xt7zgm81p34b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zgm81p34b/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1986-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 1986 text GLSO News, October 1986 1986 1986-10 2019 true xt7zgm81p34b section xt7zgm81p34b LEXINGTON GAY/LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZATION P.O. BOX 1147]. LEXINGTON, KY 40575
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, “The @Lscfl Board wishes you a flAPPylleWE’EN


If you would like to advertise in the G18) Newsletter, 6?st
please send your camera—ready copy to: Gig), P.O. Box
11471, Lexi ton, KY 40575. The deadline for all
submissions T53 the 15th of each month for publication the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION
following month. Anything received after the deadline ,
will not be guaranteed to be published in the next issue.

Ads may be sent camera—ready or rough. Rough copies __ Please put me/us on the G13) mailing 115t:
are subject to additional charges as shown in the rates including a free subscription to the monthly (Ila)
section below. Gta) will not be responsible for Newsletter (delivered in an "unmarked" envelope).
typesetting errors in the ad after printing; advertisers __ Enclosed is $10.00 (or $5.00 for students} for each
are responsible for proofing the ads they submit for menbership in GISO.
publication. Please let me/us how I/we can be more involved in

The Editor and the G13) Board of Directors reserve the — G150 or other gay/ lesbian organizations by calling
right to censor advertisements and other submissions which
are deemed in poor taste and to edit due to space (phone)
restrictions and/or granmatical errors. Erotica, fantasy, _ or writing t0:
sexually-explicit materials, or material deemed in
conflict with the purpose or policies of the Laington
Gay/Lesbian Services Organization will not be accepted for NAMES)

Address Apt. #

Eighth Page 3 8.00 Quarter Page $15.00

(2“ x 3.5") (2 1/8" x 7'I or 4 1/4" x 3 1/2") State ZIP C0de

Half Page $25.00 Full Page $40.00

(4 1/4'I X 7" or (8 1/2" x 7“) Mail to: GLSO, P.O. Box 11471, lex., KY 40575

8 1/2" x 3 1/2")

Classified $ 1.00 (up to 4 lines, $.05 _

each additional word)

Typesetting $15.00

Screens $10.00


1/4 off for 6 issues '

1/3 off for 12 issues

1/2 off for non—profit organizations

Discounted ad space will be contracted for specified
terms. Artwork may be changed at the advertiser's expense
and subject to the above deadline. Half of the cost of
the discounted ad shall be due prior to publication and
half shall be due upon , completion of the term of the The (:13) Newsletter is published nonthly by the
discount. Failure to comply with the terms of the Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. (d.b.a.
contract may result in future denial of contracts. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services Organization), P.O. Box
11471, Lexington, Kentucky 40575. The GIBO is a
Placement of an ad in the 6130 Newsletter IXES mr registered non-profit organization the purpose of which is
denote a person's sexual orientation or a business's to provide educational, recreational, social, and referral
customer preference. services directly iniplving or relating to gay/ lesbian
Views or opinions expressed in the articles, stories,
letters, or advertisements are those of the authors and do
DIRECIORY not necessarily represent those of the 6180 Board of
Directors nor the Newsletter staff. Publication of the
G150 Gaymne.............................231-0335 name or photograph of any person, organization, or other
Gig) Billboard.........--..-------------~293'6734 entity in articles or advertising in the Newsletter is in
GISO Newsletter, General.................259-3292 no way indicative of the sexual orientation of such
Advertising.............278—0048 person, organization, or entity.
Submissions for the Newsletter are welcome. All
Dignity/Imington..-----.----------------256‘3759 submissions become the property of the the Lexington Gay
Imperial Court Of the Bluegrass Empire...266—0882 Services Organization, Inc. (d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian
Gay 5- Lesbian A”in-----------~------”"265'8887 Services Organization). All submissions must indicate the
Community Health Trust...................268-2329 full nan—e and address of the author, although no by—line
Interweave/MUD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223—1448 will be published without the express, written permission
Iaington—Fayette County Health of the author. Non—original material must indicate that
Dept. AIDS Information...........-.----252—2371 the original author has given permission for use of the 3
Louisville Crisis Hotline.......... (502) 637-4342 material. Anonymous submissions cannot be accepted. The ‘
Owensboro Gay Alliance............. (502) 585-5246 editorial staff reserves the right to alter submissions “
cincinnati Gay Switchboard. - j - - -j- - (513) 221—7800 (including advertisements) to meet publishing
National Gay Task Force Crims Line requirements.
and AIDS Crisis Line............. (800) 221-7044

- J J J J
Q 144Harrison Avenue Lexington, Kentucky 40507
,‘ (by appointment) 606-254-2207
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As if we don't have enough problems dealing with the AIDS . ‘. f _
crisis, it is apparent that companies using this tragedy for ' U - ‘ “\.\
capital gains may be on the rise. \
Recently a Lavender Letter reader submitted to our office “
a cigarette lighter which she "borrowed" after a 19-year—old
man showed it to her, laughingly. He thought it was funny. ~.
She did not. Neither do we. The inscription _on the
lighter read: "I've got AIDS and Herpes. Guess I'm Just an
incurable romantic."
Those of us working with PWA's and their families do not
see the humor in this nessage. If you have seen one person
die from AIDS, you can understand our position. “ ~ - . , . - : .» . ,
Lavender Letter and its staff are requesting a boycott
against "Gas Lite" company, makers of this lighter, until
this lighter is removed from the market. We highly urge all I I
of our readers to write letters offering their thoughts on I . I I
the matter to this company:
Gas Lite .,
Marlboro, TN 37130
—The Lavender Letter
Nazareth Hone Accepts
l f 7']: 6 MP I First AIDS Patient
fl . During the first week in August, the Sisters of Nazareth
nursing home accepted their first AIDS patient, a
at .0. - . . , - - - aturda heterosexual woman from Kentucky.
and Sundgyflgggogengu‘fi ggdllgagtglgddiéfi grim i): Ogadfievilley At the re,uest of Jack Kersey, local (louisville) AIDS
Kentucky. This is always one of the most popular events and support groups had combined efforts in preparation for
usually draws people from both Lexington and Louisville, so assisting the nursing home, covering a 24-hour period for one
don't miss miss this exciting weekend. Plan' to arrive any full week after the first AIDS patient was accepted. After
time after 4:00pm. Bring your dinner and breakfast. This is putting their staff through intensive training in how to deal
primitive camping (no facilities), and you should be prepared with AIDS patients, Nazareth Home thanked Mr. Kersey and the
for fall temperatures! Come out and share our bonfire and support groups for all of their efforts and support, and
lots of good company! In case of rain, this trip will be indicated that this week—long vigil would not be necessary.
held on October 18th. For more information, call Eddie at The staff felt they were prepared and adequately educated.
259—0878. Directions: Take I—75 North to the sadieville —— The Lavender Letter
exit, then follow the map below. V,
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 ed! to W
for a new

March on Washington for lesbian and Ga y Rights

“Depriving individuals of the right to choose for themselves how to conduct their intimate relationv

ships poses a far greater threat to the values most deeply rooted in our nation’s history than tolerance

of nonconformity could ever do.” —U.S. Supreme Court Justice Harry Biackmun,

dissenting from the Court's 1986 ruling that upholds sodomy laws
We or AMERICA’S LESBIAN AND GAY COMMUNITIES urgently need to bring a message to this
nation and its leaders—it is not we, but the threats to us, that endanger the entire nation and its values.

The agenda of our enemies is all too familiar. it’s an agenda of hatred, of fear, and of bigotry-against us, against
freedom, and against love.

Lesbians and gay men are denied the right to make love, even in the privacy of our own homes. Lesbians must survive
in a society that renders us invisible and which denies equitable compensation for a woman’s labor. We’re told we’re
unfit to nurture our own children, or to adopt otherwise unwanted ones. Young lesbian and gay people are taunted
and beaten, or rejected by their families. Many of us have been victims of violent attacks; some are even driven to suicide
by a hostile and alienating society—all in the name of "morality."

The AIDS crisis is manipulated to advance this agenda. The public is frightened by irresponsible voices in the media
and by lack of accurate information from health officials. Politicians pander to misguided fears, disregarding the plain

*feth facts of both science and justice. The federal government plunders already-underfinanced social programs. pitting victim
5‘ against victim, as it offers too little too late to combat AIDS. Meanwhile, though medical evidence continues to show
AIDS that AIDS is not transmitted through casual contact, the Justice Department sanctions discrimination against people
for with AIDS and people with ARC.
£32: The United States is in danger of becoming a place where everyone's privacy and freedom yield before the prying
deal eyes of a fearful, lunatic fringe. The “LaRouche Initiative" in California would, if not soundly defeated, set the stage
the for forced HTLV-lll testing, identification cards and detention camps. The chill of a dreadful deja uu permeates the air
and as a community is scapegoated to divert the society from dealing with its real problems.
a): .
. Y The escalating attacks on our community are part of a pattern of assaults on human rights. As the rights of lesbians
tter and gays are threatened, racist attacks increase; the hard-won civil rights of People of Color are dismantled. The federal
government gathers intelligence for the brutal regime in South Africa, and then claims to oppose apartheid. As lesbians
and gay men are denied the right to make love, the right of women to control their own bodies is in jeopardy. As the
- centennial of the Statue of Liberty is celebrated, the right to live here—to migrate freely—is denied to both lesbians
and gay men from abroad and to many others escaping oppressive living conditions, including Central American refugees
' fleeing wars promulgated by the U.S. government. A climate of spiraling militarism and violence leaves little room for
spending on AIDS, or for a humane culture.

In 1969, the Stonewall Rebellion released the pent—up yearnings that had been stilled through eons of oppression.
And today, after all the suffering and all the struggling. we issue this Call for a March on Washington as we proclaim

. to friend and foe alike. FOR LOVE AND FOR LIFE. W'E'RE NOT GOING BACK!

“— . W

' Sidnie Abbott Jana Cradle Brenda Howard Reu Troy D. Perry
Richard Adams Maria Helena Dolan Louis Hughes Candida 560” Plel

i Rim Addersa Gary Dotterman Andy Humm Bett)‘ J. Powell
Virginia Apuzzo Peter Drago Hon. Joyce Hunter lmani Rashid

l Steven Ault Richard Dunne Franklin E. Kameny Darrell Yates'Risl
Sharon Ayling Joe Fanning Jim Kepner Eric Roles
Vic Basile John Ferra Dave Kopay Gwendolyn Rogeri
Dixie Bechlam Harvey Fierstein Bill Lake lgal Roodenko

F Leonard Bloom Morris Floyd Jeffrey Leui David Rolhenberg
Paul Boneberg Gil Gerald Hon. Jim Levin Carmen Roundtree
Hon. Harry Britt Mitchell Halberstadt Andre Lorde Marc Rubin
Joe Browne Frances Hanclcel A. Damien Martin Hon. Stet-e Schultc
Charlotte Bunch Jim Harlow Susan MCGTElt')‘ Hon. David Scondras
Lee Bush Harry Hay David McRey'nolds Vl'Vl'lm Shapiro
Leslie Cagan Dr. Emery Herrick Nicole Ramirez Murray Tam Swddard
Hon. Karen Clark Marjorie J. Hill Hon. Pal Norman Tofi)‘ Sullivan
Eleanor Cooper Ray Hill Bill Olwell Tim SweenE)‘
lruing Cooperberg Bill Hirsch John O'Brien Howard Wallace
Hon. Brian Coyle Sarah Holmes Dennis O'Mohundro

 l v V .

. . . . "a“ fly” ; ~ :. :\'i\~\~_ . 3 '
(Editor's Note: The follow1ng three—part arucle is ‘mwl‘y‘ : ,,, r -. Li“. -,--pa‘:i’:". \t‘\ - J . .
presented to remind people of a very dark side of their “.ny 1513.513“; "2‘? ’J/I ‘ fiw$&$arfi My: .‘ ., -(- .
heritage. In light of recent Supreme Court decisions and v) 6.5.1:; - 33W» “in“. fit-(fig g t" I I?“
the growing strength of evangelical groups encouraging ’ [7f Mafia,” [Hm é:_ of“ ~ I , ”'70.:
the imprisonment and subsequent extermination of s-"i':"" Jfiéfi' “fig‘P‘ ,: g ,_-.1 (I;
homosexual AIDS victins, it is felt that a historical :wxfi' :‘fiK-L'g,‘ :Ifiz's‘ .1:ng . _~J-I .2
perspective on the persecution of our corrmunity is g‘w,;\fli,fky$f -"I“:._- .15., I .‘Ia Hg.
needed. As you read, we urge you to notice the Eglf.?4’frflf1‘~,fiw :i :st‘II‘NK rel-55.37 'F _ A}?
similarities between the events of the past and the ~\‘i;';."',.;I 4215;”;“I'Mfill’33r 3w. ‘- = \‘ifly . ‘ J-
events of the present. Similar things could happen l ' .';:;::‘I‘_:I:i;_:sti ,1— 5.3.71? 4'" .- y!‘ "'1' I ‘1”!
again. The essay is from the book The Gay Academic, 5 j-\{5‘|}:;‘7 wry” ‘ III 0 I. . , I"
Louis Crew, Editor, published by Em Publications, Palm 1 f], ' 'II“’1‘;"I:(,I°I.I'I,I‘.1,-'I‘I_‘H{ffik’fuv l 1; :HI“.

‘ Springs, California, 92262 in 1978) I \'.~,-),gy‘,§:_\ ”rfl'fllfl-J'Ffi?‘ 3;.3, I! .I r”

. in J ""18,-""|"=..'v;;,4-=j>"‘e';.;»- ' -- c w' .z '

' .‘ , ’l: ~1’«"%§‘:r u :31? ’1“ i *1 ,.

GAYIGIIEN'IIIDE: I alrfliff‘! . ' -". “@7333 ‘wfifiéw - "’ '_
From Lev1ticus to Hitler gflp‘fiw .v 4"“ mergah1y ,. -I ,‘IrI'.

‘ ’ ‘ 30“. ""fl‘ ‘1‘" «‘37: "Uh [Jr 3311”... l}:

The expression "gay genocide" is not in very general . 45:. 4 “VIII .-.,;n;»,I ' I I'V‘wilu‘n {11.}! ”("33 33‘ 5'
use. It sounds dramatic, and I suppose I ought to '1' I: ,_,. 3-”?- I’M" A I {71 . m LE9;- WW, "
justify it, so that I will not be accuse of trying to : manif¢vmfififi .-' r x l. '2 .11... __,-._~ A, L4 I
exploit people's emotions in an illegitimate way. The ' 'm ' I p; HF: "\. fl'fl,‘ 5“;- ..- at; ‘_~;.,s;y,.-
1953 edition of Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines I - - ‘1' "‘-. Why"?

J "genocide" aS "the use of deliberate, systematic treasures ] I g: a - . m J
towards the extermination of a racial, political, or , IWIHMIHIWI “mum”!
cultural group." of course, genocide comes to mind when ' , I hem bum ha" ed dwwned
we think Of the fate Of Jews in Nazj' German)“ Of the Snzngigozzzc;hjizfo,fi:her’lrllescliehzihmefigsggfggasixgfiosw13ips liking bodlegla belhroum
American Imjan’ Of JeSUits in England or Pretesmnm at into the sea The sealed man holds the flaming sword of Divine Wrath.
the st. Bartholomew massacre, or of the losing side in . t what have been the laws that have co ndemn ed

‘ any class war. We have ample records Of all these hongsézsmals to death, and where did they come from? In

‘ campaigns Of extenrunation. Why, then, does .the mm western Europe they first enter the statute books with

l "genocide strike the ear as novel, or even strained, when the coming to ' r of Christianity in the fourth century
applied to hoarosexuality?I - - - - A D and they appear to have been inspired by laws

I would like to emphasize immediately that R ls not adopted by the Jews in Palestine almost a thousand years
because the fads d° mt Jusan the use Of ~the -tem' earlier 'robably about 550 B.C. This millenium was, of
The term "genocide" can be properly applied historically course Ithe age in which the civilizations of ancient
to SOCiEty.S treatment 0f gay people as to any Of these Greeceland Rome reached their heights. It was also one
other groups. For a remarkable length 0f time _ not in which homosexuality, in this classical culture, was
less than 1400 years — homosecual men and women m tolerated and even honored. In ancient Greece,

‘ western society stood under a formal sentence 9f death' homosexual relations were respected above heterosexual

1 and were, in consequence, systematically klllafl S): ones- far from being decried, homosexuality was
nutilated. But there has been no public account of this associated with patriotism, with military valor, with

, astonishing crime against humanity, all but unparalleled opposition of tyrants, and with love, beauty, wisdom, and

f in its relentless use of sanctified legal traditions, and virtue It was one of the pieties of the tribe, like

‘3 in its continuance century after century. ' . footbal in modern America. Though gay love was already

This is because there has been no "gay history" as amply celebrated in song and story, it rose to a special
there has been a history 0f the Jews, 0f the blaCkST‘ Of height of esteem in Athens in 514 B.C., where the lovers,
the Indians, and Of Christian sects. "Straight" Harmodius and Aristogeiten, were "canonized" as martyrs
historians have been inhibited from writing on the in the struggle for democracy. Ironically, at almost the
subject by the taboo WhiCh made it "unspeakable," same moment in history, the author of the "Holiness Code"
"unmentionable," and "not fit to be named among Christian in the Book of Leviticus inscribed what was to prove the
men." Gay historians, who might have .had .a greater most fateful statement ever written anywhere on the
incentive to record the martyrdom of their Sisters and subject of homosexuals. In a bare two dozen words, he

‘ brothers, have been restrained by this convention,I and wrote'an edict that was to have an intense influence on
sowething nore: the fearIof “2‘35ng to be *nvmlbla western law-making in Christian times: "If a male also
Suppose western civilization had killed 9H Its Jews, lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them

‘ declared Jewish people to be unmentionables, and have comitted an abomination; they shall surely be put

' discouraged any record from being kept Of anti-JEWISh to death." The punishment for such an act in Old

‘ pogroms. Suppose the reignI of terror had been so Testament times was stoning to death. Here is how the
complete that Jewish omnunities and cultures had Talmud describes the procedure:

‘ vanished and no one dared publicly identify himself as
Jewish or dared speak, without the most elaborate The. place of stoning was twice a man's

. precautions, to someone he thoughtImight belong to his height. One of the witnesses pushed him by the
minority. suppose, in éddluon’ that Christian hips so that he was overturned on his heart.
scriptures contained an unequivocal law to the effect He was then turned on his back. If that caused
that all Jews must be killed as practitioners of his death he had fulfilled his duty. But if
"abominations." The histories of oppressmn that today not the second witness took the stone (i.e. a
contain chapters on the persecution of Protestants, heal stone 'that it took two men to lift) and
Catholics, witches, and heretics would no doubt be silent thrg it on his chest. If he died thereby, he
about the Jews, just as they are now Silent about had done his duty. But if not, he [the
homosexuals. . . . . i

‘ Can this chapter of gay history be written at all, fifigytfishzfin: bléhzllwiiizgiésfihafi; b:
given the centuries' old conspiracy of Silence? I would first upon him to put him to death, and
llke to suggest that H can. afterwards the hand of all the people.

 Non-Jews convicted of homosexual offenses under Jewish PK‘OVEGl Wilt]: he shall be burned." "Bougerie" 01'
jurisdiction were also liable to the death penalty. "buggery" at first meant heresy. then usury, and finally
This was a statutory policy of gay genocide and, homosexuality. This law was in force in France until the
following the adoption of Christianity as the official end of the eighteenth century. Justinian's famous edict
state religion of Rome, it became the legal policy of of 538, which. on the analogy of the Sodom story. blamed
Christian Europe until the French Revolution, and of homosexuals for the plagues (sound familiar nothing
North and South America as long as they were under really changes, does it? -' Ed.) I famines, and
European control. Gay culture in Greece, which had earthquakes that had recently beset the Byzantine empire,
celebrated gay love in a thousand poems, dramas, myths, seems, according to the accounts in Procopius and
biographies. and epics, vanished, and love between men or Theophanes, to have been part of a systematic carrpaign of
between women became what a sixteenth-century Scottish terrorism unleashed against homosexuals by the Enperor.
indictment called —— "Wild: filthie, execrabill, Because of the prestige of Justinian's famous code, it
detestabill, and umaturall" — an occasion for the death also had a great influence on later legislation. The
penalty. The cultural shock in the Greek Mediterranean earliest English legal treatise that touches on the
world must have been extreme when we realize that this SUbjECt (a work called "Fleta," written about 1300)
violent turnabout took place only within the course of prescribes an unorthodox penalty: "Those who have
two or three generations. connexion with Jews and Jewesses or are guilty of
,- Let me cite an instalwe. The first Roman imperial bestiality or sodomy shall be buried alive in the
edict corxierming gay men to "exquisite punishment" was ground." A marginal note in another English treatise of
'l issued in 342 A.D., five years after Constantine's about the same date indicates the role the clergy were to
baptism and death, in the name of his sons Constantius play in identifying gay people for punishment —— "The
and Constans. This law reflected the vehement inquirerSI of Holy Church shall make their inquests of
anti—homosexual policy of Paul and the Church Fathers. sorcerers, sodomites, renegates, and misbelievers; and if
Then fifty years later, in 390 A.D., Theodosius, the they find any such, they shall deliver him to the king's
first Christian emperor to decree the death penalty for court to be put to death“ - in this case, by fire. The
heretics, passed a law condemning homseimals to be burnt religious nature of these ordinances is clear enough.
I at the stake. In the same ear, Theodosius' overnor at . . . .
Thessalonika in Greece arregted a popular chagioteer for ButAeven after Parliament passed a {uni 5m?“ m 1533
a minor homosexual offense and jailed him The making gay love a felony With hanging as ”5 penalty,
"ed. ‘ commentators like Coke and Blackstone always stressed the
own ,IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII religious origin of the law. Coke’s Institutes tell us
I “5555"" ' .. l I.” vIrI'InII 5., i t: 35‘} 55-5555 5.55 W the traditional English indictment was "grounded upon the
i " 1:5 5: “:Jv 5554:; ‘ 5m; word of God," and Blackstone, in his Comentaries
1 55 u . m." J 'I'II5IJ555I 5ll||5555 5W 5‘ of 1769, says this crime is one which "The voice of
1 : .5 I455} ”£55555. ‘ :_'"'5.jI 525.: 37:15.: '55.,“ nature and of reason, and the express law of God,
r "5' 5:: .Llfil 5 .“II 55335.5 531359: 553:; determine to be capital. of which we have a single
9 .'" Ill: . in j ’ _. I «.5 _ 555 53g instance by the destruction of two cities by fire
a i' ll: ill» I.; :~ 3 * i iii??- f...
- . :. I , 5;. = .. ..::V._: um. 5nd
I 5 ° i 5'. gig-51-541“): 51"5' g 3355’ 5255* 51:35: 155:5; On the continent, Spanish law had originally condemned
; . . «.5 ~ Mask. :5" “Hid-55:55 5:55. -‘ 517E531‘.§..5'4 5 homosexuals to castration and stoning to death.
5 L'W' “g "at T II'IIIIII'K'Ih-J‘a«'55:: |I‘ ’1 A: . .i‘ Ferdinand and Isabella, orthodox in all things, changed
Wm ,' ,C ' H the penalty to burning. A generation later, Ferdinand's
I '5: If {‘I‘ m “:95? m 575‘"? IIIII'II'JII Wm": -. ' ' - .‘ grandson, Charles V, then Holy Roman Emperor, set forth
a I. .- ‘55 if 51- 55' ll {5555“ ‘ 355555.“. [5555,» 5”] , ‘lr’ \’ in his Constitutions of 1532 an order that also
1 “ .5 . ' i I!” LE 5 555555 55555551,: 55555 .I/ :3 ‘ .1. _ explicitly condemned not only male homosexuals, but also
1 ., “5. I ‘53., [HI 5...”, «WWW; 5ulI-5IILL 5555‘ . . / [I 5 .\ . " lesbians to the flames: "If a man com'nit unchastity with
a ’- fi ,5... afii-‘fl‘f‘g‘yné 51,-6.2! ‘-'1‘A5Ié\-s';’5.:uivi\;g / ’,.‘/ . . .1 a beast or a man, or a woman with a woman, they have
, gijxlv'fié slifaffigggfigffififi:€13}:5.§;§.§3,.5-55!‘I ~; -. forfeited their lives and shall be condemned to death by
I 24"“? ~31ng yA239;"OH-[Q-.;r""‘g"1""'3£$;‘."l’ * if" '1? ' fire in the usual fashion." According to an
I [git-f- g'-*j‘1}.§" 1'55"." "'lw?‘ Vim}; -\ 5.1. _,~‘ '- I.” . eighteenth—century French legal encyclopedia, "The Swiss
3 :1"; ' .' .1. '. Y“ 51"," I'd 5" 'i _ 7..” I‘II' exercise extraordinary rigors against men guilty of this
3 511%”; Q" ‘5 $1, 1‘.“ .‘.‘ ' ""' v2; ' ' . .5 crime. They cut off one limb after another in the course
v 5"”! 37:11 .Hf- 1" l ‘ _ -. f - ‘\I_ . -.—.._, of several days —- first an arm, then a thigh; when the
3 .m’, ' ' -- , -:':-'\.-_'a~: "-“"- ‘61“... : ? ,-.. a body is a lifeless trunk, it is thrown on the fire."
a | ..,t>'"--=s;-.awv_i-M: ' *mfi’“.wj " “ I These genocidal laws remained in the criminal codes in
5 5 mpg/4;} ' 55': 13% ___ , ’5, ,5. France till 1791, in England till 1861, and in Scotland
1 "-1 ' , _.' ,. se’".‘$:e—. .' M... I as late as 1889.
> llWMlllunm “ ' ' ‘a "‘1': ‘ " " umllflflflh .
n _ (Next month: We continue with gay genocide in the
1 Thessalonikans rioted and killed the governor. United States and theworld g to the Nazi atrocities.
i Theodosius, disguising his wrath, invited the citizens to in October, we W151 (ii-$1155 e N321 reign 0f terror and,
3 games in the stadium, hid soldiers in the stands and ln'November, we will discuss recent events as portents of
massacred more than 7,000 of the spectators. For this things to come.)
deed, Theodosius later did penance in Milan Cathedral
before St. Anbrose. But gay love was dead, and
unrelenting hostility was'the policy of Christian Europe
from then on.
I have mentioned that Theodosius' edict of 390
condemned homosexuals to be burnt at the stake. This had
been the traditional Roman punishment for arson, and was
presumably used against homosexuals because of the legend
of Sodom and Gomorrah. It was, of course, also the
standard punishment for recalcitrant heretics. The
so-called Etablissements of St. Louis, issued about
1270, prescribed that "if anyone be suspected of
bougerie, he shall be taken to the Bishop, and if he is

We feel that the recent enactment of a 3
dress code by Brezing's is counter— g
productive to the needs of unity and 2
support within the gay and lesbian u
community. Such a dress code is a :
clear reflection of separatist attitudes E
which serve only to drive gay men and ;
lesbians further apart at a time we need i
each other the most. At a time when our E
rights to live and to love are in jeopardy g
as never before, such attitudes will 3
serve only to weaken 3 community which ?
is quite literally fighting for it's very
(this advertisement does not necessarily ,
reflect the opinions of G.L.S.O., or of
it's board members) $3

 What we did on our Sumner Vacation ...
by Steve 5. Craig _ _ W *
Air .2:
. A h
Labor Day weekend was a very special one for us this ’7 '_ ",v' ‘ ,
year. Not only was it our first long weekend away W " ., '
together, but we spent it in a wonderful way. We went to ‘ ,{4 :(
the annual Labor Day Gay Men's Retreat at the Camp Rowe ' ; a“
Unitarian Universalist Conference Center. 1 . ,
Located in the serene, beautiful Berkshire Mountains / .
of western Massachusetts, the retreat proved to be one of .. /5 I _ ,
the most moving experiences either of us have ever ...,«jn/ I. don t you 30m @LSfi ?
encountered. 15"}7" ‘ /
Fifty-five gay men, of various ages, participated in "-'w‘-‘
the weekend, both in large and small weekend activities.
On Friday evening, the men were divided into small
groups Of Eight- In these GrOUPS: feelings 0f all-Kieth]: m
fear, and joy, along with other "held in" and "pent—up"
emotions were freely expressed and shared throughout the G150 Board Report
weekend. It is our common feeling that these
interpersonal activities are among our greatest memories The Board of Directors of Dexington‘s Gay/Lesbian
0f the weekend. . _ Services Organization have announced that a voting .
Most of Saturday and Sunday were involved in a position on the Board will open on October lst.
"healing process," with the entire group partiCipating. David N., the outgoing member, informed the Board
On Saturday, the process itself involved an initiation, a last month that, due to other commitments, he didn‘t
meditation, a feast, visits to me Houses of Comedy and feel he would be able to fulfill the duties of the
Tragedy, and ended with a hand—holding walk through the position and that he wished to make it available to
forest after dark and a campfire ceremony. Then, on others. The Board also wishes David well in his new
Sunday, many of us uCtBC out our dreams of the night endeavours.
before, many 0i union were renarkably related. Any person who is interested in serving the gay
By Monday morning, both of us were really dreading the and lesbian community in central Kentucky is
"Return to the Nomul World." For us, this weekend had encouraged to send a letter of interest to: Board of
been tn first time we had ever aperienced a true, Directors, (£50, P.O. Box 11471, Lexington, Ky,
living, gay culture (even if only for a weekend). The 40575; or deliver it personally to any member of the
sense of comfort, of release and, most importantly, of Board. The deadline for letters is Octooer let.
healing, drew us incredibly close to all of these
men...anu' it was difficult LU leave :hem all behind. The Board also announced that it is surrendering
While we did learn lot about ourselves emotionally the lease to its office at 431 5. Broadway. This is
and personally, we also learned about gay life elsewhere. an economic move due to a lack of financial support
We discovered wnat seems oDVious in retrospect. h’e are lay the conmunlty. Although several organizations
part of a very fragnentedtccnmunity and are missing so utilized the office space, it was felt that me
much rhat we COUIC so 'PaSllY enjoy NSC by ”Elm more prinriry financial attention of (-150 should be
united as a group. In addition, we discovered just how focussed on our GAYLINE, Speaker's Bureau, and
deeply ”18 fear 0f "ng 15. tearing apart the tenuous newsletter, as well as several support services not
fabric or gay community i