xt7zkh0dw09b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zkh0dw09b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1918-05-16  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 16, 1918 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 16, 1918 1918 1918-05-16 2012 true xt7zkh0dw09b section xt7zkh0dw09b r


University of Kentucky








Yearbook Said to Outclass Staff For 1918-1- 9 Announced
In Last Issue of
All Previous PubPublication



"During examination week." With
these words, Sam Morton,
of the 1918 Kentuckian, the
greatest year book ever Issued, informs the students of the University
of the time the 1918 Annual will make
its longed-fo- r
For weeks, the students of the Uni
versity have been waiting for the date
of sale of the year book and now their
dreams will soon be realizedThe 1918 Kentuckian is similar to
Kentuckians that have gone before,
only in respect to Its size and shape.
Otherwise, it is a "different" book
and "the kind that satisfies." From
the cover, an exquisite design, done by
William Wallace, Engineering student,
to the Gossip Section, full of newsy
matter of interest to all, the book is a
model annual. It is essentially repre
sentative. Every organization in the
University has a section in the an
nual. Seven sections under the head'
lngs, University, Classics, Organiza
tion, Military Athletics, Activities and
Gossip have been arranged, each sec
tion reveling in keen wit, bright satire
and good material.


Differing from the custom of former
Kentuckians in dedicating the book to
illustrious men connected with the
University or to the State, as did the
1917 Kentuckian, the 1918 Kentuckian is dedicated to the 500 University
men and women in service for their
country, and from its khaki cover to
its sacred memorial to the two valiant
sons of the University, who so nobly
gave their lives to their country, the
spirit of patriotism prevails.
The features of the 1918 Kentuckian
are features indeed, unprecedented by
any annual before. Twelve great Kenhave been honored with a
Kentuckians who have lived
true to ther State. A complete list
of the graduates of the University
dating back to its very beginning will
prove a feature noteworthy in extent,
as six hundred names compose the
Honor Roll.


Thnrnnn Connell. Paris, was re
of the Ken
tucky Kernel, student publication of
this University, for the collegiate year
1918-1- 9
by the Kernel Board at a meeting in the Journalism rooms Saturday
morning. Three other members of the
staff were also elected by the Board.
Miss Eliza M. Piggott, Irvington,
who has held the position of managing
editor on the Kernel during the last
vear. was elected associate eaitor.
Miss Piggott has been on the Kernel
staff for three years, holding the posiand man
tions of reporter,
aging editor in the order named.
Neville Moore Junior in the College
of Law, was elected assistant editor.
Moore is new to the staff, but owing
to splendid work in the Department
of Journalism, received this recognition. Moore is from Marion, Ky.
This edition of the Kernel, the last
of the year was published by those
named in the foregoing, with the help
of the rest of the staff, who was appointed by the editor. Those who retheir appointceived appointments,
ments and indentiflcations follows:
Frederick Jackson, Versailles, Junior Journalism student, has accepted
the managing editorship of the Kernel.
Jackson has been with the Kernel two
years, first as a reporter and then
as a feature editor. Experience in
reporting and good work in Journalism classes is expected to make a competent managing editor of him.
Charles Planck, Junior in the Depart
ment of Journalism, 1017-1- 8 cheer leader and sporting editor of the Kernel,
will write "Squirrel Food."
Galvin Norment, of the class of 1921,
was appointed sporting editor. Nor
ment is a graduate of Henderson High
School. He wrote sports for a Hender- (Continucd on Third Pagt.)


The annual Moving Day program
will be given in Chapel Thursday
Preceding this is the Military fea- morning, May 2 3at the usual hour.
ture which contains a list of the Uni- The Senior class wll lhave charge of
versity men and women in service. the exercises, the faculty being releto the rear for the time being.
These pages are cleverly bordered by gated
The other classes will move up into
a design made by Wallace, which is the places occupied by their predetruly good.
cessorsIn other years Moving Day has been
Next comes the section devoted to
one of the University's most interestthe eight most popuar girls of the
ing celebrations. A great deal of exUniversity, acclaimed so by the stu
cellent dramatic talent has been undent body. Could Venus, the queen of covered on these occasions and the
love and beauty, see these Kentucky Ceep, dark secrets of "Life in the
Pacultv" have been revealed.
women unequalled in beauty and
Altho the Seniors will not divulge
grace, she fain would turn over in her any definite plans, it is understood
that among those who will be
rave, cover her face with despair,
on the platform will be the
"Mighty," "Bobb"
Ml say, "All is lost." Poets have sung President, "Jedge,"prominent members
Hopper and other
(Continued on Pa Five t
if the faculty.



No. 30

KENTUCKY, MAY 16, 1918

Prof. Ezra L. Gillls, registrar of the
University, has given out the following schedule for examinations:
Final Examinations
Second Semester 1918
Friday, May 24, Chemistry.
May 26, First Hour
Monday, May 27, Second Hour
May 28, Third Hour
Wednesday, May 29, Fourth Hour
May 30, Fifth Hour
Friday, May 31, Sixth Hour Classes
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
classes will be examined in the morn
lng; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
classes in the afternoon.
(Classes meeting four or more times
per week will be examined in the
Forenoon examinations will begin
at 8 a. m.
Afternoon examinations will begin
at 2 p. m.




Friday's Program Featured Training of 400 Selectives
From Tennessee
Thruout By Patriotic



Flowing oratory, a shining sun, a
budding magnolia tree, a plentiful supply of Juniors and seniors, and a pitiful
lack of professors and underclassmen
characterized the annual Arbor Day
exercises which took place on the campus Friday morning.

If one desires a favorable impression
of the great National Army, he need
only make a tour of inspection of
Camp Buell and the various places
where 400 selectives from Tennessee
are at work. If he will go thru the
woodshop and listen to the buzzing of
of the saw;
the lathe and the
then into the blacksmith shop and
of the hamhear the clinkety-clinmers; next, into the auto shops and
see big automobiles reduced to piles
of rods, bolts and wheels, and later
ready for the road; then
into the electrical section and watch
the men, intent on problems of wiring; finally, into the physics building,
where the radio men are at work, and
hear the dots and dashes clinking
away; he will be truly impressed with
the greatness of Uncle Sam, and, in-

School was dismissed for the occasion and the underclassmen .freshles
and sophs, who were not inveigled into
the battalion to help in the pledging
ceremonies of the honorary senior societies, which took place after the
planting of the tree, promptly "beat it"
for "Brit's" or town. The faculty may
have been in the throes of planning
the annual examination slaughter, for
A was chiefly conspicuous by its ah- sence on this, the biggest event of the
school year.


the demands of the country marched
in front of the Main Building, where,
he tree was to be planted, led by Vir-- .
class, and Miss Bertha Miller, class,
Philosophian Society to Give phophet.
Miss Miller's prophecy, which was
Manless Shaw Play
the first thing on the program, was
Friday Evening
clever and Original. Frequent bursts
MAKE THAT DATE NOW of applause showed the appreciation
of the audience as she consigned va"Dear me! It's the unexpected that rious members of her class to differalways happens, isn't it? You never ent places in the kingdom of Lilll- can tell sir, you never can tell." Watch put or Brobdingnagfor the big Shaw surprise, staged by
fashion she atIn a most seer-lik- e
the Philosophians, at the Opera House, tributed to each member, the quality
Friday evening, May 17, at 8 o'clock. which that one would like to have.
Sale of tickets at present indicate a
The dedication of the tree to Judge
crowded house, and the University W. T. Lafferty was given by Virgil
Red Cross is already gloating over the Chapman. In his usual graceful manfat roll that will be turned over to ner he extolled the virtues of the man
them next Saturday.
whom the Senior class had chosen to
The Philosophian is one of the old- honor. At the close of the dedication
est organizations of the University, each senior solemnly deposited a
annihaving celebrated its twenty-fift(Continued on Page Two.)
versary last year, and it numbers
among its alumnae some of the most
prominent women of the State. The
annual play is one of the events of its
yearly program an opportunity for
The annual Kentucky Intercolle"coeds" to show their ability In taking
giate debating contest will be held
men's parts.
next Friday night, May 17, at Morri
"You Never Can Tell," by George
son chapel of Transylvania uouege-SomBernard Shaw, was chosen to appeal
special music has been arranged
to the lovers of the Shavian art, as
besides the speeches. The program
well as to those who have not yet bestarts at 8 o'clock.
come acquainted with the works of
The speakers, their college and sub
this delightful modern playwright. In
jects are as follows: H. Martin, Berea
it, the theme of "Man and Superman,"
College, "Prison Reform"; C. B. Mul
and other of Shaw's favorite plays, is
College, "The dial
pursuer llns, Georgetown
brot outthat Woman is the
lengo"; A. H. Barber, Centre College,
and Man the pursued. Miss Gloria
H. Gudgel, Transyl"A Forecast";
Clandon, the daughter of a celebrated
vania College, "The Cull of the Hour";
authoress of treatises on twentieth
M. O. Ross. Kentucky Wesleyan. "The
century women, meets Mr. Valentine,
Price of Victory"; Ed S. Dabney, Uniwho boasts of being a "Duelist of Sex."
versity of Kentucky, "Conquer or
Their love affair is worked out with
(Continued on Page Two.)











cidentally, of the part that the Univer- sity of Kentucky is playing in helping
to win the war.
The work of training the 400 men
Degan Monday, and is now getting well
A laree number of the
men have had some experience, and
are being started in advanced training. Two hundred and ten men are
being trained as auto mechanics and
drivers, 100 In radio work and telegraphy, 40 in carpentry, 30 as blacksmiths, and 20 as electricians.
The automobile men are divided into
sections of five men each. An experienced auto mechanic is In charge of
each section. The men are studying
the mechanism of cars, and are being
trained to hunt trouble in cars, and to
drive the army trucks and Fords.
Every day they will attend a lecture
on "Automobile Engineering."
The men taking the telegraphy are
being instructed in the Continental
Code, by trained telegraph operators.
They will have two hours lecture work
each day. Those studying electricity
are given practical work in wiring, and
Installation of electrical machinery,
under the direction of two expert elec
The carpenters are under
the supervision of two skillful practical builders. They also have one
hour lectures each day.
The blacksmiths are being Instructed by two skillful blacksmiths. They
will have seven hours of practical
work and one hour of lecture on "Iron
and Steel, and Methods of Working
Them Under the Hammer," and on
"Properties of Iron and Steel."
The men arise at 6:30 a. m. when
the reveille is sounded. They then
have breakfast, setting up exercises,
etc. The technical instruction begins
at 8:00 a. in. and lasts until 11:45 a. m.
The men then march back to camp for
be- dinner. The afternoon class-wor-

glim nt l:lf) p. m. nnd Inats until 5:00
p. in. After Hint tho men arc given TWENTY-TW- O

military drill for two hours; then they
cat supper nnd nro dismissed until
0:30, the time for "lights out."
The men, who nro nil plcnsnnt,
fellows, represent nenrly every
walk of life, "Rich mnn, poor mnn (but
from nil Indications, not n single
man or thief), doctor, lawyer,
chief," they nre nil included nnd
then some more. Among them nre one
prencher, one Inwyer, one banker, sov
crnl merchants nnd Jewelers, n dozen
or more professors nnd school teach-- J
ers, mechanics, farmers, etc. They
seem to bo very enthusiastic over
their work. Their readiness to per-- J
form tasks, nnd the rnpidity with
which tliGV nro Innmlnc lmvn hnnn
very gratifying to their officers and
the nuthorities
of the University.
Much favorable comment upon their
work has been heard.
The impressions of Kentucky and
the University of Kentucky, received
by the men appear to be very favor-- '
able. Numbers of the men expressed
themselves as pleased "wtih the kindness and consideration shown them
by the citizens of Lexington and the
authorities and students of the University. Each one said that he had been
better treated than he had expected
to be by the officers and by the civilians of the city. One man said that
the only objections he had were that
they were kept in camp all of the time,
and were not introduced to any of the
beautiful Kentucky women he had
seen on the campus.

characteristic Shnvlnn irony and wit.


like-nhl- e

Fort Sheridan, III., Is Camp
Selected For Training
of R. O. T. C.


mer-chnn- t,


Mrs. Snllio Bullock Cave, of tho Lexington College of Music, is in chargo
of the play. Altho this Is Mrs. Cavo's
first year here, she has already Impressed tho people of Lexington that
she is nn nrtist of distinguished ability. As n former student In Cincinnati and San Francisco, and a graduate of the Edith Coburn Noyes
School of Expression in Boston, bIio
comes amply qualified for tho place
which Bhe ha taken in literary circles
of Lexington. Miss Edith Coburn
Noyes says of her: "Her enthusiasm
and distinguished ability make her
services invaluable."
Mrs. Cave has devoted herself to
the direction of "You Never Can Tell,"
nt a great expenditure of time and
energy. Tho performance will bo the
result of her skill, combined with the
natural dramatic ability for which students of the University are noted.
The chapel period, Friday, has been
given over to the Philosophlan Literary Society. One of the features of
the program will be a skit, entitled
Dot's Dilemma, given by four clever
members of the society.

The College Boys' Store



Captain H. N. Roydcn received orders from the Wnr Department Saturday concerning the Reserve Officers'
Training Camp that the twenty-twJuniors of the University will attend
this summer. The men will report at
Fort Sheridan, Illinois, on June
They may go either from their homes
or from the University, and will be nl-- i
lowed three and
cents a mile
for the expenses of the trip to the
camp. At the end of the camp their
expenses will be paid to their homes
anywhere in the United States at the
same rate. The men will wear their
regular uniforms on the camp. The
twenty-twJuniors already in the Re- serve Officers Training Camp who en
tered last September attend the camp,
and any Sophomore who passes the
(Continued from Page One)
following qualifications will be allowed
to go.
spadeful of dirt into the cavity about
The qualifications are: the appli- the magnolia.
cant must be at least 19 years of age
Harry Milward received the spade
233 West Short Street.
by June 1; he must have got a grade last. As senior orator, it then became
of at least B in military science for his duty to hand it over to the reprethe past year; he must pass a success sentative of the Junior class, with ap
ful physical examination; and he must propriate suggestions and admonish-ing- s
as to how that class should "carry
sophomore i(this, how'
be a bona-fid- e
Religious services for the men will
ever, includes law students who have on." Charles Planck received the
be held every Sunday morning and
spade on behalf of the class of 1919,
had but one year of drill.)
local ministers will address the men
Fort Sheridan is located thirty miles and eulogized the outgoing class for
The men will have Saturday after
all their virtues. Both speeches were
noons and Sundays for athletics. It is north of Chicago on Lake Michigan
not far from the Great Lakes' Train of a patriotic nature.
intended to organize several baseball
At the close of the Abor Day exerteams, and a team will be selected ing Station. Since the outbreak of the
cises the battalion was drawn up on
from all of the men to meet teams war, it has been used as an advanced
training camp for officers. Probably the drill ground facing the flagpole,
from Camp Taylor.
2,500 or 3,000 members of the Reserve and the spectators lined the edge of
So far there has been only one case
Officers Training Camp from the six- the green to watch the pledging cereof sickness in the camp. One man deteen qualified universities
in the monies of the honorary senior socieveloped a case of mumps soon after
ties, Staff and Crown, and Lamp and
United States will attend this camp.
his arrival at the camp. He has alIt is probable that the representa- Cross- Each year the most prominent
most recovered now, and no new cases
tives from the University of Kentucky members of the junior class scholasti-callhave developed.
and in student activties are
will entrain here Sunday, June 2, and
As yet the men have not received leave together.
pledged to these two societies on Ar
their uniforms, but it is thought that
bor Day.
The members of the Junior class
they will arrive in a week or so, and
The girls pledged Friday by Staff
who will attend the camp are: S. H.
with their arrival the military aspect
and Crown are: Misses Elizabeth
Shouse, Hugh Milton, R. S. Park, N.
of the camp will be complete. The
Bagdad, Arts and Science;
T. Puckett, C- F. DeMay, W. R. David,
men will be here for eight weeks, and
Mary Beall, Mt. Sterling, Arts and
F. P. Anderson, Stuart Wallingford, E.
at the end of that time be sent over
Science; Marie Collins, North Middle-towA. Lillard, Mose Smith, R. T. Arnold,
Arts and Science; Eliza M.
W. R. David, H. W. Stedman, C. L.
Phone 1635-- X
341 W. Main
Irvington, Arts and Science;
Templin, R. K. Diamond, A- S. Gill, J.
LAST MEETING TAPPA H. Bailey, J. M. Persival, Frederick Ruth Duckwall, Louisville, Agriculture; Mildred Graham, Louisville Arts
KEGGA BEER SOCIETY Jackson, D. R. Dudley and T. M. Bell. and Science; Austin Lilly, Home
H. W. Stedman, a student in the ColFor any kind of dental service call on
The last meeting of the year will lege of Agriculture
and a member of
The men honored by Lamp and
be held in the chambers of the Tappa the Reserve
$1.00 Per Year
Officers' Training Camp,
Cross were: Headley Shouse, LexingKegga Beer society in the third divls
will be unable to attend since he re
5c Per Copy
ton, Agriculture; Alexander Hall, Lex- Office hours, 8 m. m. to 9 p. m. Pfaoae U4-ion of the Old Dorm in the near future. cently
received his orders to report at ington, Engineering;
Charles F- JohnThe meeting will be called to order the Great
Lakes Training Station, son, Mayneld, Engineering;
at the stroke of midnight and the in where he is working for
naval honors. Gayle, Falmouth, Agriculture; Dick
vocation to Pan and DIonysius will be
Duncan, Lagrange, Agriculture. It is
usKtiu uy iNeviue
Aioore. Alter a
lengthy advisory speech by Tapscott STUDENT STOCK JUDGE pledge ten men. But this year the
president stated that they had left five
on the subject of moderation, the fol
J. G. Stewart, a graduate of the Agrl places vacant in honor of the members
lowing program will be rendered:
cultural College, has been appointed to of the Junior class who have joined
Short History of the Crimes of
help in the Student Judging Contest at the colors.
T. K. B
Neal Sullivan
tho next National Dairy Show.
Immediately after the exercises the
A Freshman's
impression of
made a good record as a representa- members of the active chapter of Staff
T. K. B
Earl Eastwood tive from this institution at the last and Crown gave a luncheon at the
An Eulogy to Departed Brethren
Dairy Show, Student Stock Judging Phoenix Hotel in honor of the new
Fats Hammond Contest, and has accordingly been ap pledges. The initiation and
Tho Faculty
Virgil Chapman pointed to help pass upon
106 N. UPPER ST.
the merits banquet of this organization will be
Reception to Aspiring Members
of the students in the next contest.
Saturday at the Phoenix.
Richard Henry
Classes Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings.
Teams of students from most of the
The active members of the honorary
Agricultural Colleges In America have societies are: Staff and Crown Allene
is the aim of this school to teach dancing as
teams at the National Stock Judging Kavanaugh, Celia Cregor, Frieda Lemshould be, advocating
all times proper
Because of the motto of the society, Contest, and it is an honor for a local on, Lelah Gault. Lamp and Cross:
positions and decorous actions
"All is secret, all Is mystery," the student to be selected on the commit Harry Milward, A. W. Brittain, Tilford
meeting will be open only to members tee that is to pass upon the merits of customary for Lamp and Cross to
Music Piano, Saxophone, Violin, Trap Drum
and pledges.
the contestants in the next contest.
3- -





University 'Book Store

Uncle Charlie's



Come Now

Don't Delay

For your Photos for the



Pig-got- t,



Kentucky Kernel




C. D.




Member of A. N. A, M. of D.





Order That Kentuckian Now- APPRECIATIVE AUDIENCE





Revill, Frankfort Boy, Stars
Before Home Town


An event of much moment in the
Mechanical Engineering department
of the University during the past week
was the arrival of the 400 draftees
from Tennessee. It was a consider- able task to make arrangements for
the Instruction of such a number of
men and at the same time continue
the regular schedule of students
classes. However, practically no time
was lost, except in the woodshop and
forge shop where the work of stu- dents was discontinued.
The men
were soon organized into classes after
they had arrived and instruction com- menced. They have started their
training with a great amount of inter- est ,and as some have had several
as mechanics,
blacksmiths, etc., it is thought that
little trouble wil Ibe experienced In
fitting them for duty.

The Strollers strolled to Frankfort
with a great showing of new pins
plucked a few fresh laurels, and
strolled back again. All of this hap
pened Friday, May 10, when "Mice
and Men," was presented at the Capl
tol theatre before a highly apprecia
tive audience.
Milton Revill, Frankfort's
finding his foot upon his native heath
and his red uniform unusually becom
ing, surpassed his Lexington perform'
ance, and was acclaimed with tumul
tuous applause.
He shared honors
with Anne Molloy, who captivated her
audience from the start, and equalled
the native son in her ability. Ous
Qay shone with his usual lustre, while
Julius Wolf, a lftl6 graduate of the
the remainder of the cast ran true to
College of Mechanical Engineering,
joy of
form and helped to add to the
called on his old friends Monday. Mr.
the occasion.
Wolf was returning from Louisville to
The Frankfort trip came as the cul Ashland, Ky. At
the latter place he Is
mination of an unusually successful employed by one of the
steel com- year. Amateur night was the best
ever, "Mice and Men" proved a for
tunate venture artistically and flnan
Another visitor at Mechanical Hall
cially, the annual banquet was all that
during the past few days was H. T.
it should be, and the Red Cross bene
Wallace. He was a member of the
fit under Stroller auspices netted $250
class of '14, and Is now with the
A lasting souvenir of a $100 Liberty
Youngstown Sheet and Tube Com- bond of the third issue, and a bank
nanv. of Yotinmtnwn. Ohio.
account, which, though shrinking, is
yet present, will remain next year to
One of the last year's raduatea. W.
launch the Strollers to success for
E. iPendleton, stopped recently at the
1918-1University. He holds the rank of a
chief machinist's mate in the Naval
Aviation. Mr. Pendleton was going to
the Packard Motor Car Co., where he
will stay a short time and then report
at the coast for overseas duty.


Captain W. T. Radford, who, when
John S. Sherwood, Cynthiana, left
senior in the College of Mechanical
Tuesday for Fort Grant, 111., to attend
Engineering, left the University for
the fourth Officers' Training Camp.
Chas. S. Ramsey, Sebree, has report- the Mexican border with the Third
ed at the Naval Training Station at Kentucky Regiment and afterwards
was commissioned captain at the first
Great Lakes, 111
Morgan Atchison has joined the Officers' Reserve Training Camp at
Fort Benjamin Harrison, was a visitor
in Lexington and at the University
Chas. R. Barker has been ordered
last week. Mr. Radford is a member
to report to Camp Taylor.
of S A E and Lamp and Cross frater-E. E. Harden, J. S. Sherwood, C. S,
Ramsey and A. L. Northcutt have
passed the Kentucky bar exJIM PARKS' ORDERS POSTPONED.

The Henry Clay Law Society has
completed plans to present to the Law
Department a service flag, with a star
for every man now in the service who
has at any time attended the Law
School. The list is as yet incomplete,
but it is thot that there will be ap
proximately two hundred starsVirgil Chapman's and Ben H. Scott's
records has not been Anally passed on
by the faculty, but their grades entitle
them to an honor standing. Only once
before has a man in the Law Department obtained an honor standing.



Dr. Frank L. McVey has accepted
the invitation of the Winchester High
School to address its graduating class
at the Winchester Opera House, May

Tom Underwood, sporting editor of
the Lexington Herald, writes of James
Park, graduate of the University, and
this season's baseball coach.
"James Park, the coach of the Wild
cats, who heard the call of the baseball diamond at the end of the col- lege season, has received news that
he will not be called to the aviation
service for five weeks. Parks has begun the year with colors flying, hav
ing won two out of three games he
has pitched for Columbus in the
American Association. He has en
listed In the aviation seotlon of the
army and believed that the call to
athletics of the air would interrupt
his American Association career before it was well begun, but the delay
will give him a chance to exercise his
speeders and twisters before mount
ing the ariplaaea."


McVey, Harding and Dean
Anderson Address

the 400


President Frank L. McVey, in his ad
dress of welcome delivered Friday to
tne 40 drafted Tennesseans who are
technical training, congratu
,ated tnem on being sent to the Blue
grass and to the University for their
training and offered them the privi
leges of all departments of the Univer- alty- - Dean F. Paul Anderson, who will
nave charge of the technical training
of tne me, also gave a short talk,
as did Captain J. W. Harding, com
manding oBflcer of Camp Buell, and R,
w- - Selvedge, of Nashville, Tenn., who
has charge of this district of training
camps at colleges.


Doctor McVey gave the men a hearty
welcome, and described the advan
tages of the University and the city of
Lexington over those of other places
where similar camps have been lo- cated by the government. He was fol
lowed by Dean Anderson who outlined
(he work to be given the men, and
explained the use such training would
be In France- - The best of Buch tecn
"irau iraminB WB8 necessary ,ne saia
as ,n hls mInd' the war wa8 only a
lue8tlon 01 engineering skill, and it
WOB luu u"BirB 01 iao8B ,n cnarge 10
send In el8ht weeks, 400 elements to
enter the great conflict.
Captain J. W. Harding was given
an enthusiastic ovation by the men,
ana was Iorcea to waIt Ior tne aD"
plause and cheers to subside before
ginning his short talk. He spoke
br,efly on tne military course which
w111 "PPlnent the mechanical train

military, and in addition, will keep the
students informed of the doings In the
College of Agriculture, where he is, a
Ed Dabney, sophomore in the Col
lege of Law, will cover that college,
including Henry Clay Law Society,
debating teams, etc.
N. D. Witt,
freshman engineer, has been appointed
to write news concerning his college.
Reporting Jobs for the 1918-1Kernel will be done by Miss Mary D. Lane,
H. O. Bryan and Miss Katherlne
Weakley. These reporters were appointed after consultation with an in
structor in Journalism who said that
their freshman Journalism work had
been very satisfactory.

The regular annual picnic of the
English Club will take place next
Thursday afternoon and evening at
Boone's Creek. Machines will leave
the campus at 3 p. m. and will return
at 10 p- m. All those who expect to
go will please leave their names with
Miss Mildred Graham before Monday
night, as arrangements
have to be
made concerning the machines, and it
is Important to know Just how many
are going. It is hoped that all English
majors will be there, for a good time
is expected.

.00 Down

$2.75 Price

Seven seniors will leave the University this week to attend the Officers'
Training Camps. Those leaving are:
Harry Mllward, Tllford Wilson, D. R.
Ellis, J. S. Sherwood, H. M. Henry,
C. W. Qoosman and R. B. Flnley.
Wilson, Sherwood and Ellis will go
to the "A" grade camp at Camp Sheri
dan, Illinois. Henry will go to Camp
Leo, Virginia, to attend the Engineer
Officers' Reserve Camp. It is not
known where Goosman will go, but he
will probably be assigned to some
Coast Artillery training camp. Flnley
will go to a Signal Officers' Reserve
camp. Milward has not as yet been
assigned to any camp.
Three seniors, one junior and two
sophomores have been recommended
by Captain Royden for the fourth Officers' Training Camp at Camp Zach-arTaylor. They are, Dempsey, Fleming, Flockln, McLaln, Dabney and


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Mr. Selvedge urged the men to take
the best advantage of the opportuni
ties offered them to perfect them- selves in the various lines of work, In
order to give a good account of them- selves when they left Camp Buell for

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For information writ to



(Continued from Page One.)

hag had
uuverui wumiiB irtuuiug in iuo jjuiwri'
ment of Journalism.





Miss Eliza Spurrier, Louisville, and
a junior Arts and Science student, was
Miss Spurrier is
not new to Kernel work, having writ
ten the "Squirrel Food" column for
the last year. Miss Spurrier will have
charge of Home Economics, Patterson
Hall, Philosophlan, Y. W. C. A., etc.
Misses Austin Lilly, Virginia Helm
wm and MUdred Qra
ham have been appointed to write
Home Economics, Patterson Hall,
Philosophlan and Y. W. C. A., respectively.

Miss Bessie Conkwrlght, junior in
the College