguelet was permitted to }%ex{n¥r¤Q
• . . . .(\1`1S E A
_ the board of the Athletics Association and long- give SO much, fm. SO [Ong G time, to the bummg Ri;;m..E(q;
time Supporter and frrerrd Or hrs Alrna Mate‘r> of lll.? U11tU61'Slty. His LlCtlU’lt’l8S UJGTG SO ’U(U`l€(l, 11dg3;.3]_
. . . . . . . . 197T>
succumbed rc a heart attack rm July 23* his interests so wide that his imprint remains, Gc§g§l__)Gi·fl
. Ol I
not only within the confines of the campus but "`*f,'{={·:¤  
Here was a man who had devoted years of . . . . . if ,{“b_“f,`;
' _ _ _ _ in his community, in his state and throughout @8,* ·
his life and his invaluable business acumen to . iv.iiiim in
I _ _ the south which he loved. mss)
the promotion of a better University of Ken- l>··n§<¤¤1i»t» rz
0Z\l( 0
_ _ tucky. Here was an alumnus who had found _ _ i l·jf·}f_;;;{<§·
, _ _ _ Perhaps his life will be a lesson to others and xi ug N;.§{
time, although involved in innumerable personal, _ _ _ .I,,m,din
i _ _ , , _ , through his untimely passing there may COMIC llqrgueritgj
A business, civic and social commitments, to give ` _ melon (L
, , , others to take up the cudgel and to follow ni “-IU Pihii
of his love and loyalty—unstintingly—to Alma _ _ D|·g;i¤i¤i·>·;
i his footsteps of devoted service. ;L§§‘§$
Alaccrh Svuiur Clil  
I lyillignsh
lIIll(}l' IIISS
The University of Kentucky always has been Huis lovely wife and children have our deep ""‘* Piks
fortunate in the unselfish loyalty of her sons and sympathy in the loss of him whom. they so gel- A
daughters. Guy A. H uguelet was in the forefront lantly shared with us. “’{A·L_j5;{*m
. yiinrs Bi Al
cwalrl H.
ll lifagkfiire.
. *“‘ ·· $1;
_ l._4l).u·i’ C<>¤¤¤*—$¤¤· €¤¤¤¤¤. C¤r1¤i¤ 9
I {mb llichnrd E. Cooper, Somerset, Ky. (Term expires C]jnic, Fultéu “’0H*P C0\\¤f)'—E\'€f€!t Miller. Campton _ _
{tried H 19-E7) I E P_ _u K (T _ Garmrd C0unty——Miss Iona Montgomery, Lan- “y§’;’€‘5‘;?l';{}c§;°"“tY"]°h¤ VV- `vil\'¤0Yt» JT-. I _
, 0r11c011 . ·vnns, mevi e, y. erm expires caste, . 1
1957) G-; · . C t_·—\V`ll'1 P. l. . \{1_·fi ll I ·
mzins, G¤§ggl7)GrfFi¤, Pikeville, Ky- (Term expires §;¤‘1i§c1éE;`unzy·§iL§;r;L1/?i%Eni{Q\v;;vil1; ;
¤ . ‘ rv- r , 1 . _ . - · *
ls but l\`i|liz11u I·I. 'l`0wnsen` 640 N' Crow" •
1. S. Watkins, 251 E. High, Lexington (Board l·Iickmzm C0unty—]nck Newton. Clinton ’ _ .
IS and \0f Trustees) Hofpkins Céinnty-B8; (glornréi, lxlyidiggonggllgc l{y_   Oh¤¤—F0bert McDowell, 3203 W. E
'   \V. Nucl, Citv El];Kllll‘l‘l"S Ofticu, Henderson Ju erson 0unty— au e prow s, ..... um- · · ,
` (I ·l'; * z.: 2‘·."l= l l. d A .. L i `ll I4. Dzillal`. 'l`·.’:: — Cl .t=‘ C. Y . 2921 Fa`- V
com 11i1§322iL‘ l5i¤i’§I.‘gi§1‘1;Z"ié‘é’E. itlm-eil,   ie-S35?.-}2.. Co`ifnn»-Qllilzonenouer,Nic1m1nsvi11e moht ‘```   " ° ‘`‘‘ “   I
' mgton (Life member, honorary) ‘ ]011¤5Q¤ Q0u¤W·MY$- A1Pb¤Y€tt¤ Archuh Dayton, Ohin—Mi·s. \Vin5t(m Blythe, 120 ’
{Ow 1;] H- D. Pnlmore, Fmnkfoii, Ky. (Life member. Pamtsvrlle _ Marston Drive
’ honorary) Knox Cc1unty—Barnard McKeehan, Barbourville D1 _ . \ __] _ \
¤¤.c¤¤rgew11s¤n, zoo N. Upper sr., Lexington Knott county-ciaude may, Principal, Hind- ****1** —*&$··¢B·{·¢<· —*1s··¤*¤¤*~ 1879 E- Maple 9
(Life member, honormv) man High School Rrmcl, Blll1llllL`{lh\ll\, Mich. I
Svninr Class R;-nrnsi-nni1i\?l·-lnnn-S Levin, Larue C0unty—Stanley A- Hager, Hudgenville Midland, Te-xas—H. I. Rucker, 207 E, Maple ; .
llillimnglnn-g_ Ky, Laurel County—G. W. Griffin, London _ Ave. J ,
]¤1¤jor_Clnss Rop1·osr-ntntivo, Helen Vance Gilb, L¤“’¤’€¤°€ C°'·*“U’-G€°l"¥·!°’ R- B“"g°s$· L°“.HSi“ Middle Tennesse-e—R0bert 'I`. Hamm, Trimble I ‘
V dew) lung Pikl-, Lyxington Lee_County—Dr. Clarence Combs, Benttyvi e ROML Nashville) Temh .
Leslie C0unty—Denver Adams, Hyden N _ O I L G - ·
I Locker County-]. L. Hays, wmzesburg Q; t *81*2;*9 De- ¢¤*¤¢ E- J¤¤¤¤· 4969
SO ga ' APPOIVHVE ME\iBERg Lewis C0unty—Charles Staggs, Vanceburg _ * " mpc ’ ml "VB I
i ' " · Lincoln County-Truman Taylor, Waynesburg New York C1ty—Wnlter N. Flippin. jr., o/o
MY; IlI¤Ulg\‘l0lkC. Aclums. Old Keen l’la1c¤·. LognnCCoirnty3G§)z;‘ln;.iilleCqlark, Ilgigsellville California Texas Oil C0. Ltd., 551 Fifth Ave. \ Q
·°X*“=¤¤· >’- , L10 curity-- i IP erm ¤ ¤w¤ 1>1 1; 1-1 11. P:.-—l’;l ~— 1). 12 -1 .— :. : - ·
guns B. Allen, Box 112, \\’inelu·st<·r, lxy. lrloélrnokon County-]0hn Blahkburn, Citizens     |;i|]_ {hmm ` ln" NG; Anm
(l‘f`*l\”¢l Bl’llm·H, Sclwillvy l)istill1·1‘i1·s, Savings Brink Bldg., Paducah ,_ . . - Z
].nmkhm` KW Mccmmv C0unty_C. VV. Hume, Stearns \\.l§l]lll$t(`Hl, ]).C.—h{H(lll(*t*l`I Small, 2517 39th
Paul C- Bli\ZL`l'; ]r,, 2717 Cu111l1L·rl;1n;l AVO., X{cLenn 'C0unty—Ch81’l€S Catton, S8Cl”8lTl€¤t0 bt: k'\V" APL 201
ligihlillwl. Ky. Mngoffin County-Lotléer Ricci ialyersville \\’¥l1nn1;0rX \V. Va.—C. R. \Vilson, ]r,_ 109
-_ twin Francis Bowling Groom Kv. Marion Countv—Pnu wens, e anon _osep vc. j
mulillll Cunt M`; _- ‘- Bl |-_ (1   El · K Y, M hnll County-]. Homer Miller Benton -—  -
I-R1¤>·.1·»¤k1¤s, Eli3iil;·tlir;>i·ii, l?;.m)OlO ) X12;-gin County——Tr0y Mills, Inez ’ _ Exeeutive Committee meets second Monday l
T- ll- l*lm·dwi4_·k_ Koimickjmi llntnl, ]_,L»xinglnn_ Nfnggn County—Wi1liam D. Calvert. Maysville night of each mnnth. September through
Ng- i Mende County—Wil1iam Henry Allen, ;{/Iayl6il30 p.m. Colonial Room, Lafayette C
  ·\V¤1kei·, Box sos. Mr. so-ning, Ky. Brandenburg ote - e¤:¤ ·1·¤ rj; mu
i . . ~ - CUITCII WO Zll lI`€€ O HI` ITICITI CYS l)S O () \ ·
  untlclpated program Of the future for your classification of ($5.00) five dollars per lmembgs zultl Will
j Alumni Association, and urged you to attend the Shu), which will include subscriuuous [0 the rm ussorj;
  animal meeting in May and to east your vote, Kentucky Kernel if desired, the Kentucky Alum. ul Young
.   either for or against an enlarged fund-raising HHS and all 0ih€1` PFi"il€g€S of m€mb€YShiP· l"f_*l‘° n’
. I plan whereby we hope to grow in size and scope _1 hs ll
_ r aud useruluese These points were voted on separately at the tilm;l‘§rC‘
U annual meeting, and all of them passed, which by uw _l
, More than 400 of you attended the luncheon gleauslllat when YOEY dries CORE: f¤¤ti lnllot las
‘ on May 28, at which time we held the annual die mulgngm men? te; UE Vg CES rr `d dm gl"‘““H°5
` . . . ( ' _ 1l\'SOII
_ meeting of the Alumni Association, and at that Bm W1 6 HO lom Us im an W 6 ues lm ` or ]
‘ meeting a majority voted to cast their lot with _ _ _ Ceumussi
. _ _ You will see in your minutes of the annual E
the future, and to endorse the proposed progi am. _ _ _ _ _ ttmnettet
meeting, published in this issue, that an amend- pipe Cu,
r _ _ ment was offered to the recommendation that pl-aminen
You Wlu be Hotlged through the Columns of dues be raised to $5.00, the amendment reading l1i5i0YiH¤-
this magazine, by direct mail, and by word of that the Kentucky Keruel be Seur duly te these nr elerzte
J mouth, of this new plan, but we believe that it members who requested it Beth the emeudmeur The nr
I I is OUIY fair to You to begin HOW to P1`€Par€ You and the motion, advancing the dues to $5.00. hills Weir;
L I · * ( k . _ i ll lllllll
for the rplan which we hope willrma e you1 were passed by the membershur [hc Smde
‘ Association more powerful, more independent new pmsi
A =¤¤1‘0: 'I`.
~ I have a ruling from the Director of Internal _ rr _ r r   r _ Ri*)`_]€Hl<
Revenue giving all contributors to the Alumni Next Year 1€<*~lY will be   Y€?iT 0 ( €€lS10ll 01 \\';llkC,~_ p
Fund deductions on their tax returns. YOU tilld {Of yOll1‘ Un1V€1‘S1liy. If you feel that _.\[ [hc
your University is a part of your life, if you feel I llmuuitter
2. Employ an assistant to the executive secretary, that your support is necessary to it, as it un- {lt)? **_S1`
preferably a male graduate of the University, at doubtedly is, and if you feel that without y0l11`   Flr H
a salary to be established by the steering com- Ou] u 1 H er ll bc k· , Al · AS_ `_°° €‘ V
ll]l[[€€ 3f[€l` iHICl`Vl€\\’S \\'i[ll {IIC l)€l”SOl'l S€lCCI.€(l. In   · HC H ucla llc lng youl ulnnl   Ul lhc COI
SOC1at10n cannot fulhll 1tS purpose, then you wil rldmes Lr
_ _ _ carry in your heart a sense of responsibility of lluduate,
.   That the Executive Committee be authorized to . . . . . [min [
_ _. . _ . . partnership and love which will inspire you to S 01
· borrow sufficient funds from oun life membership _ _ _ _ _
cumulative Fund to finance the campaign and g1V€ 21 llttle 1nOr€ and help a lot in your Um-
reorganization for the Hrst three years. VGI'Slty,S CHOITS to t1Chl€V€ g1'€atn€SS. H_ L_
. _ ‘ Ally Lllun
_ Ftqucstcd

. . § i 
Baker, Covington Head UK Alumni o   at 
Dawson, Curlrn And    ***     ,,, , ,;Vr . v;/ ’   , F , 
  1   1 .   €    5 4 .*
Townsend On Board t     1 1 A    { Q
”‘    ..../t i · Q
Homer L. Baker, ol Loursvrlle, gen-  A4, it /.r’     ' »  
as gra] manager of the Louisville Cenrent   , A 2,,2;    i i
the (3n,, has been elected president of the ,i V ey »_ Y  _i       A A   _,  - -v·   A A
me U]; Alumni Association lor l95:>-:>6 r   `     *    .   i i
)ei._ rrrtl Will Ed Covington, ol Ashland, iid     ,     »’ ‘-·¢    ,/, A »__» V ; A
the im associate of the Standard Slag Co.,   ' gt     _r'‘           A   f  
um_ ol Youngstown. Ohio, is vice president   yy /    '':‘‘         ,L,    i  
lor the hscal year which began June l_       A  g ; · -·i: A   ·   i  
The three newly elected members A j;   ·’'/’   A .A   .V     ¥ _\g
the 0[ the executive committee, chosen ·   __ __ V .,  VVV_       ‘     _ i
. with the president and vice president   A V t`-'i A   » A  _,, - »: : ‘‘‘‘‘‘:· T    
Ich liv the active membership in a mail     ·’·‘ ~   ..’V·   VVV_ w  ‘ t r i
ing ballot last spring. are R. R. Dawson.   A ,»-   V‘’'· ·   A ‘         3 · 
rnd Bloomheld, president of the R. R. V_V_.V`i.·`' A °   jr é .       j A 
i_ lnwson Bridge Co.: \t\’illiam P. Cnr-   X r A   A .   , A
lin, of Frankfort, former Kentucky A  . _ ‘ ··       i
Commissioner of Highways and now A A A     , 2
uml ronnected with the Kentucky Concrete Homer L. Baker- Will Ed Covington    
lUd‘ Pipe Co., and WVilliam H. Townsend, {  
Zhat rrominent Lexington attorney and   =
[ing iristorian. The three board members   C I b t AT THE THRESHQLD   A 
lose ne elected for three-year terms. 6 6 ru 65 OF GREATNESS. ,  
lout The new officers and board mem- Golden Jubilee Lost April rho Nowcomgo $0- A {
. hers were introduced at the annual eiety of North America honored  
*-00s iiiunni banquet iieiti on May gg nt Sixteen members of the class of President ]r{_ LA Donornn and the  
the Student Union nt which tune tue 1905 returned last May to celebrate University of Kentucky. President · Q
new president nnnouueeti the nine un theAGolden Anniversary of therrA grad- Donovan was guest Aof honor and A ,
iEN ininriyo rnonibors oi the board who uatron, and with pomp and. en-Cum. deltvereci tire gddress on Stlre oe-  
ttill serve with him this year. They Stance were Presented to President   SJSAOH 0 fm A__(>`c(m}€u ycletys A
OF . . . . . r. Donovan bv namer 1.. inter rmr. 1955 5<*¤*¤¤l~> DMU held 1
_HE tire. Mrs. Hampton C. AAdams, Lex- i· i iii   M _ Ai 0A_"ii·_ Ai Anti] 14 in Lexington i A
urgton; James Allen, \’V1IlCl1€S[€l`Z Ld- (en O dc _‘_‘ umm ‘ SS U‘ Km` J This address by President Dano- E A
[SE iuni Bemiete ipmnkioiti piiui GA the Urrrversrtys A 88th annual com- vim, in which he brought out cme i A
[NE Blazer, jr., Ashland;   David Francis, mcncemcm €X°I`C1S°S· tain epoehal events in the Uni- i
llowling Green: \Villiam Cant, Owens- Escorted to the cornnrencenrerrt plat- \j€‘T$lt}’)$ hiSt<>f}; is_ one of the   i
horo: T. H. Hardwick, Lexington;   lornr by Lt_ Robert L. Able of the fm€$t_ €XD9$ltl9“_$ 9* il Ufli"€Y$itY i A
_ ltityjenkirrs, Elizabethtown, and A.   Department of Military Science and nA€“"“iS aud hlsio? Yiuchd IFS   A
1 lor Walker, Mt. Sterling. Tactics, the members of the 1905 class S`? {icc?} r?COr(S€°_1_t1mit€ tim;   I
that _.\r the Mu, meeting o[ {lic eyeeutiye were irrdividuallv presented to Presi- iailictfiiiiO3;§§Vt_Nigu;r}i__ Ty AL
- — I . . _r css, a num-
feel l0ll1lI1l{[€€ ol {l1€   Alllllllll ASSOCl{\- dent 1)OnOvaH* zlild thcn YVCIAC given bor of gopigg nrc   ;]v;;i];_]l;l() in
uu_ tion a graduating senior and a rnerrr- [ih]? CCMUIAY Qlub €€Y“HCi‘tC$ by the office oi PresidentADonovan. i
Vouii hm- Of next YCHIJS Senior Class yverc l1`€$l(lCl1[BIlkCI. li()liO`\'1l]g LOIlllll€IiC€·   y(?ll \\’1$h to Oi)tlIlH 8 copy fOI` i ,
r selected to serve 35 h0[]()r;u·y rnornbors rnent the entire class held a reunion your library, please address your A I
AS' of the eonunittee next yenn They ntet luncheon at the Laiilyette HOlCl. T§»`(1U.€$li im MISS Luey IAIOENI, i
will l=tm<%s Levin of \rVil1iamsburr 1955 Those rresent lor the occasion were: {residents Omceh Umwrslty Of
’ tv I . , . lxentuekv.
y of naduate, and Helen Vance Gilb of Edgar Allen Clrrre, Kansas City, Mo.: ' .
u to Lexington, a 1956 graduate. Harry G. Edwards, A]acksonville, Ill.: _ j
Une   George Hubbard Gilbert, Lawrenee— Roberts, Somerset; Herman Fred A
burg; \~Vi11iam Henry Grady, Louis- Scholtz, \t\’arrenton, Va.; joel Fithiam » ·
H. L. Roydon, ’23, P.O. Box 3707 ville; Clarence \iValter Hanr, Lexing— Slripp, Lexington; james B. Sprake,
Phoenix, Ariz., wants a 1923 Arrrrual. ton; Fayette _]ohnston, Lexington; Mrs. Pittsburgh, Pa.; \~\’alter S_ \tVeaver, A
Any alumnus having one to spare is Inga \\’erness Kirby, Flint, Mich.; Max Riclrnrorrd Heights, Mo.: Howard i
requested to contact him at above ad- \‘Vest Powell, \~Virrrretka, 111.; \i\’ihnott Murphy \\’est. Lexington: and Hugh
dT€SS· Kenney Prewitt, Mt. Sterling: V. D. Nelson Wood, Louisville. ‘
.·-··/   ;
. N

 '\ X
; . . . .
55 Reunions Hit New High In Gaiely GL
'3O Class Draws V i  l r=··;~          
Largest Numbers . . ; 2 ‘   .   l  i alss  N   »‘l·»··.~¢. .     the l><>=·¤l
A 2V   ._ A I is AZVA ·__»V»*   .  ;     A Lines, dit
Ul{’s new week-end reunion plan.     _ V   _ N A _A` V .   A   ,.;»_V     1 __   l  1 ]oS€]>llA$
inaugurated last May 28. 29 and 30   ·           _°»· V.;   _.`A_ ¤    l. `»·:i  E;   :*‘     Patient tl
as a prelude to commencement, was a   A   QE   I ‘· ___.   _`»‘ A   _:`` '·‘_·, i Qiii =::          j llll‘lClAg""
huge Siieeess, judging lrom the num-     :·i, if; 5 ·,·=` · »»,'‘_V.   J   A V         Hususl
hers and the enthusiasm evident at all   »   N   ·,., ZA   `· A. K  ~ — N __-·. N   *   lllosl lm
retmiaa iNuaetit>¤s.     · . ___&V A . lVNN“` Z¥A;§L »»?N` i   =‘·   _:’;€   A     <—v `       l°*"l€"* "'
, . . _ . . ,   ,;;.t;;g._A:-;;;;.;;:=y;at   ,    ;. ·»—-- A   . · ·~ · .,     ., .
V lhe class ol 1950, celebrating its V __;V ..      we _,;·._ V. VV=.VV   _::_»   AV ,__» 4     IrusVt1aiis
25th reunion under the local chan`- _   A"       ;v;Ai   ‘``il *i? ‘·-   " · ‘       Dude]
manship ol` Mr. and Mrs. Laurence     . A     AAA] A AMA A `iii E =i'`:’’l   :`' `   A   I       (il`C)'l)(’Ull
(Kathleen Fitch) Shropshire, carried _-   A   . A ~     °A .— ‘=’’°’ A AAA A       **<>l¤*°(l P
oil honors as the class with the largest N_ j _A. . A NA Y »·A· A     A  AAA A`   A A "       “A"‘AldAS l"
attendance, which reunion was high» V ·     A     A       lull, Sout
lighted by a party at the Campbell   ty       J ,;=N=     md T°°A
House on Saturday evening, following     A A _A   A   A AAAA •   llllguclcl
the annual alumni banquet. AA A A N       »  y ___ _{_.. .,_   _____V_V   _ AY   ‘ Al ;  lAAAAAAAAA OA
John Benson olA Pittsl)ul`gl1, ]Jl`CSl- . A   _  _A   A_ ‘ AA NWN    V ;   ‘§ AAA   .   l " lllmvn ll
dent ol the 19250 class. presided at the   A A     'A`A   " ei `  —_`. _ NiAA___ ’•     Ames`, H
party at the (lampbell House. and ~   " _ A A   A .     A  ‘N`_     All mint
\iValler _]ones ol` Lexington served as V             mc lll I
master ol ceremonies. A ` _ `   _ _ ~ A f       til `Alml)lCm(
The local class connnittee. headed V .- .»   `    }A     A .. H.AAgAACA
by the Shropshires, had worked out  N»·~ N· ` ` s ‘    FA AAAAAAAA   :»· N ·=·» . ·....   if ("‘ ·lmA
detailed plans for a wonderful re- .  ig   V   {V2.                 .A _g_j;§ A ll AACAAAPC Al
union. highlighted by the presentation .   lj     AAA               i           .   'lllgu°l°l·
are ··1eaa naw are ·*au»st t—1a1ai·ea."       {       N       »-;=~ - ·‘‘ I . ·rAAr» A     I ”?`”“"‘."‘
N etc, Nearly one hundred members ol l     3       X      NN   zA.   *’‘‘         AASAAFAA All
are class eiigayeti the lesm-ities and         ``‘l‘  A W l `   A N Q  ..     ill “'ll`°“"“
pi-maaimai are reunion are best ever.          . -A  4*     EA       l"“l‘l“ll‘
28, with resistration in the Music A . · A` _A   ,·· . · l.A         A   AAA   NA AAAASAAAHPAA
Room ol` the Student Union lroin lll   `· j V _A»r _; __—__AAAy yy   LA       AAN=   ».·   ,       illus
to 12 a.n1_ (Jollee. cokes and cookies     , N A`   1             l l l ; .»A     lAAAAlA AAA
were served to the reuners by the   Ak Ai       — A»  lll,   lAAAAAAlAAAAAA
.·\lunini Association. .\t l2:?>ll the   `\ _{ `ZP  A"N‘ A "       [   ’·.·t   —. `*~ lAAAA(_AAAAA A
alumni adjourned to Donovan Hall. A` _ \‘»_ . F A€A*LAT".7.  A  AAA’-A    N? 4  A- ~  = AAAAAAA ‘A“`l’
new residence hall for men. where AA AA   ..v·»·   AA‘ L   ; A?          AX Am AAS AA
lunch was served. lAollowed by the llll-   A       l A AA`   ` ,ll“g“°l
nnal meeting ol` the :\lllllllll ,»\ssocia- A    A-— ,J>~?"    z AAA"ill:—· i·AAA_AAAg.\\
tion, at which outgoing President New- \   _A__ V . V) fl   .(A;:AlA¥) AAA,
ton \i\l. Neel, ol Henderson, presided. TV A _  AVA    W QQ? *’* lull .A  
.—\t the close ol the meeting Mr. Neel V V,  ;     — Ni; ,.  AA   . Av    _ X iiH.Jl;AAAAA—AA
introduced Mr. (Quy .\. Huguelet,   AAA-   AA, .`AA AA.°*_w A ____,.,, ,, i i  iA*. hdl, SQA A(;AAA(
chairman olA the executive connnittee VV>__ ;__ J    ,~ R       A» “  Aii'i,`;` AAi\liA?lAAAA
ol` the Board ol` Trustees. who presided     al A    .   _v·A A i   AY: ·. _AA C.
at the dedication olA l)onovau Hall.       Q ; · A VAAA  -       AiiAAAUA llAAA
President H. l., Donovan. lor whoni   E AA   A   AAIA  
the new building has been named. gave  A `· _   » A ’ “   .___ TA iidm. A?]
a brit-l` address concerning the size Pr _d tN Vt vv A _ _ ;,m(AmAC
and beauty ol` the building, as well wl$lt:;vcll§§ 3:; g;,‘;_€§;tp‘£§:l:?; ?:(;A€;mAih°f lll; Oscalsum to the aluinniii jmm.- AA
*‘* US l"’*l· top the Hon. Augustus Owsley Stanle f 0 el? is aumn·uS pmScAi1AlliS. A AAAAAA
_ _ V _ » y, ormer en ucky Governor an intl was
l*ro1n 3 until 9 p.1n. the alunini Senator, of the class 0f 1890, Washington, D.C., received the gift as the f0llW‘ .,| SMH I
. sentative of the oldest class, and below, Charles Rainey, ’15, of Fallbr00l<· ‘
(Continued on Page 7) Calif., is rewarded for coming the longest distance. "l°il"l’°l` (

. _ . - _ _ {  
i 1 
G A1·|u 11S m1;>JI23  
. UY . QUE G UCCU S U Y a  
 . 1   T f 
  l Guy A. Huguelet, 64, chairman ol tion, the Kentucky Bar Association, Club, the Lexington Country Club,   `
    the board ol Southeastern Greyhound and the Fayette County Bar Associa- the Pendennis Club of Louisville,   w
' ‘ Lines, died at 10:10 21.111. July 23 at St. tion. American Yachtsmen’s Association, `, ig
H 11 yoscplrs Hospital. He had been il He entered the passenger motor Thoroughbred Club of America, Flor- Q
    Patient there since june 28 and had transportation Held in the early stages ida Yacht Club and Ponte Vedra Club ~.  
  - uarlergone surgery. of the industry in 1923 at Lexington. ol jacksonville, Cumberland Lake y pj
    Hnguelet was one ol Lexington’s He was prominent in organizing sev- Yacht Club. and Idle Hour Country _.  
jiif _   most prominent business and civic eral earlier carriers in Kentucky, and Club, ol which he was a member of l  
__V,     [faders 2ll1(l he was at pioneer in the on Oct. 1, 1926, was one of the or- the board of governors.   `,
    has transportation field in the South. §2llllZ€l`S ol Southeastern Greyhound He maintained a summer home at ` L
    Under his direction, Southeastern Lines, then known as Consolidated Harbor Springs, Mich. Yachting and _
    greyhound Lines grew from il small Coach Lines. cruising were his principal hobbies. ,   ‘
jj . isolated passenger motor carrier to tl1e He was secretary and counsel ol the He had owned boats in Florida and l ` Q
  ‘__ ,3- “·(n·1tl’s largest intercity bus line. 1.ast original company, and soon was made maintained a cabin cruiser on Lake   i i
    1;.11, Southeastern merged with Dixie president ol Southeastern Greyhound, Cumberland.   ` Y
and Teclie Greyhound Lines and it position he maintained until last I·luguelet`s latest civic activity was ` f
,1 ·t lluguelet became chairman ol the September. when he was elevated to to serve as chairman of the campaign   ,
, LQ _  linard ol the merged companies, still chairman ol the board. to obtain $1,000,000 for a new St. {
_4 ,— known as Southeastern Greyhound Southeastern Greyhound was listed _]oseph’s Hospital. I
i· _ gy Lines. He said then that he planned as an independent company on the Huguelet was married in 1917 to
"'*l` 10 retire from active duty "sometime New York Stock Exchange until it was Mary Lovell \\’hitney of Lexington.   1
— [ late in l955" alter the merger was merged in 1951 into the Greyhound She died in 1927. In 1929, he married   ‘
A ininpletecl. Corp. Huguclet was a member of the Mrs. Angeline McCo