xt7zkh0dvz4b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zkh0dvz4b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1928-06-jun14-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1928-06-jun14-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1928-06-jun14-ec. 1928 1928-06-jun14-ec. 2011 true xt7zkh0dvz4b section xt7zkh0dvz4b 

    Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Executive
Corm.ittee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Ken-
tucky, for Thursday, June 14, 1928.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, Universi-
ty of Kentucky, met in regular monthly session in the Presi-
dent's office at the University of Kentucky, at 11:30 a. m.
Thursday, June 14, 1928.   The following members were present:
Judge Richard C. Stoll, Mr. James Park.   Mr. Louis Hillenmeyer,
a member of the Board, met with the Committee.   Also meeting
with tlhe Committee were President McVey, and Wellington Patrick,
Secretary of the Board.

     1. Gift of Site for Training School Building. Judge Stoll
presented to the Committee a deed to certain property on Upper
and Limestone Streets in front of the University Campus, granted
to the University by the City of Lexington, for the purpose of
erecting thereon a Training School Building for the College of
Education.   Judge Stoll stated to the Committee that in effect-
ing the conveyance of the property, he had, on behalf of the Ex-
ecutive Committee, and subject to its confirmation, agreed to
certain items.   The following letter from Judge Stoll to the
Mayor of Lexington was read, and on motion made, seconded, and
unanimously adopted the action taken by Judge Stoll was confirm-
ed by the Committee:

                                         June 1, 1928

Hon. James J. O'Brien, Mayor
City of Lexington
Lexingt-on, Kentucky

My dear Mr. O'Brien:

Confirming my conversation with you and the Commissioneis ",-his
morning relative to the conveyance by the city to the University
of Kentucky of the property known as the city dump, I beg leave
to advise you

     1. If the city should need any part of the property lying
south of Scott Avenue and in the rear of the present f-ire station
for fire department purposes, the University will reconivey such.
pro erty to the city, provided, of course, that the University
at the time shall not have erected buildings thereon.

     2. The property may be still used as a dump until t;he pro-
pertJy is filled to a grade to be fixed by the University, the



dumping and filling, of course, to be at such places as may from
timc to time be designated by the Univcrstty.

When the next meeting of the Executive Committee of the Universi-
ty is held I will have this letter confirmed by proper resolution.
                                   Yours very truly,

     After discussion by the Committec, a motion was made, second-
ed, and adopted, aoqoptTing i the deed to the property from the
city of Lexington, and directing that it be recorded.

     In accepting the gift, the following resolution was offered,
seconded, and adopted, and the Secretary of the Board directed
to furnish copies of it to the Mayor and Commissioners of the
City of Lexington:

          WIEREAS, the Mayor and Commissioners of the
     City of Lexington, Honorable James J. O'Brien, Mayor
     and W. C. Wilson, Commissioner of Public Works, W.R.
     Anderson, Commissioner of Public Safety, Z. R. Elkin,
     Commissioner of Public Property, T. F. Price, Com-
     missioner of Public Finance, and James J. O'Brien,
     Commissioner of Public Affairs, have through their
     generosity made a gift to the University of Kentucky
     of a tract of land opposite the University campus
     for the erection thereon of a training school building,

          THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Com-
     mittee of the University of Kentucky, That it extend
     to the Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Lexing-
     ton the thanks and appreciation of the Board of
     Trustees of the UTniversity of Kentucky for the splen-
     did gift that has been made.   It is the sense of the
     Executive Committee in accepting this gift that the
     City of Lexington has contributed materially to the
     upbuilding of the University of Kentucky and it is
     regarded as one of the most important events that has
     happened in the history of the institution.    The
     Board of Trustees desires to express its deepest ap-
     preciation and gratitude for this expression of good
     will on the part of the Mayor and Commissioners of the
     City of Lexington.

     4. Cafeteria FundAt ;he shggcn0to -- of President McVey
 a motion was made, seconded and carried to set up a special ac-
 count for Cafeteria Fun&. and also a Dormitory Fund.

      5. Cafeteria Equigment.   On recommendation of President
 McVey motion was made, seconded and carried authorizing the
 purchase of a dishwashing machine for the Cafeteria.


3 .

    6. Report of J. M. White, Architect.  President McVey read
to the ComiiiinYttee tEe report of Mr. J. MT. White, consulting
architect employed, by the University.

President Frank L. McVey
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

My dear President McVey:

     You have asked me for suggestions as to locations for
certain new buildings.   I will make them in the order that
appears to be the easiest of solution.

     The location of the Memorial Building establishes a width.
of 150 feet for a mall extending to Rose Street.    There is
width enough north of the present men's dormitory to place
another unit of approximately the same size as the present one.
A new unit paralleling the proposed mall and another unit sim-
ilar to the present one and facing it, can be built with a dis-
tance of about 135 feet between the two.

                   Dairy Products Building

     I think the Dairy Products building should be located in
the vicinity of the Experiment Station building.    Sites 19 and
20 can be re-studied.   The arguments for these sites seem to
me to be as follows:

     Such a building requires considerable power.
     Plenty of high pressure steam is necessary for the sterili-
zation of milk bottles.
     Considerable power will also be required for pasteurization
and evaporation, ice-cream freezing, and for bottle and can-wash--

      It seems certain to me that before long you will have a
central power plant from which these utilities will be furnished,
and such a building should not be too remote from this source of

      This building, while it will deal with the commercial meth-
 ods of manufacturing butter, cheese, ice-cream, etc., will doubt-
 less also be a laboratory building in which instruction will be
 given and research carried on.    The type of persons employed
 in the building will be more of the college type than of the
 farm hand type, and therefore I do not feel that it ought to be
 considered as one of a group of farm buildings.

      It is probably also true that only a small percentage of
 the milk and cream required will be obtainable from the Univer-
 sity herd.   I think most of it will probably be bought from
 farmers, as is the case in commercial creameries.    A salesrooir


may be a desirable feature of such a building.

     It is almost useless to place an observatory building close
enough to a great university group so that students may reach
it during the intervals allotted between classes.   The most sat-
isfactory work can only be done where there is sufficient eleva-
tion or enough open country so that the horizon is available
most of the way around, and where the reflected lights from the
city do not appreciably illuminate the sky.   I would suggest a
small instrument for the use of elementary classes.   If such a;
instrument could be housed in a dome on top of a university
building, I believe It would be satisfactory.   An observatory
available for some research work and for advanced courses should
be erected at a greater distance from the campus -- possibly even
a mile away.

                        The Library

     I hope that we may still adhere to site 16 for the new
Library.  Next to the site of the administration building, I
think it offers the best possibilities of any site on the main
campus.   I think that preliminary studies ought to be made of
the building on this site to see if a scheme can be worked out
for the construction of such a building in units.   A million
volumes capacity is none too large to work toward, but any
building that is properly laid out will permit considerable flex-
ibility as to its ultimate development.   The Library building
is to be one of the most important buildings on your canpus and
I think it would be most unfortunate to consider anything but the
most comprehensive development for it.   It will not merely
house books and provide reading and study rooms; it will virtual-
ly be the headquarters for the graduate work of the institution,
containing studies for the leading men on your faculty, with
seminars adjacent in which graduate courses will be conducted.
You could temporarily add to the present building, but I think
it would be a most unsatisfactory procedure.

                  Teacher Training Building

     Determining the site for this building is very difficult.
I think it would be unfortunate to locate it upon the main
campus because pupils in the grades should not mingle on the
grounds with the college students.   This building ought to have
a site off the campus but near enough so that the University
students can reach it easily during the intervals between class
periods.   It should have a location where a play ground for the
pupils can be provided independent of those for college students.
It is anticipated that a good many of the students will come
from out of the city, and a location convenient to trolley and
bus lines is most desirable.



     The only direction in which the University can expand with-
out buying very expensive property is to the south and I 'eel it
is imperative that you acquire all the land south to the Jeffersonl
Davis school, excepting, of course, the church property.   This
would extend the carmpus south on Rose Street far enough so it
could swing across tb the present agricultural area where it
seems that the athletic and military development must be provided.
To put the teacher training building on that area would block
this development and would also put the building off to one side
where a good many of the pupils would have to cross the main
campus to reach it.   If ground were available north of the camr-
on Winslow Street, that, it seems to me, would be an admirable
location but it does not look very feasible.

     Facing the front campus and bordering Upper Street there is
an area with very great possibilities.   I think there is suffi-
cient area with firm foundations along Upper Street for a building
such as you propose, and the dump ground behind could be gradually
developed into a play ground area which would, at the same time,
serve the purpose of a pare, for which, I understand, the area
had been intended.   This site meets the requirements as to con-
venience to trolley and bus lines, and also as to the convenience
of the University group.   If a power plant is to be located in
that vicinity, the location will be ideal from that standpoint.
The advantages of this location seem to me great enough for it
to be given first consideration and for not seeking a second
choice, unless it is not available.   It requires some imagination
to picture its possibilities, but only a few years will be re-
quired to make it a beautiful setting for a building.

     May I add a word with reference to your general development?
The possibilities for beautifying the area between the Stadium
and the President's house are so obvious that I hope you will set
a landscape gardener at work at once.   It is probable that the
stream should be covered in part and broadened elsewhere to create
a small lake for the development of water-growing plants. With
the low ground and banks there is an opportunity for the develop-
ment of indigenous material which will be very helpful to the
botanist and develop a surprising interest among the majority of
students on the campus.   Certain play ground areas and winding
walks would make it a most charming garden spot.

     Plans for a central heating plant should be considered at
once because at least one trunk line tunnel should be extended
across the campus and its location should be determined before
any additional buildings are considered and before any more
grading is settled upon.   It seems to me likely that such a
tunnel should extend from Limestone Street along the mall which
you are going to develop south of McVey Hall.    A profile study
should be made of this mall with the tunnel location in mind.

As you expand, the economics of a central power plant will



be more obvious.   During the heating season you can generate
power a good deal cheaper than you can buy it and that is when
your requirements are the greatest.   In the summer you can buy
it more cheaply than you can make it.   The use of boilers with
stokers permits the use of cheaper coal, cuts down firing costs,
and eliminates smoke.   A report on the cost and advantages of
a central heating plant should be made at once.

     The general plan for the campus development seems to me to
be proving a perfectly logical one and I see no reason for sug-
gesting any material deviation from it.   But you must bear in
mind as each new building coxies up, it will cause some readjust-
ments.   The new location for Memorial Hall and the feeling that
buildings 31, 32 and 33 may never be so located would suggest
a re-study of sites 29 and 30.   As long as you adhere to the
main axes of the plan these minor changes are perfectly feasible,
must be anticipated, and should receive rather continuous study
so that your ideas may be crystallized as far in advance of new
building construction as possible.
                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                         Consulting Architect

     7. Business Agent'-s Report. President McVey presented to
the Committee the report of the Business Agent which was as

Statement of Income and Expenditures
        Month of May 1928
            Previously     Current

General Fund Income      Reported
Federal Approp.       42,750.00
Vocational Ed.Board    6,031.24
  State Approp. --
  Girl's Dorm.         75,000.00
  State Tax            837,297.90
  Interest on Liberty
  Loan Bonds            1,700.00
  Int. on Endowment Bonds 8,644.50
  Student Fees         112,236.01
  Student Fees-Simmer   33,248.05
  Student Fees-Univ.Hi.  3,683.50
  Student Fees-Univ. Ext. 19, 680.39
  Misc. Receipts         8,509.23
  Rentals                9,187.59
  Summer School --
  State Appropriation  10, 000.00
          Total      1,167,968.41


22 267.12

   383. 75

 1, 443. 23
 1, 160. 34


Fiscal Year
To Date


    112, 619.7G
    33p24-8. 05
       ,; 6{3!3 57
     9,492. S9

   .10 000.00
 1 $ 19 S3 2J. 17,-i



Expenditures          -Reported
Instruction          604, 809.31
Administration Exp.
  & Maintenance        185,116.42
  Additions & Better-
  ments                128,085.07
          Total        918,010.80
 Excess of Income over
 Expenditures          249,957.61

 Patterson Hall Income
 Board                  63,503.79
 Miscellaneous              53.61
 Room Rent - Summer      4,000.50
          Total         6 557.9S0

Additions & Better-


ments                  2,067. 60
         Total         59, 992.2 4
Excess of Income over   7, 565.66
Genera1 Fund Income 1,235,526.31
General Fund Expend.   978,003.04



17, 706. 78





6, 284.00G

25 967.04

FiscaL Year
  To D~te




   226. 66
 4,000. 50
 87,959. 25

64, 1208.64



Excess of General
Fund Income over
Expendi tures
Excess of Receipts
over Expciaditure, for
Gen.Ledger Acctg   _
Excess of Receipts
over Expenditures
for the fiscal yr.
to date -Gen. Fund
Excess of Receipts
over Exp. for the
fiscal yr. to date
-- Gen. Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1
Cash in Bank May 31, 1

Trust Fund Income
Student Loan Fimd
Student Notes Paid
   Total Receipts
Student Notes
 Excess of Receipts
 over Exp.







927 - Gen. Fund
927 - Gen. Fund

2, 204.11
10, 52.42

 9,605 00


67 5. 97

824. 00

(148. 03)



174, 795.71

174, 795.71
103, 879. 50

  2, 289.58
  8 908, 81

 10, 332 .00

    222e 08



Excess c-.f Recei-Dts over
EBx-enci'jli.res f8 r the
  fiscal yr. to date -
  Trust Fund
  Cash in Bank July 1,
  1927 - Trus-t Fund
  Cash in Bank May 31,
  1928 - Trust Fund
Experirment Station Income
Hatch-Federal Approp.15,000.00
Milk and Butter-Cash

Beef Cattle Sales
Dairy Cattle Sales
Sheep Sales
Swine Sales
Poultry Sales
Farm Produce Sales
Horticultural Sales
Seed Test
Fertilizer - Fees
Public Service Lab.

   807. 50
 65 7865 49
   328. 70
   207. 28
 3,1465 73
 37,599. 25

State Approp.        7,500.00
Feeding Stuffs-Fees  55,505.30
Adams-Federal Approp. 15,000.00
Serum - Sales         65,054.98
Serum.- Virus Sales     210.55
Serum - Supply Sales    258.60
Serum - Misc.            78.73
State Approp.        30,553.92
Creamery - Licence
Fees                 6,177.00
Creamery - Testers
Licenses             2,506.00
Creamery   Glassware
Tested                 892.91
Robinson - State Appr.9,168.96
W.Ky. - State Approp. 7,523.01
Puznell - Fed Approp.40,000.00
State Approp. - Pat.
Farm Purchase       10,375.00

Nursery Inspection
- State Approp.
Nursery Inspection
- Fees
Misc, Funds
Additions & Better-
 Excess of Exp.
 over Incomo


  1,337. 02
  5,000. 00

278,617. 79

16, 240. 68
294. 858. 47

(3,866. 62)

  307. 68
  107. 30

  165. 66
  112. 23

4, 985.65

  294, 18





18, 23 2.38



( :Is221 7 )


  1,152. 22

  1, 374. 30

15, 000.00

13 986.14
67 349.33
   857. 50
 1 ,478.39
 3, 284.35
   207 , 28
 3, 312.39
 3, 197 08
 47 , 119.25

 SO ,490.96
 15, 000.00



 40 000. 00


1,455. 27

  1, 377. 02
  5 000.00
309. 224.23


1625, 75. 32

( 16,,796. 37)


Excess of Exp. over    Reported
Income for fiscal yr.
to date - Exp.Sta.
Cash in Bank July 1,
1927 - Exp.Sta.
Cash in Bank May 31,
1928 - ExD. Sta.

ourr e-n t

Extension Division Inc.
Fodcral Smith-Lovor   152,241.30
Federal Supplementary  45,100.93
CuntY and Other        1,172.54
           Total       198,514.77

52. 50

Fiscal Year
To l Date


4, 234.47

( 1, 581. 90)

152, 241. 30
  1, 225. 04
198, 567. 27





Excess of Expenditures  -
over Incomrae        (79,178._56)


(107. 284. 51)

Excess of Exp. over
I ncoe.o for the fiscal
yr. to date -Ext.Div.
Cash in Bank July 1,
1927 - Eit. Div.
Cash in Bank May 31, 1928, Ext. Div.
General Fund Income 1,2235,526.31
Trust Fund Income       2,204.11
Ex-p eriment Sta. Inc.  290,991.85
Ex. Div. Incorne      198, 514.77
          Total      1,727,237.04

General Fund Exp.
Trust Fund Exp.
Exp. Sta.Exp.
Ext.Div. Exp.

  277, 893.33
1, 551,102.15

441337 39


(107, 284.51)


1, 261,49 3c 3 5
1. 771, 574, 43

      64-4. 31
  323, 00. 60
  305, 851. 78
11 7 21 6. bs

Excess of Income
over Expenditures



Excess of Receipts over
Ex:)endi ures for Gen.
Ledger Accounts

12, 056. 24-

(9, 408.74)

Student- Loan Fund -
Not es


Excess of Receipts
over Ex-p. for fiscal year
to da'e-Combined Fund

(135 987.53

Excess of Receipts over
Exp. for fiscal year
to datbe - Combined Fund                             50,936.91
Cash in Bank and on hand July 1, 1927 - Combined F (60,818.63
Cash in Bank and on hand May 31, 1928 - Comnfbined F. (9 881. 7

4.9 715 . 0

2 3-7 50

(136. 50
_ _  I

4  4 9. 19)



Abstract of item shown on Statement
of Income and Expenditures as "Excess
of Receipts over Expenditures for
General Ledger Accounts $2,647.50."1

                      Debit    Credit

Accounts Receivable

Insurance Paid in Advance

Sundry Accounts

          26 099.96


21, 562.16

                                  23,452.46  26,099.96


                                             2, 647. 50

     8. Report of Greater Kentuoky C4gn Fund Committee.
The repor  ft-tE  B3usiness  geno   he reater Kentucky Carnpaign
Fund was presented qid rded incorporated in the minutes.     The
rept was as follows:


Borrowed from Louis des Cognest Co.
Borrowed from Memorial Bldg. Fund
Collections on pleeges received by D. H. Peak

$30, 000.00
70, 439. 32
150, 4-39. 32


3 badium
Cold Checks
Student Loan Fund
Patterson Memorial Fund
Memorial Bldg. Fund Notes
Louis des Cognets Co. Notes

102, 265.65
  3, 686.05
  4, 941.05
  26, 000. 00
  8, 500.00

1L'9 86 . 20

Due Patterson Memorial Fund
Due St-udent Loan Fund


I .. 7 8

Balance on Louis des Cogncts Notes to University of Kentucky
$21,500.00.  On Memorial Building Fund Notes $24,000.00 and ac-
crue:3d init8rost which approximates $7, 500.QO was the sta-tU,;-,cnt in
report of Decombcr 20, 1927.  No furt-her payments have becn Yiad.c
from cash.  However, the University has paid. on construction of
Memorial Building $11,556.13 and there is now duo the contractors
$10,000.00 a total of $21,556.13 all of which is to be a credit
on Memorial Building Notes and held by the Univcrsity as notes
receivable fron Greater Kentucky Campaign Fund.
                                         D, H. Peak,
                                         Business Arcnt



     9. American institute of Cooperation.  President McVey
states to the Committee that the American Institute of Cooperati-L.
would if it had an invitation come to Kentudky for the purpose cC
holding an institute during the coming year.   The coming of the
institute here is regarded as of particular importance and a mo-
tion was made, seconded and carried authorizing President McVey to
extend the invitation and authorized hirA tt provide for not to
exceed $1,000 to cover expenses.

     10. Pipe Line on Experiment Station Property.   A communica-
tion was read from Dean Cooper in which he stated Mr. Morris Lev-%
had purchased the Anderson property adjoining the Experiment Sta-
tion farm on which the Experiment Station has a perpetual right-
of-way for a tile line.   Mr. Levy asked for the release of the
right-of-way and offered to pay the expense of putting the tile
line on the Experiment Station farm.   Motion was made, seconded
and carried authorizing the right-of-way to be released and the
tile line to be installed on the University farm at Morris Levy's
expense.   The following letter from bean Cooper to Mr. Levy was

                                       June 4, 1928

Mr. Morris Levy,
Lexington, Kentucky.

Dear Mr. Levy:

     Mr. Kelley has informed me of your plans for the drainage of
your property which adjoins the Experiment Station farm on the
South, and of your desire to construct a storm sewer line in the
rear of lots 1, 2 and 3, making connection with the main line of
tile on our property.

     Also, it is my understanding fvom your discussion with
Mr. Kelley that you desire to have us remove the 10-inch tile line
now going across the property and for which we have a perpetual
right-of-way, thus releasing the right-of-way to you.

     Under date of April 12, I wrote you the general conditions
relative to the re-installation.   I shall be very glad to rec-
ommend to the Board of Trustees the taking up of the tile line
and the re-installation upon our own property and, consequently,
the re-conveying of the perpetual fight-of-way to you, provided
you will deposit with our business agent the necessary funds to
pay the entire cost to the institution of this re-installation.

     We estimate that the change of the 10-inch tile line running
through your property, including the reimbursement to Mr. Shely,
will cost approximately $400.   However, we do not guarantee aay-
thing relative to cost and would ask a deposit bf V500.    We shall
do the work as cheaply as possible and there will be returned to



you such amount as is not required.

     The open ditch which it seems desirable to cover will re-
quire enlargement and the laying of two parallel lines of tile*.-
one of 12-inch and one of 10-inch, for approximately 427 feet.
Our estimated cost for this work, including the necessary additiouj-
al earth filling, is $370.   We are willing to jgy $200 of the
total cost, you to pay the remainder whatever it may be.   We
would then give a permit to empty one storm sewer, as previounly
described, in the tile line, at a point to be indicated by our
engineer.   It is agreed that no sewage is to be emptied into
these lines.

     It is probable that the cost of this installation may be cut
down if you can furnish the earth necessary for filling.

     We would ask that you desposit with our business agent the
sum of $250 to cover this cost.   Such part of this amount as is
not required will be returned to you.

     I wish it understood that I am willing to make the recommen-
dation to the Board, as indicated, and that it is our purpose to
handle the work as cheaply and as expeditiously as possible, but
that the state must be fully reimbursed for the additional outlay.
After giving the matter consideration, it is also our conclusion
that the work must be carried under our own supervision and direc-

     If the conditions as outlined herein are acceptable to you,
please indicate the same in writing and I sahll secure the necessar.
approval from our Board.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        Thomas Cooper
                                        Dean and Director.

     11. Tablets on Buildings.   Motion was made, seconded and
carried authorizing the President of the University to have placed.
on suitable tablets on buildings the names of the members of the
Board of Trustees and the namd of the President of the University
at the time the building was erected.

     12. Appointments and Adjustments in Salary of Personnel,
The following list of appointments and changes was recommended by
President McVey and on motion duly seconded, approved.



     Appointment of Mr. George Insko to the position of Field
Agent in Cream Grading, at a salary of $150 a month, effective
July 1, 1928.

     Mr. W. C. Eskew to be transferred from Inspector of Cream
Grading to Field Agent in Cream Grading at a salary of $150 a

     Mr. John P. Troxell to be Assistant Professor of Economics
at $3200 a year for the year 1928-1929.

     Mr. James W. Martin to be Professor of Economics and Assistant
Director of the Bureau of Business Research at a salary of ';?4500
a year on a twelve months basis.

     Mr. A. Leroy Voris to be appointed as assistant chemist in the
Experiment Station at a salary of $100 a month effective July 1,

     Mr. Joe Palmer to be Instructor in English at a salary of
$1800 a yfear.

     Mr. Howard Hagan to be appointed as technician in the Depart-
ment of Bacteriology for 1928-1929 at a salary of $900 on a twelve
months basis.

     Dr. Roy V. Sherman to be reappointed Assistant Professor of
Political Science for one year at a salary of $2100.

     Miss Elinor Nims to be appointed as Assistant Professor in
Sociology for the year 1923-1929 at a salary of $2400.

     Miss Elinor Nims to be appointed Acting Head of the Depart-
ment of Sociology for the year 1928-1929.

     Mr, B. Beehler to give one course in Practical Sociology
through the year 1928-1929 at a salary of $500.

     Mr. J. R. Brown to be appointed student assistant in Zoology
at a salary of $20 a month for the year 1928-1929.

     Mr. E. J. Davis to be appointed student assistant in Zoology
at a salary of $20 a month for the year 1928-1929.

     Dr. A. Vandenbosch to be given the title of Professor.

     Mr. Dawson Hawkins to be Professor of Hydraulics.



     Di. W. R. Jillson , State Geologist, to give . course in
Go olo~gy during the year 1928"1929, without compensation.

     Professor A. J. Olney to be ;a*cting Head of the Depart:.;ent of
Horticulture until such time as other arrangewients can be mace.

     i-. .  B. Cunmiins to receive fellowship offered by t  COutdocr
Advertising Association of Kentucky for the year 1928-192'.

     Li:8 Virginia Meier's salary to be increased to $110 a month
effective July 1j.; 1928.

     Continuation of employment of J. R. Killinger as County Agent
of Bracken County at a salary of 4l158-1/3 a month effective June
1, 1928 to May 31, 1929.

     Continuation of employment of M-1ary Ellen Fuller as roe..e
De;',ionstration Agent of IM.;ercer County at a salary of $175 a ;:.onth
effective July 1, 1928 to June 30, 1929.

     Mr. W. H. Newman to be Professor of Railroad Engineering and

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                       Wellington Patrick,
                                       Board of Trustees