xt7zgm81m60m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7zgm81m60m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-08-11  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August 11, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 11, 1944 1944 1944-08-11 2013 true xt7zgm81m60m section xt7zgm81m60m The Kentucky Kernel



University Professors Named
In 1944 American Who's Who
Thirty Members
Are Elected

Hiram Graham is dean of the
College of Engineering. Dr. Walter
Wilson Jennings, professor of economics since 1926, has been active
in young people's religious work.
Grant C. Knight, professor of
English and a writer, has been at
the University since 1921. Dr. Claiborne G. Latimer has been a professor of mathematics since 1927.
Dr. Frank L. McVey, educator, was
president of the University from

Merl Baker Chosen
Managing Editor

Merl Baker, engineering senior
from Hopkinsville, has been chosen
managing editor of the '45 Kentuckian, with Sarah D. Rainey, arts
and sciences junior from Ashland,
and Mary Lillian Davis, arts and
sciences Junior from Shelbyville,
as associate editors, according to
an announcement by June Baker,
Beauty on the campus will be
the theme of the '45 edition, with
pictures of the buildings and scenic
spots of the campus featured.
Although the amount of money
set aside for the Kentuckian this
year is slightly less than that of
last year, the book will carry no
advertisements. Dr. Nlel Plummer,
faculty advisor, stated.
Under the present conditions, co
operation of the student body I
more essential than ever in order
to have a larger and better Ken
tuckian in the coming year, Miss
Baker said.
Snapshots of students or campus
activities will be welcomed by tr
staff, as one of the goals of the
'45 Kentuckian is more pictures of
more people and more objects of
Interest about the campus. Other
features planned will be announced

Additional ASTP's
Sent To Troops




In New York City
Dr. J. Huntley Dupre, professor
of history at the University, has

submitted his resignation to University officials in order that he
might accept a position as executive secretary with the World Stu
dent Service Fund in New York
City, according to Dr. Thomas D.
Clark, head of the history
The World Student Service is an
organization of American students
to contribute toward educational
rehabilitation of students In the
Doctor Dupre came to the Uni
versity as associate professor of
history in 1937 from Ohio State
University. He became a professor





Following his discharge from the
Army in 1918 as a first lieutenant.
Doctor Dupre became the national
student secretary of the YMCA
and director of the Studensky Do- mov, Czechoslovakia.
In 1937 Doctor Dupre was deco
rated by the Czechoslovak government. He has written Lazare Car
not; Republican Patriot and has
contributed to Democracy in Tran
sition, and Contemporary

Dr. J. Huntley Dnpre

Poole Appointed
Jewell Director
Other Head Residents
Are .Announced

Other contributions to historical

reviews have been Kentucky and
Greek war of Independence,
Mrs. Irna Poole, former director
The Historian, The French in
of Arlington Farms, a housing pro Early Kentucky, Post World War
ject, located outside Washington for French Politics and The Political
Wacs, Waves, and civilians, has been Ideas of George Nicholas.



Social Dancing 6 to 8 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Alumni gym. Instruction by physical
education teachers for summer
school students.
6:15 p.m.
Tuesday, Y room of the Union
building. The Rev. Robert McNeil
will speak.
RSU Meeting 6:15 pm. Wed
nesday. Union building.
Scavenger Hunt 7:15 pm, to
morrow, leaving from the Union.
Everyone is invited. There will be
no charge.
Residence Halls Tea 4 to 6 pm,
Thursday, Jewell hall lounge.
Surgical Dreasiags Claw 9:30 to
12.30 am. Tuesday; 6:30 to 10 pm.
Thursday, in room 1, basement of
the Home Economics building.

Will Accept Position



Social Calendar.


Kyian Editor inr Huntlev Dunre Resigns
Appoints btajjl
Professorship At UK

Thirty of the members of the
University faculty have been elected
to the 1944 edition of Who's Who
in America. They are, as follows:
Dr. Herman Lee Donovan, who
ha been president of the University since 1941. He is the author of
"A State's Elementary Teacher-Trainin- g
Problem.' Dr. Jesse Earl
Adams, professor of educational ad- 1917 to 1940.
ministration at the University since
Dr. Colombus R. Melcher, now
192S. and author of "My
Speller," among others. emeritus, was head of the depart'
Dr. Harry Best, professor of soci- ment of German language and lit
ology at the University since 1919. erature from 1917 to 1933. James
W. Martin, professor of economics
He is the author of many books,
among which is "Blindness and at the University since 1928, was
also consultant of the U. 8. Trea
the Blind in the United States."
sury Department from 1941 to 1943.
Dr. Paul P. Boyd, who has been Dr. William D. Nicholls has been at
dean of the College of Arts and the University since 1912, and Is
Sciences since 1917, came here In head of the Department of Farm
1912. Dr. O. Davis Buckner has
been a research chemist at the ExDr. Joseph W. Pry or has been
periment Station, and was an offianatomy and physi
cial U. S. delegate to the World professor of
since 1890,
Poultry Congress, Rome, 1933. Dr. ology at the Universitymany
Thomas D. Clark, has been at the and is the author of
University since 1931 and is now graphs about the ossification of
(Continued on Page Pour)
bead of the department of history.
He is the author of many books.
the latest being "Pills, Petticoats,
Since the staff plans to have the
and Plows." Louis Clifton, director
book ready for distribution early in
of Univefcity extension, has been
the year, work has already begun.)
at the University since 1926 and
Pictures will be made during the
became director in 1935.
first two weeks of the fall term.
Thqmas Poe Cooper has been
181 Trainees Remain The time and place will be andean and director of the College of
at that
since 1918. He has
On University Campus nounced remainder time. the editorial
specialized in studies of farm orbe
ganization and farm management. The sixth term AST men of Com' staff and the business staff will the
announced at the beginning of
William Wallace Dimock came here pany A, were graduated Friday,
term by Miss Baker and Mar-JorIn 1919 and is professor of veteri- July 28 at Memorial hall, before fall Palmore, business manager.
leaving the campus for an unre
nary science and also head of the
department of animal pathology. leased destination. They include 16
receiving degrees in Mechanical
Agricultural Experiment Station.
18 in Electrical
Colonel Griffin Heads
Dr. George Pergison Doyle, who Engineering and
has been at the University with Engineering.
The graduates are: Allan E. Clark, West Virginia ROTC
the Student Health Service since
W. Davis, Darrell D.
1935. is an ophthalmologist and Raymond
Lt. Col. Gerald Griffin, former
Dr. J. Huntley Dolgner, Bernard A. Forest, John editor of the Kernel and a Univerotolaryngologist.
professor of history at the T. Gray, John E. Gwlnn, Saul E. sity graduate, has been transferred
University, is the author of "La-ra- Halpert, John Jacob Jr., James H. to West Virginia University,
Carnot: Republican Patriot." Junkins, William Klein, William J.
W. Va., as commandant of
Dr. Alvin E. Evans, dean of the McGuire, Robert F. Olson, Llewel- the senior R.O.T.C. unit.
Colonel Griffin was head of the
law college since 1927. is the author lyn J. Oyster, Dominic A. Santoro,
bureau here until
of "Roman Law Studies in Livy." Henry W. Sprigg, Clark E. Wood- Courier-Journ- al
Dr. W. D. Punkhouser has been ward Jr. of section 603; and Theo- the war, then before assuming
head of the department pf zoology dore V. Asershon, Wilbur E. Booth, duties at Male high school in Louisand entomology since 1918, and John C. Dick, Herbert W. Eaton, Jo ville, Colonel Griffffin was associate
dean of the graduate school since seph D. Forde, Ralph M. Heinicke, professor of military science at the
Jack Heifer, Wallace Johnson. Wil University.
Harry F. Keller,
He was commissioned at the UniEdwin S. Good has been head of liam H. Johnson,
animal husban- Sidney Kuntz, Frank G. Lewis, versity in the Officers Reserve Corps,
the department of
NeiU, also serving for a time as publicity
dry since 1908, and has been pro- Marcel W. Muller, Robert W.
Saltzberg, Arthur G. director, and assistant instructor of
fessor emeritus since 1943. James Sermour 8.
Sigurdson, John R, Silbernagel, and journalism. He returned to active
duty in January, 1941.
Edward A. TyczkowskL


11. 1944


appointed as head resident of
hall and director of all women'i
residence halls according to Miss
Jane Haselden, assistant dean of
women at the University.
Mrs. Gertrude J. Harvard, formerly at Converse, S. C, will be director
of Boyd hall, and Mrs. Mildred
Turner, former clerk in the Health
building, will act as head resident
of Patterson hall.
Lydia Brown house, which has
By Martha Yates
been open this summer, will remain
If you couldn't be
open in the fall. Sigma Nu house
yourself, who would you rather be?
opened If registration is
will be
large enough. Freshmen will live in Wash Serini, A&S, freshman-J- ust
a tough sergeant in the" MaPattersn hall, sophomores and
juniors in Boyd, and seniors in Jew- rine Corps.
Cecil Woof" Grimes, ASTP The
A committee headed by Mrs. Sarah Janitor in Jewell halt
Digby Seymour, ASTP pre-mB. Holmes, dean of women. Miss
Margurite Arnold, head resident of I'd rather be my brother he's in
Jewell hall, and Miss Haselden, with the Army I
Mr. E. J. Asher, professor of psystudent representatives, June Hubbard, Carolyn Hill, Betty Carroll, chologyThe college graduate who
and Nell Rice, met last week to rented boats and sold bait on the
formulate new rules which will be river.
Sara Hall, A&S soph and Marcome effective In the fall, for the
garet Julia Wharton, A&S junior
women's dormitories.
(in chorus) We'd rather be each



'Women Prefer Homes To Jobs After War'

By Mary Jane Doraey
"Women's place after the war will
be in the home," was the answer
given by a majority of women students Interviewed on the campus
when questioned in a poll taken
this week by The Kernel. Many
agreed that any positions now held
should be given up when the war
is over.
The single women are working
now because they will want money
for the future, such as is the case
with some of the married women
whose husbands are now in the
service, they agreed. The women
who are working at the present win
relinquish their jobs after the war
because they are only saving money
now, was the opinion of one coed.
The women will gladly step out of
the business world if their husbands

are able to find positions.
"Women should take an actvie
part in community affairs when the
war is over," one coed said. "They
should concentrate on restoring normalcy in the home, at least to a
and forget In
dustry," she continued.
Several discussed the problem of
women not wishing to return to the
home after a taste of freedom In the
business world, extensive rights, and
exorbitant wages. They agreed that
those who have enjoyed these privi
leges will not wish to give them up.
"I expect to start building a new
sort of life, based on the old type
of living, with my husband after
job I have
the war. The part-tim- e
now helps me meet monthly ex
penses so that the money I get from

the government can be placed in
the bank to Insure the establishment
of the kind of home well want. He's
overseas now, but when he comes
home, my life will begin once more.
Right now I'm marking time with
a typewriter," said the wife of a
Navy Seabee.
Others weren't so sure that their
fortunate sisters would revert to
post-whome makers. Particularly
will the single girls hate to give up
positions, they said.
One pessimist dolefully concluded
the conversation with. "I am afraid
there will be trouble in the home
after the war is over, because women win hold up the fact to the men
that they can get a high position
whenever they please, because they
did lt before."



Miss Mackie Rasdell, Union di
Carnegie if he knows
how to win friends and influence
Wanda Spears, A&S, soph Clare
Booth Luce.
Bailey Smith, Commerce, freshman Lana Turner I'd sit at home
all the time and look in the mirror!
D. T. FerreU, A&S, freshman A
plaid ordinary second class seaman, U. 8. Navy.
Mary Loal.se Patton, A&S junior
I'd rather be a polar bear on a
cake of Ice.
Dot Kirkland, A&S. Junior I like
myself pretty well!
Audrey Danka, A&S, Junior Mrs.
H. W. Lacy.
Billle Fischer, A&S, soph My
twin sister.
Nancy Taylor, A&S, Junior
Katherine Hepburn
I like the
i way she walks.




Page Two

The Kentucky Kernel




Entand at tba Poat Offlea at
tnftoa, Kj-- . as aseond class auttar
asdar tbs Act of March t, UT.



Lexington Board of Oommaraa
Kentucky Pnaa Aaaoeuulon
national Editorial



Ona Quarter




Ooa Yaar


No, Not That

News Editor

Doris Singleton

Margaret Julia Wharton

Adele Deo man, Billie Fischer, Martha
Yates, Nancy Taylor, Winn Hord, Mary
L. Mitts, Jean House, and William


v- -


Katkwal Advertising Service, Inc.

ato Maowom Avs.
atffaad articles



Do not become a hermit, dear
while I am far away.
Just have a lot of fun, dear, slip
out each night and play.
Have the boys around, dear, they
too must have their fling.
Be sure and treat them kind, dear,
laugh and dance and sing.
Do anything you will, dear, spoon


Business Manager


roan n. T.

and flirt and park.
With Tom, Dick and Harry, dear,
have fun after dark,
The years are all too few, dear,
your chasing "round to check.
But should I find you do, dear,
IH break your doggone neck.

sad eolsauu era to oa eoaalderad Ms optiUomj of tht wrtUrt
to not astanargy rlaet tfca opfcUoa o raa XcraeL

tkesiselscs, aad

The IFiscIier


Sewanne Purple
A man builds with his hands
when he cares in his heart. Otherwise he Just works with his hands.
Some folks sit despairing at the
evil in the world. Others get busy
repairing what's good.
Too much analysis brings on

By Billie Fischer

We are happy to announce that
"Blue Heaven," who has been on
the sick list for two weeks Js up
and about again. We'd like to thank
the ASTRPs who "helped" us out o
a bit of trouble with her the other
night. We had hopped in and were
set for the take-o- ff
when we noticed smoke pouring out of her radiator. And you all know that "Blue"
is too young to smoke. But these
helpful boys had her hood up in no
tune flat, and before we could say,
"!!$ ?!" they were examining her
oily engine with matches. Thanks,
We certainly miss tho6e boys who
were shipped off the campus. One
coed, in particular misses one soldier, in particular. She's lost without him. Without his guiding hand
to bring her from one class to another, she doesnt know the difference between the S U B. and the
BS. building. He had been helping
her over curbs and opening doors
for her. Now that he's gone, she is
simply amazed at how heavy the
door leading into the Grill is!

r fr tr

Dr. Ward tells the amusing story
of the time when he read Keats'
"Ode to a Grecian Urn" to one of
his classes. After he had finished it,
silence reigned in the room, and he
was sure that every student, like
himself, was completely enraptured
by the beauty of the poem . . . until
a bored voice from the rear asked,
"Why get so excited over an old
.lower-pot- ?"

People boast of the queerest things.
Whenever we phone our parents at
home, the conversation that takes
place is no more than a verbal duel
to see which end of the line can
convince the other that the weather Just couldn't be hotter there. Dad
will say, "How hot is it down there?"
And well say, "About 90." Then
hell gloat, "Well, its been 92 here."
And then well say, "Did you think
I said 90? I said 100!" But Mother
pulled a new one on us this week.
She asked about the weather and we
said it was simply unsufferably hot.
Whereupon she replied, "Really?
Well, we were Just leaving to go ice- -


tr tr





This week's most fecundous
thought has to do with the problem
of not serving drinks to servicemen
because they are minors. If a fellow is old enough to get all shot up
for his country, he's old enough to
have a shot or two in the country.


Now that the summer is almost
gone and winter is Just around the
comer, we've 'got Spring Fever. Or
maybe it's Just plain, unadulterated
We'd be in heaven
if we could walk through the
smelliest streets in New York and
listen to a real tough Irish cop give
us the devil for
walk through China town and buy
up all the bamboo
that we could find. Or get lost on
the Eight avenue subway and even
end up in
Oh, Broadway were Paradise now.



God-forsak- en

By Adele Denmaa
Future Doc, Jack II ill, has been
wending his way up to see Jean
Otrhto to tell her the big news
about his acceptance into medical
school. Congrats, Jack.
b. Dear campus, there is a bit of
gossip going around the campus,
all we can tell you is to consult the
grapevine for details.
2. Coach Rankin, our own local
talent, has been chosen by the team
as pin up boy of 1918, according to
a collect telegram he received. Bob
Bieberbac received a swee t little
note the other day from the President of the United States, it said
Greeitngs and a lot of sentimental
things. Bye Bob, have a good time
b. H. L. Paul thinks Louis McDonald can make her the big one in
his life.
3. Now is as good a time as any
to discuss weddings. Mary Margaret
Riebold and Jess McCune have set
the date for September 16, they
plan to attend school together this
fall. Besides a wedding of his own,
Jesa is to be best man at Hugh
Shannon's marriage to Joyce Baric,we of Dayton, Ohio, aometime


Out of the


from, Wanda Spears has selected
Tony Ratuno as proving ground for
her talents. We would also like to
insert a word that was omitted last
week in connection with Harold
Barton the thing he went to get
was his class ring.
b. Joyce Kason and Johnny Sut
ack have called it quits, tuff kids!
5. Hoby Thomas is trying to break
a leg somehow. If someone would
kindly hit him over the head he
would probably kiss them, ya see
hospitals arent so bad when you
have a nurse like the one he knows.
Mary Gipran .and . Kenney King
missed having 31 dates last month.
they must have both been sick
sometime. We think 30 dates are

rro mm


"We tossed for the head and I lost.

Lights Out
Made of sterner stuff, we don't
But there
usually carry rumors.
comes a time in every woman's life
When she Just can't resist. And this
is it!
We heard (and please don't repeat this) that, starting next fall,
(and if you repeat it, don't say who
told you), there will be 'Tights out"
in Jewell hall. Of course, it's unconfirmed. If it had been confirmed, we'd have already packed our
grip, taken a trip, and hit New York
so fast that the Statue of Liberty
wouldn't have known whether we
were coming or going.
If the lights in Jewell hall are to
be turned off at 12 p.m., as rumor
has it, then so will the lights in the
other halls have to be turned off
or we Jewellites will be Jealous. And
if the lights in aO the residence
units are extinguished at said hour,
then well all move into town. And
if we all move into town, then the
City's central switch will have to be
turned off in order to put us in bed
at 12 o'clock. And think of the possible catastrophic results! We shud-

der to think of the situation. But it's
Just a rumor.

BrotDsm1 Around
To fully appreciate the story of
Lost Island, one must always keep
in mind the author, James Norman
Han, and the story of his life.
After gruelling and tiresome experience with the infantry in the
last war, the author finds a perfect
paradise safe from the worries of
the world on a Pacific island. Sud
denly he finds that only thirty years
later war has once again caught up
with him.
Colonel Dodd, an experienced
engineer, tells the story of how he is
sent to a peaceful little island In
the Pacific to destroy with his construction everything that tnis little
island has loved for years. Although
a toughened engineer, he is a sensi
tive man and quite adverse to the
destruction of the island. This is a
fable of a simple harmless people
involved in a situation whose remedy is beyond their control.
It is not hard to imagine the
tragic scene when the tractors
arrive, the natives are moved to

alright though.
What's all this about Bud
Jackson and Daisy? 2. "Scotty" of
the ASTP, is keeping all quiet on
Preston Court lately, she sure is
Hender-(soing him. 3. Marian
Yates has at last disclosed his name
Cecil Grime.
7. Latest information from the
military discloses that the new another island and the land and
ASTRP men have not been seeing village which the natives loved so
their Chaplian lately, what ever much is leveled to the ground to
make an airfield.
players to choose that means?

11, 1944


Carolyn Hill


Friday, August

Of The Week








This week's Colonel of the Week goes to Miss
Martha Mann, Arts and Science sophomore from Lexington. Miss Mann is a member of Cwens, president
of Alpha Lambda Delta, a member of the Y cabinet
of the Bacteriology society. She Is
also a member of Tau Sigma.
For these achievements we invite Miss Mann to
enjoy any two of our delicious meals.

Doris Singleton, Independent
Adele Denman, Chi Omega

Margaret Wharton, Chairman

11:45-1:3- 0
5:15-7:3- 0
Sunday Dinner 11:45-2:4- 5

Cedar Village

� best Copy Available

Friday, August 11, 1944

Dr. T.D. Clark Speaks

US's UKs





A. Hoover, son

At Reading Series

of Mr.

and Mrs. Alvin B. Hoover, Route 6,
Lexington, recently graduated as a
B-bomber pilot at Fort Worth
Army Air Field, Texas.





Floyd B. Moler, son of Mr. and
Henry-Mcos- el
Mrs. F. E. Moler, Kearney Road,
was recently commissioned a secThe wedding of Miss Betty Hewitt ond lieutenant on graduation from
Henry, daughter of Col. Cecil Ernest Columbus Army Air Field, ColumHenry, United States Air Force, and bus, Miss.
Mrs. Henry, to AC Robert Cline
Measel son of Mr. and Mrs. D L.
Thomas P. Bell, son of Mrs. Lil
M easel of Lexington, was solemnized
lian C. Beck, 1370 Fontaine Road,
Friday, July 28, at the recently received a second lieuten
at 10
First Baptist church in
ant's commission and the wings of
a bombardier in graduation exerThe bride attended the University cises at San Angelo Army Air Field,
last year, and was a member of Chi Texas. IX. Bell won special disDelta Pi, national literary society. tinction at graduation for having
She plans to resume her studies at the best athletic record in his class.
the University.

it it


fr it it
Charles T. CotterilL son of Mr.
and Mrs. C. T. Cotterill of Eliza- -

Collins-Smit- h

Page Three

Baylor Student Speaks
At BSU Meeting

Rev. McNeil To Speak
At Last Y Meeting

The Rev. Robert McNeil, assistant
Bob Denny, student secretary at
Baylor University, Texas, will con- pastor of the Maxwell Street PresbyDr. Thomas D. Clark, acting head duct Baptist Student Union vesper terian church, will speak at the
meeting at 6:15 p.m.
of the department of history at the services at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday at
University, spoke on "The Commonthe Union building after which the Tuesday, in the Union building, on
"Religion in Time of Crisis."
place Literature in America," at 3 group will attend prayer services at
This will be the next to last proImmanuel Baptist church.
p.m. Tuesday, in the Browsing room
gram for the summer term. EveryA former president of the' Univer
of the library.
sity BSU, Denny has become well one is invited to attend.
Dr. Clark told of the growing in- known as a Southern Baptist Con- -;
terest in the common man and his vention youth leader. For the past In England recently the owner of
a dog was taken to court on the
environment and of the trend of nine years he has been recreational
charge that his dog had quarreled
literature toward it. He reviewed leader of the Southern Baptist Stu- with another dog, pushed it into a
assembly at Ridgecrest, N. C.
briefly several of the books on this dent
Although it is sponsored weekly by lake and drowned it.
subject. In closing he stated that the BSU, the meeting is open to all
this nation had grown out of the students interested, according to
Save Those Stockings!
"horse and buggie" age and the Libby Landrum, worship chairman.
Expert Mending
nation now belongs to the "airplane
and the automobile" age. Historians Big ideas are fine for Saturday
are trying to preserve for our past a night binges but little ideas are
pretty good things to have during
place in literature.
Next to Phoenix Hotel
the forty-hoDr. Clark's talk was the last of the
current Invitation to Reading series.
Dancing Nightly In



Miss Jeanne Allen Collins, daugh- ville, was commissioned a
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Collins of lieutenant and received his wings
CoGeorgetown, became the bride of at his graduation August 4 at
Term paper, tleses,
scripts. Rebecca Edwards. 423 Hernando
Marshall D. Smith of Maryville, lumbus Army Air Field,
Before he enlisted for pilot Bide. Lexington. Phones 4t1 and 232x.
Twin , aon of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Miss.
Smith of Lexington, at 4:30 o'clock training he had attended the



rj ijn fAV
'Playground ol the Bluegrm"

NEW and



City Bos Leaves Main and Lime




Saturday afterroon at the Frist
it it it
Baptist church in Maryville.
Aviation Cadets Jettie K. ThompThe bride attended the University, where she was a pledge of Chi son, Georgetown, and Clement A.
Zoellers, Hazard, have completed
Omega sorority.
The bridegroom is a graduate of the first stage of their flight DougUniversity. He is a former em ing at the primary school at
las, Georgia. They have been transployee of the Lexington Herald
Leader and is now operations agent ferred to Cochran Field, Macon,
for Delta Airlines and is stationed Georgia, for their intermediate
at Knoxville, Tenn.

it it it


Joe W. Rogers, graduated from
the University in 1943 with a BS.


Miss Jarcella Collis, daughter of
Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Collis of Lexington, became the bride of David
Lewis Jamieson, son of Mr .and Mrs.
H. W. Jamieson, San Francisco,
Calif, at 7 o'clock Thursday evening
at the home of the bride's parents.
A reception was held after the ceremony.
Mr. Jamieson attended the Uni
versity before he entered the armed
forces. He has received a medical

degree, was commissioned a second
lieutenant and received pilot's wings
August 4 at Altus Air Field, Oklahoma. From this advanced 2
pilot training school, he will
go on to further advanced training
bomber or
at a
fighter school, or to the Central
Instructor's school at Randolph



Clyde Johnson To Play

discharge and plans to continue his
Chicago All Stars
studies in the fall In San Francisco, WithClyde Johnson, former U. K.
where the couple win make their
grid star, will soon take his place
with the Chicago College AH Stars.
He was nominated to the squad by
Jewell Hall Tea
the Chicago Tribune and win
Tea will be served in Jewell hall definitely add strength to the eleven
lounge from 4 to 6 pm. Thursday. for the charity game with the ChiAll summer school student and cago Bears, to be played August SO.
faculty members are Invited to at Johnson is an Infantry lieutenant
stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia.

off the hut make
entertainment for
WHAS radio listener-

. . interviews hot





TED GRIZZARD . . the casual conversationalist you hear at four-thir- ty
every afternoon, finds a nugget of news and nonsense in every person he
"interviews". The big Irishman claims people as his hobby and vocation . .
and, unlike Sinatra, his fans fall in all age groups. Rated high on listener
charts by Hooper and Crossley, he has built up huge followings on southern
air, ribbing public and sponsors alike.
Giving out over a Lexington station for seven years on what is known aa
a "dead air" program . . (one not pulling mail), the ether suddenly went
editorial on Ted when he dropped a hint at his last broadcast that he was
pushing on . . probably to California, did not have a sponsor, and that only
written recommendations carried any weight when applying for a job on
radio. Over eight hundred letters poured in . . representing every level of
listener audience. Ordinarily Grizzard says that the most ardent response
comes from children, religious-mindfolk and sports fans.
A big,
Irishman with merry blue eyes, Ted takes his stand In the
bus terminal at the same hour daily, approaches travel-riddpeople from
everywhere, engages them in conversation, and within a few moments brings
up some item of interest to listeners. Significant example is the interview
with a woman whose conversation failed to sparkle until he asked what
unusual dishes she had cooked. "I once baked a cat", she answered, "when
I was a child."
In demand by Rotary, Lions, Klwanis, Exchange Club and The American
Legion, Ted ad libs his way through unrehearsed programs nimbly leading
his audience in a merry chase, at once exciting and informal,

red-hair- ed


Drive In Service

De Boor
Opposite Stadium



Giggle with Ted Griiaard
the aisles" of busses


a he "lay 'em in
. . just for fun.

� eest uopy Available
Friday, August


Page Four

11, 1944

Student Appointed

Plummer To Interview
South American On Campus Journalism Graduates Librarian At Ft. Knox a
To Study 4'H Management Department Journalism, felt the graduate librarian at the has been

Discussed For '44


Miss Helen Pry, Rochester, Pa,,
Dr. Niel Plummer,
Senora Carmen Carmona, Cara
terday for Cincinnati where he win Replacement Training Center at
A dinner meeting of newspaper
and radio representatives was held cas, Venezuela, director of the Ven the 5V clubs which have their na- interview Journalism graduates who Fort
Tuesday evening in the Union ezuelan Home Demonstration and tional headquarters in Caracas. are working on Cincinnati news- The United States produces about
building to acquaint sports writers 5V clubs which correspond to the She added that she greatly appre papers and at radio stations. He
43 per cent of the world's lumber
clubs of America, is visiting ciated the spirit of cooperation sne
men with the promotion
and radio
will return Monday.
in an average year.
plans for the University's football the campus where she is studying found here.
Home demonstration agents have
the American organization.
team for this coming season.
Senora Carmona. who came here been working in Venezuela only
When asked which teams he
Ab from West Virginia after studying since 1938, Senora Carmona said.
rated best in the south. Coach
clubs there and in New They have now established one exKirwan selected Georgia Tech first. the
one home
second, and Tennessee Jersey, Washington, and Virginia, periment station and
agency in each state.
third, but pointed out the fact that will go to Tennessee on August 20. demonstration
have formed 75 girls clubs
Georgia Tech is using Navy tram She will end her American tour in and
with over 2000 members; 66 boys'
Florida and Puerto Rico.
ees on its squad.
The "V's" in the 5V club stand clubs with over 1500 members; and
The only open date on the Wild- for Valor. Vigor, Verdad, Verguen 50 women's clubs with over 750
cats' schedule is November 11. za, and Venezuela, Senora Carmen members.
Athletic Director Bernie Shively explained.
These organizations are bringing
tried three times to get a game
She said she was greatly encour to the people of Venezuela informa
for that da