xt7zkh0dvz3r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zkh0dvz3r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1911-08-jul25-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-08-jul25-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-08-jul25-ec. 1911 1911-08-jul25-ec. 2011 true xt7zkh0dvz3r section xt7zkh0dvz3r 

    At a called meeting of the Executive Committee of the State

University, held at the Phoenix Hotel, July 25, 1911, there were

present the following members: Messrs. Nichols, Clay, Stoll and


    On motion of mr. Stoll, wjich was duly seconded and carried

unanimously, President Barker and Prof. R. C. Terrell were au-

tjorized to put in a sower connecting with Limestone Street near

the Agricultural Building. They were authorized to let out the

contract and aee to its supervision.

    The question referred to this Committee by the Board relative

to the employment of a Y. K. C A. Director was postponed until

the next meeting.

    On motion, the following resolution was passed unanimously;

    Resolved, That for the coming year, the Department of Zoology

be placed in charge of Professor Garman and that this Department

be placed in the College of Agriculture.

    It is Understood that Professor Garman will have a super-

vision of this work, so far as it will not interfere with his

work at the E12xperiment Station and that Miss McCann is to assist

him in ftology as well as entomology, devoting her whole time

to this work.

    A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that Prof.

Tuthill be made full Professor in the Chair of History, and his

salary be fixed at the sum of $1500., the increase to follow un-

der the rule adopted for the regulation of other professors.

    It was also moved, seconded and unanimously carried that

Prof. Knox Jamison be employed as Assistant Professor of History,

at a salary of $1000.

   By unanimous consent, the question relative to the lockers

in the Gymnasiu under the supervision of Prof. Mustaine was


submitted to President Barker, with power to act, with directions

to buy such lockers as he may think proper.

    Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carreid t1At the

 salary of Mrs. Lucy B.Blackburn be fixed at $500., and she be

 assigned-Ito such duties as President Barker may direct.

    The question of the fixing of the salary of Mrs. Marshallaas

Matron of the Boys' dormitories having been submitted to the Mcx

ecutive Committee, with power to act, it was unanimously voted

that her salary be fixed at $500., and also that the salary

of Mr. Lenighan as bookkeeper be fixed at $8O0.

    It was ordered that the question referred to the Executive

Committee by the Board of Trustees relative to the putting of

hot water in the boys' dormitories and the conversion of the

veranda in the new dormitory into a reception loom be postponed

until the next meeting.

    The question of the selection of a Legislative Committee by

President Barker, which was directed by theBoard of Trustees to

be approved by this Committee, was postponed until the next


    On motion made, seconded and carried, President Barker, Miss

Hamilton and Miss Aubyn Chinn were appointed as a cp=ittee to

take up the question of a suitable matron for Patterson Hall and

make some recommendation to this Board at its next meeting.

    On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, W. T. Laf.

ferty, Business Agent, with the approval of President Barker,

was authorized to rent houres out in town for the accomodation

of such appointees as we are required to provide for and who cannot

be accomodated in the two dormitories upon the campus, or make

such other provisions for their accomodation as may in their judge-

ment seem most advisable.


    By the unanimous consent of the Committee, President Barker

was directed to make provisiom for the teaching of music at Pat-

terson Hall, but with the understanding that the University

would not incur expense other than providing the pianos.

    On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, on viva

voce vote, the Business Agent was empowered, upon the approval

of the President, to prepare a waiting room for female students

in the room now occupied by Professor Melcher in the Main Build-

ing, and to make such water connections and other necessary

improvements as may appear proper, but to consult the President as

to the amount of work and improvements to be made.

    On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, Messrs.

Nichols and Davies were made a committee, with directions to

contract for the necessary coal to supply the University for

the year 1911-12.

    It was moved, seconded and carried that President Barker,

Prof. Scovell and the Business Agent make up the financial re-

port for the University and Experiement Station, to be reported

to the next session of the Legislature, and that they be empower-

ed to have tht same printed in pamphitt form.

    Upon the recommendation of President Barker, upon motion made

seconded and carried, upon the yea and nay vote, Prof. Freeman was

elected to fill the place vacated by the resignation of Prof. Wil-

son of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department, and

his salary fixed %jt $2000.

    At this point the financial statement of the University for

the past year was presented by the Business Agent and it was or-

dered that the statement be recorded in these minutes, which is

asfollows :-



                                       Increase       Reduced

H. S. Barker             5500.
J. K. Patterson          3000
Anna J. Hamilton         1500.
Elizabeth S. Kin2-ead    1000
A. C. Zembrod            1900          100
C. R. Melcher            1800          100
Glanville Terrell        1900          100
T. T. JOnes              1700          100
L. F. Snow               1900                         1900
J. T. C. Noe             1700          300
E T. Gillis              1300          100
W. T. Lafferty           1700          100
Charles Kerr              750
Iyman Chalkley           1500
Porfessor in Law          375
W. K. Patterson          1200                       1200
A. G. McGregor           1100                       1100
Knox Jamison             1000                       1000
L. D. gallace             750                         750
M. R. Schnaitter          750                        750
Homer WIilson             750                          750
J. E. Tuthill            1400          100
". R. Egelhoff            600                         600
Mrs. F. 0. Stout         1100
W. W. HS. Mustaine       1500          100
McHenry Rhoads           3000
J. J. TiTert                          2000
Joseph Dicker            1000
J. B. Dicker              800
J. S. Horine              800
A. L. Wilhoite            800
J. J.Curtis               60o
T. F. Hudgins             700
G. Thurman                720
J. V. Bnixter             480
F. Paul Anderson         3000
L. K. Frankel            2000
A. M. Wilson             1900                         1900
L. Vi. Nollau            1200           100
George Roberts           1000
T. R. Bryant              650            50
l. A. Scovell             200
J. J. 111rer             2000           100
       A. H. Giilert     1300          100
E. L. Rees               1000           100
H.H.Downing               850           100
J. G. Whi te             3000
J. M. Davis              1600           100
T. J. Barr                300
H. 2). DEston            1200           300
W. T. Pearce              950
F. E. Tuttle             2000-
R. N. Maxson             1700           100
L. C. Daniels            1300           100


R. H. Spahr               800          100
M. L. Pence              2000
W. S. Webb               1200          100
:  . Miller              2000
Sue D. McCann            UN0           100
J. VW. Pryor             2000
A. St MacKenzie          2000
E. F. Farquhar           1100          100
W. E. Rowe               1900          100
W. J. Carrell            1600          100
R. C. Terrell            1400          100
Aubyn Chinn               800
R. S. Bullock             100
W. T. Lafferty           1000
C. B. Lenahgan            700          100
Llzzie L. Graddy          720
Margaret King             600
Anna B. Jones             zoo
Lucy Hutchcraft           600
R. A. Milligan            800
L. D. Moore               600
Mrs. S. R. Marshall       360          140
Mrs. L. B. Blackburn      800                         300
R. A. Grella              360
F. L. Wheeler             200
Katherine Owens           600 Special


Freeman                  1800.
Jamison                  1000
Mathematics              1800
Mathematics              1200
English and Latin        1200


    The following were also on the pay-roll for 1910-11:

Student Assistant in Freehand Drawing, six student assistants

at $10. per month, six student assistants at $15. per month,

student assistant in Mining Engineering at $25. per month,

Fireman, Watchman and janitors amounting to approximately


             SALARIES FR 1911412

As fixed for past year                  101,465
Ptopooed increase                         5,370
Additional teaching force                 7,000
Other employees                           4.000
Salaries eliminated and reduced          10,250
                        TOTAL          107355



Salaries and wages       107,585
Insurance notes & interest 1,800
Advertising and printing   1,310
Postage & Stationary       2,013
Travelling expenses        A,500
Carnegie Library           2,650
Extra labor                  527
Student Travelling expenses4,000
Student Deposit Fees       6,ooo
Material and equipment
:epai rs
Patterson hall

     BSTIMATED INC,01  FOR 1911-12.

1/2 cent Tax from State
Special Tax 1908 Law
         t 1904   0
U. S. Fund
Interest on State bonds
Dormitory Fees
Gymnasium Fees
Tuition Fees
Matticulation Fees
Sundry Fees and collegtion
National Educational Fund
Student Deposits
PRtterson Hall appropriation

Receipts for Fiscal year 1910-11


  42, 750
  8, 644. 50
  6, 000
  2, 000
1547, 694. 50

147, 692.01

fDisbursements for Fiscal Year 1910-11

Items paid on fiscal account of 1910 and

1911 that are not properly chargable to the

running account of that year:

Paid for Caltert Lot
  " on McLaughlin Lot
Int. on Building Fund notes
Salaries for June 1910
Excess in Expenditure


   461. o0
 1, 550.00


An Item of student deposits of $5430. is

both charged and credited in thin statement.

A requisition of Prof. Norwecd for supplies for the


Mining Engineering Department was presented and upbn motion

made and seconded and upon a call of the yeas and nays, was un-

anirnously carried. The amount of said requisition being $606.46.

    Requisitions fdr-the Department of Physics, for the Depart-

ment of Chemistry, for Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

were presented and upon motion made and carried unanimously,

upon a yea and nay vote, President Barker was directed to examine

each and whatever of each he should approve would be allowed,

his action upon same to be reported at the next meeting of this


    The question of building a ceiling in the Junior Drawing

Room of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Building, at the

prive of $199. having been brought up, by motion made and

seconded and unanimously carried, upon call of the yeas and nays,

the same was ordered.

    Upon motion made, seconded and carried, upon yea and nay

vote, the Business Agent was directed to have the new coil

put in the wood-shop of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering


    It was then moved and seconded and carried, upon a yea and

nay bate, that the salary of Prof. Baxter in the Mechanical and

Electrical Engineering Department be increased to $50. per

month, beginning September 1st. next.

    The question of employing a teacher in Free-hand drawing

was postponed until the next meeting of this body.

    A small requisition was then presented by Prof. Rowe of

the Civil Engineering Department, and the same was allowed,

after striking off the sum for the employment of a stenographer.

   Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, it was


     ordered that Miss Margaret King, who is now located at the

Library Building, be employed at the Administration offices as

stenographer, and President Barker directed to employ a librar-

ian at a salary not to exceed $75. per month.

    President Barker was authorized to put in a door in Patter-

son Hall in the partition separating what is known as the hos-

pital room from the adjacent rooms.

    It was ordered that the Business Agent make out a report

to the Executive Committee, at each of its meetings, in the

nature of a financial statement, and that a copy be made and

sent to each member of that committee.

    On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried; it was

ordered that the salary of the Business Agent remain at the

sum patd during the last year. This, however, not to affect

his salary, with its armual increase, as Den of the Law De-


    By unanimous consent, Prof. Garman was directed to put

in a privet hedge fence along the front of the campus, in

place of the plank fence now standing upon the line.

    On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, upon a

yea and nay mote, the Chairman of the Board and the Business

Agent were directed to pay for the improvements in the Admin#-

istration offices in cash or by note or itotes, as m y be deemed

most advisable by them, and report their action to the next

meeting of this committee,

    Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, upon a

yea and nay tote, the sum of $1000. was appropriated annually

for the payment of a Director of Outdoor Athletics, which Di-

rector shall be selected by the Athletic Committee of the Uni-


versity, subject to the approval of President Barker.

   Prof. Scovell appeared before the Comnittee and upon

motion made, seconded and carried, by yea and nay vote Le

was given permission to have published an Agricultural bul-

letin which he is to prepare and report the expense of same to

this Committee or to President Barker.

    Two requisitions were presented by Prof. Scovell for the

Agri cultural Department, one for the sum of $678. and another

for the sum of $900o., and upon motion made, seconded and un-

animously carried, upon a yea and nay vote, the same were allowed.

    It was ordered that a financial statement of the expenses

of the Summer Shool and the names of persons who taught in

same bereported at the next meeting of this Board.

   Motion made, seconded and carried to adjourn.

Se cre tarv.