xt7zkh0dw08r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zkh0dw08r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-04-27  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1928 1928 1928-04-27 2012 true xt7zkh0dw08r section xt7zkh0dw08r I







'Cats Face Commodores
On Stoll Field Today
Charlie Wert or Robert Rhoads
Will Be on Mound for

KY. APRIL 27, 1928


SuKy Plans Elaborate
Program for May Day

Chosen University May Queen


A freshman who did not believe
in signs, passed up the "Stop, Look
up and use side entrance" sign,
posted before the roped-of- f
area in
front of the main entrance to Me-

(By Wayman Thomasson)
The great cod Pluvius sat on his
saturated throne and chuckled up his
sleeve Tuesday while his legions
trickled all over Stoll Field and got
m the eyes of the Minnesota ball play--rblinding them to a 3 to 2 defeat
by Kentucky. Now Al Smith might
have sportingly remarked, "we are
all wet," but it is the opinion of the New Issue of Literary Magazine
Will Include Numerous and
bench riders that this occasion marked Kentucky's coming of age as a ball
Varied Articles of Interest to
team. Maybe that will be the opinReaders.
ion of the men from Vanderbilt after
the ball game this afternoon on Stoll
The third edition of "Letters," the
is issued
Coach Major has a way of convinc- University magazine which
ing people in these matters and per- quarterly, will appear May 1, accord
haps he will unwind the hefty Wert to ing to Prof. E. F. Farquhar, editor oi
string along the boys from Nashville the publication.
today. Or, it would not be making it
Among the numerous and varied
any easier on them to mount young articles to appear in the forthcoming
Rhoads on the mound and save Wert issue are: "Pyrrhic Victory," a story
for the game tomorrow, as Vandy is by Ruth Melcher; "My Neighbor's
stand. The Com- Back Yard," a sketch by meresa
making a
modores have been very successful Newhoff; "Archeology of Kentucky,"
this season and they will meet a Ken- by W. D. Funkhouser; "bhires ot
tucky team which has improved great- Blue Grass," by Frances bmitn;
ly since a disastrous southern trip.
"Grims Mills," a sketch by Frances
Centre was the last team defeated. Smith; "The Battle," a story by KenRain caused the game with Eastern neth Reeves; "The Dummy," a story
Normal Monday to be called off, and by C. M. Wert; "American Literature
the game Thursday was the first that in France," by L. McGee; "wona
the 'Cats had played in over a week. Without End," by A. M. Miller.
The sensation of the game was the
There will be included, lalso, poetry
sparkling performance of Lefty
and special book reviews.
mound. It was his first
on the
Phi, honorary literary
performance of the current season society,Delta a prize of twenty doloffers
his little offerings were kindly
poem and another
received. So many Badgers whiffed lars for the best the best prose ar
twenty dollars for
the air that wind from the agitated
that appears m "Letters" during
bats stirred in their ears like strong, ticleyear. These prizes are limited to
familiar lake breezes. McGary made the
at the
the boys feel at home and probably he regular students in attendance FebruUniversity. According to the
will serve in a relief role today if ary
of "Letters," students may
the Commodores flood the score sheet send edition poems and articles to the
with runs.
Literary Column of The Kernel it
Ericson flagged down Dr. McGary's
want to send them directpills Tuesday, so Goodwin, probably, they do not
seen that the
game today. Most of ly to Letters. It will be Literary Col
will catch the
poetry of the
are in good condition. prose and appear
the players
in Letters.
Dutch Layman has ridden out his umn
Prof. E. F. Farquhar announced
"charley horse" and will return to his
old station in center field, while Ray- that all subscribers to "Letters
mond Rhoads, who acts in the capac- should send their summer addresses
ity of twin to the pitcher .Rhoads, will to James Shropshire or to the address,
be shifted back to right field. John- "Letters," University of Kentucky. If
ny Cole is still pegging around the this is not done, subscribers, especialinitial sack on two stiff legs and he ly students who change their address,
is doincr nretty well for an old man. will not receive the August edition.
"Raldv" Gilb. Irvine Jeffries, and
Captain Crouch finish out the infield.
Ropke, the big bat and ball man from
Baltimore, will visit in left field.
To Give


ernoon With Gingham Dance

at Night

A general convocation at 10 o'clock
in the Men's gymnasiuni will be the

first event of the elaborate program
planned by SuKy for the May Day
festivities to be held on the campus,
Friday, May 4. Members of the senior class, clad in caps and gowns, will
assemble at the Administration building, and from there, proceded by the
University band, they will march to
.he Men's gymnasium. Here, when
all the upper classmen have gathered,
they will be presented by Gayle Moh-nepresident of the senior class.
President Frank L. McVey will address the seniors in response. Members of the glee club will render several selections.
Immediately following the address,
Mortar Board, honorary senior sorority, will hold its annual pledging exercises. The Algernon Sidney Sullivan medallions will then be presented
by President McVey to those who, in
the judgment of the committee, have
contributed most to the good of the
University. Miss Helen Skinner, of
the Women's Athletic Association,
will award a K ring to the girl who
has been selected by members of W.
A. A. as being the most outstanding
in athletics, leadership, scholarship
and spirit.
All students are requested to remain standing while the seniors march
from the building. Following these
exercises the seniors will observe the
annual custom of each graduating
class by planting a tree on the campus.
The afternoon program will start
at 1:30 o'clock with the colorful parade of floats entered by various sororities, fraternities and organizations
on the campus. The parade will traverse downtown sections of the city
and will end in the glen between the
Law building and Dicker hall. Here
before a large assembly of students
and citizens, Miss Charlsey Smith,
surrounded by her attendants, will be
crowned as Queen o the May. Following this ceremony a silver loving
cup will be awarded to the most beautiful float; a cup for the most
float and a cup to the most
humorous individual.
Following the awards a group of
English folk dances and the customary May pole dance will be given.
Miss Helen Skinner is in charge of
these dances, which will be given by
members of the girls gymnasium
The observance will close with the
annual May Day dance, given by the
SuKy circle. This will begin at 8
o'clock in the Men's gymnasium and
will last until midnight. The dance,
one of the most delightful social affairs of the year, is known as the
"Gingham Dance," the guests all
wearing gingham costumes. The
orchestra will furnish the
SuKy will
music for the occasion.
pledging during
hold its
the dance and will add four girls and
six boys to its membership.
Movie cameramen will take pictures
of all of the chief events of the day.



Mammoth Production of Central
Kentucky Choral Society to
Be Presented in Men's Gymnasium, May 9.
The Central Kentucky Choral Society, composed of picked vocalists

from throughout

central Kentucky,

is to provide a chorus of three hundred voices for the rendition of "The
Messiah," to be given in the Men's
gymnasium on May 9, at 8:15 o'clock.
The production is to be accompanied
by the University Philharmonic I Or-


chestra, augmented to

'seventy-fiv- e

The soloists for the occasion have
not been announced as yet, with the
exception of Dan Beddoe, "the grand
old man of oratorio."
Mr. Beddoe
has appeared in productions of "The
Messiah" in all parts of the world,
and represents the best talent available anywhere in the country, Prof
Carl A. Lampert. director-in-chi-



Parade Will Be Feature of Aft-





chanical hall, thereby narrowly escaping annihilation by a falling
brick. Being of an inquisitive
turn of mind the freshman found
that the gutters, cornice, and brick
work on the tower, an old landmark, were being painted and repaired. Incidentally this individual now uses the entrance prescribed until the repair work on the
tower is completed.

imperative that all seniors attend
to this matter at that time, nnd
arrange for the return of the caps
and gowns after the ceremony.


Ceremonies Will Open With General Convocation in Men's

Believe In Signs?

Caps and gowns for use in the
May Day festival may be secured
by the seniors from Miss Bean, at
the Campus Bookstore, on Wednesday and Thursday, May 2 and 3,
it was announced by Bill Gess,
It is
president of SuKy circle.






Players Will Endeavor to
tinue Present Winning



the production, affirmed.
"None of the artists appearing in
the oratorio, with the exception of
the soloists, are making any charge
for their services, and are donating
their time as well as the necessary expenses to make available to th? people of central Kentucky this most
glorious of musical creations," DirecMISS CHARLSEY SMITH
tor Lampert announced.
Photo by Starman, Lexington and Palm Beach Lampert urges student cooperation
with the University in sponsoring the
Miss Charlsey Smith, a member cf ian society.
During her sophomore a member of the Home Economics production. Students may secure ticthe Alpha Gamma Delta sorority and year she was chairman of the Little Club, and Agriclutural Society.
kets upon presenting their student
an outstanding senior in the College Sister movement, vice president ofj Misses Sarah Warwick, Mabel C. athletic tickets at a date prior to the
Spaul-b- y
selected Graham, Lucy Davis and Alice
of Arts and Sciences, was chosen May her class, one of the
night of the performance.
Queen in the election held Tuesday
Flo Ziegfield as one of the most ding were elected Miss Smith's
is a mem-wand Wednesday this week, and will
girls in the University; and tendants. Miss Warwick
again elected as a company spon- -. ber of the Chi Omega sorority and College
preside over the festivities of May
Day, May 4, an annual event on the sor of the R. 0. T. C. Last year, be-- 1 secretary of the junior class of the
campus sponsored by the SuKy circle. side being sponsor of the University College of Arts and Sciences.
The honor comes to Miss Smith as band, Miss Smith was a delegate to is also sponsor of the first R. 0. T. C.
one of the highest that can be given the Women's
Student Government battalion and was chosen as one of President McVey, Dean Evans
1 the Kentucky beauties for the Ken- by the male stu- Association at the University of
to a Kentucky
Will Be Principal Speakers
linois, and a member of the Women's tuckian this year.
dents of the University.
at Annual Event
Miss Graham is a member of the
Versatility in numerous activities Administrative Council. In this, her
Proceeds Will Be Used to Bring has been the accomplishment of Miss senior year, she has been president of Delta Delta Delta sorority and a sen- Y. M. C. A. Officers
The College of Law of the UniverMiss Zona Gale to LexingSmith in her career on the University the Women's Student Government ior in the College of Arts and Scien- sity will hold its annual banquet in
Will Be
ton ForxLecture.
campus since her entrance at the Uni- Association and she has also been ces. She is a member of the
society and the History and honor of the faculty, students, and the
versity in 1924. She has twice been president of the Alpha Gamma Delta
alumni, Monday night at 6:30 o'clock
Theta Sigma Phi, women's honor- sponsor of the R. 0. T. C. band and i sorority. She has held the latter post English clubs.
Miss Davis is a member of the Kap- in the Rainbow room of the Lafayette
praised more than once by news for two years.
The Y. M. C. A. of the University ary journalistic fraternity, will spon- was
Miss Virginia Whayne, a member pa Kanpa Gamma sorority and a jun- hote.1. President McVey will be the
111 hold
its installation of officers sor a subscription leap year dance to papers throughout the South for her
beauty and bearing when marching of the Delta Zeta sorority and a soph- ior in the College of Arts and Scien- principal speaker for the occasion.
nd cabinet members for the coming be given this afternoon in the Men's
The annual banquet marks the high
omore in the College of Agriculture, ces.
gymnasium from 3 until 6 o'clock. with the "best band in Dixie."
rar Tuesday night, May 1 at
Miss Spaulding is a member of the point in the school year for all stuIn her freshman year Miss Smith was elected maid of honor, having the
will be one
the Y. M. C. A. reading room The price of admission
company sponsor of the R. 0. T. next greatest number of. votes, 101. Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, a sopho- dents taking law and the plans this
C. B. Loomis, regional student dollar, and tickets may be obtained was
Miss Whayne is sponsor of Com- more in the College of Arts and Sci- year'are for a bigger affair than ever
C, a Stroller eligible, a member of
be at the door.
. rotary from Atlanta, Ga., will
before. A number of the alumni are
ences, and a member of Strollers.
will The Kernel staff and of the Philosoph- - pany A of the R. O. T. C. unit and is
The proceeds from the dance
principal speaker. Prof. E.
expected to attend the banquet as in
of the ad-- , be used to help defray the expense
T ;:"au, retiring chairman
the past they have shown great interMiss Zona
cry board, will
of bringing to Lexington
est in the occasion. Judge R. C. Stol?
To Be
officers to be installed' arc Gale, noted woman writer, who will
:hr new
will preside as toastmaster.
irgil Lee Couch, president; Henry deliver one of the lectures at the coDean Evans wil' deliver a short
Co-e- d
The next regular regimental pamde
ravens, vice president; Raymond eds' convention Tuesday afternoon.
talk as will Colvin P. Rouse, senior;
will be held Monday on Stoll field, beWhite, secretary; and W. L. Valade.
Music for the dance will be furnishA. K. Ridout, junior; Richard
Meeting to Supplant Former Vo
sophomore, and Mack J. Mor- tween the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock,
ed by the Masqueraders, and the
cational uuidance ConvenThe members of next year's Senior chaperones will be Professor and Mrs.
gan, alumnus. A quartet composed unless weather conditions prohibit, it
Judge Henry S. Barker Suc of A. J. Asher, J. E. Kirksey, J. W. was announced by Col. H. P. Hobbs.
tion for College Women
Cabinet, who are also to be installed Enoch Grehan, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Prof. Lane'Cooper, of Cornell,
cumbs at His Home in Jeifer-sonvill- Jones and J. C. Burnett, all of the A representative of the Pathe Film
Tuesday night 'are: Penrose Kcton, Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Will Deliver Principal Address
Intl., After Extended College of Law, will render several Company will be here to take pictures
Griff Morsch, D. S. Greene, L. Yost,
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin,
Before Scholars at Lafayette The first annual d conference
of the parade and any other moveMorton Walker, Malcolm Barnes, and Dean Sarah Blanding.
vocal selections.
Hotel Tonight.
will be held at the University beginments that he may. desire to film
Raymond Roberts, Phil Aswerus, E
ning Monday, April 30, and
will be executed. All members of the
Twaddell, Joe Ruttencutter, George
Judge Henry S. Barker, 78 years
banquet for Phi Beta for two days. This conference, which
The annual
R. O. T. C. unit are required to be
May, C. E. Byron, Louis Marking,
Kappa, honorary scholastic frater- supplants the former vocational guid- old, president of the University from
present at this formation, and Colonel
Robert Gilmore, Bryant Jones, Harry
1910 to 1917 and a prominent Kennity, will take place in the ballroom
The K. I. P. A. cabinet which met Hobbs desires that all men who work
There will be a meeting of the
Carloss, Homer Krog, John Cochran,
of the Lafayette hotel at G:30 o'clock ance convention, will include three tucky jurist, died Monday afternoon at Centre College April 13, has de- in the afternoon make arrangements
Robert Rudd, Marion Ross, James Strollers in White hall Monday after- tonight. An
program has meetings to be held at the gymnasium at the home of relatives in Jefferscn-vill- cided that its next meeting will be to attend the formation. Uniforms
iapsley, George Buskie, R. H. .Ed noon at 4 o'clock. All new members been arranged. excellent
Ind. Although he had been in held
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday af
will be worn without the blouse.
are urged to attend.
at Transylvania on May 4.
wards and J L. Lecky.
Prof. J. B. Miner, of the University, ternoons, successively, at 3:45 o'clock. ill health for the last few months,
Judge Barker rallied about two weeks
who is president of the Alpha chapter
The meetings will be compulsory for ago only to suffer a relapse. Funeral
of Kentucky, will deliver the opening
serices were held Tuesday afternoon
address. Mrs. L. L. Dantzler, accom- all women students.
Frank L. McVey will begin the con in Jeffersonville with burial in the
panied at the piano Jay Mrs. Virginia
Goodpaster, will render two vocal ference with an address Monday af- Cave Hill cemetery.
ternoon. He will be introduced by
During the period of his presidency
Prof. Lane Cooper, head of the de- Miss Charlsey Smith. After the ad at the University Judge Barker acEnglish at Cornell Uni- dress there will be a tea at Patterson complished much toward building up
partment of
hall in honor of the speaker of the the position that the institution holds
ton to South Africa, from California
(By Kady Elvove)
occupation is one in name only; the versity, will be the principal speaker conference.
(By Ollie M. James)
All are cordially invited today. The number of students en
Bishop L. W. Bur
"Come on, you University grad-- 1 to Alaska, from Florida to France,
Sunset in Algeria! The warmest customs, religion, and superstitions for the occasion.
rolled increased steadily during this uates! Join hands and make a ring,"' from New York to Haitii these scat-w- e
ton will introduce Professor Cooper, to attend.
colors of the spectrum swirl and ed- havincr defied and resisted the en
Theta Sigma Phi, honorary women's time and the entire University pros
could command, and the men and tered University alumni would
dy, finally resolving themselves into croachment of civilization. Into this who has chosen "Platonic Strife"
journalistic fraternity, will give a din- pered to a marked degree. Although
who were once students on er.
grays of an indescribable turquoise setting Mr. Endres went in search of his subject.
Dr. G. G. Buckner is chairman of ner at 7 o'clock Monday night in the at a period when a large amount of the campus of the University could
It was in the alumni office that we
the sensuous warm colors of the
hue, and blues of a cold,
Basque room of the Chimney Corner money was not appropriated by the
the affair and requests that anyone
a circle that would circumscribe learned over how wide a radius the
cast. The hubbub of
for Miss Zona Gale, noted writer, who legislature to the University, consid- form globe. No, we're not speaking University sends its college folk.
Painting quaint winding streets no wishing to attend the banquet should will speak at the Tuesday meeting.
lessens and dies. A stately mosque
possible at the
erable buildinir went on. The present
(with reservations).' Stacks of Kentucky Kernels waiting
alone greets the night with uplifted wider than a murdered man's sprawl, see him as soon as
Miss Gale has chosen for her sub Law building, the biological labora- metaphorically
Mrs. Alberta
Uni- - to be mailed aroused our curiosity,
Upon a hill beside the tower, shadowy gates with darkened arch- Experiment Station.
ject Tuesday afternoon, "The Joys anu tory, experiment station, small ani- We mean that if each holder of a
versity diploma could stretch his) "Where are they going?" we
his canvas before him, sits Louis J. ways, and people who would sooner Server and Dr. Simeon Leland
Hardships of Women Writers."
serum laboratory, greenmal houoe,
until he could reach his nearest ed to know.
painter, adventurer, and die than be painted, Louis Endres pose the rest of the committee.
Miss Isabel Bevier, for 30 years house and the beef cattle barn were
local chapter of
The officers of the
"All over the world," was the as- spent over a year in this region
neighbor, the ring of outstretched
head of the home economics departhands would cover most of the coun- - tounding reply.
Grotesque, hooded figures, with where French was the only foreign Phi Beta Kappa are: Dr. J. B. Miner, ment of the University of Illinois, but built.
President IFrank L. McVey, Dean tries of the world. Tanned explorers
president; Miss Margaret I. King
When we looked at the files in the
queer, gutteral voices lead down into language understood by the natives,
now retired, will speak Wednesday P. P. Boyd, Dean F. Paul Anderson,
the dimming twilight, casting glances and he understanding very little of vice-- president; Dr. W. R. Allen, cor afternoon on "Chapters In the Educa- Prof. George Roberts, Dr. Glanville in Africa would clasp hands with Alumni office, we found that tha
responding secretary, and George K
of England; statement was not exaggerated. Thv
of thinly veiled hatred at this foreign- that!
tion of Women."
Terrell.vProf. E. L. Gillis, Prof. L. L. Spanish cavaliers with decidedly eight-pag- e
weekly newspaper put out
There is some law in the Moham- Roberts, treasurer.
er. Alone, at night, friendless among
Dantzler, Prof. T. T. Jones, and Prof. American accents would converse with by the journalism students of the Unimedan religion which forbids making
millions, this young American works
Enoch Grehan attended the funeral
oil prospectors of Mexico. versity, finds its way to the sugar
on at his nocturne, striving to get an any likeness of the human figure. It Dr.
services Tuesday. A large number of Immaculate United States officers in plantations of the Philippines, the
exact shade of purple for the shadow is strangely similar to our "Thou
presant Nicaragua would .recall that time gold mines of Alaska, the barracks at
At a meeting of the Strollers held Louisville lawyers were also
swathed minaret. In a countr y where shalt not make unto thee any graven
"we put a snake in the dean's pocket" Panama, the ranches of Canada, the
Monday afternoon it was decided that
the French have maintained their su- image, nor any likeness" if the two
to a jovial gentleman in the peasant consulates of Europe, the offices of
rifles and clauses are not identical, the only difProf. W. R. Roberts, chairman of the annual banquet for the members DEAN EVANS IN WASHINGTON
premacy by
costume of Bulgaria. A youthful financial magnates in South Africa,
committee, an of the organization will be given on
machine guns, where the nat'.ves bow ference being that the Mohammedans the commencement
nounced that Dr. A. H. Upham, presiDean Alvin E. Evans, of the Col- mining engineer from Alaska would and the oil fields of South America.
the night of May 3. At that time
their heads and mutter curses un- abide strictly by the clause.
One of the enthusiastic readers of
Mr. Endres constantly ran afoul of dent of Miami
university, Oxford. the officers for the coming year will lege of Law, left Tuesday for Wash- proudly display his fraternity pin to
der their breath at foreigners, Louis
from Panama. A The Kernel is O. B. Chisholm, tobacco
J. Endres walked unafraid and paint this code and it was because of it that Ohio, will be commencement speaker be elected and pins will be presented ington, D. C, to attend the meeting a
would heartily buyer for the United States Tobacco
- Mr. Endres has no pictures, either in at the University, May 28. Dr.
to all new members.
The committee of the American Law Institute from senator from Illinois
ed people where painting was nbsogentle- Company, whose present home is in
sketches or in oils, of any person
of the First Presbyterian church, in charge lor tne occasion is com- April 25 to 29. While in the capitol slap the back of a
lutely forbidden by their religion.
occupied by
Lexington, will give the baccalau posed of Lily Parrish, Sam Manley, city Dean Evans will be the guest of man, whose business card read,
Morocco has only been
(Centinsed on Page Eight)
re'gte sermpn.
"fJoniKonf, China." From Washing
the Cosmos 'dub.
and Harry McChesnejr,
the French fine 1912, nd t tht, the





of Law

Theta Sigma Phi


co-e- d

Tuesday Night



Regimental Parade
Held Monday

BETA KAPPA University to




Port-man- n,




On Every Continent! Sun Never
Sets on Alumni of the University

Artist Seeks Richest Colors
of Spectrum in Desert Sunsets







Upham to
Graduation Address





Pit-ze- r,






Subscribe for

James Park, '15



University of Kentucky Club of
Greater Cincinnati: Luncheon at
noon on first Saturday in each
month at Industrial Club. Pike
Madison avenue, Covington, Ky.
Note Will the officers of other
Alumni Clubs please send us the
dates and places of their regular
University of Kentucky Club of
Chicago: Luncheon third Monday
of each month at 12:30 p. m., in
the grill room of Marshall Field's
Men's Store.
The Louisville Alumni Club of
the University: Luncheon first Saturday in each month at the Brown

Difficulty Experienced Over Eligibility of Players Continues
to Be Felt Through Season to

Mrs. Rodes Estill, '21


L. Kirk, '24



Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '62
Wm. H. Townsend, 12

Walter Hillenmeyer, '11
Wayland Rhodes, '15
W. C. Wilsen, '13


S. C. TEAM OF 1902




Published By And For University Alumni.

And Help the Association


Edited by



Alumni Assn.


Special Rental Rates to Students




Commencement Day will be Monday.
May 28. Alumni Luncheon will
follow immediately ,
Watch next week's Kernel for a full program.
The University of Kentucky extends a most
cordial invitation to all her sons and daughters

will be the best ever


Within the next two weeks we will send each of the paid-u- p
and active members of the Alumni Association a ballot with
the names of those Alumni who will have been nominated for
the offices of the Association. This is customary at this time
These ballots must be back in this office several
each year.
days before the Annual Business meeting which will be held
It is necessary that these ballots
during Commencement Week.
are returned by the time that will be announced on them in order
to make it possible for the committee to count and tabulate the
For this reason a time limit
votes to determine the officers.
has been set and ballots coming in after that time will not be
counted. The candidates are nominated according to the conand the names of the candidates are repstitution and
resented also as the laws of the Association prescribe.
your interest in your Association by casting your vote for the
man whom you think will be the best for the .Association. Our
Association can never function properly and be of ultimate good
to our Alma Mater unless we who make up its membership are
interested in its well being.

The fiscal year of the Alumni Association of the University
is from June 1 until the last day of May each year. This arrangement was made several years ago in order that dues and
Kernel subscriptions would be. due after The Kernel has finished
its year. Within a few weeks the year will be over and dues for
next year will be due.
It has been the experince of those who
have been in charge of this office, since this arrangemnt came
into effect, that it takes the greater part of the summer and early
Now this condifall to get the membership up to its heighth.
tion is one that is a source of expense to the Association. We
are forced to operate on limited means, in fact finances are so
that at times the purchase of enough postage to write to you
A great saving would be
all is a great strain on the treasury.
made possible if you who now are active members would send in
For your benefit
your check for dues before the year is out.
we are publishing at the foot of this column a blank for your
Send in your check at any time and you will then
be assured The Kernel each week next year and will not miss a
single one of the first issues. You would save us a great deal
of time and money and then you would not have us worrying you
every week or so by letters asking for your dues. You know
that you intend to pay your dues and that you want The Kernel.
the operation of
Your check at this time would be a great help-ithis office.

Annual Event Held at Brown
Hotel in Louisville During
Meeting of Kentucky Educational Association.

More than 300 graduates, former
FALL OF 1902
students, faculty and friends of the
The same faculty committee on athUniversity of Kentucky attended the
letics was reappointedby the presisixth annual University of Kentucky
dent. It selected as coach for the
dinner which was given at the Brown
seaspn, E. W. McLeod, of Findlay,
hotel in Louisville, Thursday evening
Ohio, a graduate of University of
April 19. This dinner now is an anHe
had successfully
nual event during the meeting of the
coached the team of University of
Kentucky Education Association,
hotel, 12:30 p. m.
Nashville the previous year.
which is held in Louisville
J. L. Vogt was captain, R. T.
was manager. K. U. was
The attendance at the dinner was
pursuing the same tactics as the year
the largest in the history of the din
before. Young was back on the team
alumbringing with him one Turner, a re
Louisville ners. Active work done by thethe of
ni club of Louisville through
ported clever boxer or pugilist.
ficers of that organization was re
State College started the season
Miss Emily Ray, 24 years old, who sponsible for a part of the increase
with the following team: Maddox,
Mc was graduated from the University in in attendance?
Mrs. Bess Hayden
center: J. T. Pride, right guard;
Gee, left guard; Stanton, right tackle; January, died April 2, at her home in Collins, class of 1910, is president of
H. M. Spencer, left tackle; Vogt Louisville, it has been learned here. the Louisville Alumni Club and was
Death was caused by pneumonip.
in charge . of the sale of tickets to
Campbell, right end; Wurtele-Gradleft end; Hughes, quarterback; B. N.
Miss Ray, who had been teaching in Louisville alumni.
An unexpected and most enjoyable
Spencer, right half back; White the Louisville city schools since leavGuyn, left half back; Dyer, full back, ing the University, is survived by feature of the program was a talk
Later Wills was added to the team her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G W. Ray; made by J. W. Carnahan, class of
There is little doubt but he came to two brothers, J. C. Ray and G. H. 1896, of Chicago, who was present
State College to play football. How Ray, both graduates of the university at the dinner. He told of the enter
ever, there was never the slightest in 1925 and now students in the med- tainment that was arranged for the
evidence that it was anything but ical college of the University of Lou two Kentucky high school basketball
love of the game which was the im- isville, and one sister, Miss Cora Lee teams when they were taking part in
pelling motive in bringing him. He Ray, who will be graduated from the the National High School Bask