xt7zgm81p73z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zgm81p73z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-04-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 02, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 02, 1982 1982 1982-04-02 2020 true xt7zgm81p73z section xt7zgm81p73z ——_——_‘——_'——Ha 4—2 ' "'"""——._._——"'—_—'_——
' Friday to» 4’0 "'6 l
“‘12, 6’ "o, / .
(/01 <2? to = ~ "
K KY 4,, l” . ~‘ lr‘.
4}- Todoy will be windy and warm , '3 f I 4‘1). , . .
 .... -- .~ . . ,
lobby floor marked last night’s elec- ning smoking a long cigar, was fy what violations may have occurred "t. .v I . \ . . ..- WI WWW. 1.
tion of Jim Dinkle and David Brad- hoarse and breathless as his Sigma Pi Overthe two-day voting period. ”“ I g ‘ ”a . . ’ "i l.
ford to the presidency and vice presi- fraternity brothers ushered him Dinkle was unperturbed by Clark’s wit a,“ II' I" 3. , * ' "'.l I‘ .
, dency of next year’s Student through the Student Center's halls comments, though. “That‘s interest- I: ‘I . *~ ' . ‘ . -I.. ,s W. ,- __ .... . ‘lgz:
Association. after the announcement. ing,“ he said. “We‘ve got 15 or 16 of II ‘34:; ‘5 . ' . é' » . é I , lf' ' ‘.
The roar from the announcement of Dinkle stopped briefly at the dark- our own.“ '1 ”it , _ ‘1‘ .g , ' if ‘ -II-—. ' i 7 '
Bradford‘s victory had barely sub- ened SA office and pointed to the door The end of the bitter campaign left a» “l. \. 3‘ t; ‘ . . . . - . - . If: .‘-' .«
sided when Dinkle, currently Com- of room 118, the president's office. Dinkle's campaign manager. Grad— '. “3’ i 53. II. V . f.
munications senator, was mobbed by “Remember," he said, “everybody uate School Senator Vincent Yeh, un- t * . g; Iv: 1‘ fit I, .r I i. “I -;I“,_.I'I
50 jumping, yelling supporters as stop by 118 Student Center. The door usually cool. , . . . . III ‘ \ I\ " I I '* .
Barbara Rowe, chairman of the Elec- will always beopen." “We went in expecting to win," Yeh ,I‘ r n ”*5" . . ~ ' Z N, . -» 3 "g 1:, L m ,1; , .
tions Committee, announced his Vic- Dupree, who received 762 votes (36 said. "1 would have been disap- ‘ f ,' , " .-w ‘ ’ ‘ K I ,, W, ” .V‘:‘.
tory. percent), left the lobby immediately pointed if Jim didn't win . . . but it I , . t; l; i A ' . . . ”I .. ‘ jinx :3; '1. :I
, , . . I . . . ., I . I waslikedoingitbythenumbers." l ' . " I .' 3 ”a, 4" -. iii .. t“ .
l’Rll.bll)hN 1 [AL V()l l. DIS 1 RIBU 1 [ON Yeh said Dinkle would begin work- 3W ‘o‘ ‘ - . r as ‘ E)
53553331535333?33:5:15551:3:11355531121:1'51:?31:13::::3:3‘§::35551:55:51:51:5555?;55?:5551:2325:1151:2:1:112:11::23‘1:121:11::55:15:i:5:5:23:12:25:35:25::1235;355:323:3:3:3:1:izizizizizifizi11: ing almost immediately on adminis- .- ' I, . ~ - . . i " .I ' . ‘ II '. 3 I A . l.
“’”” trative duties. He must prepare a ten ‘- ,\ . . 3 ; , . ' ,. ..
tative budget by April 12. and will ‘ t :3 ‘ ":3 , a. 3m? ',
53553??? 890 spend the "5t Of the semester re- t . r . :' i .. ‘.I , . . l . 'I
232333??? 800 cruiting peOple for administrativepo— ' (it ,. if" ,9 .5 1 I I; H erIIII- . : III. ...- .. *3 . ,
SEEEEEEEEEEEE iiiiiiiéE§E§iéiéiéiéiéiéiiiéééiiéiiéEéééiéiéiézéiésiéieizisisis§sisizisésézésisiziaisizisizisisizisis§a§§s§s§zgsgzizizizésisgégsézizésgsgsgsga§2§2§z§s§s§s§a;2;2§a§s§s§z Sltlons ' ,2 ac . .. t 1 fit “it. 1 r «I? J. I. . . I
McKinney, a sophomore, received ' ' r ' j " . g " W . t . a... ' ‘ A -'W,
his: / “3 20.7 percent of the vote in his first try r’ -\ \ . ,, .. to; g , 27‘ W ~ , ‘,. ,3
a:isiszsit:iii:iiisiz:2széinitiating:sizéiiiziéisis tor the presidency. He thanked his a. , . ~ ’iW 4 ea < :t . , v. -
Eiéifiéféiiif 'iiiliiiii§§§E§§5§¥§§§§§§5§5 :ésisisé5%22s32L52223E3iEEEES35%if?5E5iii?iféEEEEEEEEEé5éEé3%iiEé5E3iiéééféiéiééiiiziééiéi out) supporters and said he would run . W r I/ n ,, - . V \ k.» 3/ ..

' ageigégégéiéi is;igsgzgsiisgigégsgzgsgégé again next year. , t‘ .I ' .. , 3i; ., ' ~.
iiiéaézéziséz “For deciding in the middle of the i. x or : II. . . . .
:égééégé‘igii i:ii§§§§§§§§§§é§§§§§§§§§§§§§ year to run, we didn‘t do too bad," he lli . » .. . ~ . .. .
said. “Iii work with SA and get a ~ . - , . v I ' a ~ , . ’.I" - ’ ..
:3€::::5:5:sf iffffifiifffifjiffffifififff £35:2zéséaésésizisézésézisizi 437 33333535??? 4”” year's experience and be back next . -, x ~ .3 .i: . . 3 . .
year" , . ‘ - ‘ , 53‘ ' , . \ -. .
3355335??? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii??? §§§§§§§§§§§3 Very few others Will be back "eXt . ,W . . it", . , ' . 5‘3
year -‘ only five SA senators W0" re— . . . . . ' :31;- , . \W 5 l -I‘ ,~
2m, election. Senators-at-Large Lynn .. .- -,. . , x \, . »..
aisisiiéé Spoonamore, Randy ROCK and John ~’ I" . f A .f
:éiii§§§§i§§§§§§§§i§§§§§§§§§§ Davenport won new terms. as did Ai- .. . . «‘l b A g . 3 ; =
23523133? lied Health Senator Peri Jean Kenne- ’ - \ ; V:
dy and Architecture Senator Jett 3 -
éééiéiéiéééééiéééiiiéiiéé t) Dwellen. both of whom ran unop-
~:-:-:~:-:-:-:::~:-:-:-:~:» .;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.~‘.;.;.;.;.;. :.;.:-:-:-:- . posed . . . . I . . ~. 7‘ . .

“(Mil . ts 0 b SA president-elect Jim Dinkle (center) and Vice preSidentelect Davrd Bradford ,Ieft ot Dlrlkle‘ celebrate i
l)lNKl.l: [)l H’RLI: [\1(‘K[NNI\ VillHH Fifteen 198283 sea were w n y their victory with a crowd of supporters alter the results of the SA election were announced ”1 the Stu I
See SA, page 5 dent Center last night.
e if:
, 9 ‘ -’_
BI‘OWII claims New system hasn tsolved problem Med Standal
e e e . ' W'iI
Victories in , forces Wright 53.3
' r [mes cause headache or users -
legislature Compute to reSIgn
‘_ W _ OhioState University. are math, business administra ish. W i.’W:I _-
By DIANA TAYLOR By PA’I‘I‘Y census The Prime 850, which is part of tion, geology, public administra. He said he finds the Prime 50 By JEFF iiixnn ;;-j._
Associated Press Writer Staff Writer the $585,000 computer system, was tion and engineering. more convenient. It allows him to Staff Writer ', ‘..‘ .
installed to ease crowded condi- Crooks, who uses a computer in use the Prime terminals or the key and The Assoctatcd Press ,. I'PI' ,
_‘___7 . _ tions while expanding the number his accounting class, said, ”l hate punch to work programs. v. ' ‘.
FRANKFORT ._ Gov. John y_ Lines are still long for stu- of courses using computers. The (computer terminalsi. I don‘t un» “President Otis Singletary will WW ,WWWWW W . W . “'1'.“
Brown Jr., obviously pleased that dents waiting to use computer ter- t0t3l system, however, is "0t yet derstand them." He said his work to continue to improve UK’s Dr. Ballard D Wright. under inws I; '
another General Assembly had come minals, despite the installation 0‘ completely assembled. course should be slowed down. di- computing systems because all tigation by the University for with 'Ii ~' I,
and gone, would not say yesterday a new computer system and addi- The system includes the Prime vided into two parts or require a subject areas are beginning to use holding $114,000 in black~lung fees. i ; ,
what legislation he planned to veto. tional terminals in December. 850 computer, a Prime 750 com- course in computer science as a computers,"Soloman said. said yesterday he "could not afford to {s ’ .
“I‘ve never seen anything I'm so Students say they must wait a puter, four disc-drives, a printer prerequisite I Singletary made a rule prevent- stay on“ as a member of t'K Medical ' .' iI : 'I
. 31“” g“ t?" ””“"” 3”“ 538‘“ $255323; ‘i‘nsfié‘ale’m‘m ”P6 “"r’oap’i‘ffi‘i‘piififgo'fime 80 rilllflfleff’mim's 3‘“ “'" {2g wish?“ "”i? 35mg celv‘ifii‘acmé’a wed in o l'l' 17‘
uring an a ernoon press co er- . . . p . e r i s or researc 0 ac- ri resi n nes 'y as l ,5 ,
ence. George Gilliam, anthropology new terminals were added on “The terminal will say the file's commodate as maiiy students as rector of the black-lung clinic and as ,7 : .l .
“1 wouldn't call it a waste of time, inlIiiizIr. said fIiIhdigg art OpeIn termi- fincpusfiafilmi weIrItIie Iggded at): in use Iwhuen it'Is pot. 0h the}: is no possibleI.il chairman of L'K's anesthesmlogy de ‘1'} -. 1'
but three months is suchalong period na "mtg e y IS “Impossi- C ey ,w ere ime paper in eprin er.“ esai . Accor 'ng to Solomon, several partment. aunt
of time to go through this process. But ble" is located, and others were in- Herman Collins, systems pro- new computers have been request- The Kentucky State Police are in» '75." '1
that‘sademocracy." Accounting junior Keith Cl'OOl‘S stalled l“ the MI. King Library grammer, said the Prime 850 has ed for the next few years. ”We vestigating Wright to determine if he l-jI’ . 1,:
Brown's general attitude toward agreed. He has a “30-minute toan and the mezzanine of the Patter- only one part-time operator who have to wait until the legislature violated state laws by withholding , ’Il ’i- ,
the 1%2Isession was one of pleasure. hour waitl-duringtheday, he said. son Office Tower, where there checks the terminals once every passes next year's budget" to see fundSIfrom the l'iiiyersny‘s MM“?! I iI.
“eb'ifis‘aéfie ““121? ”gave “5 oili‘é'ii‘i “52:3“‘«-i3§.“i’3§i’3 2333 “322512“ ,lfs‘f’fs‘ng nan the ca EZ'Ipefilifil’ié’hZ'SefifiSfiffl Eiwnmlli ”“’"” “"“ be m ”8“? pl?! n d r in 9
our u et weas or." . . i - . e, esai . r . y ,‘awson. can 0 c ,_;
In addition,heeetimated that legis- toiling one germinal." She alsIo paIcity (of th: cpIInIipther sysIItseomhi,” iItmay take until the next morning With regahrd to otheIr) colleges, College of Medicine, said the Ken til-'1‘:
lative action resulted in the approval 531 s e usua y sees many peop e o omon sai . e ime as 050 ve. ”we‘re catc ing up to igger uni- tucky Medical Services Foundation
of 96 percent of the administration's waiting. not been put into use yet. Programs get crowded and versities tin computerization i. has notified at. members of the Prac I i'I' I;
program ._ including a method for Kaizu is taking a computer Solomon said there aren't backed up at times, Collins said, We're not up with Harvard, but we tice Plan , except for Wright that 1,;
choosing a hazardous-waste dump, course because she has to use a enough terminals to use it. Ano- “We‘re not holding as many users don't have Ito be ashamed." Solo they are m compliance with mm,”
““8“ f,“ “‘e “a“? “as“;mamg‘i; SSWZZZLS’SJE ”“’”“ 0"” ll‘féfiliii'l‘iifiéi ISLE???“ be' tiniwfssafiélii‘fii‘l‘ $325.3; $232353 we” "“'” ““‘”" °‘ “it???“ n - i i i
ment an invmtmen rac ices an . ~ . . y w . ‘ wi ini ia c "appropria e .‘.‘
unemployment insurancpe. About 3,400 students must have More than 100 courses now offer to the same program at the same People who do not receive com- legal action“ to collect f ”108 from f .
Brown acknowledged that his suc- access to the l55 to 130 computer computer time as 8 supplement to time, but we‘re working on it.“ puter experience during their edu- Wright if they are not paid by April '.I-f I. .-‘.l
(:55 with the unemployment insur— terminals on campus and the num- classroom work. Enrollment in Raymond ICheng, chemical engi- cations are getting shortchanged. 15 Total amount due 15 estimated of Int: :I:IIj.
ance issue partlyIresulted from the ber I°f students ‘5 9"?“th t9 dou- computer sctence has dfmble‘: "l neerlng senior, has taken three heIIsaid.I I I approxtmately $130,000 for the past Wm
defeat labor felt it suffered on pre- ble "1 September, Isaid Martin So the last two years. creating 8 ac- courses that use computers. He I think the time is gomg to two years. 21”,: i
vailing wage legislation. lomon, former director 0f the ulty shortage, Solomon Sflld. said before the Prime 850, he come when every student Wlll Medical faculty members are re‘ - .
An anti-labor attitude existed early Computing Center. About 700 students are taking couldn‘t find a vacant terminal have his or her ovm computer," quired by contract to pay outside in- . i", .
in the session, Brown said, adding Solomon resigned to become di- ComputerScience 101. until after 10 pm. or 11 pm. He Solomon said. “All courses will come from private practices to the 2.-
that the legislators later came to be- rector of academic computing at Other courses using computers would then stay until 3 am. to fin- then use them." MeditIlal mag“, leIanI mdusmgtwn ‘. .l II,
lieve that the shouldbe more fair to "as (.93 an wor (m W“, W \. or
labor. y -—-————-— vacations. the Universuy conic-nits .~".II .
Labor‘s displeasure with the pre- . The taxexempt KMSF channels Q
vaili wa ebill“ ave metheo r- : V II" ‘ . the money back into the medical » 'lI-I
tunitlygto Eget 30mg people that file‘s! “““““IIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllillillllllllllllllll" “II YOkO Kalzut computer school for various expenditures. in I ~ ~I
narily might have taken the Other \ sc1ence student, said, cludingfaculty salary supplements ' ..
side (on unemployment insurance) to “I’m lucky enough to The foundation received $17 2 on] . '
commit early and help me on the find one terminal.” lion in 198081 fiscal year Wright said » 3, .
bill,"Brown said. Sh 150 said she the black-lung depositions fees were .
The ovemor sa ' he was 8 a exem tfrom the Practice Plan . . .
8 v ylng 11 p .
looking for "lobbyists‘ bills" would usua Y .5995 many peo' Wright‘s resignation came uni-r a
not specify which measures, if any. / ple waiting. Lexington Herald investigation into y
heplanned to veto. deposition fees paid by private attor~ ‘ _ .II
The legislature will return to neys. The fees were paid to Wright for f ‘
Frankfort April 13-15 to consider . gIepoIfiItionsbeof tIrItIisiners applying for ‘i
overridi an bernatorial vetoes. ac ung no I
Brownngaidjlhgell'e was “no use in ad- James Park. Wright‘s attorney. ~ ' 3
dr i an " of the 300 bills he mmt . . said Wright generated about $1 5 mil- , '
maple: szyirg he would announce we’re Just “Slug half lion in clinical income from his work ._ .
hisvetoeewith messages at the time. the capaCity (0f the in black lung cases for the practice .
On another matter. Brown said his computer system ) I" plan “The University has gotten far . I W .
”film” will" t thifni?“°'“leo‘t‘ 5010"“ sald- $12333. ”'S'Efohfia‘rlmwm '" "“"
sem was “a u w ex . , .
jugéggemefoggfigag; lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.iiitIIIII|lIllIIlllllll|lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Wolggmfbgglggfgmmg
governor: doesn‘t mean it's not a just |||llllllllll|||||Ill||||||llIl|lllllIlllllllIIIllll|||||llIIllIllllIllIlI||l|I||||llIlllllllllllllllllllll“ sinbce ux gicals refused his one, to ~.
Ineffective wayora better way." ar iii-ate issue. ~ .
Brown also said his administra- mm" m -wmmmn park had wevimsIly said Wright‘s -.
tlon'e “twill“ dump the seesIon ll“ “'“ m m - n m m H. “II depositiom had nothihnIg in ttIiIeIm “an:
proved that you dont have to give .tlll 4—H" -5 fi-“ mm “'.I wingly false, and s tes i ying .
may tens of hundreds of millions of """" m """" ""'"" ""“ """"" """"“ """" """" had examined patients he had not
dollars In state assets in order to get a 0‘” (“"0") “ll " "a" seen was ”innocent and immaterial.“
3m" mam W" accordirg to the Lexington Herald
. I . .

Kxémuv I
I -
em Mellon lieu Alum Many m“ Mu Crouch Klrhy “when: in. Walla
Mimi m Chiei Day Ediioi “Guy I. Davie mm“ [mm N Is td-iui (HOD-""3 NW” Phoio Ediim
. Jme ldwln Noni:
Ann. Chad” um a“... min um. Ionic K-iuv Loni. Michel-on Deny um. J... ire-coo...
e fiuas I on MOHOQIHQ Ed'm' Copy Ed-ioi A“‘>'°"' Managing ltd-'0' s Assisium >pwu t ii v Avw'om Al's til-i0: luvmfl Edi'w \ moi Vholuglap|i0l
h 1982 l . lat re C0 Id [1 b 611 more effective
. . Gov. John Y. Brown says he‘s pleased with merit purchases, repairs and hiring will con- WELL I I LL J0 5T BE ‘FODPLJNCZ
the outcome of the 1982 General Assembly, tinue to proliferate. But education, especially /
claiming it has passed nearly 96 percent of his higher education with its emphasis on re- H OME NOW' I/
"3 ’ program. search and development, is an active process ON .
' ,‘ Indeed, he‘s made some progress on the with constantly changing needs — asking it to '
7;, revenue question, securing at the last minute stand still is absurd.
’ ~ ' passage of his controversial weightdistance As has been pointed out repeatedly, only the
x .. tax on heavy trucks, a potential leverage tool legislature can make the necessary decisions {1‘
. :1 j in the. fight to balance the budget. There is about the overall system that will once again a, ‘A /
'- ';_ also hope for a hike in state liquor taxes. To- allow it to move forward, and these decision ,3 ’i \
gether, Legislative Research Commission fig- won‘t be easy. Options include cutting out pro- \ ‘
-. ures show these taxes could provide about $50 grams and even shutting down entire univer— // , - '7 9 \
million in badly-needed new revenues for the sities, according to the blueprint laid out by \ [9f _ 4' ’I V
33‘ state general fund. the Prichard committee and several propo- .) "4%1
._- '_ But Brown is only putting up a political false sals before the Council on Higher Education. , fl/J SP‘uAL
, front when he says the 1982 session has been Hopefully, these decisions will come during ' 1/ I
productive. This year has seen the passage of a special session of the General Assmbly next / ’9 ,Q 4 , .0“
~ some of the most regressive legislation in the year. But that doesn’t excuse our legislators / , , g W}
- , . . . . . . . . ~ , //(/////////
-‘ state s history, particularly the bill putting for dodging the issues this time around. : mm,” , V y /W , . y
_f‘ unreasonable and illogical limitations on 0’ 7 \ / 1’ I .
.. women’s right to have abortions, and only N 3. / ' " ‘
ff minimal progress on the budget crisis threat- Newspaper Changes m I \ ///,n,
" enin to cri le the st t ' most im rt . '7'
. basigservicepP— educatiozhe S p0 ant Yes, there is a different look to today’s Ke_r- a], ,v %/ ’
i . f. UK and the other seven state-supported uni- ,"91- The purchase 0f. more sophisticated ed)“ 2 / : 1/;
- versities still have no answers to their ques- ing equipment requires that we temporarily 4 " //
' tions about where the money to pay faculty change the appearance 0f the newspaper. / W : é
-, '1. salaries and update equipment and buildings For the next several weeks we W1" undergo ( _- '? ' . q
7 3*" will come from during the next few years. It tr aining on the new equipment, Wlth .he goal , ' \‘(flb - sf J. l) u
i . ,5 remains a touch-and-go situation, with admi- 0f hopefully updating and improvmg the over- 1, f I /§ Q! if 1
~ '. nistrators tentatively holding the line on qual- all deSIgn 0f the Kernel. The new eqmpment ’ v ' ’ a 7 ' )r‘
5 ity while awaiting some indication from the will allow better and faster editing of news - ’ .1 3L] , . Y
,3 f 7" state as to whether or not budget cutbacks will and advertising copy. We hope this ‘m' I, ' ' Lg g
. ._ bepermanent. provement Will not cause any problems. / é! ‘ 69 _;.
' . A; In the meantime, halfway measures such as Our intention ‘5 to. benefit our readers. ’ V; Q
1' President Otis Singletary‘s freezes on equip- Thank you for your patience. . i" 1‘
S ' b k t' 't' d t t df d z"

3, Vacation iva ka' sheni n _ a time of Gas up the cars and buy several six- we head back to the hyacinth room. Play another half. Lousy job. Dose have to fork over more money. deserts. Cindy eats an enormous

. rest and freedom from work; packsHitthe road. Makealot more noise than twopeople again. Enough of rugby. Visit the Everyone is crimson. Laura,who is Banana Dream thing that has four .
‘; freedom from school. business. or Michael. Cindy and roommate going in. Mustbediscrete. bathroom,drink another beer. fair;skimed, can’t move. Everyone is scoops of ice cream, two bananas and
~_ ,,‘.v: other duties; holiday Leslie in one car; Wilbur. Tony. Saturday a.m. Really nervous now. Another night in the Poinsetta abitcrgnky, apoundofwhipped cream. "
: f ,. The World Book Dictionan Laura and m9 1“ the other. We're First game is at 10. Do I have a fever, room. Ican't stand up the next i'norn- . . . Cindy is a little thing. Other people
, i ; ‘ moving now. is my bad ankle starting to swell? No ing. We take a vote and decide I have “3311:: big? 2:: (1:321:55 ‘32:: g stare.

' lust of back froms rin r - Slo in Richmond forapilstop.and wa ,suckitu — otta la . a ndicitis. ‘ . . . .

an dJ do [gn eeda vacationp g b eak againpin Berea The other members of Peind the fiFeldFtherg's ythe team. ppe ’ . percent of the day studying tile pat— Everyone is to . rendezvous in
. ._ I hate to argue with anyone as a“. the party Cm me off for the duration They got in at 5 am. and look like We make . a quick trip to an terns. ‘ GainesVille for the trip home. We rent
.1 knowing as the authors of a dic- of the car ride. No more brewsky for they‘re ready to play rugby. emergency clinic for lots-of tests. Ver- There s a severe shortage of people acar and head north tomeet the guys.
tionary, but my break was anything {ms kid. sol sleep the rest of the way. We're playing 30-minute halves, dict: severe dehydration, .urinary under65years of age in Pompano, but The air conditioner stops, working.

,: .' '. but a time of rest and freedom. and it‘s 36 degrees. I think I'm going tract infection, intestional v1rus.Doc We meet some mce folks from Wiscon- Cindy doesn t like Laura 5 drivmg
The entire fiasco started off in, to throw up five minutes into the says drink Gatorade, not beer. Some sm and share drinks With them. This and Vice versa. [ignore them both. 7
‘ '. . . . - . ‘ trip this is. vacation is turning out pretty good. The trip back to Kentucky is very
. I. .. nocently enough So what if I had ‘. gameotherpeoplelookgreentoo. Arm if ‘th 7 . t' t' l'm t' No disasters no excite-
.I“; f.‘ made it ‘0 only one C1355 that week. K Anne Where are all my supporters? d hit Ryse 5w .1 ”350:113 19‘“ Then Leslie falls ill. Ulcers run in 2:13;]? a ‘c' '

' had to find homes for four puppies ) Charles They've gone for breakfast. HOW nice :n e roa hagain :- es ma '0" her family and she has all the symp- '

"g .i_ and a cat. and have a cold'.’ No prO- is that? ompano Beac ' Arrive 7 a.m., toms. Dad tells her to come home — I find a $200 plus phone bill waiting

3 .~ blem. Iwas headed south, Final whistle blows two years later. everyone {3,115 asleep on the beach. immediately. for me, board and shots for the pup-
,33.‘ Estimated time of departure 6* 30 Arrive in Gainesville Friday. (I Everybody is ragged out. We lost. Ever?“ “15‘ . , We book her on the next flight. She‘s pies is $70, and I owe Mom about $200
'3‘. v‘ p m Thursday We have six people have to play in a rugby tournament — All ofa sudden I‘m hit with stomach Drink Kaopectate, “S" the H0 Jo never flown before. Put her in the air- on the VISA bill.

6-", going — no. make that seven. Room haven‘t practiced all season but I‘m cramps. Well good. Find the nearest bathroom many times. I really should port limo and wave goodbye. How I need a vacation, but can't afford
. .' mate Laura decides at ‘2 p m. to be ad» ready to ruck and maul. l bathroom. Stay there. Tell the coach I compile a tourist’s guide to restrooms depressing. it. :
ded to the list ("rash briefly at Michael‘s cousin’s can‘t play the second game. That’s in Florida and make my fortune. The guys head for the west coast
_im,‘ A friend volunteers to keep two of apartment. Cousin is not pleased. Go Okay. he says, just be ready in case Check in motel late that afternoon, and Cindy, Laura and l are left Anne Charles is a journalism senior
3';-" the puppies. Two peis down, three to looking for a motel room ~ noluck. someone gets hurt. tell the desk clerk there are two peo- without transportation. and managing editor of the Kernel.

’ go. A call to the parents in Mt Sierl- Find a place called Sunny South. 20 Of course someone gets hurt. Fran ple intheroom. Mustbediscrete. The highlight of the next few days is This is her final tribute to that yearly

".5.” ing Mom says she will keep the cat. miles outside of town, Turns out to passes out,lgoin, We’re not discrete enough, and a trip for Ho Jo‘s for garbage food college ritual,spring break.

,-.‘_-.‘.:.;. but no more dogs The vet gets the have eight rooms. named after

f. ‘_ ' puppies. flowers. We're in the hibiscus room. A ___—“___—

.‘ ‘34-‘33. Will the Monza same one that ap- bit presumptious for a place with tile Billets

k -,'v peared in another column. on the floors, no phone and a 12—inch B&W
rack; make it'.’ No choice. gotta give television.

‘1'“ :1 it a try Almost forgot. the cat goes That‘s okay. It's better than sleep- Doux

j: ':‘_ absolutely bonkers ina car Put herin ing in the cars. and the little grand-

; a pillowcase and tie it ina knol motherly type that runs the place is . . .. .. WWW _.._ .,.,A_.,,,_ ‘ ”___ ......Aecifi____-_ .,, if: .4... . 7 ._.__,.______c_~___m__,_._~_._____" m

4.3.333, onAut: 3:): g Thee): 3121:1321: 221(1) ii]: 3:22;:itn‘5‘ge‘iifilsmtgifigg”Opeo Pharmac meetings with these. legislators in building is the only solution to this The facts claim that North Euro-

.:-. .' The meaning of the old adage "Don‘t First night out on the town. I can't y Frankfort. The administration and problem. _ . pean men have the largest brain

i."‘!_,'.il let the cat out of the bag“ takes on a find the team. Is the tourney this I would like to thank the editors of faculty of the College and phar- Now the House Appropriations and cases and highest IQ’s, Iwhile black

r31." L, new relevance ,My (ac? [Sm anyth» weekend or next? Drink a beer and the Kentucky Kernel for the editorial maCists throughout the state have Revenue subcommittee is trying to people have smaller brain cases and

ing extraordinary. but i prefer it sans try to remember. of March 9' 1982, concerning the alsogiven their time and effort for the throw Gov. Brown s proposal out in average IQ scores. Whywere these

iii-i; claw scars i l have the name of the field. and get plight of the UK College of Pharmacy. cause. , the com If they get the" way, the Experimental values not given?- Missmn accomplished mm a directions. Starting to get nervous; 1 Pharmacy students are very con- All persons involved are aware of Pharmacy college ism grave danger. These facts were combined With the
f.._', minimum of grief Back to Lexington really should have been going to prac- cerned about the critical position fac- the serious consequences. that could If we lose our accreditation, our opinion that intelligence, behavior

”>1," ; .“2 Head foy- the mica wme an editorial “(.8 Drink another beer, ing the College and have tried to im- befall the College and ultimately the graduating students Will notbeable to and physical development are entire-

fit-.7; “<5 6 pm That‘s pushing I,‘ After we "flue Cindy from the press this upon the state legislators state ‘of Kentucky if Governor take the Pharmacy state board ex- ly genetically‘predetermined. .The

1.3.": buteveryone 9159's running late too clutches of a lusting U. Florida guy. by writing letters and through Brown 5 proposed budget does not aminations here in Kentucky nor in overall suggestion is that it is futile to
1.33., ' pass through the legislation, Through most other states, therefore they Will increase the intelligence of blacks by
. . the Kernel, the rest of the University not beable to practice pharmacy. educational and social r rams.
BLmM COUNTY by Berke Breathed has been made aware of the problem. We will also lose most of our Though Mr. Fritz chem): to support

I" 3, h M w” h ; 7: ”MM 9— Again. thanks to the Kentucky Kernel outstanding faculty to other univer- Head Start, his generous 50 percent

cow Oil/OUT ' .~ m,“- , ~ : mum ._ 0H _ Hey mose W 7- for their support. sities and toindustry. To maintain ac- environmental impact on social
_-§; 3095/ I mm f _ , ' I ft: in .. ,- 9 (‘u’EEY :j Dow MINCE me woesr ceditation of Kentucky‘s only College development is really support to new

‘1' 1,1,, W7 WM? 57EVE Mail: 6; f, m ’ I, i WHAT {MWUU ,_ (Loxzyuggfm Imcouocl;F , Melinda B. Cumming of Pharmacy, the House Appropria- federalism cuts to minority training

:1. '. mus WW ,1— ” v, ”WW ‘NK President tions and Revenue subcommittee and social programs.

- ‘ .y. A FIG/17 ’ p .. e ,' -<\ \ ‘ - ‘ Student American-Kentucky must endorse GOV. Brawn's prOposal The IQ test originally devised by

i, , , ’ ; fl . : 6 V . . \ . Pharmaceutical Association to construct a new Pharmacy Binet of the Sorbonne was not intend-

fl ' . . , M, r . . .y‘ ‘..E. ir_ ‘3 ~ 1 Fifth year Pharm.D.student building. Hopefully the legislators ed to rank intelligence by a single

y \ i, J: ’ .5 ’ e; r “Na \J ___—_— WIll realize that preventive health is number but to detect children needing
, ,. I. 4 v3 .31 g l, ‘\\ i 7 . i’ - fr no \ "A . _ _ . thebestmedicme. extra scholastic attention. Brain size
, “W, _i»; g g: (Q l ‘ 4’ f , g: a ___ g ’i :.\ 5:3 . in _Wl-m 1“ regard to the Ke'Fe” “mm“ correlations to intelligence are even

I ‘ ~ ‘ I. - l ' .5)“ “i ,: :3 ' *‘i:’:7: ( RS“ (March 9' 1982) concerningthefateof ‘ Kim TaPI) more ridiculous. Women and orien-

»’ _' . in 15"; 3, i /, ‘5‘ .7 Fl ‘ lj‘i q. 3; i 3 13:}; the ”med construction 0‘ a new Thirdyearpharmacy ials of whom there are many
_ ;. ». - ' ‘ ‘ * ' w 5%? gainfulmizvgrhgmt: outstanding individuals wouldbeborn

3,. ‘ - ' ' ' to serve while the now extinct Cro

,5 xii. x AAA» mi r w M , m mom macy student, [am proud tobe a part Fr] ‘2 error magnon man would be exalted. What

. , other} w “hall‘s fiNV'M/lfimfl' I ‘. EVEN WANTTO 0' UK'S Phflmcogfelfle- WSW Th h is your hatsize?

- . at a 1AM“ ,‘ 3, .‘in .i4 W33.“ mm mm ABOUT r', my”, gramisnow in er osingi 80- e Marc 11 editorial by John - ' -

‘ "‘ “‘0“ ,{fiéfi‘floyfid if: WM creditation next year due to insuffi- Fritz concerning intelligence and «3:32;: fggigmdflrfflrgflinzfi
. x , y,“ \ \\ 1' . muggy“ cient space and inadequate facilities genetics troubles me for its pseudos- tal incoming do not affect {Q is
‘1‘. . \ 3 ‘ ". . m «f, " ' ” ‘ O'” in which to teach nnddoresesrch. cientific logic and blatant racism. ludicrous and repugnant Walk a mile
' ' m i. , fie) _i _ a" \ " 6‘. fl 0 In1977wewereaccreditedbythe Mfacts were developed into an in mm bab sh Th t of

‘ 7‘ . ‘\‘ 3 4 \ c , hi he“ ‘ . ’ Ameri CmncilmPhu-rmceutical editoril ttak nde ‘ '. - - - y o” is ype

, \ ,. . ,, .4' \ 7 ,7 g. . l i g v, \\.‘ ,, \ bu.» ~_ 4 i can _ . a 3 C F0 "WM the m editorial in a modern college
.~\ V . \i i is $5 99 \ x 7, .3) j, \> , $ . .< j I v, i , Educational: theeondlhon thatthese telligence potential of average blacks newspaper is dangerous and disap-

. ‘ . ~ - ‘ K ‘ : - [y ‘.:\\ ‘ \ ~ L O. “ , problems were remedied before their for all generatiom. The editorial con- pointing. Rock against racism.

. a, ‘ ,3, , _ -_; . N \ NV . A- _ 3.. l» g 7_ 3 next visit in 1902. Gov. J0hn_ Y. tinues with three unnecessary

. , _ .( ("5' (, y 15>" , /_ ._ Brown’s proposal to appropriate paragraphs about “eugenic Clyde Collim
, U , \ / - v _. _an K 1 fund: for the comtmction of I new foresight, that is, genocide. Toxicology Graduate Student

. .

' \

 T W
N . ms itsurucitv KIINIL, lrldoy. April 2. "ea-3 _
°“' Novelist Margaret Atwood

Roundu - , =

p speaks at writers conference
__,____ . ,7... __ gm _N _—___________ some people about novels supposedly
, 3 ANDREW OPPMANN .. omen ,. ..
Sta worse than was estimated last year, 't