xt7zgm81p81b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zgm81p81b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-02-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 1990 1990 1990-02-12 2020 true xt7zgm81p81b section xt7zgm81p81b EB.


Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XClll, No. 109

Established 1 894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Monday, February 12, 1990

Mandela greeted by thousands of supporters

Assoctated Press

CAPE TOWN, South Africa —
Nelson Mandela walked through a
prison gate to freedom yesterday,
setting off joyous celebrations and
Violent clashes as blacks nation-
wide welcomed their leader back
frotn 27 years in jail.

“(‘omrades and fellow South Al'-
ricaiis, l greet you all in the name
of ptace, detnocracy and freedom
for all,“ Mandela told tens of thou-
sands of cheering supporters who
thronged outside City Hall, tnany
getting their first look at the Afri—
can National Congress leader. “I
stand here before you not at as a
prophet, but as a humble servant of
you the people."

Within an hour of the release. as
Mandela's tnotorcade arrived at
City Hall, violence broke out. First
aid workers and joumahsts said one
person was killed and more than
llltl people itiiured when riot police
lirt l .slb‘lfilllts' after groups of black
yt lhs \ll'dsllt'tl shop windows iti
ill; city tctiter

Some youths retaliated by hur~
ling bottles at the officers. Hun—
dreds of terrified people waiting to
hear Mandela ran for cover as po.
lice tired blasts of shotgun pellets.

(‘lashes between police and cele-
brating blacks were reported in at
least two other areas, while in lo
hannes‘burg thousands of young
blacks received an escort from traf-
fic police as they ran triumphantly
through the city. Columns of cheer—
me .ictix ists logged through Durban


ANC leader was impris-
oned by South Africa for 27
years. ll‘)57 AP photo)

and other L itics.

”We have waited too long for our
freedom," Mandela told the crowd.
He said that until the proper climate
was created for peaceful negotia~
tions. the armed struggle was still a
policy of the ANC.

“The factors that (caused the
need for armed strtigglei exist to-
day." Mandela said. “We haye no
options but to continue. We express
the hope that a climate conducive
to a negotiated settlement would be

See MANDELA. Page 6

Lexington rally rejoices over ANC leader

Campus Editor

As conga drums beat the tune of
a West African welcoming song,
more than 200 people rallied at Tri-
angle Park last night in celebration
of the release of African National
Congress leader Nelson Mandela.

The release ended the 27 1/2
years of imprisonment for one of
South Africa’s most celebrated
black leaders.

Although Mandela was released
from prison yesterday, he is not a
free man, said Msiba Grundy, an
organizer for the Lexington rally.

“Nelson Mandela has not been
freed, he has been released. To be
free means that you have control of
your life and of your destiny.”
Grundy said. “I don’t know any Af-
rican people tn the world who have
control of their life and of their desw

The release is also considered to
mark a time of change for the peo-
ple in South Africa and the wea~
kening of the government.

“African people are watching this
moment. when I say African people
I mean world-wide. I think it has
given (the movement) a new shot in
the arm. tremendous energy,"
(irtindy said. "i think the ground
swell from outside the prison walls
literally got to the South African
govemment. They saw the wisdom

A LIGHT OF FREDOM: France. 8. and Paris, 4, hold a candle to celebrate African National ,e».



leader Nelson Mandela. with more than 200 other Lexington residents in Triangle Park last night

in freeing this man. Even inside
prisons he was haying a daily im-
pact oti people's lives and they
could not control that."

(irow mg up in South Africa, [)a-
vid Rock, a UK graduate student.
ll'ds witnessed blacks’ struggles.

‘ The struggle for Mandela is the

struggle ol a nation being born."
Kock said. “’l‘oday we are celebrat-
ing a time iti history, a struggle we
have been fighting for so long."
The struggle ol equality does not
only take place lll South Africa. but
it. Lexington. said Michael Wilson.
lestni'ton-l-‘ayette Urban County








Wall St. savvy
an advantage
at Coliseum

Staff Writer

The way L‘K senior Stephen
Ratler talks about it. you would
think getting tickets to UK basket—
ball games in the lottery is akin to
dealing lll the stock market.

“You glast have to negotiate and
trade well." Rader said after pick-
ing up his usual front—row seats
yesterday for Thursday night‘s
l.l\'-l.ouisiana State University
game. “Sure. a lot of it is luck, but
.1 lot til it is also quick talking."

Radet . a marketing and manage-
ment malor. knows what he ls
talking about With competition
ltom about lJlllll lottery hopefuls,
he says he usually comes away
with lroiit row seats.

Yesterday morning's lottery,
which included about 1,400 “trad-
ers," was the biggest since the
1987 UKsllnivcrsity of Louisville

As lor the number of student
tickets remaining for the LSU
game, it still appears that all stu.
dents with validated student iden—
tification will get seats.

"We‘ve never turned a student
away from a UK athletic event,
and we hope to be able to contin-
ue saying that after the LSU
game," said Bob Clay, director of
residence life.

Despite the high demand for
regular student tickets. guest tick-
ets will be available for the LSU
game. The number of guest tickets
will depend on the si/e of the to-
day's ticket line. They can be. pur—
chased for S7, according to Stu-
dent Affairs Officer Rodney

“Right now it stands at one
(guest ticket) per person," Stiles
said. “lf the regular student line is




. ‘


About 1,400 students wait in line yesterday morning for the lottery»ticket drawing for the UK-Louisiana State Universny basketball
game It was the biggest turnout tor the lottery since the 1987 UK-Louisville game. Tickets tor the LSU game are Sllll available.

small two could be available. The
student with IDs take priority."
While Rader walked out of Me-
morial Coliseum. control card in
hand. at 9:30 in the morning yes-
terday with the first group of

”winners," about 75 people waited
outside in the cold for the less
sought-after. non-lottery tickets.
Not only did those unfortunate
fans 77 those without the Wall
Street savvy - have to sit in the

damp cold, but they also missed
the “entertainment" in the gymna-
sium of the Coliseum.

The UK basketball team. after
something of a pep talk given by
Coach Rick Pitino over the PA

system, practiced in front of the
students as they drearily waited
for their respective cards.

“We really want to thank you

See L400, Back page



(‘ouncilman for the llfsl distru.‘
“The struggle continue» l7. I

ington. Kentucky. \\ e .1» a paw;

are stilfering llllllSUeC\ l1 ‘ ‘\\

son said. ““e will net ls.-

until we can leel protect. ‘. '

local enforcement lllslc'Li.lt ‘


UK Police
will waive
for blood

Stall reports

Students who donate bll-od '
will not only be saunc in. '
saving money.

Donors will be ehgihle
one parking violation ;s~.;. .
L'K‘s department of p.irk.r.~.:
transportation prior t Iv
waived. Prool ol the donatzot. . 1
be submitted to parking and tar
portation today through i :. lax

Impounded vehicles at
cluded in the program.

'llx‘ goal tor the tlrl . ., ‘

ll} Rc‘\ltlt‘llct‘ lltlll \ssiu. "
35” pints ol blood

Donating blood is .i s.::.; l. _:
tcss. said Nancy l’om rs_ ::. 1..
screener tor the Central is
Blood Center.

Potential donors are rc.‘
and exattiitled as to wl‘ictmt
are eligible to give blood \l w;
questions are answered by its
tential donor and then blood l1 s
.sure. temperature and pulse tat:
ings are taken. A linger sl'ck ill --
will be adttiinistered to deicrt. *
the body ‘s iron level.

If all readings are saint.“ :. r
the donor w ill enter the phlcbt . .~ .
area, where blood is actual}; lit :2..:
ed. One pint ot blood tlt‘tldlcd .s
take about five to ill minutes

The patient is placed in the Hi:
teen area for food and beyerages ;.
restore volume and raise the bodx
sugar level before leaving

A potential donor should eat .izm
be in good health betotc .lt-n.i: :
blood to Ll\(‘ltl passing out. i‘i‘w

Central KentUtky illood t .iiter
mobile teams will be dl the t‘~ii:
plexCommons are from .‘ 1- l«
9:30 pm. today and tomorrow :‘ie
llaggin llall recreation room .ind
the Holmes Hall recreation room
from 2:30 pm to ‘l ‘stl p lll uh



Sports Monday

Murray St.

ion fire.
Column, Page 3.


‘The Meetingi’
thought—pro oking.
Sto 3 4.





 2 - Kentucky Komol. Monday, February 12, 1990



Campus C


Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through the Student
Activities. Office 203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The information is published
as supplied by the on-campus sponor. with editorial priviledge allowed. For Student


Organizations or University Departments to make entries on the Calendar, 0 Campus
Calendar Form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

No later than the Monday preceding the publication date.



week at glance



[thonday 12 j

I Sports: Wildcat Basketball at Florida




0 Lecture: 'Those Ubiquitous

' Religious: Spirituality on the



I Concert: Art a la Cane: 'i‘erfect
I Concert: 'Jazz Bones'


Miles Osland directs UK Jazz Ensemble Thursday
at 8 pm in the SCFA Recital Hall.
Tickets are free.




arts/ movies







Tuesday 2/13

I Concert: Art 3 la Carte: 'Perfect Circle, African Folk': Free: Arts Place;
Noon-lp.m.; Call 255-2951

I Concert: 'Jazz Boncs'; Free; SCFA Recital Hall: 8 p.m.; Call 7- 1706

Wednesday 2/14

I Movie: When Harry Met Sally.'; 81.95; Worsham Theatre: 7:308:10 p.m.;
Call 7-8867

Thursday 2/ 15

I Concert LK xl-‘t/X Ensemble. Free; SCFA Reeital 11:111. 8 PM; call 71700

I Movte. 'When Harry Met Sally. ; $1.95; Worshani 'l‘heatre; 7:30 & 10 p.m.;
Call 78867

Friday 2/ 16
. Convert. 'L'K Symphonic Winds'. Free. SCFA Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Call
7- 1706

. Movie: When Harry Met Sally: $1.95: Worsham Theatre; 7:30& 10 p.m.;
Cull 7-8807

Saturday 2/ 1 7

I Concert: George Winston. iano: $14.50 students/ $16.50 other. SCFA
Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Cal 7-4929

I Movie: 'When Harry Met Sally]; $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 7:30& 10 p.m.:
Call 7-8867

Sunday 2/ 18

I Concert: Center Sundays Series: '3rd Annual Sacred Music Festival; Free:
SCFA Concert Hall; 3 p.m.; Call 7-1706

I Concert. Guitar Societry of licxin ton-Central KY: LA Guitar Quartet; S8;
SCl-‘A Recital Hall; 8 p.m.: Call 4929

I Movie: “’hen Harry Met Sally.'; $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 7 p.m.




[ em/Qeg






Tuesday 2/ 13

I Lecture: Those Ubiquitous Viruses. Raphael A. Finkel: Free; King Library
Peal Gallery; Noon: Call 71 175

Wednesday 2/ 1 4

I Seminar 'Topobiolog': Why we don't sit on our brains. Ms. CR. Schaeffer:
Free; Mod Cntr MN 463; 4 pm

Friday 2/16

I Seminar: Transition Metal Chalcogenides in Solution and in the Solid
State': Free: Chem-Phys 137: 4 p.m.; Call 78844

Saturday 2/17

I Workshop: Communicating More Effectively; S20; POT l 1 1; 9am. -3p.m.;
Call 73383






' Movie: 'When Harry Met Sally.’

I Seminar: Topobiology: Why we
don't sit on our brains'

I Other. ‘Jock's Choice (WRFL 88.1):
Blue Oyster Cult




I Concert: 'UK Jan Ensemble'
I Movie: 'When Harry Met Sally.‘


I Sports: Lady Kats Basketball vs.

I S rts: Wildcat Basketball vs.




uisiana State


I Concert: 'UK Symphonic Winds'

I Seminar: 'Transition Metal
Chalcogenides in Solution and
in the Solid State'

I Other: '5th Annual Physician
Assistant Comprehensive

- Movie: When Harry Met Sally.’








Tuesday 2/ 13

I Relégious: 'Spirituality on the Run'; Free: Newman Cntr Rm 8: 5:15 p.m.;
C 1


Wednesday 2/ 14

I Othen 'Jock's Choice: Blue Oyster Cult'; Free; WRFL (88.1 FM): 10- 1 lp.m.;

Call 7-1NFO

Friday 2/ 1 6

I Other: '5th Annual Physician Assistant Comprehensive Review'(thru

2/18): call 3-6363

Saturday 2/ 1 7

I Other: 'Album Feature: Savage Republic-Customs: Free: WRFL (88.1 FM):

Midnite: Call 7-1NFO

I Other: Air Force Officers Qualifying Test (AFOgll: Barker Hall: Noon; Call

771 15 (other test dates availa

Sunday 2/ 18

. Religious: ‘Choral Evensong: Organ Recital: Free: Christ Church

Cathedral: 4:30 p.m.: Cal 54—4497

I Religious: 'Choral Evensong: Cathedral Girls Choir': Free: Christ Church

Cathedral: 5 p.m.: Call 254-4497

I Other: 'Africa to America; Free: WRFL (88.1 FM): 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-1NFO
I Other: 'Album Feature: Peter Murphy-Deep: Free: WRFL (88.1 FM);

Midnite: Call 7-1NFO

I Other: 'Bu Radio featuring London's Music Scene/ The Creatures'; Free;
WRFL (8 .1 FM): 9-10 p.m.: Call 7-1NFO



‘.. .





Peter Murphy’s latest album.
on WRFL's Midnight Sunday Album Feature.

‘Deep‘, will be highlighted









Monday 2/12

I Sports: Wildcat Basketball at Florida; 7:30 p.m.

Thursday 2/ 15

I Sports: Lady Kats Basketball vs. Louisville; Free w/UKlD; Memorial

coliscum: 7:30 p.m.

. Sports: Wildcat Basketball vs. Louisiana State: Free w/UKID: Rupp Arena;

7:30 p.m.

Saturday 2/17

I Sports: UK Cool Cats ice Hockey at Cincinnati; 7 p.m.: Call 271 -9267
I Sports: Wildcat Basketball at Alabama; 8:30 p.m.
I Sports: Lady Kats Basketball at Alabama: 5 p.m.

Sunday 2/18

I Sports: UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey at Cincinnati; 1 p.m.; Call 271-9267


When Harry Met Sally... --



[ saturday



I Concert: 'George Winston. piano”

I Workshop: Communicating More

I Other. 'Album Feature: Savage

I Other: Air Force Officers
Qualifying Test (AFOQ'D

I Sports: UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey
at Cincinnati

0 Sports: Wildcat Basketball at

I Sports: Lady Kats Basketball at

I Movie: When Harry Met Sally.’


[ sunday



I Concert: Center Sundays Series:
'3rd Annual Sacred Music
F estival'

I Concert: 'Guitar Societry of
Lexington-Central KY: LA Guitar

I Movie: When Harry Met Sally.’

I Religious: 'Choral Evensong:
Organ Recital

I Religious: 'Choral Evensong:

Cathedral Girls Choir'

I Other: 'Africa to America' (WRFL

I Other: 'Album Feature on WRFL
88.1: Peter Murphy-[)eep'

I Other: 'Bug Radio featurin
London's Music Scene/ e

' Sports: UK Cool Cats lee Hockey
at Cincinnati



Ballroom Dance Class is a weekly event open
to all UK students. facutly and staff every monday.






Weekly Events:


ISports: UK Judo Club (no experience required. men and women welcome);
Free: Alumni Gym Balcony: 56:30 p.m.; Call 268-4499

' Religious: Monday Evening Fellowship; Free: 412 Rose St: 6:30: call


I Other: Ballroom Dance Classes (students. faculty. staff); Barker Hall

Dance Studio: 7 PM; call 278-7756

' Meeting: GLUE (Gays Lesbians United for Education): PO Box 647 Univ

St.: 7:30 PM: call 231-0335

I Reli ious: lUCF small group Bible study, group 2: Free: Haggin Hall c226:

7: 0 PM; call 8-6809


IMeetings: Student Activities Board Public Relations Committee: Free;
Room 203 Student Center (SAB Office); 7:30 p.m.: Call 7-8867

IMeetin 5: UK Water Ski Club; Room 1&2 Student Center: 7 p.m.; Call

252- 900

IMeetings: UK Ski Club: Room 228 Student Center: 7pm; Call 252-4900
00ther: Aerobics: Free; Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2; 5:50-7 p.m.: Call


IReligious: Tuesday Evening Fellowship (Meal and Program): 412 Rose St.:

6 p.m.: Call 254-1881

ISports: UK Fencing Club (no experience or equipment required); Free:
Alumni Gym; 7:30-9:30 p.m.: Call 86591

IOther. Traveller 2300; Free:Student Center; Room 1 17: Call 7-8867
I Meeting: UK Table Tennis; $5/semester: Seaton Squash Rm; 7 PM; call


I Reli ious: lUCF small map Bible study. group 1: Free; Blandmg l 214:

7: 0 PM: call 255-5 9

I Reli 'ous: lUCF small group Bible study. group 5; St Org Rm; 6 I’M: call

8 958

I Religious: lUCF small group Bible study, group 3: Free; Holmes Hall 205;

8PM: call 8-5160


OMeetings: Amnesty lntemational: Free: Room 1 19 Student Center; 7 p.m.;

Call 254-4938

IMeetings: Student Activities Board Public Relations Committee; Free

SAB office; 8 p.m.; call 7-8867

IRell ious: Holy Eucharist; Free: St. Augustine's Chapel; 5:30 p.m.: Call


ISports: UK Judo Club (no experience required. men and women welcome);
Free; Alumni Gym Balcony: 56:30 p.m.: Call 268-4499

I Rel ious: lUCF small group Bible study, group 4: Free; Blazer Hall 319;

8? : call 8-6016


IOther: Aerobics; Free: Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2; 5:50-7 p.m.: Call


IReligious: Thursday Night Live: Free; 502 Columbia Ave: 7:30 pm; Call


ISports: UK Fencing Club (no experience or equipment required); Free;
Alumni Gym: 7:30-9:30 p.m.: Call 8-6591

I Meetings: Student Activities Board indoor Recreation Committee; Free;

119 Student Cntr. 6PM; 7- 8867

IReligious: Fellowship of Christian Athletes Meeting; Free; 502 Columbia

Ave: 9 PM: call 8-6650

IMeetin : Intervarsity Christian Fellowship; Free; St Cntr 228 or 205:

7:30 M; call 278-6809

I Religgous: Catholic Newman Cntr Night: Free: Newman Cntr Rm 3&4;
7: -

8:45 PM: call 255-8567


0 Meetin : Commuter Student Board: Free: St Cntr 106: 3 PM; call

272-3 65


IReligious: Mass: Free; Newman Center: 6 p.m.: Call 255-8566


IOther. S

etti Dinner. $2; Newman Center Rooms 3 and 4; 6 p.m.: Call

IReligious: Sunday Morning Worship; Free: Koinonia House: 10:30 a.m.:

Call 254-1881

IReligous: Mass; Free: Newman Center. 9 a.m.. 11:30 am. 5 p.m.. 8:30

p.m.: Call 255-8566

OReligious: H01 Eucharist: Free: St. Augustine's Chapel: 10:30 a.m., 5:30

p.m.: Call 2 -3726

IReligious: Collegiate Worship Service: Free; 502 Columbia Ave: 11 a.m.;

Call 233-031













Kentucky Kernel, Monday, Februarv 12. 1990 - 3





Murray St.
is nation’s
hottest team



MURRAY, Ky. — Little
was expected from the Mur-
ray State Racers this season.

After losing all-time lead-
ing scorer Jeff Martin to the
NBA and all-time assist lead-
er Don Mann to the Conti-
nental Basketball Associa-
tion, the Racers were picked
to finish fifth in the Ohio
Valley Conference.

Most figured that Murray
State would struggle to fin-
ish in the top half of the
OVC because they were load-
ed with young, unproven tal-

Bill the Racers have found
themselves and are kicking
some tail. And the Racers are
the hottest team in the coun-
try as they own the nations
longest winning streak at 12.

Murray State is the na-
tion’s hottest team.

When Baylor stunned N0.
3 Arkansas. who was riding a
12-game streak, Saturday af-
ternoon, the Racers took over
the top spot.

But the Racers did not have
an easy time holding on to
the top spot, which they
gained only a few hours be-
fore their game with Tennes-
see State. Tennessee State (7-
15. 2—5 in the OVC) took the
Racers to overtime before
Munay prevailed 90-89.

With the win, the Racers
(.166 overall) ran their spot-
less OVC record to 8-0 and
lead the league by three

So where did the Racers.
who started the season 14,
come from? What is causing
their opponents trouble?

-Weight. Ronald “Pop-
eye" Jones, a 6-8 sophomore
forward. dropped 40 pounds
from last season and is hav-
ing an MVP-type year. He‘s
averaging more than 18
points and 11 rebounds,
which ranks him in the
NCAA‘s top 10, per game.

NBA scout Marty Blake re-
cently said Jones was a
“player to watch in the up-
coming years."

Jones is definitely the
“biggest" surprise. After
Slimfastdng down to 220
pounds, he has dominated op—
posing teams with his inside
scoring ability and defense.
Jones” _iump hook on the
baseline is unstoppable.

-Youth. Frank Allen. a
freshman point guard from
Memphis Southside, has fol.
lowed Mann with amazing
ease. The freshman has taken
the leadership role, which
was non-existent at the be-
ginning of the season.

Allen’s dead-eye shooting
has kept opposing teams
from doubling Jones on the
inside. Plus, he rebounds re-
markably well for a 6-2
guard. In Saturday‘s game.
Allen scored 26 points and
grabbed 10 rebounds.

-Experience. Senior
Chris Ogden and junior Paul
King remain from Murray
State‘s NCAA team of 1988.
which defeated North Caroli-
na State in the first round be-
fore nanowly falling to even-
tual champion Kansas.

Both Ogden and King are
St. Louis natives and are de-
fensive specialists. Ogden, a
6-7 forward, averages about
10 points per game mostly
coming off rebounds. King, a
6-4 guard, is a streak shooter.

With the OVC regular sea-
son champion hosting the
OVC Tournament, Murray
State will have a big advan-
tage if they can keep their
streak alive. Racer Arena.
which seats 5,500, is a snake
pit. And Racer Arena could
vault Murray State back into
the NCAA Tournament.

Sports Editor Barry Reeves
is a journalism junior and a
Kernel sports columnist.


WBC, WBA strip Douglas of heavyweight title

Associated Press

TOKYO — Knocking out Mike Tyson
was improbable enough for Buster Douglas.
Now, he hopes boxing doesn’t decide Mike
Tyson knocked him out first.

At least two organizations — the World
Boxing Council and the World Boxing Asso-
ciation — withheld recognition Sunday of
Douglas' 10th-round knockout pending an in-
vestigation into a “long count" protest lodged
by promoter Don King.

Tyson, knocked out for the first time in
his pro career, claimed he’s still the champi-
on: “I knocked him out before he knocked me

Douglas, however, said: “Just call it a vic-
tory for the small man."

While the fight is being called one of the
biggest upsets in boxing history, the “long
count” controversy once again has the boxing
world in a state of confusion.

A tape of Sunday‘s heavyweight champi-
onship fight at the Tokyo Dome showed that
because of referee Octavio Meyran’s error,
Douglas was on the canvas for 12 seconds af-
ter being knocked down late in the eighth
round. Two rounds later. Douglas knocked
out Tyson.

Jose Sulaiman of Mexico, president of the
WBC, and WBA president Gilberto Mendoza
of Venezuela, both announced they were sus-
pending the result.


“There is no champion
before Feb. 20," Sulai-
man said. The WBC exec-
utive committee will
meet Feb. 20 at Mexico
City to try to resolve the

The International Box-
ing Federation, however,
said the outcome was

“Right now, at this
point, we have to recognize Douglas as
champion," IBF president Bob Lee said in a
telephone interview from his home in Fan-
wood, N.J. Lee said the IBF sanctioned the
bout as a championship match, but the the
Japan Boxing Commission does not recog-
nize the group.

While the WBC executive committee is to
meet next week, there will be a special ses-
sion of the WBA executive and champion-


_ ship committees in a week or 10 days, Men—

doza said.

At a news conference about six hours after
the early afternoon fight, Sulaiman indicated
what course the two governing bodies might

“When there are problems, a rematch is ab
solutely mandatory,” Sulaiman said.

While King did not immediately comment
on the controversy, rival promoter Bob Arum
of Top Rank Inc. said: “The WBA and WBC
should be banned They‘re totally immoral

organizations. They're not smart and they of-
fend the sensibilities."

Douglas’ disputed victory has created a
wide-open heavyweight division that for three
years had been the personal domain of Tyson,
who was 37-0 with 33 knockouts. It‘s still
unclear what will happen next in the dwi-
sion, although a rematch between Douglas
and Tyson appears likely, especially since
King promotes both fighters. Meanwhile,
No. 1 contender Evander Holyfield awaits his
chance at a title fight.

Another contender, George Foreman, was
not shocked by Tyson‘s loss.

“That‘s what happens when you live the
tough life," Foreman said. “In a way. I‘m
glad things came out the way they did be-
cause so many kids, because of Mike Ty-
son‘s image, thing that‘s the way you can be
and come out on top."

Randy Gordon, chairman of the New York
State Athletic Commission. said, “It may be
the greatest upset of all time, but because
this is such a political business, don‘t be sur~
prised ifa rematch is ordered immediately."

Tyson was scheduled to defend the title
against Holyfield on June 18 at Atlantic
City, NJ. Holyfield has no contractual obli-
gation to fight Tyson, however. if Tyson is
not the heavyweight champion.

“I‘m the No. l contender.“ Holyfield said
on ESPN before learning of the WBC anti
WBA actions. “Tyson had his chance, and he
lost It's only right for me to get my oppor—


Douglas did not go to the post-fight neWs
conference, but Tyson did. And Tyson said he
would welcome a rematch Will’l Douglas.

“There's nothing wrong Wlll‘l losing, 1 can
handle a loss, but 1 want to lose tairly,” Tye
son said. “1 want to be the champion of the
world. I want fair play. I thought legitimate-
Iy he was out.“

Douglas had Tyson in trouble along the
ropes when Tyson suddenly landed a right up
percut to the Jaw.

“I got careless and he hit tile with a cool
shot," Douglas said.

Douglas hit the LulH’ds at 2:56 or tr"
round, landing on the seat or his trunks, then
falling backward. The timekeeper imiiiediatc
ly began counting to 10

“I wasn‘t really hurt," Douglas said
“When I looked up the count was at six. 1
got up between seven and eight 1 cleari'.
heard eight."

Douglas was upright at time. but by then
the timekeeper had tolled lti, although He).
run was not a aware of Ulls. lle tiiotioned it».
the two boxers to resume lighting. then th:
bell rang.

When the referee 1\ ready to start counting
he is supposed to pick up the illTlc'K‘I‘pCf-
count. Instead of picking up .i threa.»t.iuiit aim
beginning at four. howcxer \ieyrati bees.-
his count at one

'I‘d like to rectum/e mg. tiiistake be it .
the rttlcs are the rides \le‘.r.i:i -.i..l


All ‘A’ Classic 3 success, should continue

Staff Writer

The All “A" Classic tournament
was labeled as the chance for the
smaller schools to have a state
title. But that mission was thwarted
by the University Heights Academy
“national" team.

The Hopkinsville private school
has an enrollment of only 62. But
their roster seemingly contains as
many foreigners as appear on the
Louisiana State University squads
of basketball‘s international ambas-
sador Dale Brown.

The Blazers beat the Owsley
County Owls Saturday night for
the title, starting the 6-8 son of the
Spanish national team coach and a
native of Great Britain.

Despite that, the 33,359 people
who entered Memorial Coliseum
for the All “."A Classic basketball
tournament seemed to enjoy them-
selves. Loud shrieks were common
as new heroes were named.

Owsley County fans, one of the
largest contingencies to venture to
Lexington, stayed en masse even
after their team lost. They remained
enthusiastic as two of their players
were named to the All Tournament
Team and their senior center Jeff
Moore was named Tourney MVP.

“This is probably the biggest
game we‘ve ever played in and
probably the biggest crowd we ever
played in front of," Moore said.

Although the global Blazers
won, the tournament was still a
victory for the smaller schools.




The 121 schools that participated
in the tournament showed the orga-
nizers that the need they perceived
for this tournament was not un-

Organizers were evidently satis-
fied, as they announced that the
event will be continued next year.

“I'm very pleased,“ said Lexing-
ton Mayor Scotty Baesler. “This
surpasses even our highest expecta-

Baesler could identify with the
plight of the small schools. as he
encountered the same situation at~
tending Athens High School.

“We had about 100 people in my
school," Baesler said.

The mayor said that there were
two primary reasons why the tour-
nament helps Lexington.

“First 1 think to have people
come and enjoy their stay is impor—
tant for Lexington." Baesler said.

The mayor also said that having
the event in Lexington shows that
the state‘s second largest city cares
about the smaller areas in the com-

There has been a rift in past years
at the Sweet Sixteen as everyone
from out in the state pulls against
the Lexington and Louisville teams
because they pcrsonit‘y the “big

The 4,250 fans attending the fi-
nal game saw the Owls jump out
to 9-2 lead. forcing t'nivetsity

Heights to call timeout.

“l'tlvink a lot of that was nervous
energy," said Owls coach Larry

From there the Blazers controlled
the game and lead at the half by
nine. Owsley cut the lead to 51-44
in the first minute of the second
half. The Blazers went on to win

"We hope that this is not the
pinnacle,“ said L'HA coach Roy
Woolum. “lt's gotta help, there’s
no way it could hurt."

Some people have questioned
what effect a tournament of this
‘il/C will have on a team that will
be required to go through that same
emotional wringer the following
weeks in the district, regional and
state toumaments.

“Later 111 the game I think we
wore out,“ Sparks said. “We never
gave up, but we were tired.“

For the victors. even the one's
who are not Kentuckians. the prize
was specutl.

James White. the Blazer from
Britain. was surprised by the pasv
sion Kentuckians have for basket-

He said that iti Europe, when en-
countered by a loss. a team takes a
do-bctter-next-time attitude and
goes on.

"When we lost over here the
whole school was morbid." the 6-2
White said.

Never has it crossed the mind of
a Kentuckian that too much em-
phasis is placed on basketball. but
certainly it keeps the children of



MICHAEL MU Ker—tat ‘ '

University Heights senior center Mike Defoe gets swamped
hugs Saturday after his team won the inaugural An ‘A C assc

the state frotn becoming hoodlums.
.»\nd this toumatncnt acts as inceii»

The tournament's prosperous dc-
but was encouraging iii light of the
fact that small schools. with fewer
people to draw from, bad no legiti-
mate chance to win the Sweet Six-

However. with the All \ (‘l'is-
sic these s. liools tiow itixc that


Lady Kats
end SEC

road woes

Staff reports

Sharon Fanning got her first
Southeastern Conference road win
as a UK coach Saturday night as
the Lady Kats downed the Univer-
sity of Florida 84-70.

Sophomore guard Kristi Cu-
shenberry equaled her 29 point ca—




reer-high as the Lady Kats rallied
from a five-point halftime deficit
for the win.

The Lady Kats (16-5 overall, 2-
5 in the Southeastern Conference)
scored the first six points of the
second half to take a 38-37 lead.

Then the teams exchanged the
lead three times before the Lady
Kats went ahead to stay 48—47 on
a Vanessa Foster-Sutton basket
with 10:48 remaining.

UK freshman forward Josh
Mills equaled her career-high with
16 points. Foster-Sutton was the
only other Lady Kat in double fig-
ures with 13 points.


UK freshman Wendy Hipskind
set pool records in the ZOO-meter



Lady Kattish Kelly Augustus swims the ZOO-meter freestyle during Saturday's meet against LSU.

individual medley and ZOO-meter
butterfly as the Lady Katfish end-
ed its regular season with an 80-
33 victory over LouiSIana State
University Saturday at the Harry
A. Lancaster Aquatic Center.

Hipskind won the ZOO-meter in‘
dividual medley ii. 2:06.65 and
the 200-meter butterfly in 2:03.85
as UK raised its record to 9-4
overall and 3-4 in the Southeast-
ern Conference. Hipskind also is a
member of the UK 400-meter
medley relay team which set an-
other pool record.

UK scnior Bartlcy Pratt, who
set a pool record of 10:07.14 in
the 1,000-meter freestyle, also
won the 500-mctcr freestyle.

The UK men‘s learn lost their
season finale 64.49 to drop to 7-4

overall and 1-5 in SEC. Top
times were turned in by UK sen-
iors Jim McCarthy and Ed Weck-

McCarthy set a pool record in
the 1,000»meter freestyle with a
time of 9:34.07 while Weckwert
set another pool record in the
ZOO-meter individual medley with
a 1:54.27